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SPECIAL NOTICES. JW AWAY WITH SPECTACLES_OLD EYES made new, wiilioui Spectacles, Doctor os Medicine. Pamphlet mai?e-5 free on receipt of tan cents. Address H. B. 2L 2?., Na. 11*9 Broadway, Now Yo-L november ? W ARTIFICIAL EYES.-ASTIEICIAIi HU? MAN EYES made to order and Inserted by Drs. P. BAUOH and P. GOUGELMANN (formerly employed by BOISSOJTNXAU, of Parla), No. BM Broadway. New York. Ay rill?_ly? W OCLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.-THIS CELE? BRATED Toilet Soap, m snob eniver 8*1 demand, a made from the eSvoicost materials, ia ?slid and ?BsoUleniin Ita natue, fravgfratntly ews^Ud, sad extremely o?a*&ciai in ita action upon the ukin. Pox Baie by all Druggists and Fancy Seeds Dealer*. Febrttwry 7 _lyg GEORGE STECK & CO., WAT) XHE UNPI?EOEEENTED TRIUMPH XO EE AWARDED TWO PRIZES AT ONCE, THE GOL? AN? SILVER MEDAL, Atthe Fab? of tho American Institute, Oct. 18"5 (being the very latest datu), lor General Superiority of their MD AND SQUARE PIANOS. First premium received over all competition, when and wherever exhibited. rrVHESE PIANOS SAVE RECE IVS? THE HIGHEST A recommendations from the following extinguish? ed Artistes and Perforators : THEODORE TKO MAS. F. VON BBEUNTN? GBO. W. MORGAN, THEO. MOELTNG, W. MASON. CHARLES WELS, HENRY C. TIMM, WM. PEO S ER, J. N. PATTISON, OAUL A'S SCHUTZ, THEODORE HAGEN, JUL. 8CHUBERTH, .GEORGS MATZKA, A. PAUR, FR. BRANDEIS, WT'.. BERGE, M>T MARHT7.EK, A. DAVIS, S. **. MILLS, 0. DEMUTH. CARL WOLFSOHN. CHAS. FRA?EL, CARL BERGMANN, H. PERABEAN. /-KD OTHEBS. Please send for illustrated Circulars. WABEROOMS NO. 1*1 8TH ST., NEAR BROADWAY, OPPOSITE CLINTON, HALL. August 23 thsraRmo ESTABLISHED 18 3 5. '"THE BERRI AN"" HOUSE FURNISHING WABEROOMS, NO. 601 BROADWAY, BI JEW ?9RK The largest variety in the United States, of CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED WARE TEA SETS, CASTORS. REFRIGERATORS COOKING UTENSILS, to., to. TOGETHER WITH EVERYTHING APPERTAINING to the Une, au<i all at the lowest possible prices, wholesale and retail for oa*h. Foreign goods reduced to gold value. Catalogues furnished on application to my address. H. H. CASEY. Ootober 4 thatu 3m<M 0. K. HUGEKc No.. 137 MEETING-ST. CHARLESTOrT. S. Cm LOCOMOTIVES, RAILROAD IBON RAILWAY SUPPLIES PORTABLE & STATIONARY ENGINED IRON & WOOD WORK MACHINER! SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS COTTON GINS M? LL AND GIN BANDS WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, FLATFORM, COUNTER AND WARR HOUSE SCALES. .JOTTON PICKERS, &?., &c JW Represented by Mesara. BL K. JESSUP * GO., Kew York. April*_ HAKPS, J. F. BROWNE & CO. HARP MANUFACTURERS, HAVE REMOVED their Warerooms to N->. 681 BRO AB WAY, New York, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Strings, Muslo, and every requisite los the Hare Established London, 181?; aew ?nci. 1-41 ntcunamo Jcmbw K M. M. QUINN, -Wholesale & Retail Dealer* IN BOOKS? PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETC. o. BUT KIRB-SIKEBV, (Opposite Ann-street, CHARLESTON, S. O. The latest 'sanes of the preta el wa va on bani. Subscripto JIU, io?el>ed and Goods deiivertdOS fias? Vf uded by Man or Rxoreea. AO CASE Ji>ii?v o-romptiv attandaa-o, __ SOOTHERS E IP RE S S CODAI! Office Fe. 147 Meeting-street, ooi^isrBCTioixrs RAILROADS TSE0?6H0?T. TEE UNITED_STATES. Every attention given te th? safe Transmission of Freight. Mosey, &r>d Valuables. WILL CALL F0?; AND. DELTVEB PBEIGBT T? ANY POINT IN THE, Oil Y FREE OF CHARGE H. B. P?iAWT, Pr?sidant, Aaunuta, Ga, Anfl ... iiaeeiiYille Monntaineer, LA R?E .WEEKLY, ffi ISSUED EVES.7 JKTOBS- ; -?AY,?t $3 a year, im edvonee. Adare rtia MB a rn, J6 AWW?tiOei? CaiIcr8' ?w?wm WM'S CONCENTRATED COnOK ARD CORN FERTILIZER. DIRECTIONS FOE USE-SAME AS NO. 1 PERB U VIAN GUANO. AT DEBS THAN HALF THE COST. Barrels 250 pound* each; eight to tue ton. HUNT & BRO., Agente, ACCOMMODATION WHARE. CHARLESTON, 8. C. Nore"? nor I 2mo SEKILLi S1MILUSUS C?RANT?R. HUMPHREYS' I?OMOOPATUIC SPECIFICS HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST AMPLE EXPE? RIENCE, ?a entire success : Simple-Prompt-Effi? cient ?nd Reliable. They aro the only medicines per? fectly adapted to popular USA-so simple that mistas ee ; innot bo made hi using thom; so harmless as to be tree from danger, and so efficient a? to be always relis ale. They have rai sod tte highest commendation from ?U, and will alwsvys render saMa&ctton. ^ Gente. ""s? " Worms' Wovtu-Fever, Worm-Cole.. 33 ? 6, ?? Crying Colic, or Teething ef Di? lan tr.. 2? ?? 4, .. Diarrhoea of Children or Adult?.... 26 ? 6, ?? Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic... 20 " 6, . .* Chole a Mortons, Nausea, Vomit? ing. 35 " rjt ? CoagSis, Col??, Bronchitis.... " 8, *' fSssnralgia, Toothache, Facaacho.. 24 " 8, ?c iieadai-Ues, Sick Headache,'; Vertigo.. 25 " IO, " Dysp?:pwla, Bilious Stomach. " II, Ssapprcssetl, or Painful Periods..... " H, " Whit??, too profuse periods. 25 " 18, ? Croup, Gough, Difficult Breathing.. 22 14. .< Sali Kttciim, Er.- s pn'As, Eruptions. 2S " 15? ** Kh??*?fc2iiiaisa, Rheumatic Pain?,., 25 ." If, ?' Fever and Agiac, Chill Fever, Agues. 60 " 17, ?? Piles, Blind or Bleeding. 50 '. 18, *. Op; nalia y, asd Sore or Weak Eyes. 60 '? 19, " Cata*-1?, Acute or Chromo, Influ? enza . 60 '.' 29, *' Whooping Cough, Violent Coughs Bl " 21, " Asthma, Oppressed Breathing.. 60 " 22, .' Bar Discharges, Impaired Hear? ing. 60 " 23, .? Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swell. inga. 60 " 24, " General Debility, Physical Weakness 60 " 35, ?' Dropsy and Scanty Secretions... 60 ? ic, " Seo. sir.anesa, Siokness from Bid? ing. 60 " 27, .? Kidney Disease, Gravel. 60 " 23, " Nervous Debility. Seminal Emis? sions, Involuntary 'iscnarges.1.00 " 20, " Sore Mouth, Canker. U> " 90, *' Vriaary Incontinence, Wotttag Bed. 50 ? si, *' Pa in faf. Periods, even with Soasa- *. 61 " 82, " SnlterWxsgs at ehange of Lfe.l.ot " 83, " Epilepsy, Spasms, sit. Vitus* Diaoe.1.06 " 84, " Dipiheria. Uloerated Sore Tr oat... 60 PA?HLY CASKS. if vfalr, morocco case and book.,$10.00 10 large vials, in morocco, and book. 6-ox 10 large vials, plain case, and book. CM IS boxes (Noe. 1 to 15), and book. 8.00 VBTBRIKARY SPECIFICS. ilahogany cases, 10 vials.$16.00 jingle vrais, wl;h directions. 1.00 .0S~The?e remedies, by the ease or single box, are tent to any part of the country, by Mail or Express, free .?i charge, on receipt of the price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMO?OPATHia MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot No. 562 Broadway, New York. Dr. HUMPHREYS is consulted daily at his office, per tonally or by letter, as above, for ali forms of disease. KING & CASSIDEY, W. A. SKRINE. A. W. ECKEL <SS CO.. rtetafil Agent?, No. 231 KING-STREET, 4th door above Market-st. April 16 6mo fimo Oharl?.*t?ii. 8. C. CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Female Regulator* V?L Cure Suppressed, Excessive and /fj?F% Painful Menstruation, Green JRS Sickness, Nervous anet Spinal Af B J&?&. factions. Pains in the Bade, Sich fr*PgH|k Headache, Giddiness, ?cd all dis IfSibmsk eases that spring fron?, irregularity, Wj?P yh? by removing the cause and all the JtliSl, effects that arise from lt. They ^c,8r*^ aro P^rflrctty aaie in alt cases, ea> ? c?pt iahen forbidden by direc S^LiiS? >3| tiona, and are easy to nduiini?ter, as they aro nicely su?ar coated. *?^yS][2^S. They should bo in the hands of |||jg|fijgg?j evejY Maiden, Wife, and Mother Ladies can address ns in perfect ^?HaMWa**" ?onfidenoe, and state their com? plaints in fcU, as we treat all Female Complaints, amt preparo Medicines' suitable for ad diseases to which t IK-y are subject.-Thirty-two page pamphlet, ta a scaled envelope, free. The Cherokee Pills are sold by all druggists at fl per box, or six boxes for $5 ; or they are sent by mail, free ef postage, in an ordinary letter, free ?rem observation, by addressing the sole proprietor Dr. W. E. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., N. T. ' N. B--Cherokee Pills No. 2 are prepared for special cases, when milder medicines fall ; thea? aro sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt ef pt, 'tiie price cf each box. DB. WEIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR? Or, Essence of JLife, ^Ml<!/////?2%? Caros General Debility, Weah Ks&5i!!?>ila&%, ness, Hysterics in Fem?is?, Palpitation of the Heart and > all Nervous Diseases. It re r stores new life and vigor to the aged, causing the hot blood of As the Phenix rises voutu to coarse the veins, res new life"-so does twn,remov%ngImpotency ana, this Elixir rejuven- Debility, restoring Mamine** ate the system and and full vigor, thus proving & overcome disease. perfect "Elixir of Love? re? moving Sterility and Barrenness io both sex's. Ta the young, middle-aged, and aged, there is no greater boon than this .* Elixir of Life." It give? a new lease of life, causing the weak and debilitated to have renewed strength and vigor, and th? estire system to thrill with joy and pleasure.. Price, ene bottle $2 ; three bottles $5 ; sent by express to any address. Our medicines aro sold and recommended by all respectable druggists in every part of the civilized globe; some unprincipled, dealers, however, try to deceive their customers by selling cheap and worth? less compounds in order to make money. Be not deceived-rask for these medicines and take no others. If the druggist does net keep them, write to us. and we will send them by expresa, carefully packed, free from observation. We will be pleased to receive letters with full statements In regard to any disease with which ladles or gentlemen aro afflicted. Address all letters for medicines, .pamph? lets, or advice, to the sole proprietor, ? ?a Dr W. B. MEBWIN, 37 Walker BU, K. Y, May 36 lyr HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HARD A LARGE bTOUK RAILR0AO, STEAMBOAT & SAW MILL sTj^^riiEis. STEAM ENGINES AND SAW SEOULS SAE AND SHEET BRON 0ASr>ND SPMNG STEEL LOW MOOS AND OAST STEEL ? OOMOTIVB TYRES OHS AND AXLE GREASE GUM AND LEATHER BELTING EATLBOAD, SHD? AND OTT DPI EES, AC EVANS & WATSON'S FIBS *KJ> BUBGLIB : PROOF SAFES, MEM, iiRSLE? k 88., NO. 150 MSSTDie STREET, li ri ITU DI un & SyNSj ESTABLISHED 1823, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square, And Upright PIANO FORTES. WARE-ROOMS, NO. 652 BROADWAY, CHICKERiN(J & SONS' Grasd- Square and UprlgfcS ABE SOW. AS THE S" EVER HAVE BEEK, CON 8?DERED the beat m Amor?os, having been awarded SIXTY-FIVE PIUSE MEDALS, Of which fourteen were received tn the months of Sep? tember and October, 1865, and first premiums over all competitors at tbe riitt'erjnt principal Fairs in this country, and the PRIZE MEDAL at the WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON. THAIiBEUG'S OP1S?OH. I consider Ohickering St Sons' Pianos, beyond oom pariaon, the best I have seen in Amer ira. S. THALBERG, Chair ra aa of Jury on Mhaical Instruments. CARE). It is with feelings of pride as American manufacturers that we publish the following testimonials, which have been received oy os recently : EUROPEAN TESTIMONIALS, Received during the month of August, 1866. LONDON. July 25, 1867. Husens, CHICHE ursa & Sosa-Gents: I have much pleasure in enclosing a document signed by the first composers, musicians and professors in Europe. I huid your Pianos in snob high estimutiou (vide my certifi? cate) that I felt it my duty to take one of them with me to Europe, to ascertain the opinion of my professional brethren. The enclosed certificate will prove how unanimous they have been on the subj ?ct. I beg to forward, at the same time, a letter I received from my friead. Mr. Collard, which I am cure must ho gratify? ing to you. I have the honor to be*, gentlemen, yours very truly, JAMES M. WEHLL LOHDCHS, January 14, 186?. James M. Wehli, Seq. : MT DEAR Sm: I nave great pleasure in ashing youto cr.nvey to Messrs. Chicfceriug the expre sion of my highest approval of their Instrument. It is, I confider, not merely the best instrument of American manufac? ture that I have tried, but one ef the fittest Grand Piano? fortes that has ever come under my observation ; and the Messrs. Chickerinsr may well be prond of having turned oat from their manufactory an instrument which, for touch, quality, power and workmanship, it would be very difficult to surpass in any part of the wide world. Dear air, very sincerely yours, CHAS. D. COLLARD. Firm of GoUard & Collard, Plane-forte Manufacturers, London. LOHBOH, August 22, 1866, James M. WAU,Esq.: MY DXAB Sm: As you are seing back to the United States. I munt beg you to remember me kindly to the Messrs. Ohickering. Tell them I was delighted with their Grand Piano-forte-os. good an instrument, I Rink, as was ever turned eut, both in touch and tone. Wishing yon, ho., I remain ever truly, H F. BROADWOOD, Firm of L Broadwood & Sens, Piano-forte Manufac? turers, London. LOBDOH, July 39, 186?. Messrs. Chickering ?fi Sons: GENTS: I have inst been invited by Messrs. Collard te try a Grand Piano-forte manufactured by you, and I have no hesitation ls endorsing the opinion of' my old friend, Mr. O. D. Collard, vu: That it is the finest in? strument I ever played on. Believe me, gentlemen, most faithfully yours, JT. L. HATTON. Testimonials from the most distinguished Artists ft? Europe to Messrs. Checkering <? Sons: LOK DOH. Joly 26, ISM. Having played upon a Piano-forte made by Messrs. Ohickering & Sons, of Boston and New York, I have much pleasure in testifying to its general excelh nee. For sweetness and brilliancy of tooe, delicacy of touch and magnificent power for' concert purposes, I consider it a really GRAND PIANO- FORXE, AND DEC ID KT? LT THE BEST I HAVE 8KRN OT AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. ARABELLA GODDARD. GIULO REGONDL ?*. A. OSBORNS. ALFRED JAELL. W. KUHE. LINDSAY SLOPER. JULES BENEDICT. J. MOSOHKLKS. M. W. BALFE. Prof. of Conbarvatoire de CHAS: HALLE. Leif sip. BRINLKY RICHARDS. 3. AKTHUS CH APPEL, RENE FAVAUGER. Director of Monday Con. SYDNEY SMITH. certs, London. Among the ?kief points of excellence of the Ohicker? ing Pianos, of which speak the renowned artists in their congratulatory testimonials to the Messrs. Ohickering, aro the greatest possible depth, rlohness and volume of tone, combined with a rare brilliancy, clearneaa and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale; and, above all, a surprising duration of sound, the pure and sympathetic quality of which sever changes under the moat delicate or powerful touch. During the past fort?-throe years thia firm has manu actured 30*000 PIANOS, In the construction of which they have in trod ac ed every known and valuable improvement. They have in varia illy been selected and need by ail of the world's ac? knowledged great artists who have visitad thia country professionally, both for private and publie nae. THALBERG. I consider Ohickering & Sons' Pianos, beyond com? parison, the best I have ever seen tn America, GOTTSCHAL BL. ? X consider Ohickering & Sons' Pia?as superior to any In the world. The; are unrivalled for their singing qualities and fer the harmonious roundness of their tone. There ia a perfect homogeneity throughout all the registers. The upper notes are remarkable for a clearness and parity which I do not find in any ether instrument, while the base ia fliBtmgiMffhf' for power without harshness, and for a magni&oe&t sonority. * WHSUdU Toar Piases are superior to say I have ever seam ia tads eeemtry or in Barops. I have never heard a tone se perfect; it yields every expression that ls needed in music, and Its quality ir capable ef change te meet ?very sentiment. Thia la r. rare power, and is derived from the perfect purity of its tone, together with isa sympathetic, elastic and well ' talftQOed?euch- r?&*0 - During the past eight years X have constantly plsyod upon (fee justly celebrated Beard Pianos ; year* are tho only instronsaata that I have' found, either hers or in Europe, to equal them in a? their pointa o? excellence. It may be satisfactory to our patrons and friends amone; she pnblioat large te state that testimonials have been received from ali the leading artists who have visited cr ans now residing in abe Snarfed States, a few ol wheeo asases, besides those above, we append:_ LEO. ra MEYER. OL'.HKAV BaTZsnV . ALFRED J ARL. J. BE?TEDLJT. H. ANDERSON. M. ST RABOSCH. R. HOFFMAN._ JULLIBN. ARTHUR NAPOLEON. And many ethers. S3- ILLUSTRATED ALBUMS AND PRICK LISTS SENT BY MAIL, WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway? NEW YORK. HEMS? SEIGLING, Asr't CHAKIJBSTON" SJ-CM Ooloo** . te fH. Y OTU, Advertisement: "A smile waa on her lip-health m in her loor strength wa? in ber step, and in her bands-PLAKTA noN BHISBS." S. T.-1860-X. A few bottle? of PLANTATION Brrxuss wai our* Nervous Headache. " Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. ?? Sour htomaoh and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affections. M Bbscesaive Fatigue and Short Breath. ..* ??oin over the Eyes. " Mental Despondency. " Prostration ; Great Weakness. .? Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, ho. Which are the ovtdences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It ls estimated tbet seven-tenths of all adult ailments proceed from a deceased and torpid liver. The biliary eecrtttoas of the liver overflowing into the stomach poi? son the ant?tre system and exhibit the above symptoms. After long research, we are ablo to present the nioit rema'kable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has evor produced. Within one ye*r over six hundred ?nd forty thousand persons hare tat.'H the PLANTATION BITTERS, and not an matonee of complaint u?a come to our knowledge 1 It is & mos? effectual tonio and agreeable stimulant, suited to all conditions of Ufo. , The reports that it relien "~>s mineral substances for it? activt- propel dea, are t. jolly fa se. For the satis ractioa of tho pubiic, and that patients may consult their physicians, we append a list ot ita components. CALMATA : . AUK.-Celebrated ter over two hundred years in the treatment of Eever and Ague, D', spspsia, Weakness, etc It was introduced into Europe by tue Count-ss, wife of the Viceroy 01 Ptru, in 1040, and afterwards sold by tho .TeNinte far the enormous pnce 0/ its own weiglU in lilwr, tinder the name of Jesuit's Pow dert, and was Una.'ly made public by Louis XVI, King of Prance. Lumboldt mases especial reference to its 'febrifuge qualities daring hiu Sc o th American travels. CASCMULLA BARS-For diarrhoea, coho and diseases oi the stomach and bog?la. DAKDRLIOH-For inflammation cf the loins and drop? sical affections. CHAMOMILE FLOW?RS-For enfeebled digestion. LAVENDER FLOWEBU-Aromatic, stimulant and tonis binhly invigorating in nervous debility. WiMKKouKKN-For scrofula, rUeumatism, etc ANTSE-An aromatic carminative; creating flesh, muscle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-bud a, orange, carraway, coriander, mate root, etc. S. T.-1860.-X. Another wonderful ingredient, of great % use among thc Spanish ladles of sousa America, imparting beaut; to the complexion and brillianoy to the mind, is yet un? known to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES. ROCH tarra, N. F , December 28,1881. Messrs. P. H. DRAKE & Co.-I have been a great suf? ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my profepsicn. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy I am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in several cases, and, as far as I know, always with signal benefit. I am, respectfully yours, Rev. J. S. CAT-HORN. PHILADELPHIA, 10th Month, 17th Day, 1863. RESPECTED FKTKSTD:-My daughter bas been much beneficed by the ase of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt send me two bottles more. Thy friend, ASA GORRIN. Braams Horma, CHICAGO, BL, ) February ll, 1863. f MESSES. P. H. BRAES & Co. :-Please send ? ? s another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to nave superseded everything else, and are greatly esteemed. Yours, io., GAGE & WATTE. Arrange ai en ta are now completed to supply any de? mand for this article, which has net heretofore been possible. The public may rest ossared that m no case will the perfectly pure standard ot the PLANTATION BITTSRS be departed from. Every bottle bears the fac-simil? af our signature on a steel plate engraving, or ii cannot be gen? uine. Any person pretending lo sell PLANTATION Binnu in bulk or hy the gallon, is a swindler and imposter. Bat are of : efilled bottles. See that our Private Stamp it WNHTU TILATED over every cork. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers throughout the 00 un try. P. E. DRAKE & 60., New Yosk. Ami 30 lvr m mm, J. B. SCHENCK, Agent, No. 70 ES ALDRIN LANK, "KW If?ll?, p' OFFERS FOB SAI R PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGIN? i of aU sizes, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS of the mo? approved construction, cutting from 10.000 to 30,001 eatef Lumber per day: REYNOLDS' TURBINE WA. TSR WHEELS, and ail kinds of Machinery for Werklet >*"nod and Iron, vis: Engine Lathes Drill Lathes Boring Machines Slatting Machines Upright Drills Iron Planers Vertical Planers Steam and Gas Pipes Steam and Water Guagesj Screw Jacks Hydraulic Jacks Upright Reserving M Ule Circular Reserving Milla. Shafting Pullrys and Hangen Rubber Leather Beltings Circular Saw Benohes Steam Pumps Suction Pumps Force Pumps Power Morticing Machines Blind Slat Tenoning Machines * Daniels' Planing Machines Gray & Wood'o Planing Machina?! Woodworth Planing Machines Moulding Machines Sash Machines Boring Machines Tenoning Machines Foot Morticing Machines Leather and Rubber Hose Plumbing and Gas Fitting Wright's Patent Scroll Saw?] Patent Belt Scroll Saws Lifting Pumps Rotary and Mining Pumps, ?very description of Machinery and Railway Supposa COTTON GTNS of the most approved construction. January 8_lvr LADIES BESIR?M A SIOOfH, (?LEAS AND ?~- -- "'WM '^mr??Lpfi0S fl ? \?S185StlS?W T5HB DELIGHTFUL TOILET ARTICLE HAS HO EQUAL FOR PRESE R VISS AXED BEAUT mm THE COMPLEXION ANS BRIM. Sold by Druggists every - hoTC ?epet No. H Futon-street, Kew Tot*. KIN? & 0A3SIDEY. Aeeatn. bOYLAN & TUMIS, yr AS fTFACTURRRa OF, ARL WHOLB8ALB DNAL EL SHS in, WHITS? LEAD. ZINC PAINTS, OOLOSE f?BNtBuiaS, Ac. Ho. 98 MATOBW LABS. Sew Xor:, Orders by mafl ore raptly attended to s?w<jn_ '? ' " _0 . ?~HERAW ADVERTISER VEVOTBD IO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, / AGRICULTURE, and'MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Cheraw, P.O.- Published weekly,by W. L.T.PRINOE kOO. nnics or arrnrtxaxmens : One copy ene year..........;.M 00 One copy six months.SOO One copy three months.1 00 Jive copies one year.........16 00 2AXBS or ??vnrnBnto : Ow Square, ten lines = leas, first insert???.$1 SO For each subsequent insertion. 1 00 ! AU Advertisements to be dletinotiy marked, or they 1 wm be pabhahod until ordered out, and charged accord* _shant? and other? advef?staa by the yeo; l-ibi? ral deduction on the *?WT0 ?01 ' CHAOSES G WIS GXSA.T IKDIAK MEDICINE, Cures oil diseases cfiu?c?l by self-abuse, viz:-Spermator rftea, Si-minuC - Weakness, Night . Emixsions, Lons of Memory, Universal Lassi? tude, Paine in the Back, Dim -neus of Vision, Premature ~ Old Age, Weak Nerves, Diffi? cult Breathing, Pate Connie nance, Insanity, Consump? tion, and all diseases that fol? low as a sequence of youthful Indiscretions. The Cherokee Curo will restore health and visor, etnp the emissions, and effect a permanent cure after all other medicines have failed. Thirty-two paso pamphlet sent in a soalod envelope, free to aay add ress. * Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. 8old by nil druggists; or wi'! bo 6ent by express to any portion of the world, on receipt of price, by the solo proprietor. Er. TJ. E. MESW?T, 37 Walker St., N. T. Cherokee Remedy, Cures nil Trdnary Com? plaints, viz: Grovel. Tnfiam mation of the. Bladder and Kidneys, Detention of Urine, Strictures of the Urethra, Dropsical Sleek? ing*, Brick Dust Depnsilr,, and all diseases that require a diuretic and when used ia conjunction with the CHEROKEE INJECTION, Joes not fail to euro Gonorrhea, Gleet and all Mu? cous Discharges in Malo or Female, curing recent cases in from one to three dayi, and is especially recommended in those tpases of Fluor Albus or Wliites in Female?. The two medicines used in conjunction will not fail to remove this disagreeable complaint, nnd in thoso cases where other mediemos .have bcea used without success. Trioo, Remedy, One Bottle, $2, Three Bottles, f 5. . u Injection, " * " " $5. Tho Chorokce " Cure? " Remedy," and " Injec? tion" aro to be found in nil well regulated drug stores, and aro recommended by physicians and druggists all over tho world, forthcir intrinsic worth and merit. Sumo unprincipled dealers, however^ try to dooelve ttieir customers, by selling cheap and worthless compounds,-in order to make money In placo of these. Be not deceived. If tho drug? gists will not buy them for y ., writ;: to us, and we will send them to you by expr?s?, securely packed and froo from observation. Wo treat all diseases te which the bunnin system ls suljcct, and will be pleased to re?oive full ami explicit statements from those who have failed to receive relief heretofore. Ladies or gentlemen cnn address ns in. perfect con? fidence. "We desire to send our thirty-two paso f>amphlet free to every lady and gentleman in the and Address all letters for pouiphlots, medicines, OT advice, to the sole proprietor, (gt ?K Bx. W. E. MEEWIN. 37 Walker Et., N. T. Mn/ a* lyr ?-THE SALE OP THE PLANTATION BIT- | TESS is without precedent in the history of the world. There ls no secret in the matter. They are at once the most speedy, strengthening health-restorer ever dis- ! covered. It requires but a single trial to understand this. Their purity can always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla : Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen, Anise, Cloverbuds, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Coriander, Burdock, S.-T.~1860--X. &e. They are especially recommended to clergymen, pub tic speakers, and persons of literary habits and seden? tary life, who require ire? digestion, a relish for food, and clear mental fatuities. Delicate females and weak persons aro certain to find in these Bittere what they have so long looked fer. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They aro the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. The following startling and emphatic statements can be seen at our office. Letter of Bev. E. F. GB ANE, Chaplain of tie 107th New York Regiment : NIAS AOQUTA. CRBEK, March 4th, 1863. Owing!to the great exposure and terrible decomposi? tion after the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrat? ed and very sick. My stomach would not retain medi? cine. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. DKAKS, of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great surprise they gave me immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to j om my regiment. * * * * I have since seen them used m many oases, and am free to say, for hos? pital er private purposes I snow of nothing like them. Kev. E. F. G BANE, Chaplain. Letter from the Bev. N. E. O-mns, St Glairs vHle, Pa. OKxrr&sicBK:-Yon were kind enough, en a former oe- ! easton, to send me a half doasen pottles of Plantation Bitters tor $3 M. My wife having derived so mac A benefit front the use of these Bitters, I desire i pr te continue them, and yon will please send as E1I bottles more for the money enclosed. I am, very truly, ro :rs, H. E. aUUDo, pastor Ger. Bel. Starch, Boulia' HOICK, SuFBnnrrxssETrx'B Ornas, 1 Oaatmnat, OHIO, Jan. 15th, 1863. j . ** ? * . * ? I nave given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of sw noble soldiers who stop here, mare or less disabled from vexions causes, and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this is I heartily wish in every family, in every hospital, and at hand on every battle field. O. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Dr. W. A. OHEUM, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Re- j giment writes:-"I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitter?. They an tbs most effective, per? fect, and *? tonie I ever used." Wrr-LABD'e Hem, 1 WiSBDMS?, D. C., May 22d, 1883. j enOBBOC-We require another supply sf your Plantation Bitters, tba popularity o wniah daily in? creases *rfth tbs guests of oar boase. Respectfully, STES8, CHADWICK & 00. to. to. to to. to. Be sure that every bettie bears tbs fae-similo of Our ?tgastara OB a steel plate label, with oar private stamp P. E. DBASE & CO, Ko. 902 BROADWAY, H. Y. Bolt by an respestable Druggists, Physicians, Orseers Saloons, and oona try Hoted ad eaters. April \9 _tbrt-slvr ELDEE & BROWN, MANUFACTURERS ATO PATB3T EES of the celebrated OOMBIN VTION CRADLE AND B\BY TENDER, Pro belting Horses, and all kinds of Bock? ing Horses, Invalid Chairs, with double and single wheels, Cram $25 'to $45; Children's Carriage?. Fancy and Varnished Wagons, Fancy Sulkies, invalid Carriages, made- tn order- Fancy Propellers and Baby Rockers, to., to., lifo-size Horses, made to order. > Depot, No 63ft BROADWAY. Manufactory, Nos. 449, ?CO. 451 sad 462 WEST STREET, New York. October 25 _tbsflyr ANDREW A. BOYD, (Successor to P. B. ANDERSON), Ship Broad, Biscuit and Cracker Bakery At TJIB O?D STAND OF V. P, WARD, No. 319 Fultoai-Street, , (Stated Arc abor? CiflSawtob). MW YOSZBL* N. York ??yertf?etn?msL KRAUSHAAR &, GO. Tax Moer IMTSOVBD 8B4SD AND SQUARE PIANO-FORTEB Full Iron Frame and Overstrung Bas*. MANUFACTORY AND W*R?HOU32 ?O1 Si? West Flooston-strcct. ? NEAR BROADWAY, KEW TUSK. nfiE UNDERSIGNED, MEMBERS (Jr THE FI BM Ol 1 KRAUSHAAR ? CO., ore practical Piano mahon B'ld is si'^h buve had a ??.rye csperie-mic ia connepticti vith SODJ.'S vi th' befit Establishments lu this corni a itt Europ:. T'.eir lauos aro made not merely ic" t ?eu, b?t I y t;:> m, ?; d nuder ?heir immediate person.* s iperrisioti, ; : hey allow no instrumenta to leav? tii-. v Cictory s.u?.; . wsw into t he hands of their petrona, uni;-*, t' ey have a power, eveimrsn, fi maims* and roundness c tjne, an elasticity of touch-without which no tarir:: aent oufibt to bo BRtJsthctory to the public-aa sr ;?i i 1lat durability in construction, which uur.oies lr, to rt' nain in tune and to withstand sudden changes ci tea .f-caluro and exposure to nstrcme heat ini coki. Vinit? a's domotimes unavoidable. Tbcy will at all times be happy to FM the prcf;>*ii/ir a id tuc public at their fTarurdoniH, ami iiav.ta conipar; s iri between their own Pianos and those o? any otb-v aianofsctory. ASIOS KRAUSHAAR.TOBIAS KAi?i" CHARLES J. SCHONEMANN. April 26_ YOUNO & Mc KENZ?E. LMT ?NS COLLECTI?K OFFICE, Nos. 39 aad 40 Park Row. ISAAC DAVEGA, ) GEORGE B. YOUNG, J SEW YOK5. o ER ABD i,. MCKENZIE.) aATIN-3 SUCCEEDED TO THF FOREIGN C0LL3l> TION BUSINESS of Messt ? BERNEY, ?'IUiS CISS ir FLANDERS, we will attend KI the ooQection 0: .>?st due and maturing claims throughout the Uniia; ?ton az 2 ^Hnadn. QOM MISSIONERS FOR ALL THE STATES. ?t.nriftTV Q THE EST?Y OEGAS; FOR CHURCHES. 8UNDAY-SCHOOLS, AND PAR LOBS, with new and valuable improvements, giv? ing extraordinary compass, variety, and a sweetness of tone. The crowning perfection is the VOX HUMANA ATTACHMENT, a wonderful imitation of the ey m pa? thetic sweetness of the human voice. They are strou cly Indorsed by GEORGE W. M< >KGA WILLIAM A. KING, and others-thc highest musical authority in the United States. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. PIANOS of all grades and styles fucnibhod at lowes cash prices. GEO. 0. SAXE & CO., NO. 417 BROOME STREET, NEW YORE, August 10_gmo TarPOXTBa AXD nxmta, ZE .Fine Grocerieo, Ctieics Tes.?, sc?., ce?s?. ??M. 260 4 262 GREENWICB.-S?.. COX. OS MURRA ? NEW XOSE, SoTeaaber T0?D & RAFFERTY, ENGINEERS & FOUNDERS, Offlc< and Werks, Paterson, Sew Jersey. WAREHOUSE, NO. 4 DEY-8TBEET, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY AND PORI ABLE STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS; Fl?, lamp, Tow, Oakum, and Rope Machinery; Shafting, ?till Gearing, Iron and Brass Castings si all kinds; atna a, Planing Maohtnes, Drills; Shaping, Slotting and boring Machines; Gear Cutters, Cen taring, Milling and - lolt-Gutting Machines; Chucks of all kinds, Leather '.Dd Rubber Belting, Lace Leather, Bell Hooke, and 'raneral Supplies for Railroad and other Machine Shops, sidscn & Snow's Patent Governors. Saw Kills, Cottee i ina, Presses, &c, constantly on hand. TODD <t RAFFERTY, March 20 ly No. 4 Dey-Street, N. 3 MOLEN & STEERS. *5<a Street and Second .wuin?, S?w Ycrlt. trrHOLLSAIiE AND RETAIL DEALBBS W D' ATtTi learns oar ^CKEEE, MANUFACTURERS OF MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS. AND BOX 8HOOES. Turning in s its branches. Booka containing Patterns onldings sent on applies** Dscember ly? STAN HOOD AND Ti IK VIGOR OF ?OC?n ?XA, restored in four weeks, by Dr. BIOOBD'S BS .-?ENGE OF LIFE. tr. Ri co rd (of Paris), after years C earnest solicitation, has at length acceded to the earnest requests of the American public, and appointed aa Ages m New York for the sale of his valued and h lg ??f-pr issi issenoe of Life. This wonderful agent witt rasters manhood to the most shattered constitutions, whetaa -wising from excesses, the effects of climate, or natura a&uses. The time required to cure the most inveterate case ls four weeks; and li used according to printed in? ?tractions, which are very simple, failure ls impossible. Ibis life-restoring remedy should be taken by all ?batu . co marry, ss its effect are permanent. It lsAOknowie?gc? ' Dy the medical press to be the greatest discovery eve made. Ita developing powers are miraculous. Sucosos tn every case is as certain as that science overthrows ig. a oran oe. Dr. Rico rd's Essence of Life ia sold ?a cases, with full Instructions tor uso. at S3, or fons qnsja? ti tl ea in one for $8. and will ce sent to any part, carero? packed, on reoeips of ranaiUsuoce to ms accredited agecfc POTaP ROLANIj March 23 ly No. 34 Liberty-street. New York. J. D. MURCHISON, COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 54 Pine street,' .Knarw YOES. October IC_8mos INDIA RUBBER GOODS. 13. HODGMAN, Manufacturer of and Dealer In every description of INDIA RUBBER GOODS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, KO. 27 MAIDEN LANE, NE? YOKK. Octet**''" 12 _3moa LOMBARD & CO., COMMISSION MEECHA K TS UfO rtSFOSTKBS AUB BKAMCBa BS GRINDSTONES, KO. IS LEWIS, AND NO. 9 T WHAB?, BO STOS. Advances made on Consignments of Sloe sad Geitau te oar address. _ References, by permission : To Messrs. J AUKS Anona & Oe?, Messrs. BTBBKT BBOTHSBS s Co., Charleston, S. _6mos* _Poto ber 1 FIRE WORKS. FUNSTON & SCOFIELD, GENERAL AGENTS FOB LUlienJahl's Excelsior Fire Works! Importers and Manufacturers of CHISESK GOODS, Klttlfi CRACKERS, WRPEDVKS, LANTKttSS, Kl?AGS, Sic. No. 9 ?CT STREET, NEW YORK. Ootober 6 _stn th 3m os sarMuaio BOOKS.-BASSISTS 20 MELODTO EXERCISES, tn form of SoUegglo'e, for Soprano sad M ?zs o-Soprano ??Ices, intended ss studies to acquire the ?rt of Singing, by CARLO BASSINL S Books, sank $2.20. PIANO FORTS CALISTHENICS, a oollection Ot XZB*. etses for stmnetiiestui<. fiqiaUsing and aoquirisg flexi, blttty of finge-rti.? hy FRANOIS H. 8ROWN, reoona. mended by GorzsoiLtnE, BASSXMI. and others. MM ?3 50. ';_ AU the Utentand bett ps leetiozs of lN?TBUMB?? TAL AND VOCAL K0SI? pabhshed by ^ .. WM. HALL * SOW, . Sa ?43 Broadway, Hew aissfc - Misto aflat by maO MOfnsid oa??os^?g|wigff