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MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31,1866. CALENDAR FOR 1867. Imports. HALIFAX, N 8-For Br Brig Chebaotoo-56,000 foot I Lumber, 70,000 Lathe, 172bhls, 155 half bbls, 59 qr bbls Fiah, - kits Mackerel, pkgs Codfish, Salmon, 1 fte.-To T S & T O Budd. 2 pkga-To Willis & Chis 0 Exports. BAHAMAS-Per Br Sehr Gertrude-15,000 feet Lumber, 25,000 Shingles, and Sundrios. ' HEW YORK-Per Steamship Saragossa-218 bales Soa Island and 483 bales Upland Cotton, 8 bbls Sugar, 191 tierces Rice, (?1 pkgs Suudrios, 44 bales Domestics, 2 tierces Wax, 30 Bags and 1 box Tobacco, and 15 rolls Loather. BALTIMORE-Por Steamship Falcon-8 bales Sea Island and 131 bales Upland Cotton, 5 bags Wool, 37 boxos Sugar, 65,000 feet Lum Dor, and Sundries.Per Steamship Adele-188 bales Cotton, 40,000 fet-t Lum? ber, K Boree Rico, 1 lind Bones, 1 bale Wool, 6 bales Hides,* 17(1 Hides, 1 bundle Skins, 1 bbl Beef, 1 cask Brandy, 1 box Machinery, ll Empty Barrels, 7 bbls Rosin, a bbls Turpentine, 8 bales Bags, 7 bales Rags. Tile Charleston Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE DAILY NEWS, ) CHARLESTON, Saturday Evening, December 29,1888. J The market coutinuod active, and'salea were gonorally I on tho basis of previous quotations, but in the latter part of tho day there was a disposition in prices to harden, and in a few transactions a slight advance was obtained; but while we noto tho market as closing firm, wo ronew ] our previous rates. The operations of the day amounted to 405 bolos, say 3f. at29; 5 at29^; G5at 80; 25at30)?;9ot 80&; 19 at 31; 5 at 31tf; 87 at 31}?; 62 at 32; 65 at 32 J?; 35 J at 33, and 3 bales of extra staple at 40c. fy lb. Wo quote: Ordinary.,.29 @30 Low Middling.S0>?@81 Middling.31J?@ Strict Middling.32 <g32>? Good jiiidilling.83 <& Angosta Market. AUGUSTA, December 29.-GOLD-Thoro is a slight de? mand on yesterday's market. Brokers buy at 132 and Boll at 135. SILVEK-Buy at 127 and sell at 132. COTTON-There is a very good demand. Sales of tho day 276 bales, ?a follows: 9 at 28; 5 at 29; 15 at 30; ir. at 80}?; 26 at 31; 55 at 31>?; 31 at 31%; 100 at 32; 18 at 32^; and 43 bales at 33c. Tho receipts are 107 bales. Wo quote Middling to Strict Middling 31a32; Good Middling . 82>?c. Montgomery Market. MQIETflOMli*0^ Bartmbmr OU ?aatfMIt-PUK -tl ?un? ited business was done yesterday, ov.iug to the stringen? cy of the money market We quote ihe market nominal at 2do for Liverpool middling, purchaser paying tax. WEEKLY COTTON STATEMENT. Stock September 1st....bales 2991 Received past week. 2351 Becoived previously. 25,682 -28,033 Total.....31,024 Shipped past week. 1902 Shipped previously. 13,306-15,208 ' Total stock December 22, 1860.. 15,816 [From tho Memphis Price Current.] MEMPHIS, December 20, 1866 COTTON STATEMENT. Stout on hand September 1st 1866..'.. bales 10,831 Received this week. 8411 Received previously. 89,524-1>7,935 Total.108,766 Exported this week. 9749 Exported previously.66,482-76,231 Stock on hand.32,635 Mobile Market. MOBILE, December 26.-Carron.-The market open? ed very quiet this morning at Monday's rates, but on re? ceipt ol'unfavorable New York Gold and Cotton accounts factors loworod their ideas, which, coming within tho limits pf orders in hands of buyers, a good demand (sprang up, resulting in soles of 1800 balea, the market closing quiet at 30c for middling. MONETARY AND FINANCIAL.-Bankers and dealers re? port an active business in Domestic Exchange at better rates than on Monday-say %, chucking and dla OOUBt buying for New York Sight. Kew Orleans Sight par. Sterling 139 a 142. Gold is veiy unsettled ba sympathy with New York, al? though prices are higher than in that market. Dealers have been paying to-day 131 a 132, and selling at 133 a 134. - Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, Decemoer 29.-TURPENTINE.-SaleB of 916 bbls at $4 30al 35 for yellow dip, and % 2 15?2 17)? for ha? d, per 280 lbs, the market closing at lo wont Apures. SPIBITS TUHPENTTNE.-No change in price. Bales of 70 bbls at 61 cents per gallon. ROSIN.-Sales of 283 bbls common at $3a3 25; 93 do Bttf?ned at S3 50; 86 do No 2 at $4a4 50; 133 do No 1 at $4 60, $5, 36a6 12 }? ; and 123 do pale at$7a9. TAB.-Sales of 46 bbls at $160, and 240 do at $160 per bbl. COTTON.-22 boles changed hands at 31 cents for mid? dling. TIMBEE.-One raft common sold at $6 per li. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, Deoember " 27.-Coman.- Buyers still hold oil and the market continues duli, leaving ns with? out any transactions to report. We quote choice Rb *8??al8}? cents for lots to the trade. Stock of Rio 14,800 baga, in first hands. COTTON.-The market is quiet, holders firm and above the views of buyers. We quote Middling Upland at 32>i a33 cents. FLOOR-OW'market is inactive, but holders are ateady on account of ught stocks and limited receipts. We nave only to notk?, to-aay a 8(je 0f 100 bbls choice North western S?per at ni 35, some inquiry ibr Howard Sfreet Winter Extra, but lt ^ Boarce generally held above buyers views. *ve repeat quotations, viz : flowKd-itreet Super aaft-w jSstea_ _ >9U 00 K Howard-street Shipping _ 12 w S 12 75 Howard-street high gradea,,, 13 00 S 14 00 ntt^MiS?T^. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio Family. ic nn ?a ut sn Northwestern Super.?ft 2? rf 11 ea Northwestern Ext?. ?T City Mills Super.10^ %U o0 flity Mills, Standard Extra.11 2b |? ?? ii City Mina Shipping brands Extra. 15 00 1 ?? An Bal?in'e, Welsh's 6 Greenfield Family. 17 60 |T? Baltimore High Grade Bxtra. 16 75 @ K AA By? Flour, now. 6 25 ? 6xn Cora Meal, City Mills. 6 00 @ 8 6. GRAIN-Whoat-630 bushols white and 600 biiBhelsreu comprised the offerings; market quiet, with small lotB of prime whito at $3 30; no sales of red. Corn-To-day 7700 bushels white and 12,600 bushels yellow offered; market was duh at the close. Included in the solos wero 6000 bushelB prime dry white at if 1 ; 1750 bushols good do 98o; 3000 bushels damp 90a95c; 10,000 bushels yellow at $6ca81. Oats-3700 bushels received and part sold at 56a 60c, the latter for primo. Rye-No receipts or sales. MILL FEED-Scarce, and prices Bteady at 23aQ5c for Brown Stuff; 35a40c for Middlings, and 65a60c for heavy do fy bushel, MOLASSES.-Thoro is nothing doing, and pricos are only nominal as last quoted, viz : For New Orleans 75a8So; Porto Rico 63a66c; Cuba Muscovado 48a56e; English Island 55a70o fy gallon. BICE.-Wo notice a sale not before reported of 20 casks Carolina at Oe, and quote at 9a9^o. SALT-Remains firm but less aotive. We quote for Liv? erpool Fine $3 10a3 25; Ground Alum $2 15a2 25 fy sack, and TurkB Island 60c fy bus, but very slow salt. SEEDS.-Clover was in light supply to day, but market dull and prices heavy. Quote nominal $8 25a8 50 for new. Timothy quiet. Flax is taken by city crushers at $S 75 fy but prices nominally unchanged, viz: For fab? refining 0?.?a?f-Vc, '?' moa; fair to good grocery C . English Isla?! 10 ?./nlOJ?c . prime dall %al2e ; Poo conimou t" good grocery, 10%iill%c; primo to cl 12}<al3o/ New Orleans ll^aJ2Kc ? WHJSKJ?Y;- Western in good packages was held ? '\ritbout huyors. ^POTATOES-Arc in reduced sunply, and held t?ough sales aro light.' We quote' Eastern in lo / tho vessei, S0a85c per bushel. PROVISIONS-Tli ere is sonni littlo nctivity arnon i ora; several thousand lio;;-n;ro being slaughters j ing $8a8%. For the product the market is du i quot? Bacon Shoulders ll y. ots and 12 eta for-Side Hams 10al7c for city ?nd 2Clc for fancy brands. T Mess Pork ?21 50a2-2. lard 13al3 %o for City ani ern bbls. No sale;? o?' Bulk Meats. BUTTER- Roll hs scarce, particularly primo; wi 80a35e as to quality; Glades inactive; quote good ti 31a33c; common 2(la25c; Western Reserve 18a2; Southem Ohio 15al(ic; New York State is scarce, only is now inquired for; quote at 45a60c, but the very difficult to obiain. Philadelphia Market. ,/ PHILADELPHIA, Doeciu?e: 2'.-COTTON.- Th rather moro doini?, hut * rico.*, aro without cl About 110 bales . :'middling* sold at ,!3a35c per lb f lauds and N< w Or? ?na. Gaori;;: ns.-Prices are unsettled, owing lo the d J in gold, and w . heir of no ?ales of either sugar or I won y o;'uolicc. FLOUR.- There is no material change to notice iii or dmu::iid; about bbls no) J ia lots, to the lwmo including NorlJiwosi Suporiineni.S7 oof Northwest Extra. 0 00^ Northwest .? .tinily.,...11 OOf? Penney! va ufo and Western Superfine. 8 U0(<; IViinsyivania and Western Extra. 9 0U(| Pounsylvautu and Western Family.12 <in?i Pennsylvania and Western Rve Flour.". ? ? .-ii GRAIN-There is"-" swtture of interost to pr in the wi" -'' ?uarSot, and we continuo ibrnior quota! mrr2 ti.'i.?i ld for Pennsylvania rod; i*i3 25 tor Sont do, a lot of Cahl'ornia sold at i'i 30. Ryo is held at al 35. Co. n ia quiet; BUIOS ol' 1000 bushels old yell SI 16al 17, and new do at OScaSl. Oats romain wii chango. Sales of 3000 bushels at 57aU0c. Nothing < in barley or malt. Tho receipt? to-day are as fol 1740 bbls Hour, 4075 bushels wheat, ?16,800 bushels i 3500 bushels oats. PROVISIONS-The market continues very dull, prices arc without any material change. Small sale reported at f'J2 bbl for now mess pork; 14al8c %1 i plain and fancy bagged bacon hams; 12al2%c for ph do; 12%al3c for prime lard in bbls and tes, and 15a3 lb for buttor, as to quality. WHISKEY-Tharo is nothing doing oxcept in the co band article. Hew York Market. MONET MARKET. Tho New York Evening Post of Thursday, Dooor. 27, says : Thc slock market is dull and foverisb. Govornm are lower in consequonco of tho continued pressur Bell. The gold-bearing bonds aro weak, except twenties of 1805, for which wo observo a growing dem from investors of small means. Ono of tlie most gratifying features of tho stock ina is tho great firmness of governmon'; oorurlties, which more fixed in price, less liable to any severo declino, moro to be relied upon than any oilier species of o nary assots. During the last few weoks railroad slit and other securities have doclined 5 to 16 per cont, merchandise has fallen 20 to 40 por cent; govenim? have fallen less than 1 per cent. There aro reasons Ulis. The amount of governments on tho marke growing loss continually, and ns creditors become paired by a close money market, governments aro a^ able as security for borrowing when nothing else . command tho money. Tho fact that banks usually . call in loans on other collaterals, and loavo tho loans governments uncalled, is ono of the reasons for what see evory timo a pinch COUICB in the money marl Another reason is found in the advantage as to exei tion from taxation in favor of governments over I otb or personal property. For gold this forenoon tho following were tho load quotations: 10, 131%; 10:80, 131J?; ll, 131%; ll 131%; 12,131%; 12:30, 131?i; 1,131%; 1:30, 132; 2,13? Foreign exchange ie dull. Bills at sixty days on L don ara quotod al 108%al09 for com mercial; 100%al0 for bankers' ; do at short sight, 110all0% ; Paris at days, 5.17%a5.15; do at short sight, 5.1585.12%; A werp, 5.17%a5.16%; Swiss, 5.17%a5.10>4; Hamburg, 3 a30%; Amsterdam, 41 %a41%; Frankfort, 41%a41%;B mon, 78%a79; Prussian thalors, 72a72%. PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, December 27.-FLOUR, tc-Tho marl for Western and State flour is fairly active, and prii aro 10 a 15c better. Tho salos are 8400 bbls at $9 40 a 60 for sound superfino State, S10 60 a 12 25 for sound i tra State, S9 40 a ll 55 for shipping Ohio, $1250 a 14 i trade, and $13 CO a 10 50 for St. Louis extras. Buckwheat flour is dull at $3 20 a 3 70 per 100 lbs. Canadian flour is firm but quiet. Salos of 100 bbls Heavy foi" tho better brands. Snlos of 150 bbls at $11 4( 13 60 for common to fair Baltlmoro and country oxtn and $13 75 a IC 50 for trade aud family brands. Ryo flour is steady and in fair demand. Sales of 4 bbls at $0 25 a 7 75. Corn meal is hoavy. Sales of 100 bbls at $6 25 f Brandywine. GRAIN.-Tho wheat market is very strong, with rath moro inquiry for milling, owing to tho advancing to deucy in tho flour market. The demand is confined millors. The sales aro 25,000 bushela&t $2 34 for Chicai spring; $2 15 for good No 3 do; $5 14a3 10 for amb State. Barley is hoavy, with a limited demand. Sales of 86 bushels at 92c for Canada West in bond. Oats aro steady, but dall, only a retaU businoss doin Fair to good Chicago at63aG5c; State at 07aC8c for bougl lots, and 68%a09c por cargo. Rye is innctive, but firm. Corn is unsettled and lower, and closes hoavy. Tl inquiry is chiefly for tho local trade. The Bales are 39 000 bushels; Western mixed at $112al 13 in store, an $1 lia 116 afloat; Southern yellow at $112%. PROVISIONS.-Tho pork market has been moderate] activo at about former ratcB, closing steady. For futui delivery, we hear of 500 bola now Wostorn mess, seUe January, at $20 12%, and 500 bbls do do, buyer Fobrut ry, at *20 CO. The sales, caah and regular, are 3000 bbl at $18 85al9 for old mess; $19 87%a20 for now do, an< $20 25a20 50 for new Wostern do. Deaf ia moderately active and steady. Sales of 150 bbl at $9al2 for old plain moss ; fl lu 18 for now do ; $12al5 fo old extra do ; and $17a2150 for new do. Tierce Beef is quiet. Beet hams are offered moro freely, and though wi thou material chango, prices rather favor tho buyer. Sales o 325 bbls at $31a85 for Western. Out meats and bacon are dull, and prices nominal. Drossod hogs are rathor firmer. Wo quote at 7%a8 for Western, and8)^a8%c for city. Lard is without important chango. The stock is sinai and tho offerings moderate. Sales of 200 bbls and tes a 1111-lCcforNol; 12o for city. For future delivery w note 750 tos, soU?rs' option, January and February a 12%c. ASHES-Tho market is dull at $8 25 for pots, and $12i 12 .25 for pearls. BRIDES-Aro firm and in fair demand at $12 50al3 51 for common hard, and $2Sa24 for Croton. Philadolphh front aro quiet at $75. COFFEE-Rio is moderately active and stoady. COTTON-Tlie market to-day is quiot and prices are un changed. We quote at 33%a36c for Middling Uplands and do Now Orleans and Texas. HAY-Tho business is only moderate, but prices art without change. HEMP.-Manilla is dull, but prices aro without special change. We quote at ll%c, gold. HOPS-Are firm and in good demand for home use, We quote at from 20a40c and 60c, as to growth and quality. LATHS-Eastern aro dull and heavy at $3 25, 3 moa. LIME.-Rockland is firm and in fair demand at $170 for common, and $210 for lump. MOLASSES-Ie a little more active. Salos of 500 hhda Porto Rico at full prices. NAVAL STonas.-Small sales of Spirits of Turpentine at 70c. Rosins are moreaotive; sales of i GOO bbls com? mon at $4 60; 300 bbls strained at $4 70. Tar is dull and nominal. PETROLEUM-Is dull and heavy. We quote crude, 40a 47 gr., to bulk, at 12%c; do in bbls 18%al9o; do refined in bond, light straw to white, 26a27c; do prime light straw to white, 28a29c; do standard white, 30o; do primo white, 31a32c. RIOE-Is quiet and unohangod Small salos of Caro? lina at 9a9%o. SUGAR.-Baw sugars are moderately a ott ve and steady at 9%al0%o for fan? to good refining. Reflnod dull. TALLOW.-The market romains dull and prices nominal. Sales ef 15,000 lbs Western at Ile. WHISKEY.-Tho market is dull, and prices are nomi? nal. Havana Market. [Correspondence of the Journal of Commerce.] HAVANA, Deoeraber 22.-Wo have had considerable ex? citement among business men, not of tho greatest calibre, on account of the soaroity of our motallic bise, which In undue quantity has boen aUowed to get abroad and to Spato, to our detriment; but in a few days, with return conduits, all wiU be quiet, and no gonoral suspension will be necessary for relies.' Ono or two of the smaller banks, Fosser's, of "Commerce," and Idias & Bossier, have temporarily suspended payments. A crowd was ali ?v yostorday, in tho paying hours, betoro the Spanish b?'k, sovoral hundreds. All demands were met in the r?gner course of presentation/notes rcdeemod, kc, and "!0 ,B!?iu will bo continued until the panic subsides, iheir bt*t weok]y statements justify this beliof. The di F'Wsdvto oftlie govorument, last night decided s? lrir specie payments to $25,000 per diem. io ,iV?.,TtKET-Quotations nominal; bases No ll and in HS? i * 100 fes- No transactions during the week T"'" ? "K?'. \omo contracts for now crop at heavy ad ?n?Tii? ?? ?*a^ rM Per arroba lesa than thecur amni?n^?f . timo of doUvory, in proportion to the S??881 ^PP011 during the week, hence to? nf^?u! i1'440 boxes aud T h&ds, of whioh ?JtaBMuandm^hJ? European porta, save 40 hhds to Rum*33a39 af ?S? *?th0r ports- Coffee ?6%al7%. * KEIG HTS-No improvement ; most of U 8 vessels animr ^^g^^tgw^tore^witt in Matanzas for north of Hatteras, 24 hhds, nt f-2 per no gallons, gross custom houso gauge of caste, dolivered; . an Anioriouu brig for Kew York, to load old railroad and scrap ifou at Matanzas, at ?4 per ton. European freights . ns last advised. 'EXCHANGES-?latlior. still to-day; brokers with their arms folded, not cyphering iu'their *i em books. Nomi -rial, and no tiansnctious for two days-Loudon, ?50,000 ntl8 to 19 premium, sold Wednesday; $20,000 gold sixty days' sight rj S at 0j? p;emium; ?1000 London sold yes? terday at 17 premium, and must go down for tho present or uo sales. We have no quotations further. Explana? tions or cause iu full f;iv<ji. Tho alarm will subside promptly, and there in no cause roc ?pproueusion from prOflUOtive Cnba ou your Hide of the Gulf Stream. Chaijostou Wholesale Prices, Coxvectcd ?ntl Revised Daily. AltTJOI/EB. BAGGING, "r1. yard Dundee. Giinnr Cloth. HALB ROPE, fy Hi-Manilla.... Westeru. New York. Juin. BUE Al), \\ m Navy. Pilot. Cracker.-?. BRICK.';, ',' \f. /.7?.I.V. r- l-i lbs. COITUS, \>. Hi Ordinaiy io Good Ordinary. Low Middlim;. Middling to .Strict Middling. Good :. 40 ? 31 ? 24 ? 20 @ - ? WA? Sc; CA XL>.'J -yperin. Tallow. 10 ? 20 COFFEE, fy 115-ltio. 20 -jL Lagnayra....".,. .;?coW^M-?^*8*!? ??" ___?av??-?. ?wrv i. ? ?-.-vrr ./ @ 4o CORDAGE, fy Hi-Manilla. _ ? _ Tarred American. 20 ? 28 CORN MEAL, fy m. 0.00 @ - COAL, fy ton-Anthracite.11.00 ?12.00 Cumberland. nominal. COPPER, fy lb-Shoot.I 58 ? CO FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, fy ton. 100.00 ? - Pacific Guana, fy 2000 lbs. 75.00 ? - Ba?gh's Phosphate, fy 2000 lbs... GO.00 ? - Rhodes' Phosphate, fy 2000 lbs... 65.00 ? - Mnpes'SuperPhosphate,fy 2000 lb 65.00 ? - Zeb's Raw Bono Phosphate. 05.00 @ - Zoll's Super Phosphate of Lime.. 60,00 ? - FISH- Cod, fy 100 lbs. 9.00 ?10.00 nerring, fy box. 75 ? 85 Muckor'el, No. 1, fy half bbl.11.00 @12.00 Mackorel, No. 2, fy hah bbl.10.50 ?11.00 Mackerel, No. 3, '?1 bbl. _ @ _ Mackerel, No. 1, by kita. 3.25 @ - No. 2. 3.00 ? - No. 3. - @ - Sardines, fy 100-quarter boxes.. 23 ? 25 Half boxes.... 48 @ 50 FLOUR, fy bbl-Super.11.00 @12.00 Northern imd Western Extra.12.50 ?13.00 Baltimore Extrn.14.00 ?16.00 Southern Extra.15.00 ?18.00 FRUITS-Prunes, fy 115. 22 @ - Figs. 40 ? - Dried Apples. 10 @ 28 Almonds, soft, sholl. 35 @ 40 Raisiuu, M. R., fy box. 4.00 @ 6.00 Raisins, Layor. 4.50 ? 5.60 Oranges. - ? - Lom?os. 4.00 ? fi.00 7LASS, fy box of 50 foot American, 8x10. 5.50 ? 6.00 Amoricnn, 10x12. 0.00 @ 6.60 French, 12x14. 7.00 @ 8.00 7RAIN- Maryland Oats, 13 bushel. 72>?@ T4 Western Oats, fy bushel. - @ - Corn, fy bushel. 1.24 ? 1.3a Beans, fy bnshel. 2.00 @ 3.00 ff^ir, fy cwt.-North River. 1.40 ? 1.50 Eastern. 1.65 @ 1.00 HIDES-Dty, fy lb. 10 @ 12 INDIGO-fy lb. 1.00 ?1.75 IRON- Relined, fy lb. 07 ? 07y3 .Swede.,. 00 ? 10 LATHS, fy M. 4.00 ? 4.50 LIME-Hhe?, fy bol. - @ - South Carolina. 1.60 @ . Rockport. 2.00 @ 2.25 Cement. 2.75 @ 3.50 Plaster Paris. 4.00 ? 4.50 LUMBER, fy M. feet Clear Wiito Plae, 1st quality. 50.00 ?55.00 White Pine, good mn.3H.00 ?10.00 Yellow Pine. 20.00 @25.00 Boards, fy M. feet-Rough.12.00 ?15.00 Grooved and Tongued.... 28.00 @32.09 LEATHER, country tanned, fy lb. - ? - MOLASSES. ? gallon Cuba. 40 @ 52 -SuWSouB?.-.. -.T."-'. ~M~WTM~ NAVAL STORES, fy bbl-Tur. - @ - Pitch. - ? - Rosin, Palo. - ? - Rosin, No. 1. 4.50 ? 5.00 Rosin, No. 2. 4.00 ? - Rosin. No. 3. - ? - Spirits Turpentine, fy gallon. C2 <& - Oa.;um. fy lb . 16 fa - NAILS-Amorican, 4@20d, fy kog...... 7.0? ? 7.75 American Wrought. - ? - Lathing. 7.50 ?10.00 Copper, fy lb. 1.00 @ - Galvanized. 30 ? - Spikos. 12 ? 15 OILS-Lard, fy gallon. 1.80 @ 1.90 Linseed, fy gallon. 1.60 ? 1.65 Sperm, Winter, fy gallon.3.19 @ 3.15 Cotton Soed, fy gallon. * - ? - . Castor (E. I.), fy gallon. 8.00 ? - Olive, fy dozen. 8.00 ?19.00 Korosonc, fy gallon.'. 70 ? - Benzine^ gallon. 60 @ - PROVISlONS^Beoi, moss, ft,bbl..,.. 10.90 ?30.00 B-.-cf, prime.t,.\.14.00 ?15.00 ; Pork, mcss^.... .\.n.\..... - ? - ' Rump.'.'.. - ? - Bacon, Kams.^n lb. 18 ? 26 Bacon, Si?os...a>.S..../... 12 ? 16 > Bacon, Shoulders*.J*..\.. 12 @ 14 Bacon, Strips...L.....wi...S. 15 ? 17 Lard, in keg:..7..', 15 @ 17 Butter. 30 ? 40 Ofaeeso..".. 15 ? 54 Potatoes, fy bbl.,\.. 2.75 ?3.00 Onions.\. 3.00 ? 3.25 Apples. 4.00 ? 6.00 PAINTS-W?te Lead, fy lb.i 12 ? 29 Black Lead.?a*....... 12 ? 14 Zinc, White.>.V....N. 12 ? 18 PLOW STEEL, fy ?5* '. 18 ? - RICE-Carolina, fy HO?.f..'. 8 ? 8J? ' East India.1.%, - @ - SLATES-American, fy square, A.12.50 ? - SHINGLES, fy M..-.\. 7.09 ?8.00 Whito Pine, first' quality... .\.... 12.00 ? - SALT-Liverpool, coarso, fy tack .1... 2.37J?@ 2. BO Liverpool, fine.. .J..,. - ? - SOAP- Bar, ft ft. ll.? 16 STARCH, fy m. 10 @ 12 SPIOES, fy ft-Cassia. 1.00 ? - Mace.;. 1.75 ? - Clovos. 75 @ - Nutmegs. 2.00 ? 2.50 Poppor. 46 @ - Pimento. 40 ? 60 Race Ginger. 30 ? - SPIRITS, fy gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 @ 0.00 Brandy, Cognac. 4.00 ?12.00 Brandy, Domos?c. 8.00 @ 3.75 Gin, Holland. 4.75 @ 5.00 Gin, American. 3.50 ? 3.75 Rum, Jamaica. 5.00 ? 6.60 Rum, N. E. 2.50 ? 3.90 Whiskey, Bourbon. 3.00 ? 5.00 Whiskoy, Rcotined. 2.30 @ 2.40 SUOAR, fy lb-Raw. 0 @ 13 Crushed. 18 ? - Clarified A. 17 <& Clarified B. - @ - Clarified G....? j. 16>i@ 17 Loaf. 18 ? 19 Porto Rico. 13>?@ 14 Musoova*''.,.J 12 ? 14 SEGARS-Domos?c manufacture, fy M. 18.00 ?45.00 TEAS, fy ft-Imperiel. 2.00 @ 2.60 Gunpowder. 2.00 ? 2.50 Hyson. 1.60 ? 1.60)$ Young Hyson. 1.60 ? 1.69 Black. 1.00 ? 1.75 TOBACCO, fy lb, as per quality. 40 ? 1.50 TIMBER-myro. Timber-Yellow Pine. 5.00 ?18.00 Ash. _ ? Poplar. - @ - Hiokory. - ? - TIN-I O Roofing Plate.16.50 @ - I X Roofing Plato. 18.00 ? - I O Tin Plate', 10x14.17.00 ? - IX Tin Plate 10x14.19.00 @ - I ? Tin Pinto, 14x20. 18.00 @ - Block Tin, fy lb. 40 ? - riFLVfi-Cotton, fy lb. 75 ? - Baling. 46 ? - Hemp. 45 ? - Jute. 50 @ - VARNISH- Bright, fy gallon. 25 @ - Paru il no. _ ? _ r/y?C/l?-Wbito Wine, ft gallon...... 50 ? - Cider. 30 @ - French. 1.00 ?1.25 WINE, fy gallon-Port. 2.50 @ 0.00 Madeira. 2.25 ? 5.00 Sherry. 2.25 ?5.08 Claret, fy ea?o.5.00 ?13.50 Champagne, fy basket. 25.00 @8U.0l) ZINC-Shoat, fy lb.I 20 & 27 10 12 9.00 33 ? ? ? ?20.00 ? - ? - 30#@ 31 3 !,'.<? 321;; - @ -' 58 ? 1.40 30 ? 32 Consignees per South Carolina Railroad, December ??8 and 29. 1744 bales Cotton, ll ba es Mdze, 26 casks Clay, 4 cars Furniture, and Sundries. To W C Dukes k Co, W B Heriot, E H Rodgers & Co, W P Dowling, A Robinson & Co, Leo & Co, GrooBer & Smith, M H Kappehnaun, J Cokely, Kanapaux*, Lanneau & Co, Stenhouse k Co, L D DoSaussure, W K Ryan, H L JefferB k Co, Willis k Chia olm, G H Walter k Co, Johnston, Crows k Co, Ravenel * Co, Renneker k Glover, J Walkor, Agent, P Petit, J Cant? well k Co, I E Hertz, R R Agent, J Frazer k Co, A J Salinas, G W Williams k Co, Mrs Hughes, F W Johnston, '^-'..^'^gi^LJt. Pringle. F O Mey, S L Howard, & Co, J M Caldwell k Kons, G II Ingraham, Street Bro & Co, I' II Kegler, Courtouay & Tronbolm, J B E Sloan, Hunt k Bro, E J Wost & Co, Piuckney Bros, W McComb, G P Elliott, C G Momininger, J Mazyck, Mrs St Amand, Mrs Washington, J M 'Fredsburg, C J Martindale, H Seabrook, Wordlmv & Carew, Rev E C Logan, Thurston & Hohuos, N Legare, S Piuolmey, AV G Stewart, J D Aiken k Co, J k W II Armstrong. Passengers. Per steamship Moneka, from New York-H B Hopkins, C j Andell, r> AutjuE?u, li W Loman, Miss E Phelps, M' Martin k Son, and 2 steorage. Per steamship Saragossa, i'or New York-C L Chase, Mrs E Reed and child, and three in steerage. Per steamer Pilot Boy, from Savannah, via Bluffton, Hilton Head and Beaufort-Rev G Allen, Capt F W Bark man, Mr3 W T Adams, B O Adams, E W Phelps, and 10 on deck. . i Per Bteamcr Fannie, from Georgotown, 9 C-M W Wilson, A S Douglas, J Izard, F S Parker, Jr, W W Tia- j pier, B L Garoy, S W Launoy, U W Abbott, Lieut Chance, USA, Dctjins, and 24 on deck. Per steamer Emilie, from Savannah, via Beaufort, kc- I B Spiedel, N S Euglish, J McLaughlin, E K Coiling, CT Noble, li W Warren, M Weigert, E E Bradley, lt M Fid? ler, W J Markham, and fi on deck. Per steamer Idea, from Edisto and Rockville-J R j McLaughlin, Wm -Armstrong, Wm Simmons, Mr Mc? Clure, W Seabrook, Lieut Staber, II M Hailey, W G Loe, [ D Scott Ellinga, -I Archer, G Little, J M Furber, J II Wil? son, A H Frye, A W Frye, P S Mastettor, and 25 on deck. riymgaiHwniwgCTiwwflmatnnwmUB mnwtfisjis runnrr"isman PORT CALENDAR. COnnECTKD WEEKLY. PHASES or 'run MOON. New 31. nth, 7h. 10m. oven I Full M. 20th, 2h. Ital, even First Q. 13th, Uh. l i in. mom \ i:.nni Q. wi-h, Oil. lim. morn MARINE NEWS. PORT OP CHARLESTON. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Moneka, Lobby, Now York. Mdzo. To A Setty k Co, Willis k Chisolm, J Apple, Adams, Damon fe Co, J E Adgor & Co, T M Bristoll, H Bischoff & Co, Bollniau Bros, Bart & Wir th, H Bulwlnklo, C E Brown, Brown & Hyor, C D Brahe k Co, W M Bird k Co, Came? ron, Barkley k Co, H Cobia k Co, T M Coter, W H Cha? roo, CUcitts k Witto, W S Corwin k Co, J Commins, S G Courtenay, H Daly, L Drucker, H A Due, R J Donaldson fe Co, Douglas & Miller, M Endel, H Eisenbach. D F Fleming k Co. J Frank, IL Falk & Co, C Fremder, Fer? guson fe Holmes, J J Farrel, Grubor k Martin, J H Gra? ber, C Goldstein, C Graveloy. H Gerdts k Co, Goodrich, Winoman k Co, F Horsey, Hastie, Calhoun k Co, J k M [scman, J 8 King, F Koldcwey, Lauroy k Alexander, Levy k Alexander, C Litschgi, Lester Bros, S R Marshall, SV McComb & Co, J B McElhoso, Macullar, Williams k Parkor, Mehrten? & Wohltman, J H k D Muller, Man :ouo k Co, McLoy ?: Rice, II Moyer, J J Mundy, North, Steele k Wardell, B O'Neill, D O'Noill k Son, Parker k Childs, J Pollock, J Purcell, W Rohoustein, J S Riggs, E a Rodgers k Co, J Russell, Wm Roach, Salas k Co, J Small k Co, L Schnell k Co, Silvoy k Soligmau, G W 3teffons k Co, M Spanier, J F Slattery, W J Trim, J Thompson. OLW Williams k Co, Weruor k Duckor, J A ?oung, N'HWft, h C R R, Southern Expross, Order, and ethers. Experienced heavy galos from tho southward; witted to KW with heavy snow squalls. Shifted cargo; ?hip laboring heavily; stove house windows, and washed iway signal hght; split mainsail; alfb lost a horse on tba possogo. Steamer Fannio, Davis, Goorgoiown, S C. 49 tierces Rico, 160 bbls Rosin, and 3 tierces Ground Nuts, Ac To Ferguson k Holmes, J R Prlnglo, J F O'Neill k Sou, and others. Steamer Idea, Willey, Edisto and Rockville. 20 bales Cotton. To Ropor k Stonoy, Cohen, Hanckel k Co, Fra? ser k Dill, MDtte A Pringle Arrived Saturday. Br Brig Chobuctoo, Kennedy, Halifax, NS, 19 days. Lumber, Fish, &c. To T S k T G Budd, and Willis it Oliisolm. Sclir A 8 Deas, from Weat Point Mill. 140 bbls Rice. To Cobon, Hauckol k Co, and Thurston k Holmes. Steamer Pilot Boy, MoNclty, Savannah, via filuffton, Bilton Hoac and Beaufort. 30 hales S I Cotton, and Mdzc. To Ferguson k Hohnon, Piucknoy Bros, Porchor k Henry, W C Boo <fc Co. Steamer Emilie, Adair, Savannah, via Hilton Hoad and firW.\^n*.lETe^ Brad: loy, C Litsohgi, and others. Boatjfroni. John's Island. 4 bales S I Cotton. To T L Webb. - Boat fron Asaloy River. 12 bolos Sea Mond Cotton, ind - bush els Rough Riee. To T L Webb. Cleared Saturday. Steamship Saragossa, Crowoll, Now York-Ravenel k Co. Steamship Falcon, Bcod, Baltimoro-Courtenay k Tron holm. Steamship Adolo, Hall, Baltimore-Street Bros & Co. Ur Bark Modoni, Ryder, Wilmington, N C.-Risley k Creighton. ? Br Sehr Gertrude, Munro, Bahamas-A Canale. Sehr Mona wa, Dissoway, Georgotown, S C.-Risley k Creighton. Went to Sea Saturday. Steamship Sarsgossa, Croweil, Now York. Vp for tills Port. Steamer Delavoro, Simmons, at Now York, Dec 27, via Georgetown, S C. Sehr D B Warier,-, at Now York, Dec 27. Sehr David V Strieker, Van Gilder, at Baltimore, Dec 28. Sehr Ida L Ridiordsou, Bedel, at Baltimore, Dec 28. Cleared for this Port. Ibo Dcodota, Harcusson, at Livorpool, Doc 8. LIST OP VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LTVBEPOOIi. The Doodota, larcusson, cleared.Doo 8 The Gladi tono Evenson, up.Dee 10 The Yann uri, Thompson, saned.Nov 6 The Mario , Moloneie, sailed.,.Sept 16 The Teouiaseb ?piaagle, oleored.Nov 17 BOTAN. The Paul Marty-, sailod.Oct 8 VALENCIA. ?ho Mistr eas o tko Saas, Favus, sailed.Oot 1 CAJU) IFF. Tho Penpoll, Cooker, sailed.Oot 16 LEITH. The Felllna, Daran, soiled.Oot 18 The City ut BofcsBflani Earnahaw, sidled. Oot 22 CARDENAS. Bark Mary Bete Roberts, Burney, sailed.Doc 6 D?MESTIC. BOSTON. Brig Anna D Tcrey,-, up.Deo 17 Sehr R K Vaughn, Howell, cleared.Dec 21 NEW YOItlC. Steamship Dolarare, Simmons, np.Dec 27 Steamship Audnusia, Wost, to Isa ve.Dec 20 Brig Abby Watsn, -, olearod.Deo 7 kehr D B Warne,-, np.Doc 27 Sehr J E Daily, Tall, mp.Dee 26 Sehr R CaldweU.McCorma?k, up.Deo 17 Behr Paragon, Sute, up.Deo 14 8chr Kate Mathw, Tapley, up.Nov 29 Sehr Margaret, Can, up.Dec 1 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Louis F Saith, Cienforeos, cleared.Dec 20 Sehr Richard Vad, PowolL oioarcd.Deo 19 BALTIMORE, Steamship Sea Gil, Dutton, up.Dec 24 Sjhr David V Shekor, Van Gilder, up.Deo 28 8chr Ida L Richfdson, Bedel, up.Dec 28 SchrFleotwood, lardner, up.Deo 25 Sehr Ella FlBh, 'tilley, oloared.Dee 82 Sehr Nollie Torbx, Pondleton, cleared.Doc 22 Bark David Nicibs, Combs, sp.Nov 87 Bohr Jo soph Al In, Kelso, up.Nov 2t Sehr Jonas Spats, Cant th ors, up.Vee IQ NEW OHLBAKS. Behr John flrocford, Jones, oleaxod.Doc 12 BRIDGES & LANE, MANUECTURERS AND DEALERS IN RAILROAD AND CAR FINDINGS, AND Macniury of Every Description. ALSO, TAFT'S PATJNT ROLLING LEVEB SHEARS ' AND PUNCHES. Wo. 50 Courtatnd-st., corner of Greenwich, NK "W YORK. RAILROAD ALLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, Bolts, Nut* Washers, Car, 8hip and Bridge Bolts, Iron Forgings ofvarious kinds, kc, kc STEEL AND RIBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND HAND LANTE1NS, Portable Forges and Jack Screws, Cotton Duck for !ar Covers, Brass and Silver Trimmings, Belting of all kills, Baggage Checks, ko., kc. Also, Agents or the manufacturers of CAR HEAD LININGS. ALBERT BRIDIES..Jt0. JOELO. LANE. NarsabsrS iTltat?iX 1 9 ELLANEO?S. General CoiA?iission Hercliant, A:?D \V Manufacturer ?f N?apop, OP VA.?IIOU8 KINDS, SO. lat READE STREET, Comer Hudson Skeet, New York. OEALER IR PAPER AND IN MATERIALS OP everv description ior its m emu five hi re. DCCMfltWl 1U 0>uo Havana Flan Kentucky State Lottery MB?RkYTWXQZ&CO., MANAGERS. rpo BE DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KT., 16TH ^KD J-, aotli each month. Scheme, 30,000 tickets-5? prizos. Whole tioliots, $1?; Jmlvos, $8; quarters, $4. 1 Prize of.300,000 2 Prizes of.S4.600 1 Prize of.*20,l)00 2'.) Prizes of.? ooo 1 Priz? of.*8,950 03 Prizes of. --BOO 1 Priaoof.?8.000 155 Prizes of.?3U0 320 Prizes of f 200. 54 Approximation Prizes amount in g to $13,050. Combination Lottery draws evory day. Ttokuts from U to $10. Circalrrn sontlrec. Drawings mailed as soon as the Lottery is drawn. Actress H. T t'K'. KRS, Outlcd StiUu Licensel Atjeut, .So. .H. ii.iseiauroet, Uu-riesiioa,8. C., ?etti? BoxW . .'?> November 10 3mo iff YEAR'S PRESENTS. THOSE WISHING TO MAKE PRESENTS WILL DO weh to oall and examino my goods, as I will soil low to meet the timos, and all good? guaranteed. MEERSCHAUM and IMITATION, FANCY BRIAR, PLAIN, and ?U otlior kind of PIPES, latoBt style. SE GAR-HOLDERS, SEGAR CASES, and a great varioty be longing to tho trade. Imported and domestic SEGARS, put up ia 56 and 100 boxee. At L. LORENST'S 9HHAP 8BGAR STORE, No. 30? KING, A few doors abovo George street. Decenter 7 imo Onfober ll RISLEY & CREIGHTON, SHIPPING Ai COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Importers of f, India Prote. COR. EAST BAY AHD ACCOMMODATION WHARP. October 1 WMWA irai EASONS' FOUNDRY AND Machine Shop?. BUILD AND REPAIR Steam Engines, Boilors, Saw and Grist Mills. Cast ingi in bon and Brass of all descriptions. Send orders io J. M. EAS ON k BRO., Nassau and Columbus sta., Charleston, S. C. ^December 15 stu th Iff YORK MM Elli CL MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINE LATHES, PLANERS, IMPROVED CAR WHEEL BOXES, BOLT CUTTERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS) AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS OF ALL BESffllPTIOKS. Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND WAREROOM, No. 222 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. j December lfl Gmo S. A. LAMBERT, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN ORDER* PILLED ON COMMISSION. Offleeof John P. Newkirk, No 127 READE-STRBET, CORNER HUDSON, Iff" 53 "W YORK. fl3?Agoney for EXTON'S PREMIUM TlRENTON CRACKERS. All orders sent will be promit attended !o. ?nsoB Dw-wnbf"-1H REMOVAL. C. C. TRUM?O & SON HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE FROM NO. 145 MeoUngXottoNo. 42 MARKET-STREET, below Meotmg-stroot, where they have on hand an assortment of BUILDING MATERIALS, such as Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Limo, Cement, Plaster Paris, Hair, Sheet Lead, Naile, 3 and 4 inch; Mahogany Plank of varions widths and Btrips, sawed out for hand rails; Mahogany Newel Posts and Ballastors, all ot reduced prices. Mr. E. AUSTIN, Agout, oan bc found there, who will keep on hand PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY AHD BRUSHES-all of which will be aold at low priceti. November G taith??n?a PROSPECTUS - OF TSE CHARLESTOir WWI THE PUBLISHERS OP THE '?OHABLBSTON ?AMC NEWS" have groot pleasure in stating to jubila tia* ?ioy hara common cod ilia publication of THE ? ff? THE AiU OF THE PUBLISHERS WILL BS TC MAJU? T?1B BEST WEEKLY PAPHR FVHUBHW SID WT VHS SOaJTHERJi WOW?! Til Y. IT WirJLi 0ONTAM: INTERESTING &VQMM -, AflOTOATE UAEBS?r REP OB CS A??I?rL<FURAL INFOBM????N BEADING FOB HOB FAMILY ?OME/E POETRY AND LITERARY MATTER POLHI0AL NfiWS ABLE EDITORIALS ON ?IE BUBJEfTS OFJPHE ?AT. PT HAS MOSE READING MATTER nan May ottwe Weekly pwtttehod ontaide of N w Yuk. SriBSCRIPTION TERMS-ONLY $8 A TEAR. NO SUBSCRIPTION RE?HV2D WITHOUT TOE CASH. CATHCART, M'MIliAN & MORTON1 ?>T7SXiIS2XJBa?S, Ko. 18 Barn*8k, Cfoariestoo, ft, &