University of South Carolina Libraries
FIEE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. TUPPER & LANE, ni Planters' and Mechanics' Bank Building, No. 133 East Bay-street. EEPRESENTING THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES, of the highest standing and respon sibility : 8ECCRITY INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. Cash Capital and Assets.$1.600,000. PHCENIX INS7RANCE COMPANY, of New lork. Cash Capital and Assets.S1.5O0.0U0 NTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., of New l ork. - Cash Capital and Assets.,.$1,200,000. MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. Cash Capital and Assets.$1,000.000. NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE CO., of New York. Cash Capital and Assets.$800,000. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW York. .$3,000.000. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE UNITED STA lES.$2,000,000. aggregate: cash capital OF OVER Ten Millions of Dollars. ?-FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND RISES TAKEN as LOW AS OTHER GOOD COMPANIES, and LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID AT THIS AGENCY. a A. LANE..SAML. Y. TUPPER. March 1? lmo fire wmm aw?. THE london and lancashire fire Mtm mm, CAPITAL <e?1,000,000, (ONE MILLION STERLING,) IS NOW PREPARED TO TAKE FIRE RISES IN THI8 cm. Jf&- L03SE3 ADJUSTED AND SETTLED HERE. A. S. JOHNSTON, Agent, OFFICE, MARKET-STREET, April 9 lino Two doors ea6t of Mceting-sL mm BOOK MMWIPTORF, ACCOUNT BOOKS, SUCH AS RECORDS FOR PUBLIC OFFICES, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, &c, con stantly on hand, and made to order, and with any de? criptlon of Ruling. Nono bnt the beet workmen employ ed jmd the best ma'.arlnls used. A practical experience of twenty years m the abovr Une, and with facilities unsurpassed, enable me to war rant satisfaction. BOOK BINDING AND JOB PRINTING In a Bits branches, with new type, new presses, and advantages not excelled in this dry. Lawyer's Blanks, Titles, Bonds, Mortgages, Ac, Ac, on hand and printed to order. tnthalyr _December It HUGrEB & HASELL, No. 137 MEETING ST., charleston. s. c. LOCOMOTIVES, RAILROAD IRON RAILWAY SUPPLIES PORTABLE & STATIONARY ENGINES IRON & WOOD WORK MACHINERY SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS COTTON GINS, MILL AND GIN BANDS FIRE-PROOF SAFES, &a, &o. AprH 3_ let. ARNOLD NORTHWEST CORNER OF Meeting and John streets, I HAS RESUMED BUSINESS, AND IS PREPARED j to attend to the SHOEING OF HORSES, AMD BUILDING AND REPAIRING of CARTS. DRAYS, WAGONS, <fco. Sil work entrusted to him will be done with neatneie and dispatch. - February 8 AUSTIN, ANDRUS & CO,, Wholesale Grocers, KO. 131 MEETING-STREET. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH, February 14 Congress Spring Water. Empire Spring Waten Columbian Spring Water. NO NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL COMPOUND HAS yetboen discovered or manufactured that equals these waters as a PREVENTIVE, RELIEF AND PERMA MENT CURE, for many temporary and chronic dis eases, as proved by the experience of many thousands who have drank them for years, with the most b?n?ficia effects. CONGRESS WATER Is a cathartic, alterative and tonic, and is a valuable remedy for affections of the Liver and Eidneys, Dys pepsia, Gout, Chronic Constipation and Cutaneous dis eases. It 1b a most powerful preventive of the Fevers and Bilious Complaints, so prevalent in warm climates EMPIRE WATER Is a cathartic, and a valuable remedy for Rheumatism, Derangement of the Livor, Diseases of the Skin, and General DebUity. Its effects are most salutary in Lone Diseases. It is an almost sotie CUBE for Scroi.da, and the most aggravated forms of Dyspepsia. As a pbeven tive aKp cube for all Bilious Derangements, it stands unrivaled. COLUMBIAN WATER Is a tonic and diuretic of a highly b?n?ficia] character, and is a positive remedy for Diabetes, Gravel, Calculus, Irritation and Inflammation of the Eldney s and Bladder, and has most singularly active effects in restoring these organs when debilitated by long ditoast-. Fomulcn who have su?ered for years from irregularity, and the dis tressing diseases known only to their sex, have been entirely cured by the faithful and judicious use of CO LUMBIAN WATER. Those waters are bottled fresh and pure, from each ol the above-named Springs, in so careful and secure a manof r that they preserve all their medicinal value for years, and wdl be found equally efficacious when drank thousands of miles distant, as when taken directly from the Spring. Beware of Imitation* and inferior Waters; the corks oi all genuine Congress, Empire and Columbian Waters are branded on the side of the cork, thus : ( Cokgbess Wateb, ) ( Emitbe Water, 1 [ C. * E. S. Co. ] { C. & E. S. Co. j i Columbias Wateb, i ( C. & E. S. Co. j Packed safely and securely, in boxes suitable for ship ment to any part of the world. Congress and. Empire Waters in boxes, containing 4 Dozen Pints, or 2 Dozer Quart Bottlos each. Columbian Water in boxes contain ing 4, or 6 Dozen Half Pints, or 4 Bozen Pint Bottles each. Sold by all Druggists, Hotels, Wine Merchants, and firet-clasa Grocers. Sold only at Wholesale by HOOKISS SONS, Prop'rs, No. 92 Beekman-street, N. Y. ?3~ Orders by mail receive prompt attention. March 13 I thstuSmo HEALTH RESTORED, AND SICKNESS PREVENTED BY U6ING THE CELS BBeTED GRAEFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINES. AMONG WHICH ABE MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATHOLICON, Price 81.50. Which will infaEibly, positively, invariably cure all those torturing, perplexing, and debUitating symptoms commonly known as FEMALE DISEASE, WEAJJ^? IRREGULARITIES, etc., which. Weir} and render un happy so m tny women t?tween the ages of 15 and 60, for which the medical profession seeks In vain for s remedy, and from which wealth, position, delicacy, and refinement afford no exemption. Read the following: Latayytte, Ey., June 21,1860. I am a graduate of the regular Medical Colleges. Eight een months ago I had seven cases of severe female dis ease which I had entirely failed to cure. One lady had cent tint hysterics; one had every sympton ef epileptic convulsions consequent upon deranged menstruation; others had whites, tailing, irregularities, and all the se vere symptoms of continued uterine derangement. Having my attention caUed to MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATHOLICON, I used it, and it cured every case. There has not been a single failure in its operation. a J. NOBTHTNGTON, M. D. ny See that the seal of the Graefenberg Company is on every bottle."co THE GRAEFENBERG VEGETABLE FILLS Are the] best In the world for family use, and for Indi gestion ? Constipation?Headache? Nervousness?B11 lousnees ?Heartburn ? Acidity?Nausea? Flatulence Want of Appetite?Dyspepsia?Liver Complaint?Gri pings?Fevers. On account of their great mildness, and from the fact that they never gripe, nauseate, or leave the bowels in a constipated condition, the Graefenberg Pills will be found more pleasant than any others. ?g- Price 25 cents per box. On the receipt of one dol* lar four boxes wUl be sent by mail, free of postage, to any part of the country. DYSENTERY SYRUP.?Price 50 cents. Infallible In ail oases of bowel complaints, and a cer tain cure lor ASIATIC CHOLERA. GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT.?Price 25 cents. ?S~Fcr Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Chapped Skin, Cold Sores, and wherever there is in flammation. It acts like magic. ?9*The Oi atment is guaranteed as the best applica tion in the world for the above. It acts more quick!; and certainly than any other ever offered to the public CHILDREN'S PANACEA.?60 cents. 8 A RS A PA RLLLA OOMPOUSD.?$L CON8UMPriVE'8 BALSAM.?$3. EYE LOTION.?25 cents. HEALTH BITTERS.?25 cents. PILE REMEDY.?$1 FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY.?60 cents. MANUAL OF HEALTH.?25 cents. A complete Fami ly Physician. Sent by mall on receipt of 25 cents. THE GRAEFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINES are pre pared under the Immediate supervision-of a SKILFUL PHYSICIAN, and they may be relied upon in aU cast a ^ THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE.-?? 49"They have been the leading American Remedies for 20 years. Sold, wholesale and retail, by THE GRAEFENBERG COMPANY, No. 139 WiUiam street, New York, and by the trade generally. ?3-The trade supplied on liberal terms, by KING & CASSIDEY, March 17 stuthSmoe CHARLESTON, B, 0. AIMAR'S SAEEACENIA (FLY TRAP) BITTERS. THE-GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, For sale by JOHN KENIFICK, No. 18 Broad-street, G. W. AIMAR, Corner King and Vanderborst streets. And by Druggists generaUy. 3moa March t <?\?\r\I~\r\ A TEAR MADE BY ANY ONE W??UUvJ WITH $15.-Stencil ?ools. No ex perience necessary. The Presidents, Cashiers, and Treasurers of three Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples. Address the American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Vermont. March 10 PRATT & WM BROTHERS' ooLUi^isr. SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING DEUG HOUSE, No. 238 King-street. PRATT & WILSON BROTHERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, No. 238 KING-STREET, FODRffH DOOR ABOVE MARKET-ST. Charleston, S. C. N. A. PRATT, 1 8. W. WILSON. f P. B. WILSON, Chemist to late Graduato of C. 8. Nitre and ( J Phila. College Mining Bu- ]' j ol Pharmacy,& reau. Chemist to lato J IC. & Ord. Dep't The Proprietors are Native Georgians. DBTJGS. CAMTHOR, CASTOR OIL, BALSAM FIR, COD LITER OIL, BALSAM OOPAIBA ESSENTIAL OILS, ISINGLASS, OPIUM. GELATINE, HUSTARD. CHEMICALS. ALUM", 8Ur. CARD. SODA, BORAX, SULPHURIC ACID, EPSOM SALTS, TARTARIC ACID, GLAUBER SALTS, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, POTASH, BLUESTONE, CONCENTRATED LYE, SAL SODA, SILICATE OF SODA, SULPH ?B, SALERA TUS. SPIRITS. ALCOHOL, FRENCH BRANDY, fine. GLASSWARE. ALL SORTS AND SIZES. PATENT MEDICINES, No. ?S8 King-stre?t. HEGEMAN'S COD LITER OIL, HEGEMAN'S ELIXIR OF BABE, HEGEMAN'S FE SEATED ELIXIR, HEGEMAN'S DIARRHOEA REMEDY, HEGEM YN'S LOZENGES AND DA8TILE8, No. 238 King-street. HOSTETTBR'S BTTIEBS, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. No. 238 King-street. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BMTER8, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, No. 238 King-street. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEBS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEBS, No. 238 King-street. HELMBOLD'S BUOHU, HELMBOLD 'S BUOHU, No. 238 King-street. SOZODONT, SOZODONT, 80ZODONT, BROWN ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, No. 238 King-street. SCHENCK'8 BITTERS, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, CONSTITUTION WATER, No. 238 King-street. DYE STUFFS. No. 238 KING-ST. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. 3STo. i 238 Kinsr-st. March 28 DAVIS & SON'S ORIGINAL ANC GENUINE FERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK. WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AND ALSO THE TRADE, A PUBE COMBINATION OF IRON, PHOSPHORUS, AND ALL THE FERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARE, By whomsoever sold, that has been in the market Bince February, 1862, has been manufactured solely DAVIS &-SON'S. .CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, A PLEASANT REFRIGERANT AND CATHAETIC MEDICINE. A large invoice of both these .preparations on hand, and at New York prices, by King&Cassidey, No. 151MEETING-ST., CHARLESTON, S. C, March 30_ SOLE AGENTS. TO THE~ Paint and Drug TRADE. WE BEG TO GIVE NOTICE THAT THE ] WHOLSALE DRUG AND PAINT HOUSE OF Eilig & Cassidey, CHARLESTON, S. C, ABE ENABLED TO OFFER OUR WELL KNOWN STANDARD GOODS TO THE TRADE AT PBIOES WHICH WILL COM PETE MOST SUCCESSFULLY WITH MAN UFAOTUBEBS OF THESE GOODS, EVEN IN NEW YORK. AND WE TAKE PLEASURE IN RECOMMENDING OTTIR GOODS THROUGH THEM. D. F, TIEMANN k CO, March 21 _ TLEMAM'S CELEBRATED THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED LARGE LY OF THESE WELL KNOWN STANDARD GOODS, Of which they havo a Stock on hand and continually arriving, INFORM THB TRADE, BOTH WHOLESALE 11 RETAIL, THAT THEY ARE ENABLED TO COMPETE WITH PRESENT NEW TORE PRICES Ix these GOODS, which wUl be found ReaUy Cheaper THAN THE SAME QUALITY OF FAINTS AND COLORS CAN BE BOUGHT OF ANY OTHER PARTIES. KING & CASSIDEY, March 21_CHARLESTON, 8. 0. JUST RECEIVED AFRZ8H SUPPLY OF OIL8 AND COLORS ; ALSO, a new hind of BURNING FLUID, more than equal to the old fluid and not near as dangerous. MerhTa Patent Burner and Fluid, superior to anything yet brought before the public. CaU and see the new Froid; we wUl warrant to satisfy aU of its cheapness. It costs less than any other Oil or Flnld, and no chim neys to break or buy. We are holding onr stock of Paints, Oils and Glass at reduced prices. Gall at No. 12 Market-street. February 28 AUSTIN 4 ALBEK JOHN ASHH?RST, Superintendent, FORMERLY OF No. 39 HA?tE.STKKKT JUST RECEIVED AND NOW IN STORE, A FULL SUPPLY OF DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY BRUSHES PAINTS OILS WINDOW GLASS KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, AC, WHOLESALE AGENTS FUR DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS1 Sterling's Ambrosia, CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, CONSTITUTION WATER, AND ALL THE BELT ABLE PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY. JOSEPH A. MORGAN, WHOLESALE DRTfOOIST, No. 153 MEETING-ST.. OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL February i* 1866. FOR 1866, 1866. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED 4* PU a m 08 PU EACH HOOP BEING- COMPOSED or TWO PERFECTLY TEMPERED SINGLIS SPRINGS, BRAIDED TIGHTLY AND FIRMLY TOGETHER, edge to edge, forming one hoop, and malting the 3TRONGEST ARD MOST FLEXIBLE, the LIGHTER AND MOST DURABLE SPRING made. They wfll not Bend or break Like the tingle springt, bnt wUl always preserve their PERFECT AHB BEAUTIFUL SHAPE, crowded assemblages CEURCHES theatres aAILEOAD CAES FOB PROMENADE OR HOUSE DBJB9. Ln fact, they are superior to aU others, combining 0OMFOBT, EOONOMT LIGHTNESS AND DURABILITY. htquxbx TOB BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLffTf OB DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT For aale everywhere, Mannfactnred exclusively by die sole owners of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY k CARY, SO. 70 CHAMBERS AND Nos. 70 AND 81 BXADB 8T&, .VEW YORK. For aale in Charleston, 8. C, Wholesale and Retail, by WM. T. B?RGE A 00. EDWIN BATES A CO. KING & GOODRICH. J. R. BF*T> & 00. WM. MoCOMS A CO. T. KELLY. E, SCOTT A CO. UFF ERHARDT & OAMPSKN. JAS. B. BETTS. BTOLL, WEBB A CO. _ And all other Merchants who soil flrst-elaaa BKBTto in Charleston and throughout the Southern State*. January 90 fimO 1W BOOKS!JEW BOOKS ! ! JTJQT BECEIVED 'AT RUGG'S PERIODICAL DEPOT, No. 108 Market-street, AFINE SELECTION of NEW NOVELS, BY THE most popular writers of the day. A.fine sssortmaa of MlsceUaneona Beading Matter received by every iteamer and mall. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms, jg- send for Circular._Marcha M. M. QUINN & BRO., Wholesale & Retail Dealers IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETO, Ko. 5?7 KING-STREET, (Opposite Ann-street,) O XX A. BLESTO XT , S- O-. ABS Mo. 137 BROAD-STREET,. (Opposite Monument-street,) -A-TJCa-TTSTA.. GKA_ The latest Is sues of the press always on hand. Subscriptions received and Goods delivered or for warded by Mall or Express. AR CASH ORDERS will be promptly attended to. February 27_ jy .A. ILLING, WEOT.ZHATX AND BIT ATX DEALBB IB MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS',. DRY GOODS TOYS &o. At No. 46? K1KG-STREET, Charleston-, B.U. at new Sobs prices, YorkvUle paper copy for two months, and into this offloe. Ivr Novembers NOLEN & STEERS, Md Street and Second, Arenas, Blew York, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ni Aix zun? or LUMBER, MANUFACTURERS OF MOULDINGS, BASH DOORS, BLINDS, AND BOX SHOO KB. Turning In all its branches. Books containing Patten* of Mouldings tent on application December 37 lyr