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The Daily ISTews, TUESDAY MOBNING. APRIL 10, 1866. PROM PARIS. {Corrttpondenot y alumni InUUigtncer.] PAJ? 13, Tueeday, March 20, 1866.-To judge from the German newspapers, f>om the tone of the teiegraphio dispatches from the same quarter, and tho complexi?n of the Paris Bourse, one might ba dispoeod to think that Europe was on the verge of a mighty fratricidal war on her no the rn confinen; and all "Fatherland" ts, undoubtedly, in a state of s rance commotion from east to weat, and threatening to break ont into a schism be? tween oonsantfutnouR rnoes almost as unnatural and dis? astrous in its consequences as that which recently divid? ed North and Soutb un a diOerent continent Un ono Side, Count Bis" ark and King Winiam I'I. are openly preparing to appropriate finally the spoils of tho King? dom ct Denmark; and on the other, Fr.m ci- Joseph of Austria and hin marshals axe holding councils to decide whether it ls "their cue to fight" for a eharo at once in the pluncer, and for the maintenance of their declining influence. Certainly Prussian pretensions hove ncv-r before gone so far as ia the myal ordinance latoly published in both the Duchies of Sch es wi g and Holstein, tn the sole names of william III. and bis OeneraL Without even condescending to ask tor the f ?rmauty of tho assent or signatute ? f Austria, this . rdlbanoe in lieu heavy pea aides upon any ot the ld-tatod inhabitants ot those no? minal y liberated but really conquered provinces who shall ventue to think that the people of them ought to have a will of their own, or be oonsulted before using finally disposed ot. There ls a corps of 3000 Austrians, nuder the command of a general, tn Holt-tein; but the King of Prussia and Gsnoral Manterffel neither con suit nor oondeece d to no'lce these "aUtes," but coolly extend their so e and supremo Jurlsdlotlnn over one Duchy as well as the other. They, in tact, tak>- legal If not actual possession of both, and If Austria subml s in this case, she must prepare to see the annexation fully carried out, and horseif reduced to a second? ary position in Germany. Will she fight rather than allow this? To judge from tlc look of things, and it--rn the tone of tho Go-msn press, one would ?ay tbat ?he would. And yet, to speak the plain truth, I doubt whether any one even those WO1 Hrejus' now profo-sinit to luaLo tue m ol the alarming rum. rs In circulation-I doubt whethereve'i tuo?e paid, a really believe that wo ar? about toKiii great war in German \. I am not disposed to believe in such a ro-ult mt self, and should be mor- decisive still m roy opinion respect? ing lt, were it nor for tho tnauner iu which ibo situation has beon more thou unco recently roptesented by the Mcniteux f quoted the strong Un,'jago of th-< official journal on the -'criioai po*Hun" of Austria and Hms Bia, and tue "general nue-miiiecs" prevailing rospocttug it The lu pe tul Government never put? lorm such statements without a motive i>nd here the motive was not. apparently, tnac of diminishing tho foroo of thc ap prehensions entertained. Loos the Kruperor, then, really cont- i pl -te tho possi ility of a crest G-rman wai? and ls the lanunago of the Moniteur intended ti pn-pa e the publio for Bitch au oveot? France and tbe French army look with hostile aud eavln i? eye at the requisi? tion by Prttsela (the natural uebnder of tho present "bound ah* of tho Rhlue") f otwo large ?dmttonal maritime provinces, while no equivalent ls made to :he French Empire It 1- hoped ro u tu bo rid ol the em? barrassments of Koine amt Mexico, whioh ham hung like a dead weight upon the spring! of french impetu? osity in Lurope and kept them down. Home pollitos, too, look a m ^t alarming, and Boom to lcd cate that tho national linpaiiemo will onrst out In that direction, un? less it find* vent norold. A grund de .ate ha* just tor miatted in the Corps L?gislatif, upon whit IN called tho "amendment of tue 46." That amoodnaeot plainly de? manded an exteuBiou of thu public libert es and wa-, signed bv no less tbau forty-six me tn be m of the Impe? rial majority. It ?as the ?re? eat demonstration which has ever yet been mode by the Chambers against tbe stile of tutel ige itt which the country ta kept uuder the present regime, ii n mover of the amendment demanded tho restoration of the right of interpolation, thepreseno* of all the Mini* tern in tho Chamber, the right ot holding publio meettugs before and during the election, and th? abolition of the -ystem of ' worn ngs" to the press The motion ha? been hanging'o\ or the head of th? Gov? ernment for n-arly a mi nth, . nd ha- ot us ed it serious alarm. Tho Minuter of State has scarcely spoken fir the laet three weeks, evidently reserving all hts powers for this occasion Yesterday he delivers I a speech of sixteen columns against the .amendment, but broke down at last from sheer fatigue who , he hid only g >uu through t?r? thirds i-f hs proposed subject Bo evi? dently alarmed was ho lest tho hostile movement sh-uld succeed thc h < "< n'reate I" tho promoters of it not to separate ihemeelvcs from their old party to t row thorn selves into the ranks of the opposition, and pledged himself "in the nume of the Emperor." that tho watoh wara of the Governaent should be liberal am and pro erote. Tie ('hamber voted undor th? lm rosslou pro? duced by this >? peech, tho majority rt ru dug to allow the debate to be adjour .ei. aud irjootcd the sm nd meat by ?fit to 68. But ih . sensation crested b thU | split in the majority bas been very oon Adorable. 8pee?tl of tho UnaprrtM- .Vtipoleon. 8EXy-0OKOB&rCLATION8. On tbe 23d Ma'cb tho deputation from tho Corps Leg leMtff presented the addrose from that body inronpunw so the speeeb from the throne Tte Rujpororou re? ceiving the address speke ai follows: The gre it majority f thc Corps LegialatUf have con flrmod ouoe more, hy votln* t Iii ? add ros*, the policy whioh baa given ynu fif:et<n roar- of tranquility atm prosperity, I thank .von. Without allowing yourselvi B to be carried away by vain throne < preeeute I Ina seduc? tive gaib. as alonn capable of siding the emancipation of thought and the promus? of immunity, you said to > our? selves, 'We also desire to attain thom ends, while regu? lating cur march by the appeasement of passions and the wants of society.' Is nut our motive tho common welfare, aud what a traction would your mission have for yon. or ny p-over for mo, if separated from the :ovu cf justice ? Would you go through mich loni; and ardu? ous labors if yon were not 1 i spired by true patriotism ? Could I have borne tho weight of government tor tho hut sightetn years, with its iuccMaut pr'-o oupatlnns and heavy responsibility, be f J re r?<v- ?Id before the nation, if I bsd not f> lt within rae that aueugth whioh ts afforded hy the sense of duty and oy the conscious? ness Ol h.-ivi:ur?. mefnl mission to carry out? France, equally with ourselves, desiree progress, sta? bility, euri liberty, but a liberty which shall develo? In? telligence, generous instiucts, and thu noble exertions of labor-not a li bert y bordering upon license, whioh would excite evil passions, destroy all belief rekindle hatred, and gi vu ri.- o to diso rd tr. We require a liberty whioh abell endf-bten, control, and discuss the avtlous of the Government but not become an arm to nuder mine and overthrow it Fifteen vears ago, when nominal chief of the State, without effectlvo^iower, ard without support In the Chamber, but strong in my -onseienoo and the suffrages whioh bad elected mo I ventured to declare that Pta noe would not peiish lu my hai.da. I have Kept my word. For Alteen years France bas developed and lucre >sed and her high destiny wUl be accomplished. After ns oar Bone will oontinuo our work. My guar-mtoe for this is the assistance of the great bodies of the State, the devotion or the array, the patriotism of all good cl ti sont, and, lastly, that Divlue protection which has never tailed our cone ry. The sp - eei was received with repeated erica af "Viv? VB nj trew." Death of Matte Amelie, cx-Cin cen of Franco. The venerable Marlo amelie, ex-Qmen of the French, the Beer. d oanuhter nf henil nan ! the K,rst. Klag of the* Two Sid'tes. wife of I Otis Phill.'pe and g andmotherof tbe* young F eu h Princes who fought in the United States Army during the rebellion, oleJ on the 2tth of Ma*ch ult, at the family residen, o, Claremont hug and, aged eighty-four ye ir?. She woe born In April. 1782, and was married toLo'ils Philippe, at that time Duko of Orleans, sn I tn ex'le, In Novemner 18'0- In 131*. after the fall of Napo eon. tho Duke w th his Nmily, removed lo P.tria, ami tho im? mense estates of his -lither Were restore 1 to him. He now took np bis residenco st the patuca at Neat ly, where most of his nine ch Mrou wero bora, i hoi ? his consort devoted her?? lr to her maten o' and Laren tal duties. By the events i-f July, 1830. Louis i'hi'ippe h?? osme Klag ol th- french; but bis Que? ? never aproara to have, va ne i tue station for any uc-eHston of dlgnl y aud mptrt ,no lt nave hor. Indo- i, it ii ass- rted that she vas ve av. rs? to his assuming the ceptro; sh . probably Mt that his happiness, If eot hts ROU:1 n une and hie Ufo. mwh- tb-re-n be perilled; nut wh ii hodo oided to ?xi Kin , she meekly to >k her ulac* by lils Bide, sharing his troub.. B, Withont over ?eokieg to eharu I ls poner. Tlie French t a'ion respected her churacte,-, and never Imputed nny of th-< King's perv'rse folly, w hich led to such signal mistake of policy to b T Influence; stM tho strength of h r i-o il wsvs nevrr nurmised unti' bor hus? band found lilma If in dun set of losing the th-oii", when ah? endeavored to pr? v. nt his u diotvtfoo, n- d. kneeling before hlui, < xclaimed, ' lt is tho duty of a King to die with nts people." But when ho rwlved on fVgtit her grose tic? o' mind sustained and guided hun, as 'hough e had leen a chi d. The Boquel is familiar to all thu world. Loni* PoU-pne and his Queen loft Parts and fled to England on the 26th ut February. I8tn. bupportodon the arm of ht*noble wiro, ho reached the carriage that bore t >em from ?heir tined.mi, and. ofUr two j c ir.i and a half of exii-. he died on the 26th of August, iS'0, at Claremont, near Eshcr, Surr-y, a residence olfored to the rxlltd K'n ; and Q loon by the liberality of her Majestv. In sf 1 Ouoeu \melie was prcuent at the mar ringo of the i 'inn1, do Caris with his cou-en, the dangbttr of tho Duke M'd Duciaops do Montpensler, when she re? ceived from the comp?v-V aBs?-cbled a complete ovation. TH* TWJvrco CwuP.-tram ll qdertuia of the tobaa co region cf virgui? and North Carjliu? we have as ?nrancee that gr^at .Horte will be made to p. mt a crop Of this favori'.t staple. Thu want of agriotillnral labor will be nxhibred !e*s, we th mk, in tue production of tobacco than tu anv othar agrioaltural p-oduct. While we do aotociut?-molaie the pofi*ibillty of tho growth of ar average urop, bud u-hllst we know that le* individuals wp, be able to pat. on the market tho large'Hies Which bexotofoio vero not nocemmouly the prc duct of Otoo f sn, yet w-> believe the aLgn :ate amount of to bacoo wised *il b-? mach g.-e..- t-v thaa was ut :>ae time pclievtvl to be posblbK-Lynchbu y Kcvt, ' COMMERCIAL,. Exporta. BARCELONA.-Per Bp brig Beatriz-1*0 balea Upland Cotton. r The Charleston Cotton Market. ' The Cotton market continued to droop yesterday, and there was In some oases a decline ot a half cent fi lu. submitted to, the salee of the day being about 160 bales. We quote : t i rdina-y to Good Ordinary.30 to 33 Low Middling.34 to 34? Midd UHR.85 to 36 otriot Middling.ST to 37? Good Mindling.3? to 38? .Mobile Market. MOBILE, April 4 ?- Co neon.- Th" downward ten denry lu the p ice of cotton, occasioned by the unfuvor able advices through the last Kuropesn e-toumer, to? gether with tho weak condition of the Now Tbrk mar? ket hos causea a pretty general misgiving on tho sub? ject of another advance fur some time to come, snd there are not a few ? ho predict that middling will go to SO rents and below within a fow days. Tho quota? tions of to-day, comp ?red with those of tho close of last week, show a decline < f or jr two cents. Tho demand to day has been confined to a few buyers, and while most of the factors evince a willingness to sell the in? side figure w?a almoct invariably refused. Bales to the I extent of 13u0 nales were effected, the market closing | quiet and ea?y at 83 to 34 ? eats fur middling. MoseraBT AND FINANCIAL.-The recent arrivals of) cu'renoy from tho North bas made money easy and pientiiu*, but the uncertainty and downward tendency ot cotton makes holders chary about Investing in it. We note a more active business in Domostia Exchange, with which the market 1- fairly supplied. A good de? mand has eil - ted tor New York Hight and short Sight at rather stiffer rates thou yesterday. The New York non telegram of to-day, quoting Gold 127\-a decline of X since last night'? report-did not effect any change in figures here, and we still quote with llvkl transactions 12$ig<U6, and oliver nominally 120? I Ul With the market woll aupplted with Commercial Ster-1 ling, and a fair amount of nosiness doing, it continues j to rulo at 120313 t. bank and uuttide rates for New Tork Cotton Billa, ? ] discount Five aud teu days' Sight, X@l? discount Tue market is fairly supplie! ?Ith New Orleans Sight, fur which a good demand exist* at pars?? discount We quote Francs nominally $1 30@$l.b7>tf. and little or nothing doing. A PHIL 6 -COTTON.-To-day there was a good demand thioug'ionc the any, the steamer's news oauelug but I litt e ca-.' go in prices. Hales to tho extent ol 23U0 bales were mart? at - to 84c. for Middling, tho market closing j steady. Stccc on >-al? luht 6 P. M.-UONETAKT.-The closing ratos to-day are: GOLP.-Buy io? and t-eldng rates 126 ana 126?. 8.J.VBB.-Buying sud selling rates 118 and 1'23. roatiON Exe HA s o E.-Bank H toning nominal; Ster? ling. Hill . r L.ding mils, and Clear Bids, 120 to 181. DOKKSTXJ txcuAMOE-rive and ten day?'Sight on] Now Y irk (O.-tton Ullis 1 to 1? per oeut discount | New Orleans eight par to ? di-count. Bankers and ex? change realere ar? ohccJtiu? ou No? Fork at ? to \ per J coat disoutmt Bauk rate Vi to ? per cent, discount If err Orien ns Market. NEW OK LE Alf8, April 3 -SBQA* ASH VonAss&i.- I The receipts from the toast since yestorda.- include 85 hhd*. Bu?ar ind a few barrels of Molasses. The market is wrU bu.ip i.-d with Louisiana Ungar, but ia nearly bare of liol ia so J. Tho luqui y noticed ye?t?rd?y has | pr vail-d to-day ; and there we .- sales ot about "? ands. ; Sugar, in several lots, at 14 ?e. for seconda, IS?o. for yellow dari dod, and 15jfo. 9 lb. f jr prime to obeloe. ' A lot of 60 bbl?, com mou Mo'aases sold at 61o 9 gal-1 lon. WKSTEUN PaoDOCE ASTO Pao varona- Corn and Oats continue iu request, and further advanced prices have oe-n obtained for the former, while Kiourls only in local demand at about previous rates. Provision* continue very dull. The t-ale* thus far comprise 625 bbl*. Flour, of which 19* and 126 fl ie ut $7, IOU common at $5.76, 100 fair extra at gin 50, and 100 good ex .ra at |11.60 9 obL 260 seeks white Corn at $1 ? bushel, and 1640 sarka Oats at 63o. "fi bus h ?I. Yesterday, not previously j reported, 141 s .oks Corn in bad order, sold at 77?o., 162 sacks yellow mixed at 80:'., 402 yellow at Sic, and 337 whit? uilted at 90c. tl bushel. We have ??ard of | salea nf Mes? P irk at $18 9 bot APUXL 4.-COTTON - Y*-sterday fictors evinced an in? creased anxiety to realize, and being able to operate freely at decidedly lower prices buyers came forward und took 20i 0 bales at a fur?uer deoline of fully lo. and in some oases of 2a. $ lb- Low Middling was sold yes? terday aa lo* a* 3?o , an I Strict Low Middling at 35c, showing a decline of 8c. from last Friday's ourrenoy; yetas Cnngane albuslnes? was ata less redaction, we put down uur quotations only 2c, as follows : <2t 32 Good Ordinary.33 @ 34 Low Middling.16 @ 36 Middling..-..68 <?? 39 ?TlTSACEjrT Of OOTT J*. s took OB baud Bt'|:Um::i-r lat, 18tf->.bal??. .. .63,239 Received'past three d?ye.12,311 Rec.. Iv. d previously.621.896 -6)4.206 I 717,416 Exported p ttt three days.18,688 Expuricd previously.3^6,180 -613.775 I Stock on band and on chipboard rot cleared_173 670 ToBtoco-The aiipp'les ere t o sra n for a-ten led op ration*, and on h a few chd*. have been taken for the oliy <rada at price. ruling within the range of the quotations below, which we repeat. We have obtained, irom a reliable e -?roo, th-J following ratemout: btock f Tobacco on silo April 1st, 1866 Heavy Leaf. 960 ands. " Lu s.Childs. Light Loaf.1643 hud?. " Lugs.rt...805 hhds. Toto!.".2666 Light Beaty. Low refused.G ;<*?>,' T@7 ?e. Ourrenoy. ooo 1 do.TCO H M t Commun Leaf.9(4 io 10@U Fair.12314 14? IT .Good.16<at7 18AM Kine.18 a to li&u Choice selections.... 21 (o)24 2 fi BT ATE ME NT OT TOD.V OOO. H tock on hand September 1, I860.h HA*. 8T3 Received past three days. 175 Received previously.o, Lol- 6,8 M J 6.1991 Exoorted past three days.. 00 Exported previously.1012 - 1102 Broken up for baling, city consump? tion, Ac, slnoe Sopt. 1st, 1866. TTS-1,875 Stock on hand and on shipboard.hhds.. 4,321 EWreCnORB OF TOBA COO, (From September 1, 1865, io date.) Paat Previ- Total 8 days. ously. hhds. Burke & cteufley.00 Ut 1422 H. M. Hays.00 2100 2100 Total.00 8622 3622 Rio Janeiro Market? RIO JANEIRO January 1.-COTTEE.-This staple dur iag the pa?t twelvo mouths ba? been managed by our dealers with much more prudence than lu previous \ ears used to be the ovo. n >me few instances excepted, our qi io uiino i have always been in accordance with the prevailing ratee of hxchango and tho existing demand fr m the consuming markets. Holders havo on the average been ready sellers aud as the accumulation <f heavy slocks wts 'hereby avoided, our sterling prices show but compar?t!/ely slight fluctuations, and have m linly corresponded wi h the course our boan has pur? sued In Eux ?pe an t North \morlca. Vory high prices have pourra!!/ been raul for the ri UH qual ties, which wore very Hcaruu las*, "tear. 'Ihn other descriptions bolow goori flri-t, being much neglected, have gradually re? ceded, and t iw.ird thu end of Duoembor a disparity ol ne ir ly ll&Hirs. arr. bitween tmperlor aud orolnary first exis'ed. We add bolow our ta "ito* of exportation : Of the crop of 1866-06 about l.miO.'rOO bags have beca shipped, nnd .he general inapreesion I?, tuat um quantity still left in the interior for thn next six m mtha ii very small. This ls eorr .borat-<d hythe recent mu ?ll supputa, and tho tact that, of Ute, much Corfe.-- ot tho socoud growth ls cj i lug w market which generally ls thn caso ?ben stocks aro beginning to dnero iso, and it is but pr ?b.vblo ? hat our prices will u-rw havo au Upward toudoaoy. Tho new crop of l8?r>-*7 ia reported tn have flowered very patlafociorlly. and to offer vory fair prospout?. We cannot expect linera! supplloi thereof before Aurrust, aud in tho meantime shall bave to w trie off t'.ro balance, of thu old and now serra ahaixo Corlee, which unod to o me iu to * ards May and Juno. Shipments of Oolloo from Kio Jr.nolro, from 1st Janu? ary to Slat December: 186?. 18?4. Kurth of Europo....704.331 f>73,194 MidltorranWu.281,339 ."83.233 Europe.1,015 tm 830.437 United States.7' 8 665 651,140 Sundries.38.204 8C,:iO T.dal.1,792,640 1.48?.717 1,112.907 Rh! omen ts rf <?offeu from Rio Janeiro, from tho 1st of July to Slat Deoembor: lSo?. 1BC1. North of Eufbps.361.208 439 OSO Mediterranean.186,171 216,061 Europe.490.677 634,7)0 Onltod States..?92,489 178.1.- ' Sundries.15.e'56 t ,0t ; Total.906.0H 8 Shipments ot Ooti' 0 from S?nt--)s, u > - 81st D?c< mbec: loss. North of Europe, .?bout.. .304,213 Meiit-rrauoan.10.189 Enrope.?bout.. 323,402 184,411 218.526 States.17.841 37,347 19,689 Total.about.. 340,743 221,768 238,112 Shipments of Coffeofrom Sintoa, from 1st Joly to 3lTt Deoemcer: 186--:. 1861. 1863. . North Of Europe...about.. 100,295 77,162 74,363 Mediterranean. 2,216 12,110 8,819 ] Enrope.about..102,610 80.202 82,67 ? States. 6,211 6.415 4,000 I Total.about..108,741 94,7(17 80.682 B JE* no. Cimalgnees per sjoiilli Curuliaa ItaUronn, ' April 8 ?nd 9. 761 bales Cotton, ? 6 halon Mdze, 2 cars Public Records, 4 cars Stock, 4c, To Mo? ry * Co, O H Walter it Co, W 0 Dukes k Co, Clacius k Witts, Hunt Bros, Gibbes k Co. Bavend k Co, W li Williams, u W Williams li Co, WW Smith, J M Caldwell 4 Bons, Dewing, Thayer 4 Ce, E J Dawson k Co, R M Butler. H M ure ii Co, J h ich ards, H cobla k Co, P Fogarty 4 Co T O H Dukes, J King & Co M Goldsmith k Sons. C N Averill k Ho , O Thomas, Tafe A- Howl <nd, Bobo it Hussey J M Git? on, J Walker, 0 Uauckel Willis k Chisolm, Camphell k Mil? ling, L Cronin*. W A Courtenay, j L Patier?ou, R Hud Bins, R H Martin, W 3 Crawford. E J Wigu 4 Co, tl W Kinsman, H L Jeffers 4 Co, J R Pringle, E H Rodgers s Co, ? Heede-. Passengers. Por steamship Emily B Souder, from New York Mrs La Blaur. C E Wood, D Jacot>, B Howell. W H Ca? pers. Mrs Kohrs, F O DeFontalno. T McCarthy, MUs Elridgo, N M ?Jhafee, S Deery, Mrs Wators, J A Craw ford, Mr McMi ll.n and lady, J Gray, Mis? Gutty Miss Blanchard, and others in the steerage. PORT CALENDAR. OOBnEOTEO WKJtKLT. PHASES OY TUF MOON. Cant Q. 8th. Sh. 23m. morn : First Q. 21st, 5a. lim. even New M. 16th, lu. ?3m. moral full al. 29th, 4h. 3m. eveu j MAH OH AND! S?5. APBIL. Buss. srra. MOON EISES. 0 Monday.... fi..89 10 Tuesday_ 6..88 Ll I Wednesday. 6.. 37 12.Thursday .. 6..85 13 Friday. 6. .31 14 Saturday... 6..3? 151 Sunday.i 6.. 81 I C..26 6..36 6..20 6. 27 6. 23 6.. 18 6.. 20 1..33 2..20 3.. 3 3..46 4..26 5.. 7 Sets. MARINE NEWS. POST I? sf r. fi A B L K. ?a Ti? BJ . Arrived tcitmaj ,AftUI. 'J Stoaraship Em Oy B Sonder, Lock., jd, New York left Thura iay. 4 PM. Mdze. To A Getty 4 Co, Willis 4 Chlaolm, J E Adger 4 Co, Auatin, Andrus 4 Co. o N Averill 4 Son, Adams' Express Co, AU?tia 4 Al ce. Ad? am? 4 Damon. Allum, Noyes 4 Johnson, A H Abrahams, Laurey ft Alexander, Adams s Frost. W M Bird 4 Co. H D Burt et 4 Co, E Bates 4 Co, H Bischoff 4 Ci. WT Burge 4 Go. Rrown ft Huger. T M Bruto!. M J Boota, T W Bliss. D Briggs, F Borohardv, Bart 4 Wirt, H Bul winkle, B Meyer at Co, J O Burekmeyer, B gert, Denny 4 Co, G H Brown. J st i D Renns, Baker is Co, Bis jell Bros, J G Beveraon. E Bull, J B Balta, H Cobla 4 Co, Chisolm Bros, Camoron, Barkley 4 C.), W H Chafes, J A Cook 4 Co, Craig, Tuomey 4 Oo, H M Chufes, Corbett 4 Cassidey, G W Clark 4 Oo, J W Cannait, L Chapia 4 Co, Werrington 4 Co, WS Coates, G Connor, W 0 Courtney, O D Carr 4 Co, J Cohn, E Daly, E J Dawson, H Desebrook, W 0 Dukes. O Dreyer, G Davis, Epstin 4 Zamlnsky, i M Eason, F Entelman, M Endel B Foley, W S Easterby, D F Fleming 4 Co. P Fogarty 4 Co, I L Falk, Furohgild Bros, Fraser 4 Dill, G A Graver, Gour? din, Mattblesson 4 Co, W Gurney, H Gerdts 4 Co, J H Graver, F Horsey, Hart 4 Co, J H Hillen, H Hines, H Harbers, Hunt Bros, Hoffmann 4 Brabham, Huger 4 riatell. J Hurkamp 4 Co. A Illing, J Jungbluth, Jon ntngs, Thomllnson 4 Ca. O H Jobnion H L Jeffers, F Kresse!, J D Kavanagh, 9 H Enee, Kllnck, Wickonbt-rg 4 Co, H Klatte 4 Co, King k Cassidey, H W Kretes, W Knoolock, M L Klnard, W Ktnsmm, L Kocsfer, C L Kornahrens, T Kelly, 0 Ltllicathal, Lengulck 4 Sell S J Lockwood, O Lilschgl, P Lyons 4 On, L Lorentz, A Lin? ger, Laurey 4 Alexander, J J Milner, J Marion. J A Mor* gan, Mowry 4 Co, Melcher? ft Muller, O H M 4 Co, P Meitzler. Mackey 4 Baker, Mills Home, 8 B Marshall, J B Mc a hose, C Madron, W Matthlessen, M an tono 4 Co, Mehr ten R 4 Wohltmann, F McCarthy, McKay 4 Camp? bell. J Mcconkey. J B ? D Muller. National Express. Co, North, 8toel 4 Wardell. B O'Neill, D O'Neill ft Son, J O Ogemao. O A Ostendo ff, g F O'Neill & Sm, Porter 4 Countr. W P Paddon. Ptorsorr ft Cn, J M Rankin. (1 F Righter, W P Russell. J Kiighcirv?r, L Uteri ft Sun, .1 lt Read at Co, J Roso, W Hab-nstein. L Schuchcrr, J B K Sloan. J Small. G W Bte tte-is 4 Co. H Stalke, E B Stod? dard 4 Co, P Suliuokm m. SOUR Co. St ill. Webb ft Co, E Scott 4 Co, J Stoiber, 15 ftnvmihuuen, T Ktrer-t. Strain*. Vunces ft Co. T Tupper 4 Sons, W i Trim, J F Taylor, J Tookie'iberg W G Trott, Utferhardt ft Camp-en, J H yollors. O Voigt, O W Williams i: Co Weriior ft Ducker, G H Waltor ft Son, J Waltoo*, "? J Wiss 4 Co, Warrtlaw 4 Carew, Williams 4 Covert, F Wovhmann ? Co, Wubh 4 "ago, W G Whi den, W B Wilhams, Wagener, Heath 4 Menses, H H Williams 4 Co, Zogoaum, Young 4 Co, Order, and others. Sahr Bnohautresa, Blatchford, New York. 8 days. Mdze. To W Roch, J E Adgnr 4 On, O N Avorill 4 Son. -D Brigg*, Bollmanu bros, H Bischoff 4 Co, A Mis? ch iff. Bart st Wirt, J G Beverson, Bonuoll4 Drammond, Creaser ft Mmyck, E R Co A/worth-rait. J Canta/oll ft Co, Oki Cantor, A Can ?lo, A P Caldwell, L Ducker. E Da? vid, O B Grant, 0 Graveloy, J H Graver 4.Co, W Gur? ner, H Gerdts k Oo, Hait 4 Go, J Heesemann 4 Bro, J Hurkamp 4 Co. Mowry ft Co, J Krnltlck, Hunt Bros, H KUtte ft Co, King 4 Cassidey, L F Koet-ter, Lltdo 4 Marshall, J H 4 D M ill-r, M McGourltz, W Marscher, 5 R Marshall, B O' Neill, J F O'Neill ft sion, D Paul ft Co. J Adger, E Bates 4 Co, G U Brown, E Buck 4 Co, G W Williams 4 Co. H Cobla 4 Co, G H "-alter 4 Son. W H Easterby, Fraaer 4 DUI. Gracier 4 Smith. J Heins, Mul? ler 4 Nimitz. Kllnck, Wickenoerg 4 Co, G A tieuffer, E H Rod /ers 4 Co, D H SUcox, W A Skrine, T Stenhouse 4 Co. T Street. J N Sprague 4 Bro. G W Steffens ft Co, W B Smith 4 Oo, J Thompson, P Tecklenburg, Wagener, Heath 4 Mmsoes, Woran- ft Ducker, L Welskopt. Hoff? mann, Brabham 4 Co, i King 4 Co, Mowry 4 Co, W G T>ott, Mehrtens 4 Wohltmann, H Williams, B D White, Willis 4 Chlaolm, Capt C Barnard. JOH Claussen, Boo in son 4 Nelson. Olney 4 Co, and Order. Behr A J Bentley. Wldl'm*. New York. 8 days. Mdze. To Shuck-Iford 4 Fraser, D H SUcox, J B E Sloan, M F Churchill, T Street, 1 Hees ?mann, J Oampaen 4 Co, W M Bird, J N Robson. W Gurney, H W Kins man. G W Clark 4 Co. T *? Hey ward ft Boni, C Iraveley, J F Tay? lor, Chisolm Bros, A P Caldwell, A Canals, W H Easter? by, C Berksen, Werner 4 Duoker, J Wiley, G W Williams 4 Co, J K Adger 4 Oo, 0 N Averill 4 Son, Blssell Bros, 0 Ring, C Gravoley, H Bischoff k Co, Wagener, Heath 4 Monseee, Offer hard t 4 Campsen, R Mc kilroy, J 4 F Dawson, T Stenhouse L Co, H H McDowell 4 Co, EB Cowpertbwait, Fraser 4 Dil1, Hart 4 Co, Cameron, Bark? ley 4 Co, Bonnell 4 Drurunoud, J W Sprague 4 Bro, J Sanders, Wardlaw 4 Carew, G W Steffens 4 Co, G H Walt r 4 Son, and O -der. Steamer Fannie, Smoot, Savannah. Mdze. To tho Master. Bound to Baltimore, ?nd put Into thia port on account of heavy head weather. AT QUAEA?TTINB. ! SourThos Wi nan*, G*ge, Baracoa, 8 days. Fruit, 4c. To J A ttne'.ow 4 Co, Bart 4 Wirt. BELOW. Seor Lilly, from Baltimore. Corn. To Ravoi.ol 4 Co. IN rae OFFING. Br brig Wlekopoo, from Liverpool: also, Br barks Eu? reka aud Eera. Cleared Yesterday. [APBIL 9 Sp brig Beatriz, Pages, Bircolona-DeOottes 4 Balas. From tilla Port. Behr C P Stlokncy, Mathis. Pallidilphia, April 3. Vp tor this Port. S -hr Chas Woalsoy, Parkor. at New York, April 6. Sehr Lilly, Francis, at Nov Yo?, April 6. Cleared for this Port. Sehr W H MaUlor. Randall, at N?.w York. April 6. Sehr LUzl'j L Tapley, Jouua, at Portland. April 6. EB Bi TT ?10 OSE, CORNISH OF FOX7H9BSNT3 AND "F" STBSBTo, WASHINGTON, D. C., C. WILLARD, Proprietor. GV)B M ANT YEAHS PROPRIETOR OF THE HYGEIi T H OT BL. Old Point, Ya. Fori rna rr 8 Senes Money sei^fitM Damer of Less, POST OFFICE, OHABXHSTON, a. O., Feb. 6, lt?t*. THIS OFFICE HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AS A "Money Order O ince." and orders upon any othes Money Order Office, in suma from one dollar to thirty dollars, may oe drawn. Where a L;rgrr sum ie re quired, additional orders to make lt u?> must be ob. tain ed. The ohargos for Money Orders will bo ss fclloirsi On Orders not er reed tn ,7 $10.10 oenti Over 910 and noe exceeding $90.16 cents Over $30 and un to $30. C. -uti STANLEY G. TROTT, A. P. K. February I WKt?LJJSALE USO RETAIL GBOO "ES E/I "B S. GEO. W. STEFFENS & CO. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR CUS? TOMERS ?nd the pabilo that, In addition to their WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROOEBTat the corner of King and George streets, they have nov opened a WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION HOUSE at No. 28 Vendue Range, where they will be able to afford thou oustomers extra facilities. Their arm will comprise a? formerly: o zo. w. sTETTHs-a - r. o. BOBKXB....L. BBXDEKBEBO March IS lyr MEHRTENS & WOHLTMANN, Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 187 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. O B. ttXHBTXNS.9, H. at. WOHLTMAJW. March 9 amos J. THOMLINSON, MERCANTILE AGENT. \lf ERCHANTS' AND PLANTERS' OKDERS FOB LYl, Ml kinds of MERCHANDISE, GUANO, Ac, Ac, tttendod to with promptness and dispatch. Produce received and Mold. iBsranBKCEs: Charleston-Jenntugs, Thomlln?on k Co., Hayno st. Country-Any of the old interior Merchants. Office With PIERSON k CO., Wholosale Dealers lc Clothing, No. 26 Hay no-street. Imo March 14 GEO, E, PR1TCHETT, COMMISSION MERCHANT NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON S. C. March 9 arnot" T. SAVAGE HEY WARD & SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND I SENERAL'IMHISSION MERCHANTS, No. 241 Broad-street, Augusta, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON MOND ATS. WEDNESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS. PART IO IT LAR ATTENTION PAID TO CONSIGN? MENTS. We hold ourselves strictly responsible for all goods for whioh we have acknowledged the re? ceipts, sud will render up silos aa speedily aa possible. Good a not Insured unless instructed to do se. March 9_8moe HOWE, DOUCIN & CO., Ship Chandlers &. Grocers, /ORWARDING MERCBANTS, 0. HOWE, JB., ) P. M. DOUCIN, S No. 151 Bast Bay. E. 0. HOWE, J C. & E. HOWE, Commission Merchants, W. 0.?Ho^fE.} N0, 11 Broadway, Kew Tork. Consignments sc ll cl ted Prompt attention given tc sale? of mero handlea. Produce purchased on co nulli? ?lou, and LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE. January 30 Brnos A. S. HULL, ARent, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS BESOMED BUSINESS AT THE WELL KNOWS Shirt Emporium and Furnishing Establishment tr 8. M. Welch, corner of Meeting and Market-street*, where a full line of all articles can he had for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. u. ai. WELCH 97111 give special attention to the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, AND " JOHN T. PLYI?lf, Many years connected with the well known hotuw OJ Charlea D. Carr ii Co., will superintend the TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Where he will be happy to see his old frlonda and eos tornera. Irr November 1 TUB SUBSCRIBERS ?AVK .11 AUK Ali. RANGEMENTS with Mr. J. 8. PHILLIPS, to coe tlnne the DRAPER and TAILORING business at theil old stand, No. 32 BROAD-STREET, In all Its branches, is formerly cpndnoted by them, and solicit for him fros their formor patrons and friends, the same liberal pal rouage so generously extendod to themsslves, January SC EDGERTON k RICHARDS. J. S. PHILLIPS, DRAPER iaJNTD TAILOR, SUCCESSOR TO EDGERTON k RICHARDS, NO. 3-A BROAD-STREET, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL A880RT MENT of best gradea of French, English, ace Amorloan Cloths, Casslmeros, aud Vestings, which will be sold by the yard or made to order In the latest fash? ion. Sror January 80 WILLIAM GURNEY, WHOLESALE GROCEE AND COMMON MAHNT, 3STO lOSEASTBAY CHARLESTON, 8. C. Butter, Cheese and Provisions CT> Liberal advances made on consignments. March 9 A8A3 CHILD ?Sc CO., DEALEBS IM PLANTATION SUPPLIES, OOVSISTIHO OF * GHO0ERIE?, BJOTH, SHOES AND CLOTHING. Amo, 8.MLOR8' OUrFITTING, HATS. CAPS, Ao. Agents for Allen's and Whi-oloek's Pistols, No. 103 East Bay, near foot of Broad street. A. CHILDS,.N. G. PARKER. March 30_Imo LAW NOTTCK. BREWSTEBT* SPRATT, Attorneys at Law and Solicitors io ?40117, OFFICE NO. Ph MiuiAO-STBSD, November ? ffILLIAM JJ. HERIOT k UH BANKEK8 ABD GENERAL AGENTS, No. 349 King-street, CHARLESTON, 8. O. RECEIVE DEPOSITS AM) ALLOW TJTTEBE8T 'HEREON. DEAL IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BX J HANGE. MA KT! COLLECTIONS AND PROMIT BS* rOBNS. Reference? In Sew Yorki Messrs. DUNOAK, SHEEHAN k 00. M eas ra. HENNY CLEWS k 00. BIOHABD LATHEB8, E?q., Pr?sident Greet Wwrtera ?aranoe Company. H. J. HOWLAND, Esq., No. 80 Wall-street. ?fOBGE T. HOPE, Esq., President Continental Inen? noe Company. October 90 ISAAC E. HERTZ, I EUGENE HUOHET. Late ^ partner of Mordecai k Co. ISAAC E. HERTZ & CO., 301 East Bay, CORNER CUMBERLAND STREET, AUCTIONEERS, GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, TX.7ILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THU VV parchase or sale of CoTTON, BICE. LU MB HB, NAVAL 8 TOREr., and MERCHANDISE GENERALLY? and to VESSELS consigned to our care. Also, to sales of all descriptions of Merchandise at AUCTION. ?II" MORDECAI & CO., E. LAFITTE & CO.. MARSHALL, BEACH k 00-, E. B. STODDARD k CO^ & S. FARRAR, BRO THE US k 00. OUarloBtop, AprU 2.1S66._ April 8 L. BOWIE & CO., COMMISSION AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, NO. 17 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Febraary 30 _gmo CHARLES BELLQIS & CO. General Commission Merchant? AND DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, No. 1?0 EAST BAY, OFFER FOR BALE AT LOW FIGURES I HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS. STRIPS. Floor, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Soap. Starch, Candles, Ac, ko. January 29 8mo EDWARD N. THURSTON, FORMERLY: ROBERTS ON, BLACKLOCK & CC FACTO LR. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CORNER VANDERHORST WHARF AND EAST BAX CHARLESTON, S. C. January ia_ T. B. Trout.OliverAmibary TROUT Sc AM3BURY, General Commission Merchants? ARD DEALERS IN LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, LATHS, HALS and Shingles, Lumber and Timber, Hay and Orals Northwest oom or of NOT om ber ?J Cm o t oat Bay and Market -*treeei. WILLIS & CHISOLM, FACT0R8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, ?ALE ANDS SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Doniestlo Port?) ol OOTTON, RIOE, LUMBER and NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Ctaorlraton, S. C. I. WILLIS.A. R. CH IBO L M Ootober26_ STYLES & CARTER, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN NAVAL STORES, Mo. 10 VAN I) ER HORST'S WHiRP, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. L 0. STYLES.>.L P. CARTER. February a _ _ ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS, Shipping ans Commission Merchants, Nos. ISO AND 138 MEETING-STREET WAOKHOUSXS : ?fol. 03 Md SB HASEL-STREKT. CHARLESTON, S. C. A. Getty.E. A. Souder.S. T. Sonder. December 22_ E. B. STODDARD & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALZKS IK BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS. AT THEIR OLD STAND, No. 165 Meeting-Street CHARLESTON, 8. 0. ?UKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THEIR Bl? , SUMPTION of business, and invito the attention of purchasers to their Stock, which ls now complete. *tentemhi?r B. A. EARLY, 1 j J.F. EARLY, Darlington 0. H., B.C.) j Charleston, a 8. R. A. & J. F. EARLY, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, VTORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST BAY AND MAB? i> SET STREETS Charleston S. C., and opposite Court House, Darlington, 8. C., WU1 attend to the pur? obase, sale and shipment of COTTON, NAVAL STORES, and MERCHANDISE generally. Orders and consigav inents solicited. 6mo* January H BALTIMORE RIVET AST) SPIKE WORKS. R. W. TYSON & CO., P. 0. Box 1004, Baltimore, Maryland. MANUFACTURERS OF HOOK-HBAI) RAILROAD SPIKES, BOILER RIV? BT8, BOAT SPIKES, Ac. For farther information, apply to BRUNS A BEE, Agents, No. 81 East Bay, Charleston, 8. 0. Marchs 8moe PUTTY UP M>UTTY UP ! N. M. GILBRETH, No. 101 Market-street. HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP ARTIST, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS ORDERS FROM HES old and new customers. GLAZING promptly altead ed to. PJTTI ter a*le,|