University of South Carolina Libraries
420 NEW GOODS! 420 King-street, Three Doors South of Calhoun. JUST OPENED, LADIES' WHITE HOSE, 8oper, at 20 cts. A lot of CHALELES Foulard, at 30 cts. 8uper 3-4 and 1-4 Slate and Brown Linen3. Extra Heavy White Linen Brilia New York Mills Longclotu, 4-4, at 40 eta Huckaback, B. E. and Bnssla Diapers. Silk Parasols in variety, at $1.25. Black Silk Cloaks, very low. Light Colored Barege Shawls. 0-4 and 10-4 Bleached Sheeting. More of that fine 8-4 Barege for Shawls and Cloaks. Plaid, Barege Nainsook, and Swiss Muslins. J. GOU ?KOP. April 7_Imo SPRL\G ii\D WWW GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING JUST BET CR NED from tbe North, takes this method of informing the public that he ls receiving a lull assortment of CLOTHS, CASS8IMERES, COATINGS AND VESTINGS of the best foreign and domestic manufacture, adapted to Spring and Summer wear. These goods having been purchased recently, and at very low figures, persons wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me a call, as I have the most experienced workmen, and om prepared to make them up in the very best style at Edgerton & Richards' old stand, No. 32 Broad-street March 30_J. 8. PHILLIPS. CLOTHING ARD F?RNM1NG GOODS COBNEB OF HAYNE AND MEETING STREETS, UP STAIRS. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED A LARGE AND handsome assortment of SPRING CLOTHING, of the latest and most desirable styles, to which he Invites the attention of buyers both from the interior and city. Believing that the Goods will suit the market, not only in quality and style but also lu price, he respectfully so? licits an examination of his stock before purchasing elsewbera W. A. LUDLOW. GEO. F. BANSIN will be happy to see bis friends at the above establishment. Tbe office of WALDRON, EOLESTON A CO. will be found at the same place. March 28 Imo KOT HAT HOUSE. .A. G. GOODWIN, (AGENT), WHOLESALE DEALER rs HITS, CAPS, STRiW GOODS, AND UMBRELLAS, No. 135 Meeting-st., Up Stairs, OVER JOHN G. MILNOR & CO., CHAULES TOY. g. C. rpHE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW OPENING AN ENTIRE JL new and complete stock of GOODS, comprising everything uanally kept in a first-class HAT, CAP, and STRAW GOOD8 HOUSE, to which he invites the atten? tion of purchasers. Representing the manufacturers of many styles of tbe goods, and having unusual facilities tor obtaining all of his goods from firs t bands, he feels confident that merchante visiting this markst can select from his the New York jobbers' prices. N. B.-Having secured the services of Mr. A. 8. J. FEBBY, of the old house of Johnston. Crews & Co., and Mr. E. T. BBOWN, of the house of F. D. Fanning ck Co., they would take pleasure In receiving a call from ?ny of their old friends._imo March 37 A. TO THE Sentlemen of Charleston "ana Vicinity. THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRE TO INFORM THEM that they have leased the second floor of the build? ing on the CORNER OF MARKET AND KING STREETS (known as the Adger building), where they have fitted np, In every particular, a first-class BILLIARD HALL, comprising Eleven Tables, from the tranufactcry of Messrs. Kavanagh St Decker. Those wishing to pass a pleasant evening in the enjoy? ment of this game, cannot but help to find this the cool? est and be*t adapted room in the City. A private SAMPLE BOOM ls attached, stocked with the finest importations. Gentlemen are Invited to call and inspect for them? selves. LORlNGr & TURNER. April?_ THE IXGLISH MD InERIrjJN BINK, ; LIM?TED. INCORPORATED UNDER "THE COMPA? NIES' ACT, 1SG3." AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ?1,800,000, IN 60,000 SHARES OF ?30 EACH. First Issue, 30,000 Shares, and the remainder to be is? sued as may be required, under the sanction of a Gen. eral Meeting. THE ENGLISH & AMERICAN BANK, LIMITED, Having opened Offices at Na (3 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, ls prepared to sell Bills of Exchange on the ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BANK (LIMITED), Lon? don, and on the UNION BANK OF LONDON; to buy Billa of Exchange, and to issue Commercial and Travel? ers' Credits, available in all parts of the world. Com? mercial Credits issued for use in tbe EAST INDIES, CHINA, Mm AUSTRALIA, WILL BE UPON THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. Further particulars may be ascertained on application at tho Office, No. 63 Wall street WILLIAM WOOD, Manager. GEO. BURGH ALL WATTS, Assistant Manager. April 2 3mos CABINETMAKING. atHE SUBSCRIBER DESIBES TO RETURN HIS thanks to his old friend? end patrons for past fa? vors, and inform them that bebas commenced azain the abo- i business, with UPHOLSTERING and JOB CAR? PENTERING. Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch, and Old furniture bought and Bold. I would respectfully refer to the following gentlemen for capacitv and reliability: D. H. SILCOX and E. B. COWPER! HWAIT. Orders left at the store of MoKAY St CAMPBELL, Auction House, Hasel street, next to the Postofflce, will meet with prompt attention. J. L. LUNSFORD. April ll _Imo MINNISS & CONDON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, Fo. 4 STATE-STREET, NEAR BROAD, CHAKLESTON, S. C. JOBBING ATTENDED TO AT SHORTE8T NOTICE. April 5 tb8tu2moa AUSTIN, ANDRUS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, NO. 131 MEETING-STREET. COUNTRY OBDEBS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. February lt OOLTJI^Isr. SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURIN DRUG HOUSE, No. 238 King-street PRATT & WILSON BROTHERS WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS No. 238 KING-STREET, FOURTH DOOR ABOVE MABEET-8T, Charleston. S. C. a W. WILSON. P. B. WILSON Graduate Phila. College of Pharmacy, Chemist to lato a 8. Ord. Dep The Proprietors are Native Georgians CAMPHOR, CASTOR OIL, BALSAM FIR. COD LIVER OIL, BALSAM COPAIBA ESSENTIAL OILS, ISINGLASS. OPIUM. GELATINE, MUSTARD. CHEMICALS. ALUM, BORAX, EPSOM 8ALTS, GLAUBER 8ALTS, COPPERAS, BLUESTONE, SAL SODA, SULPHUR, SUP. CARB. SODA, SULPHURIC ACID, TARTARIC ACID, CREAM TARTAR, POTASH, CONCENTRATED LYE SILICATE OF SODA, SALERA TUS. SPIRITS. ALCOHOL, FRENCH BRANDY, fine. GL?SSWAKE. ALL SORTS AND SIZES. PATENT MEDICINES, ISTo. 238 King-street. HEGEMs.N'3 COD LIVER OIL, HEGEMAN'S ELIXIR OF BARE, HEGEMAN'S FERRATED ELIXIR, HEGEMAN'S DIARRHOEA REMEDY, HEGEMAN'S LOZENGES AND DAB TI TES, No. 238 King-street. HOSTETTBR'S BITTERS, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. No. 238 King-street. CHASE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, No, 238 King-street. HOOFLAND'8 G c.'RM AN" BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, No. 238 King-street. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU, HELMBOLD'3 BUCHU, No. 238 King-street. SOZODONT, SOZODONT, SOZODONT. BBOWN ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, No. 238 King-street. SOHENCK'B BITTER6, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, CONSTITUTION WATER, No. 238 King-street. DYE STUFFS. No. 238 KINGS' AND TOILET ARTICLES. No. 238 Kinar-st. March 28 . . DAVIS & SON'S ORIGINAL AND GENUINE . FERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR OP CALISAYA BARK WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AND ALBO THE TE ADE A PURE COMBINATION OF IRON, PHOSPHORUS AND CALISAYA. ALL THE FERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARE, By whomsoever sold, that hos been in the market since February, 18C2, has been manufactured solely by DAVIS & SON'S. CITRATE OF M1GH1, A PLEASANT REFRIGERANT AND C A. T H A R T HO MEDICINE. A large invoice of both these preparations on hand and at New Fork prices, by King&Cassidey, No. 151MEETING-ST., CHARLESTON, S. C., March 80_ 80LE AGENTS. TO THE Paint and Drug TRADE. IVE BEG TO GIVE NOTICE THAT THE WHOLSALE DRUG AND PAINT HOUSE OF King & Cassidey, CHARLESTON, S. C., LEE ENABLED TO OFFER OUR WELL KNOWN STANDARD GOODS TO THE TRADE AT PRICES WHICH WILL COM? PETE MOST SUCCESSFULLY WITH MANUFACTURERS OF THESE GOODS, EVEN IN NEW YORK, AND WE TAKE PLEASURE IN RECOMMENDING OUR 0-003DS THROUGH THEM. D. F, TIEMANN & CO. March 21 TIEMAM'S CELEBRATED Pits ?? Colors. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUROHASED LARGE? LY OF THESE WELL KNOWN STANDARD GOODS, Of which they have a Stock on hand and continually arriving, INFORM THE TRADE, BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, THAT THEY ARE ENABLED TO COMPETE WITH PRESENT HEW YORK PRICES In these GOODS, which wiU be found Really Cheaper THAN THE SAME QUALITY OF PAINTS AND COLORS CAN BF. BOUGHT OF ANY OTHER PARTIES. KING & CASSIDEY, March 21_CHARLESTON. S. 0. JUST RECEIVED AFRESH SUPPLY OF OIL8 AND COLORS ; ALSO, a new kind of BURNING FLUID, more than equal to the old fluid and not near as dangerous. Merill's Patent Burner and Fluid, superior to anything yet brought before the public. Call and see the new Fluid ; we will warrant to satisfy all of Its cheapness. It costs less than any other Oil or Flsid, and no chim? ney s to break or buy. We are holding our stock of Paleta, Oils and Glass at red need prices, Call at No. 12 Market-street. February 28 AUSTIN A ALBEE ?ESTO.T HOUSE. JOHN ASHHURST, Superintendent, F?R.nKRLY OF No. ?9 HAVXK.STREET, JUST RECEIVED AND NOW IN STORE, A FULL SUPPLY OF DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY BRUSHES PAINTS OILS WINDOW GLASS KEROSENE O LL LAMPS, fte WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR LTRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS Sterling's Ambrosia, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, CONSTITUTION WATER, AND ALL THE RELIABLE PATENT MEDICINES OF ! THE DAY. JOSEPH A. MORGAN, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No. 153 MEETING-ST., OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. February 2a 1866. FOR 1866, 1866. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED e ? O g ? .* 9 DQ ?d OB EACH HOOF BEING COMPOSED or TWO PERFECTLY TEMPERED SIN OLM SPRINGS, BRAIDED TIGHTLY AND FIRMLY TOGETHER, edge to edge, forming one uoop, and making toa STRONGEST AND MOST FLEXIBLE, the LIGHTEST AND MOST DURABLE SPRING made. They will not bend or break like the single springs, ont will always preserve their PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL SHAPE. ra ALL OBOWDED ASSEMBLAGES CHURCHES THEATBEB RAILROAD CAES FOB PROMENADE OB HOUSE DRESS. In fact, they are superior to all others, combining OOMFORT, ECONOMY, LIGHTNESS DURABILITY. AND raQumiroB BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ox DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT For sale everywhere. Manufactured exclusively bj the sole owners of toe Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CART, Ko. 70 CHAMBERS AND Nos. 79 AND Bl BEADS STB,, NEW YORK. For sale In Charleston, S. C., Wholesale and Retail, bj WM. T. BURGE k CO. EDWIN BATES k CO. KING k GOODRICH. J. R, BEAD & CO. WM. MCCOMB A CO. T. KELLY. E. SCOTT k 00. UFFEBHABDT k O AMPS ER, JAS. B. BETTS. STOLE, WEBB k 00. And all other Merchants who sell flrsUslass SKIRT In Charleston and throughout the Southern States. January 3d_too NEW DOOKS ! NEW BOOKS!! JTJST RECEIVED AT RUGG'S PERIODICAL DEPOT, No. 108 Market-street, AFINE SELECTION OF NEW NOVELS. BY THE most popular writers of the day. A line aseortmen of Miscellaneous Beading Matter received b." every rteamer and mall The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. MW Send for Circular._Marchi M. M. QUINN & BRO., Wholesale & Retail Dealers IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETC., No. 537 KINO-STREET, (Opposite Ann-street,) CHARLESTON, S- C., ABD No. 137 BROAD-STREET, (Opposite Monumentstreet,) AUGUSTA Q-A-_ The latest Issues of the press always on hand. Subscription B received and Goods delivered or for. varded by Mall or Express. AB CASH ORDERS will be promptly attended to. Febrnary 27 _ly ILLING, WHOLES ALS AND SET Alli D SALZ Ii Of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, DRY GOODS TOYS &o. At No. ?8? KING-STREET.CharUiton, U.V. AT NEW i OBS PRICES. MW Fortville paper copy for two months, and sent ?Ito tbts office- IVT November 21 NOLEN & STEERS, ?Sd Street and Second Avenue, New York, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TS ALL BINDS 07 LUMBER, MANUFACTURERS OF MOULDINGS, SASH BOOBS, BLINDS, AND BOX SHOOKS. Turning In all Its branches. Books containing Patterns of Mouldings sect on application, December 27 lyr N. York Advert?semenis; ?TJRNITTJRB?I FURNITURK AT G. W SVEDKS& CAMPBELL'S, ESTABLISHED, No. 263 BOWERY, N.. Y?, 1842. ALL KINDS OP FUBTNITURE AT WHOLESALE and Retail; LOOKING GLASSES, BEDDING, 4c. a below auction prices. ... . . 49? Orders ff ithfnlly and promptly attended to by mall. _tnths3mos ?. ;Aprii IA JOHN B. FULLER, ?AN?FACT?BER & DEALEB, Mo. 8 DE Y-STKEET, NEW TORS, Hu in atore and ready for immediate shipment and is manufacturing to order,1 PORTABLE AND STATION AB Y STEAM ENGINE8 AND BOILERS, . 300 horse power; Cnrcnlar and Upright Saw Mills ol > . most approved construction, of all sizes, cutting 70O to 1600 feet of lumber per hour; Grist M tl la, Mill Irons*, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Machinery ; Sog? Min?, Paper and Mining Machinery; Tools, Tanks, te* or Oil and Salt Works; Gorton and Woolen Machinery, ex. Vertical Planers, Woodworth Planing Ma on Planers, chines. Engine Lathes, Gray A Wood's Planing Ka> Drill Lathes, chines, Boring Machines, Daniels' Planing Machinen, Slatting Machines, Moulding Machines, Upright Drills, Sash Machines, Steam Pumpe, Tenoning Machines, Force Pumps, Power Morticing Machines Lifting Pumps, Foot Morticing Machines, notion Pumps, Boring Machines, Hydraulic Jacks, Blind Slat Tenoning M?> ew Jacks, chines,. Shafting Pulleys and Circular Saw Benches, Hangers, Wright's Patent Scroll Sawft Inbber and Leather Belt- Patent Belt Scroll Saws, ?t, Circular Reserving Mills, er and Rubber Hose, Upright Reserving MR)*, 'lumblng and Gas Fittings Tte tory Mining Pumps* team and Gas Pipes Evr- deter! v<on of Machi. I team and Water Gauges, nc- sad H n way Suppttex Cotton Gins I Cotton Gins ! I* COTTON GINS III Taylor, Eagle, Brown, Southern, Craven, Excelsior md McCarthy COTTON GINS, with Engines or Hors? Powers, and everything required for the same, In storey Ddt er sale at the lowest price. Your orders are rs? ?otfaUv solicited,_tutbalyr_October? WM, MONTGOMERY, MACHINIST! YONKERS, i>r_ -sr., Snccessor to the New York Steam Saw Mill and Machins. Company.) Office in N. Y. City, No. 157 Broadway. MANUFACTURER OF CIRCULAR, GANG AND MULAY BAW MILLS, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, GRIST MILLS, Ac. For descriptiva circulars, address WM. MONTGOMERY, March 18 thstn8mo_No. 167 Broadway. B. J. BECK & CQ. Ho. 9 PISE.9TREKT, NEW YORK, 8LAN??FAGTURIN6 STATIONERS, JOB PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS, Wk?ietcUe and Reta? DteUert in FirtUClau Ofrct Jtertrrei. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORT. MENT of Foreign and Domestic LETTER AND NOTE PAPER. Envelopes of every size and quantity. Certificates ef Stock, Bonds, Checks Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Billheads and Cards, Ac, tastefuBy executed. Orden ; by mail will receive prompt attention at low* est cash prices. a J. BECK.CHAS. NEWBOUB8 October 28 stuthlyr LYON'S KATHAIRON. ", KATHA IRON IS FROM THE GREEK WORD "Kathro," or "Kathalro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This article ls what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying UM human hair, lt is the most remarkable preparation in tho . world. It la again owned and put up by the orig proprietor, and ls now msde with the same care, and attention which gave lt a sale of over one m bottles per annum. It ls a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy, It prevents the hair from faning off and turning gxttV It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Kathairon. It ia known sad used throughout the olvUlzod world. Sold by ail rs? epectable dealers. DEMAS BARNES A Ca, October 28 stuthlyr New York. S-T-1860-X. DRAKES PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the ?Vnnach,. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache, They are the best Bitters In the world. They mata tiie weak strong, and axe exhausted nature's great re* . storer. They are made of pure St Croix Rum, the o bra ted Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are takes with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to or time of dav. Particularly recommended to de persons requiring a gentle stimulant Sold by all C* eera, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only genuin? when Cork ls covered by our private U. 8. Stamp. Be? ware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE A CO., No. 21 Park Bow, New York? October 38 srtrth ly SPENCER D. C, VAN BOKKELEN COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 198 WATER-STREET, NEW YORK ? - PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVSN TO THE SALK OF COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. ' REPRESENTED BY GEORGE E. PRITCHETT, Charleston 8. O D. D. HOOOTT, Camden, 8. C. A H. VAN BOKKELEN, Wilmington, N. 0. April 14 taos*