University of South Carolina Libraries
.TUESDAY MORNING-. DECEMBER 4, 1866. . -$-. -----?? OCR NEW YORK LETTER. [FBOM OUB own COBBESPONDENT.1 NEW YOBK, November 29, 1866. Your correspondent is at his post once more. "Moultrie" is back in New York. "Richard's him-. self again," and his board bill has begun anew. I need not tell you that the good old Quaker City brought me safely over the bosom of the deep blue* or blue deep sea, for it is well known that whenever I travel by water I fight it out on but one line, and that is the LEAKY tine. There were but few lady passengers on board, and-so g??d Captain WEST*S occupation was almost gone ; nevertheless, to keep. his hand in, he treated your correspondent with such politeness-I. might almost-say. gallantry that said correspondent cannot but here proclaim publicly, that he owes on9 to the jolly old Captain. I find New York as gay, as crowded, and as noisy as ever. It is rather more lively than the old' City by the Sea, notwithstanding the fact that you can now boast ? City Railroad almost complete. ? note also that lhere are rather a greater number of. theatres and places of amusement here than there were in Charleston when I left. " : :r ; The' great sensation of the moment is EDWIN BOOTH, who opened on Tuesday night, at the Win? ter Garden, in Hamlet. Those of your many read? ers who have enjoyed the pleasure of witnessing the performances of this great tragedian in the days before the war, can, nevertheless, form no adequate iden- cf the wonderful improvement he has made since that period.. I had heard so much of his masterly rendition of the role of Hamlet that, when I attended the theatre on Tuesday night, my expectations were raised to the highest / possible pitch. I expected to witness a great per? formance, but I did not expect such acting as eclipses anything I had ever seen on"the boards of a theatre. I did not expect to see RACHEL'S "Ph?? dre," RisTOB?s "Elizabeth," CUSHMAN'S "Meg Mer riles," MAOBE A Tty's "Hamlet," and FOBBEST'S "Met amora," thrown entirely into the most obscure shadow of a shade; yet such was the case, for BOOTH'S "Hamlet''is the grandest piece of acting that can be conceived-the most perfect triumph of purely artistic genius. I dare not attempt a detailed criticism -where the tout ensemble is, in all respects, as near an approach as possible to per? fection as can be conceived. BOOTH does not play "Hamlet"-he does not act the character. We do not see EDWIN BOOTH on the stage, but "Hamlets himself, the quintessence .and personification of melancholy. I have, in the course of a good many years, been a pretty regular theatre-goer, and have Been good acting in my time; but the performance on last Tuesday night was such as I have never seen equalled. BOOTH'S reception was most enthusiastic. When he first appeared before the audience, the applause was deafening, and was so prolonged that it seemed as though there would be no end thereto; meanwhile the great tragedian, olad in tho custo . mary suit of solemn black, stood with his eyes V bent downwards, and with such a dejected havior ; Of the visage, as showed ns Hamlet as SHAESPEAEE '.-.V drew him with his magic pen. At the fall of the curtain at the close of each act, the applause was ? most enthusiastic, and five times was this greatest of actors, living or dead, called out to receive the homage due his transcendant gening. The Fenians here have been worked up to the highest pitch of excitement by the news received from across the water, or rather by the cable under the water, that the curtain has gone up on the other side, and that the Irish drama has begun in good earnest. Sober Irishmen (and drunken ones too) wink their eyes in a mysterious and knowing manner, as who should say we know a thing or two or a thing or three that we do not choose to tell ; nevertheless, from the nature of the winking, we can guess that the secret is, that New "York city intends to furnish a host of Fenian birds for the Irish stew which is io be administered in hot haste !<..., to John Bull. British spies ai. said tobe here j?i endeavoring to get their fingers into the stew, to learn how it tastes or how hot it is, but the Fenians ?;r keep winking with one eye at a time, the other being fixed upon the inquiring spies. jr,' The RUSSELL-WIGGIN breach of promise case was decided yesterday in the Supreme Court. WILLIAM RUSSELL loved CORNELIA WICKKN, and she loved him in return. They became engaged, and WIL V T.T*T>T promised to marry COBNELIA. After being :? very happy for some time, RUSSELL became exceed? ingly unhappy, for a friend had informed him that Miss COBNELIA. was not as pure as GSSAB'S wife, and in fact had been prosecutor in a certain law suit in which CZESAB'S wife could not have been engaged; in short, she had recovered B?X hundred dollars damages. from a gentleman who had wronged her. The green-eyed monster called on RUSSELL and advised him to break off the engage? ment. He took the monster's advice, and COBNE-. LIA sues for breach of promise, laying the damages - done to her heart at ten thousand dollars. The love letters produced in Court show that WILLIAM loved strongly, and that he liked CORNELIA to call - him "DOLLT," as a more poetic pet name than WILLIAM. They also gave evidence of the fact that he was au fait in love correspondence. He men? tions in one letter that he loves his dear, dear Cos NELXA very much, and wished to see "those dear eyes looking so tremblingly and pleadingly into . mine" (not my eyes-DOLLYS). Dear, dear COB KELIA did not get enough money to repair the in? jury done to her tender heart. The Court was un : der the impression that the premises could be re I f - paired for less, and so awarded her but two hun t dred dollars. To-day being Thanksgiving day, is generally ob - ."served throughout the city'. One-fourth of the gll&peopie attend Church, one-fourth the matinee per- * ?BOT?rmances at various place? of amusement, one-: ^-fourth stroll about the streets* looking : around generally, and the balance remain at home to look after their Thanksgiving turkey dinners.- The poor people, such bf them as are taken care of ' by the charitable societies, will enjoy the, day, for ' were it not for Thanksgiving day and Christmas, v;. they would not be able to testify in a court-house . that a turkey is a bird that may be eaten without ^.injury to the digestive organ. <f MAEETZEB'S Italian Opera Troupe gave "Fra Dia ffigjtjStagi^ist night, at the Winter Garden, in splendid The "North Star" will be given to-morrow fflr *t ?nd on Saturday. BOOTH will appear as HT "Richard." W The weather ia quite as warm as it was in ' Charleston when I left there last week. MOULTRIE. INSURANCE. THE EQUITABLE life Assurance Society OF THE PWTCTBD STATES Established February, 1859. ASSETS....TTT.TT.V. .$3,000,00?. -K-vi ? mHE ASSURED PARTICIPATE TN THE PROFITS, r..^-.,, JL Dividends docked annually AND PAID IN CASH, g* N . _Z ' ' O. A. BOWEN, a,;.- & *,_^r \genttor Charleston. r$?S- At MesarSj-gHP? Adger tt Co.'a, corner East Bay and Adger's SjOVbaC tatton ' November 30 MILLINERY, ETC. MRS, S. J. pEETT, ' ' * 6?mp?ntimof FasM?ns.'' No. 363 King street, CHARLESTON, S. C. TT\RENCH MILLINERY AND ARTISTIC DRESS JJ MAKING- " IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Ladlee", Misses', and Children's Dresses, Basques,. Sacka and Cloaks cut by measnr?meht, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Trimm inge and Patterns of do latest Paris and York Fashions received avery month, and sent to any part of tile country on receipt of the amount.. Send for circular. October 8 5mo . ~~1}RY COOPS, ETC. SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS IND DRILLINGS. CONSIENMENTS OF THE ABOVE GOODS, FROM the Augusta Factory, for sale by TAFT & HOWLAND. November 20 - thstu6 JOHN S, FAIRLEY. RUTLEDGE WILSON JOHN S. FAIRLEY & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Fill GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, OLOTES, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. I N VITE THE ATTENTION OF RETAIL MERCHANTS JL IN THE CITY AND THROUGHOUT THE COUN? TRY to their complete assortment of the above mention? ed Goods, now being opened at No. 37 HAYNE STREET, THE OLD STAND OF MESSRS. HYATT, MCBURNEY & CO. Their Stock has been selected with great care and a thorough knowledge of the wants of the Southern peo? ple, acquired daring many years experience in business in this city. Our business motto will be Quick Sales and Short Profits. ORDERS WILL BE CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. JOHN S. FAIRLY & CO. The subscriber is particularly d?sirons of renewing business relations with the customers of his old house, MARSHALL, BURGE & CO. J. 8. FAIRLEY. ' October 4 2mo PLANTATION CLOTHING. LOW PRICED CLOTHING, SUITABLE FOR FREED? MEN, from 54 to $10 a suit, to which we invite the attention of Merchants, Factors and Planters. EDWIN BATES & CO., November 7 30 No. 124 MEETING STREET. PLANTATION WOOLLENS. KERSEYS, SATINETS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS and other Low Woollens, for plantation use, for salo by EDWfiN BATES. & CO., November 7 SO No. 124 MEETING STREET. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. WAT?, JEWELRY, AI?D ILVERWARE. JAMES E. SPEAR, | Opposite Hasel, DESIRES TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, TO HIS WHICH HE HAS SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, COMPRISING A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ALSO, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR THE APPROACHING HOLIDAYS.. " He would particularly call the attention of those who desire to M IMPROVE THEIR SIGHT To bia Fine Assortment of GOLD, SILVER, AND STEEL SPECTACLES, " EYE GLASSES; : Whioh wfll be under the special superintendence of Mr. JOHN S. BIRD, Sr., Who is .well known to the citizens of tins State and I city for his long experience in . this branch, and who I would be pleased to solicit the visits of those in need. November 20_thsto3 BOOTS AND SHOES. F. CHRISTMAS, CHEAP BOOT AMD SHOE STORE, No. 359 King-street, BBLOW GEORGE STREET. YOU WILL FIND AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISH? MENT a full supply of Genfs, Boys' and Youths' BOOTS, SHOES, GATTERS AND SLIPPERS; Ladies' Mis?es'and Children's Congress Gaiters; Polish Boots, ; Balmorals, Bootees, Buskins and Slippers of every de? scription; Gent's and Boys' Hats of all kinds. The above Goods I aro determined to sell at tile lowest j possible price. My motto is quick soles and small profits. Give me a can sad yon wi? ibo rewarded. Odo Der 2t> staUmoe YATES No. 449 E] FOUR DOORS .g-EEP CONSTANTLY IN STOKE A FULL AND W CHOICE O\A.:M:IX."5 ALES, WHICH THEY ABE SELLIN? GOODS PURCHASED FROM U8 WILL BE DELI DEPOTS. &c, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE 1 November 8 B00KS9 STATIONERY, ETC. IsTOTIOB. UNITED STATES EXPRESS GUIDE AND Shippers' Directory, CONTAINING ALL THE EXPRESS OFFICES TN THE UNITED STATES, WITH NEW .POSTOFFICE REGISTER, IB KOW BEING PUBLISHED BT GEORGE W. HAWES, At Baltimore, Md. This DIRECTORY has already attained the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Directory ever published. . Price of the Boob, including names of Firms, $5 Per Copy. C. H. BASS, General Agent. December 1 6 1 NO. 108 MARKET ST., Books, Periodicals and Stationery. JUST RECEIVED A large supply of STATIONERY PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES fer 1867, Etc. ALSO, A fine and large selection of NOVELS, by the most celebrated authors. SONG BOOKS, BOOKS for Home Amusements, Ac. AU the MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand, and subscriptions re? ceived for the same. Orders from the country are respectfully solicited. TEBMS LIBERAL. November 8 ACCOUNT BOOK M1MF1CT0RY. ACCOUNT BOOKS, SUCH AS RECORDS FOB PUBLIC OFFICES, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Ac, con? stantly on hand, and made to order, and with any de? scription of Ruling. None but the beet workmen em? ployed, and the best materials used. A practical experience of twenty years in the above line, and with fao?itiea unsurpassed, enable me to war- j rent satisfaction. BOOK BINDING AND JOB PRINTING In aH its branches, with new type, new presses, and advantages not oxceEed in this city. Lawyer's Blanks, Titles, Bonds, Mortgages, &c, &c, on hand and printed to order. ' ta thal yr " December IA TO TUB BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND .OE .THE. 8?TJTH. JAMBS O'KANE, BOOKSELLER, Stationer and Manufacturer v OP POCKET DIABIES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, and CARTE DB VISITE, BEGS RESPECTFULLY TO SAY THAT HE IS STILL located at bis old stand, No. 126 Nassau-sh, Hew York, Where he continues to supply the Jobbing and B?tail Trade with all articles in the BOOK AND Si'ATIONEBY LYNE, on the most liberal terms. Books-, Stationery; Note, Letter, Oap, Legal Cap, Bill and Bath Papers; Phonograph Albums, Carte de visite for Albums; -Blank Books, Inks, Mucilage, Envelopes, ac, 4c., in great variety and oheap. A superior lin? of POCKET DIABIES 1er 18*7. Catalogne sention application. Orders promptly filled. Address VJAMES O'KANE. No. li? ? Aa?A?-?XBitEI.NEW VO.dK. October 26_\_60 THE SUMtTER NEWS, DARB & OSTEiEN, Proprietors. PUBLISHED EVERY TH?tpSDAY, ATSUMTEE, * 0, Subscription $4.00 per-'annum. To Clubs of four $3.00 per annum. \ Advertisements inserted, on werai termo, December 3 \ <fe BRO, [NG-STREET, ELL SELECTED STOOK OP T GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C, J AT REASONABLE PRICES. VEEED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, RAILROAD 'EADE, AT THE SIGN OF THE " B5Q- PITCHER." tbstu 2mos BOOKS, STATIONERY, ET Cl THE JACKET OF~GREY^ AND OTHER FUGITIVE POEMS. BY MRS. C. A. BALL. TN MEMORIAM OF OUR LOVED AND LOST CAUSE, AND OUR MARTYRED DEAD-"OUTNUMBERED NOT OUTBRAVED." For sale at RUSSELL'S, HOLMES AND COURTE? NAY'S BOOK STORES. jg?- Subscribers will receive their numbers at as early a day as possible. November 17 50th TEAR OF PUBLICATION. MILLER'S ALMANAC FOR 1867. NOW READY. ACOMPLETE HANDBOOK FOR THE PLANTER, Merchant, Mechanic, Navigators, Ac. Price per hundred $13.00; $2.00 per dozen, TTTRAM HARRIS, Publisher, No. 59 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. November 16 Imo DRUGS,CHEMICALS,ETC. JUST RECEIVED, A Large and carefolly selected Stock OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, Fancy Articles, ["WHICH IS OFFERED TO-THE PUBLIC AT REDUCED PRICES. OUR MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS ARE IMPORT? ED directly from Manufactories, under the super? vision of experienced Chemists, which enables us to re? commend them as pure and reliable in strength. We keep on band all articles to be found in a first-class Drug Store. Fresh additions are received by every steamer. jj?- PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up. E. H. KELLERS & CO., No. 131 MEETING STREET, . North of. Market. E. H. KELLERS, M, D;.....H. BABB; M. D. December 3_. PRATT & WILSON BROTHERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND Manufacturing Chemists, HAVE REMOVED THEIR MN'f'lRF- STOCK OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, &C. TO THE Old'Drug House of HavHand, Steven? son & Co., NO: ^ ??ATNE-STREET, - CHARLESTON, S. C., I AND ARE PREPARED TO SELL AT HOST REASON? ABLE RATES. Purchasers will do well to calL November li - Imo Market and King Streets. ! ALFRED RAOUL, M. D.A. M. LYN AH, M. D. ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH AND well selected stocks of I DRUGS AND MEDICINES * SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS PATENT MEDICINES TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES PERFUMERY, SOAPS COMBS, BRUSHES, &o., ?tc, I Which they offer to the Publia and tbs TRADE in gss ! eral at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and examine our stock. i . PROSCRIPTIONS Put up at all houri', day and night, with the greatest care, j S3" Country orders solicited, taste November 8 ?A Treacherous and Deadly Foe1 PAIN AND JfOISES XS THEE HEAD. Dr. Norton's New Bemedy ??R CATARRH^ AND MODE OP TREATMENT IS THE ACME OE PERFECTION. TT BREAKS UP THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE AT TTS ___ Fountain Head, and removes at once all Hie wretched symptoms of thia loathsome malady, such, as Pain in the Temples, Offensive Dischargee, Obstruction of the Breath? ing Tubes, Repulsive Breath, Snapping Sounds in the Ears, Absent-Mindedness, Mental Depression, Dimness of Vision, Sore Throat, Hacking Cough:; restores the sense of Taste and Smell, and permanently cures the disease in all Its types, forms and stages, with absolute certainty. This remedy and mode of treatment, like the disease, is peculiar, In constats of the inhalation of harmless a-. quids fron? tho palm of the band. The immediate relief it affords'.is alone worth ten times the cost of the reme? dies. , : . I Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh is out Informa tton neve,- before published. Call at our nearest Agency, or send ? stomp tor it. Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, Ko. ll Ann-street, Nevybxk. Drs. RAOUL & LYN AH, CITY APOTHECARIES, SOY&tfber 1 thstafimo Anent far Cbarieaton BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WOOLLENS, BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, BALMORALS. ALSO, IS FRENCH CORSETS, REAL LACES, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS. AND IN HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, such as Linen Sheetings, Pillow Casings and Towelings, Curtain Stuffs, &c, many of direct importation. Are Offering at Great Bargains to Reduce Stock, at UFFERHARDT, GAMPSEN & CO.'S, N. E. COUSES KING AND MARKET STREETS. ?*f N. B.-Messrs. J. CLAUDIUS MILLER and J. B. W. PHILLIPS aro with ns, and mil he happy to serve their friends. December 3 EXTRA FENDERS, FIRE BASKETS, ASH SIFTERS, BLOWERS, and other parts of Grates furnished promptly by SHEPHERD & COHEN, November 15 Imo NO. 297 KING STREET. WE ARE NOW PREF AR SB ?0 FURNISH OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS with the most approved varieties of the above. Our long and thorough experience in this City enables us to fur? nish the very best article of every class, and WE GUARANTEE THE PERFECT OPERATION OF EVERY RANGE OR STOVE WF S S LL AMONG OUR RANGES THERE IS THE DEFIANCE IMPROVED MOTT'S PATENT, The most convenient, simple, durable and tasteful RANGE ever made in America, and one that combines all the best and latest improvements. We have the exclusive sale of the celebrated STEWART'S PATENT COOKING STOVE, Which, to all the usual conveniences of the best of other STOVES, adds a COPPER RESERVOIR- for water heated by the waste smoke ; a spacious CLOSET for keeping food hot when cooked, and a detached ROASTER of ample size, warranted to roast all meats perfectly. This STOVE is admitted to be the most perfect thing of the kind) and we will take pleasure in showing it to all who may call upon us* SHEPHERD & COHEN, No. 897 KING STREET, CHARLESTON. September 29_Smo TINWARE AT WHOLESALE. WE, RAVING PURCHASED VALUABLE MACHINERY FOR THE PIJRPOSE^F manufacturing Tinware extensively in all Us branches, would respectfully caU the attention of Merchants and Dealers throughout the country to our Wares. Having greater facilities than any other House in the State, we are able to offer our Goods as low as they can be bought?in New York, with the expenses added, SHEPHEED & COHEIR NO. 297 KING STREET, CHARLESTON. September CHEAP CASH STORE. BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C B. FORD, ESTABLISHED 1825. THOMAS J. FLACK & SONS, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN BRANDIES, v No. 52 SOUTH STREET, A LARGE STOCK OF THE FINEST GRADES OF OLD MONONGAHELA, RTE AND BOURBON WHISKEY CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND AT LOWEST 7&IQE3, Havtsmtmr ft