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THE temi DAM NEWS, O: lt. CATHCART, EDITOK, CATHCART, MoMILLAN & MORTON, PROPBIETOl 3. No. 18 KAYNE STREET. CITY PRINTERS. TE?MSJCASH. S?BSCI?FEION DALLY- TWELVE MONTHS. DACY-lUX MONTHS. DAILY-1 HTtF.E MONTHS. BINGLE CV >PLES.?. TO NEWS DSALSiSS.-.... ?EWS SUMMARY. A oh.Ud. lost throo days after tho evacuation of Richmond, has just been restored to its mother. lhere is great distress in Havana, and several houses have boon opened for gratuitous distribu? tion of soup. Jxmmi BUBXB, aged only thirteon years, has been lecturing on temperance in Washington County, New York, with remarkablo success. A manufactory of printing types from vulcanized rubber has been started at Dalston, England. The type is lighter than the metal kind, coats only one third as much, and is said to equal it in quality and durability. At the banquet given to the congressional party in Nashville, Tenn., General FBAKK CHEATHAM, late of the Confederate army, when .called on. aa President of the mooting, fora Bpeech, refused, but offered as a toast, "Here's to the Union." It is generally conceded that tho test case as to whether Alabama is a State in the Union will be decided by tho Supreme Court in the affirmative, and this decision will upset entirely, and perhaps in advance, the project for turning that and the other States into territories. A suit of importance to distillers has boen heard: at Buffalo, New York, a distaler being charged with selling mash which contained sufficient alcohol to make it Imbin to tKo tax on whiskey as vinegar mash. Decision deferred for one month. The New York Jlcraid states that for the-Ural three months of Rrsroai's engagement in America, ending with the 20th of December^ OBAU paid her, as her share of the receipts, free from expenses, about one hundred thousand dollars. A comfortable Christmas plum. Two celebrated race horses. Ban Bice and Lamp lighler, have been ?eized by the Collector of De? troit. Thoy were owned and kept in Canada, but frequently taken to Detroit, ostensibly for pleas? ure drives, and recently sold without tho payment of duties. The girl-whipping schoolmaster of Cambridge, says the Baltimore Transcript of the 5th, has re? ceived $350 from his friends as a testimonial. Such ia Massachusetts 1 She sheds tears and makes lamentations over the fancied wrongs of imaginary negro in Alabama, and rewards her own woman whippers with purses of $350 each. The Atlanta Intelligencer, of the 4th, says: For many days past the shipments of mules through this city has been large. They come from the blue? grass fields of Kentucky, and are about as fine aa we have ever seen. They are intended, we learn, for the vast cotton regions of Southwestern Geor? gia, though large numbers of them are retained for this locality. They are shipped in and out by railway. A countryman appeared in Richmond re? cently, with a. sleigh that completely eclipsed all that the city bloods have been yet able to turn out. It consisted of a hogshead, with the side scooped out, placed upon heavy wooden rockers. The head and body of the driver, who looked as snug as a Laplander in furs, only pro? truded for enough above the opening in the hogs? head to allow him to guide his old horse, "Blaze," and avoid running into frailer crafts. We perceive by our foreign files that an actor representing himself as Mr. JOSEPH BOOTH, the youngest eon of the late JUNTOS Baures BOOTH, is playing at Edinburgh, and drawing large crowds by his impudent assumption. Mr. JOSEPH BOOTH is not on the stage, and io at present in New York, noria any member of the -family in Europe. We trust that this imposter, who is represented to be a Mr. HENEY MABBT.T?, of Leavenworth, w?l find his Just deserts. The Milwaukee News has an elaborate article on the wheat trade of that city, which, it'soems, has been considerably larger during the last year than it was in 1865, although the wheat crop of Wiscon? sin was partially a failure last season. The wheat receipts of Milwauki? for 1866 amounted to 12,664, 448 bushels, while those of Chicago, during the same-time, were but 11,950,991 bushels, a difference in favor of Milwaukee of 713,457 bushels. Milwau? kee may, therefore, still continue to make her boost that ehe is the largest primary wheat deuot It is said that at the Christmas dinner at the l?ve Points House of Industry, New York, eight persons, four gentlemen and four ladies, met to? gether. One of them was a bank clerk, one a law? yer, one in an extensive importing house. Two of the young ladies were genteelly married. AH were intelligent and in good positions. Yet all four were picked up in the e tree te as vagrant children, and were, rescued by this ir>:?titution of mercy. The principal of a leading academy near New York has a beautiful wifo, who was rescued when a attie child from one of the most degraded houses at Five Points. The Wilmington Journal, of the 5th, says : We noticed yesterday that the steamship Fairbanks, from New York, was being ladened at the wharf of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. This is indicative of the fact that that company is doing quite a large business in the forwarding line, and have, we learn, generally quite a large quantity of freight for shipment. This company have become forwarders as well as transporters of freight, and do considerable business for the people residing, along, the line of the road, much to the annoyance of our merchants, who consider it that much busi? ness taken from their hands by a corporation. The Wades boro' Argus, of the 3d, says : -We regret to learn that, the relief asked for from the State for ., the Cheraw and Coalfields Rail? road ' was. defeated tn the Senate-killed by its own friends. . Ia connection with the ear? ly completion of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Butherfordton, and the Cheraw and Coalfields Rood, we had hoped for much benefit to this sec? tion. We do not despair yet, however, that the State will dp something to help this company out of the mire. - Major TOWNSEND, President of the eompany, is anion of too much ''pluolf?'vto let the matter rest wh?re it is." ; 'r ' The- Hartford Courant gives a list of fifteen of the soundest and most wealthy insurance oom-, ponies in the country, tor the propose ci showing ; how unprofitable the insurance business has been of late, iii; this list, representing $13,000,000 of capital, only three have their capital unimpaired by losses, and. they have only a surplus of about $79,000, on ft' capital of about $1,000,000. As Sn offeet to this, it must be remembered that the in? surance companies have, until recently, been mak? ing large gains, and thai "their present capitals frequently represent earnings declared on stock, dividende. '"' In sneaking of the Hon. GARBETT DAVIS, Senator from Kentucky, who- earnestly appealed to the Ad? ministration ?nd to Congress all through the war, to hold fast to the Constitution, the Journal of Commerce says : "The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, recently published, on the subject of military corcrnissioners and their ju? risdiction, is a remarkable endorsement of the course ptrraaedfcj Mr- PAVEI ia thsSenate, and should conrince the Northern people that it is pos? sible, in timer of excitement, to condemn as unpa? triotic what is in reality the highest dary and most worthy course of a publio man." Avary suc?ssaful Teachers'Institutewaa held, at EndUy, Ohio, during tho last week of Decem? ber, conducted hy Professor T. W. HAUTS? of Painesvffle, assisted by E. Mrojsn, of Findlay Mr. HZSTXXKO&X, ofFostoria, and others. Over'one hundred teachers were present, and tho proceed? ings were, highly satisfactory to all eoncerned. Professor1 HAHVEY delivered two lectures during the week; one on. '.'Storms," and the other on "Physical Influences," both being characterized by the marled ability which the lecturer possesses. On Thursday evening, December 27( t}l0 officers elect of the Maaonio Lodge of Hcdlay were In St???ed, 'Professor HABVEY contracting the cere? mony, after which a supper was had at the Court House, and spaeobss were made by Mr. HABVKT and Rev. X' WHEES, and o th era. - The receipts of internal revenue for the 2d and 8d instant*: sro $3,800,000. The receipts fer the month of December, 1866, are $20,050,824.13, against $31,432,160.48 for the same month in 1865. For the first six mimtha of the fiscal year, beginning with July 1 and ending December SI, 1886, the receipts teach the oggregota of $166,409,039.86, against $175,430,923.16 for tho[Corresponding six mon the in 1865.. TbisT* a' sh03?W *ur beyond expectation. I? waa ?sttopAfod that auder the amended law, Which wost iota operation August 1,1866, the re? ceipts would be decreased 550,090,000 for the year, oui the first half-year shows ft decrease of only . .910.00 .. 0.00 . a.oo .Scents .3 cents LARG?ST CIRCULATION.- The DAILI NEWS publishes the Official List of Let? ters remaining in thc Postoffice at thc end of each week, agreeably to thc following section of the New Posto?cc Lauras thc neicspajjcr having the largest circulation in t/te Oily of Charleston : Sacra? 5." Aita twit further enacted. That Usia of lot ton remaining uncalled for in any Poetofflco in any city, town or village, whore a.nowfpaper aimil bo printed, shsffl horaaftor bo published once only in tho newspaper which being published weekly or oftener, sha", have tho largost circulation within range of doUvery of the said office._ OW AU communications intended for ptibtecUionm tliis journal must be addressed to Ute Editor of Hie Daily News, No. IS Ilayne-street, ?lwrieston,b. C. Business Communications to Publisher of Hauy Vteccmiwl undertake lo return rejected communica \ AdveVtis^nents outside of the city must be accompa? nied with the casli._ CHARLESTON. TTJESDA? MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1867. TEE VETO MESSAGE We take pleasure in laying before our read? ers this morning, the message of the President, read yesterday in tho United States Senate, giving his reasons for vetoing the District of Columbia Negro Suffrage Bill. Mr. JOHNSON has now had some experience in the writing of veto messages, and wo naturally expected, in an effort of this kind, a powerful and conclu? sive argument. On reading it over, we found that we had not expected too much. We con? sider this one of the most important. State papers over issued from any department of our Government. Its principal value lies in the lucid definition hero given to tho rights and ^prerogatives of thc several co-ordinate branches ! of Government. The message showshow great the power of Congress is, even when confined rithin its rightful limits. He makes a strong and timely pica for the Judiciary, apropoi the gathering storm in store for the Supreme Court within tho next few weeks. The President, in his argument, takes the Constitution and its binding force as the su- j " preme law of thc land as a postulate. He shows that when the vote was taken in Decem? ber, 18C5, to ascertain the voioe of the people of the Diatrict, 6656 votes were cast in Wash? ington against Negro Suffrage, and only 35 in favor. In Georgetown the vote was 813 against, and only one for the measure. Mr. j JOHNSON cannot see why the people residing in , the District of Columbia should not enjoy the ! same right and privilege as the inhabitants of j a State or Territory, of making known their will upon matters affecting their social and political condition. They did this through the ballot j box, and Congress has disregarded their wishes, and passed this Bill against their will. The spirit of our Constitution requires that the .* of thc people should be consulted hy their legis i lators. Congress holds tho same relation to 1 the District of Columbia as the Legislatures of the several States to the citizens thereof. ' The President then shows the inconsistency of representatives from States which deny suffrage to the colored citizens,-in forcing this measure upon ' the District of Columbia, and they compel them to try an experiment which their own constituents have thus far refused to do. . The President next draws a comparison be j tween the respective populations of Massachu? setts and Columbia. According to the census of 1860, Massachusetts, amongst its 1,231,666 j inhabitants, numbered only 9602 persons of color, and among 339,086 persons Over twenty one years .of age, only 2602 colored ; whereas j the District of Columbia contained 60,954 whites and 14,316 persons of the colored race. But since then the colored population has been very much increased by immigration, rendering the disproportion much greater ; and should the Suffrage Bill become a law, large accessions may be expected from the negroes of the sur? rounding States. He next adverts to the entire disqualification of this class of inhabitants for an intelligent discharge of the elective franchise. He says : 1 The people who are daily witnesses of their mode of living, and whojiave ?5?$o.mgjfp,fQ,^8'g?J tho conviction that they are not yet competent to serve as electors, and. thus become eligible for' office. Yet this Bill extends to them the right of suffrage without discrimination, while in Massachusetts, where they have enjoyed a thorough educational system, a qualification of intelligence is required." Hie President still holds the views he ex? pressed a year ago, on several occasions, that j in the event., of universal suffrage being thrust | 1 upon the people, against their expressed wishes, j a war of races may inevitably be looked for. The President then proceeds to define the respective functions and powers of the several Departments of - Government, according to the j letter and spirit of the Constitution. The power of the Executive, he says, is negative and' conservative, to serve as a -check upon un? constitutional, hasty and improvident legisla? tion. The Constitutional powers of the Legis I lative Department are more extensive, and i cannot he limited with precision, so that it may, I under certain circumstances, encroach upon its co-ordinate departments. Besides ithas access to the pockets of the people, in laying taxes and making appropriations, and even excr-") cises a prevailing influence over the pecuniary , rewards of those who compose th? other two j departments. He shows from the writings of | KENT, STOUT,' MADISON and JEFFERSON, that ) the dangers of thc usurpation by the Legislative, of the powers of the Executive and Judiciary , Departments, was : apprehended even: in tha . j early period of tie Republic, and it was for this reason our . fathers separated with such care these" respective'branches, and provided I .that ho one should exercise the powers of more j than one at the sams time. He next'shows how limited the- powers of the I Judiciary. They have-no patronage;., They I cannot punish without law; they can do nothing for themselves, etc., etc., and if they administer th? laws corruptly, they are subjected to the powerof impeachment, whereas, with few con 8titutional. prohibitions, th? powers of the. Leg- | islative are unlimited. ' . ' . . We cannot, of course, in the brief space of | this column give more than the merest outline of this splendid argument, and hope that all our j readers will a careful perusal. True, the reasoning is addressed to deaf ears',1 and the strongest logic is lost upon men who consult I only the promptings of their passions ; still the President is right in putting-his protest on record, and we hope that, the sober, second thought will'yet gain the ascendancy over blind prejudice ?nd party animosity. . YANKEES IN THE BOLT LAND. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writ? ing from Beirat, Syria, November 23, states that a colony of one hundred and nfty-seven Americans men, women and children-from Maine, had lately, arrived ai Jaffa, at the foot of Mount Carmel. A Mr. ADAH?-President ADAMS he styles himself-is .the prime moyer of this Yankee emigration. He organized the colony from members of a religions sect called the "Church of the Messiah," who hold, among other points of faith, that they areA.the tribe of ESHBAXBT, and that as .the curse' n? now taken off from Palestine, the act time has come for the Lost Ten Tribes ta return to their land. In a recent sermon he stated that the present colony of one hundred and fifty-seven are only the vanguard of a mighty host who are soon coming np to pos? sess the land. It is not dear what he means by the "curse" being removed. The colonists, nine of whom died on the way, are said to be much disheartened, and already wiah'thoy had remain? ed at home. They allowed '?President" ADAMS to delude them into the belief that he was taking them to a land flowing with mOk and haney. Did. riot the Bible say so ? Whereas they find numerous avidenees of the carse stol in the land. The jolony was well received by tho Pasha at.Jaffa, ind certainly'most have astonished the nativos lotalitUe, WANTS. WAKTED. AT MACKEY & BAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, comer Klux and Market streets, a low good and expert CAIJINKT-M AK? ERS. None others need apply. 3 January 8 WANTEO IMMEDIATELY,. A WOMAN to Wash. Iron and mako herself ffce?crally osofDl in a small Huntly. Recommendations required. Apply ut No. 8 CHURCH STREET. x_January tl ^I/ANTED, A WHITE OR COLORED WO VV MAN as Nurse and Chambermaid. Apply st No. 10 GEORGE STREET, south side, between Meeting and Hing streets._'_< January 8 WANTED, A NURSE, WHITE OR COL? ORED, to mind an infant four months old. Apply at thia oDlce. 1*_January 8 WANTED--A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL, who can make horsolf gonerally useful. Ap? ply at No. 15 Coming street. ? G.vV. AN CREK. January 8_ .1 ARM HANDS WANTED, WHITE OR COLORED. Apply betwoon 8 and 9 o'clock A. M.. to H. W. KINSMAN, No. 275 King street, January 7_2_Up stairs. PLANTE ii ON NORTH SAKTEE HAVING 440 acres of prime Rice Land, is desirous Of ob? taining TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to cultivate the same. A liboral proportion of tho crop will be given to any capitalist advancing tho money. The land is divided into bro tracts, of 220 a-rcs each; he is therefore willing to contract with one or two persons for tho requisite means. Apply to CART, KOPJTF i: JEEVE?, January 5_4_Accommodation Wharf. WANTED.-AN EXPERIENCED COTTON PLANTER, to whom a liboral salary will be paid. Reference given and required. Apply to Mr. TRES COTT. Milla HOUBQ._January 5 WANTED, A COMPETENT MIDDLE AGED NURSE (colored) for a baby three months old. Good recommendations as to honesty and capacity required. Apply at this January 3 AGENTS WASTED FOR THE LIFE, LETTERS, SPEECHES, kc, of Hon. ALEXAN? DER H. STEPHENS, by Honry Clovolond, Esq., late editor of tho Augusta. (Ga.) Constitutionalist. Send for Circulars and see our terms and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Corner 7th and Main stroats, Riehmond, Vs, . December 27 Imo* TO RENT. TO RENT, STORE NO. 70 EAST BAY. Immediate possession given. Apply to WEST & JONES, January 8 _No. 75 East Bay. - BOOM TO RENT.-ONE LARGE FRONT. BOOM, furnished or unfurnished. Apply at No. S STATE STREET. 5 Januarys TO RENT, THREE ROOMS, WITH KITCH? EN and Stable, suitable for s small family. Tarma fx? per .uonth. Also, two ^furnished Kooma, for gentle xr??n. Apply At No. '25 HACC-IAI^G OX * EET. January 8 1? TO KENT, A I SIRABLE STORE ON King street-Shelving, Counters, &c completo. In? quire at No. 449 KING STREET. January 8 TO KENT, FOUR ELEGANT, LARGE ROOMS, with all necessary outbuildings and Cistern. Apply st No. 18?.KXNG STREET, in the store. January 8_a* TO RENT, A VERY CONVENIENT RESI? DENCE, with large Lot, Stables, Carriage and Wood Houses, and a gcod. roomy Kitchen. House contains elx good Rooms, one Dressing Room, Pantry, kc, kc, with : gas fixtures and fine Cistern of good well. In Upper Wards, within two minutes' walk of City Railroad. Lot high and dry, and situation healthy. Possession given 1st of January next. Apply at THIS OFFICE, December 14_Q? rpo RENT, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING, I with oil necessary appurtenances, at No. 54 Beanfain street Inquire at No. 275 King street. January G _stn th is A ISLAND PLACATION TO RENT FOR ONE, TWO OB THREE YEARS.-All that valuable SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, known as Pal? metto Hall, on Chisolm's Island, at tho head waters of St Helena Sound, containing 1000 acres of cleared land, having necessary buildings, kc Torms easy. Apply to WILLIS it CHISOLM, January 1 tus North Atlantic Wharf. EARE CHANCE FOR GARDENERS AND HORTICULTURISTS.-An ORCHARD to be rented .within a halfmile of Statoburg, S. C., and 2}i miles of the < Iaremont Depot, on the Camden branch of the South Carolina Railroad. Situated on the high hills of Santec, In one of the healthiest (having long been the Summer residence of planters), as well as best and surest fruit producing regions of the Southern country, this offer should bo very attractive. The Orchard, covering a space of 30 acres, contains about 5000 Peach trees, 500 Pears, and 700 Apples. Ibero 1B a good Dwelling Honso, containing four rooms, with all necessary outbuildings for the accommodation of a family, and houses for the accommo? dation of laborers. There ls a Church, ond a Postoffice will soon be established within half a mile of tho place. The trees aro selected with a special view to tho Northern market and are in fall bearing, being from 0 to 8 years old. The most liberal terms will be given to any ono bringing and capital. There is a Grapery, contain? ing 30 vines, of foreign varieties, under glass, In foll bearing, until the last year, when it was neglected. There ls o Propagating House and Nursery Beds for fruit and ornamental frees, and about 150 acres of good land i tor the cultivation of com and cotton, belonging to the tract, which can be obtained. Thc Orchard and acces? sories will be rented or worked upon shares. Apply to JAMES H. PRINGLE, ' Factor and Commission Merchant, Adger'8 North Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Deoember 13_theta COTTON AND CORN PLANTATION TO BENT, in Sumter District 8 miles west of Sumter village. Thc Wilmington and Manchester Railroad rons through the tract and a station on the tract and within 2 miles of -thc settlement. Location perfectly healthy. Water perfectly pure and sweet Good accommodations for 160 to 200 negroes. About 1000 to 1200 acres of arable w-nri, cleared and under fence-fences in tolerably fair condition. Good dwelling house, containing 6 rooms, and all necessary outbuildings, as stables, basns, ki tchou, storerooms, kc There are some laborers now on tho place who might be induced to remain, os they are at? tached to the place. Will be sold, if desired, or rented for a'term of years. Partios can examine tho place by opplying to JOHN B. MOOEE, at Statoburgh, S. C. Tract contains 3300 acres. Sixty hands have t een successfully worked on the place. Good cotton and corn land for the middle country. Tho proprietor of this place invites propositions from parties desiring to invest in cotton planting os to cultivating thia plantation on shares. rro'RKST, SEVEN ELEGANT LARGE I BOOMS, with all necessary outbuildings, and cis? tern. This place can be divided for two families. Bent very moderate. Apply at Nc. ll KING STREET. january 7 '_ 4* TO KENT, THE THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, N6. 27 Vandorhorst street having gas throughout, cistern, well, carriage house, stables, ic. Apply to SCHEVEN k NISBET,. January 5_Accommodation Wharf. TO RENT, PART OF A RESIDENCE IN Meeting street with four or five rooms. Apply at I WM H. DAWSON. No. 36 Broad street January 5 mo RENT, A FARM SITUATED ON COOP X EB River, eight miles from tho city, containing 404 acres, between 60 and 70 of which have been planted the past summer. On it is a comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen, Barn, Stable, and negro Houses. Apply at this Omeo. December 8 stuthm rpO RENT. TWO NICE SQUARE ROOMS, JL and s KITCHEN. Apply at No. 29 HASEL STREET, near East Bay. -_Januarys TO RENT, ROOMS OR DAJL.F OF HOUSE No. 1 Society street near East Say. Apply at house. December 6 TO RENT.-ONE ROOM IN A GENTEEL private family. Also KITCHEN and Servants' rooms. _FOR SALE. ALARGE LOT ON TUE EAST SIDE OF Meeting, just above Mary street running through to Nassau street with small Tenement on lauer street st private sale, by . SMITH & MoGlLLIVBAT, Real Estate Agents, No. 27 Broad street January 3_ thatuS FIR SALE, A -FINE BUGGY AND SAD? DLE HORSE, perfectly g mue. Apply at this Office. January 7_?_ - - 2 T710R SALE.-TWO COWS, WITH YOUNG Jj CALVES, or to trade for fat ones. Apply at No. 38 KING STREET. *' 2?_January 7 . GOW FOR SALE.-A MILCH COW FOR sale. Applv ot No. 41 PITT STREET, opposite Duncan. 1 1'.', January 7 TfrDR SALE, FORTY HEAD FINE THREE J? - and four year old MULES. Apply at MILLS HOUSE STABLES. _6 January 7 BESTRAHLE GROCERY STAND FOR. SALE.-A DESIRABLE GROCERY STORE, situ? ated in Market street between King and Meeting, with Fixtures, Stock and Good Will of the concern. For fur iher particulexa apply at this office. - December 29 TTHm SALE.-A SUPERIOR TOP BUGGY Jj and a set of BUGGY HARNESS.' can be bought reasonably by. applying to WM. T. ELFE, December 19_- No. 90 Anson-street "TOOR SALE, A SCHOLARSHIP IN APHILA i DELPKIA University of Medicine and Sitrgsry. This Scholarship entitles students to full instruction un? til graduation in the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, embrac? ing Anatomy, Snrgery. Physiology, Materia Medica, Onemlstry, Obstetrics, snd Diseases of Women and Chil? dren, Principles and Practice cf Medicine and Patholo? gy. As this is one of the first. Medical Universities of too country, a favorable opportunity is offered those studying; medicine for o scholarship. Apply st this Office. _.. '- December li-. AT PRIVATE SALE-A FINE FARM, INT GOOSE CREEK PARISH, contamine 63'acres af Una, 34?# wMch axe cleared and under fence; tho bal? ance weH wooded. This place Ia situated 16 miles from Charleston, on the State Hoad, and within a quarter of a mils of the Northeastern Bsflrosd. There is a One or? chard on the place. For Information apply to Dr. H. BAEB, December ll ?Ho. 131 Meeting street . BOARDING. AOBSJLEMAB AND WIFE WILL FIND BOARD in a private family, or two or three BOOMS : without Board. For particulars apply at Due. RAOUL k LYN AH'8, Corner bf Market snd Eine streets. January 8_? 3? BO ARD - WANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN, st a 'reasonable price, in some quiet family. Ad? dress A. E., News Office, stating terms and locality. : January 8 . ,1* BOARDING.-MRS. H. KLAMLAH 19 PRK . PARED to receive Boarders, at No. 14? Meeting Jtreotup stairs. Her many frienda and acunalntanotM win please bear this In mind. December 15 REMOVALS. - ___ A. THOURON ' _ C PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. ~ T^BJF. PEYRE PORCHER HAS REMOVED HIS JJF residence and office to MEETING STBEETTnextto ?F?S"S"6'^ fl00*', ??ce honT from ito%^friS ? to 7P.M. Ho con also be found daily at tho Cltv HoT ?OL Hasyck street, from 9 to 10 A. M/ . V Januarys . - ZLl FOUND, ~~ W MONEY, WHICH THE te 5 haa^by^o?te? ?ro?S? ?^ S. MEETINGS. CITY OFPICKHS. . OFFICE CLEKK OF COUNCIL. 1 January 7. 1HC7. J ALL CITY OFFICEES WHO ARE REQUIRED TO giro bonds, aro hornby notified to call at this Offlae and execute the ?ame by tho noxt meeting ol Council, which will bo hold on 15th in?L Those fulling to do so, their offices will bo declared vacant. By order. ye, H. SMITH. January 8_g _Clora: of Council. SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION OF CHMtLES _" TON DISTRICT. rTTHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE JL Association will bo hold This Evening, at the Charleston Hotel Club Boom, at 7 o'clock. A punctual attendance of all tho members is partlcu laxly desired. By order of the President January fc\ , 1 C E. CHICHESTER, Secretary. JEFFERSON LODGE, NO. 4, I. O. O. F. riTHE HEOULAR MEETING! OF THIS LODGE WILL JL oe hold This Evening, at8evcu o'clock. A punctual attendance ls desired, as the Arrear List will bo road, and the rule onforced against delinquents. By order N. G. W. A. KENYON, January 8_1 _Bec. Sec'y. CHARLESTON FIRE ENOINE COMPAWY. T._ ATTENTION I HE FORTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF yonr Company will br hold This I Tuesday) Rvening. the 8th matant, at your Hall, Wentworth street, at 7? o clock precisely. Punctual attendance of each end every member ls earnestly desired. GEO. MoLEAN, January 8 1_Secretary pro tem. C. F. E. Co. CHARLESTON FIRE COMPANY OF AXE. MEN. YOU ARB HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT tho Engine House, Market street, in full uniform (black panta)..for Anniversary Parade, ats Throe o'clock precisely. Also the regular monthly meeting, at Market Hall, at Six o clock. The members are requested to be punctual, as business of importance will bo submitted. By order. E. JNO. WHITE, January 8_1_ Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA FRIENDLY SOCIETY. AREGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THIS SO CTET? WILL be held This Evening, the 8th Inst., at No. 810 Meeting street, at 7 o'clock precisely. Thc Officers and Members aro requested to be punctual In attendance. By order of the President. H. W. TLENCKEN, Permanent Secretary and Treasurer. January 8 ""1* ST. PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY^ TTXSB. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THIS J_ Society will be held This Evening, at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall. JOHN MCMAHON. Januarys_1_Secretary. ACAROLINA CHAPTER NO. 1, R. A. M. ^SJT^B MONTHLY CONVOCATION OF CABO f^ACHAPTEB NO. 1. R. A. M., will be hold at Masonic Hall, This Evening, 8th inst, at 7 o'ol~-V. . By order M. E. H. P. L. B. LOVEGREEN, January 8_ 1 Secretary C. c. No. 1. CHARLESTON LIBRARY SOCIETY. AREGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING OF THIS Society will be held at the Library Rooms, corner Broad and Church Btrccis, This Day, 8th instant, at One o clock. WM. G. MAZYCK, January 8_1 Librarian. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE 8TOCKHOLD ", . ERS win be held in tho building of the Allendale High School, on the Second Saturday in January next, at ll o clock. A. M. J. C. DAV ANT, November 22 40 Secretary. EDUCATIONAL. MOUNT ZION rSSTITTj'i'E, WTNN8B0BO', S. C. COUPS OF TEACHERS. G. A. WOODWARD, Principal. Rev. W. P. DuBOSE, A.M., 1 ; ' . ... W. M. DWIGHT } Assistants. rpBS IOEB0ISB8 OF THIS SCHOOL OPEN THE _!_ 1st Monday la February. TESOSE FES SESSION . . Board, with Tuition in an the branches except Phi losophy, Chemistry and Prende.".. .$130 00 Philosophy, Chemistry and French, each. IB 00 Students required to furnish bed linen, covering and towels. For further information, address tho Principal Jannary6_' atuthl2 HOBED SCHOOL FOR BOYS. fTYHE .CTumiiTHkH OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL HE JL resumed on the SECOND MONDAY TN SEPTEM? BER, and continue ten months- The number of pupil* ia limited to IweJTW. The Principal ii a graduate in honora . Cambridge, England, and has had more than twenty year ' experience as a teacher in the South. Careful and thorough instruction will be given in the LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and Spanish, with a complete course of English studies, including Mathematics, Commercial, Arithmetic, and Bo sk-Keep? ing. Pupils will be treated in all respects as members 11 hi? famuy. and will receive the undivided care and attender of tho Principal in the preparation of their various a ic dies. References.-To the Faculty of the South Carolina Uni? versity, and to present and former pattons. For terms and further particulars, address the under* signed. "" ... RICHARD FORD, A. M. Columbia, August, 18G8._stu th_August ll NIGHT SCHOOL. ON AND AFTER MONDAY THE EXERCISES OF THE subscribers' School will be conducted at No. 364 KING STREET, east side, one door south of George, al which will be taught Book-keeping and the hjghei branches of Mathematica and RngHah. tncmdtng Arith? metic, Algebra, Geometry, &c, Political Economy, Bhe, toxic, Logic, he, tte Terms moderate. Apply as above. DOTY 4E BEERFESEE, January 7 - Imo HISSES BTURDEN'S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, rp HE EXERCISES OF THIS SEMINARY WELL BE 1 resumed (p.v.) on Monday, 7th Instant, at No. 1! LEGARE STsvbvrr_2_.__January 7 DANCING SCHOOL. MONS. BERGER INFORMS HIS PATRONS THAI his DANCING SCHOOL-ia now open at "Masonic Hau." Time of Tuition for Young Ladies and Masters, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 1 o'clock. Night Class foi Gentlemen, Tuesdays and Fridays, at 7 o'clock. Satur days' assemblies will commence on the lath inst., at " orCatNo. 12 GLEBE STREET? T ^January1?" ,^S>T. PHILIP'S STREET SCHOOL. riTHEEXEBCISESOF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE BE JL SUMED on WEDNESDAY, the 2d of Jannary, ISBL Applications for tho admission of children will be re? ceived at the School-house on and after that day, between the hours of 9 and 10 A. M. For the pre?m\ notmo? than two children from each family win be received. In consequence of the want of sufficient funds, the Coromis sionors wfll be obliged to require each pupil to pay for the booka and stadonoiy nied by them. ? By order of the Board. ." _ " E MONTAGUE GBTMKE, November 26_m6 8_Secretary. _HIGH SCHOOL OF CHARLESTON. rTTHE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE J. resumed on TTerfnoitoy, 2d of January. Instrnc S,?kK0n,'11 Greek. Latte. French. Mathematics, and ? JS? hl^ch^ot English. Terms $10 per quarter, inadvance. No extra charga tor French or Stationery. _ -_. ", i W. H. KTNGMAN, _Deceraber24 12 sui PMnggL _ MRS. CARROL, AVTNG RETURNED TO THE CITY, OFFERS HEB i Ti" 6ft^^,asT^cher of the Piano and Vocal Music Apply at No. 81 WENTWORTH STREET December 20 MISS A JL. SALOMON, -^-v v v* wikiiajuLii xa-La WOSK. in tue varions nSSTr^v*?1"1^ WHITE AND COLORED EM? BROIL ERY, Tapestry and Tufted Work, Wax Fruit and gowers, Oriental and Gredas Painting, Shell, Leather H?lf and Paper Kowera, Braiding. Knitting, NetSngand 9T??Sho> . T executed with pro^tneestiT?S. LTOSand LACES renovated. Also, FLUTING and CRIMPING done to order. Terms moderate.' Apply at hex RESIDENCE. - Peoarabsr 18 ?0TELS. VICTORIA HOTEL. F, GPDEBECK...3..Proprietor. rTTHIS HOTEL IS NOW OPENED ON THE EUROPEAN ?kJf^n I?LhaL.b*?n remodelled and" refurnished SK?^-J?? ^v^8SahUc- transient viaitarsTor others, will and in it all the luxuries of a FTRST.CT.An?. E?OABIJSHMENT, omhlned^th ?e CMf?to ol Thelocaticin?ii one of tho most airy and nleasant mr summer A BlUiard Saloon for the lovers of ifclshe?th ?Si-^96^J^?^' No V*** <* expense spaxedto VL^vT BatlBthotton' F. 70PDEBEC?. WATCHES; JEWELRY) ETC. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND KEW YEARS. i ; >? ? -0-- - GREAT WATCH SALE ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICK PLA ri, GIVING BYBBY PATRON A HANDSOME AND - RELIABLE t WATCH FOB THE LOW PRICE OF TEN DOLLARS, WITHOUT REGARD TO -VALUE, AND NOT TO BE PAID FOB UNLESS PERFECTLY SATIS? FACTORY. - 100"Solid Gold Hunting Watches........-$250 to $760 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches-.200 to 600 ?? WO Lames' Watches; KnaTneltnd..100 to 809 200Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches.... 250 to .300 200 Gold Hunting English Levers. 200 to 250 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches.160 to 200 BOO GoldHurdingAmerlcan Watchee. lt? to 280 600 Stiver Hunting Levers.. 50 to 160 600 Sil ver Hunting Duplexes.- 7Bto 250 600GoldLadlea'Wstchee......_. 60to 250 1000 Gold Hunting Leplnes.. CO to 75 1000 Miscellaneous Stiver Watches).?... BO to loo. ?500 Hunting Silver Watchee..7... 25 to 60 5000 A?sorted Watches, allMtuls..._.-. lOto 75 S B3- 'Every patron obtain? a Watch by ihis sxrgn5~v ment,-costing but $10, while lt may bo wot th ?75?. No partiality shown.-? MESSES. J. Hicaxrao A Co.? GaXAX UH?O - WATCH Oo.. New York City, wish to immediately dlapoa? of th* above msgniftoent stock. . Certificates, naming iarttesaa, axe placed in sealed envelopes.. Haiders are entitled to fha. . articles namod on their certificate, upon payment of Tea Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $760 or ono worth lesa. The return of any of our certlflcates entitles jau to tho article named thereon, upon payment, rrrespocuvo Of its worth, and aano article valued loss than ?10 ls named on any of?rLflcata. it will at onoo bo seen tLat thia la ho Lottery, buts straight-forward legitimate trans? action, which may be. participated in even by the most A ?ingle Oarttfleato'wulbo sent by maa,postpaid, upon receipt of 29 cents, Uv? for SI, eleven for $3, thirty three Maj sjaflsjajt prendara for $5, sixty-six and more Tamable premium for ?lu, oa* hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To Agents cr those wishing empJoTment this ia a rare opportunity. B la a l^tf miAly-conduoted to the mort carefal scrutiny. Tryusl "" y *.r^'*' Address J. SlCKtlva A CO.. -DenetnberlS.. ;> ? ' ? ' . '--- Iw);' ? ISRAEL ?TTOtEN?W, mn, wm, B?V MOISTEY B^OKEii; No. 22 BROAD-STREET, Cxiaadestoii, S. C. . januwyi V'^".. :: FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK AT SIGHT IN SUMS OF S50U OR MORE. It. M. BUTLER. January 8 I North Atlantic Wharf. CITY OF CHARLESTON SIX PER ! CB3VT. STOCK FOR 8ALE BY JAS. M. SHACKELFORD. Broker, No. 5 Broad street, up uialrs. January 7 2 CO PARTNER S HIPS. NOTICE. rtlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ASSOCIATED WITH X themselves tn business Mr. C. C. PINCKNEY, ii . trill continuo the practice of Law aud Equity uudor tho finn of MEM MINGER, JERVEY & PINCK? NEY. Offices No. 06 Broad street. January 1 tuG MEMMTNGER & JERVEY. PKESSLEY, LORD & IXGLESBT. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE BECOME PARTNERS IN the practice of Law and Equity, under tho abovo name and fir ai Office No. 21 Broad Btrcot B. C. PRESS LEY. SAMUEL LOUD, Ju. January 1 thtuO CHARLES INGLESE/. NOTICE. rriHE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE THE GENE X BAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING BUSINESS In this city under bis own name. P. J. ESNARD. January 1 tuthflO Boyce & Co..? Wharf. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. rriHE FIRM OF DEMABEST & RUMLEY IS DIS X 80LVED by mutual consent. O. J. DEMAREST is alone authorized to sign the Hame Of the nrm In liquidation. JOHN RUMLY December 27 thstuS* C. J. DEMAREST. N OTICE. IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH ME IN business my brr thor. LEE HOWARD, under tte name and firm of 8. L HOWARD & BR ?THEE. January 1_6 S. L. HOWARD. COPARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FOBMED A COPARTNERSHIP under the name and stylo of GRAESER, LEE, SMITH Ar CO., for tho transaction of a COTTON FACTORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, Omeo on NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. We offer our best services as heretofore to our frionds and the public gonorally. C. A. UBAESEB. GEORGE W. LEE. A. SYDNEY SMITH. CHARLES SPENCER. Charleston, S. C., January L 1867. 6 name ol?tbi flr??m/l?tJon- MTF. p SAV?G?J?.*?*' CharlLtoL 3^ ?ly ln "quidauon H/TT"1^ ?*> Jaiaaryi kember, 1808. SAXAS * CO. WE. THE CL?^ES^RS'UP. -~ January l NOTICE. rriHE FTBM OF W. T. BURGE k CO. HAS THIS DAY J. expired by its own limitation. W. T. BURGE has sold ont bis interest In said Copart? nership to A. Z. DEMAREST and J. K. BOYLSTON. A. Z. DEMABEST, tho lato Copartner of the ?aid firm, is alone authorized to close the affairs of said firm and sign its nome in liquidation. W. T. BURGE January 1 0 A. Z. DEMABEST. _J. R. BOYLSTON IS FULLY AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED A3 MY Attorney to settle the affairs of the late firm of W. T. BURGE & CO., and for that purpose to use the name of said firm In liquidation. A. Z. DEMABEST January L 1867._C_January 1 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE* mm UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FOBMED A I Copartnership under tho firm name of MARSHALL BURGE & BOWEN, for the purpose of carrying on tht WHOLESALE DEY GOODS BUSINESS at No. 153 MEET ING-STBEET. \ -. E. W MARSHALL. W. T. BURGE. O. A. BOWEN. Charleston, January 1,1867. tuthslmo January 1 NOTICE. ri VUE FTBM OF CRANE, BOYLSTON tc CO. IS THIS X DAY dissolved by mutual consent. Either partnei is authorized to sign the name of tho firm in liquidation. JOHN G. CRANE. J. TtTTTT) BOYLSTON. WM. H. TOWNSEND. HENRY BOYLSTON, Jr. SAMT. J. COBBIE. January L1867. tu the COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rfTHE UNDERSIGNED, SUCCESSORS TO CRANE, X BOYLSTON k CO., have this day formed a Copart? nership under the style of J. B. BOYLSTON k CO., foi tho transaction of tho WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSI? NESS, at No. 45 HAYNE STREET, corner Mooting street. J. REID BOYLSTON. ALBERT Z. DEMABEST. HENRY BOYLSTON. Jr. SAMUEL J. CORBIE. Charleston, January 1.1867. 12 January 1 MISCELLANEOUS. CHIMNEY CONTRACTORS. OFFICE GLEBE OF COUNCIL, JANUABT 7. 1847. CTTY COUNCIL WILL PROCEED. AT TTS NEXT Regular Meeting, to bo hell on Tuesday, 15th Inst, tc an election for TWO CHIMNEY CONTRACTORS, one for the Upper Wards, and ons for tho Lower Wards. Person? applying will please name their snretios. The bond required to bo given ls for $2000. Lottere received np to 2 o'clock P. LL on the day of election. W. H. SMITH, Januarys 8 Clerk of Connell GLORIOUS NEWS! A LA VILLE DE PARIS, 291 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. T ADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF CHARLESTON AND Xi VICINITY are politely Invited to call st the FRENCH STORE before purchasing elsewhere, os tho undersigned hore just received from France, England and Germany, information of a large shipment of SPRING GOODS; therefore, to moke room for the new arrival, we ofter, FOR 30 DATS ONLY, OM ENTIRE ME IT COST ! CARPETING REDUCED IO PER CENT. CHEAPER. We invite oar old and new customers to examine our present prices and stock. No trouble to show goods, as the proprietor will see that every .one will be served landry. BLOCK & LOTNS. , January 3 tnthsa M. H. NATHAN'S Established 1846. CARRIAGE HARNESS, BELTINGS, FIRE ENGINE AND STEAMBOAT HOSE. MULE SUBSCRIBER, GRATE!'UL FOB PAST FAVORS, X solicits a continuance of the same from his friends sad patrons at the, old stand, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MEETING AMD WENTWORTH STREETS, where will be found BUGGIES and WAGONS suitable to the times. .vt . -. AXSO, A. M. a Smith's celebrated OAK-TANNED BELT? INGS, of ell widths, and FIRE ENGINE HOSE. REPAIRING m all its branches promptly attended tn. '..j.,, M. H. NATHAN. January a . - "tus2 CONFECTIONERY, TOYt?, ETC. PREPARE FOR THJ5 SOEIDATS. BEBr?oEBTHAT FEED. Vojf SANTEN, NO. 290 ender by mafl), has thia season an unusually large, and SSSt?S5" TJJS, most beautiful collection^ FANCY ;^^TOTS sud FIBEWOBES tn this city. .He has been established here for seventeen years, sud Mer I T?v.^? l\ Profitable, instructive and amusing to tosoeci ?be Goods which he ls now opening st tba SANTA" I CLAUS HEADQUARTERS, end whicb^n^snh^ble ??a*at*1'H ,7^? ??ntag holidays. If ytm^Innot v?u i?NT?N S00*" togivenJbW I ttou ta ffiOtog an orders for the country, which are en ?T??r i^jF^-SSS. ?S**"10 ?f Wa Shelf Goode, he ?fters te^heTMde TOY8,ITKXWOBXS and CONFECTTO?S BY, put up together or separately, ia original boxes, at prices ranging from jSvo to ono hundred donara per case. If yon wish to buy or order smy Toys or other Presents tor yornrnaren^, children orlrlenda, to tte Saniy Goods ^^J?J?u?hiJ^ABASvWORK IJOXm tHTTNA rr??&B^tSg^,P?S** TOLLET SETTSTF? P^O^?CASm and mostbeautttol Aiarnisrcost Nb, 230 ETNG-STREET. !' Throe doors below Wentrrarth-street November 10 "' * stnth2mo CANI)^^^ COR. :lx^: Am ANN ' STREETS*] ?Vf-lx ?le s ale aaad. H eta il. SB 1S45, W <?^^S?iS:^^^^^ s^ FBIENDS U?on^ With tho improvements recently mode tobins chosesfbr^EOLIDAY8 ore sohcltad to examine'his -oeeembara..,;i -._.-imo*. CORONER AND mCrlSTRATE, oxs'^^^i . aaWCH STBJ?Tone door aorta et l?o?xt street, August si GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. <r rr B13LS. :sx>. i FLORIDA SYRUP. i O WILLIS & CHISOLM. january 8 CORN I CORN ! 1 PLi?A BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, FOI LOUU aalo by OHISOLM BROTH Kits, January 8 1 Kant Bay, corner Auger's Wharf. CORN, FLOUR" BACON. ~ 2000 B?^Ut"S PKIME WHITE C0R*. SACKS 60 bbl s. Super and Extra Baltimore Flour 5 hhds. choice Clear Skies-"Rawson" 6 hhds. good l'lantatlon Shoulders. For salo by R. M. BUTLER. January H 2 North Atlantic Wharf. FLOUR. 50 BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR 40 barrels Superfine Flour 20 barrels Fino Flour. Just received, and for salo by January 8 a HENRY COBIA ic CO. LIQUORS! LIQUORS! IJS BBLS. WHISKEY. COMMON TO FINE GRADES. I <tj 65 cases Whisfeny, Brandy and Wines, choice. 30 * ines Wolfo's Schiedam Schnapps, quarts and pints. F >r sale, at reduced prices, by JAMES CANTWELL Si CO., No. 1U East Bay, corner Fraser's Wharf. January ft_1_ FLORIDA GOLDEN SYRUP. A FEW BARRELS FOR SALE BY A_ GEO. H. TNGRAHAM. Jauuary 3 thstu3 No. 14 Vanderhorst Wharf. HAY! HAY! ?AAA BALES TRIME N. E. HAY'. ZUUU For salo by JOHN CAMPSEN Sc CO.. No. 14 Market street, opposlto State streot. January 7_. _,_2_ "?L?UR ! FLOUR! FLOUR! QA A BARRELS EXTRA BALTIMORE FLOUR OUU 450 barrels Extra Western Flour 100 barrels Extra Best Family Floor IBO barrels White Rye Flour 50 barrels Buckwheat Flour. ALSO, Landing per schooner Roburt Caldwell, from Now York. 480 barrels, various brands, LOW-PRICED FLOUR. For sale by STENHOUSE & CO. January 7_ 2 . ALE ! ALE ! ALE ! OA BARRELS. ?\J 30" half-barrels of W. Clagett & Co's Celebrated Baltimore ALE, just received and for sale by J. & W. H. ARMSTRONG, Nos. 40 and 42 Market street, January 7 3 Near Meeting, north side. ALE ! ALE! ALE! W.Clagett&Co.'s ILEBRATED BALTIMORE ALE, IN STORE AND RECEIVING REGULARLY BY every steamer. Their Brewery was established in 1776. All their Ale i H warranted to be of tho very best quali? ty, and is prsnonnced by judges to have no superior and few equals. For Bale, by tho barrel or half barrel, by J. & W. H. ARMSTRONG. Nos. 49 and 42 Market st, near Meeting, north side. Agents for Messrs. W. CLAGETT Sc CO. January 7 C tuthsSO su Biltimoro, Md. FOR SALE. "I /\AA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE MARYLAND XUUU CORN. WILLIS & CHISOLM. December 20_, FOB SALE. fi A TONS PURE UNADULTERATED PERUVIAN ?V GUANO, from first hands, by December 13 _WILLIS fe CHISOLM. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. A /~\ HHDS. CHOICE GROCERY SUGARS 4fc VJ 15 hhds. New Crop Clayed Molasses 50 bola. Now Crop Clayed Molasses, ex bark Or chilla. For salo low to close consignment. RISLEY & CREIGHTON, Corner East Bay and Accommodation Wharf. December 20_ REFUSE LIME. FOB SALE, 100,000 BUSHELS OF REFUSE LIME, thoroughly impregnated ammonia, an excellent I manure. Apply at tho GAS OFFICE, Church street November 20_/_ HAY ANA SEGARS. OAA AAA SUPERIOR SEGARS IMPOHT 0\J\Ja\J \J \J ED from Havana, of the following celebrated brands and sizes : 1IABKED XOUSO AMXEIOA AUB FLOR SOBERADO. I LONDRES, CONCHAS, REGALIAS, FRIGENIEROS, and Bass Smoking Tobacco. FHOM rum ESP'S WTXE ASP LIQUORS. CATALONIA, SHERRY, MADEBXA WINE, RUM, COG? NAC and Gin, Marmalade and Jelly. , For sale low, or at any price, in lots to suit purchasers, by LOPEZ & CO., December 28 15 ? No. 71 East Bay. WM. S. CORWIN & GO., DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, TEAS, &c, NO. 359 KING STREET, orru?i'Bi KLVS1SL, (BRANCH OF No. 000 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.) ALL ARTICLES SOLD FROM THIS ESTABLISH? MENT ara of the first quality. We sell no goods j but what we can recommend and warrant to be PURE I and GENUINE. Goods delivered to all parts of the city, free of charge. October 29 WILLIS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MRCHANTS,. AND SHIPPING AGENTS. [7TLL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE. 3AT.T?? AND r SHIPMENT (to Foreign sud Domestic Forts) of COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, s. Cr To the Sufferers BY THE LATE WAR YOU ABE RESPECTFULLY INFORMED THAT your Furniture loot during the late war will be replaced by MACKEY Sc BAKER for a very reasonable consideration. We earnestly invito the public to pay us a visit, learn our prices, and inspect our fine assortment of COTTAGE SETS, which cannot be excelled in quality or price by any house in this city. Our Warerooms aro the finest in the Southern country, and we consider lt no trouble to show our Goods, whether you buy or not. MACKEY Sc BAKER, Adger Building, January 7_ Corner King and Market streets. BRIDGES & LANE, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS TN RAILROAD AND CAR FINDINGS, Azro " ? Machinery of Every Description. . AISO, TACTS PATENT HOLLINO LEVEE SHEABS AND PONCHES. So. SO Courtlan?-at., cornel- ot Greenwlen, jj NK-W .YORK. RAILROAD AXLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, Solis, Nu ts. Wash ora, Car. Ship and Bridge Bolts, Iron Forgings of various kinda, Sec, Seo, STEEL AND RUBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND HAND LANTERNS, Portable -Forges and Jack Screws. Cotton Duck'for Car Covers, Brass and Silver Trimmings. Belting of all kinds. Baggage Checks, icc. Sus. Also, Agents tor the manufacturera of CAB HEAD LININGS. ALBKBT 3BTDGE3..._.,.. .TCEL C. LANE. Koyemb.TT ? '.. " tr?tns.M?o RISLEY & CREIGHTON, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Importers of W. lidia J*rodoce. COB. EAST BAY AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF. October 1 * ? ?_ 1 , - ' O. C5HITTENDEN, General Commission Merchant, r .. . AND . ?.;. ; ' V ' MaxmfaotTarer of.-Paper, OP VAEIOTJS KIND8, NO. 187- BEADS S TH K B T, Corner Hodson Strcoi, Nev York. ' DEALER TN PAPER AND TN MATERIALS OF tvervdescription lorita raantrfacrtrre. XgeempM 13_ : _ C?o PHOTOGRAPHS! BASLOW, THE OLD OPERATOR, OAS 1HOROUGH LY renovated and fitted np the Old Star Gallen and ls prepared lottie sS. ?sda of ^PORTRAITS. Hoi? thankful for past patapnage, and further solicit? a share of the trade. He has ano Photographs of Confedexate Gen? erals, Ordinario?) of Secession, Views or City, Sumter end otter Fortifications, at wholesale aM retan, at 8. Br COB NEB KING AND MARKET STREETS, Charleston. ? a N. B-Porcelain Portraits and Pictures eabnsad on ttortric^toeandinbeatoastyle.;. , November 1 - WILLIAM ?. 6IUILASD ? ISON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers ".' AND ' ' ":V ;: ' . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 89 HAINE STREET. Septembers AGRIGULTURAL. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FK031 AGENTS, AT MARKET RATES. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. $75 CASH; $80 FIRST _ November, with internat, approved city acceptance. Swan Inland 'iuauo, $?U cash; $25 lat November, with Inter nt, approved city acceptance. Bau?h'H Phosphate of Limo. $00 cash ; $C5 Int Novem? ber, with Interest, approved city acceptance, Phonix Guano, $65 caah. Flower of Bone, unadulterated and unburnt. Farmers' Plaster or Gypsum, warranted pure. I offering the above mauures to planters. I do so with every conllderce. not only lmviujt testimonials from planters who have used them thu pant year, but tho further guarantee that every cargo, as it arrives from tho factory, ia analyzed by I'ror. Shepard, of the South Carolina Medical College, and the high reputation of these manures fully kept np. J. N. ROBSON. January 1 tuthxSmos No. 62 Eaat Bay. AGRICULTURAL IMPl^MEOTS OF ALL KINDS. AT LOW PRICES; EBON AND Steel Ploughs, Wheelbarrows, Trucks, Straw and Sftt Cutters, Corn Shelters, Fanning and Grain Mill?, Cotton Gins, Corn and Cotton Planter?' Seod Drills. Plough Casting, Gin Gear and other Castings, Horse i Powor Threshing Machinen, Guano, Bono Dust, Phon I phate of Lime. Ac. JOHN MOORE, December 10 2mo No. 103 Front-street, New York. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. THE COMPOSITION OF THIS GUANO 13 IDEN? TICAL WITH PERUVIAN. IT DIFFERS ONLY IN THE PROPORTIONS OF THE SAME ELEMENTS. WHILE IT CONTAINS LESS AMMONIA, IT HAS nearly twico tho quantity of Phosphate of Lime, 15 per cent, of which ls immediately soluble. Its effects on Cotton the past season have, In many Instances, ex? celled Peruvian Guano. It has in no cass proved less ac? tive in the early growth of tho crop. When drought In torvencs the crop does not suffer from its usc as ls the case with Pernvian Guano. By reason or the presenco in it of so large a per cent, of Phosphate of Lime Its use im< ?roves the soil to an extent that cannot be realized from eruvian Guano. Every cargo of this Guano is subjected to rigid inspec? tion analysis, and is sold on a basis ef actual value. The undersigned. Agent, ls prepared to furnish the tes? timony of well known South Carolina planters In evidence of tho superior excellence of this Guano. J. N. ROBSON, Agent, December 4 tnthsTuSmo NO. 62 EAST BAT. INGERSOLL'S PORTABLE HAND POWER COTTON PRESS. THE INGERSOLL PRESS STANDS UNRI? VALLED FOR CONVENIENCE, ECONO? MY, CHEAPNESS AND RA? PIDITY OF WORK. FCAN BE WORKED WITH TWO OB FOUR HANDS, AND WELL TUEN OUT FROM TWENTY TO THIRTY BALES, OF FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS EACH, PEE DAY. Tt e Press can be worked either alongside or under the Ginning Boom, and thus bs under cover and worked in *B kinda of weather. It weighs two thousand pounds; can be very readily broken apart and carried about the country. On Exhibition and for Bale ot LITTLE & MARSHALL'S Agricultural Warehouse AND SEED STORE, NO 140 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S? C. December ll tuths3mo PAINTS, OILS, ETC. A. S. FBEITAS, DXAXxa nt PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ETC, BKAP?-HSSD PAINTS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. No. 174 East Bay. PAINTING. HOUSE, -SIGN, SHEP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT? ING, anding. Graining, Imitations of Wood, Mar? ble, and su other work appertaining to the trade, exe? cuted In a neat and workmanlike manner, by FBETTAS St BODELL, No. 174 East Bay. A. a FBETTAS.ISAAC a BIDWELL October 25_thatofimo ALBEE & WARBEN, Wholesale and Retail PAINTS, OILS, GLASS KEROSENE LAMPS '. AND . ' STXTURES. We are now offering our Stock of GOO DS, Which is complete, - ? AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE City and Country Merchants ate respectfully invited to give ns a catt before purchasing elsewhere. SO. 4 KAYNE STREET, Sign Lamp Banner. FURNITURE, ETC. GEO. J. MIELS, LACY & CO., Thirteenth and Chesnut Streets, PHTT,A?>ELPHIA. ' ' Wa hara a suit of ELEGANTLY CARPETED, And Furnished Completo os PARLORS AND CHAMBERS. - ... _f* Purchasora can ?se hovr a Bult ?rf Furnitur? will appear m their house, and oan from these rooms nate ?batter ?election than they otu from ftsndlure promlsouoisfly *cedmlsr?ew?r?(O0B?t;. Sosos Novtmber28 services to ADJECT. WBJT2 UP ABD ABH?NGE FOB SETTLEMENT all Boote how out of ordsrutd iss/llngsnjnKnisw* ? . ?aattyj CioxnraBros^B^Qiurai streets.