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SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 180C CALENDAR FOR 1867. DEATH OJ? SASTOED P. HAWES.-From the Rich? mond Dispatch of tho 25th we copy tho follow? ing:. Wo deeply rcgrot to announco thc death on yeeterdi. of Mr. S.UIPEI, P. HAWES, an old and highly osteemod citizen. Ho went to bia placo of bnamoss in tho morning in his usual health, was soon after struck down of paralysis, and died in a short time after being romoved to his residence. He was in Iiis sixty-eighth year. His funeral will take placo at Dr. Ho3E*s church to-morrow morn? ing," ai ll o'clock. Mc.]Hawes was greatly bolovod by a large circle of friends, and his sudden death is all the moro lamented fr tho fa~tthat to-dty a happy reunion of hi? Humorous faintly was to have taken place at his rosidcac : in this city. His gifted daughter, Mrs. Terhuno (Marian H.urland), and her husband, Bov.. E. P.Torhune, of Newark, N. J., and his .Wost son, Hov. H. BL H&woa and family, of Char lotto Oouuty, had already arrived, to participate in tho pleasures of this sojj?^^B|hering of the chil? dren and sraiidoliildtBri^gffiiwflooa AS jd. But al asl how suddenly is their joy turnod to sorrow; and tho hall whore tho Christmas treo had boen raised and whore tao little ones wera to give voies to the elad thoughts which All tho young mind at this fest ive season, is hushed in silence-deserted by J all save tho mourners around tho loved form of husband, father and friond. Most deeply do wo sympathize with this afflicted household. A FEMAI?B CAVALSXMAN_A Mrs. Franois F. Sigol is now in Washington, applying at tho Pay Depart? ment for back pay for services in tho Western armies as a cavalryman. Sho says she enlisted in 18G1, with her husband (a John Cloytou), in the lStli Missouri cavalry, and fought for two years as a cavalryman in our armios. Sho fought undor Grabt, Sheridan and Roseoranz. She was in the battles of Sluloh or Pittsburg Landing and Stone River, and at the latter battlo her husband was killod and she severely wounded. Her sex thus became known and she was discharged the service. Sho has married since, and is now endeavoring to get tho pay d?e.hor whon discharged; but there is no law which would authorize her payment, fe? males hot, hoing .recognized by any as soldiers. Mrs. Si gel's appearance and mannersycannot be ba very prepossessing. She hs? evidently seen hard sorvice in camp or elsewhere, and has contracted all the rude airs, attitudes and manners of a man. She wears a Scotch cap, cocked on one aida of lier1 head, chows tobacco, smokes, and swears like a very trooper, as' sho claims to be. She is accompanied by her present husband. Both arc very poor, and have boen compelled to sleep in the stat on-house every night they have been in Washington. Altogether, Mrs. Sigel, who bears traces of having once been in better condition once even good looking-presents a sad illustration of the offects of a woman stepping out of her natu? ral Bphore, to enter upon a career entirely foreign to the design of her creation. A friend asks : ?'Wonld she not be invaluable subject for the study of tho advocate of what is called 'Woman's Bights?"* - . BISHOP ATKINSON, or NOBTH CABOUTKA.-Right Bev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D-, Bishop of the Dio? cese pf North Carolina, who has just returned from, a visit to Europe, occupied the pulpit of] Graes Church yesterday morning. We are glad to learn that the Bishop's health has been measura? bly restored, and that he returns to his duties in North Carolina with renewed vigor. His sermon yesterday was characterized by that earnestness, eloquence and force, that always marks his pulpit .efforts.-Petersburg Impress, Dec. 24. A correspondent of a Western paper spins a yarn about a Gorman Jew who after a three days' wan? dering in tho sewers of New York, picked up $27, O00 worth of jewelry, precious stones, silver spoons, &c. MARRIED. On the night of the 20th inst., by Rev. Wm. Brearley, Captain John Law, of Darlington Village, and Kiss Hary Jamos, daughter of W. E. James, of Florence. On tho 1th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. T. D. Gwin, Rev. J. T. Gwin, of York Dis ? triot, .to Mrs. Parmelia C. Hobby, of Laurens District. On tho 4th inst, at the residence of the bride's father, by R. V. Harris, Esq., Mr. E. B. Baily to Miss Bailie Steen, all Ol Union District. At the residence of the bride's father, Water Valley Mississippi, November 14th, 1866, by the Rev. E. C. Davi~ son, AM,, Mr. A. D. Jackson, late of Spartanburg. S. C. to Miss Nora Y. Painter, of Yallabuahs county, Missis? sippi. On the 12th instant, by th? Rev. Dr. A M. Shipp, Mr. William Bridges, of North Carolina, to Miss M. L. McFar? land, of Spartanburg. . In Trinity Church, Columbia, on the : 18th instant, by Rev. Mr. Shand, Mr; Edward Frost Parker, of Abbeville; to Miss Lina W. Parker. Alto, at tho same time and plaoe, Mr. Walter Gregg to Miss Anna M. Parker, daughter of Dr. J. W. Parker, of Colombia. In Camden, on tho 20th Beeembsr, by the Rev. 8 H. Hay, Dr. G. R. C. Todd, of Albany, Ga., to Mattie Belton, -eldest daughter of the lat? Jamas Y. Lyle*, of Camden, 8. C. On the 16th nit, st the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. B. F. Parrott, Mr. Francis (smith to Miss W. i. Howell, all of Darlington District On the 13th ult, at the r?sidence of the bride's mother, by th? Rev. B. F. Parrott, Mr. John Howl to Miss Martha King, all of Darlington District On the 17th December, by the Rev. P. J. Shand, at th? weal dence of the bride's brother-in-law, James G. Gibbes, -Charl?a Lea tsr Singleton, of Columbia, to Pauline Lillian" McCullough, of Mobile, Ala. On tho 13th instant, by Bev. J. E. Hamlin, Mr. J. B. Cotty to Miss Elizabeth Sargent, all of Piokens. On tba morning of th? 13th instant, by Bev. John 2f. Oralg, Mr. Evan M. L. Williams to Miss Elizabeth A. Rid? dle, all oi Lancaster. In York District, on the lfli> inst., by Rev. Henry R. Dickson, Colonel Robert M. Korr to Miss Margaret J. Bosch. On Thursday, 13th instant by Bev. A Ric?, Mr. John Allen Emerson to Miss Sallie S. Kay, all of And arson Dis? trict On Wednesday, 19th, at Winnsboro', bj the Bev. G. R. Blackett. Mr. W. H. Williams to Kiss Minni? B. Nelson, at the residence ot the bride's mother. . On the 90th December, at Shop Springs, by Bev. Jacob Hawkins, Mr. Thomas J. Macro t a: ? Mian Fanni* 8. Werts, all of Newberry, S. C. At Melrose, S. C., on tho 10th inst, by the Bev. Bv E." Friarson, Marsden Bellamy, of Wilmington, H. C.. to Hattie ?., daughter of Dr. Robert Har?eeTof Marlon Dis? trict, S. C. On the 20th, by the Rev. T. R. English, Kr. Hardy Ma? gee to Miss Margaret Higgins, all of Bishop ville. On tho 13th test, by the Rev. Silas Knight Mr. Enoch Wast to Miss S. Anna Lanford, all ofLaurens District On the 6tb mst, by Rev, Toliver Robertson, Kr. J. J Boland to Miss Mary Power, all of Laurens. In Marion Bounty, East Florida, December 3, by Rev. John Penny, Bev. James P. DePass, of tho South Caroli? na Co nf ?renee, to Miss Anna M., daughter of Dr. G. M. and J. R. Gunnels, formerly of Laurens Court House, ao. On ?ho 29th November, by Bev. a B. Stewart, Hr. 5. C. Bedes and Kiss Ann Terry, ?ll of Greenville District On the 11th inst, by Bev. C. B. 8to wart, Kr. Thomas Babb, of Laurens District, and Kiss Elisabeth Thomp? son, of Greenville District ?ai the 12th inst, at th? rasiaano? of the offlciating BSbnstn, br Rev. C. B. Stewart, Kr. 1. T. Willis ana STUSSM? xeirj, an ?x itrasnyilis ?ossdsfc C O MMEECIAL. Kxpoxts? PHTLADELP HI A-Per Behr Jobs A Griffin-Lot of Old Iron. The Charleston Cotton Markei. OFFXOE OF THE DAILY NEWS, ? CHABUarog, Friday Evening, December 28,1868. > Tho market opened with s> good demand, and was characterized by much activity throughout the day, pur? chasers operating to the extent of 1055 bales at unchanged quotations. The sales were 70 st 28*0. ; 103 at 29o. ; 188 at SOa; 154 at SO Mc; ISSatSlo.; 82?t31*a; S3 at 32o.; O at 32>?c ; 117 at 32c, and 132 on tann* Bot made publia We quote: Good Ordinary.29 0330 Low Middling.80X@31 Middling.31*@ Strict Middling.32 ?32* Good Middling.33 ? [FROM ours OWN oaEnaaroNDBFT.] ST. THOMAS. December 14.-The island has been virife? ed by as epidemic, suddenly making its appearance on the 18th ult., which tho physicians called cholera, and which still continues. Since its commencement tho deaths have not averaged over tea per day. Thia hos very seriously interrupted tho business of tho island. Lu.?BEn-Two cargoes of Fitch Pine, from Jackson? ville-ono sold on private terms, said to bo SSO. 8hinglea sold at ?4 poi M. There ia much demand for all descriptions of Shingles. Savaimtlll. IGarltefc. SA VA NNAH, Docembor 27.-EXOHANQE-Owing to tho unsettled condition o? tho gold mirkot, and tao difficulty of negotiating, little is doing in stoning. Wo quote at 139.1141 for first-class bills. Tho banks are ohocking at ? sight oa New York at ??a?* off. aad buyiag at *@% off. GOLD-Is very unsettled and declining, and buyors de- i terrod from catering the market Wo quote buying rate, 30; selling 35. RIOE-Very few salos of clean aro offectod, and only of I small lots at 9,*al0o, aocording to quality. The stocs is j still large for the demand, though greatly reduced by j heavy shipments to New Orleans. There ia little inquiry for rough rice, and a fair offering stook. Wo quote at $1 40al 70, according to quality. The mills aro at work, though tho stock ls not sufficient to ke-ap thom constantly employed. FSEIGHTS-Are exceedingly dull, both by steamer and sail. Thors aro num rous vessels m port; a number of which are from tho Wost Indies, seeking. A slight re duetion will ho noticod on rates : To New York, on cotton, por steamer. lc To Boston, on cotton, per steamer. 1* To Baltimore, on cotton, per steamer.S3 SO To Philadelphia, on cotton, per steamer. % To Philadelphia, on Domestics. 1 00 To Liverpool, on cotton. *d. Io New York and Philadelphia, on ^oa Island, per steamer. 1* To Providence, on cotton, per sail. y? To Portland, on cotton, per sail. Do Boston, oa cotton, per sail. J? To New York, on cotton, per sail. 3? To New York on lumber. $0 00@10 00 To Boston, on lumber.ll 00@ o New York and Boston, on timber.12 0D@13 00 Io Cuba, on lumber, (in gold). 10 00@ COTTON.-Oa Friaay 32c was paid for middling, though an willi gly, tho market exhl iting evidences of a de? clino, which occurred on Saturday, only 80<4o being that day obtained. The sales for tho two days wore 500 bales. On Monday little chango waa noted, and but few bales j manged hands. Tuesday being Christinas Day, nothing transpired to re-ort. On Wednesday soma causes seemed to have operated favo ra ly, and considerable excitement was manifested, tho market rallying, and milers realizing at an advance of * a lc on previous quotation*. Sales for the day 400 bales. This, however, was not sustained to-day, though an improved money market gives prospect of los "> re? stricted transactions. Holders, however, are not willing sellers, a great deal of th" stook hiing held on limit, and, we might add, of a poor description. The sales for the day were about 200 bales, the market j closing dull ai the fallowing quotations: Low to Good Ordinary...' .27 a23 Low Middlings.:.29 a Middling.30*a31 Striot Middlings.,.31*a Good MiddUng?.32J?a33 Evon running lots being in demand, and commanding an ad vanos on the above figures. RECEIPTS-Are fully up to the large increase obtained last week, being 9035 bales, 'It is probable, however, that o win/ to the Christmas holidays, a considerable deficit will occur for the next two weeks. EXFOBTS-Prom all the ports tho exports are steadily increasing, and will keep tho apparent stocks at tho ports, W P Wright lays, from overrunning 6.0,000 bales. At this port we hare no foreign export, against 2373 bales for tho previous week; bat this, is only norridonral. and with orders here, and several vessels np for Liverpool, we may anticipate a bettor showing in the future. Tho stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared is very heavy, being 25,522 bales. Of this however, a vary small proportion is offering. SEA ISLANDS.-There are several buyers now operating, and the market has Curly opened, with little change, however, in prices. Wo quote: Inferior Roller.:. 40@45 Common Holler. 50@52 | G. od McCarthy and Roller, with fineness and cleanliness. 60<* Fine McCarthies. 70@75 Very fine McCarthies. 85@90 Extra and Choice.$1 00@ COTTON STATFTM BNT. Sea Island. 1866. , 1385. pP1'*llsland.KVd Stock on hand Sept. 1. Received since Doc 20. Received previously... Total receipts.. 447 i76 2,0Si8 4.671 9,035 82,902! 94 176 8,981 2.469 91,937 4,156 Exported since Dec. 20. Exported previously... Total exports. Stock"on hand Deo. 27. 304 2,880, 2,997 68,089 85 8,200 1,134 71,086 3,235 782) 25,522] 1,016 3,694 4.657 80,f?3 85,115 8,028 74,211 77.235 11,570 Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, December 26.-COFFEE-Continues in? active; no solea worthy of no doe, and prices entirely nominal as last quoted, 16>ial83?o for Rio. COTTON.-We have to report, with the farther decline in gold, a dull market; small sales only; tho market ! closing at 32*a33c for middling upland. I Fix)rna.-The market was quito dull to-day, the only sale reported on 'Change being 100 bb ls. Northwestern super at $10 37. We repeat last quotations, though nom? mai, mostly in the" absence of transactions: Howard-street Super and Out Extra... $11 OB ?$11 SS Howard-street Shipping Extra. 12 50 ? 12 75 Howard-street high gradee. 13 00 ? 14 00 Howard-street Family. 15 50 0 16 Ot Ohio Super and Cut Extra. 19 75 ft ll 00 Ohio Extra Shipping. 0000 @ 00 00 Ohio retailing. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio Family. 15 00 @ 15 50 Northwestern Super. 10 60 & ll 00 Northwestern Extra.IS 09 & 12 75 City Mills Super.. 10 60 ?1100 City Mills, Standard Extra.ll 25 @ 13 75 City Mills Shipping brands Extra._ 15 00 @ IC 09 Bal?m'e, Welsh's & Greenfield Family. 17 69 0 00 00 Baltimore High Grade Extra. 16 75 ? 09 09 Rye Flour, new. 6 25 O 6 50 Corn Meal, City MiEs. 6 60 0 8 09 GHAIN.-Wheat.-Only 660 bus rad and no white offer? ed to-day; market quiet; only sale reported was 140 bas good red at $310. Corn.-21,300 boa white and 23,500 bus yellow received; tho market opeaed doll and lower, but before the close of 'Change large sales ware made at a decline of 3 to 5c; sales foot np 35,000 bus white at 94ca$l for fair to prime dry, and 90a02o for damp and mixed lots; 21,000 bas fair to prime yellow at 97o a $1 nearly one-half St th* outside figure; dacsp and mixed do 95a96c Oats.-2250 bus offered and part sold at 60o. No sale of Rye. MOLASSES.-Ko salen. PEO visions- Are quiet, but nominally unchanged. We quote new Bacon Shoulders at 12al2*o; Sides 12*al3e; supply of new only moderate. New Hams are selling st 16al7o for City, and fancy Western 20c. Quote Mess Pork $22 60. Lard is*l3*c for bota City sad Western bbls; Baltimore refined 16c, tn kegs. Rios-Some little inquiry, but no salsa reported; quota Carolina 9al0c, nominal. SALT-We report a firm market at S9 16at 20 for Ground Alum; $316*325for Fine, per sack, and 30c pox bushel for Turks Island. SEEDS-Clover ia in light supply, with sales of 60&60 j bushels at $8 60*8 56. Timothy is dull and nominal Flax stead v st $2 75, the price paid by city crushers. STJOAB-The further decline in gold keeps buyers out of the market, and ia the absence of sales prices sis only nominal. WBT3KXY-Continues dull and prices irregular. City High Wines are held st $2 30; Country lots range lower as to quality and style of package. ? . ? _ Hew Torte Market. MONET KABKBT. The New York Evening Post,,ot Wednesday, December 28th, says: The loan market is less active, but the rate Is 7. and leaders seem to prefer to keep their surplus funds un? employed for the present rather than accept lower rates. The discount demand is small, and there is s very slow sale for bills, tho very choicest short dates, passing st 7a & Tho demand ?rom th? West tot currency to mora the crops seems to he increasing. For gold Uas forenoon th? following wera th? leading quotations : 10:00, 133*; 10:15, 132?; UH?, 123*; 11:16, j 132*; 12:00133*; 12:36, 131%; 1:09,181?; ISO, 1815*7 2:00,131%: ; V _ 1 Foreign exchange ia dnlL Bills at sixty days on Lon? don are quoted at 103* s 109 for commercial, 109* a 108* for bankers'; do at short sight, 110* 110X: ??ls at sixty days, UT^aWl! do et short Sights 5.15 % 5.12*: Antwerp. 5.17* 3 6.18*; Swiss, S.17*aS.?B*; Hamburg, 36* a 86* ; A&Btsrds*. 41*_ a 41*; Frank? ie*. Al* a il*; ?reman, 73* a 79; Frisian thales* 32ft IS*. ' Of oped? to-day the Cuba tokes out $389,656. FEODUCB MAB K KT. is mw YOBS, December 35.-FLOTO, iee-The market for 'Wertern and State nour is tOalOo per bbl en tho to vr gradea, and ls fairly active. The sales are 5800 bbls, at $9 25a$10 CO for sound su? perfine State and Western, which ia scarce; 910 45al2 10 for sound extra State; $9 aOall 40 for th? low grades of spring wheat Western extra; *1110*12 15 for shipping Ohio; $12 40al4 for trade brands, and $13 50al6 60 for St Louis extras. Buckwheat dour is quiet at $3 20a3 70 per 100 lbs. Canadian flour is quiet at $13al5 for trade and family brands. Southern flour is firm, with a moderate demand. Salas of 200 bbls at $11 40al3 60 for common to fair Baltimore and country extras, and $13 70al0 50 for trade and family brands. Bye flour is Arm and fairly active. Sales of 350 bbls at $6 75a7 76. Corn meal ls dull and unchanged. GBAIN-Tho Wheat market is very Arm, holders being indifferent about selling. Millers buy cautiously, as is usual at this time of tho year. The demand is wholly for milling. The sales are 13,000 bush at $2 16 for No 3 Chicago spring, and S3 05a310 for amber state. Barley is heavy, in moderate demand and rather easier. 8alcs of 9800 bush at ?1 06 for free rowed state and 92c for Canada Wost in bond. Oats are unchanged and moderately active. Tho sales ore 32,000 bush fair to good Chicago, at 03aC5a; state at 68uC0c; the inside prices for bags. Rye is rather firmer. The anica are 1000 bush state at SI 35. Cora is loss freely offered and-the market is better; no? thing is bvdng done in that in store. Tho sales are 59,000 bush western mixod at *1 14al 15 afloat, closing at 114>?; Jersoy yellow at SI 03al 15. PROVISIONS-Tho business in pork has been fair, but at decidedly lower figures, though tho market closes rather firmo-. Kor future deli ery we hcarof 250 bbls new mess, seller, January, at ??-20, and 5u0 bbl3 new Western mess, seller, Fo'oruejy, at $20 50, now offered lower. Tho sales, cash and regular, aro 4500 bbls at $18 G2.'~al9 25 for old mess; new in ss is quoted nominally at ?20 50. Beef ia dull at formor figures. Salo of 75 bbls at $9al2 for old plain mess; $llal8 for new do; ?12?15 for old ex? tra do. and 317a2i 50 for new do. Tierce beef is dull, and, with tho decline in gold, price? heavy and rather nomiuaL Beef hams aro fir acr and in fair demand. Eales of 160 bbls at $33a35 for Western. Cut moats aro quiet but steady. Bacon neglected and nominal. Dressed hogs are moderately active at about former rates. We quote at 7>?a7=?c l'or Western, and SaS^o for city. Lard is very dull, and prices rather nominal. The only salos reported are 100 tes city at 12al2>?o, and 100 tes prime now Western steam at 12j?c ASHES.-The market ls dull and hoary at $8 25a8 60 for pots, and 12?12 25 for pearle. COFFEE.-Tho business has been moderato, and we have no sales to note, prices of all kinds are to some ex tout nominal. We omit quotations. Conow.-Tho market to-day is dull, and prices ar? nominal at 33><a35c for middling uplands, and do New Orleans and Texas. OIL CAKE AND SEED.-A fair inquiry for oake, but with a marked decline in gold; lower prices have been accept? ed, with a limited business at tho concession. Sales of city in bags at $40 50, and in bbls at S42a42 50 gold, or $60 currency. Clover seod has declined with gold, and has sold slowly at 14>?al5 ??c Rough flaxseed has improved, and closes firm afc $2 90a3 per bushel. j PETROLEUM:-Tho market ia dull and lower. We quo e ! crude at 13 >?c in bulk and 23c in bbls. Refined in bond i 27a23c for light straw to white; 29ay0c for prime do do; 31c for straw white; and 32a33>?c for prime white. RIOT-Wo hoar of no important movement. Sales of small lots of Carolina at 9a9>?o. SUGARS-A fair business was done in raw sugars at about formor prices. Holders generally demand fine prices, but with the present depressed and unsettled state of gold, it is impossible to induce to operate freely, j We quote nominally at 9??al0>?o for fair tc? good rota- ] ing. Sales of 600 hhds at 9=?alo %c for crude, and ll Mc for English Island. Banned are quiet at 14%al5 eta for hards. TALLOW-Ihe market remains very dull and prices entirely nominal. WHISEET-Tho market is quiet, and nominal in value. Now York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, December 22.-Business is dull, but the worst has been reached, and there are more buyers of goods at the reduced prices asked, thus arresting the downward tendency in some measure. Brown shirtings and sheetings have improved in demand, and standard sheetings are higher. Bleached goods are also better, the great previous reduction having drawn ont buyers. Drills are in limited demand. Canton flannels are quiet S ripea and ticks are moving a little. Prints, however, are only active for the mort desirable styles, and prices are firmer. Delaines aro in fair activity, and desirable makes aro a ready sale. Coburgs are inactive but firm. Broadcloths are more brisk at t ;e recent decline in price. Cassimeres aro very inactive. Heavy and dark desirable qualities and stylos alone are wanted. Satinets are very dull. Flannels sse very slow of sale. Blankets aro dull and heavy. Foreign goods are very inactive. The im? portations are very few. brit oin stocEs ara taree. Ko activity is expected till the middle of January, when spring goods will be offered, of which there is a good supply. Silks and French, German and English dress goods, can, at present be bought to great advantages. The fall in gold will affect prices favorably to bay era.-[Inde? pendent. Consign?is por Northeastern Railroad, December SS. 202 bales Cotton, 481 bbls Naval Stores, car Stock, bxs Furniture, Mdze, &c. To J & J D Kirkpatrick, Willis & Chisohn, E R Patterson, T J K Dargan, Lee & Spencer, Cart Kopf A Jervey, Mowry A Co, J H Baggett A Co, E H Rodgers & Co, Mazyek Bros, Shack elford & Fraser, J E Scott Graeser & Sm th. Kendall A Dockery, Adams, Frost A Co, Scrcven & Nesbit, J M Caldwell A Sons, G E P ritchett G W Williams & Co, Hunt A Bro, Dukes Ss Co, W Courtney A Co, W K Ryan. Pa.ssen.sers? Per steamer Elisa Hancox, from Savannah-P Manar dy G Denn ?, F Green, J Flinn, C Poe tiing, P Levy, Mrs Carpenter and nurse, W H Romsime, J J P Smith. Jas Brady, J Purcell, A B Johnstone, S O Howard, T A Whit? well, W Kennerson, J Oxley, W A beaver, Mrs Oliver, and 20 on deck. PORT CALENDAR. OOnEEOTED) WEJBECX. nausea OF THU MOOR. New M. 7th, Oh. 6m. mom I Full M. 21st, Sh. lissa, even First Q. 14th,llh. 23m. even j Last Q. 28th. ah. 8m. sven I DBODBsma. MOON BUBS 24 Monday....; 26 Tuesday.... 26 Wednesday. 27 Thursday... 28 Friday..... 29 Saturday... 30 ?Sunday. 7.. 2 7.. a 7.. S 7.. S v.. a 7.. 8 T.. 4 4.. 58 4. .GS 4..59 6.. 0 5.. 1 s., a 6.-3 8. .32 9..38 10..35 ll..81 morn. 12..26 1..19 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHABiBSTOV. Arrived Yesterday. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Richardson. Savannah. 49 boles SI Cotton. To J A Enslow Ss Co, Pinokney Bros, Jen? nings Sc Co, J St J D Kirkpatrick, Cohen, Hanckel Sc Ca. Steamer Fannie, Davis, Georgetown, S C. 49 tierces and 160 bbls Rice, Ac. To Ferguson Sc Holmes, Shackel ford A Fraser, J R Pringle, J F O'Neill lc Son, and others. Pilot boat Wild Cat Jones, from ihe Bar. 25 bales Cotton, picked np in 8 fathoms waler. desired Yesterday. Sehr John A Griffin, Foster, Philadelphia-H F Baker St Co. Went to Se? Yesterday. Sehr 3 A Griffin, Foster, Philadelphia. Sehr Julia Baker, Baker, Georgetown, 8 C. Steamer Dictator, Coxelter, Palatka, via Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah. From this Fart. Steamship Lulu, Childs, at Baltimore, Deo 26. Brig C W Bing, Ayres, at Boston, Dec Si. Clear cdt for alais-Port. Bohr Nellie Tarbox, Pendleton, at Baltimore, Deo 22. Memorasda. The steamship Lulu, at Baltimoro 26th inst, frons this pert, reporto: Encountered strong northeast winds for thirty-six hours after leaving Charleston; came in the Capes at 1 o'clock A M, 24th; had thick weather to tho Patuxsnt River. Brig O W Bing, Ayres, at Boston, 24th inst, from Charleston, reports, 9th inst, in a NE gals throw over? board about 15 tons iron. LIST OF VESSELS VP, CLEARED AN? SAILED FOB THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LrVBBTOOL. The Gladstone, Bronson, up...Dec 10 rae Yuciurr?. Thompson, eai'.-sd... .Nov 5 The Maria, McKenzie, sailed. :.Sept 15 Tho Tecumseh, Spinagle, cleared.NOT 17 HALIFAX, M. S. Brig Ooebueto, Kennedy, cleared..Bee 10 BOYA*. The Paul Mada, --, sailed.................Ort 6 Y ALES CIA. The?fletoosa of fha Secs. Paras, sailed......Ort 1 > CA&BXXX. The PanaoB. Ot?ete, saflsd,....................Ort U '. : .... v UsSB. ..: j TW FsJHas, D#waH, ssHeel......Ort IS ! Xas cuy of Battersea, Bjuauktaw, nile?,,,.. Oat 22 auaant?M. Bast Kary BoTio ?tobort?, Burnny, ss?ed.Deo S DOMESTIC. Brig Anna D Torrey,-, np.9M If Soar B K Vaughan, Howell, el erad.Deo 31 xnw TOBE. Steamship Andalusia, West, to loare.-.Deo 29 Brig Abby Watson, -, claered.Deo 7 Sehr J E Daily, Wall, np.Doo 25 | Sehr B Caldwell, MoCormadk, np.Deo 17 Sehr Paragon, Shute, np.Deo 14 I Sohr Kato Mathew, Tapley, np.NOT 29 Bohr Margaret, Tan, np.Dee 1 rniLiSiitpm'A. Sehr Louis F Smith, Cienfereos, cleared.Deo 20 \ Sohr Bi chard Youd, Powell, cleared.Deo 19 ; BAJCTTMORB. Steamship Sea dull. Dutton, np.Doo 24 SobrFleotwood. Gardner, np.Dec 25 Sehr Ella Fish, Willey, cleared.Dee 22 Sehr Nellie Tarbox, Pendleton, cleared.Deo 22 Bark David Nickola, Combs, up.Nov 27 Sohr Josopb. Allen, Kelso, np.Nov 20 Sehr Jonas Sparks, Carn then, up.Doo 12 ?nw ORLEANS. Sehr John Crockford, Jones, cleared.Bec 12 Charleston Wholesale l?rices? Corrected a.n<Z XLevIseiH Daily. AU TI CL 113. BAGGING, il yard Dundee. 40 ? 45 Gunny Cloth. 31 @ S3 BALE ROPE, fi II?-Manilla. 24 ? 25 Western. 20. C4 23 New York. - ? - Jute. 12*@ - BREAD, fl ft Navy. - ? - Pilot. 19 & - Crackers. 12 ? 15 BRICKS. fl M. 9.00 ?29.00 BRAN, fl 100 lbs. 33 ? - COTTON, fl 16 Ordinary to Good Ordinary. - @ - Low Middling. 30*? 31 Middling to Striot Middling. 31*? 32* Good Middling. - ? - Sealsland. 53 ? 1.40 CANDLES, fl ft-Sperm. 80 ? 32 Adamantine. 35 ? 28 Tallow. i9 ? 29 COFFEE, fl ft-Eio. 36 ? 3? Laguayra. 28 ? 95 Java.{ @ 45 90SDAGE, fl 5b-Manilla. - ?' _ Tarred American. 36 ? 28 CORN MEAL, fl bbl. 6.00 ? - COAL, fi ton-Anthracite.11.00 ?12.09 Cumberland. nominal. COFFER, fi lb-Sheet.J 68 ? 60 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, fl ton. 100.00 ? - Pacific Guana, fl 2000 ?s. 75.00 ? - Baugh'a Phosphate, fi 2000ros... 60.00 ? - Ithodas' Phosphate, fl 2000 lbs... 65.00 ? - Mopes' Phosphate, fl 2000 ros... 65.00 ? - Zell's Baw Bono Phosphate. 65.00 ? - Sell's Super Phosphate of Lime.. 60.00 ? - FISH-Cod, fl 100 Ibfa. 9.00 ?10.60 Herring, fl box. 75 @ 85 Mackerel, No. 1, fi half bbl. 11.00 ?12.00 Mackerel, No. 2, ^ half bbl.10.50 ?11.00 MaokereL No. 8. fl bbL. - ? - Mackerel, No. L by kits. 3.25 ? - No. 2. 3.00 ? - No. 3. - ? - Budines, fl lOO-quarter boxes.. 23 ? 25 Half boxes_ 48 ? 59 FLOVR, fi bbl-Super_.'.11.00 ?12.00 Northern and Western Extra.12.50 ?13.00 Baltimore Extra.14.00 ?16.00 Southern Extra.15.00 ?18.00 FR CITS-Prunes, fi ft. 23 ? - Figs. 40 @ - Dried Apples...,. 10 ? 28 Almonds, soft shell. 35 ? 40 Raisins, M. R., fl box. 4.00 ? 5.00 Raisins, Layer. 4.DO ? 5.50 Oranges. - ? - Lemons. 4.00 ? 8.09 GLASS, fl box of 50 feet American, 8x10. 5.50 ? 8.00 American. 10x12. 6.00 ? COO French, 12x14. 7.00 ?8.00 GRAIN- Maryland Oats, fl bushel_. 73*? 74 Western Oats. ft bushel.. - @ - Corn, ft bushel. 1.24 ? 1.3a Beans, fl bushel..,_ 2.00 ?3.00 HAY, fl cwt.-North River. 1.40 ? 1.50 Eastern. 1.65 ? 1.60 HIDES-Dry, fi Bs. 10 ? 12 INDIGO-fi lb. 1.60 a 1 TO IRON-Itoanoa, * lb. pt Ok tnyi ?wade. 09 ? 10 LATHS, fi M. 4.80 ? 4.50 LIME-Shell, fl bbl. - ? - South Carolina. 1.60 ? - Rookport. 2.00 ? 2.25 - Cement. 2.76 ? 3.60 Plaster Paris. 4.00 ? 4.50 LUMBER, ft M. feet Olear White Pine, 1st quality. 59.00 ?55.00 White Pine, good run. 33.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pine.20.00 ?25.00 Boards, fi M. feet-Rough.13.00 ?15.00 - Grooved and Tongued_ 28.00 ?32.08 LEATHER, country tanned, fi BJ. - ? - , MOLASSES, fl gallon Cuba.~. 40 ? 63 Muscovado. 55 ? 85' Sugar House. 50 ? 1.09 NATAL STORES, fi bbl-Tar. - ? - Pitch. - ? - Rosin, Pale. - ? - Rosin, No. 1...^^. - ? - Rosin, No. 2. - ? - Rosin. No. 3. - ? - Suints Tuxoenbne. fi gallon. GB ? - Oaxuin. ? tb. 16 <a - NAILS-American, 4?20d, fi keg. 7.00 ? 7.75 American Wrought.I - ? - Lathing.f7.60 ?10.08 Copper, fi lb. 1.00 ? - Galvanized. 80 ? - Spikes. 12 ? 15 OILS-Lard, fi gallon. 1.80 ? 1.90 Linseed, fi gallon. 1.60 ? 1.06 Sperm, Winter, fi gallon. 3.10 ? 8.15 Cotton Seed, fi gallon. - ? - ! Castor (E. I.), fl gallon. 3.00 ? - Olive, fl dozen. 8.00 ?10.08 Kerosene, f5 gallon..'.. 70 ? - Benzine, fi gallon. 60 ? - PROVISIONS-Beef, mess, fl bbl.16.00 ?30.00 B.ef. prune.14.00 ?15.00 Pork, mess. - ? - Bump. - ? - Bacon, Hams, fi lb. 18 ? 26 Bacon, Sides. 12 ? J? Bacon, Shoulders. 12 ? 14 Bacon,Strips.IB ? 17 Lard, in keg. 15 ? 17 Batter. 80 ? 40 Cheese. 16 ? 64 Potatoes, fl bbl. 2.76 ? 3.00 Onions. 3.00 ? 3.25 Apples. 4.00 ? 8.00 FAINTS-White Lead, fi ft. 12 ? 28 Black Lead. 12 ? 14 Zinc, White. 12 ? 18 FLOW STEEL, fi ft 12 ? - fi/CS-Carolina, fi 15.;. 8 ? 8* , East India. - ? - SLATES- American, fi square..12.60 ? - SHINGLES, ft M. 7.60 ? 8.88 White Pine, first quality.12.00 ? - SALT- Liverpool, ooaree, fi sank. 2.87*? 2.60 Liverpool, fine. - ? - SOAP-Bar. fl ft. ll ? 15 STARCH, fi ft. 10 ? 13 SPICES, fi ft-Cassia. 1.00 ? - Mose. 1.76 ? - Cloves. 75 ? - Nutmegs. 2.00 ? 2.60 Popper. ? ? - Pimento.,. 40 ? 60 Race Gm^er.. 88 ? - SPIRITS, fi gallon-Alcohol. 6.08 ? 8.00 Bnody, Cogna?..... 4.08 ?12.08 Brandy, Domestie. 3.08 ? 3.76 Gin, Holland.....j 4.75 ? 6.00 Gin, Americas.". 3.68 ?3.75 Basa, Jasasisa.6.80 ?6.80 Bum. N.E.. 2.50 ?8.60 Whsakey, Bourbon. 3.08 ? 6.00 Whiskey, Rectified. 2.38 ?2.40 8ZT&AR, fl ft-Baw. ? ? 18 Crushed... 18 ? - Clarified A.... . lg ? Clarified B. - ? - Chuilled O. . 18*? 17 Loaf... 18 ? 39 Porte Rte......... 18*? 14 Mnooerva??-'...,.J 18 ? 14 SEGA At-Domaste manufacture, fi M. 18.00 ?46.00 TEAS, fi BJ-Imperial. 2.00 ? 2.60 Gunpowder...... 2.00 ?2.60 - Hyson.... 1.60 ? 1.60* Young Hyson. 1.80 ? 1.60 Black..... 1.00 ? 1.76 TOBACCO, fl ft, as per quality. 40 ? 1.69 TIM?ER-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 5.08 ?18.80 Ash......... - ? Poplar.........i. - ? - "?Bakory. - ? - TIN-J C Booting Plate. J.16.68 ? - IX Roofing Plate..18.09 ? - X C Tin Plats', 10x14.'.....17.80 ? - IX Tin Plate 19.00 ? - I C Tin Plate, 14x20..18.60 ? - Block Tin, fi ft. 40 <3) - TWINE-Cotton, fi ft. 75 ? - Baling.H 46 ? - Hemp.....;. ? & - Jute. 50 ? - VARNISH-Bright, fl gallon. 25 ? - Parafino.... - ? - VINEGAR-White Wino, fi gallon..... 69 ? - Cider.~.. 36 ? _ French. 1.00 <? 1.2S WINE, fi gallea-^Pbrt. 2.60 ? 8.80. Madeira. 3.25 ? 5.00 . Starry.............. 2.55 ?6.00 OSavat,? asas. 5.98 ?13.60 Champagne, fl basket.._. 25.08 #09.00 ?LyC-Sheet, * ib.... !? ? 27 MISCELLANEOUS. O. CHITTENDEN, General Commission Merchant, ANO Manu?actu-rex* of Paper, OF TABIOUS KINDS, 9TO. 137 READE! 8THBBT, ComoT Hudson Sfcroot, Hew York. DEALER IN PAPER AND ES MATERIALS OF every description tor tts laenmfactaro. Dcceaioer Iii Clo KoveiDl?r iii Mayans Plan Sentncky State Lottery HTFBRAY, EDDY & CO., MANAGERS. TO BB DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KT., 15TH *ND 3Uta each mouth. Sa'w ae, 30,033 tickots-327 prises. Whola ti ok ?ts, ?ld; halves, $3; quarters, $4. 1 Prizo of.S60,O0O? 2 Prizes ol*.$4,800 1 Prize of.S20.000 29 Prises ol.$1.000 1 Prize ol.30,0501 83 Prizes of.?500 1 PciiO of.S3,000|l55 Prizes of.$300 220 Prize3 o? 5200. 54 Approximation Prizea amounting to ?13,050. Combination Lottery draws ovary day. Tickets from $1 to ?lu. Oireuirrs sent ire?. Drawings madel as soon as the JjoUary is drawn. Andris" ii. T PI?C'?CRS. United Sides L-l cenia L igoni, No. J?, ja isbi 3iresc. Oa-riesto.!-, b. C., criie. Bix JJ I .0. NoTemlrer ) 0 . 8T>.O NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. ~ THOSE WISHING TO MAKE PRESENTS WILL DO well to call and examine my gooda, as I will sell low to meet the timos, and all goods guaranteed. MEERSCHAUM and IMITATION, FANCY BRIAR, PLAIN, and all other kind of PIPES, latest style. 8E GAR-HOLDERS. SEGAR CASES, and a groot variety be? longing to the brad?. Imparted and domestic SEGARS, pct np in 60 and 100 boxes. Afc L. LOBENST'S CHEAP SEGAR STORE, No. 333 KING, Becesaber 7 A few doors above George street. Imo October ll FACTORS, Skhniii & ooMissiei Merrtaats NO 4. SOUTH ATLANTIC "WHARP, CI?A?U^??OW, S? r. J. WSIT2..Vl.,,aEORG?s. PA:NE RISLEY A CREIGHTON, SHIPPING MED COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Iiporters of W. India Protnce. COR. EAST BAT AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF. Oetober 1_ WILLIAM ll 6ILLILA5D & SOS, Beal Estate Agents, Auctioneers AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33 EAYNE STREET. September 3 S MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE LATHES, PLANERS, IMPROVED CAB WHEEL BOXES, BOLT CTJTTER8, UPRIGHT DRILLS AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS OF ALL BESCRIPTMS, Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND WAREBOOM, No. 222 PEARL ST., SEW TORK. December 18 8mo s. A. LAMBERT, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOWTHERN AND NORTHERN ORDERS FILLED ON COMMISSION. ?Sice of John P. Newkirk, Wo 127 BEADE-STBEET, CORNER HUDSON, ?NTICW YORK. J9P~ Agency **K EXTOH'S PREMIUM TRENTON OJBAGKHBB. ABordsrssant will be promjjtiy sftsaded <o._, ? 6mon D"iwsnh?*1 TP ?11T1FICI1L LEGS IND ARM. DB. BLY'g PA TENT ARTIFI? CIAL LEGS AND ARMS have all the motions of the natural limbs and are pro? nounced by Sar gooas and ether competent judges to bo ?hs BEST IN THE WORLD. I have estab? lished a PERMA? NENT MANU? FACTORY IN TKD3 CITY, and hope those in need will consult their own interest and SATO fitem PROPERLY FITTED ON." Remember, no Artificial Leg can flt properly without ibo attendance of the patient at the Manufactory, no mors than a Gloss Eye or a set of Teeth would. Br. ELY has tbs STATE CONTRACT of Georgia and Tennessee. Those applying Cram tho above State* will be PROMPTLY SUPPLIED. Fo- particulars, address J. E. GARDNER, Agent and Mannfantarsr of Dr. ELY'S PATENT ARTS FICIAL LLMBH.NO. 188 KXNS tSTRESET, Ctortaston. 8. C. D*ojj.o?r XS mtha PROSPECTUS 0? COB CHARLESTON THE POTS LIBREES OP TfTR ?OH?BLBSXDN C-AOX? KEV? 9' have groot pleasure hi Bia ting to *pub&o that thor have ceanxoanced' taw pab?aa?on ot THE HUM THB AUX Off TH? PBBTJHHHK WD?L BS TO 1?&KB "THE WHI? mr THB BBrSTP WEEKLY PAPES BO m DBE SO?TH3flHJ5 ATT WILL COISFTABNT: INTERESTING STORIES ACCURATE MABSgT REPORTS A?E1XKTLTTJBAL BSBOBMASOX BEADHfO TOB TBB V?OfS?l OTEOLE POBSB7 AND LITERARY MAiWfSfB POLTXTCAL NEWS j ?JI^BPWtWAXB ON THE ?TJBJBCT? OP lil ??I. B BA? MOBS READING MATTER ?haa sar other Weekly pobUsaed ??tBM? of H ? Dork. soEsoaamoN TSBMS-ONLY $a A TBUL IP? SOBSCEIPTION RECEIVED WITHOUT TBB OMS. S?THC?HT? M'MILLAII Ko. 18 Hayme-St^ Ctarleston, & CL