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4 THE ??TOS, ;G. R. CATHCART, EDITOR. CATHCART, McMILLAN & MORTON, I PROPRIETORS, No. IS l-IAYNE-STREE* STJBSORI'PTION, OAIL?-TW^IiVJS MONTHS,.??? ???SW.00 ?1HY-SI2 MONTHS.?.5,00 DAILX~TF:<EE MONTHS.-.*?..?.?.*.* KWGLE COPIES.....-.can? IO HEWS DEALERS...?cant? fiARGEST CIRCULATION Di THE STATE. LARGESS CIRCULATION E? THE CITY. ?g- THE' LIST OF LKTT3R8 re ?laining ju the at the end of each week is published officially in THU] DA?CIJY NEWS every fri? day morning. _ News! Summary. Gold closed in New York at 50|. The New York Cotton market was more active, with quotations of Middlings at 30@40o. An interesting letter from "G. W. W." will be found on our second page this morning. The Northern elections, though they show Dem? ocratic gains, are all carried by the Republicans. In the'few oases where Democrats have been elected, it ? stated that their election Will be COn teated ' Fall returns have not yet been received, hut that the Republican? are triumphant is india putable. : PBENOHUND VoyoHUHE, a French merchant in ? Bombay, has failed for ?3,000,000 sterling. _ 5looioTTi GABIBALDI, who waa recently injured by being thrown from hia father's horBe, ia slowly recovering. It ia reported that Mons, DE PEBSIGN? will very likely take the place of Mona, DE MOUSTTEB, at ' Constantinople. Exertions are being made in Peru to regulate the coolie trade, and the Government is.endeavor? ing to improve their condition. The only ?ving descendant of CHRISTOPHER CO? LUMBUS lives at Borne, and i* to visit Anierioa next year. He is described as a genial man of 60. , The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail of the 3d instant etates that there are not leas than two hundred oases of the "break-bone fever" in that city. The Pope has sent several medals in gold and flilver, bearing hie effigy, to the Sistera of Charity who have been in attendance on the cholera pa? tients at Amiens. The Peruvian Government is about establish? ing an observatory at Lima, and M. CABELLO, of the Polytechnic Soho ol, is in Europe- purchasing the necessary instruments. . The Grand Duke CONSTANTINE, of Bussia, with his eldest son, recently visited the entire line of defence of Sebastopol, and the burying-place ol' the Russian soldiers Who fell at the siege. A Scotch paper says that the Roseneath estates of the D.iike of Argyle are about to pasa into the hands of a successful sugar merchant and yachts ma?_^-1--to ?xr ?*1(?o?r?ow~ Prince METTERNICH'S chateau of Johannisberg has been confiscated by the Prussians, notwith? standing that it wasjmade over, to the Empress of the Frenoh, and the flag of France floated on the castle. The Viscount DE CHABROL and thu Count DE LUE ER BAO are visiting Chioago. They are making a tour of th? principal Northern cities for the pur? pose of studying the workings of the lower grade of public schools, with a view to improving that class of aohools ia France. The Rev. Mr. TUTTLE has been unanimously ap? pointed by the House of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Churoh, Bishop of the new Diocese of Montana and Nevada. The new Bishop is not yet thirty-six years of age. His labors in the western part of New York have been eminently successful, and he was urged ss the proper person for this distinction. * It is now definitely ascertained that DOH AN? TONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA is aotually enlisting officers and men from New York, preferring those vho have served in our own war, to be under his command and control, and in his pay, to fight against MAXIMILIAN in Mexico, and to fight for SANTA ANNA after the overthrow of the Empire. The riot in Philadelphia consequent upon the rival demonstrations of both the political parties being in progress at the same time, was more a?rions than at first reported. According to the Radical accounts it was begun by an unjustifiable assault upon a torch-light procession by the De? mocrats. Twelve persons were reported wound? ed, five of whom were policemen, and* one citizen was killed. The Navy Department has received official ad? vices from the steamer Shenandoah, Capt. GOLDS BOBOUGH, which left Mauritius on the 9th of Au? gust for Mani, one of the Le Chelle group of islands. The offioera and ere v were warmly re? ceived by the Governor, who toasted the Presi? dent and professed much gratification at a visit from an Amerioan war vessel, the Shenandoah be? ing the first that had ever put into that port. All on board were well. A monument to the memory of WM. F. HARN? EEN, the founder of the express business in Ameri? ca, has beea erected in Mount Auburn by the Ex? press Company now bearing his name. It is of the Italian style and of Fitzwilliam granite. The foundation is 28 by 15 feet, on which rests a plat? form 8 feet square ; this latter supports four col? umns, which are surmounted by a cap. The monument is appropriately inscribed and-embel lishtd with various insignia of the avocation fol? lowed ny Mr. HABNDEN. The monument cost $18,000. The Heroa, of Monday, says : "At about twen? ty minutes o? toa o'clock last night, a fire was discovered la ?he large building used as a store by 0. G. GUNTHER & Son, on Broadway, between Spring and Broom? streets. The establishment was completely destined, the loss being estima? ted at $125,000. The ?r? communicated to St. Patrick's Cathedral, on corner of Mott and Mulberry streets, which wa, a|80 completely des? troyed. It caught fire from tin 8parks Hying from GUNTHER'S building, and in a fb,v moments was a mass of flame. The cathedral w,8 built in 1811, and was one of the oldest and moBt w>nerable edi? fices in the city. Tho loss is roughly intimated at $200,000. . Tbs Secretary of tho Interior has decked, in responso to an inquiry from the Itegister an-i Re? ceiver of New Orleans, that public lands in the ?outh caa neither ^^JZ^^n money or located with Lani ? bo h that the oneway in which fjgg^- jg? act, in those States, now, is by ^J?ae? bv the ; settlement and cultivation, ai>I ^ m? m of Congress,' approved Jlet J q?ar| claimant. 1.8 thereby rea? cte? . section, ^jres;^^ remaining ? however, including ir?n * .. . . f affected by Hie operation rfjw^ .! -^^^nTmded for publicat ion ?SS-AU communications ?g?g/ to ^ j^dt/or Ms yowma/ mt?jMKXyne-slreet, Charlesk wfSrStZdertalce to return r**d commun? -CHARLESTON. THURSDAY Mr>RNLmOOTOBER ^ Shall the people of the South emigra from the land of their fatberB and leave it fall into the hands of strangers, or she they invite immigrants from all parts of tl world' to uettle in their midst and join the in enabling the country to recover from tl baleful effects of civil war? In favor the former policy are all those who are wedded to the things that have passed aw that they can soe no hope for us m the futui Disheartened by the reBults of the war, th? would leave the homo of their nativity ai try their fortune in unknown lands. The people are blinded [by passion and prejudic and become the easy victims of emigratii sooieties and their agents. . The. home whit was once luxurious, but is so no longer-bi whioh requires only industry to make it boc Portable, and enterprise to make it luxurioi again-^iB abandoned for life in the wilde ness, where it will take the hard Work of ta generations to accumulate the comforts whic have been wantonly sacrificed. The ?bje< of this movement-~the advantage proposed 1 be gained by the exchange--is said to t freedom from Northern control. Nowhere c the Amerioan continent oan tho emigr&t from the South be sure of that freedom, an in the Old World there is certainly co rooi for him. We are, therefore, constrained t believe that all schemes for thb'?migratio of the Southern people are wrong, and onl beneficial to the emigrant 'societies and thei agents. The number of people (hat will emigrat from South Carolina will be sm?ll-not onl beoauso ttort are not a'gnat many who wai to go, but beoause even of those who do war to go, the greater part are compelled, by wac of means, to stay, Strange to say, howevei of the large majority who will remain in th State, a great m?by are opposed to immigra tion-that is to say, they object to a larg influx j)f.foreign RojpWtion_ jntQ_the.J^ "(Tliey take the ground that it will depriv the native population of the control of tb country, and that the foreigners, combining with the negroes, will throw the State int? the control of the Radicals. Now, thest objections are weak in the extremo* Expe rienoe BhoWs that foreign settlers fall inti the opinions of the people among whon they live, and beoome strongly attach?e even to their prejudices. In the lato war Irish, Gemans and Frenoh fought on th< side of the South with as muon ardor ai their countrymen fought for the North, ant hated our enemies with all the passionat< earnestness of natives. The truth is, then that a large immigration is the true way o regaining our political equality; and wh'er we consider, in addition, the vast materia wealth which their industry would create and tho great amount of land now lying wasti whioh it would put under cultivation, w< cannot but conclude that the best thiDg tba could happen for our State and her ,peop!< would ba the rapid increase of hec'foreigi population. THE CHARLESTON AND SA VANNMl RAIL ROAD. By an advertisement in tho oily . papers the public have been informed that th< Charleston and Savannah Railroad will b( offered at public sale OD the 20th' of Novem ber next. The City of Charleston depending as she does almost entirely, on tho railroadf which oonnect her with the 'interior for thc .'limited prosperity she at present enjoys, it is of the utmost importance to her interests 'that they should be owned and managed by those who, while they may be zealous to de? clare good dividends, will also'take caro to pursue such a policy as will'advanco the trade of this city. In the hands of enter prising men, the Savannah Railroad can be made of an importance second to no avenue of communication at present leading into the interior from this point. It should, at the earliest moment, be connected with the Geor? gia Central Road at or near Millen, when we will be placed, by the shortest route, in con? nection with Macon, at whioh city the rail? roads from Southwestern Georgia terminate. The valuable line to Columbus and Mont? gomery, which is to be extended via Opolika to Tuscumbia, on the Tennessee River, form? ing by this routo the shortest and best through connection with tbe Weet; tho Ma? con and Western Railroad and its connections, leading to Atlanta, Chattanooga, and places beyond--all come into Macon, which has be? come a grand railroad centre. These roads aud their'connections pass through a country much of whioh is of considerable fertility, and is noted as a fine cotton region. It is a section that has dealt heavily with this place, and there is room for a largely extended trade. By another branob, if found necessa sary, .this road might 'bo carried to Augusta, Georgia, along the route-of the Port Royal Railroad, and whioh rids had ,a. largo ?mouht of wk done on it. This lino to Augusta would bo about as short as the South Caro lina Road, and would pass through a fertile portion of Beaufort and Barnwell Districts, which has heretoforo traded with Savannah. There We also other proposed connections of much importance, but those that have tieen mentioned, show-with much force the urgent necessity of having this road fall into proper bands. WAMTN r?ri ,?OMpETBNT COLORED 8 MA^ENLg^^1 a6arll?' WAWOni? T,A WO?A? TO DO CHAMBER at the VinTnl>TiA,??A^oinBn to do washing. Apply flir70t? 0BIA HOTEL, corner King and Prlnwss alreetg- . -, , -1?_October ll W*^86.? TO ??NT-A SMALL HOUSE, fl^coftnA^t?*,*301188?111 ? antral locality. Ad drees CHARLESTON, through thisOfflce, stating terms, _ October 10 WwT?D'~A RESPECTABLE YOUNG to v rr iN ,W?ntB a situation as OLE RS or Assistant Boo*. Keeper in a Merchant's Office or Wholesale Btore. Address A. B. 0. D., Daily News Offic?. October tr^ tnthB3 ? APOOR, BLIND (COLORED) MAN, WHO ?w?T?nnjd? nothing but SAW WOOD OR PUMP w aicit, desIreB to get employment and begs assistance. His residence ia No. 17 PRESIDENT STHBET-MB name is SAMUEL ORB. October 10 WASTED,TWO TKACHBK8 FOR THE ALLENDALE HIGH ?SCHOOL-one capable of leaching Instrumental and Vocal Music andFreuoh; the other to teach the Primary English branches \ The exercises of the school will commence on the 1st of January next. Applit ations to be made to Hr. B. L. WILLINGHAM, President of Board of Trasteos, Allen? dale, Barnwell District, S. C., with references. September 26 Imo TO RENT, &o. KINO STREET STORE TO RENT.-THAT spsdons Store, with larg? back Stores, situate in Bing itr. et, known as Nos. 637 and ?39, wsU adapted ' for a wholesale Grocery Btore, with capacity for Wagon Yard attached. For terms, &o., apply to W. Y. LEITCH, October ll thatn3 No. 25 Broad street. TOUtSNT, PART OF A STORE IN A CEN? TRAL and elegant location for business. Address S, S. S., or spply at THIS OFFICE. October 9 , tnths TO RENT-THAT ELIGIBLY SITUATED and pleasant HOUSE on East Bay, between Socie? ty and Laurens streets, containing six upright rooms, double ptazea, dressing room, bo. On the premises ic a good olstern, fine kitchen, stable, bo. For terms apply to B. M. DTROBEL, October 9 tuths8* No. 6 Soolety-stree*. FOR SAXE. FOR SALE,-FIV? (5) PRIME HORSES and two (2) No. 1 MULES for sale at tho Omni, bul Stables, Shepherd street, by October ll 3_lt. DOUALA'S & 00. , FOR SALE CHEAP, A'GROCER-V STORE with BAKERY attached. Apply to A. WENG EN B OfH, corner Ashley apd Palmetto streets, Charleston, B. C. _ 4? ' October 10 FOR SALE, MULE, DRAY, AND HARNESS, . all in perfect order. , Apply lt No. 66 MARKET STREET. Octouer 10_ ?? _" .8 OR SALE-ONE 'BTflA^M ENGINE AND BOILER and a new Saw Mill, nearly completed, will be old together or separated to suit purchasers. The Hngtoe may be used for grist mills or ginning cot? ton) or other purposes. SolcT'verv low for oash. Apply to MtsiM BL?NT & SlNPLOa'S Carriage Factory, No. 46 Spring street. _thm6?_October ll FOB S?Ali?-ST. AwWiMsrw'S IXAI/JL. LIOTT AND BUILDINGS thereon, on Broad street, near Friend. Dimensions-Lot 81 leet on Broad street, by 870 feet io depth. . The ibove desirable Property is offered at private sale on Bbertl terms. Apply to JOHNSON b BLACK, Brokers, Qotob3t9 ,. - tnths3 , No. 26 Broad street. ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. One ?rst-clRSB (35) thirty-five horse power EN GIVE, with ?AW MILL attached; complete exoept boiler. The rlght of cutting Oak, Htokory, Maple, Cy press, &c. on'the place can be secured. Apply to WM. 8, WHALIY, Jr. ."Summerville, or to BOPER b STO NEY, Cha'leston._atntb.6_October 6 FOR IALW ONI Tfl?RTY HOBHE STEAM ENGINE AND CIRCULAR, "8?W MILL, with GRIST MILL AND BLACKSMITH 8HOP attached, all in complete and ?nc cessful op'ratibn. Sold for no other cause than the ill health of he owner. 'Apply to ' BBAUG? b MALLONEE, Planing Mill, Horlbeok's Wharf. ?ctoh?r3_0 THE SUBSCRIBER OPFERS HIS PLAN TATDN, on Edlsto Island, for sale. It contains 325 acres4 high land, situated on Russell's Creek, with many fa lillies ? fish and oysters are not over two miles to the steimhoat landing. There is up n the place ? ?. od subiivutially built brick houso. containing 8 up rieht roods, likewise very good outhouses and negro houses. For terms, apply to HOPER & STONEY. Van derhors't I Wharf. JOS. E. JENKINS. September 27_th4 O II S A O E VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, .?'?0 FEET FRONT ON COOPER RIVER. ALL THAT ELIGIBLE AND VALUABLE PROP ERT? bown as the South and North Dry Dock WharveB,centrally located, betweon Union Wharf and the propety of the late General Plnckney, next north of Market Wiarf. ; THE8(UrH WHARF, formerly known as Williams Wharf, sluated on the east side of East Bay street, measuring and containing in width on the east and weat linos 13408t, and in depth on the north line running to tue ecko of Cooper Itiver channel, 776 feet, and on the south Hi? running to the edge of same channel, 708 .feet, bethe same more or less, accord'ng to a plat thereof, esurveyed in 1860 by Robert Q. Plnckney, Sur? veyor. -, THE ?ORTH WHARF, on the east side of Concord Btrcot atl south side of Plnckney street, and adjoining South Wiarf above described, containing in width from north to?outh on Concord street, 86 feet 8 inches, and runnlngthonce by parallel lines upwards of SOD feet, to the chapel of Cooper Biver. , THE OTTON PRE83 LOT AND BULT ISO, sitiia'o on the saith side of linckney street am- weBt side of Concord?treet, niea?uriug aud containing east on Con? cord strirt 80 feet 8 inches, s<uth on lands now or late of iBhar Williams, 83 feet, west on land of A. Ottoteu oui, runing southwardly 85 feet 9 inches, and north on pincknej street tO feet 3 inches. The entire Lot is covered y a one-ttory brick and tin roof Building, ca? pable of ting used either as a storehouse for cotton and other mtchandise, or aco'ton prebB, or a machine BbTHE ETIRE AREA OF THE PROPERTY is nearly eau il 'O ?ACRES. , ,. THE ?DTH PIER was for a long time the landing place for lie Havana steam packet "Isabel.'"' There ! no better located Wharf Property in this city, and its rtensive river front and ample space for the erection ( stores, all combine to render it one of the most destable investments for enterprising capitalists. TITLE! clear aud indisputable. . " Plats olhe entire property may be seen at the office of W. B. leriotfc Co., No. 37 Broad street. TERMSmade known on application to WILLIAM B. HERIOT, ? President Dry Dook Company. Augusto ? .__thml6_^ LOST. DOG IOST.-STKAYRD PROM No 1 PAL, MEI O STREET, a BLACK AND TAN HOUND SLUT, wu ono White Eye. A hberul reward will be paid for hr recovery. 1* jjc^ojjer^ll^ REMOVALS. REMOVAL. HH. WILLIAMS & t!0. HAVE REMOVED THEIR . HT AND OAP STOKE to No. 7 Hayne-atreet, (Sid store lom ii. W. Williams k Co.,) where they have f ,11 and cmploto stock, und will be happy to see theil customorsiud friends. October I thstnlmo BOARDING. A PRITATE F VMILY. Il WI*G THREE ?\. WELl FURNISHED ROOMS, desires to take E family or snule gentlemen to Board. Apply at No ll ANSON STREET. 1* October 8 SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ftc. EDUCATION A L ,H3ST;V10 1.IS ?I ?I.E1VT OF . KEV. DH Mp:m. THE. REV. DR.' MYERS II Ask PLEASOBS Itt AN? NOUNCING that.'ib?vinc; Wonr?d the eligible premi?es No. 20 OEO.RvB-STKI3.Bl', ona'door east of King', his Academy is now ooaii fur cbc reception of Pupil?.. 1 The valu?ble cervices of Pr?f. U A. ?H,'?.??ETT, A. M,, a gentleman of considerable expert! nco in Tuition, and a Graduate of one of the loading \0oiv?..r3tti<?s of thc country, have been 01 gaged fer assistance in the duties of the'Institution, And'.the Principal feels sanguine thnt-f the entire arrangements thereof ;:re such as to merit and gain universal -approval. Terms, ns well as all other pVvt?c:?If?rH connected with the Institute, may be obtained on nppjicatlou as above. BEFEBENCEf,: 0. H. MOISE, Esq. T. !.. 00IBB. VS. D. THEO. D. WAGNER, Esq. a. ri. DE?.EOH, Esq. B. D. LAZARUS, Esq. OB,Vi X. 1 OWNDES, Esq, JAMES MACBETH, Esq. ED WAI'J' LYN AH, Esq. October ll tbm 9?? e n b f 'ft-ii I r tm bcutfd)cn ?d)uI?aufc, Ulieeiinaftriife Unterri^tim S3ud)?oItcn, 91cd)ncn, .f:.m.'?C'. i; uub in ber | enfliifdieu <Sprod)e taeg?id) von 7 tit u ii?v ?!6cnb8. SScbtnpngeu 5 3)o??ar3 per 91ivuat; OctooerO 5* 3. ,j. tl f e n !. SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES OP TB K HEBREW FAITH, NOS. 173 and 175 WEST 80TH STREE f j BETWEEN ! 7TH AND 8TH AVENUES, NEW YORE.-TO THE ISRAELITES O P SOUTH CAROLINA. MBS. HENRY SIMONS HAVING BEEN RE? QUESTED by many Southern and Western friends (whose children have been educated at the In? stitute) to make known her School, announces to them that she receives pupils from the ages of seven to six? teen. The pupils can acquire the ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN and HEBREW LANGUAGES thoroughly. MU8I0 and SINGING taught by able Professors ; SEW? ING and EMBROIDERY made sn especial instruction: | DANCING and GYMNASTIC EXEROIsES taught dur? ing the winter season. Tho pupils attending the Institute will find it a home in every respect, and every care will be taken with their moral and religious training. Papila can enter> the Instlluto at any time. For Circulars, apply as abovf> ajjgggtjO_thstu 2mo HOMES SCHOOL FOR BOYS." IKE EXERCISES OP THIS INSTITUTION WILL BE | resumed on the?E?OND MONDAY IN SEPTEM ; BER, and continue tin months. The number of pupils ! hllmlifd to. twelve, The Principal is a graduate in honors of Cambridge, England, and has had more than twenty years ezperienoe as a teacher In the South. Careful and thorough instruction wm be given m the ! LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and 8panlsh, with incomplete course of English studies, including j Mathematics, Commercial, Arithmetic and Book-Keep lhfl Pupils will be treated In all respecta BB members of 1 his family, and will receive the undivided care and at? tention cf, the Principal In the preparation of their [ various studies. References-Tb the Faculty of the South Carolina University, ?and to present and former patrons. For terms and iurther particulars, addreiB the under? signed, RICHARD FORD, AM. Columbia, August, 1868. stnth August ll COLIiKOB OF CH AR. L< K STOW, SO. CA. THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF CHARLES? TON would respectfully inform parents and guar diana of young gentlemen desirous of obtaining a Col? legiate Education, that this Institution has been re- j opened under very lavorable auspices and at a greatly | reduced rate of Tuition, the terms of which are only Forty Dollars Per Annum, payable quarterly. Students j from the Interior can obtain board at reasonable rates, in respectable private families residing in the city. L.t. Y. i ADMISSION. I Candidates for admission into the Freshman Class mnstuo able .to translate Into English the whole of] Casar's Commentaries, Vjbrgll, Cicero's Seleot Orations, and SalluBt-. They must also.poseops an accurate and I minite knowledge of the T atin Grammar and Prosody. In Greek,,they will be expaoted to 'possess a thorough knowledge of Valpy'sGreek Grammar, Anthon's edition, and be able to translate and parse with readiness any pOrtion.of Jacob's Greek Reader, the first two books of Xenophon's Anabasis, and the first book of Homer'i Iliad.' ' , In Mathematics, their knowledge will bo expected to Include Arithemetic .(including Fractions, Vulgar and. Decimal), Extraction of Square and Oub? Roots, Young's Algebra through himple Equations, and first three books of Legendre's Geometry. Geography, both Ancient and Modern, will be the sub . jct of a rigid examination. N,B,-Students wilt be admitted to a partial course, upon "special application. FACULTY. I N. R 'MIDDLETON, LLD', President, Professor of Logic, Poiltioal Economy, and the Evl . -4?TO<>f <jbrtdci<,uity, aua Murry rroresBor ot Moral | and Political Philosophy, j REV. JAMES W. MILES, A.M., Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages and Lit? erature) and of Roman and Greek Antiquities. LEWIS R. 'GIBBES,' M.D., Professor rf Astronomy, Physics and Chemistry. JOHN McORADY, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, F. A. PORCHER, A M., Professor of History, Anoleht and Modern; Rhetoric, Belles Lettres, English Composition and Elocution, j F. P. HOLMES, A.M., Professor of Geology, Palaeontology and Zoology, and Curator of the Museum. LEWIS R. GIBBE', M D., Secretary of the Faculty. ?3-All papers in the State insert once a week for two ! weeks, and send bills to College of Charleston, So. Ca. Oolobori _th2 CAROLINA PUAIALifcl CitLUfMhU AN80NVILLE, N. 0. THE NEXT SE88I0N OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL begin on the FIRST MONDAY in Hoptember*, and continue till the 18th of January, 1887, a' period ol ! twenty weeks, with an Interval of one week at Christ? mas. The Spring Session will begin immediately on the ex? piration of the former, and will continue till the first Wednesday in June, 1867. Great attention is paid to the health and comfort of the pupils. Tbe efforts of the present head of the Col? lege have, in these respects, been crowned with marked with gratifying success. The Boarding Department is in charge of the Presi? dent of the College, who, with his family, resides in tba College, and bas the immediate direction of all matters pertaining to thia department. The citizens of Charleston and vicinity can see Cata I logues at the office of W. O. BENNETT & CO., and ara referred to Col. E, R. LILES, of that firm, for more de? tailed information. Pupils who may reach Oheraw can be met there and brought to College, at moderate expense, by giving the President timely notice. The attention of parents residing in the more south erly districts is hereby specially directed to the healthful properties of the mineral waters at and near the College. lt is believed those at the College have recently much I improved in their restorative powers, The chargos are believed to be very moderate. They are as follows, payable In specie, or its equivalent. It is expected that one-half of tbe charges will be paid in i advance, but in special cases more liberal terms will be accorded : Board, Washing, and Fuel.$66 Tuition in English I epartment, from.$12 60 to 26 Tuition in Music and nt o ol Pianos.'. 2!> Tuition in ?special Branches, from.$10 to 2(1 Contingent Fee. 2 Boarders are required to furnish their own lights, Sheets, Towels, aud Pillow-cases; also, two Clothes Bags for soiled clothea. J. E. BLANKENSHIP, August 23 60 President 0. F. College. M?DICAL. COLLEGE OF THE STATU. OF SOUTH CAROLINA, rpHE ANNUAL COURSE OP LECTURES IN THIS IA8T1T?TION will commonce on the first Monday of November next, and terminate on the first Saturday of March ensuing, FACULTY. J. EDWARDS HOLBROOK, M. D., Professor Emeritus of AnatomT FRANOIS T. MILES, M D., Professor of Anatomy, JULIAN J. OHI80LM, M. D., Professor of Surgery. E. GEDDINGS, M. D,, Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine, JAMES M?ULTBIE, M. D., Professor of Physiology. ROBERTA. KINLOCH, M. D., Professor of Matena Medica and Therapeutics. THOS. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D., Professor pf Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. 0. U. SHEPARD, M. D. LL. D,, Professor of Chem iBtry. / SAMUFL LOGAN, M. D., Demonstrator of An?tomy. F. L. PARKER, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator JI Anatomy, E. GEDDING8, M. D., Dean pro. tem. EXTRAORDINARY Oil SUPPLEMENTARY P?tuFESSOIlS F. L FAKKKR, M. D , Anatomv; dA.lfvJJ-.L LOOAN, M,D., Surgery; P. GERVAIS ROBIN fin, M I)., Insti? tutes and Practice of Medicine; El) ?v><RD G i DDI > GS. M. D" Physiology; GEORGE i HESCOT, M. D., Mate ia Medica; V. M. ROBER!' <>N, M D., Obstetrics. Tl. e Extraordinary Prc lessors/Lecture each twice a week. Course lreo. hey niU/also give the Summer Clinical Instruction at theCity Hospital, by F. PEYRE POKOHEH, M. D. . , Clinical Instruction at toe Policlinic, corrected witb the C liege, on every Wednesday and Saturday rom J to ll o'clock. This important charity ie now m succ?s? D. ; Assistant*, P. GERVAIS ROBINSON, M. D., GEO, 'ThK'su?al ainlaf^V^rTpA?&B APsistan.s, SAMUEL LOGAN, M. D.; F. L., M, Fees for the (^^^^^"'^^amt&ta?, $30 0DC0' mihi? Septembers MEETINGS. WASHINGTON LOO GK NO. 5. A. F. M AREGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE . viii be h?l(X at Masonic Hall This (Thursdays Evening, October Htb, at 7 o'clock. By order TV.'. M.-. S.WEBB, October ll <".'' >I Secretary. lADIEi' BENEVOLENT- SOC??T V. rilHE ANNUAL MEETING Ol? THIS SJOIETY WILL JL be bed at the Orphan House, on??Thursday, the 28th inst,, at 12 o'clock, M. A general attendance of the raembBrs is earnestly de? sired, and they are requested to hand in their subsotip- " tions for the ensuing year, at the meeting, 6r to send?. ' them to the Treasurer, No, 101 Tradd'Btreet. > October ll th? COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION. v ', THE FIRM OF CHAS. H. MOISE & CO. W?8!D?S-: SOLVED on 18th September, 1866, by mutual con? sent. OHAS. H. MOISE continues the Wholesale Grocery and Liquor Business on his own account, and will set? tle the business of the late firm. OHAS. H. MOISE. .i MARX COHEN. Ootoberll \ ._ DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING? as HANA HAN & WARLEY is this day dissolved by mutual content. /0t???/n H. D. HANAHAN,. (Signed] FELIX WARLEY. Charleston, October 1st, 1866. I WILL CONTI NfJB AS HERETOFORE, THE COMMISSION* AND GRO? CERY BUSINESS at Columbia, S. 0. B. D. HANAHAN, Columbia, October 1st, 1866. _ 6 DISSOLUTION OF COP ART *f ER8HI P. MB. E. A. DODD HAS, FROM THIS DATE. WITH DR AWN from the firm of FREEMAN, PUNDT & DODD. ,",. The business will be conduoted by FREEMAN &. PUNDT at the "PALMETTO IBON WORKS," Look wood & Johnson's old stand, foot of Hasel-stwet : VIRGINIOS FREEMAN. October 5_ J. M. PUNDT. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A COPABT u niM-SSS?^?11^' the name and s'y1* 0' RODDIN & CAMPBELL, for the purpose of conducting a WOOD* and BRIOK BU8INE88at the foot of Hasel-stre?t and respectfully Boliclt a share of patronage from the'vubUe* B. RODDIN. . H. VV. OAMPBEIX. Oharlegton, 8. C.. August 10, 1866. August 17 . HOTELS. MERCHANTS' HOTEL. NORTHEAST CORNER OF KING AND SOCIETY SIS.. fJIHIB OLD'AND WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS BEEK reopened for the accommodation of tho travelling pub? ic and will be kept in the heat style, both as regards the table sad sleeping accommodations. The whole houe? has been thoroughly repaired, and refitted, and newly furnished throughout, A Bar, supplied with the heat Liquors, is attached, and will be kept open for the ac? commodation of tho guests. Omnibuses will always be i* attendance at the varions depots and steamboat landings, and no pains wiB be spared to make.all guests comfortable and satisfied, . SAVAGE & ENSIGN, Proprietors. , JESSE L. SAVAGE..EDWIN W. ENSIGN. Ootober ll_ - ' ?? TO THE PUBLIC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, BO LONG AND ABLY conduoted by the late H. L. BUTTERFIELD, will still be kept open for the accommodation sf the Travel Ung Public. And its former,friends and patrons will find the usual accommodations and attentions bestowed on them a# formerly, and the nub'to favors' already so well es?, tablished as the Hotekf the Travelling Merchants of th? South, will by earns*, efforts bo faithfully prefaerved. Obraouth Carolinaland Georgia papers please copy. October 10_ _ 6 VICTORIA HOTEL. ' ' F. OPDEBEEOK; PBOPBIETOB. THIS HOTEL IS NOW OPENED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. It hu been remodelled and refurnished throughout. The travelling public, transient visitors, or others will find in it all the luxuries of a FIRST-CLASS ES CABLISHMENT, combined with the comforts of home; The location ls one of the most airy and pleasant for summer. A Billiard Saloon for the fovers of this healthful exercise 1B attached. No pains or expense spared to give entire satisfaction, May 12_F. OPDEBEEOK. BRANCHVILLE HOTEL. THE TRAVELLING POBLIO ARE RESPECTFULLY informed, though the reoairs of this HOUSE are not quite completed, the DOORS WILL BE THROWK OPEN for the reception of all those who are seeking a GOOD BREAKFAST and DINN EU; and that they have plenty of time to dino cannot be doubted by the most indulgent. The Ladies are also Informed that they need not hesitate to leave the cara for tho Dlning-Boom. of this House, as it is desired by the proprietors that . the most scrupulous should visit it, in or 1er that they may Bee the change that bas been effected in their' favor. The gentlemanly Conductors of the road wiU not scrapie, but wiB always take much pleasure in handing their lady passengers to the porch of this House, where' they will be ushered into a PLEASANT ANO RETIRED DINING-BOOM, whore they wUl receive the attention of an old and experienced housekeeper, with full time to do justice to tie repast that wiU be setdjefore them. POHi.. & MYER. Proprietors. tS" Columbia Carolinian and tbe Augusta Con stltn* tionalist will copy abovo, und send bul to this offlMV September 15 md* LEGAL NOTICE, DIfcTBIOr COURT OF CHARLESTON, CHABLEBTON. 8. Q , October 10, 1866: ORDERED, That the Clerk of tho Court do give no-; tice that this Court is now organized, and that it will, uit in Chambers, at tho Court House, on Monday and, Thursday of every week, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the. transaction of such business within its jurisdiction as may be brought before it. ORDERED, That notice be also given that the Return Da> for the first Quarterly Session falls on Friday, the 4th day of January. By order of Court 3, W. BROWNFIELD, O. O. D. 0. October ll_thm6 TO PHYSICIANS. WE HAVE FOB SALE THE PREFZING APPARATUS for producing LOCAL ANESTHESIA, for freezing witt. Ether or Bhigolene. Also, the ATOMIZING TUBES which constitutes a perfect Douche for bathing sensitiv eyes.t?flamed surfaces, and for perfuming or dish feeling the Bick room. ? few of the above instruments just received and fe sale by GOODRICH, WliVEMAN & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 153 Meeting-street, opposite the Charleston Hoh : October ll_\ FRENCH ANS ENGLISH B0?BDINS AND MT SCHOOL FOB YOUNG/1ADIE? MESDAMES A. G TB ARD AND 8. JJ. DOWELL. THE EXERCISES Otr THIS INSTITUTE WILL .' resumed (D. VJ on This Day, Octobor 1st, 1866, ut, No. ll Coming street. French and German. Madame Girabi. French and Euglish.'..Mrs. Dow? Mathematics and the Higher Eng? lish Branches.Mr. G.-W. Alexand Primary Department.Miss A. Pars -. Writing...:.Miss Oleapoi Italian?.Signora P-.. Drawing. ? Mr^rr? 9: Music, Vocal and Instrumental. V >:?. Violin and Guitar. - < Music, Vocal. Dancing.. . . : tw:usl:! October 1