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THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1866. LARGEST CIRCULATION IR TUE STATE. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TBE CITY. t?rTHE LIST OF LETTERS RE? MAINING in trie Postofflce at tixe end of ead* week is pntolisriecl offi? cially in THE DAILY IST IC "W S every 3Trid.ay mornins;. ' "LOCAL MATTERS. THE AGENT of the Boston and Charleston Steam? ship Company has received a dispatch from the Captain, stating that the steamship George B. Upton loft Fortress Monroe at 3 o'clock A. M. yes? terday. WE HAVE received, from M. M. QUTNN, of tho Dp Town News Depot, tho latest dailies and weeklies; among them the Literary Album, C?dmney Corner, Ledger, &c., all of which are beautifully illustrated and contain many new and beautiful tales, with much other interest ng matter. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH.-Like many other of our ehurches, this house of God suffered severely from the late war, which delayed its opening to the pres? en time, but the congregation having reorganized j and appointed a pastor, services will bo held rogu- j larly on each Sabbath. The seats are free, and it is therefore necessary to call for assistance to make j such repairs as aro actually required. Our citizens i will be called upon by a committee, appointed for' that purpose, for aid, and, we hope they may meet with a liberal response. FOB THE BENEFIT OF HOUSEKEEPERS.-Many per? sons who are in the habit of freshening mackerel or other salt fish, never dream there is a right and a wrong way to do it. Any one who has seen the process of evaporation going on at salt works < knows that the salt falls to thc bottom. Just so it j ie in the pan where your mackerel or other fish lies with the skin side down, the salt will fall to the ? skin and remain there; when if placed with flesh aide dowD, the salt falls to the bottom of the pan, and the fish comes out freshened as it should; in the other case it is as salt as when put in. MASONIC.-At the annual communication of Orange Lodge, No. 14, A.-. F.\ M.'., held at Ma? sonic Hall December 10,1866, the following Breth? ren were duly elected and installed to serve for the ensuing Masonic year s Bro. H. lu BBTJNS, W. M. Bro. CHAS. INGLESBY, S. W. Bro. GEO. TUTTEE, J. W. Bro. Wat E. HONOUB, Treasurer. Bro. WM. A. GIBSON, Secretary. Bro. ZlMMEBMAN DAVIS, S. D. Bro. J. H. Ammrr.T. j. D. Bro. TH os. AT JASON, Tyler. Bro. ADAM B. GLOVES, 1 ," Bro. H. H. WnxiAMsT } Stewards MASONIC-At the anniversary convocation of Carolina Charter No. 1, under the jurisdiction of the M. E. Grand Royal Arch Charter of South Carolina, holden Tuesday evening, 11th instant' A J.j 2396, A. D. 1866, the following Companions j were elected officers for the Royal Arch Masonic | year ensuing : Comp. JOSEPH SAMSON, M. E. High Priest. Comp. CHAMES SCANT,AN, King. Comp. GEGBGE P. WOOD, Scribe. Pomp. A EBOEQ, Captain of the Host Comp. A A GOLDSMITH, Principal Sojourner. Comp.-FIKSGAS, Boyal Arch Captain. Comp, ANDREW NOLEN, Grand Master of the Third VeiL Comp. SAMUEL BTKT.T., Grand Master of the Second Veil. Comp.-WIEKETOCK, Grand Master of the First VeiL Comp. JOHN CHALE, Treasurer. Comp. THOMAS ALLASON, Sentinel. FraE ON BOYCE'S WHARF.-Yesterday, at about eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in the cotton sam? ple room of the office of Messrs. ROBEBT M?HE & j Co., Boyce's Wharf, and soon spread to the adjoin? ing offices. The offices of Messrs. SHAOKELFORD & { FRASER, ROBERT MURE & Co., T. S. & T. G. BUDD, HOLMES & STONEY, R. T. WALKER, and the wharf ? office, were badly damaged. The property, we ] learned, belonged to Messrs. JOHN FRASER & Co. The flames bid fair at ono time to extend to the cotton yard, which, if they had not been prevented by the energy of our fire department, would have consumed a vast amount of cotton and rico. We did not learn that there was any insurance on the properly burned. We observed one feature at the fir? which we think well worth naming. That was the action of the firemen. Many of them, at the alarm, were at their business, and immediately rushed to the firo, without their proper apparel, causing in a majority of casesthe utter ruin of the clothes they wore. This shows an appreciation for, and a "loyalty" to, the good institution which they represent, which should be remembered by property holders with gratitude. MAYOR'S COURT, December 12.-A Mc something, who .was on a bender, and was throwing bricks quit? promiscuously in King street, and chasing "nagers," had a sudden stop put to his career by one of the police, who caught him in tho oct, and took him to the Guard House, where he looked him up. After bsing in tho cell, he exhib? ited his disgust for the individual who arrested him^ as well as his contempt for the police gener? ally, by breaking everything ho could find loose about him, so that the Mayor fined him $10 for throwing bricks, and $10 for breaking things. A man, with a broken nose, who had been found lying down drunk in the street, and also said that he had been sick for some timo and had just come out, was fined $3 for sleeping .without covering on such a cold night. ; ' A speculator, from Ireland, who had been making arrangements with a freedman to go into the coun? try and purchase cotton with imitation gold eagles, was handed over lo a magistrate, who will endea? vor to show him that ho was about to make a bad investment.: ? 't. - ". .o,tfj A fomale, who happenedto: be on tho outside of a pint of whiskey, and was making a great noise aboutit, was fined $5. A c ountryman, with a .blushing head of hair, who indulged va some, whiskey that sent Mm to church on Tuesday night, but. behaved so badly while in there that-he had to. bo: affectionately taken by the collar' by one o? the p?lice and carried out, was fined $20, which will, perhaps, take the rough edge off of his Christmas money... Jack Hines, a dark individual, who had also beep sibi for some time, and had just come out to try a little hard drink and' hard pavements for his complaint, was fined $5.. , " ' William Gardner^ colored, who got drunk in the day time sad occupied the sidewalk, much to the discomfort of pedestrians, was made to pay $5 as a nuisance. I . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.-A glance at the advertise ' .ment of L. LORENST, who keeps his cheap segar store at"No. 332 King .street, will satisfy all lovers j of the weed, who are generally liberal men, that his establishment i3 the proper one to make pur? chases at for presents, his stock not only being elegant and. various,' but much cheaper th<v" at any ' other placo of the kind in the city." " .'. v' ..' .. ' v:;\'.\v>>/.:r ?.:;.!.?'; i : --.?<?-?-.??.?<. ??-..?<< Xi ls THE Court of Appeals, at Columbia, on Tues? day, tho following causes were heard, or otherwise disposed of: Chorlos H. Lambert ads. Wack Howell. Mr. A. W. Thomson for motion. No reply. David Jacob vs. James Burrows. Mr. G. W. Wil? liams for motion. Mr. C. D. Melton contra. Mr. W. E. Martin on same Bide. Aaron M. Smith ads. John Rogers. Mr. ?. W. Thomson for motion. No reply. John E. Robertson rs. Robert Lewis ct al. Mr. Rion for motion. No reply. G. B. Lamar et ux et al. vs. Executors of N. A. Peav. Continued. Blair & Cairns vs. ROBS, Executor, and Beaty & McCorkle vs. Blair. Struck off. The Northern Circuit being disposed of, tho Middle was called, and Wright Denley ads. Thoma* Davis, Dorcas Wil? son ads. J. M. Fair. J. Wessinger vs. A. M. Hunt. The State vs. J. F. Johnson, sheriff, were stricken off. M. J. Jackson vs. J. M. Jennings. Continued. Wm. F. Deschamps ads. Benjamin Mitchell. A brief read by Mr. T. B. Fraser. The following cases wero ordered to the Court of Errors: Bennet Wallace vs. Thomas F. Harman el al. M. E. Armstrong vs. John M. Winn. Wright Sulli? van ads. tho State. P. Crane, for another, vs. J. W. Ridlev. Dennis Wood cl el. vs. Allison Wood. W. F. Hutson vs. M. Townsend et al. SI. R. Nichols vs. Bolin & Wbitesides. A BALL_Our German fellow-citizens, of the German Volunteer Association, give a grand ball j this evening at Hiborniai Hall, and, as usual on ! these festive occasions, all may look out for tho ? enjoyment of much pleasure. ATTENTION is called to tho advertisement of Miss A. L. SALOM?N, in our paper to-day, who announces that she has resumed the instruction of ornamental j work, in the various branches comprising T?bite j ond colored embroidery, &c. M. STOVEX & Co.-These gen tlemen having es- | tablished themselves at No. 729 King Btreet, near ' Line, as per their advertisement, and mtending ' to keep always on hand skins of every kind, as well as tallow, soap and candles, wo would suggest a visit to their business place by those Who live among us, or others who may be desirous of pur? chasing such articles. We feel confident that every effort will be made on their part to give per? fect satisfaction to customers. To THOSE wanting Artificial Legs or Arms we . would call particular attention to the advertisement in another column. mths LATEST ARRIVALS 1-The famous Wizard, "San? ta Claus," has arrived in Charleston, and establish? ed his headquarters at VON SANTEN'S BAZAAE, NO. 290 King street. Come and see his beautiful exhi? bition for the holidays. tuthftnl "CEOTJP," so distressing, and often fatal disease, should not be neglected. MARSDEN'S Pectoral | Balm ought to be immediately administered. No parent who studies tho health of their little ones, but should be provided with a bottle. For | sale by aE~ druggists. KING & CASSTDET, Agents. GOODRICH, WTNEMAN & CO., Agents. [FOE THE DALLY HEWS.] MB. EDITOR :-I have noticed in your issue of the 9th inst, an historical sketch of the house of GEORGE A. HOPLEY & Co., in which there is a sin ? gular omission of the name of D. ?. SF.TXAS. D. j C. SETXAS was a member of that firm until his death, which took place nine years since, in Octo? ber, 1857. He was brought upas a merchant hy GEORGE A. HOPLEY, and for his intelligence and in? dustry became a partner some years before his death; and it is well known in this city that the i burdens of a large business fell on him almost ex , elusively during the frequent absences of the elder partner in Europe, so much so that it hastened his j death. ' Now it is remarkable that the person who iur j nished the information contained in your paragraph should have been so ignorant of these facts, as to | have so ignored the name of Mr. SETXAS, as if such person h id never an existence; and it is still more ! remarkable that other persons attached to the house, on seeing the injustice done to Mr. SELKAS, did not supply the omission. J. N. C. (?II Ulli HW FURS ! . WHITE CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. LADIES' FURS J Just opened an invoice of SUPERIOR BROWN, BLACK AND GREY CUFFS, at $2. The above are very suitable for Holiday Presents. STEELE'S "HAT HALL," No. 313 King street, Between Liberty and Wentworth streets. December 6 - thS SAMUEL R: MARSHALL, (FOBITEBLY CO-PABTNER OF J. E. ADGEB A Co.), . IMPORTER AND DEALER TN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUT- | LERY, GUNS, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NO. 810rKTNG ST., THIRD DOOR BELOW SOCIETY, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 1 taos E. M. WHITING, CORONER AND MAGISTRATE, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE FROM CHALMERS street to No. 83 CHURCH STREET, one door north of Broad street. '" ' August 31 St. Stephen's Choxcll, Anson Street. "MY HOUSE shall be called the HOUSE OF PEATES for 1 ALL FSOPitJS-'' At a meeting of the Vestry and Wardens of this Church, held on the 26th November, Messrs. W. G. BENSON, Chairman, and ROBERT Evans, were appointed a committee to call upon tho citizens and solicit their aid in REPAIRING THE BUILDING, which was much in? jured by shells, &c, during the war. As St, Stephen's Church is now organized, the.seats are - free, and contri? butions are respectfully solicited. Any donations may be left with the Rev. J. MERCIER GREEN, Washington j street, or with either of the Committee. ... From the Minutes. A. ARMSTRONG, j "j Secretary Vestry St Stephen's Church. December IS thm2 : Appeal of the Palmetto Fire Kngine Co. . The officers end members of the Palmetto Fire Engine Company having determined to order a steam are en? gine' of Messrs. RU:?NBMAN & Co. 'a manufacture, are ne? cessitated to ask aid of their fellow-citizens. In doing so j they are aware that in the Department at this time there are six steamers. The effect of the introduction of steam ) on the hand engines has tendered in a manner to lessen the energies of their company, and as they hare been, as will be seen, twenty-six years laboring in the good cause for the benefit of our, community, they trust their appeal will be responded to with that liberality that hts always characterized their fellow-citizens towards theta. To do good is our sim, and to accomplish this end ?nd save cm old association, we ask whatever aid can be afforded, and by cur strenuous exertions hope to receive the ac? knowledgment from those who assist us that we are working' in a common cause. Wo are aware that our community have subscribed most liber ?Sly to all compa? nies; but we trust they wih not forget the Palmetto1" Fire Company. .. '; , ? The Committee appointed to soHttt, subscriptions are Messrs. J. A. ARMSTRONG, Messrs. B. RODDEN, THOS. TTTTT-ra, - JOS. BEDDICK, H. FERGUSON, " JOHN LONG, ..' X. CLAFFY, T. O'KEEFE. I most cheerfully recommend the appeal of the Pal- ; metto Pire Engine Company, and treat they may be able" to keep 'together their useful organization, Which has j been in active service since 1840. M. H. NATHAN, ; December ll 8 Chief Fire Department. BUSINESS NOTICES. Auction Sales This Day, NATHAN & OTTOLEKGUT will sell this day, at tho north of tho old custom-house, at ll o'clock, tea superior sin? gle and double draft horses, two sorrel horsos, four bay horses, &c. WILBUR & Son will sell this day, at their salesrooms, corner of Stato end Chalmers streets, at half-past 10 o'clock, liquors, bacon, soap, &c. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BBUNS will sell this day, at the old custom-house, at ll o'clock, a large quantity of valua? ble real estate-affording arare opportunity for capitalists and o Itt ers desirous of investing in city property. N. HONT & SON will soil this day, at their salesrooms, No. 142 Meeting stroet, at half-past IO o'clock, 40 cases and cartoons fresh and regular boots and shoes. T. M. CATEE will sell this day, on Brown's Wharf, at 10 o'clock, shoulders, hams, butter, lard and soap. MULLIGAN, MELOHEBB & Co. will sell this day, at their store, No. 22 Vendue Bange, at 10 o'clock, an invoice of dry goods, boots, shoes, notions, kc. JEFFOEDS & Co. will sell this day, before their store, No. 27 Vendue Bange, at 10 o'clock, sides, shoulders, hams, &c. M. L. AIMAS will seB this day, at his store, No. 16 Ven? due Bange, at 10 o'clock, furniture, dry goods, caa fruit, &c. A. H. An EAU AMS & SONS will gollthis day, in their store, No. 35 Hayne street, at 10 o'clock, a lot of clothing, pieces caesimeros, satinets, &c. LATJBEY & ALEXANDEB win. sell this day, before their store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, bacon, Shoulders, strips, &c. MOKAT & CAMPBELL -will sell this day, at their cash auction-house, No. 6? Hasel street, opposite tho pose office, at 10 o'clock, 600 lots choice millinery, dry goods, boots and shoee, notions, icc ; also a spring wagon an 1 horses. MIXES DEA.EE will sell this day, at his store, corner of King and Liberty strcote, at 10 o'clock, a large and splen? did assortment of dry goods and clothing. A Novelty. The latest and most effectual remedy for the cure of debility, loss of appetite, headache, torpor of the liver, etc, is PANKNTN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. For sale by all Druggists. th To PLANTEES.-Ii you wish Fertilisers, apply to J. N. ROBSON; NO. 62 East Bay, who has always a large stock, and on the most favorable terms. November 29 su thsfcu2mos BROWN'S BBQNQHTAT. TBOOHES, for Pulmonary and Asthmatic Disorders, have proved their efficacy by a test of many years, and have received testimonials from emi? nent men who have used them. There who aro Buffering from Coughs, Colds, Hoarse? ness, Sore Throat, Sic, should try " The Troches," a sim? ple remedy which ie in almost every case effectual, j December ll tuthsS THE PAY is fast coming upon ns when the use of Paint I and Powder will be abandoned, as the ladies are fast learning the use of EFPING'S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight, as it renders the skin soft and rosy. December ll tuths3 "The soul I sway by, and the heart I bear, ' Shall never sag with doubt, nor shake with fear." Thus exclaimed the doughty Scottish Chief when ar ! rayed for battle; and thus may all who arm themselves against the Legions of Dyspepsia, Headache, Ague, Sal? lowness, Languor, Liver" Complaint, and all their con? comitant evils, with a bottle or trro ot PLANTATION BITTERS, the original S. T.-1860.-X. This great Tonio, which is stall increasing in popular favor, and is effecting more cures than ever before, is emphatically the Poor Man's Friend and the Bich Man's Blessing. PLANTA? TION BITTERS are sold by all respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. ' December ll tutns3 To THE LOVERS OS* Goon COEN BREAD.-Take one pin j; of good sweet Indian Meal, one tea-cup of Flour, a little Salt, and sift these together, with three small tea? spoonfuls of PIONEER Sr. AST POWDER (no other will do), rub in a piece of sweet bitter the size of an egg; add one pint of sweet milk," and two eggs well beaten; a spoonful of Sugar will improve it; put into pans and bake in a quick oven. For sale by HENRY BISCHOFF * CO., No. 197 East Bay street, Charleston, S. C. November 17 etutblmo PIONEER SOAP 1 No. S !-Superior to all 1 Pioneer soap most economical of ail i Sold by H. BISCHOFF Si CO., No. 197 East Bay street, Charleston, & C. , November 17 " etutblmo KoMCEOFAxmc MEDICAL NOTICE.-Dra. CLECKXKY ti SCHXEY (of Columbus, Ga.,) having permanently located in Charleston, respectfully tender their services to the citizens, in the practice of Homoeopathy. Dr. C. has had the experience of fifteen years in this school of medicine. Office at our residence, No. ll, S. W. come? COLLEGE' and GREEN STREETS (comer of Green). HEBTET M. OLEOBXEY, M. D... .PHTT.TP T. SOHXEY, M. D. September 5 ; lyr THE SEASON OF ST0BMS. The blasts of autumn and the chill storms of early win? ter are apt to make sad inroads upon the constitutions of the feeble. Tn old ames, at the commencement of every season, it was the fashion to take a strong cathartic as a safeguard against a change pf temperature. It was a worse than senseless practice. The people of our day understa ad the matter better. Instead of depleting the system ti ey reinforce it. Tn the method they adopt they exhibit a wise discrimination. Instead of resorting to the vitiated .stimulants of commerce, or any of the com? pounds derive 1 from them, they put their faith in the only absolutely pure invigorax procurable in the mar ! kat-HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Their forth is well founded. Never has any tonic medicine bees pre* pared with such scrupulous precision and conscientiouB care. -It ls a vegetable compound, of which every ingre? dient is sound, wholesome, and medicinal in the true sense of the word. Now we have three prominent na ; tiona! complaints. One-half of the adult population of the United States suffer, more or less, either from dis? eases of the stomach, derangements of the liver, or affec? tions of the kidneys. In nd other land under Heaven are ' these, maladies so general as in this country, and HOSTETTER'S BITTERS is a specific for them ell, un? less organic in their origin, and, therefore, beyond cure. And let those who are fort?nate enough to be exempt from them at present understand one great fact, viz : that an occasional nae of this vitalizing tonic will prevent the earth from freezing where its genial beams descend. rut [Communicated. December 10 6 FALL ISj?r BB1AD. li LOAVES FOR OHE DOLLAR : :. . . , /-. ' ' Vi LOAVES FOB ONS DOLLAR -.' * i ' 15 LOAVES FOR ONE DOLLAR. THE SUBSCRIBER WLLL HAVE A "NO. 1" ARTICLE . -Cf well baked LOAF BREAD delivered to familiee in all parte of the city at the above reduced rates. Como to the store, buy tickets, and leavo your address. V, ; j. C. MARSHALL, December li S . No. GO Tradd street RISLEY & CREIGHTON, SHIPPING MD COMMISSION MERCBAfiTS, '? AND; ? Importers af I. Ma FMnce. COB. EAST BAY AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF. October 1 .-?v ': "'VI AUCTION SALES. Catalogue Sale CoiUinu^d of COO Lois Choice M?li nery, Dry-Good3, Hoots and Shoes, Volions, &c, <?c. McKAY & CAHFBBLL, Ca. s li Auction Ilouae, No. 55 Ilascl-Strcet, Opp. New Post OiEcr. Will eell THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, EICH PARIS BONNET BIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS &c, &c. ALSO, Regular Sale of DRY GOODS ALSO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ALSO, Invoice of BOOTS AUD SHOES ALSO, FANCY GOODS, in great variety ALSO, Invoice of MEN'S FELT HATS. Conditions cash. 03T Our regular sale of GROCERIES, IJQUORS and F?KNITURE, WAGONS and HORSES, TO-MORROW ALSO, 15 pieces SUPER BRUSSELS and INGRAIN CAR? PETING (choico patterns). December 13 Double Team Sfpri.nq Wagon and Horses. MCKAY & CAMPBLI., No. 55 Hasel street, opposite NeivPostofficp, Will sell TO-MORROW, at 10 o'clock, 1 Now York made DOUBLE SPRING WAGON. ALSO, 2 DRAFT HORSES, accustomed to same. Conditions cash. Do-jembeT" 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, &c. 15TT STILES DRAKE, THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at my Store. corner of King and Liberty streets, A large and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, just received by late steamers from New York: Pioces Bluo and Groy WHITNEY CLOTH Pieces Plaid Dress Goods Pieces Printed Calicoes Pieces Irish Linen and Lougcloth Pieces Scotch Gingham, White and Red Flannel Shaker Flannel, Broadcloth. Doeskin, Cassim ere Tweeds, Jeans, Satinet, White Crash, Diaper Damask, Ticking, Denims, Col ton Flannel, &c. Dozons ail-Wool Long Shawls, Balmoral Skirts L. C. Hd ia, Gents' Neglige ShirtB White and Colored Merino Shirts and Drawers W ol and Cotton Hosiery, Neckties Scarfs, Cloth and Kid Gloves, i c. CLOTHING. Men's Tweed and Caa sin. ere BUSINESS COATS Fine Cloth Dress Coats, Doeskin, Jean and Satinet Pants Overcoats, tc. ALSO, To be sold for account of all concerned, 50 pair White Mackinaw and Whitney BLANKETS. ALSO, 1 BUGGY AND HARNESS, nearly new. Terms cash. On FRIDAY, Uth inst, I wffl seU, 100 cases BOOTS AND SHOES, weU assorted for retail trade. December 13 Horses, Mules, Buggies, Wagons and Furniture, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, At the Redl Sign, No. 37 Broad, street. The above will be sold TO-MORROW, Uth instant, in front of their office. December 13 ESTATE SALE AND PLANTATION TO RENT. On FRIDAY, the 23th instant, will be sold, at the Planta? tion of Estate of J. B. Rhame, C ne large COPPER STILL, an Don Safe, a Buggy and Harness, and other Sundries. ALSO, The said PLANTATION will be rented for one year. It is about 20 miles from Charleston, near Ladson's Station, on the South Carolina Railroad, and Mount Holly, on the Northeastern Railroad. It has a good Dwelling and out-buildings ; about 300 acres of good fresh open land, and five crops ol boxed Turpentine trees. Terms stated at sale. E. M. RHAME, December 13 ths2 tuthA_A^Tninintratrix. COMMISSIONER'S SALE, James W. Browning et. ux, Administrator and Adminis? tratrix, vs. Edmund B. Slater et al. Th pursuance of a Decretal Order of Chancellor Carroll in this cause, I will sell at public auction, at Bamberg, on MONDAY, the 17th December next, the Real Estate of John D. Slater deceased, in separate lots, as follows : 1. THE LOT known as the " Hotel Lot," in Bamberg, bounded by the S. C. Railroad on the North, West by ? Bamberg-street, East by lands of Mrs. Simmons, and South by lands of A. E. Simmons. 1. THE STORE LOT, now occupied by Honman, Brab? ham & Co., fronting on the S. C. Railroad, East by Bam? berg-street; West by lots of George Hoffman, and North by Lot No. 3 (comprising Storehouse and Lot belonging to instate of John D. Slater.) 3. LOT No. 3, adjoining Store House and Lot of ? feet, .bounded North by the Store House aforesaid, South { by Broad-street, and West by Lot of George Hoffman. 4. A TRACT of 200 acres, one and a half miles from Bamberg, bounded North by lands of J. R. Simmons, East by lands of Mrs. Ann Zeigler, South by lands of A. E. Simmons and Martha McCue, and West by lands of James Sandifer. TERMS-Cash enough io defray expenses of 'proceed? ings-balance on a credit until 1st of January, 1868, with interest from 1st January, 1867, payable in specie or its equivalent' in currency-purchasers to give bond with two good sureties and a mortgage of property to secure purchase money, and pay for papers and necessary reve? nue stamps. j(Sj-if the above terms are not promptly complied with, property purchased by defaulting purchaser will be re- | sold, at his risk, on the same day. Commissioner's Office, November 21,1866. JAMES PATTERSON, December 13 2 Commissioner in Equity. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory? Hudson i?City, N. J. This Company is now fully prepared to furnish LEAD PENCILS, EQUAL IN QUALITY-TO THE BEST BRANDS. THE COMPANY HAS TAKEN GREAT PAINS and invested a large capital in fitting np their fae- I tory, and now ask the American .Public to give | \ their pencils a fair trial. AU styles and grades are manufactured.' Great care has been bestowed to the manufactur- ) lng of superior HEXAGON DRAWING PENCILS, i specially prepared for the use of Engineers, Ar- j f chi teeta. Artists, & c. TRADE MARE. A Complete assortment, constantly on hand, is offered | at fair terms to the trade at their wholesale salesroom, No. 34 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. The Pencils are to be had at all principal Stationers and 1 Notion dealers. ts- ASK FOR AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL \ December 13 6mo' NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST CO itV A ST. CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONQKK88. OFFICERS. ? UL T. HEWl'iTy President. ,; W. S. GRIPPITH, First Vice President A. S? BARNES, Second Vice President BEY. J. W. ALVORD, Corresponding Secretary. D. LANSING LAMBERT, Receiving Secretary. BAM L. HARRIS, General Financial Inspector. Principal Office, No. 87 Cedar street (American Ex? change Bank-Building), New York City. BRANCH AT CHARLESTON, & C., No. 9 State Street Open every day, Sundays sud Holidays excepted, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Deposits of On? Dollar "or more received. Interest payable in -January and July, in each year. All deposits will be repaid with ^interest due when re? quired. , AU the profits belong to the depositors. Branches have been established In the principal cities from New York to New Orleans, and accounts can bs transferred from one Branch to another, without charg? or interrupting the interest . Divestments are only made in securities of the United States. - J. H. J5KKS, Cashier. December 13 C'r ?- '. ?. " -J*. BREWSTER & SPRATT, - Attorneys at Law & Solicitors in Equity OPPICH Na. W BBOylO STHEBT. , NawaabsrO * AUCTION SALES. Bare Opportunity for Capitalists m?c? PcrsotiS De? sirous of Purchasing Comfortable Dwellings. BY W. Y. LEITCH & 1?. S. liRVJIVSi, Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 85 Bi-oail St.. ESTATE SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR. Will be sold, THIS DAY, 13th instant, at ll o"olock, at the OJd Custom House, THE FOLLOWING- DESIRABLE PROPERTY: No. 1-That commodious TWO AiSD A HALF STOR? WOODEN HOUSE, slato roof, known as No. 17a Queer street, north sido, a few doors from Franklin, containing eight square and two attic rooms, besides pantry anc dressing rooms, with gas throughout. On the premise! are a cibtern and aU the necessary outbuildings. The loi mensures about 50 i'eot front, by 83 feet in depth. No. 2-That finely located THREE STORY WOODE? HOUSE, known as No. 6 Laurens stroet, south sido, op? posite Hiddle street, with tin roof and brick kitcheu, con taining ten square rooms. On tho premises will be founc a good well ol* water, besides a cistern, with gas through out The lot measures about 43 feet 0 inches front, by 4' feet 4 inches in depth. No. 3-That eligiblo TWO AND A HALF STORS WOODEN HOUSE, with tile roof, known as No. 24 Lau rons street, three doors east of Washington street, con taining four square rooms, with cistern. Tho lot mea sures about 46 feet 4 inches front, 90 lett 3 inches on weB line, and 84 feet 8 incues on east line. No. 4-That pleasantly located TWO STORY WOODEN RESIDENCE, with slate roof, containing six squar rooms, with gas throughout, known as No. 13 Vernoi street, south side, east of Washington street. On tb premises will be found kitchen and servants' rooms, wit] a good cistern attached. Thc lot measure's about 43 fee 3 inches front, 90 feet 3 inches on west linc, and Si feet inches on east line. No. 6-That healthy and desirable TWO AND A HAL? STORY WOODEN HOUSE, slato roof, known aa Ko. Inspection street, north side, one door west oi' Concord containing six square and two attic rooms, cistern, gas and also a good kitchen. The lot measures 40 feet inches in front, by 76 feet 6 inches in dcntli. No. 6-That good BUSINESS STAND (now used as Family Grocery), No. 2 Inspection stroet, northwest co? ner of Concord. Thc building is of wood, two nnd a ba: stories high, covered with a state roof. It contains ion square and two attic rooms, with liitchcn, stable, eisten &c " Gas throughout. Lot measures 35 feet front, by 7 feet 6 inches in depth. No. 7-That ONE STORY WOODEN BUILDINi known as No. 27 Concord street, adjoining No. 2. L< measures 41 fest front, by 77 feet 3 inches in dopth. No. 8-That desirable TWO AND A HALF STOR WOODEN DWELLING, tile roof, known as No. 29 Coi cord street, west side, adjoining No. 27. It contains si square and two attic rooms, besides two basement room to be used asa kitchen; good stible and cistern on tl premises. Gas throughout. Lot measures 40 feet fron by 120 feet in depth. No. 9-Nos. 33 and 35 CONCORD STREET, west ald< This lot contains two Dwellings, two stories high, wit double piazzas, four square rooms each, besides kitcho: Lot measures 40 feet front, by 120 feet in depth. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two year secured by bond and mortgage, property to be insure and policies assigned. Interest payable semi-annually Purchasers to pay us for papers. December 13 wfmwth5 Liquors, Bacon, Soap. etc. BY WILBUR Si SON. THIS DAY. the 13th inst., at our salesrooms, corn State and Chalmers streets, at 10y? o'clock, will be sol 20 BBLS. FINE WHISKEYS 5 linds. Clear and Ribbed Sides 4 tea. Sugar-Cured Hams . ? 2 casks Shoulders 20 boxes Family Soap 10 baskets Champagne 26 cases Croton Ale 20 cases Champagne Cider 10,000 Segara. Conditions cash. December IS Stock of a Wholesale and B?tail Shoe House. BT WILBUR & SOIS. TO-MORROW, the 14th inst., at our salesrooms, con State and Chalmers streets, at 10 % o'clock, will be sc The entire CONTENTS of a WHOLESALE AND B TALL SHOE STORE, . . v OOUSISTrNQ OF 140 CASES, ASSORTED, viz : MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CECLLDRE* SEWED AND PEGGED BUFF BALMORALS, Serge a Morocco Balmor "3, Children's Serge, Tipped, Glove a Goat Balmorals, Slippers, Kid and Lasting Congre Boys' Buff Buckle, Men's Grain Boots, Jury a d Oxf< Ties and Creole Congress, Ladies' and Misses' G?lte Plain Shoes. ALSO, 20 cases assorted WOOL HATS. Conditions cash. December 1: Broncs:* Sales EVERY EVENING at 7 o'clock, by KILROY k C No. 339 King-street, of a general assortment of D'. GOODS, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Boots s Shoes. Cutlery, Perfumery and Soaps. December 13 Beal Estate belonging to the Estate of Donald Ma intosh, deceased. BY T. A. WHITJVKY. On TUESDAY, 18th day of December, at the no side of tho Custom House, I wm sen, to the higl bidder, by order of the Executor, AT.T. OF THE BF-AT. ESTATE BELONGING TO T SAID ESTATE, AS FOLLOWS: All that LOT.OF LAND, with WOODEN DWELLI and Outbuildings thereon, situated on the north Bid Vanderhorst street, known by the No. 26, three doors v of the Neck Market House; contains 4 square rooms t piaz. .; two rooms in kitchen; measuring in front 38 f and in depth 100 feet, more or less. All that LOT OF LAND, with the BUILDINGS thew cn the BOU th side of Wentworth street, known by the 103, measuring in front, on Wentworth street, 82 f and m depth 120 .feet, more or Tess. On th? prem there is a two story'Duelling, containing-square roo double piazza; servants' apartment containing- roo Also, a one story Brick Building located in rear of Lot, used many years as a school room, having t built for that parp?se. AT.T. THAT LOT OF LAND, WITH TWO-STC WOODEN DWELLING thereon, situated 'on the \ of King street, opposite Ann. street, and known on plat of land made by Lewis J. Barbot, by the lette: tile house contains four square rooms and two finis attics; kitchen contains two rooms; lot measuring King street 26 feet 10 inches, on the west line 22 fe inches, on the south side 133 feet 8 inches, and hiv such shape and form as wm appear by reference to plat. ALL THAT OTHER LOT OF LAND, designated said plat by the letter B, measuring in front 22 feet, line 20 feet, and in depth on the north line 125 fe inches. On the premises there is a Wooden Dwell containing four square rooms, two finished attic ro< kitchen of two rooms. With these premises, the i of way through Mackintosh Court of 12 feet, together the adjoining lots on said Court AT.T. THAT LOT OF LAND, lettered on said pl measuring in front on King street 33 feet 9 inches north line 97 feet 3 inches, and on the west line SI and on the south line, on Mackintosh Court, 165 feet, the right of way in common on said Court. Or premises there is a two story house, containing 6 sq rooms, in which there are two stores and two kitcha Ali that LOT OF LAND known on said plat by thi ter "F," next north of the above, measuring on I street 21 feet -4 inches; on north line 92 feet; on the line 22 feet; on the south lino 97 feet 3 inches. Or premises a two-story. Dwelling, containing four sq rooms, and a kitchen with 4 rooms. All that other LOT OF LAND on the north si MacIntosh Court, lettered "G," on said plat, measr on the north and south lines, each, 22 feet, and in c 63 feet 4 inches. On the premises is a two-story wo Dwelling, containing 4 rooms. All that other LOT OF LAND adjoining to the we said Court, known by the letter "H," on plat, measi on the south line 44 feet 9 inches; on the north h feet; on the east and west line 63 feet 4 niches. . All that other LOT OF LAND lettered on said pla and "J," west of the above, measuring on the soutfc partially on the said Court and St Patrick's Cami 67 feet 6 inches'; on the north line 73 feet; on th? line Si* fw ' 4 inches;' and on the west line 51 feet these lotr b ->re axe tenement wooden buildings, coi ing 8 rcoi and necessary out-buildings. All that LOT OF LAND known on said platt letters C and D, on the south line of Mackintosh C measuring on said court 85 feet,, on east line 42 : inches; on south line 77 .feet 9 inches, on tho west li feet S tnchpff. On the premises is a tenement bul containing 8 square rooms and the out-buildings. Ali that other LOT OF LAND situated on the eas of St Phffip-street on said plat lettered L, K, ai measuring on St Philip-street 23 feet on the soutt 177 feet 10 inches, east line SI feet; thence on the Unw, running weetwardly, 91 feet; thence running t wardly 26 feet 4 inches; next running westwardly Philip-street 92 feet 5 Inches. On the premises thai tenement building containing 8 square rooms; p tte . All that LOT OF LAND situated on the east side Philip-street, adjoining the above, lettered N, meas on St Philip-rtreet 27 feet south line 92 feet 3 ? east line 21 <*>et 4 inches, north line 86 feet C premises, a two-story wooden dwelling, 4 square r piazza and kitchen. The character of all the above Beal Estate, togo the their locations, make them worthy of the attent capitalists or any ono desirous of purchasing a ] stead. The Plat of Land can be seen on application at Franklin-street and all further information obtainc Condi ti ons- O ne-third cash ; and the balance in two annual payments, from the day of sale. Policies miranee to be assigned. Purchasers to pay me for ] and stamps. November as NOT. 22-dec 1,4, 8, ll, 13,15,1' PRIVATE SALES. ~ Genteel Residence in Ashley street, near Cc street-At Priv?le. Sale. BY SMITH ?jfc McOILLIVRA' KB Ali ESTATE BROKERS, At -Oke -med Sign, Ho. ?7 Brood stra December 13 _. Furnitur ; Horses, Vehicles, dc., ai Audit BY 33?OTH & MeGILXJtVESAY, Ho. 97 Broad stroet, loath side, near ?tretet. ' - ? Salea of FURNITURE,, tux, at private residen tended tn moderate chargea. ' Auction every WTIT)NES"0AY te HORSES, VEIL FURNITURE, ka, at half-^w=t 10 o'clock, at our a AUCTION SALES. MILLIGAN, MELCHEBS & cu. Will 6CU ?HIB DAY, 13tii inst., at X o. 22 Vendue Range, at 10 o'clock, An invoice of DRY GOODS, Boote, Shoos, Notion?, fcc.', &c. AND Sundry articles FURNITURE, tc. December 13_____ [HALE CONTINUED.] Saie to close Consignments, withovi reserve. BY A. II. ABRAHAMS <fc SONS. THIS DAY, 13th instant, at ll) o'clock, vre will soil, at our store. Ko. 35 Kayne street, DOT CLOTHING Pieces C"-ssimeres Pieces Satinets Umbrellas Lot very fine Furs Worsted Shawls Worsted Sontags WorBted Nubias Worsted Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, &c, &c. AI>SO, 3 casts SEGARS and case DOLL HEADS. December 13 Furniture, Dru Goods, Can Fruits, &c. BY M. L. AIMAIt. THIS DAY, 13th inst, at 10 o'clock, at No. IC Vendue Range, WALNUT WARDROBE, Patent Bedsteads, Mattresses, Painted Cottage Bureau (marblo top). Walnut Bureau with marble top, Stufied-soat Chairs, Office Stools, Tables, &c. One Oy. octave Piano (fine instrument). ALSO, A Ano and large assortnicut of ENOLISH CLOTHS in suits, Ready-made Clothing, Hosiery, &o. Watches, Jewelry, Notions, &c. ALSO, Dozens of CAN FRUITS and MEATS Wood Saws, Shovels, Hoes, Steelyard, Army Chests English Mustard, kc. Conditions cash. December 13 Shoulders, Hams. Butter, Lard and Soap. BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold withoufrcservc, on Brown's Wharf, THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, 13 hhds CHOICE SHOULDERS, in lots to suit buyeM 10 hhds Sugar-Cured Hams, in lots to suit buyers 100 tubs and firkins Strictly Choice Butter, now landing from steamers E. B. Souder S? Saragossa 60 firkins Lard 30 boxes Colgate's Family Soap. Conditions cash. December 13 Sides, Shoulders and Hams. JEFFORDS &CO. Will seU THIS DAY, before our Store, Ne. 27 Vend?? Range, at 10 o'clock, 4 hhds. PRIME SIDES 3 hhds. Prime Shoulders 10 tierces Sugar-cured Pig Hams 4 hhds. Hams 10 cases Brunes-in glass jars 20 kegs choice Butter. Conditions cash. December 13 Positive Sale of Bacon, Shoulders, Hams, <Stc. BY LAURE Y Si ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, the 13th inst., will be said before our store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 6 tierces GOOD HAMS 6 tierces Sour Hams 7 bbls Hams 8 bblsfN. Y. Shoulders 5 bbls Strips 3 boxes Shoulders 3 boxes Bacon 16 tubs Lard Just landed from steamers Souder and Saragossa. Conditions cash. December 13 BY NATHAN" Si OTTOLKS GUI. THIS DAY, 13th instant, we will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder, at the north of tho old Custom House, at ll o'clock, Ten (10) superior Double and Single Draft HORSES, sold because the owners have no present use for them. 2 Sorrel Horses 4 Bay Horses 2 Brown Mares 1 Single Brown Horse 1 Single Bay Horse. The above stock is well worthy the attention of those desiring to purchase._December 13 Boots and Shoes al Auction. BY N. HUNT Si SON. THIS DAY, 13th inst, at 10>< o'clock, in our Sales Room, No. 142 Meeting street, will sell, 40 cases and cartoons fresh and regular BOOTS AND SHOES. December 13_ [SALE POSTPONED gKTXL WEDNESDAY, lora. INBTj Peremptory Sate of Forty Tlwusand Dollars Flori? da Railroad Company Bonds, on account of ai, concerned, at Auction. BY JOHN S. RIGGS. WEDNESDAY, the 19th instant, at ll o'clock, without re? serve, and on account of all concerned, w?l be Bold, at my office, corner Broad and East Bay, FOFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FLORIDA RAIL? ROAD COMP Airy EIGHT PER CENT. BONDS OF $1000 EACH, WITH COUPONS ATTACHED FROM 8EPTEMBER, 1863, TN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. The above Bonds are secured by 560,000 acres of fertile land, lying within fifteen miles of the Florida Railroad, which land will be sold on the third day of January, 1867, at public outcry; and these Bonds are receivable at par in payment for purchases of land then sold, affording a good opportunity for investment in Florida lands. Conditions cash on delivery of the Bonds, which can be seen on application at my office at- any tame before and on the day of salo. December ll Direct Importation from Cuba-800,000 Segara, Wine, Brandy, Rum, Guava Jeuy, dc. BY CLIFFORD Se MATHE WES, Awcttoners, At Store No. 71 East Bay, ._ Will be sold on TUESDAY, 18th inst., at ll o'clock, THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE BRANDS OF SEGARS, ko. : 40,000 INJENERIOS 20,000 Regalia de la Reina 25,000 Regalia Chica 30,000 Media Regalia Britannica 70,000 Media Conchas de Regalia 90,000 Londres 600 Media Regalia , 400 Ibo- Smoking Tobacco, in 1 and K lb. packages 50 bags Smoking Tobacco, 40 to 76 lbs. each. The above are branded "Young America," and war? ranted by F. Lopez & Co., Segar Manufacturers in Havana. 700 gallons Sherry Wine, in 15 to 62 gallon casks 200 gallons Jamaica Rum, in 10 to 60 gallon casks 50 gallons Brandy, in 25 gallon casks 6 half pipes Catalonia (Claret) Wine, 62 gallons each 2 pipes Madeira Wine 200 dozen Guava Marmalade and Jelly. The above are imported direct from Cubs, and will be sold in lots tc suit purchasers. Terms-All sums under $500, cash ; over $600 and under $1000, notes at thirty days, with interest and approved security; over $1000, notes at sixty days, with interest and approved security. December 6 thstu 7 PRIVATE SALES. For Lease or for Sale, iJiat Extensive and Valuable Real Estate, containing about one and one-half Acres of Land, well known as Oie "Charleston Gas Lirihl Company" Works, Church street. BY ALONZO VT. WHITE Si SON, Brogers, Auctioneers, and Real Estate Ag*ts. Will be LEASED FOB A TERM OF YEARS, or will be SOLD, That extensive and valuable PROPERTY weil known as the "CHARLESTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY LOT," Church street, containing about one and one-half acres of ground, and has upon it two extensive Brick Build? ings, roofed with iron rafters, and covered with elate, having attached to each massive stacks of chimneys, of considerable height; also several large storehouses, s very large cistern, a gasometer well, capable of contain? ing upwards of 800,000 gallons of water, and ia fully sup? plied by springs. This Property, as a whole, ls admirably adapted for extensive mechanical or manufacturing purposes, or may be sub-divided, and used for separate enterprises, as is clearly suggested by examining a descriptive plat of said Property, which can be seen, and further particulars ob? tained, by applying at our office, December 13 3 ; No. 58 EAST BAY STREET. BY KILROY ?fe CO. No* 339 King street. At Private Sale- _ " The GOOD WELL, LEASE, FIXTURES, and CON? TENTS of a first-class BAR ROOM. Rent moderate to a good tenant. ? 8 ' December 18 Al Private Sale. BY CLIFFORD Si MATHE WES, No. 311-3 Brood street. ' SEA ISIAND COTTON PLANTATIONS UPLAND COTTON PLANTATIONS RICE PLANTATIONS FARMS, FIRST-CLASS WATKR-POWBBS, STJMMSR RESORTS, &c., ka., in this State and Georgia. C; " ' - .' - .- -. - ALSO," - .'. ?X Li. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS in every part of the city. Sm? September 23. Sea Istand Cotton Plantation on Edisto Island. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWES, Real Estate Agents, No. 311-3 Brood-jtiett. At Private Sale-_?? 200 ACRES OP THE FINEST SEA ISLAND COTTON LAND ON EDISTO ISLAND, 1 & miles fiann EdingsviUe, summer resort. Bas produced 200 lbs. of fine cotton to the acre. ?5?*, .The above bas good water transportation, and is near the ocean:' ISO aerea cleared. December A . ;- ? .- r, _ tuthsft Plantation on John's Island, ?i BY LOGIS B. DeSABSSURB. ' At Private Sale The PLANTATION on John's Island on the Steno Bru err, about ten tinlea from Charleston, containing 334 acre* of high land and about 100 acres of rush land, of which about 51 aerea are in woods and tho balance cleared Sea1 Island Cotton and Provision hind. On tho placeare* ?weuing House, two Cotton Houses, and Negro Bouses. Pc^par?ctt?sw, apply aa above, st . " ? ?;jj:'rrr\ ???55HW11 ^Ottot Ho, ?8 BROAD fifT. :