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f in* ga% jgws, WEDNESDAY MORN PTO, JANUARY 9, ISC7T" LOCAL ?i?TTERS/ To ora SUBSCRIBERS.-We would call the atten? tion of thorjc who "aro indebted to us throughout the cxrantiy,7that th?'old year is closing and their accounts are not yet settled. Tho price of sub jscription is not large, and will not be missed from their plethoric "pockets. The first of January has long"boen- celebrated as a day sot apart for closing old aoconnttj, and wo would not have our friends depart from this timc-honorod custom. Monoy ia the motivo pnwer of every enterprise, and news? papers aro no exception, and we respectfully ask onr-country Bubscr hers to cash up and commence the new year with a clear record. MAYOB'S COURT, January . 8.-Thc only caso to? day before this quiot tribunal was that of John Smith, a black Smith, who had stolon a keg of batter from a grocer, and as it was stated in ?vi? dence that he had always boen a thief, or rather had been bred to stealing, he and the butter wero sent to a Magistrate. TBS CLTTBLESS CITY.-GAEL BENSON, temporarily residing in our city, has a letter in the last num? ber of "The Turf, Field and Farm,'" in which he describes Charleston as the dubless city, present? ing a moat doleful picture of tho after-dinner lifo of gentlemen of leisure in Charleston who have no club to go to. j I. O. O. F.-MARION LODGE, NO. 2.-At a regu? lar meeting of this Lodge, held on Friday evening, 4th Instant, tho following officers were duly Install? ed for the ensuing term : Brotherl.-. P. ASHBY. N. G. Brother A. B. GLOVER, V. G. Brother C. 17. D. PETIT, Rec Sec'y. Brother J. G. MARTIN. Per. Sec'y and Treas. Brother J.^V.?HOLMES, O. G. I. O. O. F.-PALMETTO ENCAMPMENT, No. 1.-At a regular mooting of this Camp, held on Monday evening, 7th inst., the following officers were duly installed for the ensuing term: Patriarch E. PECS, C. P. Patriarch D. B. JOHNSON, H. P. - "?'? Patriaron H. HARMS, S/W. Patriarch W. BEAOMANN, J. W. Patriarch O. F. D. PETIT, Scribe. Patriarch T. W. HOLWELL, Treasurer. Patriarch J. V. HOLMES, Son. FIRST NATIOSAI. BAKE.-At an election held yea- ' terday for Directors of tho First Natjonal Bank: of , Charleston, the following gentlemen were elected : ANDREW SIMONDS, President ) DIRECTORS. ! GEO. W. WTT.T.TAMB, I Wit L. TBESHOLM, J - E. W. MAKSHALI, " I ABCBTEALD GETTT, 1 DAVTD JENNESOS. | J. L. TOBIAS. ATTEMPT AT BURGLARY.-Some daring fellow ( made an attempt ou last Sunday night to enter the j .?tore of Mr. FREDERICK CARSTEN, at Bikersvilie, by t boring holes with an augur through his pannel < door, and would have succeeded but that his dogs j were' sleeping in the apartment and gave tho 1 alarm, which caused, the .robbers to make their I escapo before Mr. C. could arrive and either secure t or identify them.;-j ;.. PEDESTRIANISM.-Mr. JACK SHEPARD, who has r ?-already established a character .as a determined j pedestrian, now proposes to undertake the unex- i ampled feat of wallang 1000 miles in 1000 hours. 1 This feat will be ' performed in 42 days and 42 > nights, allowing a reasonable time for repose, re? freshments, &c Mr. Shepard is evidently de- 1 sirous of creating a notoriety, and has taken a pe- < culiar method of doing BO. Judging from his con? dition when ho finished his last performance, it will require a severo tax of his energies and mus? cles to conclude his present task satisfactorily. A walking' feat of this description is comparatively unknown to Charleston. Seme noted pedestrians have walked from this city to Now York, but it was never dono for a wager, oras a business trans? action; that has been exclusively left Wrthe fertile and untiring muscles of our Northern brethren. A NUT FOB THE RADICALS_The Grand Jury of tho United States Court, in this city have found a 1 true bill against Patrick Bannon for passing conn- \ torfeit gold coin among ignorant persons and freed men. The principal testimony advanced, and that ! which decided thc finding, was a freedman's. This* j was presented to a jury, the majority of whom were former slaveholdors,and it was met with tho respect and attention which the laws both of the United States and of tho State require. If the "lhdcpend- 5 ont Missionary," and other negrophiliats who ran- t sack their brains and call on thoir imaginations for c facts, would only take a calm view of matters, , they would see that the laws of South Carolina are ? as rigidly enforced as those of Massachusetts, and ? that the freedman enjoys privileges here that are not allowed oren in the ''Hub" of the Union. THE STREET RAILWAY.-The energetic proprie- a tors of this enterprise have commenced laying a double track in Rutledge street, from Wentworth to Calhoun. They will also establish several addi? tional turn-outs in Wentworth street. Thia will facilitate the travel on that route to a great ex- Jj tent, and obviate tho difficulty that has heretofore J existed of observing tho schedule properly. There | is little doubt that, with the increase of travel, the x Company will run a double line throughout But- 0 ledge and Wentworth streets. It has boen com- 1 plained that the latter thoroughfare is too narrow i for a double track, but it has been clearly estab- ! lishod that the tracks do not interfere with the or? dinary travel, and vehicles can easily avoid the street cars. The Company has already given so muon satisfaction to the community, that any im? provements or alterations that they propose will assuredly meet with the hearty approval of our citizens. I MOBS RAILROADS.-A new and important rail- * road extension is talked of. The lines of railroad troon Norfolk and Richmond- Southr we under- ' stand, want . io extend the Wilmington and Man? chester Railroad southwest to Millen; or, to ex- r press it more deunitely, they wish to use the South Carolina Railroad to Branchville, and thence cut tl across to Millen on the Georgia Centra Railroad, n thus securing an independent passenger train to Macon Columbus and Central Alabama. In this connection we may also mention that the 8 Warrenton branch of the Georgia Railroad is be? ing pushed forward rapidly, and by nest fall it is hoped the ca. s will be rnnnin& MiHedgcville, and soon after to Macon. JudgtfKing, of Augusta, " the projector of this important connection for * Charleston, is earnestly at work, we are elad to learn; and we think we may reasonably hope to 1 have some Macon cotton on our wharves before 1867 ehall have finished its course. Ora QUILT CITY.-The most joyous holidays of I the year have passed; and while we look with t ainazemen ? at the records of. crime committed in J nome other places during this period, when many 8 allow themselves too free a license for indulgence, a we must really, congratulate our people on the few excesses which have occurred, and on the general ? tranquility whioh has pervaded our city. At no part of the season have we been more exempt from disturbances of all kinds, and at no time have the nights been quieter, or the streets more ? free from the midnight clamor of tho noisy crowd ' than now, as will be clearly seen by our daily re- T ports of the Mayor's"Court, the cases in which are ' usually slight offences against the City Ordinance?, tl cr misdemeanors of minor importance. Even a the strike, which occurred a few days ago among the stevedores, was not attended with any of the disorder whioh we notice often happens with simi- c lar affairs in other cities, and the laborers have P now returned to their wotk as quietly re gu- t laxly as if no disagreement hod ever existed be- j tween them and their employers.' " . ? t While we admit that a well-regulated police, such as we have at present in our city, assists 8 much in promoting good order, we believe that a c large por don of the class of persons, both white c ana colored, who used to be troublesome custom- ? ers, have seen the error, of their ways, and are corr endeavoring to sin no more. Tho colored portion of the community have certainly improved, and ' we are happy to say their numbers at the Mayor's 1 Court have greatly decreased, while their general ? conduct cannot be better than it is at present. It - pleases us much to mention this, and it makes ns nope that this portion of our people, who were be? guiled by false tongues,' and for a time drew off , from old associations, are beginning - now to dis- r cover who are their best arid truest friends. V. 8. Cmcurr Corax-Hon. GEO. S. BRYAN Presiding Judge.-Tho Court met at ll o'clock, and sufficient Jurors being present,- the Grand J Jury was formed and the following gentlemen ?elected: ( Dr. David Geiger, Foreman; Jno. Ashhurst, W. ? S. Adams, D. Bul winkle, A. W. Jager,. Thomas , BonneU, J. T. S. Harrisson, W. B. Seabrook, P. P. ' Locke, Sol. Legaro, Jos. Guy, Theo. D. Ruddock, - W. Geo. Gibbes, Jacob Goetgen, -Jos: Bocks," Jno. Gorian, David Briggs, G. H. Brown, S. N. Brower. ' The Judge charged tho Jury at some length as , to the nature of their duties and the character of their oaths, Sx. Ho stated that in making their findings on such bills ss may bo presented, it must 1 "be done without fear or favor, affection, reward or hope of reward, and that their judgment must be i decided by the different facts that come to their knowledge.. The statutes of the United States which bore upon any of the casca presented, were thou read, by R. 8. Duryea, Esq., who appeared as District Attorney, in the absence of Jno. Phillips, Esq. , In alluding to the case of United States vs. Pat? rick Bannon, in which a freedman was a prominent witness, the Judge remarked to the Jury thal as' much faith, and credit waa now to be attached to the teettnlbny of a freedman as to that of a white man, iffthe Jury wero satisfied from his manner of testi? mony- anOvOther circumstsnces that he was worthy of credit. He told them that trna was not only the tow of the United States, but also a State enact? ment, and he was satisfied that the Grand-Jury would be subrhiemvo to the law, and recognize the witness as credible regardless of color. tu The Grand Jury reared with'four blils, and after sn absence of three hours returned into Court with the following findings, viss : . .- ; < A true bill in the case of the United States va. John Horan, for purchasing clothes- from John Cran*, a soldier ortho 6th G.'S. Infantry. United States vs.. Patrick Banaoij; fox passing and attempting te pass :&to?g~?he freedmen, cer? tain coins in the shape and form of $20 gold pieces, aa true and current and of original de ign. Y. No bill was found in' two casos affecting the same' parties. The District AttcxiieyBtatW"?At/inconsoquence of the jjatefaeas of the hour, that ir> would -not present other indictments, and tho Grand.Jury being discharged'ttptU" to-day at WA M., the SERIOUS CorfTULOEAXiON.-Wo are informod by passengers on last night's train, that a fire oc? curred in the Kingstrco Jail, which consumed the whole building and caused a considerable loss of life... Twenty-two freedmen ?aro supposed to havo perished in the flames. Tho fire originated in tho cell of ono of tho prisoner a, and beroro assistance could bo procured the building was wrappod in damcB. In consequence of the absence of all fa? cilities, and the fail being in a comparatively iso? lated position, the efforts to. save the property were futile. THE MAOIO PICTTJBES at Trinity Churoh last night wore a groat su:cesa. The cudience was very largo, composed of ' children of overy age and size, from three feet six to six feet three, and from tender five to sixty-five. Tho Scripture scenes were perhaps the most generally appreciated oy tho Sunday school scholars. Tho views ?f the great cities of Europe and renowned works of art addressed thoso of more enlarged-experience and refined tasto. Tho war pictures were a decided featuro of tho entertainment. Prof. Holmes has tho thanks of tho school and tho entire audience for his trouble and disinterested kindness. CAB?O SALE.-Messrs. H. Co BIA & Co. sold yes? terday a part of the cargo of the brig Oltebuctoo, from Halifax, N. S., consisting of mackerel, sal? mon, &o., at the following prices : No. 1 mackerel, in barrels, at $19 to $20 per bar? rel. No. 1 (extra) mackerel, in half barrels, at $10 per half barrel. No. 1 mackerel, in half barrels, at $9 to $9 25 por half barzo?. ... No. 1 mackerel, in kits, at $2 12? per kit. No. 2 mackerel (large), in barrels, at $15 per barrel. No. 2 mackerel (large), in half barrels, at $8 per half barrel. No. S mackerel (lafgfc), in barrels, at $12 25 per barrel. Herrings; pickled, $5 per barrel. Herrings, scaled, 70 cents per box. ? Salmon, No. 2, in half barrels, at $14 50 per half barrel. Codfish, 7 cents per pound. COL. ABTHTTE P. HATNE.-The Humorous friends of this distinguished gentleman will be pained to leam of his sudden demise on the 7th inst. Few men in our community have passed through a more varied and honorable career than Mr. Hayne. From tho battle of New Orleans, in which he par? ticipated as an aid-de-camp to Gen. Jackson, and through tho stormy political scenes that have en? sued since that day tb the present, Mr. Hayne has bren a prominent " representativd of this com? munity. Appointed United States Senator by Governor allston, to fill the vacancy created by the death of the lamented Judge Butler, he filled the position with honor to the State, and upheld her place in the National Councils. He ever advocated the dig? nity of his State, and was a firm adherent to the ?oe trines promulgated by Calhoun. His latter days wore spent in retirement, ?nd though no longer a mover in tho political arena, he kook an earnest interest in every matter that af? fected his State, and the disasters and disappoint? ments experienced by theCsnfederacy were keenly 'alt by a mind trained to believe in the doctrine of States Bights. In common with the people of his State, he ac-' ;oDtod the situation of affairs imposed by the re? mit of the war, and was earnest in his convictions hat temperance and moderation on tho part of the lonquerors would go far towards allaying all pre udiceSj and ultimately unite us in the same bonds. Sis private life was such as might be expected rom his past career, and his courtesy and integri? ty endeared him to all friends. THE PIONEER STEAK FTBE EHESTE C?MPAXY_ Chis fine company, in foll numbers, celebrated heir anniversary yesterday afternoon by parading through the streets, and passed our office looking remarkably well, and with their engine and appa? ratus as bright and n?at as possible. In the evening they celebrated their annivers'ttfc ry, when the following officers wore elected for tho maning year : .. D. B. ENSTON, President. J. H. RENNEEER, vice-President E. JOHN WHITE, Secretary. H. L. BRUNS, Treasurer. A a BROWN, lBt Director, ii J. G. MARTIN, 2d Director.? T. 8. O'BRIEN, 3d Director. F. W. RENNE KER, 4th Director. E. E. II EWES. Chief Engineer. J. a 8IGWALD, Assistant Engineer. * Vice J. H. BEAD, declined re-election. Tho business having transpired, the Company, nth their invited guests, discussed a banquet prepared for tho occasion. Toasts were given and responded to; sentiments were offered and songs rang, and at a late hour tho Company separated, 'ully satisfied that Fire Companies were some, but he Pioneer headed the list. "WE BEFEB to JOHN COMMINS, NO. 137 Meeting ?treet, where ho offers U. S. Government harness end saddles, little used, at one-fourth their original :ost: four-horso set harness, complete, at $27; fine .mbulonce harness, complete, for ono horse, at 10 (will suit for buggy, omnibus and light wagon); ot prime bridles and bits at SI. wal MABSDEN'S PECTOBAL BALM never fails to relievo nd cure. ,^ DO WIE & MOISE, Agents. GOODRICH, \VTNEMAN & CO., '-seats. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY.-The name of COL ,ATE has beoome a household word, and COLGATE'S IOAPS for toilet and family use are considered a lousehold necessity wherever they are known, teally good soap is a positive luxury, and saving if labor in families; and we are glad to be able to ecommend Colgate's from our own knowledge of ts excellent qualities. 1 BUSINESS NOTICES. Auction Sales This Day. CLIFFORD & MATHEWES will sell this day, at the old tostoffice, at ll o'clock, the house and lot No. 125 Coru? ng street, and a house and lot No. 3 Elliott street; also, s alnable sea Island cotton plantation on John's Island. R. M. W.TKCTIAT.T. 4 Bao. win sell this day, ot their ales room, No. S3 Broad street, at half-post 10 o'clock, orso, buggy, spring cart, harness, furniture, saddle ?ney, 4c SMITH 4 MOGHUVBAY wfll sen this day, in front of heir office, No. 27 Broad street, st 10 o'clock, horses, rales, vehicles, furniture, 4c T . W. B. Rxozt will sea this day, at his office, No. 1 State treet, at half-past 10 o'clock, 10 bbla. of corned beef. p.-a. B. Are synonymous with Health, Strength and Tiger, he secret will ba revealed by investing in a bottle bf ?ANENTN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. For sole by all Jruggists. w To T^Affvpo, QBOOEBS AMD FAMILIES.-Do you wish Hour warranted to moke good brood? Do you 'Wish flour thai win bring you custom? Do you wish Flour hat wiU make white bread and not sour t- Then apply to '. N. EOESOS, Ho. S2 East Bay, who hos always a la -ge tock of best brands Georgia, North Carolina,' Baltimore nd New York Flour, In barrels, half and quarter bags. December 10 mw&nos The Truth about Dyspepsia. ' Whoever says that dyspepsia is incurable, tells a lat is to say, makes an egregious mistake. More than sn thousand aggravated cases have been eared by HOS 'ETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, while the number oat have boen prevented from coming to a head, by the ame means, is incalculable. Tn Winter and early Spring, hen the appetite is sometimes too vigorous for the omfort and safety of tbs .stomach, indigestion is most revoient and most distressing. Ia the appetite to be lanced to accommodate the digestivo organs ? "Not so; sr then the frame would look 1rs duo proportion of nu riment. The thing to be. done is to sxaxaoinxir TBS TOMACK. tone the liver, and put the bowels in perfect irder. Nothing win do this so efieetnaBy, so rapidly, so LUietly, so pleasantly as HOSTETTEB'S-BITTERS. This ?tent preparation trims ?nd balances the system, and lotheslt, as it were, with defensive, armor. Chronic lyspepaia, liver complaint, and fever and ague, ore never known to attack those who .ora wise enough to invoke the sid of tLi? great preventive. 6 ?"'<??' January 7 - ' SPBCXAIi NOTICE. CO WHOLESALE GROCERS, LIQUOR DEALERS, DIS? TILLERS, DRUGGISTS, GLASS AND SOAP MANUFACTURERS. ESSENTIAL OILS, EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES FOR lovering and improving Brandies, Whiskeys, Bums, ?Vines, Cider, 4c, &c Age and Body Preparations *? Centralising and Mollifying Wbftftnys and Spirits, Ex nets of Holland and London Gins, Colorings, Gum sad lugar Syrups, and Fruit Juices. Dr. Pcuchtvxm?er'i Treatise on Permeated Liquors, with 1000 Receipt! and Directions. ? 1 DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OXIDES, ORES, Ac Fon SOAP MAKOTACTUBEBS.-Silicate of Soda, Soluble Hoes OT Liquid Quartz, in Dry Crystal, Liquid or Jelly Form; Canons Sods, Soda Ash, Palm and Cocoanut Oils, Soapstone and Chino Cloy. AU orders sent to me wfll have prompt attention, and jvery information required win be cheerfully given by JOS. W. FEUCHTWANGEE, No. 55 Cedar-street, Kew York. . October 10 . . wftnsmoa U. S. GOVEENMENT DARB AND SADDLES, 5 LTTTLK CSEU, AT ME-?OURTB TE1R ORIGINAL COST. AFOUR SET HARNESS, . COMPLETE, AT TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($37). ' A ONE-HORSE AMBULANCE) HARNESS, ? good arti? cle for buggy, omnibus or light wagon, complete, at Ten-Dollars (ST0). *^ Lot prims BRIDLES AND BITS, at ?1. J JOHN COMMINS, No. 137 MEETING STREET, UP STAIRS. Januarys _ : ? ? ? wot TO FACTORS AND PLANTERS. rp HE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO RECEIVE I X and Gin on Toll an Bea Mano Cotton saut to his Min, en Dffl's uti^f^ on James* TfiQ,pft :_ January 9 tufa GSO, F. H?BEE5ICHT. CLOTHING. ? CARD. TO MT FRIENDS IN GENERAL. ALL TM WANT OF GOOD FITTING GARMENTS vu! Hud lt to their. aterest to call at No. 38 BROAD STREET, where they will be fitted bettor and get cheaper goods than at any other establishment in this city. Ia connection with the above. Mr. J. T. KENNEDY will be happy to wait on his old friends and customers, at JAMES MCCORMICK'S, No. 35 BROAD STREET. usg- Call and eoe those $35 FROCK COATS. Jamury 5 No. 35 BRO U) STREET AND EXAMINE A FINE EOT OF MELTONS AND sun's OF WHICH wax BE MADE TO ORDER AT Forty Dollars. JAMES MCCORMICK, November 27 MERCHANT TATWR. JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WHOLESALE AND BEXATL SK?TJTB IN CLOTHS, C?SSIM?RES AND VESTINGS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 35 BROAD STREET, Jilly 23 timos CHABLSZfTON, ii. C PARKER & CTTTTiD, DEALERS IN Clothing and Furnishing Goods, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . -Wo. 103 EAST BAT STREET, Deoember 31 . Imo Under the American HoteL -J /"V?""V OUa CLOTHING I I J*? 1 ^ JL \J K^J' m SAILORS' OUTFITTING DEPOT. PAEKEE & CHILD, No. 103 East Bay. December 21 , Imo WHiilT, flTFOBD & CO., dANUFACTTJRERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS . ; v. '*''' IN '? ' "?'?.':' ' ??M, MEDIUM, AND COARSE CLOTHING, A MERIGAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. SS, 57, CO r\ and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, New York. T. F. CARHABT. W. H. WHITFORD. J. B. VAN WAGENEN Dccembor 10 Gmo A. T. HAMILTON. INSURANGE. QUEEN LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. iAPITAIi..$10,000,000 IN GOLD APPLY TO . ' \ GIBBES & CO., Agents, NO. 10. AUGER'S SOUTH WHARF. ' December 7 MISCELLANEOUS. HOLIDAY GIFTS, BY THE New York Prize Association, ?To. 599 BROADWAY, XT. Y. 10SEW00D PIANOS, MELODEONSJ SEWING! MACHINES, MUSIC BOXES, S1LVEE "WABE, PINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, AND VALUED AT &5 0 0,0 0 0 fTTTXL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS : .THE Vf name md value of each article of our goods are larked on octets, placed in sealed envelopes, and well axed. On receipt of 25 cents, an envelope containing ach ticket will be drawn without chotoe, and delivered t our office, or sent by mail to any address. The pur oaser after seeing what article it draws and its value hieb may be from one to five hundred dollars-can len, on payment of ono dollar, receive the article amed, or nur exchange it for any other article marked n our circular at Hie same yamo. Every ticket draws an rticle worth one dollar or more. No BLANKS. Our patrons can depend on Tah-, honorable dealing, he article drawn will bo delivered at oar office, regard ass of its valso, or promptly serat as directed, by return lail, or expreia. ? Letters from many persona acknowledging the receipt r valuable gifts from ns, may be seen on file at" our oi? se, among whom we are permitted to refer to: John S. Holcomb, Lambertv?le, N. J., gold watch, value 350; Mrs. S. Dennett, No. 252 Cumberland street, Brook m, sewing michino, ?80: Edwin Hoyt, Stamford, Conn,, old lever watch, value ?SOO; Hon. R. H. Briggs, Waah ?gton, D. C., diamond pin,' SITS; J. C. Sutherland. No. DO Lexington s venue, -alano, $350: Mrs. M. Jackson, No. 03 Nineteenth street, N. Y" sewing machine, t80; Jos. amp, Elmira, N. X., raelodeon, $150; Miss L. Coffin a, tlanut, Ga?, diamond cluster, ring, $225; Dr. Henry mitt, Worceater. iTasa., sewing machine, SSS; H Shaw, [o. is? 10th street, N. watch. ?ISO; Edw. Boyn in, Nos avilie, Tenn., melodoon. $100; James Bussell, [ontgomery, Ala., gold hunting watch, $250; R. T. mith, Provideneo, lt. L, silver laver watch, SOO; Oscar urdy, Madison, N. J., music box, $45; Hon. R. S. New Q, St. Paul's, Minn., gold watch, SI85; J. R. Sperry, Itchneld, Coan., silver watch, SSS; Wm. B. Peck, Har* tm. His., music Vox, 875; Wm. .Raymond, Dayton, Ohio, liver tea set, $1*3; Mles E~ M. Schanck. Detroit, Mich., lamond ear lings, $325; Pierre Beaudin, St. Charles [oteL New Orleans, qlsiaond ring. $170; Mrs. Martha' lames, St. Louis, MO., melodeoh, value $125. LIST OF ARTICLES - TO BS SOLD FOB ONE HOLLAH EA CB, nd not to be paid fox until you know what yon Irava drawn. SACS. as Rosewood Pianos, worth..'. .$200 00 to 600 00 30 Molodecns, Rosewood Cases. 100 00 to 225 00 200 Music Soxes. 3 to 32 tones. 1? 00 to 150 00 10O Sewing Uachlnm. 00 00 to 125 00 1,000 SflverTe*Sets. 2500to 15000 200 Sflverr Bevolving Patent Cacto?.. 16 09 to 40 00 100 Sliver Fruit Cake Baskets. . 1500 to 35 00 1,000 Bets SUvcr Tea and Tahleepoons.. 15 00 to -4500 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches:.:... 100 00 te-380 00 100 Diamond Bings, Cluster, fcc. 50 00 to 200 00 200 Gold Witches.BOOOtolOOOO 800 Ladles'QoM Watches. ?OOOto 85 00 1,000 Silver pitches. 2800 to 80 00 3,000 Vost Clams. 6 00to 25 00 2,000 pairs Ear Binga (new styles). 1 so to 7 00 2,000 NecBscca. 3 00 to 7 00 2,500 Gold Pondis.... 800to 800 3,0C0 Onyx and Amethyst Brooohee-. 5 00,to 1000 3,000 Lava and Florentine Brooches_ -4 00 to 8 00 L500 MoeonioPlns. 4 00 to 9 CO 1,600 Gold Watch Keys (new pattern)... 450 to 7 BO 2,1MO Sets of Bosom Stnda. 1 SO to 6 00 2,500 Enamolled Sleeve Buttons. 3 SO to 1000 5,000 Plain Gold and Chased Rings._ dsoto 1000 5,000 Stone Set and Seal Bings...'.. 2 60 to 1000 6,000 Miniatura Lockets, nil sizes. 2 50 to 7 CO 10,000 Sets of ladies' Jewelry. 8 00 to 20 00 4,000 Watch Charms (each).. 3 00 to S 60 5,000 Gold Pens, SIL ex Cases Sz Pencils. 4 SO to 7 00 5,000 Gent's Breast and Scarf Pina. 3 00 to 20 00 2,000 Ladies' now style Belt Buddes:... 400 to 800 2,000 Ch?telains and Guard Chains. 7 60 to 30 00 1,000 Gold Thimbles..;.- 8 00 to 18 00 6,000 Seta Ladles' Brooch and Ear Drops 6 00 to 12 00 3,000 Gold Croases...........150to ?00 6,000 Oval Bani Bracelets.. :.. . . :... 6 00 to 30 00 2,000 Heavy Gold Chain Bracelets. 35 00 to 40 00 2,000 Ball Ear Drops, all colors. 3 00 to ? 700 2,000 new style Jot and Gold Ear Drope . anoto 700 2,000 Gold Pea?, Gold Mfd Ebony Hold.. 4 60 to 7 00 Lady's Seta, sew styles. Cut Crystal, ttl Jet, Hard Rub? ier, &c kc. jgg- A chance to obtain any of tho above articles for Jno Dollar by purchasing a sealed nntv elope for 25 cents. Entire sitlariction guaranteed to ill. . 83- 8 tickets ferr Ooo Dollar. \~ ?or Two Dollars, 83 fbi ?ivo Dollars. Great lnducenjents to Agents. Letters thflnld be edi ixwsed J.H. RAT & CO., !. BOX No. 6180, NSW TOES.. December 28 su amos " ;_ CARD. . * . THE LATE ITEM OF S. N. HABT et CO., OF Charleston, 8. C., lost all their Account Books at the burning of Colombia; S. C., on the 17th of Febmtrr, 1888.' The surviving partners solicit all who ere aw* j Df baing their dobtors (whether or cot tbs exact amount of indebtedness be known) to place with either of tee partners same ertdence of their obligations, at their Terr aar liest convej?enee- Th-, moat liberal indu! genoa wul be extended.' ; i ? : ..?>.-->: Mr. S.N. HABT can be sought at tao office . of Hart St Co., corner King and Market'streets. 49The CarolnsTimfs (Orangeburg). BsfrmreT Ssm& neL Sumter Hero;?nd Columbia "??i?wlfim will copy for ono month. _8 ava ..v..'." ? January 1 _J_NOTICE. ?????..',:.:<?: ? ri HIE SUBSCBIBEB RESPECTFULLY. OFFERS HIS X services to ADJUST, WRECK UP AND ARRANGE! FOR SETTLEMENT, all Book, now out-Ot order aaa needing adjustment. . v -' Rooks behind PJB^ brought np yeomtfia. Apply to J. BEETE GIBBES, at Commercial School. Comer Broad and Oraren streets. Januarys . - . -OR-Y DOODS, ETO. CHEAP GOOBS ! HAP GOODS' . AT THE CHARLESTON HOUSE, STOLL, WEBB & CO., 287 KING STREET. rTTHE 8UBSSBD3KR3 RESPECTFULLY IKFOHM JL their friends and customers thst they will offer, from this day until the first February, AT AND BELOW CObT, their entire Stock of DRESS GOODS, CON SISTING IN PART t FRENCH MEBTNOES, all colors Empress Cloths, all colors Plain Kept Poplins Worsted and Poplin Plaids Plain Delaines, in all colors Figured all-Wool D?labra English Merinoes Colored Mohair Lustras. ALSO, SDPEE BLACE ALPACAS Super Black Bombazines Snper Black French Msrisoos Super Black Empress Cloths Super Black Delaines, SO cents " Lot Block and WbitfuPlaids, 35 cents, FLANNELS. SOPEE WHITE FLANNELS, 40, 60 and GO cents Some extra aheap. 30 cents per yard Some extra cheap Plaid Flannels, at 4J5 cents, all wool "od Flannels, 30 to 60 cents. BLANKETS MARKED DOWN TO ?7.50, $9, ?10 and $12, to close out SUNDRIES. 3UPER PRINTS, 30 cents per yard Some extra cheap, st 12K cents 3-4 Fine Brown Shirting, 12 % cents 4-4 Fine Brown Shirting, ?ll branda Longuloths. 13 }i ta oo ceil? Unen Crash, 10 and 12% cents per yard T .inonu, of all makes Bird Eye inope?, au prison 8 andTO-4 Bleach Table Damask 7 and 84 Brown Table Damask - : Colored Table DamaaS and Cloths ), 10 and 12-4 Bleached Damask Cloths Damask Napkins and Doylies. HOSIERY MD GLOVES IN VARIETY, iUPEB FRENCH ETD OLOTES, IN BLACE AND COLORED. -_ WITH A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ATT. OTHER 300D8 IN OUR LINE, which we offer to our castors era it os low prices os lhey con bs bought in the Oi ty. OS- ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Stbll, Webb & Co., No. 287 KING STREET, Bancroft's Old. Stand. N. B.-Mr. OSO. D. G RICE IS WITH CS, AND WILL | DC pleased to wait on his friends and customers. January 7 mwf3 S. W. & CO. 430. 420. GOllDKOP & BB?THNBR, 120 King St., East Side, THREE DOORS SOUTH OP CALHOUN, A BE NOW OFFERING. AT REDUCED PRICES, ' t\. fan assortment of ENGLISH nanni ty ERES and 1ATLNETS, White and Red Flannels, Opera do, Bisn? ieto, Ac - Superior 6-4 mixed Tweed for Ladies' Cloaks A good article of Black Cloth ot $135* A raU Uno of Irish Linen n, Towels, Sic. ?BESS GOODS. A VERY DESIRABLE STYLE OF <?4 WORSTED POP? LIN, at 50 cents French Merinos', various shades, at lesa than cost of I mportatton. 1 We would invite especial attention to our styles of CLOAKS for Ladlee, combining, aa they do, elegance and [ lnrabinty, with economy In price. GOUDKOP & BEUTHNEB, January 7 3 No. 430 KING STREET. DRESS HOODS IT REDUCED PRICES. TnflB SUBSCRIBER OFFERS HIS STOCK OF WIN - X TER DRESS GOODS-comprising Colored Alpacas, Worsted Plaids, Empress Cloths, tc.-ot gjowtly reduced ,riCe* JAMES B. BETTS, January 8_6_No. 253 KING STREET. LOUIS COHEN. NO, 24=8 King Street, ?ETWEES EMEL AND MARKET 8T8.T RESPECTFULLY INVITES THE ATTENTION OF . THE PUBLIC to his varied Stock of DRY GOODS, TJST OPENED, AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES. , DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 6000 TARDS BLACK- AND WHITE POPLINS, Ot 16c. nth a large variety of other DRESS GOODS tonging on I hesame price. Our TRISH POPLINS and SILE GOODS ore worth the tten?on ci customers and those seeking styles and. va* icty, combined with rheopmss The attention of .the Jodies is particularly requested to tho some. . The Unen Department ls wen supplied in SHEET NO and SHIRTING UNENS, with a large assortment ol [??WELLINGS, aa af the most popular brands, and ot j nuoh reduced prices. . . CLOTH- ?ND C?SSIMERE DE ; .;.;PiJlTMENT^. ? Those seeking such win find my 6-4 BLACK AND I JOLORED BROADCLOTHS at $2.60 to be a very fine oracle.- ... ... PRINTS & DOMESTICS DEPART X- -.MENT. . 3000 TARDS OF COLORED MADDER PRINTS, at 12KO. per yard, ls offered. ' ' ' BROWN GOODS.-STRIPED SHTHTINGtAND TICK? INGS, psoporUonably cheap'. BLANKETS AND FLANNEL DE? PARTMENT. 20 PIECES S-4 FINE SALISBURY FLANNEL, at 30c. ?ver yard. With large lot of other branda. ALSO, VERY CHEAP, A very large lot BLANKETS, tn White and Colored, is ?ffered at from $i per pair and upwards. Particular at jactlon ls paid to the ' iDLOAK AND SHAWL DEPART .I MENTj - .' Tn which wffl be found the' Latest Styles and Best fabrics tn Material and Trimming. : ' LACE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 1600 FRENCH LACE COLLARS are offered ot 15c Mah. Genuine Cluny, Guipure and Brussels Tonis, ss very low figures, 1000 pieces English ondFrench BONNET RIBBONS, in varions widths, at very low prices. y. LADIES' AND MISSES* HATS, Ostrich Feathers and Flowers, in gzoat variety. HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPART ' MENT. Anthia Use wm be found a weR and carefully selected Stock cf HOSE AND HALF HOSE, for Ladies, Gents and Children. Best of KID GLOVES fer Ladies and Gentle? men, Just received at very low prices. Also, Berlin Can? di nore and Lined Thread and Silk Gloves, very reosona bl<i. ] Having Just REPLENISHED MY STOCK in all its dlt feassht departments, I can assure those in want of any iotoff in my lino, that they wm Sod large assortments fa r-ssry crass of GOODS, and at such rates that wm dary Zifta petition. A canis respectfully colic!tad. LOUIS COHEN, NO. 348 KING STREET, Between H?sel sad Market ccr^ets. December 17 .- ' ' ISRAEL . O?TOLE?JfiUI, : , . _ ? '? . AND ; .: ICQ???% BKi?iER, No. 22 BROAD-STREET, * ? Charleston, Si. C. ^ Jonuary 1 _ ? ' lp E. JUL W?E^?&i CORONER AS?-MAGISTRATE, SAS REMOVED ~THS" OFFICE FROM CHALMERS street to So. 89; CHURCH STEKKT, one door iot Brood street. Angustia j BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. G. F. VGSLER, NO. 108 MARKET ST., Books, Feritfiiicals and Stationery. JUST BBOSrVKD A Ur o supply of STATIONERY 1HOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1867, Etc. AI^O, A fine and large selection of NOVELS, by the most celebrated authors. SONG BOOKS, BOOKS for Home Amusements, &c AU thc MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand, and subscriptions re? ceived for tho same. SS^i?J^SL?S? cotmtry ?re respectfully solicited. T^HMS T.TTtKRA fa _ Novcmber8 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY SERIES, BY Prof. GEO F. HOLMES, LL. D., OP THE UNIVEBSITY OF VIRGINIA. SOUTHERN READERS, PART FIRST Southern Readers, Part Second Southern Readers, Fart Third Southern Beaders, Part Fourth Southern Elementary Spelling Book Venable's First Lessons in Numbers Richardson's Law, Vol. 13 1 . RichardB-m'n Equity, Vol. 12 J 111 one voL Simms' History of South Carolina Holmes' Southern Farmer and Market Gardener Carron s History or tho United States, new edition, revised and enlarged. US- TRADE SUPPLIED, E. J. DAWSON & CO., No. 155 Meeting street, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. November *_sn8 [12] wfm2mos ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY. BOOK BIBING, PRINTING AND 8TATIONEEY. ACCOUNT BOOKS OF ANY SIZE, STIXE OR KIND RULED TO ORDER, AND MADE TO ANY PATTERN. LETTES, NOTE AP CAP PAPERS. BAKERS' BREAD BOOKS. BL^JSTK BOOKS OF ALL QUALITIES AND STYLES. - CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STATIONER'S MSRCII/LNDISEL LEGAL, CAP AND LAW BL AJNTKS. CARDS BILL HEADS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING !.' EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. HIBAM HABEIS, No. '59 Broad Street, CHARLESTON, S. G. . October 22 mwfemo AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hudson City, N. J. This Company is now fauy prepared to furnish LITAD PENCILS, EQUAL IN QUALITY TO THE BEST BRANDS. THE COMPANY HAS TAKEN GREAT PAINS and invested a large capital in fitting up their ftw> tory, and now ask the American Public to give their pencils a fair trial. AU styles and grades are manufactured. . Great care has been bestowed to the manufactur? ing of superior HEXAGON DRAWING PENCILS, specially prepared for thannae of Engineers, Ar? chitects, Artista, Ac ' XEADE MJLRK. A Complete assortment, constantly on hand, is offered st lair terms to the trade at their wholesale salesroom. No. St JOHN ST.'sEET, NEW YORK. . The Pencils ara to be had at all principal Stationers and Notion dealers. -. ? - ts-ASK FOR AMERICAN LEAR PENCIL December 13 tao FURNITURE, ETC. ELEGANT FURNITURE. GEO. J, HENKELS, LACY & CO., Thirteenth and Chesnut Streets, PHTTaATDELPHIA. We have a suit bf NINE ROOMS, ELEGANTLY CARPETED, And Furnished Complete aa PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. Purchasers can see how a suit of Furniture will appear ID their house, and can from these rooms make a better selection than they can from furniture promiscuously -Ince! tn larae wirerooms. 2xos November 26 S. A. LAMBERT, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOUTHERN AND ???>RTHEBN ORDERS FILLED ON CKSMMTESION. Office, of Job? P. NewMrk, No 127 BEADE-STREET, CORNER HUDSON, N-HJ^W YORK. . : "J-Agency fer KXTON'S PREMIUM TRENTON 0BAOKBR9. All orders sent wm bo promptly attended to. Brnos_ Dee^nHxTtB E. J WHITE.JNO. X. GOURDIN. "WHITE & GOURDIN, Cjlvil Engineers and Surveyors. /.VWNISa ONE-HALF OF THE PARKER PAPERS, 0 ?id hnvu^coessto the whole coueetton at .? dmeo?WB are prepared to execute an work entrusted to our care with accuracy and dispatch. OfflST: LAW HANGE, Charleston. S. C. . JsaaaryT: . : .. ^. - - Ixoo* < Havana Plan KeatnekyState Lottery ^J?iwt?X, EDDY & CO., HAN?0KB8. :} SS ST". . JSSwo18? Prises of..~?80B nt i MT-oalmatlottPrtog? amounting to 813.050. , ?rll^o?Lo??rytows evey day. Tickets from 1 WCMC0>r9 sentirse Drawtngi malled as soan as tn? . ?^Mrea" T?PKTXBS,UnitedSUlesLloeneed.Agent, No. X a*..u^reeT,Cnirie?tcn,8.0., or Key 30x621^0. I ?OTWakorl? ^ AUCTION SALES. Barrel* Corned Beef. BY W. B. H. Y AN. ?Will be sold THIS DAY, 9th Instant, at my office. No. 1 BWe street, at half-past 10 o'clock, for what they will brln?, 10 bbla. COHN ED BEEF. January 9 BY L. BUSCH ?E SOW, .a? ,._ Ko. 506 Klng-atroct. Will ?oil WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, FURNITURE, n^m-^^^ " HORSES, tic. TTVENTNG 8ALES commencing at OH o'clock. A variety of useful articles: CROCKERY, BROOMS Water Dippers, Clothing, Shoes, Ac. AU or which we duplicate at auction prices. January 9_ NOTICE. Sales EVERY EVENING at 7 o'clock, by KILROY t? Co., No. 839 King-street, of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Boots and Shoes. Cutlery, Perfumery snd Soaps. January 9 Furniture of a Family declining Housekeepina. BY KILROY ?Sc CO. * TO-MORROW, loth instant. All the FURNITURE in houso No. 2 St Phillp street, corner of Beaufaln, CONSISTE*G OT: MARBLE-TOP SIDEBOARD AND DRAWERS. Ward? robes, Sofas, Une Chairs, Ottomans, Bedsteads, Bedding, Washstands, Cooking Utensils, Range, Grover & Baiter's Sewing Machine, ono Brussels sud ono Ingrain Carpet and Matting. , 1 Conditions cash. Goods to be removed on day of salo. January 9 UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. "_ -_O'Neal va. Mc Kevon el ai. IO-MOEEOW, the 10th of January next, at ll o'clock A. M., wm be sold near tho Old Custom House, unde tho direction of the Master, Tho following VALUABLE PROPERTY, belomrin? to tho _ Estate of the Rev. PATRICK O'NEILL, deceased, ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, with the Dwelling and out? buildings thereon, the residence of the late Rev. Patrick ? i*. . ?.1,tattto ?n tho west side of King street, designa? ted in a Plat mado by Ed. B. White, survoyor, by the number 1, measuring in front on King-street 34 fooet ll inches, and 34 feet 6 inches on tho bock lino, and in Septh 159 feet 6 inches. Bounding north on land of Mr Knoblock. wcBt on Orphan House Lot, south on No. 2 in i che said Plat, and east on King-street. _ ALSO, THAT VACANT LOT adjoining tho above on the south, ieslgnated in said Plat by the No. 2, measuring in front ! 14 feet ll inches, on the back Uno 24 feet 6 inches, and in I lepth 159 feet 6 inches. ALSO, THAT VACANT LOT nest south of No. 2, designated n said Plat as No. 3, measuring In front 24 feet ll nobes, on the back-lino 24 feet 6 Inches. an* >~ ??- - ; ALSO, THAT VACANT LOT next south of Lot No. 3, and leslgnated on said Plat as No. 4, of the same dimensions us Nc S. AISO, THAT VACANT LOT next south of Lot No. 4, and laving Uko dimensions, designated on said Plat by io. 5. ALSO, ALL THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY at the corner of ] SUng and Radcliffe streets, with the dwelling and out? buildings thereon, designated in a plat by the same sur? veyor as No. 1, measuring east on King street 56 feet, and I >n tho back Une 52 lest, and in depth 121 test Bounded ?orth on land of the estate of Mackintosh, south on lot No. j in said plat, west os No. 2. ALSO. THAT LOT adjoining the above on the south, and leslgnated in said plat by No. s, measuring in front on King street 30 feet, the same on the bock Une, and in lepth isl feet. ALSO, THAT LOT No 6, in the above plat, measuring in front I un King street 30 feet, the same on the bock Une, and in lepth 123 feet. ALSO, THAT LOT on Radcliffe street, marked No. 3 in said plat, measuring in front on said street 30 feet, same on she back Une, and in depth 104 feet, moro or less. ALSO, THAT VACANT LOT joining No. 2 to the west, and known on said plat os No. 3, and having the same di? mensions aa No. 2. ALSO, THE VACANT LOT, next west of No. 3, known on the aid plat as No. 4, having the same dimensions ss the last named. ALSO. AU that VALUABLE PROPERTY at the corner of -Rut? ledge and Cannon strosta, as per plat of the sams Sur? rey or. consisting of four Lots, to-wit: LOT No. 1, st the corner of Rutledge snd Cannon streets, with th? Buildings thereon, measuring in front ! on Cannon street 33 feet 6 inches, on the back Uno 41 feet 6 inches, and in depth 73 feet 4 inches. LOT No. 2, situate next east of Lot No. 1, measuring ' sn Cannon street 44 feet 6 baches, on the bock Une 45 feet 3 inches, and in depth 72 feet 9 indies. LOT No. 8, in said plat, next east of No. 3, measuring In front on Cannon street 89 feet C inches, on the back line 40 feet, and in depth 72 feet 9 inches. LOT No. 4, situated next east of No. 3, measuring in front on Cannon street S9 feet G inches, on the back Un? 10 feat, and in depth 73 feet 10 inches. ALSO, AR that LOT OF LAND, with several WOODEN BUTLD ENGS thereon, situate on Ann street opposite the Park, xeasuringin front on said street 37 fest, on the back Uno 30 feet, more or lesa, and in depth 200 feet * inches; bounding north on Ann street, east on land of Boyo., md west on land of Corcoran, os per plat of same sur The plats con be seen at the Master's Omca. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance hi one, two, three and four years, secured by bond of the purchasers and Mortgages of th? premises; the buildings on the lots to be Insured and the poUdes assigned. Purchasers to pay for papers. j: W. GRAY, January 9 wf7thl Master in Eq.uity.Qg j DI EQUITY-COLLETQN DISTRICT. John I). Warren vs. Benj. Stokes et aU Pursuant to a decretal order in this case, I will sell at pubUc auction, at ll o'clock, A.ML, near the old Cus? tom Houso, in the City of Charleston, at the risk of I tha former purchaser, TO-MORROW, January 10, That valuable PLANTATION known ss "Mary's Ialand," situate in the Parish of St. Bartholomew, In the District of Colinton, on the head-waters of Chehaw River, con? taining ans hundred and thirty-nine (189) acres of high land and three hundred and ten (310) acres, of morah land, be the same more or less. Terms.-One-third cash; the balance on a credit cf one, two and taree years. The purchase money to be secured try bod?. with adequate Bocnrity, and a mortgage of the premix, Jurchoeer to poy ftrggg^ 0 ^ ?. " C<nmoiBslo&ar'fl Offley Oolleton District, Dec 10,1800, January 9 w5 ttl MISCELLANEOUS. THE IS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE UT THE WORLD, IT 13 THE EASIEST OPERATED ; THE LEAST COM? PLICATED, and th? .least Habla to est out of order. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES: Lock. Knot, Double Lock and Double Knot; each stitch perfect and aHka on both aides of the fabric. - Tba work wm feed, either to the right or left without stepping the machine. HEt wm Braid, Tuck, Quot, Cord, Hem, Fell. Bind. Gather and Sfitob. on a Ruffle at the same time, and do all kinda of Stitching required by Families and M-?T,?./^ It runs easily, and is almost noiseless.. It is the most rapid sewer In the world, making five stitches to each revolution. It .uses the same sizo threads on both sides of the fabric.. _.? li ??s nat dresses, all iii machinery being on top af the table. Ita tension is self-adjusting, and bones not liable to break the thread. ' ': THE F?0RENCE MACHINES moy be seen in operation at HAYDEN'S JEWELRY STORE, corner of King and Basel streets, where the truth of the shove wm be demonstrated to all who may can. 'A . AGENTS WANTED In every District in the Stats, to whom liberal induce? ments will bo offered. For farther information, call on, or address G. W. DENNIS st Ca, General Agents for South Carolina. December 20 Imo HE BEST TOM NOW i BSE ! WILLIAM BROOKS INKS, STEAM OAS FTTTEH. AJfD PLUMBER, TiLATN AND ORNAMENTAL G?S FIXTURES. GAS X BTTrTNG AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT? TENDED TO. No. 116 KING STREET, August 31Between. Erosa sad Queen ?treets. : NEW YOBS SHH ENGINE CO,, .MANUFACTURERS OF' ENttlSt! LATHES, ELAKBB8, . IMPROVED OAK WHEEL BOXES, ti:",'-r. . BOL? CTJTTBBS, UPBIGHT DRILLS, ' ..' AND Worksat, Worct?to>? Mass. OFFICE AND WABEBOOM, Ko. 333 PEARL ST., . HEW YORK. Dflcerriber 18 ft"00 WHITE & P AINE, FACTORS, SM? & CoiQiissM Merchants NO . 4 80CTH ATLANTIC WHABF, CIlAHtifiSTOW, I j. t. warra.,,.;,...?..-.......,a?> ?A:NB MCVAfBOSC AUCTION SALES. ?louse and T/yt Nb. 12T, Coming street. BY CLIPFOKUAMATHEttEs, Real E.tnto Agents, Mo. 50 Broad street. Wul bo .old. THIS DAY, thc 9th January, st ll o'clock, at the Old Po? tom co. That Three Story WOO WEN HOUSE, with LOT. known as No. 125 Coming Btroct. and Outbuudings. Lot mea? sures CO feet front by 17? foot deep. ^ Terms-Ono-fourth cash; balance in ono. two. and t?Ife secured by bond and mortgage of tho prop? erty, with interest. Purchaser to pay Clifford & Mo thewos lor papers and stamps. January 0 House, and Lol. AU 3 JSilivU street. BY CLIPPOKD dc MATI1EWES.I Kcal Estate AgenU, No. 50 Broad street. Will bo sold THIS DAY. Otb January, at ll o'clock at the old Postoffice . That-ONE-STORY WOODEN HOUSE, with tho LOT knoAn as No. 3 Elliott street, having 18 feet 8 lnehcj' more or less, front, and 92 feet depth, moro or loss, bein* hut three doors from East Bay. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay Clifford & Mathewe? for papera and stamps. January 9 ' [POSTPONED TO 9th J.VKCAHY.] Thee Neal Brick Beside ces, an eligiljie corner Uland, and convenient small DiceUina. BY B. MCCALL. THIS DAY, tho 9th of January, at ll o'clock, at tho Old Postoffico, will be sold, ' All that NEAT AND DESIRABLE TWO AND A HALF STORY BRICE RESIDENCE AND LOT OF LiND on the weet side of Elisabeth street, near Mary street, and known as No. 51, containing four upright rooms, pan tr j, dressing room, two attics, and two-story piazza, with gas and grates throughout, slated roof, tc. On tho Lot, which measures 35 feet front and 100 feet deep, more or leas, are a Kitchen of four rooms. Coach Houso, Stables, a largo Cistern and Well of Water. AUO, All that other NEAT AND DESIRABLE BRICE RESI? DENCE north of the above, and known os No. 52 Ellza oeth street, having four upright rooms, pantry, dressing room, two attics and double piazza, with gas and grates throughout, slated roof, ic. On the Lot, which meas? ures :'5 feet front and 100 feet deep, more or less, are a Brick Kitchen of four roome, Coach House and Stablos, a large Cistern and Well of Water. ' AT so, All that LOT OF LAUB, eligibly located at the south? west corner of Elizabeth and Mary streets, next north of the above, and known aa No. 55, measuring 32 feet front on Elizabeth street and 100 feet on Mary street, more or less, having thereon a two and a half story Frame Dwell? ing and all necessary outbuildings and conveniences. With little alteration could bc made an eligible stand for a genteel Family Grocery. The location of the above property ia very desirable and healthy. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND on the south side of Henrtatt; street. No. 21, can?lniu?.a'S, iwo sha a half story Frame Dwelling" of four square rooms, pantry and dressing room, with other improvements thereon. Condi tiona-One-half cash; balance payable in one year, with legal interest from day of salo, to be Becured by bend of thc purc-liMer and mortgage of the property. Building, to be Infrared and poUoy assigned. Purchas? ers to pay B. McCall for papers. _ January a Horses, Mules, Vehicles and Furniture, at Auction. BY SMITH & .HcGII.LIVKAY, Auctioneers. ?T Brood street. WD1 be sold, THIS DAY, the 9th inst, at 10 o'clock, _in front of their office._ HORSES, SEULES, VEHICLES and FURNITURE re? ceived np to tho hour of salo._January 9 BY R. 31. MARSHALL dc BROTHER, Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 33 Broad St. TH lu DAY, 9th mst., at 10X o'clock, will bo sold. One SADDLE PONY-warranted. January 9_ Furniture of a Bar Boom. BY R. 91. MARSHALL ?? BRO., Brokers and Ancttoneccrs, No. 33 Broad St. At IOU o'clock THIS DAY, will bo sold, 1 WALNUT COUNTER, Beor Pump, Kerosene Stoves, Demijohns, Water Coolers, Arm Chairs, Carl 'labios. Paintings, Wine Glasses, Tumblers, kc. January 9 One Loree Bra? Horse, ont Buggy and Harness, one Spring Cart and Harness, at Auction. BY R. SI. MARSHALL dc BRO., No. 33 Brood street. THIS DAY, 9th inst, at half-past 10 o'clock, w?l be sold, 1 large DRAFT HORSE 1 Buggy and Harness 1 Spring Cart and Harness. " AISO, A set of BROCATEL AND LACE CURTAINS A general assortment of Furniture Silver Plated Walters and Cake Baskets 2 Gold Watches. Conditions cash. _January 9 BY R. iff. MARSHALL <Sf BROTHER. TO-MORROW, January 10th, at ll- o'clock, will bo sold st the Old Exchange, TWO LOTS on the west side of America street, north of Line, koownasNoo. -, and measuring each 50 feet front by loo feet deep, be the same a little moro or less Conditions cash. Purchasers to pay ns tor papers. January 9 _._ 'BY R. M. MARSHALL dc BRO. TO-MORROW, 10th instant, at ll o'clock, wal be sold, at the Old Exchange, AU that LOT OF LAND situate on the east side of Alexander street, between Charlotte and Chapel, and known as No_. It measures 63 feet front and back by 215 feet 7 in che a, be the rame more or less. Conditions-One-fifth cash; balance by bond, payable in one, two, three and four years, with interest semi? annually- Purchaser to pay us for papers. AMO, . ANOTHER LOT, In same vicinity. Conditions made known on day of sale. ,,. January 9 . .. A weSrselued Farm at Auction. .BY L. BUNCH dc SON. Will be sold, TO-MOBROW, 10th instant, at ll o'clock, at .tho Exchange, Broad street, A well-settled FA RM, of 60 acres, situated one-and-a half miles below the Depot at Summerville, S. C Terms accommodating. January 9 House and Lol on AJuway, near Spring street, at ? .. Auction. ?_ BY I. S. K. BENNETT. TO-MOBROW, the 10th inst, at ll O'clock, at -tho comer of East Bay and Broad streets, near the Old Custom House, I will sell - ~~ ? That LOX OF LAND, with a two-story building there? on, containing four rooms, located on All way, near Spring street, known aa No. 12 on the Gadsden PHI, measuring 66. feet trout by 116 feet in depth Conditions-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, secured by a bond and mortgage of the property, with interest payable semi-annually; building to bo in? sured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay me for all necetsary papers._ January 9 Five Lots and Houses .in Wier's Court, Ward .No. 6. I BY I. S. K. BENYETT. TO-MORROW, tho 10th instant, near the Old Ex? change, at corner of Broad and East Bay streets, I will sell, at ll o'clock. Those FIVE LOTS, with comfortable HOUSES thereon, located in Wier's Court, in Ward No. 6, fronting on Lu? cas street. Lots measure - feet front, by -' festin depth. The Houses aro all in good repair, and bringing good reata. Two contain four rooms each, and three contain tnree rooms each. . Conditions.-One-third caah ; balance in one and two years, secured by a bond and mortgage of tho properly, with interest payable semi-annually. Buildings to bo kect insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for ag necessary papers._ January 9 Pice Lots and Houses in Private Court, in Ward "" No. 8. BY I. 8, H. BENNETT. TO-M?BROW, the 10th instant, near the old Exchange, ' "corner of Broad and East Bay atreets. at xl o'clock, I wlU se]L Those five LOTS, with confortable HOUSES thereon, located in Private Court, in Word No. 8, near the west end of Soring street. Lots measure -- feet iront by - feet ?T *f*fc "fi.^*?^-,. f???S??F^gr iain two moma ?=/. ' *a* House la a tenement bulla ?n^co?ta??iSS?ooma: * soodorder.and ot pre? sent brlngingfairrents. : ??'?-a ?nd two C<mmtlon?-toe-third cash; boland* .Ctawe* years, secured by a bond and mortgage cu . - 'Z, Sam . with interest-payable semi-annually ; buildings ?J sured and policy assigned. Purchasers to pay for all ne? cessary papers. - - . t_January, 9 ; BY MILLIGAN, MELCHERS o? CO. On FRIDAY, the 11th inst, at the Wharf foot of Yenda* Range, at ll o'clock A. M.. will be sold, A SLOOP, of about 2S corda wood capacity, newly bot* tomeo. Her Rigging, Sans, kc, in good order. She can be treated for privately previous to day of salo, by applying as abo ve..wf2 January 8 Estate Sale of Valuable Property at Auction. - BY JOHN S RIOOS. TUESDAY, the. 15th inst., otu o'clock, win be- sold, at the corner of Brood and Eut Bay streets, That commodious BRICK TENEMENT ' THREE STORY HOUSE, Noe. 23. and 28, south side of Tradd street, opposite tile old Carolin? Co?ao House. The Tenements contain twelve rooms, six1 in each, with a capacious cistern and well of water on tho premises. The Lot measures thirty feet on Trodd street end ons hun? dred feet in depth, more or lesa. AUO, 1 The VACANT LOT in the rear of th? above, sod frost? ing on Longitude Lan?, measuring thirty (set front and forty feet deep, more or less. Condi tl rms-One-quarter cash; balance in one sod two years, secured by bond and mortgage; the buildings to ' be insured, policy assigned, sud the purchaser to pey for papers._rawfetnl .. . January 7 Havana Sugar, on account of whom- it may con? cern, by order of the- Spanish Consul. BY J. A. ?S9LOU- ?to CO, On TUESDAY, 15th instant, st ll o'clock, wilt ba sold by Auction, ot the new Custom House stores,' " 650 BOXES HAVANA TOCAR, of various grades. The said Sugars comprise a part oz Lbs cargo of the Spanish brig "Joven Jose," Fradua, master, which pat Into this pori in distress, whilst on ber intended voyage - from Havana to Antwerp, and sold for account of whos? < it may concern, by order of the Spanish Cenad. . Z "??A .i._ fmw5tul Valuable Plantation near jsvug^- - I <*?? .. - Blufften.. w.Xi BY JACOB COHEN & CO. V" On TUESDAY, 22d January, at ll o'clock, at die north, of , ? .fli the Exchange, wiHbe sold, ' '" " '; A comfortable two-story DWELLING and OUTBUILD- ~ LNGB, on a one (i) acre lot, in tho town of BhuTton. . i. .. axso, <? AR that TRACT OF LAND known ns Row Dow Planta? tion, situated on Moy River, tour (?) m?ea from Bluffiom containing one thousand <1000j acres of high lanaiab?ttt - three aundrea of which oro cleared) sad- seventy (70) ' acres of marah. Thia piece has been under cxdavatJaa thia year, and the Janos are of the best quality ?or Se? ' Uland entton and providions. On the placo in a bava, ? gin house and negro houses. Also, belonging, to tba "-? "above and s short distance from it, a tract ot one htm dredscresof Pineland, -J ALSO,:... ..I A TRACT OF LAND, within three (3) miles of Blanton, ?containing seven hundred sad dxry-two-and a-half (T33K) seres, all of which is heavily wooeed with Oak, Histor* and Pine; and, being" immediately contiguous to MAT ' River, could be made profitable b y. the .sala ott wood. . These i.TT'fr'v- when "lf?y?d, ors of the boetquaUty for Bes- M" Island cotton. Adjoining, and belonging to thia place, H?~? a fifteen (IQ aero lot, on a high blniL on May Hiver-te t a settlement sud summer residen ca being perfeciiy bfaltiny .fc'.^ simons .. Terms: For the House and Lot tn Blanton .?asah;" te : ' Roan Dow Plantation one-third (?) cash, bolineo in one. two and. three' year?;for tho other Tractone-haSf (i? MalVbalance in one year. Oredltojortion of above tobs: :. secured by mortgage of the properly.... '."./' Purchasers to poy ns te pepers. . . . ... .- ._~~ January. . : ? .a.... ?"??>?: MW* PRIVATESA12S. BY ?. M. 3o*BSMAX?r-A BRO. " AAICOBNEK STORE, used as a Grocery, in the wastsra nt^ of tbs ?ito south of oslhoua .?*?** - . ' ; ^carfortier i>artioulara apply OB obewe, at J . >? januaryT . No. 83 BROAD 8THHET. ' A. Fine Piano ?if Private Saut! ;?Y . BY 8H1TH & MefllbltrnULT; . ; " Ancttonocrs, 5o. X7 BresuX street. . jsWMsTfc r.u??.?! it r-j r. ?? xri, " ?. ... ? ?". So. ?7 Brood street, souUa sSae, jaesw fltsstt . . _- 'SjtrasB.' . . - ? Sow -ott FURNIT URE, tte* at- private zeei?msm-. U tended to at moderate dirges. ' - '- ? ? - ? i":_i' Auction every WEDNESDAY mr HORSES, VEHICLES FU^RNrrURE, kc, at half-peet 10 o'clwk, at our office.