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Most Cordially Invited to attend our. Grand Spring Opening, Txom 8:00 o'clock A. M. to 10.00 o'clock P. M. -a s#?:#??^?3fe^?c==== ON iMs occasion we shall endeavor to ?elipse all former displays, and will show the grandest array of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NOVELTIES IN DRESS 'GOODS, TRIMMINGS and FANCY NOTIONS, Ever showsi in Anderson. In fact,: will show high novelties that would do credit to a much larger city. Our Buyers sought for RICH, NEW, CHIC and up-to date NOVELTIES and found them :SO reasonable in price that all can afford to buy them. This Bepar&nentis presided over by Mrs. JDA PERCI ~ VAL CR AYTON, and ?he has spent some time, in Greater New York and Baltimore, and is thoroughly up on styles, and we will put forth every effort to far excel ?ourselves in this department Our Millinery is unusually attractive, and our prices are astoniskcngly low. Every Department m. our Mammoth Establishment will be represented in tids GRAND EXHIBITION, Andino pains will be spared to make it both pleasant and profitable to the Trading Public. 'We wish to demonstrate the fact that we know Where to Buy, What to Buy, What to Pay, and What to Sell it For. And will defy anybody to undersell us. We will guarantee our prices against all competition. We will not be under sold. You know us, and our word for it we will treat you right. ISrO CARDS WILL BE ISSUED. HOBODY SLIGHTED. All are earnestly requested to be present. Yours truly, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Greneral Merchandise. ANDEBIsON. ?. P? So Remember, that we are receiving New Goods every j day, and that we reserve nothing for the Opening specially even to Pattern Hats. If you wish to see them ask. j Remember our Jobs in Remnants and Short Lengths. The greatest values on earth. MERCHANTS, COiE LOOK. [ Enough said. Yours truly, BROWN. OSBORNE & CO. LOCAL NEWS. "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 18?S. TKE COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Brown, Osborne <?' Co. Strict good Middling Cotton i:M<>. Good Middling Cotton ~> 31-10. Strict Middling Cotton 3 9-10. Middling Cotton ? 7-16. Stained Cotton 4h to Si Some of our farmers are planting corn. Brock Bros- have a new ad. this week. Look it np. Read that new advertisemenfcof Osborne <fc Clinkscales. An effort is being made to organize a bicycle club in the city? The new advertisement of (B Evans Jfc Co. will interest male sex. Spring bonnets will soon be ripe and then tbe-girls wi M be happy. I You can't ?udge of a man's character by the high standing of hie collar. Streetoversecr McGee has a large force of hands At work on the streets. The Greenville District Conference will be held at Piedmont .Tune 15-20. Miss Roberta Archer, of Spartanburg, is in the city visiting Miss TL De Bleckley. Every farmer in Anderson County should plant more corn than he can use. According to the almanacs, Spring be gan last Sunday morning at'9.10 o'clock. Our younc feiend, ?David Clark, of Un ion, S. C.. is in the city visiting relatives. It is said that there will be six or seven candidates in tbe race for Judge of Pro bate. Miss Caro Miller, who has been spending several weeks in Xew York, has returned home. Mr. J. L. McGee (returned from Ken tucky a few days ago with a lot of line horses. B. O. Evans & Co'?, plan of doing busi ness is a benefit to tho buyer. They sell for cash. Dr. S. M. Orr md wife went over to Greenville last Saturday to ?pend o few days with relatives. D C Brown <t Bro. have something to say about enlisting in the arziiy this week. Read what they say. F. M. Butler calls attention to the change ia his wav of doing business in -another column. Read and profit thereby. Advertisers who desire fco change their advertisements, must band in their copy on or before Monday of each week. Our local weather prophet says the backbone of winter is broken, though he predicts a heavy frost early in ApriL On Saturday, April 2od, Forman Uni versity ball team will cross bats with the Pelzer nine at tbe ball park in Poker. Before marriage a woman is pensive, but after marriage she is expensive. So says a bachelor, "tho mean old thing." Married, on March Kith, by J. B. Spear man, Notary Public, Mr. W. D. Durham and Mis? Ollie Cox, all of Anderson ?<"o. The farmers have gone to work with their accustomed energy. May good for tune and good results attend their labors. Miss Annie Clark, who has been on an ax tended visit to the family of ber uncle, Mr E. L Clarke, at Union, has returned home. There will be service in St. Joseph1? Catholic Church Sunday next at the usual nour, ll a: m., conducted by Rsv. Father Budds. Mr. P. E. Watkins has torn down his old dwelling house on Belton street and has let the contract for the erection of a new one. ThePaltnetto Rides should be reorgan ized in Anderson. We bavo plenty of fine material. Who will lake the lead in the matter ? A weather prophet makes the predic tion that the hottest weather known for mote than -li? years will be experienced fais summer. Mr. ..lames ii Vandiver, of the Farmers' end Merchants' Bank, who has ticen speeding a few days m Xew York, bas returnf-d -home. Marri fd. on Thursday, March I7, IS?S, hy .John F Clardv, Notary Public, Mr. .John Mfjor and Miss Etta Caldwell, nil of Anderson County. Safe crackers arc again at work iti this Malo, and we would warn our police to be on tho lookout for then), they may give us a cull at aov Ump. Miss Ai;nie Hean. :in accomplished young lady of Dean's Station, S. C , visi ted Mrs. T. I?. Johnson last Sunday. ?.Iartwr.ll [Ga. AV,.. Tho ' <;-n Uaw" is heard on every farm, indicating (hat our people uro going to take an e\(<?i >. tn rt with "Gen. <? reen.'' nnd push t>M> light to a finish. Messrs..(. H Weil & Co. will have thur spring opening on Thursday, March Mst. Their now e.dvertisement will u H you what ia in ? toie for you. litad it. Thc Maru weil Sen Hurl says : 'A ti tend tells us Mr Paul K. Ayer will make a win ning race for I he House of Representatives from Bamberg County this sum mer.'' Tlie daughters of the Confederacy are arrangini; lo have HU entertainment in the Opera House at'itn parly date for the l>eno Ik ol' Hin c. m federate monomer}! fund. Brownlee A- Va tul i vet s have a well selected stock ol goods for the spring trade and aro oll'ering raro inducements to tho trade. Kca l their new advertisement. Messrs. Frank and Janies I'.lockley.'?I Clayton, ?ia, tallier und brother of i ur townsmen, Messrs. John and l;?n Hinck ley, are i ri tin- city \ ?siting them and other rc i at i vc;. Tho otlicers ot iii" I idled States army aro now callii g I. r recruits, cu:": mi n, between thu ;v?? s ol J! and '." years aro w-mlcd. and they are rf ? j n i p ! I > passa rie d exam i nat ion Thc-trucis ato ?i ut ti np I'orlli ":i?? leaves, twilit trio* mein Mooni. Karly dowers are in evidence in gardons. Spring is surely hore and young people arc wonder ing who will wear thc hit'tdsnrn'Hl cloth ss on F istor Sundav. Henry Furman was shot in the lo Craft's Ferry, on the Georgia side, Elias McGee a lew days ago. We fa not learned the particulars. The wot is not a serions one. Miss Minnie Wilson, after a vacalici two montbs, has returned to her lori post with Brown, Osborne it Co., i would be glad to greet her friends i acquaintances there. Messrs. J. L. Tribble. 1?. K. McCt and Wm. Laughlin went over to Portn Shoals yesterday morning to indulge fishing and hunting. Ducks are said to numerous on the ri ver. Two negroes, -Jim Thomas and . Black, had a skirmish a few days agc the Toney Creek section with pisti Five shots were fired at close quant but their aim was bad and no damage \ done. Cause-a woman. Brown, Osborne tfc Co. most cordit invite everybody to attend their gra spring opening next Thursday, March :'.lst inst. They promise to make this most elaborate of all their openings, a it will doubtless be well worth a visit. The Legislature at its last session pas: an Act prohibiting the robbing of bir neats, and the Act provides a penalty twenty dollars for each offence or impi onment for thirty years. This is a gc law, and it ought to be rigidly enforced. Mrs. T. S. Crayton returned from I North last Thursday, after having sp< three weeks in the interest of Brown, ( borne it Co's, millinery department. E would be pleased to have her friends a acquaintances call and see her the Mrs. Crayton will serve you right. Messrs E. I. Altee, of Philadelphia. T. Grant, Jr., of Providence, and T. Barden, of Fall River, all of whom i interested in_ cotton mills, were in t city last Friday the guests of Mr. J. Brock. They expressed themselves more than pleased with Anderson. Col. and Mrs. R. W. Simpson, of Pe oleton, were in Greenwood for a few da lately visiting Mr?. C. G. Walker a other relatives. Col. Simpson is o of the main stays of Clemson Collei being chairman of the Board of Trustti lie was a member of the famous Walla House.-Greenwood Inder The Executive Committee of the Boa of Trustees of Clemson College will me at the College today to make finals rangements for the commencement work on the new building for a texti training school. The building will be large one, and it is the intention to ha everything ready for the operation of tl ?school this fall. We invite your attention to the new a< vertisetoent of the C. A. Reed Mus .Mouse in another column. This is one < the largest musical establishments in tl State, and Mr. Reed can supply you wit any sort of musical Instrument from piano or organ down to a mouth harp, an at .prices that will please you Give hil a call, nee his Ptock and get his prices. lie-v. W. R. Richardson was greeted h a large congregation in the Methodi. Church lan Sunday night who listene attentively to his eloquent and interests ser moo on the subject, 'The.Bible in tb business world." Next Sunday night b will have for his subject "The.Bible in th trials of life,'''and those who may bes fortunate to hear it will, we know, h greatly benefited. Gen. M. L. bonham has been assure by Mr. R. W. Hunt, Traveling ?PaBseDge Ag6nt of the Southern ilailway, that h will have here at Anderson a special coae tor the Veler?as and Sons of Veterans t take them th rough to 'Charleston on th occasion of the Reunion in that city 01 April 27th next. The coach wtll besen j up several days ahead in order that it ma; be decorated for tho trip. Weare informed that an enterprise-ha assumed a definite shape that will suppl; a long felt want in our community. It ii a large, modern up-to-date bonded ware j house for the storage of cotton. Mr. li. S Hill is the movintr spirit in the euterprii* j and has associated with hint protninen mill men, farmers and business peoph [ whose very names will bea guarantee o the success of the venture. That hip advertisement of C. F.Jone kt Co., we know, will catch the eye o every reader of the Lvn:i.i.i<;i:NCKi: this week, and will bo read carefully. Theil grand spring opening will take place ot Thursday, March Hst, ami will doubtless attract a !ar;:e crowd, livery department j of thin commodious establishment is tul of spring goods, and old and young, male and li male, will receive a cordial welcome when they call. Lieut. (' Ii. Satterlee, who married Mis? Mny Capers, daughter cf l?ishcp Capers and sister ol' Rev. W. T. Caper?, of iliis city, has received a promotion to the rank of captain of artillery. Lieut. Satterhe was for four yearsi assistant adjutant gen eral < I*Georgi'! and is a very popular < l;i c?r. The promotion is made hy reason-ni the fact thu! in accordance with a res >!u tiou of Congress, two additional rechnen ts of artillery will oe lorine.!. Thia morning ?it il)."Bli o'clock jus-t as we go t<> press, wo learn over the grape vine telegraph line that Messrs. Dean it Katlin.! have a fresh lot of Dean's patent ?lour on hand, and in their hurry to get out a new ad. this week a largo quantity o' it is still unsold. Parties desiring some thing truly excellent and at a marvellously low price, should lose no time in investing the last cent they have in this goods. Sro j their new ad. in another column. Another problem lias been handed in for mathematicians to struggle with. No an swers aro wanted in this otlice. We have problems ni our own. Tell the answer to ! lie policeman: "A mau owed s| and hud but 75 cents. Ile went lu lhe pawn-hup j loni pawned thf> 7*< cents for 50 cents Ho met n friend and sohl him th*' pawnticket i calling for 7"> cen is for Sn cents. Ile ?hus : had two r>i?-cen! pieces-SI in fact-with , which lie paiil ms dobt. Was anybody i ?nu :i,d .how lil uch '.'" J I'he sacrifice *ale >l Miss Lizzie Wil li.un- has attraclod non resident puntha** rs from remote* points in this und other : Counties ?i;*i perhaps would never have visited Anderson except for this extraor dinary opportunity !> buy iepli grade goo ls ul very low prices, lier stock of ! --ilk*, satins, velvet?, plushes, laces, em . i roidoMOs and ribbons is of thc very high ("? gra !i *: kopi in any city, end we ?oui 1 suggest to those wishing to purchase fii goods at reduced prices to avail tbemsi'lv of this unprecedented opportunity, as h stock is heine sold out rapidly. Capt. Wm. Perry will celebrate his 7!? birthday on next Snnday, March :20t. He is a native of New Jersey, but w thoroughly identified with the South b fore the war, and was enlisted in tl Southern army. For many years he ow ed and operated the Pendleton factor He waa a delegate to the Constitution Convention of 1803, from Anderson Cou ty. Though he has passed his three seo and ten, he is yet strong and vigorous. Oeonce yews. The following young gentlemen, st dents at Clemson College, compose t editorial staff of the Clemson Colle Chronicle: J. Crockett Thompson, edite in?chief: W. Flowers Walker, litera editor; W. L. Moise, assistant; Ral) McLendon, exchange editor ; L O.Mat din, assistant; C. K. Chreitzberg, loc and alumni editor ; J. R. Lewis, assiBtan J. Francis Sullivan, business manager ; II. Rawl, assistant. We wish the Chrot ric much success. The Columbia Stale of last Mondi says : "Cards have been issued to ti wedding of Miss Maud, daughter of tl Rev. and Mrs. J. Walter Dickson, of tb city, to the Rev. M. Luther Banks, J which is to take place on Thursday afte noon of this week at J2:$0 o'clock atti Washington Street Methodist Churc After the ceremony there is to be a rece tion at the district parsonage on Marie street from I to 4 o'clock. Miss Dickst is one of Columbia's best known and mc accomplished yoong ladies." Dr. Julius J. Broyles, eldest son of Mi Jack. Broyles, died at the home of his si ter, Mrs. Claudia Reynard, in Chatt nooga, Tenn., on Friday, ltth inst, paralysis of the brain, aged about U5 yeai Dr. Broyles was born and reared in A derson County, and was a first cousin Capt. A. T. Broyles, Maj. A. R. Broyl and Mrs. S. B'eckley. He was a bachelc and a most worthy, upright citizen. I has many old friends and relatives in th city who will regret to hear of his death. The Greenville Mountaineer of the 1(1 inst, says: "Supervisor Sadgrove. Anderson, with his attorney, Hon. X. ] Hreazyale, was in the city laRt week. Tl Anderson Supervisor put in a belo the Greenville Board of County Comrui: stoners for an extra payment on the Pelz bridge, which it was stated this Count was liable for under the terms of theagrei ment. The Board refused to make th payment asked for by the Anderson oft cials, holding that Greenville County wt not liable for the sum stated." Washington correspondent News un ?Cowrier: ' Representative Latimer hi obtained two pounds of choice tobacc seed, which he has turned over to th Clemson College for distribution arnon the constituents of his district. Instea of undertaking to make the distribute himself he concluded that the officers c the College could circulate the seed to better advantage, and be says the people c his district are requested to make the! application for the same directly to th College " General John B. Gordon, of Georgie will lecture in the Opera House Monda; night, March 2Sth instant, on his famou subject, The last days of the Confederacy This grand moldier and statesman needs n introduction to our people. His gallan bravery and leadership in our late war i familiar to all. Since the war he bas beet twice elected I' nited States Senator froc Georgia, anil but for his voluntary with drawal would be to-day her chosen repre sentative. No one 9hould miss this he ture. Price of admission, '?0 cents and 7 cen t??. Mr. A. F. Cheuault died at his home it this city last Saturday night about 1 o'clock. Two years ago he had a sligh stroke of paralysis, but he wai not con lined to his bed until a few weeks ago when gangrene appeared in the Coot of hil paralyzed leg. His sufferings we.'J in tense for two weeks or more, and deatl wp.s truly a relief to him. Mr. Chenaul was about J* years of age and was bon and reared in Lincoln County, Ga., when he resided until a few years f go, when hi married Mts. Olivia Stevenson, of thii city. Since then he has made his home ii this section. He was a quiet, u no bs tr u sive citizen and had the confidence am good will of a largo c ircle of friends. Hi was a member of the Methodist Church 11? leaves a widow and ono sou, audit their sorrow they h.ive the sympathies o many friends. Tho funeral services wen conducted nt his home Sunday afternooi by Rev J. N. ll Summerell and Rev. W R. Richardson and the remains were in terre d in Silver Brook Cemetery. Walhalla courier: ' Weare in rcesipi of a Utter from <?JII J. C J. Williams (.?encral Counsel tor the Black l.iiauinm Itfilrrad Com nany, saying that ho am ; President Kirov, expect tobe here in a few days and go over the line from Clay ton. Ga., to Port Boyal, S C. The work of securing right- of way, surveying, tte. beyond Knoxville is practically complet ed. lt is important to have thu route sur veyed to the Atlantic coast as larly as pos siUe. In May Mr. Tancreod, the civil engineer und fatneus expert, selected bj the Fuglish capitalists, is expected here tc go over the entire line. If he approves the route as practical and being through a good section ot country, it, is said the money is in waiting for the immediate construction of the road. Let our people give President Kirby and General Wil liams all the assistance in their power, lt looks as if there is ?illle doubt that the road will bo built, and wherever it ! may go, the citizens of Walhalla should I sec tn :t, that the read conics by this point A Clever Trick. h certainly looks ?ko it, but lhere is ' ready no nick about it. Anybody can try il who has Lau c Back and Weak Kidneys, - M abu ia or nervous troubles. We mo.,II he can turo himself righi away l>y laking i FJcetric Hitters This medicine toues uji ! the wholo system, acts as a stimulant to i Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve ionic. Il cu rcs Const ipatinn. Head ache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness ami Melancholy, ll is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natu ral vigor. Try FJoctrio Bitters ; and bc convinced that ihoy are a miracle j worker. Every bottle guaranteed Only ' "?tic. a bottle at Jlill-Orr Drug <'o. Tn Curo ?i Col?! in One l>;iy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Table!.*, 1 All Druggists refund the money if it fai s j io cure, jr?j. For salo by F.vnns Phar : macy. Three Hundred and Ninety Dozen Hats Bought at a Sacrifice and to be sold at a Sacrifice ! WE BOUGHT THE Alliance Store Hats And propose to sell them for less than cost to manufacture. NO FAKE, BUT SOLID FACTS. All Shapes and Shades. Wobby and TJp-to-Date. 390 DOZEN HATS, 390 DOZEN HATS, TO BE SLAUGHTERED BY ^IsTDEE/SOlQ", S. C. East Side Public Square. War with Spain ! Johnnie, Gret Your Grun ? Looks like Uncle Sam expects to have a right, and England wants to be on the big side and help us. Just so in the mercantile world. Competitors see what a hustling business THE RACKET STORE ls doing, and try to fall iu line by imitating, but they can't keep pace with OUR PRICES. We are selling Goods for less than a great many merchants pay for theirs. Our trade is improving daily. People are learning that we stick to what wc sav. UNDERBUY. UNDERSELL, SPOT CASH ! Makes it lively, and keeps us busy. When you waut SHOES We have them and prices to suit you. Too much cheaper than anybody else to talk about it. Just arriving a big linc ot' Ladies' Oxfords, all styles aud prices, lie sure and see us on Shoes. Money saved for you. We have a splendid line of Percales, Dimities, White Goods, Etc. Call and soe them. Extremely low prices will make you buy. Ladies'and Children's 10c HOSE for 5c. A big drive in ali kinds of I ! osiery. PLA ID WO KSTEI )S worth 1 21 c. for 4 i c. yard. Always ?eel ai home with us. We aro always glad to see von. GUE CENT WILL BUTT 2~> Slate Pencils, 5 Load Pencils. 25 Envelopes, 25 Needles, Man's Collar, Pinger Ring, Tablet Writing Paper, '200 Matches, Thimble, 24 Sheets Note Paper, and thousands of other useful ?inicies. Come and trade at CHEAPKST STORE II\ Xii Kl STATE, G MOORE & LUC?S. THE OLD, t 9 j 1 OF G. Ft TmJu?? <fc Still in tlie Lead ! They have the Largest Stock, Best Quality, and Certainly the Lowest Prices ! OTHERS try to get there, but they miss it every time. New, beautiful and select Stock of Furniture, tte, arriving every day, and at PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. Herc you have the Largest Stock : therefore, you can get ;ust what you want. Herc you have thc Best Orado of Furniture: therefore, you eau get Goods that will last. Mere yott have the very LOWEST PRICES'; therefore, you save good big mulley. ?v. ? Come along, and we will do you as we have been doing for the ias forty years - sell you the very best Furniture for tito very lowest prices. Thc largest Stuck in South Carolina and thc Lowest Price in tin Southern States. Now Lot Baby Carriages Just Received. E ES Depot Street, Anderson, S. C.