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TUESDAY HOBNING, JANUARY 8, 1867. COMMERCIAL. Exporta. HEW YORK-Per bark Orchflla-175,000 foot Flooring Boards. BALTIMORE-Per sehr Nadab-62,145 feet Lumber. Tile Charleston Cotton Mnrkct OFFICE OF THE DAILY NEWS. COABLESTON. Monday EvanlBg, January 1. Buyers thinking that prlcea hero were too high in pro? portion to other marketa, were indisposed to continue their purchases, unless factors accepted rates from .1?2c. 9 lb lower than previous quotations. Holders showing but Ettie disposition to meet these views, solas were in a great measure suspended, the transactions amounting to only 20 bales-soy 10 at 32; 6 at S2K. and 4 at 34. In tho ' present state of the market, quotations are omitted. [OORBJEaPONDENCE DAXLS NEWS.] Cardenas (Cuba) Market. CARDENAS, December 27, 1866.-Since our last, on the 20th inst, a heavy monetary crisis has prevailed in the Havana market, owing to the scarcity of specie, which ls felt throughout tho country in consequence of a con? nection of various circumstances, amongst which we may point out the following as principal: 1st, tho high rate of exchange on Europe, which hos induced remit? tances to bo modo in gold: 2d, the penurious state of the Government Treasury, which hos occasioned heavy loons to be mode from tho Banco Espa?ol, thereby with? drawing several ; millions from tho general circulation; and 3d, tho uneasiness felt as to the ultimate result of the slavery question now under discussion at Madrid, and which has led some of the most timid to place part of their funds In Europe. To those wo may add that of the losses suffered by soversl dealers in winos, flour sud jerked beef, on account of which some failures ore anti? cipated. "~ Withal tho situation of both of eur banks and trado in general being quita sound, and our valuablo crop close at hand, confidence prevails among tho mercantile cir? cles, and the general opinion ls that tho crisis will not be of long duration, wlfflst, on the other hand, it may have the salutary ?fleet of causing the failure ci the few whoso bod standing are a cause of some uneasiness. The situation of this locality ls perfectly good, but, ss is natu? ral, the panic occasioned in the capital by the transitory suspension of the banks has been communicated to this market, and the bank here, as a precautionary measure suspended on last Saturday its specie payments for a few days, causing thereby a complete stagnation in all mer? cantile transactions. What effect this state of things may have on prices of produce ls yet a matter of specu? lation. Galveston Cotton Statement. GALVESTON, December 26. This Year. 1865-66 1860-31 , Bales. Bales. Bales. Stock September 1, '66. 7,605 13,857 3,168 Beoaived this week st this - . 6,139 6,447 2,683 Becetvod previously ot this w-~5S3?"V.V"^ll38.651 69,099 62,388 Received at other Texas porta. 6,748 10,529 10,328 . Total. 69,143 99.932 78,567 axroKTEn TO ~ , _ ,. Bales. Bales. Bolos. Great Britain to data..... 4,709 16.816 21.079 France..... Otter Continental ports.. 1,2.7 ?394 Mexico. _ ... New Orleans. 7,650 27?95? li,'o91 Havana. Baltimore. Philadelphia.. gewYork.14,353 27,246 19,860 Boston... 817 1,766 8,919 . 28,785 73,779 63,343 On hood and shipboard notcloarcd..30,357 26,153 15,224 Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, January 5.-T?BPErTrtrE-Only 41 bbla received, which went ot $4 25 for yellow dip. and $212>? for hard, ri 280 Bsa. SPOUTS Tuapnamnc-Sales of 18 bbla at SOW eta, and 65 do ot 61 cents 9 gallon. Boara-Soles of660 bbla Common at $8; 164 do at S3 25; 124 do No 1 ot $4 25, 6 25, 6 62KaS; and 45 do pale at S9. Tan-Only SO bbls changed hands at $1 65 9 bbL COTTON-Market steady. Sale of only one small lot at 31 cents for middling. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE. January 4-Come-The market has been active, with sales, viz: 1000 bogs Bio, ex bark Ade? laide, ot UJic, gold, in bond ; 1000 bags at New York, per steamer, for Baltimore account, on private terras; 300 bags, balance of Lapwing's cargo, trom second hands, at 16c 30 days; 3400 bags, cargo of brig Edith; 4500 bags, residue of bark Adelaide's cargo; 2400 bags, cargo brig Prairie Flower, and 1200 bags, ex Eleanor, all on terms not transpired; also resales of 700 bags ot 18c, with re? duced, stock in first hands; market closed steady. Flous_-Under light re; elpta both from tho West and for city ground, with moderate stock in tho hands of the trade and city millers, and also relatively higher marketa Westward; there was a firmer feeling at the close, but there is nothing doing scarcely except for the supply of local wants. Wo have only to report for the week 1000 to 1500 bbls, embracing all descriptions, and in small lots to deslere, within our range here annexed : Howard-street Super and Cut Extra.. .811 00 Howard-street Shipping Extra.12 60 Howard-street high gradas.13 00 Howard-street Family.16 50 Ohio Super and Ont 75 Ohio Extra Shipping. 00 00 Ohio retailing. 00 00 Ohio Family..15 00 Northwestern Super.10 50 Northwestern Extra.ll 75 City ranis Super.10 60 City Mills, Standard Extra.ll 25 ^ ." City Mills Shipping brands Extra. 15 00 ? 16 00 Baltim'e, Welsh's k Greenfield Family. 17 50 @ 00 00 Baltimore High Grade Extra. 16 75 @ 00 00 Bys Flour, new. 6 25 ? 6 75 Oom Meal, City Milla. 5 00 @ 00 00 GKBHAN PRODUCE-Quiet, with prices unaltered. HGDJBENO AND SNAKE BOOTS.-Ginseng seBlng ot 95ca?l per lb. Snako roots doll and unchanged. GRAIN.-Our river navigation being obstructed by ice, receipts are merely nominal from tho bay, and confined to small lots by steamers. Of wheat, only a few hundred bushels ordinary red received ""d sold .>ttl85a3; no prime or choice received the past week or more. Corn_ 8000 bushels white and 60,000 bushels yellow received (the latter by rofl); included In thc sales were 4000 bush? els white st SOcaSl 05, as to condition and quality- 15,000 bushels yellow nt 95a98o, closing on Thursday; 20 OtiO bushels at 92a95c, c decline of 3c; to-day, 95a96c for prime, 92c for ordinary, and 91c for Western. Of oats, 10,000 bushels offered, and nearly all taken at 58a60c per bushoL No sales of rye reported the past week. PBOVTSZ'.NS.-We quote sales of 200 bbls Mess Pork-at $21 50. Some bulk meats offering, but fuBy cured are scarce. We quote Shoulders at 9c. Sides 10 Kc Bacon ia in limited demand, with sales of to a 76 bb do in Utile lota at ll o llXo for new Shoulders; 13 a 12 Kc for new Sides; old do UH a 12c Lard is held at 12Ko for both Western and City. Baltimore refined held nominally ot 16c No oles reported. STTQAB-We report sales xor the week os foBows: 171 hhds English Island at 9%ol0o; 190 hhds, 7 tes, 132 bbls Porto Rico at 9J?c; 389 boxes Cuba 10>JC; 329 do 12}?c, all four months, and for refining; also 200 hhds Cuba and Porto Rico, grocery grades, within our range below. The above sales were made early in the week, and the market hos since ruled quiet, though without "-mny quotable change, viz: Cuba and E. L lair to good refining 9j?o 10HC, 4 months; do fair to good grocery 10Xal0&o net; do prime 113?ol3c net: Porto Rico, common to good gro? cery 10Xoll)ic net; do prime to choice 12J?al3o net; New Orisons, UJ?al25?e; Havana, No 12, lOJic. 4 months Braal. 9J?alOKc Stock to-day, 6268 hogsheads, 7672 boxes Cuba; 1868 hogsheads Porto Elco; 1640 English Island; 33 hhds New Orleans, and 11,476 bags Brazil Since writing tho above, we learn of sales to-day as fol? lows: 20hhds Cuba, grocery, 10)ic; 60 do Cuba and Por? to Rico, In lots, within oar range above; 141 hhds, 262 boxes Cabo, for refining, at 9XalOXc, 4 months; 109 hhds Demorara, grocery, private terms. BxnmzD SUOAB-Ia quiet, but without quotable change, viz: For crushed, powdered and granulated 15 v eta - soft crushed A white litfc; Circle A 13Kc; B 13Kc; extra C 18Xo; O yettow 13?; Circle C 12?ic? TAIXOW-Market quiet; quote Butchers' City associa? tion at Hallte 5> BJ. ^TO?s-JEWoes are firm at former quotations, though de T0BA000-There is nothing doing In leaf. The in? spectora and shippers, as usual at the beginning of the J caf", have been engaged In making up of stock, &c, for particulars of which we refer to our annual statement here accompanying.. MAOTPAOTUBKD TOBACCO-The market continues quiot. but without any quotable change. WHISKEY-There ore no sale? reported, and in tho ab sence^or which quotations are both irregular and WOOL-Merket continues dull; prices unaltered. Hew Torie Market. MONEY MABJEET. The New York Evening Poet, af January 4. states that the loan market ls essy at 7 ft cent, with a full and rather ? increasing inquiry for onooBamodatton on can. The hanks, however, are dlspcssd to contract rather than * to extend their loans, preparatory to the giving In of their quarterly statement, which hag to be made up next Monday, after Which they aro expected to be moroocoos sftle to*haaoU<itattons of their dealers. The discount demand eon annes small, bot thors is rather more dispo? sition ts buy choice commercial billa; and If this dispo? sition continues, there wm probably be some scarcity of paper when the banks commence discounting more free? ly. The ou?rent roto for first-class short dote paper is 7*8. ? . ; For gold this forenoon tbs following ware the leading quotations: 10:00.134; 10:16,1SSJ?; 10:15,134?; 11:30. 133?; 12:00, 134; 1:00,183?; 1:30, 133?; 2:00,183J? Foreign exchange ls doll but firm. Bflls st sixty days ?1 London ?re quoted ot 108)40109 for commercial ; 109 If slOOK for bania?'; do at ?hort sight, llOXallOX; Paris Ot 60 days, 6.17 Ka5.15; do ot short sight, 6.1606.123?; Ant? werp, 6.173?S6.16J?; Swiss, 5.17 ?05.16J?; Hamburg, 36? 086?; Amsterdam, 41**41*; Frankfort, ?>.?a41J?: Bt? men. 7?J4o79; Prussian thais?,TaSaWX. Mopy ls extremely stringent tats afternoon, andan extra eacamUationla In some cases submitted to by bor? rowers. The chief cause assigned for the activltvla tba sudden (saning In of loans by the banks lo^S C to makes favorable exhibit in their quarterly ??te?T,r On government securities there ia less eomplibat of<iim .atty. Tho stock market is unsettled. _ ^T?w??B FEODDCE HACKET. * HEW TOBE. January 4.-FLOUS, &a-The market for Western and State flour ls more active, and the low ?nd medium grades ate lOalSc better. The highest grades are firm. - . f^iJ^ 3',600 bbl? at $9 BSalO 90 for superfino State; SXU13 GO for extra State; $1016*12 05 for the low grades of spring wheat Western extra; $11 76ol3 40 for shipping Ohio; ?12 86oll 80 for trade brands, and $14 10 al7 for St Louis extras. Buckwheat Soor ls better and In demand at $3 25*3 so 1? 100 BL Canadian flour Ia In fair demand, end is firmer. Sales of 850 bbls at $18 76 for trade and family brands. Southern Cour is in demand and is better. Soles of tOO bbls ot Sil 95014 30 for common to flor Baltimore and country extraa. cpd $14 80al7 for trade and &mtiy brands. ^Rye flour la better and active. Soles of 790 bbl? at $6 Corn meal isi?teady. Sales COO bbls ot $5 10 for Jersey .nd $5 25 for Brandywine. GnAra-The wheat market ts decidedly stronger; hold er? generaBy TO not disposed te sen. owing fay tte light ^^^r^^L^J^ S?to? of nour. S?^^S^SSZ^S^.^^^I^ Tl? demand ls good, but prices below the views of holden. Th? KAI?? are SSJOOO bushels st $3 80*2 40for ordmaryto fair No"? S3 20torsmbor?tato;$3 20 torw*ixe^ialm?$3?lbr Baxiay ls steadier and In good demand . Sates of abor,* ?0? bushels^ >^to Barley malt ls inactive and prices are nominal. Oats ore a shads betttr and tn Sur roqticat. The salea ??M^*1 64?s65 ct?; free Corn ls decidedly better, with s good demand for ex poriondthe home trade. Th? sacare 71?000b^nr? f???4 ftt nos?! 13; western mixed atTau^a Uta store, ona ?1 Itel 17 afloat; eonthorn waite at II 12. and ? PBOv?i"s^Tko Pork luark .t baa been ratholr moro j active at a lower range of prices, dosing quiot For fu tiro delivery wo hear of 2B0 bbls now moss seller Fobru arVat $20 87 ? ; 250 bbls do do. seller last hali February, at $20 87 ii; 250 bbls now western moss. Boiler February, at $21. list evening 2000 bbU new western mess, seUer I Tohrnarv at $21 25a21 50. Thosal?e cash and regular, aro 6600 bbls at $18 95al9 15 for old 'moss; $2050 for new do; $21a2125for new Weslarn, and email lots at $2160; $18 25 for BOUT and j musty mess. . Beef is steady and fairly active Sales of 200 bbls $9al2 for old plain mess; SllalS for new do; $12al5 for old extra do, and $17a21 60 for new do. Tiere? beef is quiot. Beef hams aro dull, and wo havo only to note sales of 84 bbls at $33 25 for prime 'Western. Cut meats and bacon aro neglected. Dressed hogs aro rather heavy. Wo quota at 8a8,*?c for Western, and 8?a83ic for city. Lard has boon rather more active, and prices are firmer. Sales of 100 bbls and tes at 12al2Jicfor No. 1; 12&al2%c for dty and old Western, and 123ial8c for new Western. Balks also of 750 pkgs, seller last half January and first half February, at 125?0. ASHES_Thu market ls dull and heavy tu. eSaS 25 for pots and $9 for pearls. . COFFEE-Rio has ruled dull, but prices aro without change. - COTTON-Tho market to-day is quiot at unchanged prices. Wequotoat 35)?a30??c for middling Uplands, and do Now Orl'-noa and Toxas. HEMP-Manila is dull but steady at ll?iel2c, gold, and other kinds aro dull and nominal. HOPS-Are firm and in good demand for home UBO. Wo quote at from 20a40 and 60, as to growth and quality. LATUS-Eastern are dull and heavy at $3 25, threo months. LIME-Rockland is dril at $170 for common, and $2 10 for lump. ... , - MOLABTES-Tho demand is moderate but prices aro unchanged. PETROLEUM.--The market ?B dull and heavy. Wo quote crude 40 a 47 gr, in butt, at 18 a 13Mc : do, in bbls, 19}?c ; refined, in bond, light straw, 24Kc; do, light straw to white, 26 a 20>ic; do, prime light straw to white, 28 a 2Sj*c; do, standard white, 29J$c; do, primo white, 30 a 31c. RICE-Is quiet. Sales of Carolina 'at 9 a 9,yc. Tho stock is 18,602 bags deaned East India and 804 tes Caro SUOAB.-The demand is moderate for raw sugars, but prices are without chango. WHISKEY.-Tho market is dull and prices aro nominal. Consignees per South Carolina. Railroad. January 7. 483 bales Cotton, 48 casks Clay, 3 cars Old - ron, 1 car Stock, Furniture, and Sundries- To H R Agent, J Fra? ser it Co, J M Fredsberg, JTt W H Armstrong. Gibbes & Co, M McGorty, M Goldsmith & Son, Cohen, Hanckel i Co E H Rodgers it Co, L M Ayer St Co, Adams, Frost St Passengers. Per steamer Nate, from Palatka, via Jacksonville, and Savannah-Mrs Wortham, J M Clarkson. Per steamer Eliza Hancox, from Savannah, via Beaufort and Hilton Head-W Thorn, T H Colcock, C S Grulass, J Rideli and ladv, Col Hoffman, U S AvTMcHalc, R Crow? ley, H A Topham, Miss E Gross, C H Ephart, J M Hen? derson, F Brown, W Wittons, Mrs C Gads and son. A S Marshall and lady, M Wigort, G W Woodman, Dr Watter and daughter, G Gage. D C Wilson, W Fripp, J B Mat? thews, T H Spann, and 50 on dock. Per steamer W W Frazior, from Edisto-Miss Hana han, J J B frey. Dr Bailey, O H Bailoy, DrB B Kan ah an, G L Marsteller, N L Wescott, and 6 on dock. _ MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Arrived. Yesterday. Sehr Nellie Tarbox, Pendleton, Baltimore, 13 days. 9300 bushels Corn. To Mordecai it Co, Porcher St Henry. The N T experienced heavy weather on the passage. Sehr Lightning, Howard, Sian's Island. 8 bales S I Cotton. To J Colcock & Co. Sehr Charlotte, Peterson, Back River. 2830 bushels Rough Rice. To Coben. Hanckel St Co. Sehr Emma Baker, Leonard, Back River. 2300 bush? els Rough Rice. To Cohen. Hanckd it Co. Steamer Hate, Lockwood, Palatka, via Jacksonville, and Savannah. 13 bales Sea I Cotton, 63 bbls Syrup, and Sundries. To J Mahoney. Jr, G H Ingraham, Willis St Cbisolm. J A Endow it Co, Adams, Frost it Co, W M Lawton, Finckney Bros, J C H Ciaussen, U S Commis? sary. to team er Eliza Hancox, Richardson, Savannah, via Beaufort, Hilton Head, Ste 73 bales S I Cotton and 3 bales Upland Cotton, and Mdze. To Porcher it Henry, Hopclna, McPherson it Co, J A Endow it Co, G W Wood? man, B S Rhett, barker St Childs, Col 3 P Low, A Q M, A Canale, Willis fe Chisolm, J & J D Kirkpatrick, W Lobby, King it Caeddey, F A Smith. Steamer W W Frazier, Torrent, Edisto. 7 boles S I Cotton. To C L GuUleanme, G E Pritchett, and Order. Boat from Edisto. 4 bales S I Cotton. To TL Webb. Boat from James Island. 13 bales S I Cotton. Tc Fraser it Dill. Boat from St Andrew's. 5 bales SI Cotton. To Fraeei & Dill Boat from James Island. 15 bale3 S I Cotton. Tc Fraser St DBL Cleared Yesterday. Bark Orchflla, Havner, New York-J A Enslow it Co. Sehr Nadab, Lewis, Baltimore-H F Baker Ac Co. Up for this Port. Steamship Moneka, Lebby, at New York, to leave Jan 9. Brig F H Larrabee, Carlisle, at New York, Jan 4. Sehr D B Warner, Adams, at New York, Jan 4. Ship Newe hy Telegraph. FBOK THIS roar. Sehr Yankee Maid,-, at Baltimore, Jan 7. cr pon THIS POET. Sehr Lilly,-. at New York, Jan 7. Sehr Dospatch,-, at New York, Jan 7. CEE ABED FOB THIS POST. Sehr Azdda,--, at Baltimore, Jan 7. Sehr Laura,-, at Baltimore, Jan 7. BtTT.TTO FOB THU POET. Steamship Whirlwind, Fargo, from Philadelphia, Jan 6 Sehr John E Dally, from Baltimore, Jan 7. UP FOB OEOBQETOWN, B. C. Behr S V W Simons,-, at New York, Jan 7. UP FOB POET BOXAI_ Brig Annie Cook, -, at New York, to sail Jan 15. MKMOBAKTM. The steamer Adele, from this port for Baltimore, pm into Bdd Head Light on the Sd, owing to heavy galea and sailed again on the 4th. Memoranda. The brig Ida Abbott, 18 days from Georgetown, S C arrived at Barbadoes, Nov 4th, with 130,000 feet Pi tel Pine. Particulars regarding the ill-fated schooner E M Dyei (of which casual mention merely was made through thi Atlantic Cable,) nave coma to hand. Tho Dyer Bailee from Georgetown, S C, on Oct 10, for Richmond. Ya, with a cargo of timber. On the 14th a storm arose, and the vessd sprung desk. On the 16th spoke brig. Jeanj Morton, of Baltimore, which vessel, lt is said, refus?e any assistance. At 3 PM, A Baker was washed off anc drowned. At 5 P M a heavy sea washed C H Bryant, thi first officer, and J H Sweeney, seaman, overboard, and they were both drowned. At 5.30 a large steamer hove down to them and sailed around them, but sheered ofl without offering any assistance. On the 10th the re? mainder of the crew lashed themselves to the wreck, and remained there without food or water until rescued, ou tho 22d, by the brig Meg, of Limerick. Jeremiah Har? ding, the Captain, and George Wilkinson, seaman, were taken from the wreck delirious; the latter died the next day (23d), and the former on the 30th. Caleb H Tyng, the second officer, John Wiggins, and one other seaman, were safely landed in England on the 20th of November, Havana Plan Kentucky State Lottery MURRAY, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. TO BE DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY., 15TH \NI 30th each month. Scheme, 30,000 tickets_?27 prizes. Whole tickets, $16; halves, $8; quarters, $4. 1 Prize of.$60,000 2 Prizes OL..$4,500 1 Prize of.$20.000 29 Prizes of. .SL00C 1 Prize of..$8,950 63 Prizes' of..$50C 1 Prize of.$8,000 155 Prizes of..$30C 220 Prizes of $200. 54 Approximation Prizes amounting to $13,050. Combination Lottery draws every day. Tickets from $1 to $10. Cu-calrrs sent free. Drawings malled as soon as the Lottery is drawn. Address H. T. PETERS. CnitedStiiea Ucen-wl Agent, No. at. nasel siroer, CLujaeston, S. C., c*Ke/ Box52 1 .0. November 10 " Srro WILLIAM BB00KBANKS, STEAM ?AS FITTER AND PLUMBER, PLATH AND ORNAMENTAL GAS FIXTURES, GAS FTTTTNG AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY AT? TENDED TO. No. 116 KING STREET, August 31 Between Broad and Queen streets. MW YORK STEM WISE Efl., MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE LATHES, PLANERS, IMPROVED CAE WHEEL BOXES, BOLT CUTTERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS, AND' ". MIMISTS' MLS OF AIL DESCRIPTIONS. Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND "WAREBOOM, No, 222 PEARL ST., HEW YORK. ' Decomber 18 (?roo C. C. WIOHTM?LN & co., QUEEN STREET, (NEAR MEETING,) MACHINISTS MD GENERAL REPAIRERS. ALL KINDS OP MACHINE AND BLdCESMFTH WORK done at the shortest notice. TURNING IN WOOD for building and cither purposes. Orders for the same respectfully aohclted. Turning in Wood by Steam Power. ..w?S^??0 W**8 AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, AND cheaper than Northern prices. Appryto ^ TW^O-OO ~ C. C. WIGHTMAN.'*- CO/; ' December 28 ?almo Qnoen-street, near Meeting. TH BEST TONIC NOW ffl USE! C. J. No. 37 LINE-STREET, BEI1 WEEN KTNQ ANT) HT. T?TTTT.rp : '. " T .U???K?tS?; ?VER? DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY TiVSKS-MUSTHLT UETUKPfS. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, 1 , . ? Cm HALL, Jamtary 1, IH6B. J -\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNED that tun Monthly Returns for tue month of Doccm ber past, In oompllanoo with tho Ta? Ordinance, rati?ed on tho 10th toy of January, 1806, must bo mado on or before tho 15th inst. D. C. GIBSON, Januar}- 3 - City Assessor. PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURY. 1 January 3,1867. J PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER tho following Ordinance licenses have been prepared for delivery from this Office. S. THOMAS, City Treasurer. SEC. 1. Be ii Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen in City Council assembled. That from fand after tho first day of January, licenses shall be taten out for all carts, drays and wagons, used for private and domestic purposes, in tho same manner, and according to thc same provisions now of forcoln relation to carts, drays and wagons, lot or driven !for Uro, except giving bonds. And each such cart, dray cr ragen, shall bo provided with - badge con? taining tho number thereof, and marted Private, tn bo placed on tho outsido of the shaft. SEC. 2. No person shall be taten by tho Troiiaiurer as surctv to any bond under the Ordinance concerning li? censes for carls, drays, wagons and other carriages, un? less he or sho bo a freeholder. SEC. 3. Thc following ehaU hereafter bo the rates for licenses for public and private carts, drays, wagons, kc, including tho horses or mules used thereof, which shall be freo from other taxation: PUBLIC CARTS, DRAYS, ETC., OB TOOSE EMPLOYED IN ANY nr/srNESS WJIATETTEB, FOR HIRE DXBEOT OB INDIRECT. For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by one horse or mule, ?20. For evory cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horses or mules, $30. For every back and carriage with two wheels, $20. For every hack and carriage with four wheels, $40. For every Btoge or omnibus (except lino omnibus), with two horses, $50. For every stage or omnibus (oxcept line omnibus), drawn by four horses, $00. For every traci: drawn by two or more horses or mules, $60. ^ For evory express wagon drawn by two or mowrnorsoa or mules, $60. BREAD CAETS AND PRIVATE CAKTS, DRAYS, ETC. For every bread cart or wagon, $5. For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do? mestic purples, and not to bo employed in the trans? porting of goods, waxes, merchandiso, lumber, or any other commodity, for compensation, either directly or indirectly for tho sa?no, shall pay for a license tho sum of $5, exclusive of tho horse or mulo. Ratified in City Council, this 16th day of January, [L. s.] in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun dredand sixty-six. F. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. By thc Mayor. _ January 3 W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, 1 CITY HALL, January 1,1867. | "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS OFFICE IS .Ll now open, and will remain open every day from the hours of 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. (Sundays excepted), until tho first day or February next, for tho receipt of Tax Re? turns on Real Estate All Males, White and Colored, over the age of twenty one years, aro required to return tacmselvcs for Capita? tion Tax. All defoultors will be dealt with as the Ordinance di? rects. D. C. GIBSON, City Assessor. January 3 AN ORDINANCE TC* RAISE SUPPLIES FOR THE YEAR 1867. rriHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE TO RAISE S?P _L LESS for the year 1867, was ratified at a meeting ol Council, held Friday evoning, 28th mst., and takes effect from 1st January, 1867: AN ORDINANCE TO RAISE HTjrrXJES FOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ASD SIXTY-SEVEN. ANO FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION L Be it ordained by Vie Mayor and Aldermen in City Council assembled. That a tax for the sums, and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall bo raised and paid into tho Treasury of thc city for the use and service thereof, that ls to say:. Two dollars on evory hundred dollars of tho value of every house, building, lot, wharf, or other landed estate, including every building and im? provement on lands under a lease for a term of five or more years, from a religious, charitable or literary soci? ety, or under any building lease, payable on or before the 29th day of Juno next, provided that all persons who shall pay tho amounts of taxes duo by thean on or before the 1st day ol February shall be allowed five per cent, discount on the same ; and that all persons who shall pay tho amount ot' taxes duo by thom af ter the 1st of Febru? ary, and on or before the 30th day of March, shall be al? lowed two and a half per cent, discount on same. Seventy-five cents on every nundred dollars of all sales of goods, wares and merchandiso on personal account ot on account of o thors, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of the gross re? ceipts of all street railroads, P^J-"'.? monthly. live dollars on ovory hundred dollars of the gross re? ceipts of all Erpress Companies, payable monthly. Scventy-fivo cents on evory hundrel dollars of all salce at auction, payable monthly. Three dollars per month on every coach or four whscl carriage urawa by two horses or mules (exclusive of the horses or mules), payable monthly. Two dollars per month on every coach or four whoeC carriage diawa by ono horse or mule (exclusive of thc horse or mule), payable monthly. One dollar ?nd fifty cents per month on every twe wheel carriage, chair, sultry, kc (exclusivo of the horse or mule), payable monthly. Three douars on every hundred dollars of gross in como, and all gross profits derived from the pursuit o: any faculty, profession, occupation or employment, ot from the exercise of any office, whether in tho proies sion of the law, the profits derived from tho costs a suits, counsel fees, or other sources of professional in come, income from the practice of dentistry, etc, paya ble monthly. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars of the valu? o any bond, mortgage, judgment, decree, or other securi ty, whether said bond, kc, be located, and whether thi interest bo paid herc or elsewhere, payable at the sam< times, and tinder tho same conditions as the taxes or landed estate. Three doUare on every hundred dollars of all dividend/ received from stocks not exempted from taxation, poy able monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all annnitiei and other income or incomes, received from what eouro soever, which are not exempted from taxation by law o: otherwise herein taxed, payable monthly. Two dollars on every dog kept within tho city, payabli on or before the 29th day of June next. Three dollars on every hundred douars of gross rc eel pta of all commercial agencies, payable monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all commis sion? received by factors, commission merchants bank ere, brokers, dealers in foreign and domestic exchange vendue masters, or other persons vending or buyhu goods, wares, merchandise, produce, and real and per aortal property on commission, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of all gross pre miums received for or by any Insurance Company lo coted "in .this city, whether incorporated or not, or b; agencies for individuals or companies, whether incorpo ated or not, payable monthly. Three dollar? on every hundred dollars ol' gross re ceipts of all Gas Companies and other manufacturan companies locatud in this city, payable monthly. One dollar per month on every boree and mule usa or kept within the city, excepting horses or mules use< in any licensed carriage, cart, dray, or other vehicle payable monthly. Two dollars and Arty cents per month on all retai dealers in all articles whatsoever; whose monthly return: of sales do not yield a tax above tho said amount of twi dollars and fifty cents. Two dollars capitation tax on all males over twenty one years of age, payable on or before tho 29th day o June next Two dollars and fifty cents per month on all Hock sters. Two dollars and fifty cents per month on all Barbe Shops. One dollar on every hundred dollars of tho gross n ceipts of Hotels and public Tating and Boarding Hons et payablo monthly. One dollar on every hundred dollars of all receipts o Livery Stable Keepers, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of the gross re ceipts of cotton presses, payable monthly. Seventy-five cents on every hundred dollars of thi gross receipts of all printing offices, newspaper and pub Hahlng houses, payable monthly. Throe donare on every hundred dollars of all good! sold in the city by parsons not residents, by sample ot otherwise. Ona ?ollar on every hundred dollars of sales of al horsce and malee brought to the city, payable monthly O'io dollar on every hundred dollars of the gross re ceipts of Magnetic Telegraph Companies, payant monthly. . Ssc. 2. Any person or persons or corporations failing: to pay tho taxes in the manner and at the times herein before prescribed, may be double taxed at the option D: Council And it shall be tho duty of tho City Treasure] to forthwith issue executions against the goods, chattel! and other property of said pen?os or corporations, ant lodge the said executions with the City Sheriff, who ebal! immediately proceed for the collection of the same, ii the manner provided by Ordinance for the enforcement of the executions. SEC. 3. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances repugnant hereto be and the same are hereby repealed Ratified in City Council this twenty-eighth day Decem [L. a.] ber, A D. ono thousand eight hundred and sixty, six. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. H. SMITE, Clerk of Council. December 31 FIRE LOAN. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON. ) Crrr HALL, November 9, I860,, J ' ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN T 93 Burnt Districts and Waste Places of the City, un. der "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority to the City Council of Charleston to proceed in the mst ter bf a Fire Loan, with a view to aid in bending up the City anew," are hereby notified that the form of appli? cation for loans can be obtained - at the office of the Clari of Council, between the boura of 3 A. M. and 2 P. M. AU applications must be filed in the above mentioned office, as the Committee will meet every Monday to con? sider the samo. By order of tte Mayor. W. BL. SMITH, November 10 Clerk of Council. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS, HEADQUARTERS, ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, ? BURKAU REST/GEES, FREEDMEN, -* -, . AND ABANDONED LANDS, . . - South Carolina. . CHARLESTON, S. C., December 17,1866. [OEXEBAX ORDEB8, NO. 35.} L General Ordere, No. 23, c a., is amended and re? issued, as follows : Bvt. Major A MoL. CRAWFORD, V. R. C, U hereby ap Ssloted "Officer in charge ot tho Claim Division of tho urson of Refugees, P-eedmen, and Abandoned Lauds for the State nf Seratb. Carolina," -..' AR communications concerning the collection of back pay, bounties, pensions, kc, will bo addressed directly to him. No other persons in this State are authorized agents of this Burean for the collection of such claims. Blanks sud inatrnctions wiR be forwarded by Mm to the Acting Assistant Commissioners of this State, Who will afford claimants the necessary aid m properly for? warding their application? to the War department, through Major frawford. By order of -? ? ~ . ~ Bvt, Maj. Gen, B. K. SCOTT, - Assistant Commissioner. - EDW. L D&AfflE, ..' Bvt Major and AAA Gen'L OS?IOIAL. ....... OFFICE FOB CX>IJ2JKSnON OF ADDITIONAL 1 BOUNTY AND BACK PAY, ? CaAJBXxaroN, 8. CX, December 27,1SG6. ) Bvt. Maj. EDWARD L. DEANE, A. A. A. Geni, Attention ' ls caned to the fact that this office ia the only authorized miyilnm for the collection of claims against the Government through Government channels. AU necessary t Urdu and instructions will bo furnished to officers on duty in this State on application to this Office. A MoL. CRAWFORD, Bvt. Major H. 8. V., Officer in Ohargew Sf- Columbia 8outh Carolinian copy and send bill to thia office. . Imo ........ January 1 ?. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, \ iii SECOND- DISTRICT SOUTH CAROLINA, I CHARLESTON, January lai, 1867. J * THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES IMPOSING Stamp Du?es took effect October 1st, 1862. ' T^ ,3rro2??7' re?ulred by said laws to be stamped, SS^E^"* toT** unstamped, aretavkud ^t.Sll^fr^Slrtrai"onta ?tecuted or issued In lawful eninta?r?S?S3?^* SSS rendered vauFiad S^^^^rS^^^ %?tamp duty p?dote to c^?ssa^^"^ ? The uneWgned ia at oil t^jj^?uff?Xs?Wss? n i ,' January; RriA DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. HRS. RAOUL & LYNAH, Market and Ring Streets. ALFRED RAOUL, M. D.A. IL LYN AH. M. D. ARK CONSTANTLY RECETVTSG FRESH AND ?wwii selected stocks ot DRUGS AND MEDICINES SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS PATENT MEDICINES . -:~ TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES PERFUMERY. SOAPS COMBS, BRUSHES, tc, ic. Which thoy offer to tho PubUc and the TRADE In gen? eral st the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and examine our Btock. V R E.S CRIPTIOD1S Pat np at all hours, day and night, with tho greatest care. SS- Country orders solicited. thstu November 8 A Treacherous and Deadly Foe! CATARRH ! f?Anv AND NOISES IN TILE HEAD. Dr. Norton's New Remedy ? FOR CATARRH, AND MODE OP TREATMENT IS THE ACME [ OF,PERFECTION. ri BREAKS UP THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE AT ITS Fountain Head, and removes st once.all the wretched symptoms of this loathsome malady, such ss Polia in the Temples, Offensive Discharges, Obstruction of tho Breath? ing Tubes, Repulsivo Breath, Snapping Sounds in the Ears, Absent-Mindedness, Mental Depression, Dimness Ol Vision, Sore Throat, Hacking Cough; restores the sense of Taste and Smell, and permanently clin? tho disease'lil all its types, forms and stages, with absolute certainty. This remedy and modo of treatment, like' tho disease, ls peculiar. In consists of the inhalation of harmless li? quids from tho palm of tho hand. Tho immediate relict it affords ls alone worth ton times the cost of tho reme? dies. Norton's Now Pamphlet on Catarrh is ont Informa? tion never before published. Call at our nearest Agency, or send a stamp for it Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, Nc ll Ann-street, New York. Ors. RAOUL & LYNAH, CTTY-APOTHEC ARTES, November 1 thstuGmo Agent for Charleston. DRUGS INOjraHIK . JUST RECEIVED, A Large and carefully selected Stock OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND Fancy Articles, WHICH TS OFFEBED TO THE PUBLIC AT REDUCED PRICES. OUR MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS ABE IMPORT? ED directly from Manufactories, under tba super? vision of experienced Chemists, which enables us to re? commend them as pure and reliable In strength. We keep on hand ah articles to be found tu a first-class Drug Store. Fresh additions aro received by every steamer. tja- PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put Up. E. H. KELLERS & CO., - ? No. 131 MEETSTG STREET, North of. Market . E. H. KELLERS, M.D.......'.H. BAER, M. D. December 3 Ko. 153 MEETING STREET, (FOHMEBLY JOHN ASHHUHST AND CO.' ?4 GEORGE O. QPODBICHT, j PHILIP WINEMAN, \ SOUTH CAROLINA JOHN ASHHUB8T, ) '" A FEW WORDS 0FCOMM0N ; SENSE. . How few there axe wbo are net subject'to som? affection of the lungs or respiratory organs, who, by neglecting premonitory symptoms, aggravate -tho complaint, until disease strikes its shafts, causing inexpressible torture of the patient and anxiety and distress to friends. "Only a coldl" "A slight sore throat 1 " ts the heelless remark of many when so affected. Yes ; "Only c cold," was the thoughtless expression of thousnuds whom Death bas xaarkod for his prey. Forewarned-Forearmed 1 should be the motto forever ba tho minda of all subject to Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, or Influenza. Words af advice should be hood od by all suf? fering from Asthma. Bronchitic, Consumption: Belief lg within their reach; and, if neglected, fatal consequences ensue-a Ufe of misery-o dally, hourly struggle for ex? istence. A contest In which there can be but ono vlctor -Death! Docs lt not appal the strongest mind, to thin* ' .. (hp result caused by neglect? Then why delay? .'h at ex? cuse can be offered, when timely warning ls D unded In your ears? When the danger is pointed > it, whynot avoid lt? MABSDEH*S PECTORAL BALM its been used with success in nearly a million of cases, nd is endorsed by the Medical Faculty as the most r rompt and effica? cious remedy that scientific rosearan has discovered, to relieve and cure all cases of Co tfhs. Colds, Influenza, and Consumption, if tho case is not beyond all hope. Even when the sufferer Ia 1 x the lost stages, he will find relief by using this prop tra ti on. One bottle wlU con? vince the most incredulous, that the merits of this prepa? ration are by no means exaggerated; In fact, fall far short of the eulogies bestowed upon lt by thousands who have been cured by tte t i moly usc A guarantee accompanies each bottle and dealers are Instructed in every instance to refund the money when this preparation fiuls to re Prepared by T. W. MARSDEN, No. 187 Broadway, New York. Price. 50 cents small bottle; (1 large size KTNG t CASSHDEY, - Wholesale Agents, Charleston, GOODRICH. WTNEMAN & CO, Wholesale Agents, Charleston. And all Retail Druggists; 3mo December 4 D RU Q- S, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, -ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN SELECTED WITH GABE, AND WILL BE SOLD TO ITBST-OLASS BUY? ERS AT LOWEST PRICES. . . ? ?-?ctobor37. lAuenstll . Amos . SALOONS. BILLIARD WITH FIRST-CLASS mHE FBSSST LjQUOBB. ALBS AND SEGAB3, AL ?YSTS?tt8 OHtl"*i,s NEW YORK ARD MILL POH3 H. H. BAMNHOP & M, No? 133 MeetipK-Stre^t November 19 . '1 / . " CHARLESTON, S. ii TH SOUTHERN EMME ! THE FINEST OYSTERS OF THE SEASON 1 ' THE BEST LIQUORS IN TOWN ! THE GREAT POPULAR RESORT. THE PBOPBEETOB OF THE ' SOUTHERN EX? CHANGE, No. 135 MEETING-STREET, respectfully In? forms tba publio that tho . V: ii...''. OLD POPULAR PLACK Is stffl open. The FINEST OYSTERS TO BK HAD he offers by the barrel, bushel, gallon or quart; also, on the half sholl at tho counter, or Stewed, roasted. frie&orlh any other way desired., .. . . .,. , FRESH ALES, :'v * " "' ''' '"" " PINE BRANDIES, ' r " " GOOD WTOSK???,"""" ' ".FIRST-RATE WESTES, THOMAS FL?NN, Proprietor. Ptx?embeT IV . _ . SHIPPING. _ ~ FOR LIVEHP?UL.-THE Al my American snip "NEREUS," H. N. Nickle* Mo?- ! iJFS3$y ter, hana portion of lier car^o engaged, and -?????will faavo quick dispatch for tho abovo port. For further Freight engagements apply to WILLIS i CHISOLM, January 1_North Atlantic Wharf. K^rr^ FOR WVEHPOOii.-THE NEW fmi>imil strictly Al American Bark TOSCANO. ylfcyyffpCharlee N. Delano Master, of small capacity, 3tHSasC?haB a large portion of hor cargo engaged, and wiU have dispatch for tho abovo port. For balance of Freight engaRoinents apply to STREET BROTHERS ii CO., December 29 No. 7* East Bay. _ FOR LD'ERFOOli.-THE S I? LEN- i iTTiHr T>TD ralUne 8lllP "SCREAMER," S. Young JjSHtyg master, has a largo portion of ber cargo engag? es! r"ff^i ed and going aboard. For further Freight engagements, apply to W. B. SMITH ti CO.. Dsccmbor 21 Union Bank Building. _ -rv FOR NEW "YORK.-TO SAIL WITH ?QSKJ DISPATCH.-The now A 1 Schooner LO VET rJggggy PEACOCK, 3 3 Reagan, Master, will have quick BBSS iln dispatch for the above port. For Freight engogomencs apply to WILLIS & CHISOLM. December 29 North Atlantic Wharf. eJTL f POR BOSTON.-THIS FIRST. JSTggO CLASS and fast-Railing brig "HAZE," J. N. Hall Jj^^By Master, having throe-fourths of her cargo on ~==s=??gaged and going on board, wal sall with dis? patch. For further Freight ongagomenta apply to J. A. ENSLOW & CO., January 8_2_No. 125 East Bay. . FOR BOSTON.-THE FINE NEW ?jJJk. schooner RALPH CARLETON, Capt Harri ng / ysKfttnnr wants the bulk of 200 bales of cotton to fill ?"?5B np, and will sail this week. For engagements apply to OLNEY & CO. January 7 -L. FOR BOSTON-T O SAIL "WITH DISPATCH.-The now Al brig LIZZIE M. Zyjy^QMKRRTTiL, S. R. ULMES master, will have quick ?i HI ^ i ?dispatch for tho abovo port For Freight en? gagements apply to WILLIS & CHISOLM, December ll_North Atlantic Wharf. jX-v^ WANTED-A SLOOP OF ABOUT 15 cords capacity wanted to go up Cooper Elver for ^\^-wruvl. Apply atDAiLT NEWS office, or at 1 ' C. N. AVERILL & SON'S, November 3 No. 70 East Bsy. FOE COOPER RIVER, EASTERS : AND WESTERN BRANCH, BHD DIEBURG, COMINGTEE, AND WAT LANDINGS. THE STEAMER OB3ST_ HO OKER; . CAPTAIN D. BOYLE. IS NOW RECEIVING FREIGHT, AND WELL POSI? TIVELY leave Atlantic Wharf on Tuesday Morning. 8th January, at 8 o'clock precisely. Returning, will leave Comlngtee Wednesday Morning. For Freight or Passage, apply to CHAS. L. GUTLLEAUME, Cornor Eaat Bay and Atlantic Wharf. N. B-All Freight payable on the wharf. January 7 2 FOR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, BR U N S W I C K, ST. MARY'S, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL THE LANDINGS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER AS FAB AS PALA TEA. THE FINE STEAMER KATE, CAPTAIN T. J. LOCKWOOD, TT7TLL LEAVE NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF ON YT every Wednesday Morning, at 8 o'clock precisely. 4S**Freight received daily and stored free of charge. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or at the ot dee of JOHN MAHONEY, JIL, 48 East Bay, November 13 _ Abovo Craig, Toomey Ar Co's. CHARLESTON & GEORGETOWN STEAM PACKET LINE. SEMI-WEEKLY, TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND, "WAVERLV MILLS, AND LANDINGS ON THE WAC CAMAW AND BLACK RIVERS. STEAMER FANNIE_.'..Capt ISAAC DAVIS WILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Returning, wiU leavo Georgetown every THURSDAY and SUNDAY MORNING, ot 7 o'clock. Freight received daily, and stored free of charge. For Freight and Passage, apply to FERGUSON & HOLMES, Agents, January 3 Accommodation Wharf. CHARLESTON AND CAMDEN REGULAR UNE STEAMERS THE NEW SPLENDID LEON STEAMER SS- HB. HST CE, CAPT. CHAS. MoGABEY. AND STEAMER CAPT. W. T. GARBISSON. , rfTHE ABOVE SPLENDID STEAMERS WELL BU? . A regularly between- Charleston and Camden; thc ' "2. B. VANCE" from Charleston to Wright's Bluff, ant I the "VOLUNTEER" from Writ af a Bluff to Camden Freight for all landings on the San toe and Wate rc* Rivers will be received at all times, and stored tree o charge at No. ll Exchange street All freight shippoc I by this is covered by insurance. I For further information or freight engagements, apply ! to the undersigned. JAMES BROWNE, Exchange street, Charleston, BROCK ii BENBOW, Wright's Bluff. October SO_C BELL. Camden. Charleston and Savannah Steam Packet Line. VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. Steamer PILOT BOY..:. .'.Captain W. T.ifcNmri Steamer ELIZA HANCOX_Captain J. K. RICHARDSON T EAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON 1 i and Charleston Wharf, Savannah. Monday, Wodnes doy, Friday and Saturday mornings, at 7 o'clock. The" PILOT BOY leaves Charleston every Monday ant Friday, and Savannah everv Wednesday and Saturday. The -ELIZA HANCOX loaves : Charleston every Wodnes doy and Saturday, and Savannah every Monday and Fri day: .. , the Pilot Boy will touch at Bluff ton on her Mondai trip from Charleston, and her Wednesday trip from Sa yannan. " . J?1 Freight received dally and stored free, of charge. For Freight or Passage, apply to - - FERGUSON ts. HOLMES, Agents, ChsrteBton, S. C CLAGHOBN it JQUNTNGHAM, Agents . Savannah, Ga. I N.B.-The Steamers o? thia Jina connect at Charlc3toi I with South Carolina and Northeastern Railroads, and a Ssvannsh. with Central and Albany and Gulf Railroads ant f Florida steamers._' . January 2 s THE STEAMER , 1000 TONS BURTHEN, CAP TA III Tti. Ht. CO SET TER, \T7TLL LEA VE MTDDEE ATLANTIC WHARF EVEBS Vf ' FRIDAY NIGHT, at 10 o'clock, fox this port For Freight or .^Posasse, opplyoit boord, or to office o; 'fw-y<?usbg?? .;'" ' - :. 8 ?uth^Sah'na^^narf. ?OBA%?AE>ATRA> 'FLA., ' FEBNANDT^ JACKS0HVELE, AND ALL THI LANDSNGS ON TBE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. . : . '--/ . -?TU-1-?i-i'J SAVANNAH, OA*_. - THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP , I -? i 'IMO TONS BURDEN, . CAPTAIN LOUPfM. 00XETTJBJL f\7l AND AFTER THE 26TE OCTOBER, 'VHIS PINE VJ' 8HLP Win ssfl from Middle Atlantic Wharf, orrery Friday Ifioht, st 10 o'clock, for tie above places. : AB freight must bo paid hereby shippers. Gangs of ""ogroes w-B be tiken to the ?boro points on tba Et John's River at SS each. Children uxtoer ten years of age free.., .Bones and Mulos at reduced rotes, ' plnSsuuuS*'7p*?<>"!r4ror"?lng "theiDlCTATOE'* wttl .?rJW??8 .wi*! JOB, baw?, or to the Aassaiy. SnifhAt^tr^^^. L DoymbCTia ; INDIA RUBBER GOODS. Monufaotnrer of sad Dialer In ?my dot?rIp4L?n ol WHOLESALE & RETAIL, : M. 27 ms&m um, N? W YORK . Octet/'ta SUMS LEVY & ALEXANDER'S Wholesale and Retail Clothing Establishment, No. 275 KING STREET, A. F. BROWNING'S OLD STAND, HATING NOW OUR FUL1, STOCK OF WINTER GOODS ON HAND. AND HAVING JUST REDUCED OUR prico i, we '..ould call tho attention of thc citizens of Charleston and merchants in tho country to thc same, which wc Aro prepared to dinpose of at the cheapest and most reasonable rates In town. We have constantly on hands large assortment of fino BLACK CLOTH FROCK COATS. FINE BLACK DOESKIN PANTS, OVERCOATS (Ot all descriptions), FANCY CASSIMEHE SUITS, ?tc, ?tc, and a largo and well selected supply of PLANTATION GOODS, in the shape of cheap SATINET SUI TS, cheap COATS, VESTS and PANTS. Wo would also call tno attention of tho public to our large supply of BOYS' ATSTD YOUTHS' CLOTHING, >r fall and winter wear, which have boen solectud with caro and attention, and which wc would most respectfully . lost them to inspot before going elsowhei e. Together with a large and well assorted stock of MEN'S and BOYS" HATS and CAPS, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. LEVY & ALEXANDER. P. S. Being desirous of closing out our stock of BOOTS and SHOES, we offer them to the public at rates that cann o be surpassed in town. P. S. Slr. F. C. MILLER would be happy to see his friends again at thc above place. Dccomber IS tuths 2mos C??ICE FAMILY GROCERIES. YATES & BRO., No. 449 KING-STREET, FOUR DOORS NORTH OIF CA-XiHOXJN, jgEEP CONSTANTLY IN 81 ORE A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY OROOKRQBS, ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, AO., WHICH THEY ARE SELLING AT REASONABLE PRICES. GOODS PURCHASED FROM US WILL BB DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, RAILROAD DEPOTS, &c WITHOUT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO TBE TRADE, AT THE SIGN OF THE "BICr PITCHER." November 3 th?n iran? ESTABLISHED 1825. THOMAS J. FLACK & SONS, IMPORTERS & DEALERS BRANDIES; Kl, MIS, CORDIALS, ALB, It, No. 52 SOUTH STREET, A LARGE STOCK OF THE FINEST CRADKS OF OLD MONONGAHELA, RTE AND BOURBON WHISKEY CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND AT LOWEST PRICES. SHIPPING. FOR NEW YORK. THE STEAMSHIP SARAGOSSA, CAPTAIN CROWELL, TT7TLL LEAVE ALGER'S WHARF ON SATURDAY. VT January 12th, at - o'clock precisely. * January 7_ BAVENEL & CO., Agenta. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION j COMPANY. STEAMERS WEEKLY TO AND FROM NEW TORS AND LIVERPOOL. rTTHE SPLENDID FIRST-CLASS IRON STEAMSHIPS J- of this line leave New York trory Saturday, from ! Pier No. *7 North River. 1 ? _ Tons. Commander. ENGLAND.3,450..GRACE. THE QUEEN........3,517.GROGAN. SCOTLAND...3,608.HALL HELVETIA..3,315.OGILVIE. PENNSYLVANIA.2,872.LEWIS. DENMARK.3.117.THOMPSON. VIRGINIA.2,875.BROWSE. ERIN.3,310.CUTTING. LOUISIANA.2JfiO.THOMSON. FRANCK.... ;. .3,200.(building). An experienced Surgeon on each ship, tree of charge. Steerage Passage Tickets to bring persona from Liver? pool or Queenstown for $35, currency, can be obtained at our office. Through passage to Paris, London, Antwerp, Ham? burg, Bremen, ire, at low rates. BATES or PASSAGE, PATABLE TN CUBHENCY: _ _, ' '.' ' Oabin. ' Steerage. I To Liverpool or Queenstown.$100 tSOT For freight or passage, apply to STREET BROTHERS & CO.. September 1 tnt.m.n ... >.B?v. PASSAGE REDUCED ! CHEAP PASSAGE TO OR PROM ? E TT qa o. i> B , BY SAILING SHIPS, SAILING EVERT WEEK. ALSO by tho SPLENDID MAIL STEAMERS, Sailing every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY to ?nd fros) Now York. Groat Seduction In Fare to CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA i: DRAFTS FOB ANY AMOUNT on Great Britain ana Ireland attic very lowestrat^s. .. : Passengers, on arrival, in New York, wDI haTOthetr baggage removed Free, sad every care bestowed on them. Far Passage, Ac. apply to ; IL M. QUINN, . No. 527 King street, Charleston, h. 'j. februarvM Ivr Deoembex 15 T. D. MEKKA?GH ATTOIt^TEY AT J^AW No; 30 BROAJD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O. RAILROADS. SORTHEASTERS KAU,HO '.O. 8tti> SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND ONLY DIRECT ROUTE to NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE WASHINGTON RICHMOND PETERSBURG WELDON and WILMINGTON. Time through by Expresa Train to New Yara: 44 hours. Fare.;....$26 00. Tickets good by either of the three following Routes : RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON BAY LINE AND BALTIMORE NORFOLK AND DELAWARE. Baggage chocked through to any point. Tickets good until used. S. S. SOLOMONS, Dace x ber 29 Supt. "_L' "JE3? Jdl IS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN THE "WORLD. IT 13 THE FASTEST OPERATED ; THE LEAST COM? PLICATED, and the least liable to get out of order It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES: Look, Knot Double Lock and Double Knot; each stitch perfect and alike- on both sides of the fabric The work will feed either to the right or left without stopping tho machine. ?t wffl Braid, Tuck. Quilt. Cord, Hem, FeH, Bind. Gather and Stitch on a Ruffle at the same time, and do all kinds of Stitching required by Families and Maaafac turers. It runs easily, and ls almost noiseless. It is the most rapid sewer in the world, mating Ave stitch ea to each revolution. It uses the sams size fh~<mn on both sides of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its machinery being on top ot ihst table. ' ... Iis tension is self-adjusting, and hennit not liable to break the thread. TH E MACHINES nay be Men in operation at HAYDEN'S JEWELRY STORE, corner of King and Hus! streets, where the truth of tba above wfll be* demonstrated to au who may cali AGENTS WANTED I In every District in the Stete, to whom liberal indue* I men ts wm bo offered. For further information, call on, er address C. W. DENNIS tc CO., . General Agents tor South Carolina. December 20 _ imo WHITE & PAINE, FACTORS, SM ming & Commission Mercha&ts " NO 4 SOUTH ?TXANTIC WHARF, CIIAHLLJS? ?m, S, C, I J. J. WHITE.........i...-.dROsVLi'S. ?k.Nj? ilctr?raaer_ ? THE ?HM El? RES S COIPtfT. Office Ko. 147 Meeting-atreet. ooisri>TBorri?iTS tlMLROAI?S THBO?eflO?T, UMTED~STATES. ;K - "J. Every attention given te the safe Transn?ssion of Freight; Honey, and Valuables, WILL CALL rOtf AND DELIVKB [ FREIGHT TG ANY POINT IN ; ' THz our FREE GI? CHARGE, H. B. FLAW*, M* MT QUINN, Wholesale & Retail Deelen III BO0SS, >?BI01>!??L8, !??%8PAI>?R3, STATIONERY, BTO, Tb* latest tssw* of tfca;*i?ijTn?T?c* bxa?. 8DJ?ortpMJos leoetoft cod Goods dsfcTenOtt 1? Ml brassil rw tom, AUOeaOoDmMlMsss^iitaasltfi, 8a