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The Daily News. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 3, 1366. LAKGEST CIRCULATION IX THE STATE. LARGEST CIRCULATION Di THE CITT. 49? THE LIST O IT LETTERS re? maining in tho JP os tofft ce at the end of each weelt is published officially in TBTJK T> A TT,Y lVTffiWS every JTri day morning._ AGENTS. The following ure the Agents for this paper: W. A HEMINGWAY, General Traveling and Collect lng Agent. Col. J. J. RYAN, Barnwell, S. C. F. M. TBIMMIER, Spartan Office, Spartaabnrg, S. C. J. T. LJ?BOIS, Marion. 0. 8. BARBY, Sandy Ford P. 0., Madison co., Fla. PATRICK k HTJYBY, Macon, Georgia. S. A MCKNIGHT, Union villa. J. B. ALLEN. Chester 0. H., 8. a JOSEPH H. SEARS, " New South," Hilton Head. W. a I ANCE, Grahamville P. 0., Beaufort, S. 0. & F. BRADFORD, Walterboro', 8, a H. L. DARB, Sumter, a 0. THAD, a ANDREWS, Orangeburg, a a J. T. HERSHMAN, "Journal office," Camden, a 0. J. M. BROWN, "Southerner office," Darlington, 8. 0. M. M QUINN k BBC, Augusta, J. H. ESTELL, Savannah, Ga. ISAAC DA VEG A, Agont in New York Mr. AUG. BRENTANO, NO. 708 Broadway, New York, oas alwiya the latest dates of the DAILY. NXWS, as he loes of all the other principal jonmals of tho country. LOCAL MATTERS, sar SBB SECOND AND THIRD PAGES. -e? H. P. Buoo, Market street, nas received the following very interesting new novels: Toe Brigand, by Vieron HUGO; False Brtdc, and Lucy Arlyn, by J. F. TROW? BRIDGE. THE PASTOS of the Church of the Holy Communion regrets that the notice of service for Saturday evening should have been published yesterday, as many may have been disappointed in finding tho church cloted. He could not alterd or get any ono to offlolate for him. THE DEATH OP JAMES W. BROWN, ESQ.-The demise of this most excellent gentleman was announced in our streets on yesterdc; forenoon, and threw a gloom over a very large portion .>f oar community, who have known bim long and well as one of the best of men. and ss a most exemplary citizen. Mr. Brown has filled several offices of profit and trust in our city, and at tbe time cf hie death was one of the Aldermen. For a lone time he occupied the position of Chief of the Flro De? partment, with signal ability, and left lt with the sincere regrets of every one o( the gallan t men, whom for years he had controlled. An honest and a cb ar i table man has gone to his grave let us remember his goodness and emulate his kind? nesses. CLEA EAS CE.-Mr. WILLIAM ROACH cleared, yesterday, for Havre, the schooner Myrover, Capt. J. H. HUGHES, with a cargo of 1219 bales Up'and and iO bales of Sea Island cotton, weighing 510.2C8 tbs. This vessel is usually employed in the merchant Une of New York packets all first-elites vessels, and well officered and manned. The Mvrover will be Immediately followed lot Havre br the A1 schooner B, N. Hawkins, Capt. Wyatt another vessel of the same Une. AU these schooners have been remarkable for their succef slut voyages, and rate among the highest with tho underwriters. THK OLD NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LISE.-lt the com? mencement of the late war thc Kew York Steamship Line was composed of the steamships Columbia, Nash? ville, Jot. Adger, Marion and John P. King. This splen? did line of ste tiners were largely owned in Charleston. Since the close of hostilities parties in New York, who held possession of the ship1, have came forward and of? fered a settlement on favorable terms. We learn that, through the efforts of oar fellow-citizen. Mr. William Bosch, near ons1 hundrod thousand dollars of this stockhas been settled for, and other parties have alao secured the rums due th m. Mr. Roach deserves mach praise for his aealoas exertions to pro? cure an advantageoui arrangement for stockholders in this city. To many the receipt of these funds has been most opportune. NIXON'S PANORAMA or FORT SUMTES-We were among the gratified visitors at Masonic Hall, last eve? ning, who had assembled to witness tbls most excellent and truthful picture, and we have seldom seen an au? dience more pleased and delighted at an exhibition than the party who Oiled that hoU last night The faith? fulness of every scene brought to view, without men? tioning any ono particularly, rt fleets great credit upon the artist who reiby must have spent a vast deal of time, and ex.rted a great deal of talent, to have been so successful In his sketches. To us of the city this paint? ing brings many reminiscences of the past, so distinctly are different points of interest depicted, and we should l e (?'ad to see lt visited by those not "to the manor Lirr," who, no doubt, feel anxious to see some of the Er: ' scene connected with the late war. Futuro Cu?: A M SODA.-At the solicitation cf many ladles we have repeatedly urged the advisability of tho opening ot a first c'ass Sods Water Fountain, where the ecol delicious, and refreshing and inn cuons beverage can be served oct to the fair sex and their beaux. We are pleased to announce that the desidera? tum has been supplied, and that at any h Mir of the evening one bas only to step down to tho establishment of Hean*. Jones A Dubf>ndorff, No. 249 King-street, to und the most devrions Cream Soda, and Bee it eagerly imbibed by the pi"' liest if ladies. The Soda it?e f ia first rate, but the beautiful young ladies who make No. 249 their headquarters for ?uno cent drinking, make it worth cue's while to lounge and linger, and still loviogly lingering, to watch thc dear creatures as they smilingly pass la to "smile," and pass out The performirco '.a repeated every day. P. member No. 24'.?. A NEW P?RI?DICAL.-T ha?, enterprising publisLiog ooncern. tho Americau News Company, pn pose to issue on the ? th inst, a new fortnightly magazine, to bc called the Gnlozy, an Ilurtrited Magazine. Tho Galaxy wiU contain the best serial stories of the most distinguished foreign novelists, light essays, sketches, poetry and a lively review and summer; of the choicest articles of thc leading peri?dica s of the world. Its il'ustratione will lie from designs by the most cele? brated artists, and will bu printed on tinted paper at the press of Mr. Jons Moossrr, cf New Yow, who bas earned the reputation ol being the most artistic printer In this country. The cover of the Galaxy will bc of an entirely new and brilliant design, und the n-agaziue will be printed on new type expressly catt (or the purpose, and on fine cal? endered paper, 'l im publisher will aim to make the Qalaxy tho mott striking and elegant magasine, BO far as typography is concerned, issued in this country. -o WE are always glad to receive the vi ile of DeBow'a EertVtv. It ls intimately connected with many scenes, trials, and struggles in our past history. The April number ia on onr table, containing article* ou a variety of subjects. "Thc Influence of Commerce ou Civiliza? tion" is an elaborate rilst-iui?on ot especial interest to merchants. "Equatorial Retiens of America.' 'ls from the nen of T. R. Warren, Esq., who hts explored the entire countiy. Geo. Fitzhugn. of Virginia, has au en? tertaining article entitled "Boys." "charles Pinekney, of South Carolina," is thc subj' ctol a graphic sketch, by our late lamented townsman, Wm. A Elliott, Es,i The Editor gives us tho result of bi? long experience In a very able and timely paper on American Commerce The Review is published at Nashville, 'fennelse-, and at New York. PROVOST Cor/sr-JOHN 8W?TU.-Trespass-R. Har? riott, colored, test icc 1 that defendant 0 ' Sunday morn? ing, at about half-past eight o'olock, came tip stairs Into his house and conanenotd ab-sing him violently, call inp him a d-d negro ?nd a d-d Uar. Witness said he had Lever spoken to dnfendant before, although lie Is a neighbor. Defendant a!t>o accused witness of stealing water from his barre), which ho never did do, aR he bas a pump o'his own. Witness ordered defendant to leave his premises, which he refused to do, and he then went out and obtained a polkoman, who carried him to the Guard Hon ?e. Sentence 1 to a line of two dollars or two days' imprisonment, Abraham Delaucf. colored -Carry i ac concealed weup ons, and shooting on Sunday.-Policeman (Jninn testi? fied that be saw defendant on Sunday Ust in Meeting, street Road, within ttio precincts of the city, tiring a pistol, and that he fdtowed and took the pistol from U:m. and lodged him in tho Guard House, ii ix-barre: shooter exhibited.) Sentenced to a fine of fifty dol?an or thir y days' imprisonment Henry Sumter, co?-red.-Assault - J. Baker, colored, testified that he aud defendant quarrelled in a house on Saturday nixbt last, and that do,umlaut struck him \?ith his fist, and thou drew a pocket knife on him, although he did not offer t > stab him with it Sentenced to a fine of five dollars or thrci: <!*}.?' imprisonment William brown, colored, and W. SimoLs, colored. Tbett.- John Lester testified that on Saturday last he saw the defendant, Brown, steal a ham from a storo at the corner of Market and Bing streets, and, after put? ting it in a bag, run off with it, and that he chased him and got it from him. Andrew Drayton, colored, testi? fied thtt bo saw both defendants on Saturday night, steal a box of monoy from'a fruiterer in the market. The man said the box contained eight dollars. Thc de? fendant, Brown, was sentenced to five davB' imprison? ment, and the defendant, Sitnon-, to ten days' impris onnient John Smith, colored.-Stealing.-Policeman Donlvan testified that he was on duty in Bull-street, at about half past 5 o'clock on Monday moratahr, atid saw defendant with a fowl, which he said a woman in Lynch-street had given him. Wltnesa took him to Lynch street to point out the -roman, or where she lived, which he could not do, as he said the woman gave lt to him in the street, and he didn't know her. The Court found defendant not guilty. MAYOH'H CotniT.-Upon opening the docket this morn? ing, it appeared to be so filled with coses that, taking ont our note book, aid rolling up our sleeves, we pre? pared for heavy work. But, like many other things in thia world, there was (treat show and little merit, for although the list was very long, not one of the cases ?ere disposed of by the Mayor, they being matters con? nected with the street?, lt?., ?hich were ref erred . o the City Inspector, and public pumps, wells, 4c, which is attended to by the Chief of tho Fire Department, and witb the Provost Court, which were sent to tbe Provost Marshal. We mast congratulate, hoverer, all those who have control of the present police of our city, upon the re? markable quiet that we are blessed with at the present time, and really hope, with the peaceful portion of the public, for its long continuance. BUSINESS NOTICES. Auction Salea This Day. A. P. CALDWELL will sell this dsy, at the warehouse No 6 Chalmers-street, at ll o'clock, one hundred and ninety-nine burre's of Hour MCKAY A- CAMI-BELL will sell this day and to-mor? row, at their their Btorea in Hascl-strect, next to the Postoffico, at 10 o'clock, seven hundred lota of dry goods hat?, straw goods boots, shoes, Ac. MILLIGAN. MKLCHEBB & Co. will sell this day, at j their store. No. 20 Vendue Range, at 10 o'clock, an as? sortment ot ready-made clothing, Connecticut leaf to? bacco, furniture, kc. MILES DRAU will sell, this day at hts store, corner I of Kin? and Liberty streets, at 10 o'clock, an Invoice of | dry goods, kc. BOWERS k SILCOX will sell this day, at their storo. No. 1*7 Meeting-street, opposite Market, at 10 o'clock, an assortment of furniture, porter, ?c. GEORGE Hu NEK KN will seil thia day, beforo bis store. No. 18 Vendue Range, at 10 o'clock, a vuriety of mlcel laneous articles. HENRY COMA k Co. wW sell this dar, in 'root of their store. No. 26 Vendue Rouge, at 10 o'clock, shoulders, sides, sugar, kc. LAURET k ALEXANDER will sell this day, in their iteres, Nos 138,140 and 142 Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock, -aeon strips, pork beads, brandy, whiskey, Sc. SDAVOB k MALLONEE.-This firm offers for sile a arge quantity of lumber, of various sizes, at their es ablisbmen*. on Horlbeck's Wharf, near Northeastern tailroad. Notico their advertisement. LITTLE k MARSHALL, at tli-ir Agricultural Warehouse nd Seed Store. No. 173 Rast Bay, have now on band nd landing, five hundred plows ot all sizes and de crlptions, which they are ready to dispose of st low trices, and to whose advertisement we would call tho ttention of planters generally. G. W. STEFFENS k Co -This firm has a retail store at J he corner of King and Gecrge streets, snd a wholesale ! stabllahmcnt at No. 28 Vendue Range, at either of rhicb places a person can bc well suited with tho best if groceries, a cording to his means. We would suggest he road ID g of botb advertisements by all who desire ?pita! goods for llttlejmoney. J Fncrr, SEGARB, ETC.-Tho lovers df good things will 1 30 delighted to read the snnouncemcnt of fresh arrivals JV Mr. Tc ?ni, of No. Ill Meeting s',, in to-day's paper. Vir. Tog ni is a large dealer in his line, and 'endeavors, is we know, to alway* have a stock of groat variety and >f intelligent selection. Give him a call, or send your jrders. RAILWAY SUPPLIES, Ac-The capacious establishment ! jf Huger k HaseU, No. 137 Meeting street, is on? of j he most complete in th* Southern country for the sup? plying ef railway or machinery for mills of every kind, tn inspection of the articles here ready to be used with (team engine*, as gins, gin bands, wood and iron work, tc, wit] convince many, who are again about to try the | inltlvation if king cotton, that they maj derive a great I leal of assit*ance by making some purchases at this j louse. MCKAY & CAMPBELL will sell, on to-dsy, one of the Argest assortments of merchandise that bas been sold a charleston for rt any years, consisting of 700 lots of | Iry goods of every kind, st raw goods ot the best quality, ind fino boots, shoes, hats, kc. Country merchants ihould obsoi ve the sales of this enterprising firm, and se careful to attend them, for their good* are of su? perior description, and their prices always reasonable, rhey continue this salo to-morrow. COPARTNERSHIPS.-Messrs. Huison Lee and A. M. Lee ?lave entered into the auction, general commission and lusurancc business, und?r the name and firm of Lee & Co., with their office in the basement of tl e Sute Bank. :ornorof Broad-street and East Bay. Both if these gentlemen possess a gt oat deil of experience in these branches of business, and having the practical knowl? edge, which th*y really have, they should receive ? {rood share of the patronage of tho 'lommunity. Messrs. Edward N. Thurston and C. Rutledgo Holmes have formed a copaitnersbtp under the name of Thurs? ton & Holmes, for tbe transaction of a factorage and general cr rum ?SK ion business, ai. d tho firm ls so well known In business circles at d otherwise, that there can be no doubt of their thorough success. "THE APOSTLE," said tho Elder, "was moved by many kinda of doctrine " "Tes," replied Mrs. Partington, looking over her spectacles at the Elder, "there's where bc was wrong, ? bat did he want to try so many kinds of doctrine for when Pinkerton's Wabco and Calisaya Bittere would have kept him perfectly regular. Thc Elder confessed tbe thing had never struck him in that light beforo. snd the old lady was going on to elucidate further, when her attention was attracted i y Ike, who was trying to pour some Bitters down the cat's throat with a funnel. tatbs3 MRS. WINSLOW, A.n experienced Nurse and Female Physician, Presents to the attention of Mothers her Soothing Syrup, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Which greatly facilitates the process of Teething, b) softening the gums, re Incing all infiammationa, wi!) allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and ls SORE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it wUl give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Toar lofants, We have put up and sold this article for over thlrtj years, and can say in confidence and truth of lt what tri hove never been able to say of?*- other medicine NEVER HAS IT FAILED IN A SINGLE IN8TANCE T EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did w know of an instance of dissatisfaction by any one wc used it. On the contrary, all aro delighted with its ope rations, and speak In terms of commendation of Itt magical effects and medica] virtues. We apeak in thu mattec "what we do know," after thirty years' exp-, rlence, and PLEDGE 0URSELVE8 FOR THE FULFIL MENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE In almosi evo- y instat. where the infant ls suffering from pall and exhaustion, relief will befonnd in fifteen or twenr; mlnntes after the syrup ls administered. Full directions for usir.{ will accompany eacb bottle None genuine unless tb. fae timile of CURTIS & PER? KINS, New Tork, is on the outside wrapper. 8old by all druggists throughout the world. Price only 35 Cents per Bottle. For sale by KING & CASSIDEY, rVbmarv 2 ' Cmo Charleston " ?-NO TI CE.-THREE MONTHS ATTER date, application will be made to the llmore Mutual In? surance Company for renewal of Certificate No. 133, for 16 Shares in said Company-Bald Certificate having been destroyed or lost by the fire in Columbia. March 8 talmo CHAS. P. 8 HI ESS. AUCTION SALUS. Rice! Rice! BY J. A. BASLOW cw CO. TO-MORROW, ibo ith instant, at i0 o'clock, ot our Store No 125 Kant Bay, one door North of tho Union Bank will be toidi 60 barrels RICE April 3 Direct "importation- Cargo sale of Muscovado and White Smjar Muscovado Molasses, Havana Se gars, arid Haoana Cut Tobacco, Syrups and Wine, al auction. J. A l-lS LOW" ?fe CO., Auctioneers Will seU at auction, at Messrs. DeCottes k Sulas', No. 118 East Bay, TO-MORROW. 4th ApriL'.at ll o'clock, 55 hhds. New Crop MUSCOVADO SUGAR, of strictly prime quality 20 barrels; Havana White Sugar, said to be equal to 14 boxes j Louisiana Clarified 77 barrels choice White Havana" Sugar, said to be equrj to Staart's best B ISO barrels l 36 tiercesJ Prime New Crop Muscovado Molasses 80 hhds. j *5 hhds. very choice New Crop Porto Elco Molasses said io be equal to New Orleans 3800 Segar*, M. C. "Flor Cando" 0500 Begars. Londres "Young Amerita" 1000 Segars, Londres Corte "Gonzalez" 80no Pegare, Cilindrados "RoRarito" 1400 8egars, Corchas "Valentina" 4500 Segare, Brevas "Jenny Lind" 1900 Segare, Whole Regalia "Valentina" 500 packages 1 lb. and 3>? lbs. of superior Havana Cut Tobacco, of tho celebrated brands of Honradez, Verdad, and Madrllenu 5 cases, 1 dozen each, superior Hanna Syrnps, as? sorted 25 ca^es, 1 dozen ea:h, genuine Sherry Wino. Conditions-Amounts under $600, cast; 8600to $1000, 15 days; over $1000, 30 days for approved endorsed notes. SST Augusta Constitutionalist aod Columbia Pheonix will Inpert once und send bill to J. A. E. A Co. April 3 City Six per Cent. Stock-State Bonds-City of Sa? vannah Bonds-South CarUina Railroad Ronds and Stoclcr-Northeastern Railroad Bonds, Cou? pons, dbe., al Auction. JBY JOHN S. RIGGS Si CO. TO-MORROW, the 4th instant, ot ll o'clock, at our Real Estate and Stuck Exchange, will be sold, 'IHK KO i .LOW I V t? SK CUR IT I BS: THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CITY 8IX PER CENT. STOCK. 31X HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CITY STOCK. BIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CI" Y STOCK. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CIT? STOCK. TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIKTT DOLLARS CUY STOCK. FOURTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS CITY STOCK. TWO THOUSAND DOLL. A BS IN CITY SPOOK. TWO THOU8AND DOLLARS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. (OLD) BONDS DNE THOUSAND DOLLARS CITY OF SAVANNAH SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS NORTHEASTERN RAIL? ROAD 8EVEN PER CENT. BONDS. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS CHARLOTTE and SOUTH CAROLINA RAILR03D BOND DNE THOUSAND DOLLARS WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER RAILROAD BOND DNE THOUSAND DOLLARS MISSISSIPPI AND TEN? NESSEE 8EVEN PER CEN''. FIRST MORTGAGE BOND ALSO, TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS IN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA (OLD) BOND8. I'WO THOrSAN/i HOLLAH fl TN SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD BONDS. TWENTY SHARES SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD AND BANK. TWENTY-FIVE (HALF) SHARES SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TWENTY-SIX (HALF) SHARES SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD ALSO, TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS STATE OF .SOUTH CAROLINA (OLD) BONDS. TEN SL-'ARhS CHARLESTON GA S.COMPANY. ALSO, JOUTONS MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. COUPONS MEMPHIS AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. DOUTONS CH Y OF COLUMBIA BONDS. UNLIMITED SECURITIES received only until day jefore the sale._._April 3 Elegant Mansion on Broad-street. BY JOHN S. RIGGS St CO. 3n THUBEIJAY, the 19th of Arril next, will be offered at Auction? If not dltpo ed of at Private Sale before, at our Beal Estate and Stock Exchange, corner of Bro? d and East Bay streets, MTHAT ELEGANT MANSION on thc north side of Broad street, known by the No. lid. be? ing the third door west of King-street, contain? ing twelve fine square rooms, pen try, store and ; rooms, all of them admirably arranged, having been l.Dished in modern style, combining all the recent Impro-rdmonta and conveniences usually found In a first-class residence, with gas In all the rooms and hall, and a capacious cistern and well of water on the premises. Tho location of this residence ls one of the best In the city, fronting Broad-street on the south, and presenting s fine appearance, with handsome Verandah, Portico and Railing, constructed of Iron, with much taste and durability. The Lot has a front of sixty feet and a depth of over two huodred feet, more or less. Conditions-One-quarter cash (or as much over ts the purchaser may desire to pay); the residue in one, two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage, with interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually. The buildings to be insured, the policy assigned, and thc purchaser to pay for papers. N. B - Tbl* property can be examined and treated for at Private Sale, until the day before the Auction, on ap? plication at our office. J. S. BIGGS U CO. April 3_1 thstuS Sloop of Auction. RV JAMES L. G4NTT. TO-MORROW, 4th instant, at ll o'clock, on Central Wharl, will be offered, A SLOOP, new, In good running order, everything complete. Capacity, dix cords wood. Conditions cash._, ,Ap,rH 3 Building Lot in the Business Part of King-street. BY JAMES L. GANTT. On TUESDAY next, 10th instant, at the corner of Broad ancLEnal Bay streets, at ll o'clock, will bo o ?Tere J,.ut public outcry. ALL THAT VERY VALUABLE LOT OF LAND on the east s'de of King Htreet, in tho City of Charleston, between Queen-street and Horlbeck's Alley, immediate? ly north cf the premises now occupied by Mr. Laceas sagno a? a fancy store: measuring in front on Kins street twonty-aeven feet eight inches, by two hundred and thirty-one feet In depth, be tho same more or less. This is one or the finest Lots in that neighborhood, and will make a splendid stand for a retail store of any kind. Tbe property is entirely unencumbered. On the Lot is a largo quantity of Brick, which can be rr. ado available. Terms of Sale-One-third ca*h; balance by bond pay ablo In one and two yearn, bearing interest from date cf sale, to be secured by mortgage of property. The pur? chaser to pay J. L. G. for paper?. Marcb 3 tutbsratuS Sloop Hoots, sold on account and risk of former purchasers, Ikey not having complied with Term? of S(de. BY WILBUR di SOY. TO-MORROW, tho 4th instant, st Messrs. Fair? child k Hamlin's Wharf, east end of Laurons-street, at lloYlcek, will positively be sold, ott account and risk of former purchasers. 1 SLOOP BOAT, capacity 14 cordi wood or 100(1 bushels grain. ALPO, 1 SLOOP BOAT, capacity 18 cords wood. ALSO, 1 SLOOP BOAT, t apaclty 25 cor?s wood. The above Boats are in good repair, and can be seen previous to sale, at the above whan. Conditions cash, lmuie .lately alter sale. Purchasers to pay us for papers. April 2 Cata-ogue Sale af Merchandise of direct importa? tion, nom in the United States Stores, and land? ina er. shiii S. Morton, front Liverpool. CLIFFORD AND) MATHEW ES, No. ;n Hi-ouii-stif? f. Will sell, at auction, on FRIDAY, April Otb, at eleven o'clock, THE FOLLOWING GOODS: 25 dozen of Choice Freud. CALF 8EINS 2 casks Gum Arabic 2 cases Envelopes, CO,000 27 cases, containing about 800 reams, Letter ami Foolscap Paper 12 casks French Porcelain, from P. Marquet, of Li? moges, consisting of L,lnn< r, Tea and To.Iet Sets 20 quarter chelita Oolong Tea 40 half chests Hyson Tea .10 bags London Screened Black Pepper 5 cases Bordeaux 8osp 60 boxes Marseilles Blue Soap 18 tierces Angooleme Vinegar 20 ca?es Olive Oil, in quarts 10 cases Olive Oil, in pints 5 cases Prunes, in glass, J. Fan 10 cases Cherries In Brandy 10 iee Brandy Fruits, assorted 2 -SCH Claret 30 cases Champagne 3 quarter casks Old Madiera Wine 6 quarter casia Old Fort Wine 12 quarter casks Old Sherry Wine 3 octaves Pale Cognac Brandy 4 quarter casks Superior London Doc* Brandy 2 half pipes 1825 Cognac Brandy, extra fine 9 quarter casks Old Tom London Gin. Terms cash. April 2 AUCTION SALES. For account of.aU concerned-Dry Goods, No? tions, db . BY MILE? DRAKE. At 10 o'clock THI8 MORNING, I wiU sell at my store, corn?r of King and Liberty streets, AN INVOICE OF j ERV OOOrS, Ac, for account of aU concerned, in portas follona: Sile positive. PIE JES PRINT, MUSLINS Linen Damask Towelling Im. Silk and L. C. Handkerchiefs Paper Collars, Drpising Combs Fine Combs, Hair and Hat Bru sb M Neck Ties, a large assortment Scar.s. Euvclopcs Fancy Soap, Pomade, Extracts Ladies' and Oems' Hosiery Pins, Playing Carde Pocket Books, Needles, Vote Pap? r And a large quantity of other articles loo numerous to mention._April 3 Dry Goode. BY .MILES OH A t? K. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will ceU at my Store, coiner of King and Liberty-stieets, 20 ri. COR FRENCH GRENADINE 16 pieces Figured Organdie 12 pieces Purple sad White Prints 3C pieces Black and Fancy Alpaca 40 pieces 4-4 Brown Homespuns 30 pieces 4-4 Longcloth 20 pieces Spring Casrtmerc and Melton Cloth Piece; of Broadcloth. Do skins, Ftrmer's Jean, Crash, Linen Toweling, Table Damask, Nankeen ; dozens Hoop SkirtB, Ladies* and Gent's Hosiory, Cashmere and Ba? rege Shawls, Spool Cotton, Scissors, Grenadine Veils, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Linen Cambric, Printed, Bordered and Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Parasols, Palm Leaf Fans, Ac, kc. ALSO, ONE SIDEBOARD. April 3 Jia:on Strips, Pork Heads, Brands/, Whiskey, <tc, dc, dc. BY LA Ult K Y Si ALEXANDER. THIS DAV, 3d instant, will Le sold, in our Stores, Nos. 138, lin and 142 Meeting-street, at io o'clock, - BACON 8TK1PS - bhls. Pork Heads - quarter casks Brandy and Wino - bbls. Whiskey - bbls. Vinogar - hhds. Molasses - bbls. Herrings - ciaks Cheeso - casks Ale and Porter - bbls. Beef - boxes Codfish - bags Salt - dozen Smoking Tobacco - gross Toilet Soap - Butter, Prunes, Crockery, Shoos AND 50 dozen BRIDLE BITS. Conditions cash. April 3 Shoulders, Sides, Suqar, Ac, Ac. BY H KN KY COBlA <* CU. THIS DAY, beloro our Stnre, No. 2C Venduo Range, at 10 o'clork, will be sold, 210 PRIME SHOULDERS 2(H) Prime Sides 20 barrels Brown Sugar 20 barrell White and Crushed Sugar 20 quarter-boxes Oolong Tea 100 boxes Candles 10 baskets Cbampagno 20 barrels "Bass's" Pale Ale, pts. and qts. Conditions cash. April 3 BY MILLIGAN, MELCHERS & CO. Will sell THIS DAY, 3d inst, at our Storo, No. 20 Ven? due Range, at 10 o'clock, AD assortment READY-MADE CLOTHING Coats, Vests and Pants, Dry Goods Shoes, Hats, Cutlery, Jewelry 1 lot Notions, Atc. ALSO, 1 box fine Connecticut LEAP 30BACCO, about 360 lbs. Furniture, Cradles and Cribs S Mattresses, Bolster, KC, kc. April 3 BY GEORGE ll 'NEK E.V. Will bo sold 1 HIS DAY. the 3d instant, before my Store, No. 18 Vendue Rance, at 10 o'clock, One COLT'S REVOLViiR Double Cued Gold and Silver Watches Silver Pencils, Fancy Battons Segars, Spy Glasses, Sundries, Ac. ALSO, 22 casos RHINE WINI' Pounds Codfish, boxes Pipes Smoking Tobacco, Pimento, Ac. Conditions cash. _March 3 Furniture. Porter, dc., otc. BY HOWERS A mLcox. W1U be sold, THIS DAY, at onr Store, No. 127 Mooting tbrest, oppoalte Market, at 10 o'clock, M AHOGAN Y SECRETARIES and BOOK OA8E8, SIDE? BOARDS, set of Drawers, Pine Prcas, Cupboard, Card Tablo, Tea Table, Centre Table, Double Bedsteads Double Mattresses, Cot and Mattress, Washstands, sm.ill Tables, Cradle, Oil Cloth, Step Ladders, Blinds, Office Chairs, Spades, Shovels, Rake, ko., kc ALSO, 8 barrels of PORTER. Conditions cash._April 3 Miio.ts, Watche . Boo'.? and ??hoes, lotions, dec. BY ' N. HUNT Si SOW. TO-MORROW, April 4th, at our f-tore, No. 17 Hayne street, at 10>i o'clock, we will sell, without reserve, to close consignment", Fifty cases and cartoons BOOTS AND SHOES, con? sisting of Men's Buff, Split and Calf Brogans; Men's Balmorals, 6 to ll and 9 to 13; Men's Sowed and Pegged Boots; Women's St wed Boots: Women's Bull, Split, Calf and ('oat Boots and Bahnorels, 3 lo 7 and 6 to 9; Boya' and Youths' Balmorals: Misses' Goats, Balmorals and Congress Boots; Children's Copper-tip Boots; Children's Patent-tip Boots and Congroas Gaiters, kc ALSO, Ten dozen Men's WOOL HATS; iifty pounds Black and W. B. Thread ; Sundry Lots Notions, Pocket Books, Spool Cotton, Hoir Brushi s. Pomade, Hosiery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, kc, kc At 10 o'clock, we will sell, Three Poplar Wardrobes, one Mahogany Wardrobe, ono Sofa, one Bureau, one Table, three Gold Watches, to close an estate Conditions rash. Sile positive_April 3 Scotch Ale, White Heans, and Black Tea. BY BRUNS Si BEE. Will be sold, TO-MORROW, 4th inst, at our Store, No. 84 East Bay, at 10 1 ?" o'clock, 25 barrels 8COTCH ALE 25 barrels White Beans 9 chests Black Tea._April jj BY L. BUNCH Si SON. TO-MORROW, 'he 4th instant, at ll o'clock, north of tho Exchange, will be sold, Five PRIME WORK MULES, all young and of good ellie. ALSO, A fino SADDLE MARE, of good stock. March 3 * PRIVATE SALES. BY .-. AIcBKIDE SMITH, No. 27 Broad st. At Private Bale: HOUSE and LOT in Sumter, 80 feet front on Republi? can street by 210 feet depth ou Washington st. Bound, nil on tho westby Washington street, on thc north by tu?! land? of Perry Moses, and on thc east by tho lands of A. J. Muses; 10,8(10 square feet; linc Dower garden in front, and Urge v getablc garden in the rear. House one story high, with four rooms, Kitchen with two ser? vant-' rooms; ii good well in the yard. Price $9000. Terms-One-half cash. Anil 2_ Plantation for Sale. At Private Sale This VALUABLE PLACE is situated 22 miles from Charleston, on thc Northeastern Railroad. Tract con? sists of 7.10 aeres, of which 60 or 70 arres are cleared Colton Land ready for planting. Gin-house and Om, and every tbtng necessary for pian ting-has never been aban? doned. Dwelling, outbuildings, and negro houses In good repsir. Corn Mill worked by horse power. 'IV rna a cheap for cash. Apply to G. MCBRIDE SMITH, March JO _No 27 Broad-street .4i Private Sale-Clieap for Cash, BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. 1 COOKING STOVE, fut aished complete, including Un flooring and chimney piece 1 Office Stove, with fixtures 1 Cottage bedstead 4 Office Chairs 1U Cune-bottom Chairs. 1 Office Desk 1 Offi.-e Le if Table. Apply as above, at No. 27 BROAD-8TREET. March 30 Fine Seo Island Colton Seed. BY T. SAVAGE HE Y WARD & SONS. At Private Sale: At our office, No. 123 East Bay, we will sell 300 bushels Fine SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED, war? ranted to be new seed. 2 April 2 Hock Wines and Brandy. BY T. SAVAGE HE Y WARD A BOXS. Will sell, at Private Sale, at our Office, No. 123 East Bay. 60 oases (one dozen each)HOCK WINES S cases Superior Brandy, a April 2 AUCTION SALES. Catalogue Sale of 700 Lots Dry Goods, Hats, Strm? Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, dec. McKAY & CAMPBELL, Next Postoflice, Hnsel-sircet, WQ1 soil, at aictlon-(by catalogue), TEJS PAY antf-v TC-MORROV, April 3d and 4th, tale commencing ?. each day at 10 o'clook,' CRESS GOODS-Slllts*, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac, Aa DOMESTICS.-Long Cloth, Stripes, Brown Home* spans, Ac, ?c, - PANT ST'DFFS.-Cottonadee, Gambroons, Satinet, - Joana Ac. LINENS.-Brown Drill, Ducks, Sheering, Damask*, kc ? WHITE 5CODS-Nainsook, Jaconeta, Swiss and ' Chech Maslin. HANDKERCHIEFS.-Silk, Linen Cambric, Imitation Silk, Madder, Maslin, Colored Bordered and Hean Handkerchiefs, all sizes and colors. ALSO, HATS.-Felt, Wool, Leghorn, Straw ?end Palm Let trimmed and untrimmed. ALSO. CLOTHING AND TAILOR?' GOODS.-Coats, Pant? Vests, Overcoats and Shirts, Cloths, Caa ya**, Ho Han da Padding, Ac ALBO. BOOTS AND SHOES.-I julies', Men's and Children'*-' assorted styles. NOTIONS, 4c-8poolACot{on, Pocketbooks, Flax Thread, Gloves, Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Battoni, S Mp ,. Perfumer}', Cutlery, Jewelry, kc Conditions cash j)5r Catalogues and samples Monday afternoon. Aprils_ Blood Horse, Wagon, Chairs, Office Desk, ?fe. McKAY di CAMPBELL Will sell, THIS DAY. at a quarter to 10 o'clock, 1 BAY STALLION (Oarret Davis' stock) 1 Supt r Spring Wagon, with cover 6 Parlor Chairs 1 Ice House 1 Counting Room Desk. Conditions cash. April 3 Gold and Siloer Watches. McKAY ?k CAMPBELL Will sell. THIS DAY, in their Catalogue Salo, at lo o'clock, 20 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES (genuino gooda). Conditions cash. April 8 Flour, Flour. BY A. P. CALDWELL. THIS DAY (TUESDAY), the Sd instant, will bo sold, rn . Warehouse, No. S Chalmers-strett, at ll o'clock, on. accoant of whom lt may concern, 199 barrels FLOUR. Condition? cash. April 3 BY R. M. MARSHALL. On THURSDAY, 6th inst, at ll o'clock, will be sold before my sales room. No. 33 Broad-street, a LARGE LOT OF PURNI TURK, CONSISTING OF: BEDSTEADS, CKAI88 Bureaus, Tables Glans Shades Hardware, Mirrors Mantle Ornaments, kc, kc. Terran cash. April 8 Goverianent Sale of Machinery, Steam Boilers ?tc, the remains of a Saw MiU. BY WILLIAM GURNEY, Auctioneer. Will be sold, at public suction, at No. 102 East Bay, charleston, 8. C., on WEDNESDAY. April lltb, atia o'clock M., THE FOLLOWING CAPTURED PROPERTY: Three STEAM BOILEBV, about 21 feet by 30 Inches On? hu-ge Fly Wheel And other parts of Machinery, more or lesa inytueA by fire, being the remains of a saw mill, built by 4m so-called Confederate States. This property le to he sold where lt now li?e, within a few yards of the Fifteen Mile P. ut on the Dorchester Road, on Dr. R. B. Baker** plantation, fifteen miles from Charleston. ta- SALE POSITIVE.-sn Terms-Cash, in Goverment currency, to be paid tm - mediately on conclu ?ion of sale. By order of the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. T. C. CAUJOOT, Sorpervislng Special Agent, U. 8. Treasury Department March 97 UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. ' Strong vs. Ansel Will bc sold on TUESDAY, the 10th of April, i860, at 1 ' o'clock, or soon thereafter, at the Old Custom Honet? under the direction of the undersigned. Ail that LOT OF LAND, with tho BUILDINGS thereon, situate on the west side of Coming-street, In Ward No. ft, of this city, measuring in front on Coming-street forty? eight (48) feet, more or les?, and in depth two hundred (200) '.?et, more or lesa. Bounding to the eut on Com- . lng street; to the north and westby lands of-Seilers? and to the south ou land of E. Michel. Terms-One-third cash, and the residue in two eqrra successive annual instalments, secured by bond ot th* pur chanar and mortgigo of the premise? ; the bnJlctmge to bc Insured and the policy assigned, with leave to tho ?) ur chaser to pay the whole in cash. Purchaser to pay or papers. JAMES TUPPER, March 20 tuthlO Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Wilkinson vs. Wilkinson. Will be sold, nndor the direction of the undersigned, faa iront of the Old Custom Home lu 'hts city, on TUES? DAY, the 17th Aprlt, 186*, at ll o'clock A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, with tho BU IL DIN G 8" AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, sltuato "on Charles? ton Neck," measuring in front on Coming-street thirty? nine (39) feet eight (8) Inches, more or less, and in depth threo hundred (300) feet, more or less, and known by thc number 166 on Coming-street. All that LOT OF LAND adjnlning tho above, with the BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, situate ' On Charleston Neck," meisurlng in front on Coming street thirty-nine '39) feet eight (8i inches, more or Ieee, snd in depth three hundred (300) feet, moro or lees, and I known by the number 167 on Coming-street. I All that LOT OF LAND, with tho TWO-STORY WOODEN BUILDING THEREON, situate in Jasper's I Court, "on Charleston Neck," known in a plan of survey of tho Morris Lands, made by Robert K. Payne, Sur? veyor, as number i7. mea BU ri?e In front thirty-sis (3?) ft ct, and in depth one hundred and t ven ty 1120) foot, Bounding < n the north by lands of estate Francis L. Wilkinson;on tho south bylands of Mrs. Anderson;on tho east by lands of estate Francis L. Wilkinson, and on the west by Jasper's Covtt which said lot ls now knows by the number 20 on said Ja-per'? C urt. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the WOODEN BUILD? INGS i HEREON, situate in Jasper's Court, "on Charles, ton Neck," known la a plan of survey of the Morrie Lands, made by Robert K. Payne, 8urveycr, as number 2H, measuring in front thirty-six (SS) feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty (120) feet Bounding cm the north of-Dercef; on the south by lands of estate of Francis L Wilkinson ; on the east by lands of estate of Francis L. Wilkinson, and ttie weet by Jasper's Court, which said lot ls now known by tho number 24 on salo? I Jasper's Court ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND in America-street, known in the plat of lands prepared by Robert K. Payne forfJohn H. Thee, and purchased by bim from James English, by the letter D, No. 4; bounding to the east on America street, ?md measuring in front thereon forty (40) feet, more or less; on the south by lot No. 3, letter Cone hundred (UK)) feet; on tho north on lot C, No. 5, one hundred (100 feet; and on the wost forty (40) feet more or less. Terms.-One-fourth cash; the ba ance in one. two and three years, secured by boud and mortgage; the build? ings to bc Insured and the policies assigned. Pureba-? ers to t ay for p >prrs. JAMES 1UPPEB, Aprils_tuths7_Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Ei parte Shingler. Will be sold, under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Custom House in this city, on TUESDAY, the 2. th ol' April, 1866, at ll o'clock, A. M. All that LOT OF LAND on the weat side of Friend St, between Broad and Tradd-Street measuring about fifty .60) feet fron', by about one hundred and fifty (ICO) feet deep. Bounded on the north by land of Henry Horlbi-ck, on ibo south by land now or late of estate o? Richard W. Cogdell, on tho east by Frlend-St and on the west by land of St Peter's Church. ALSO, AU that LOT, with the bul dings thereon, situate on the south side of Longitude lane, to be more particularly . described in future advertisement, ALSO, AU that LOT OF LAND in Mott's lane, to be hereaf? ter more particularly described. Terms.-One-third cash; the balance payable in three erma), successive annual instalments, with interest from date, payable annually, secured by bond and mortgage of the purchasers. JAMES TUPPER, April 3 tutbslO Master In Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Brown vs. Brown. WiU ne sold, under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Custom House, lu this ?tty, on TOE8DAY, the ? 24th of April, 1666. at tl o'clock A M., AU that LOT OF LAND, with the WOODEN BUILD? INGS thereon, situate on the east side of Meeting-street; . and known by the number 188 Measuring in front on the said street, forty-six (46) feet more or leas; on the back line fifty-two (f 2) feot, more or less; and in depth, on the north line, one hundred anl sixty-six and one half (10G>,) feet, and on tbe sooth line one hundred and. sixty-seven (167) feet, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance in two equal succes? sive annual instalments, with interest from date, pay? able annually; secured by bond and mortgage, and aa- - ligament of policy of Insurance. Purchaser to pay for papera. J VMM TUPPER. < pr 13 tutti 10 Muter in Equity,.