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Th** Um ly News. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1866. COMMERCIAL. Savannah market. SAVANNAH, August 29.-COTTON-During the patt week there hu* been a comparatively good demand for this staple, and between four and five hundred bales changed Lands, at prices ranging from 26 to 32c for cot? ton not mixed or repack d. Middling may be quoted to-day at 30 to 30>a'c. Only a few bales of tbe new or ?p have yet been received, among which are the tour bales the sale of which we reported a few days ago at 40o. The stock on the market is very light. DJ Sea Islands nothing has been done during the past week. COTTON STATEMENT. 1866-66. Stock on hand September 1st. Received since August 22.... " Previously. Total Receipts. Exported since August 22. " Previously. Total Exports. fltock on hand.| _ 255| 11,700 | EXPORTS OP COTTON PROM AUGUST 22, 1806, to AUGUST 29, 1866. Ports. Liverpool_ Boston. New York Baltimore ... Philadelphia. Total Exports. Augusta Market. AUGUSTA, August 30.-COTTON.-The market is so extremely dull wo find it Impossible to quote. GOLD.-There ;s no demand, 146 to 148. SILVER quiet. SECURITIES steady. EXCHANGE par to},{. New Orleans Market. v "NEW ORLEANS, August 25.-OOTTON.-The market -opened this morning with a less general inquiry'than yesterday, andi continued extremely dull, with the movement restricted to a few brokers, who showed lit? tle Inclination to operate unless at concessions which .factors Would hot yield. The day's transactions were i consequently confided to 800 bales, five brokers partici? pating in the business. Prices were unchanged; if any? thing, the advantage was on the side of faotors, eapocl . ally for even-running lista of good staple, but the rates paid for the interior grades indicated considerable irre i gulaiity. In addition to the amount reported yesterday, 76 bales ?Old late in the evening, which swells the d iy's eales to nearly 1200 bales. Referring to the above re ? marks, we repeat our quotations of last evening, as lol lows: Ordinary 23 to 27o, good ordinary, 29 to 31o, low middling, 33 to S6o, and middling 35 to 36c. STATEMENT OF COTTON. . Stock on hand September 1st, 1865.baleB. 83,239 ?Received to-day. 69 Received previously.750,039 . Additional bales made from loose, waste and da naged cotton, pickings, sam? ples, eto. 36,270 -786,378 869.6?7 .Cleared to-day.C.... 3070 "Cleared previously.768,833 -76!,9<W - Stock on hand. 107,708 The clearances comprise 1352 balos for Nen* York and 1724 for Liverpool. SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-The market was at a stand? still to-day, and there was nothing done even at retail We quote for reference, however, as the retail prices ' 16& to 17o per lb for yellow clarified Cana sugar, 17# vio for white do, 16 tb 16%o for refined Cuba, 14 %o .for prime Porto Rico; .12X to 18K" for Noal4 and 16; I loft to I6tfo for Nos 10 to 18, and 17 to Wtfo fo> Nos 19 and 20. -Cuba Molasses is quoted at retail a t65o per .gallon; wholesale 62 to 63o per gallon. FREIGHTS-Are quiet j there is very little disengaged tonnage in port, but not much offering to go forward, 'Thereis, however, considerable cotton, tobacco, grain and staves on hand. The rates are % to >i per lb for .cotton and $5 per hbd for tobacco by steamer for New York; yto per lb for cotton, 40o per bbl for flour, and fi 60per bhd for tobacco by tail for New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Sall for Liverpool %d for ootton; 40s per hhd for tobacco. Sall for Havre 1 #o per lb for cot? ton. For Bremen, 46s per hbd for tobacco. The ..British steamer Fire Queen soiled to-day, punctually as advertised, for Liverpool, with a full cargo, all?t }{d per lb for cotton. She went with passengers and $82,000 in ?ap?ele. Memphis Market. MEMPHIS, August 28.-COTTON.-Middling cotton was quoted in New York yesterday 38 to 85, and the -market nominal. Here there waa scarcely any market. Bnt few salea were effected, and bot little waa offered. No doubt the weather, whioh wu miserable, had some ?thing to do with the dullneaa whioh prevailed, and which waa felt in every department of trade. We quote caa follows : Ordinary.;.26 to 27o. Good Ordinary.28 to 28c. Low 'Middling... ..30 to 82c Middling...82 to 83c fltriot Middling.'..84 to 35c Good Middling.36 to 37c Baltimore Market. .BALTIMORE, August 28.-Market continu?e quiet, vbut prices steady at yesterday's quotations, 33 to 8* eta 'for Middling Upland. Arrived to-day, 360 balea from {Savannah. CO?PEE.-Stock in first hands very light; no carg?ea on the market; prices are firmly maintained. We have .only to report 200 hana Rio at 18M to 19% eta, gold. FLOUR.-Tho market was quitt to-day. Prices of Patapsoo and other high grades of Family were reduced '60 ots, and Pataps?o Extra 25 eta per bbl. We now quote the former $15 60, and the latter $14 75 per bbl. We re i port sales yesterday and to-day as follows: 400 bbla Northwestern Extra, fresh ground, taken for shipment, .at $12 25; 100 bbla choice Western do at $13; 100 bbla Northwestern Extra, common, at $10 60' 100 bbla do Super, common, at $9 per bbl. The market closed quiet ' but steady to-day at quotations, viz: - Howard street Super and cut. .Extra_$10 25 to 10 60 i Howard atreet shipping Extra. 12 00 to 12 50 Howard atreet high gradea. 13 00 to713 60 1 Howard street Family. 14 60 to 16 00 vQhio Super and cut Extra.. 00 00 to 00 00 'Ohio .Extra shipping. 00 00 to 00 00 Ohio retailing. ll 60 to 12 60 Ohio Family.14 U0 to 14 60 -Northwestern 8uper. 9 0U to 10 25 ^Northwestern Extra.ll 25 to 12 00 . City Milla Super. 10 26 to 10 60 "City Mills shipping brands Extra. 18 75 to 14 00 . City Mills Standard branda Extra. 12 00 to 12 60 Baltimore, Welch's and Greenfield Family 15 60 to 00 00 ? Baltimore high grade Extra. 14 75 to 00 00 Bye Flour, new. 5 60 to 5 75 ti Oom Meal -Olty Mills and Brandywine... 4 60 to 4 62 Vt GRAIN.-Wheat was in fair receipt to-day. 6000 bush . ela white and 750o bushels red offered; the market .opened firm but closed weak, and numerous samples . were left over unsold; embraced in the sales were850 lauahelBohoice white at $3 25; 850 bushels prime do at . $3 17, 1500 to 2000 fair to prime do at $2 60 to $8; 2750 bushels choioe red at $280, 1000 bushels prime do at . $2 70, at the close offered fullv 5 cents lower. Corn - 46860 bushels white and 2500 bushels yellow offered the market WHS dull, eales of 2600 bushels fair white at $1 ; prime to ohoice was held at $103 to $105, but none >sold; small lot? Western yeUowat82to 90 cents, from - carys and delivered ; Southern do at 91 to 92 cents. Oats -sales Of 6100 bushela, vic; 32 bushels at co cents, 2800 bushels at 48 cents, 500 do at 47 cents, 400 do at 46 . cents, 2200 do at 45 cents. Bye.-1400 bushela offered, sales of 600 bushels prime at $1, and 100 do 95 cents .per bushel. MOLASSES.-Nothing doing to-day; quotations ar.* nominally unchanged. PROVISIONS.-There was rather a better demand to? day for Bacon, on Southern orders; we report BaleB of lO?hhds in lots, including Shoulders at 17& to Xl Ho-, Sides 20>ic; Hams are steady at 26 to 26c for sugar-cur? ed. No iDqulry for Bulk Meats, atock light and held at 16&c for shoulders, and 18>?o for Sides. Mess Pork 1B ?held at $33 76 to 34 per bbl. Lard unchanged; we quote for jobbing lots 21 cents for Oity, and 22 cents for Western in bbls; Baltimore refined in kegs 24o per lb. SUGAR -We have to report a quiet market to-day, with sales of 23hhda and 28 bb's Porto Rico, for refining atllo, 4 mos ; *0lhda oommon grocery Cubaat lloJ?; 20 hbds prime Porto Rtcoat 14&o; 20 hhds choice*De? morara at 15>?c. Refined continues steady at last quo? tations. SALT-Continues steady undera fair demand from the trade. We quote in lots Liverpool Ground Alum .$210 to 215; and do Fine $3 10 to 3 25 per sack. Turka Island 60c per bushel for Iota from store. WHISKEY-Is quiet; we quote at $2 35 to 236 per gal? lon for Western, large and small lots. Philadelphia Market. PHILADELPHIA, August 28.-COTTON.-The market continues dull. 130 bales of middling sold tn lots at from 33 to 36c per lb for uplands and New Orl?ans. GROCERIES.-In sug.r there is more doing. 1124 boxes sold at 7^c per lb, gold. Coffee continues acaroe, ?and we hear of no aales. FLOUR.-Pries are well maintained, and i rather more doing in the way o? sales. 1400 bl mills lamllv, and 600 bbls extra sold on terms I cret, and 1600 bbls m lots to the home trade, ing Pe Northwest superfine.$7 6C Northwest extra. 8 7? Northwest extra family.10.5C Pennsylvania ?nd Western superflue. f.OC Pennsylvania ,?nd Western old stock extra... 9.0C Penn, and Western fresh groundextra.10.60 Penn, and Western old stock family.lX.Oo Penn, and Western fresh ground family.13.00 Pennsylvania and Western faicies.16 00 Bye flour. 6 00 Pennsylvania Corn Meal.4.30 UBAIN.- There is rather more wheat offering, a demand has somewhat fallen off. Sales ol 3500 b fair and chohe Southern red at $2 75 to $2 83, a bushels Indiana at $2 75. Rye is quiet but st $1 16 for Pennsylvania. In corn there is lot doini;; sales ci yellow at 92c; and 1600 bushels W mixed at 91 to 94c. Oats remain without change of 3000 bushels new Southern at 61 to 52c. Theretelptu to-day are as follows: 1740 bbls 4700 bushels wheat; 1900 bushels corn, and 49U0 b oats. PROVISIONS - Holders continue Arm in their but the tiansictions continue limited'. Small sai masing at $34 per bbl for new mess po-k; $23 to 1 bbl for city packed miss beef; 21 to 26c por lb for hams; 19>i to 20c for pickled do; 16% to 16%c (( sh'iulders; 21 % to 22c for prime lard, in bbls ai and 23 to 33 per lb for i.utter, as to quality. WHISKEY.-smad sales of bbls are making at $2 Ohio, and $2 37 to $2 38 loi Pennsylvania. Sew Yorit Market. MONEY MARKET. The New York Journal of Commerce, of Wo ?Lay, tho 29th August, says: The national currency is still abundant, ano banks are lending it to the Government agents at e Jays, free of interest. The domestic market presents a littl? mora anim n the varies branches ot business. In the dry g lepartmeut there is increased activity, and pria :nost descriptions of labrlcs aro firmly s H sta! Honey is iu excessive supply at 4 to 6 per cent foi ?ans on stock collaterals, and upon Govornnien imitieBata lower rate. Tho best commercial pap n demand at 6 to 7 per cent per annum discouu ihort and lona dale. Gold opened this morning at 148%, touched 148% ranced to 149%, and was selling at the close at 14sj Silver is in. Rmi too request at 8 to 10 cents below >rioe of gold. Foreign Exchange is dull and lower. Leading ban tek 107 for 60 days sterling bills, and 108 for short t io, but these are extreme rates. We quote : it 60 days on London, 105 to 106 for commercial; 1 ?o 107 for bankers'; do at short Sight, 107% to Paris at 60 days; 6 40 lo 6 31 % ; 6 o at short sight, 6 28 > 27%>' Antwerp, 640 to 6 35; Swiss, 5 40 to 6 32%; ? burg, 35 to 85%; Amsterdam, 39% to 39%; Frank 19% to 40%; Bremen, 75 to 70%; Prussian thalers, to 70. v PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, August 28.-BREADSTUFFS.-Tho i ketfor State and W'-stein flour i's more active Bound medium grades rule a little higher The t ITO 7800 bbls at $5 56 to 7 80 for superflue State; $ to $8 90 for common extra State; $9 to 10 16 choice do; $6 65 to 7s0 tor superfine Michigan, diana, Ohio, Iowa, Ac!, and $7 to 9 60 for extra Including shipping brands of round hoop Ohic $8 66 to 10, and trade brands of do at $10 10 to spring wheat St. Louis at $10 60 to 12 50, and wintei at $12 to 16, closing quietly. We quote ; Superfine State., $5 55? Extra -tote. 0 40@1 Super Western. 6 55? Extra'Western_. 7 00? I Extra Ohio Hound Hoop. 8 65@1( Extra Ohio Hound Hoop (trade).10 lu? i: Extra Gene'see. - @ Extra St. Louis.10 60@1( SOUTHESK FLOUR-There is a fair eail at th* BB prices. Wo notice sales of 350 bbls at $10 to ll 65 common, and $11 70 to 16 75 ior extra tamiiy bra ads CANADIAN FLOUR-IS scarce and prices are qu nominal. WHEAT-The market for prime is firm, while otl kinds are unchanged. ' The sales are 15,00 bushels $148 for No 2 Chicago; $2 73 to 2 78 for new ami State; $2 80 for new amber Jersey and $3 16 for n white Miohigan. . OATS-Are rather quiet and heavy. Saleo were mi of 29,000 bushels at 40 to 47c for Chicago ; 47 to 52c 1 Milwaukee, and 55c for new Delaware and Maryland. CORN-Io in moderate request at stronger prices. 1 sales are 107,000 bushels at 70 to 81c for inferior; 81% 82o for shipping Western mixed, mainly at 82o, and I for Western yellow. . Salo* for the week.bushels. .382,700 Beceipts for the week.674,341 ?xp> rta for the week.197,938 Exports ?fr?rn January 1st.....8,417,790 Exports same time last year. 1,317,237 COTTON,- Tba market opened steady, with a fain marni, but closed dull and heavy, under unfavoral adviosi) from Europe. The sates are to exporters a spinnt?, and include 1200 bales. We quote: N. O. Uplands.' Florida. Mobile. Text Good Ordinary.. 28% . 29% 29% SC Low Middling... 81 81% 81% 82 Middling.:.... 88% 84% 84% 88 Good Middling. 87% 37% 38% 89 Beceipts for the week..bales. 4,290 Exports for the week. do 4 8 io Imports from January lat,. do 282.867 ?sports same time last year.... do' 49,963 GUNHIEJ.-The unsettled state of the market h checked tirade to some extent. We quote a very ligi bwinfla? aluce our last, at no very deolded change prloes. Bags 27o in Boston and 28o here; doth 37%o this mttr&et and 86 %o in Boston. HAY,-Old is scaroe and firm at 85 to OOo for ah? pp in and $ 116 to 1 20 for retail qualities. New meets wit fair sale at 70ofor shipping, and $1 for o hole e lot Straw is worked off at 85 to OOo-for good long-out ry and 66o tar oat. The supply of straw ls very libera and the market tends in buyers' favor. Exports for the week...Bales 290 Exports from January.Bales 1 27,278 Exports same time last yfor. ..Bales 21,679 IRON.-The market is Arm. Trade is moderate. Salei 200 tons Glongarnook, ex-ship, at $46 60; 150 do, fioi yard, at $48. American ls firm at $48 to 49 for No 1 MOLASSES-Is in limited lequest and prices rul rather heavily. Sales were made of 278 h h da, 28 tc Porto Bleb, 87 hhds English Island on private terms, an 25 hhds Guadeloupe at 65o. NAVAL STORKS.-Crude Turpentine quite inactive; few small parcels are offered at $4 75. Spirits lurpei tine 1B more active at former prices; sales include 36 bbls, mostly, if not all, at 68. Rosins are moderatel active; salei 1000 bbls, inoluding common at $3; strait ed $3 60; No 2 $4 50; No 1 $6, and pale at $7 76. Beo'ts Exp'ts Exp'ts Exp'ts sim for the for the from ' time last week. week. Jan 1. year. Crude turp't.bbls.. 474 .... 11,294 39 Spirits do do...2,114 854 10,884 649,071 1,922 164,281 11,934 45 20 21,662 8,304 100 26 1,651 864 PROVISIONS,-PORK.-Holders are firm in their viewj The inquiry ls limited, We notice sales of 3760 bbls a $82 87 to $33 for mess, cash and regular way, the latte prioe for small lots, dosing at $32 87, cash ; $30,60 I $81 for '64 and '66 mess; and $28 60 lor prime. BEEP -ll he market'presents no new feature. Sale were madu of SOO bbls at $16 to $20 for plain Westen ?tess; and $20 60 to $24 for exfra do. BEEF HAMS-Are very scarce and nominal at $45 fa Western. B IOOM SIDES -The market is inactive. Small pat eel: of Cumberland cut ohanged hands at 16c. OUT MEATS.-There is a fair demand at former fig ures.' Tho sales amount to 370 packages at 19% ti 21%o for hams in dry salt, and 14% to 16c for shoulden Indo. LAUD-Is not so active, and prices are unchanged We notice sales of 370 tierces and bbls at 18% to 19o foi No. '1 to kettle rendered oity, abd 20 to 20% c foi Western. OBSESS -There is a moderate call, mainly for export, at about former rates; the receipts are stilt liber il. We quote dairy at 10 to 17%c, and factory at 18 to 18%c, the latter price for prime grades. BUTTER.-The market 1B dull and prices are heavy; the receipts are fair ano are mainly ownmvn graaes, as most holders are retaining theirohoice grades in the country; Western is unchanged; the demand is mainly local, al? though there 1B some California trade for choice West? ern. We quote State in Welch tubs at 38 to 42c, do )n Arkins st 43 to 44c, and Western at 28 to 35c for common to prime reservo. BICE,-We do not learn of any change in the market. We notice sales of 250 bags Rangoon in lots at 9% to 10%o. ' Tes. Bbls. Exports for the woek. - 240 Do lrom January 1st. 60 7242 Do same time last year.... 55 10,240 SALT.-There ls a better business doing from store at undiminished ratCB. SuoAR-There ls a better demand for raw from tho trade, and refiners at a shade firmer figures. We quote fair refining at 10%o, and good to do at ll to ll%o. The sales are 1890 hhds Onba at 9% to 18%c. Refined 1B quiet, but prices romain about the same. We quote soft yeUow at 14 to 16c; soft while at 16% to 15%c, and crushed, powdered and granulated at 16?c. i iALLOW-There is more doing at better rates. Sales were made of 126,000 lbs at 12% to 12%o. ".^^Trade le quite inactive; sales from first hands of 400 half chests greens. o ?'IN^;JH?RE i8 * moderate business at strong prices. Sales 5001 pigd Banca at 22o, gold; Straits 20% to 21c, gow Plates may be quoted in light demand at $10 25, gold, for 10. TOBACCO-Fluctuations in gold exchanges unsettled business Bales 71 hhds Kentucky at 14% to 15c; 112 oaseB seedleaf at 4% to 8%o. FREIGHTS-To Liverpool 300 bales of cotton at 316d. I I and 14,000 bushels corn at 4%d; 350 bales cotton at I 7-l6d. To Glasgow per steamer 7000 bushels corn at 3%d. To Savannah 8000 Mishela corn at 8c. A Bremen brig to Cork fdr orders with corn at 5s. Late Markets. I , CINCINNATI, August 28.-Flour steady. Wheat Arm and in good demand. Whiskey stpady- Mess pork in good de maud; 3600 bbls sold at $32 75 for country: citv $33. Lard dull. Gold 148. 'I CHICAGO, August 28.-Flour steady. Wheat opened unsettled, and closed steady at $1 78 to 1 80 for No 1, and $1 58 for No 2. Corn declined \yt to 2c, closing active at 61K to 63^0 for No 1, and 50 to 51c for No 2 Oats quiet at 28 to 28>?c lor No 1, and 23K to 24c for No 2. Hlghwines nominal. Freights firm at il&c ou'corn to Buffalo. Receipts-7000 bbls flour - 102,000 bushels ' wheat; 248,000 bushels corn; 27,000 bushels oats Ship? ments-10,000 bbis flour; 31,000 bushels wheat; 320 000 bushels corn; 86,000 bushels oats. MILWAUKEE August 28.-Flour dull. Wheat-$192 to I 93 for No 1. Corn dull at 63c for No 1. Oats 30o. Receipts-400 bbls flour; 13,000 bushels wheat; 6000, bushels corn; 1200 bushels oats. Shipments-2000 bbls flour; 2000 bushels wheat. ST. LOUIS, August 28 -Flour unchanged. Wheat low? er; $2 25 to 2 27 for prime, and ?2 30 to 2 35 for choice. Oom rangingfrom 60 to 75c, Oats firm but unchanged. Provisions unchanged. Whiskey advanced to $2 25 V, to 2 26. CINCINNATI. August 27.-Flour unrhanged and in fair i demand-$10 to 18 for trade and fanoy brands, and 8 to 9 the lower grades Wheat opened firm at $2 45 to 2 50 ' for No 1, but closed dull at $2 40 to 2 45, under the ne va from Chicago. Rye stea:ly at 75. o 77c Whiskey un changi d. MesB pork duli at $33 with small sales ; bulk meats firm at full prices-the denn nd is light. Bacon scarce and in good demand at 17c for shoulders, 21 to j 21,'io lor cloar cides, tho insitie rate to come ont of smoke. Lard dull, and prices are nominal at lOJic. Go d 147 LOUISVILLE, August 27 -Sides 66 hurls leaf tobacco at full prices. Flour active; superfino $7 25; family $10. Ne?- rou wheat active at f 2/?. tjorn In bulli, fc'Oc lor ruixod, and 05 for white, (.tats, new, 35c. Mess pork f 12 25. Bacon, shoulders lT'^c; sides 21 X- Lard 21c. Whifkoy 2 2ri. THE CHARLESTON' POSTOFFICE. The mails close at the Charleston Postoffice as fol? lows :'; . FOB SOUTH CAROLINA RAILBOAD BOUTE Columbia, Augusta, Savannah and Southern and Western Connections, daily at. 6 A. M. FOB NOBTHEASTERN RAILROAD CONNECTIONS - Wilmingt in, Richmond, Washington, Ne* York, ?nd all poluts North and Bast, dally at. ll A. M. FOR GEORGETOWN Tuesday and Friday, at. 0 A. M. FOn PORT BOYAL AND BEAUFORT Tuesday and 6A.M. And at other times one hour before the departure of Government transports, FOR EDISTO At irregular times, but usually twice a week. Office opens at 8 A. M. Closes at 7 P. M. On Sun.tays, one hour, from 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. faoaenuern, Per s'eamor Kate, from Palatka, via Jacksonville, kc H R Teasdell, W H Furrar, O B Hart, O L Robinson, S I R Mattior and lady J M Hawks, J Beatle, Mrs June J Duane, Mrs A B Smith, E G Lawrence, W W Johnson and lady, Miss E Johnson, Henry Johnson, Miss O | Johnson, Sarah Johnson. ?nalguee* per South Carolina Kallrotul, | August 31. 41 bales Cof on, 18 balos Yarn, 286 baps Flour, 6 bbl? I Sptrlts Turpentine, 4 cars Lumber, and Sundries. To E j Jones, N-lehman & Co, Willis k ChUolm, Bruus k Bee, G W Williams h Co, J N Robson, R H Riaor, 0 Reeder, M Goldsmith & Son, O Whittemore, Son k Co, R Ar? nold k Co, W 8 Henery, Ebaugh & Malloneo, and J | Alexander. PORT CALENDAR. OOBBEOTED WEEKLY. PHASEN Of THE MOON. Last Q. 1st, Oh. 49m. even. IFirstQ. 16th, 10h. 8m. even 1 New M. 8tu, 8., 64m. even. I full M. 24th, 8n. 46m. morn I ?l ' 1 ?J AUG A SEPT. j SDN, HIGH WATER. 271 Monday.... 28 Tuesday.... 29 Wednesday. 30 Thursday., 31 Friday. 1 Saturday... 2 Sunday. 7..35 i 8.. 18 8.. 7 9.. 8 8..67 9..46 9..43 10..32 10..27 ll..24 ll..20 12..20 Morn. 1..29 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Arr Ired Yesterday. r AUGUST 81 Steamer Kate. Lookwood, Palatka, Jacksonville, via Fernandina and Beaufort. 6 bales S I Cotton, kc. To Capt T J Lookwood, Hunt Bros, J Cunningham, P Bet tilinia, O Harrison, and others. From thia Port. Steamship Saragosna, Orwell, New York, August 28. Bohr N Tarbox, Pendleton, Fall River, Mass, August 25. Cleated tor thia Port.. Sehr W F Gushing, Cook, at Philadelphia, August 28.] LIST OW SHIPPING In the Port of Charleston, August 31,1866, ' VESSELS UNDER 100 TONS, AND STEAMERS COASTING WITHIN THE STATE, EXCEPTED, STEAMSHIPS. Granada, 764 tona, Bursley, at Adger's wharves, for | New York, loading.*. .Ravenel & Co, SHIPS. Southern Rights, 980 tons, Boss at Accommodation whf, from Liverpool, waiting.Ravenel St Oo. Sodberg, Br, 614 tons, Eneall, at Boyce k Co's wharf, for Liverpool, loading.Patterson k block, President Fillmore, 894 tons, Luce, at Atlantic whvs, lor Liverpool, loading.Willis & Ohisolm,, | lia Lilly, 766 tons, Mlnott, at Accommodation wharf, from Liverpool, discharging.Gibbes k Co, BABES. Ange Guardione (Fr), 486 tons, McMillan, at Accommoda? tion wharf, from Bavaua, waiting. .JA Euslow k Co. B F 8haw (Br), 374 tons, Cann, at Vanderhorst's wharf, for tho West ladles, vailing.. Cohen, Hancbel k Co. Ella Adelle (Br), 285 tonB, Anderson, iu Cooper River, for the West Indies, loading.H F Baker k Co. of the hoa, 260 tons, Adamson, at Vanderhont whf, for a port on tho North eldo of Cuba, loading... .Cbisolm Bros. 80HOONER8. Aid (Br), - tons. McCormick, at Contral wharves, from Matanzas, waiting.Master. ELB Wales, - tons, Moslandor, at Central wharves, for Philadelphia, loading.H F Baker & Co. Bowdoin, 199 tons, Randall, at Boyce k Co's wharves, from New York, discharging, .Shaokelford k Fraser. Wide World, 261 ton?, Hildreth, at Adger's wharves, foi New York, loading.W Roach, D Talbot, 285 tous, Perry, at Patton's wharf, from hock port, Me, waiting.Trout k Amsbury. E J Palmor, 197 tons, Palmer, at Brown & Co's wharves, from Baltimore, dim.harying.Street Brosi: Co. John A Griffin, 300 tons, Foster, at.Central wharves, for | Philadelphia, loadiug.H F Baker k Co. Moses B Braiuholl (3-niasted), 336 tons, Davey, in Ashley Uiver, for u Northern Port, loodlng.LT Potter. ' B C Terry (3-masted), 260 tons, Weaver, at Coynnerclal | wharvcd, lrom New York, discharging.Master. LIST OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED AND SAILED F?R THIS PORT. LIVERPOOL. The Cardigan, Young, entered outward.August ll MATANZAS. Brig Caroline, Jones, up..August 17 BOSTON. Steamship Theo D Wagpor, Baxter, to leave... Sopt'er 8 Brig Waltham, Matthews, cleared.August 25 NEW YOR?. Brig Castilian, Hardenbrook, up.August 20 Sehr Kinma, Bird, up.August 24 8 ?hr N? vada, Doughty, up.August 24 Sehr Naiid Queen, Chase, up. .August -'4 Sehr Conservative, Boyd, up.August 21 Sehr Lilly, Francis, up..'...August 20 Sehr Louisa A Johnson, Tuttle up.;.. .AuguBt 20 Sehr N W Smllh, Tooker, clearrd.August 23 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Alba, Adams, deaf ed.August 26 Sehr W F Ou?hing, cook, cleared.August 28 BALTIMORE!. Steamship E C Knight, Hollins, up.August 29 Steamship Adele, Hall, to leave.August 30 Brig Robert O Wright, Jr, Hugft up.Auirust 24 BOXER'S BITTERS, FOR SALE AT ALL PROMIN3KT GROOER8, WINE MERCHANTS, AND DRUGGISTS, and Wholesale oaiy, by I. FUNK, Jr., Sole Agent, No 60 ?ibertv Street, N. Y, August 21 3moB FAMILY GRQCEKiKb! WILLIAM S. CORWIN & CO., WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GEOOEEIES. AND IMPORTERS OF PINE WINES', BRANDIES, TEAS, SEGARS, ETC. NO. 259 KING STREET, OPPOSITE HASEL, CHARLESTON, AND No. 900 Broadway, New York. WS. CORWIN & CO. RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR FRIENDS 'AND CUSTOMERS THAT BY BEOENIT , arrivals they have received a NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES, and arti now prepared to supply tho public at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the lowest market prices. The quality of ouir Goods and the prices need no comment, as the consumer is better able to j ndge of both quality and price. Suffios it to say that we IMPORT all our TEAS, WINES, BRANDIES, and everything of foreign growth and manufacture, and are not only able to dispose of them at REASONABLE PRICES, but eau assure the purchaser that they aro not tampered with b v pssslna through SEVERAL HANDS, as is the custom before reaching the retail dealer, and we'bink wo are safe in saying thar the QUALIT7 of our articles CANNOT BE EXOB LED, OR THE FRI0B8 MORE SATISFACTORY Atrialand comparison will at once prove this assertion, and Vit only remains for the? public to JDDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Tne Stock embraces everything under the head W FAMILY OROCI?liRIES. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, RAILROAD DEPOTS AND STEAMBOATS. E B, E E OE EXPENSEI NOTICE.-E. E. BEDFORD, J. 0. R. TAYLOR and WM. H. WELCH cordially invite their friends to No. K9 assuring them that a call will not lnour the .east obligation to purohase. thatu August 23 TOTEES' STOCK AND TRIMMINGS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE A B O V -E NAMED & Q O D B FOR SALE .A.T SHEPHEED, DUO & COHEN'S, . 3STo. 297 King-street. July 18 _SFEOIAL NOTICES. SOT MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, AN ESSAY of Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Also, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate tho vital powers, with sure means of relief. Sent free of charge in sealed letter envelopes. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH' TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. August 14 Brno ta- COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.-THIS CELE BBATED Toilet Soap, in such universal demand, s made from the choicest materials, is mild and .mollientin its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely b?n?ficiai in its aotiou upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. February 7 lyr ?"THE SALE OF THE PLANTATION BIT? TERS is without precedent in the history of the world. lhere is no secret in the matter. They are at once the most speedy, strengthening health-restorer ever dis? covered. It requires but a single trial to understand this. Their parity caa always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion, Ohamomlle j Plowers, Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen, Anise, Cloverbuda, Orango-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Coriander, Burdock, S.-T.-4860.-X. &c They are especially recommended to clergymen, pnb lio speakers, and persons of literary habits and seden? tary life, who require free digestion, a relish for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persona are certain to find in these Bitters what they have ao long looked for. They purify, atrengthsn and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change bf water and diet They overcome effects of dissipation and late boura. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent mlasmatio and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. The following startling and emphatio statements can be seen at, oar office. Letter of Rev. E. F. CRANE, Chaplain of the 167th New York Regiment: , ' NEAR AOQUIA CRREK, Marah 4th, 180S. Owing to the great exposure and terrible decomposi? tion after tho battle of Antietam, I waa utterly prostrat? ed and very sick. My stomach would not retain medi? ?me. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. DRAKE, of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great aarprise they gave me immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to join rjy regiment. ? * * * I have Bince seen them used in many oases, and am free to say, for hos? pital or private purposes I know of nothing like them. Rev. E. F. GRANE, Chaplain. Leiter from the Bev. N. E. GILDS, St. Clair s ville, Pa. GENTLEMEN:-You were kind enough, OB a former oc aasion, to Bend me a half doszen hortles of Plantation Bitters for $8 60. My wife haying derived BO muou benefit from the use of these Bitters, I dealra "r to continue them, and you will please send na FIX bottles more for the money oBoJosed. I am, very truly, yo-rs, N. E. Glu-' , Pastor Ger. Ref. Church, SOLDIER>' HOME, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) CINCINNATI, OHIO, Jan, 16th, 1803. j Di******** I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds ol our noble soldiers who s<op here, more or less disabled from various canses, and the effect ls marvellous and gratifying, Such a preparation as this is I heartily wish in every ' family, in every hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDBEWS, Superintendent. Dr. W. A. CHILDS, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Re? giment, writes:-"I wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantaben Bitters. They are the most effective, per? lest, and harmless tonio I ever need." WILLARD'S HOTEL, ) WASHINGTON, D. C., May 22d, 1888. J GENTLEMEN:-We require another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity o which daily in? creases with the guests of our house. \ Respectfully, SYKES, CHADWICK & 00, &c, ftc. fte. ftc. ko. Be sure that every bottle bears the fao-aimile of our signature on a steel plate label, with our private stamp over the cork, P. H. DRAKE & CO, Ne. ??02 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Physicians, Grocera Saloons, and country Hoteladealera, April 19 thuralyr DETTG ST?BE. E. H. KELLERS & CO., > (SUCCESSORS TO A. 0. PHIN,) APOTHECABIES AND DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING-ST., THIRD DOOR NORTH OP MARKET WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT THEY HA VB on hand a firil assortment of DBUG8, MEDICINE! 8 PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, SOAPS, BRUSHES, PER - FUMER Y and FANCY GOODS, and are prepared I! o supply physicians and private-families at cheapest m?r ket rates. E. H. KELLERS, M. D...'..H. BABB, M. D. July 19 "' _J HEPATIC BITTERS, THE MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY FOR THF PBB? MANENT CURB OF DYSPEPSIA, . FOB THE ?CERTAIN AKD SPEEDY CURE OF ALL. DISEASES Arising from a debilitated state of the Stomach or Lives PECULIARLY ADAPTED TO THE WANTS OF CITO SOUTHERN CLIMATE. Ask for HEPATIC BITTERS, and take none other, and yon will not be disappointed? The trade supplied on the most liberal terms by.the? Proprietor and Manufacturer, C. P. PANKNIN, NO. 123 MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. 0. AO" PLEASE OBSERVE THE FAG SIMILE OF THU PBORPIETOR'S SIGNATURE ON THE 0UT8IDB WRAPPER. Also for sale at G. W. AI MAR, DB. P. M. COHEN, DAWSON- A> BLACKMAN. E. H. KEULERS & CO. And by Druggists generally. July 19 _ ail tiff A DA VJ- AttKNTS WANTIuD Vii WJ&D sell a new ?md wonderful SEWING MACHINS the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW ft CLARK Btddaiord Mala. September 14