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Ueucrnl Sherman in Atlanta. ATLANTA, November l?.-Thc Expo* aition bas been thronged t>> ?lay by visit or- fruin ail parts nf thc Union. Mure ;ha:i Bevon thousand perenna were ntltiijt ted through the antin, Among the dis tinguished visitors wore Congressmen" Oates, of Alabama, und 1>. Wyatt Aiken, of South Carolina; Horace Maynard, of Ti nij.'.--re: Ut li. .Sherman and bis uidi -, Cpl. Morrow, of the 9til Cavalry, ; i .! ??en. ('oe, of the Engineer Corp* Tho ?illili feature ?if tho day '.vas the .minmi reunion of the Mexican Veteran*' Association1 of Georgia v ii? afternoon i:?. Judges' 1 Juli. About twenty-four Vete rans were present, ??en. \V. S, Walker j,resided, lieu. Henry lt. Jackson, ol Savannah, president ol' the Association, delivered till ?loquent address, reviewing tin: victories and hardships i/l thc Mexi cali campaign*, ?mil showing how thc hi his were won by military .strategy ami j hard lighting unsurpassed in tho history of the world, ?ie |?:ii.l a glowing tribute , to Iiis comrades who fell on thc battle* I lie!.I. Ile claimed that war gave lustre to national ?KC; thal thc Hold of battle ?ri tho only held for thc exhibition ot thc highest patriotism, and that thc heat ts of thc people aili turn to thc military hailer ! :is thc load-tone .-eeks the pole. Ile con cluded with ii stirring appeal for greater linn.: ny ol sentiment and feeling, lit; encouraged i>is comrades lo join in the patriotic hope and prayerful aspiration that before their '-yes closed in death thc Union of thc Fathers would be rc stored to thc (?olden Age when they were soldiers in service, when sectional di-- j trust would givi- way to catholic confi dence nod sectional intolerance to ct ka tini charity. Loud calls were made for Sherman, who wa- Healed among the Veterans and dm lined to say anything for sumo time, but was al hist prevailed lo take the stand, Joseph A. Johnson, -d' Itichtnoi.d, exclaiming, in excite.1 t mes, "i under stand that tho (?cucral is not herc ns (,< II. Sherman, hu1, as a Mexican Veteran, and, as such, we would like tu hear bim." When he toole the stand Sherman was greeted with loud applause. He said thai he had not intended to speak, i It was present only to attend thc Expo sition and sec how UH- people were pros pering, but that the brotherhood ol sol diery was something so pure, so en nobling, that no one luis felt it, whether in thc Florida. Mexican or any other war, w hose heart does not respond to any call of his Colnrades. Ho was not ol r-'cott's or Taylor's lino in Mexico, but was a lieutenant in Fort Moultrie at Charleston, and was -eut around by Cape Horn to take possession of California mid BO gather in the fruits of victory in thc war with Mexico. Ho thanked Cod he was an American citizen. Ho could go Ptiywherc and stop in any pince without narm, BO he behaved himself. " Every man has au absolute right to do as ho wants. This is guaranteed by tho Gov ernment. First, wc had a war of rebel lion, to gain our independence, next a war to extend and establish our bounda ries, and then, as in every country, we quarreled among ourselves. Hut this is now thc same country, the same people, nation, ?oil, government and flag, i um just ns friendly to Georgia us I am to ( Miio. This is a government worth fight ing for and worth dying for. I am pre pared to do either; hut I would rather look at these buildings than witness tho storm and destruction of war which oucu ?wept these battlefields. Every honor able man and every kindly woman in tho country takes aa much interest in your welfare as you do yourselves." Sherman was heard with respectful attention, and nuuio an entirely unob jectionable speech. Ho will Hpend an other day here and then go to Chatta nooga to visit Judge Key. He will then extend his trip over tho Cincinnati Southern road.-Special Dispatch to News and Courier. The Proper Size of Farms, Says the baltimore .S'im : " Pennsyl vania farmcis have deservedly a high reputation, and it is of interest to learn the conclusion at which they havo arrived with regard to the proper vAzc o? farms. In tho South a tract of less than a couple of hundred acres is thought to be scarcely deserving of tho name of a farm, and is in danger of being contemptuously re ferred tons a 'patch.' Hut it is different in Pennsylvania, where tho intensivo rather than tho extensive plan of farming prevails. For lacts illustrative of this it IS sufficient to turn to the advertising columns cf such a paper us, say, tho York Pres?, upon one pago of which thirteen faims, with barns, dwelling-houses, out houses, &C., complete, are described as t?rsalo, exclusive ol' lots not 'improved' willi dwellings. Of thc thirteen farms tho largest is one of 2ill acres, which is equipped willi every convenience of building, tic'., such as a Virginian would expect only in au estate of a thousand acres. Tho next largest has 200 acres, but, aa if the proprietor thought himself unable to cultivate HO much lund profit ably, there arc, besides the owner's resi dence, two tenant houses. These are tho great farms. Tho rest range from IOU acres down through a declining serios of farms of ?JU, 71, 52, 33, 21. IS (two), S, 7 and (> acres io extent, and the detached lobs to be rented for farming purposes aro even smaller. That good results may bo obtained from farms of these small sizes has been too well proved to admit of question. Thc wonder is that farmers of other sections of tho country who com plain of want of capital do not dispose of part of their land, and with tho means thus obtained imitate tho example which the York larmer long ago set them." Such ure the ideas where the hopo of profit reids on "heavy cropping" and im proving tho productive capacity of tho farm. Where only a bale lo every three or four ncrcs ia expected, and the farmer's economy ia based on a forty-bale product, at a third of u bale to tho aero, and ex penses to correspond, it becomes clear that what with pasturage, timber-land and food products, a 500-acro plantation is necessary. Tho point to be considered is tho prac ticability of another schedule. It is cer tain that one to five bales to thc aero have been produced under the intensivo system ol farming, and it can bo done again. At one bale to the acre, thc land necessities would be reduced two-thirds, uo that he could niau for a two hundred acre farm instead of a fi vu hundred. If wo assume that such heavy - cropping must be tho result of a corresponding labor and expenso in fertilization, which cannot be met in one year, could it not bc approached gradually? Could not fivo acres per ycur be fertilir.pd with econ omy and activity? To make one aero do thu work of three is an enterprise worth trial. It is a high road to wealth, more practical and certain than is opeu to tho mnjority of business undertakings, and if pushed with vigor and judgment, bound to result iu wealth. Tho great English farmer, Meeks, has a motto by which he governed all his operations. A "fair crop makes nothing. AU the profits of farmers lie in heavy products, and ruin follows light crops." Now, it is not wonderful that farmers become impatient of B?ch hints as these from outsiders. They know by expe rience thc difficulties they must encoun ter, but they have made no exhaustivo trial of iho chango to so-called intensive farming. But we eau say this much, on almost universal testimony : The bale to three acres is a known and proved failure. It will never do, and as labor becomes scarce and high, so that policy becomes moro suicidal and hopeless. The plain leaching of experience is that there must '? bo a change, and that change must con- t sist in cultivating less land and making i it produce more. - Northern Republicans havo Bowid i tho wind in Virginia. They may resp I tho whirlwind. I mmar.m II- HIM natl iitaimiTiHi.T IIHI'IIMHM m ! Coorpia Women on tho Sherman Sub Jcci. it lin* been sahl timi th" women **f tin South have never been faine ta tlrcirdead her es, nor liave tboy ever Joined In any demonstrations lo tho General?? who , btirnt their homet! and destroyed their : fiie'ides during the late w;ir. J\Mi cases,by way of illustration, ot* i curred ut the depot this morning. A I party of well-known gentlemen of thc I city wi rc <:?-'.'"-?itig the prop .-cd roeep I li nt t-i he civen tien, Sherman on th? j anruvt r-ar\ ul the day on which he bullit . Atlanta. t ?iii- prominent cx-Ctuifedcrate officer ?remarked: "I got my ordern from my ; wile thin morning in regard tu my part 1 in tin reception. She said to me: W , I if sui hay? anything tn do with thc re ception of this old scoundrel, never come i hack' to \otir wife and children.' Voil i was io the anny when Sherman came to Atlanta, but my wife and chil dren were here, and Iii-? treatment >.( th? rn was Midi timi my wife has never forgiven him and never will/' At this point another gentleman, lor im riv ?i Northern oflicer, gave hit i \pe iii nco with bin Southern wife. "I told her hint night,'' said lie. 'thal I must take her to the hotel and let he.- ?bake hands with my old com rude, ' i< ti. Sher man. Shea! '?ace replied with consider able spirit: 'Well, if you du. I will irv? a lot ol' little ribbon nins and stick in my glove, and bc will think he has sat down on n paper of tack . * The fad U, 1 don't think these Southern womeii get tully reconstructed even when they marry Northern oflicer''." Wi- niiglit multiply ju-t such cases ai the ablive to the extent of a dozen col umns of the ['ci-Appeal, but the-e two wiil sn iii ce tu show how our women le? 1 about giving Sherman a reception on the anniversary of the day he burned their homes in this < ?ty.-Atlanta foal Appeal, A Spider Draws l.'p a Mouse. A very curious and interesting spec tacle was to lie seen Monday afternoon in the ellice nt Mr. I'. C. Clover's livery Mable in this city. Against thc wall of the room Rtnuds a tolerably tall desk, ami under thisnsmull spider, not larger than a common pea, had construc ted an extensive web reaching to the floor. About 11.30 o'clock Monday morning it was wu? observed that the spider had ensnared a young mouse by passing liia tncntsof her web around its tail. When firsi seen thc nunile had its hind feet oil' the floor, and could bareiy touch the floor with its feet. Tiicspidct was full ol bus bies*, running up and down the line, occasionally biting tho mouse's tail, mak ing it struggle desperately. Its efforts to escape were unavailing, as the slender filaments around its tail were loo strong for it to break. In a short time it was ?cen that tho spider was slowly hoisting its victim into the air. Hy 2 o'clock in tin: afternoon the momo could barely touch the Door with its fore feet; by dark tho point of its nose was an inch above the floor. At it oolock at night tho mouse was ?till alive, but had made no sign except when the spider descended and bit its tail. At this time it was an inch anda half from the floor. Yesterday muming the mouso was dead and hung throe inches from the floor. The news of the novel sight soon be came circulated, and hundreds of people visited tho stable to witness it. The moline isa small one, probably less than half grown, measuring about one and one-hall inches fnun the point of its noan to the root of its tail. How the spider succeeded in ensnaring it is not known. The mechanical ingenuity of tho spider, which enables her to a body which must weigh forty or fifty times as much as her self, has boen the subject of a good deal of comment und speculation, and no sat isfactory solution of tho difficulty has been found. All libreo that it is a most remarkablo case, and one that would bo received with utter incredulity if it wero not so amply attested.-Lebanon {Ky.) Standard. ?'otton Adulteration, Thone who raise the cotton exported from tho United States do not get us much for it us they would it ibero existed some effectivo system of grading aud packing which would protect tho buyer from the gross fraud* frequently practiced upon by him unscrupulous farmers and dealers. At present so many e1 fluents of uncertainty affect tho charade, of each hale landed at Liverpool that users of colton are. afraid to purchaso it from first or soond hands. The consequence is, in tho words of Col. Shaw, United Slates consul at Manchester, "an army of woll dressed brokers in Liverpool prey and live upon mir cotton crop," a tact involving "a loss to us of no small amount." Thc nature of tho reform called for. a reform becoming yearly of grenier importance with the growing crop of the Southern States, is well indi cated by tho following extract from tho London Tin.cs. Undor tho heading, "Cition Adulteration," this journal says : "Col. Shaw, United Stales consul visi ted Oldham on Wednesday in connection with tho complaints that hnvu been made respecting the adulteration of American cotton. The adulteration of American cotton is regarded as a great grievance in Oldham, and it i* boned that the information Colonel Shaw will havo gained will result in benefit to the spin ners. Oyster shells aro stated lo bo among tho stuff frequently found in cot ton bales. A largo number were recent ly discovered in bales bought by a com pany, who have made no profit in conse quence of adulteration." Comedy Become* Tragedy. NORFOLK, VA., November M.-A dis ?nito nrose, a day or two ago, between fohn Jasper and James Casey, two well known colored men of Norfolk county, in regard, it is said, to politics. After considerable discussion the disputants, in a joking way, decided to settle their dif ference on the field of honor. A mock duel was arranged, seconds chosen, and double-barrelled shot guns selected a* tho weapons. Yesterday tho dusky statesmen loft for a place in Norfolk county not many miles from hero. Tho combatants both took their places and at tho command both men discharged their pieces. Jas per, to tho surprise of all, fell, with a severe wound. The fallen duellist waa removod to a placo nour by, where med ical aid was rendered. It was discovered that his injuries were serious and ho died that evening. It seems that from accident or some other causo small birdshot wero inserted iu the charge put in Casey's gun, which when fired took effect in Javier's body with tho result stated. What was only intended ns a burlesqtio and mockery turned out to be a falnl affair. Thcso men were using tho most approved mode of settling disputes among white men in this and other Southern States. Although mnny affairs of honor have, taken place in Virgiuia, during thc bitterness of tho canvass just closed, tho first and only victim to the duello in this Stale during theso months was thc colored mau who bit the dust in thc field in Ibis county. -One thuusaud acres of land havo been purchased in Henderson county, North' Carolina, for a Germau settle ment. - The Rev. Walter Ching Young and Miss Ah Tim were married at San Fran cisco by Bishop Kip on Friday two weeks igo. Mr. Young is an Episcopal minis ter, educated in the Lastern States, and Iiis brido is a cultivated youug lady of Hong Kong. Tho wedding was tho first fashionable Chinese affair of its kind in ibis country. R?1?E0Y. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quins/, Sora Throat, Swell' ?ngs and Sprains, Darns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted foot and Ears, and alf other Pains and Aches. Ki Preparation on earth equal? ?T. J irrita Ou. ?.J H Mfr, turf, tintilla abd elwtp Kalmia! Kerned; A trial entalla 1'it the comparatively trilling outlay ..f 60 lenta, arid rr'ty one mil- rinn ?llb lal? < ait bete rhiup ar.d poaiure proof of iu dalma tNreCtloBI Io Ele~eu Tnnpi;j^?*. BOLD 13Y ALL DEoOOIBTS AND DEALEH3 IK MLDIOINR A. VOGEI/ER & CO., Hit minore, Md., U.U. A. TAKE NOTICE! A LL persons i mich ted to JOHN E. PEOPI.KS, either for .Mole?, Horses, Cot ton nins, Stoves, 01 Account, are requested t<? cune forward and settle ut once ; and if tlii- ?niue is n it settled when due, or a part paid, <>r satisfactory arrangements made w ith me, I shall proceed lo collect what ls due me, us I am obliged to have money. 1 have on hand a lar-" Stock of Stoves, Tinware, Hollow ware, iSc, that I will bell cheaper than ever before. Have some good second hand Stoves that I will sell cheap for rash, which are about av good as new. Bring on all your Hags, Haw Hides und Beeswax, as you know 1 am tito mau to buy tlu-m. Liberal ?trices paid for Cotton in ?ettie inenl of Notes and Accounts. JOHN IC. PEOPLKS. .Sept 29, 18SI 12 TUTTIS PILLS !UDGFtSEu BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM8 OF A ???2P3tD) OVER. I?OBBof nppfilitfl.NauBBB.bowcla ooativo, gain In the"H?T?"d,w?tii a dull aenaatibn in ffio back part, Pain under tho choublor blade". ful lu en a after cuting, vrlta ft disin cLTnali?n"to exertion of'body ??^?idhH] Irritability bf t'.-mp?r. Low lip fri ta." libes ?fjnemory,wlth'n. ?o?H?ir o?h?vingj?og lootod oo?no dutyT weartneao, DtWiues:^ Fluttbring of tho Heart, Dot? before the ey on, V ellow"iikiuV10"ettd?ch?7Ko?tl?os. posa at hight, highly colored TJrino. " IF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON DE DEVELOPED. T?TT'B FILLS ar? especially urtnpleil to pick cn oe-a,o ne ii ono o Cf ii-ta auch ta eli ungo or feeling u* to iistnidbh th? They lu ?ramer* iii?? Appetite, and cauat* tho iKx1y to Take on l*l?sal?, ibu? the syatem ls'l by tin lr Tout aMIoonii t li ?aa X>lfft-atl7?Orx*BS, SZcifrulur ato?la ure pro duced. Price SS cvnts. 33Hurray ?t.. X.Y. E. Onav Hatti I .-KI-IUI rhan^d to aiUnvr IILACX by a . applli-uOoo of th's I>vv Ii '.!-.);?.iris n tm'.-1 Color, ccu. Instiintaueoiialj. Hold l>? fr .-ii, m lum ti? ripn-M nu ivt-otpl Ol (1. Oftloo, 35 Nlurrny St., Now York. ?H r. Tl i I-i ll AM i I. sf UKiM.i lararaall.a end Ia Ctefal lUaalpt* tiUl ba raUlrl raru os app!l*?UoaJr THE STATE OF SOUTH CARPi.lNA, COUNTY OK ANI'Kr.i>v, K. COU HT OK COMMON 1? 1,12 AS. Warn a A. Carlee. Plnlntift*. as-ainat Falbv A. Ibm. moud, JudaC. El rod, Millie C. Cartee, Heater K. Carlee, Camety A. Johnson and Martha J. Spear man. Nancy M. Cartee, l><ifeudanu.-?'uinroca* fur Relief-Oimplalnl nolSerrttl. To lin- Deiendania Pal tty A. Hammond, .Inda C. F.trod, .Villey C.Cartee, Mister C.Carlee, 0 A. John ion mid Martha J. Spearman, Nancy M. Carlee, Defendant*: Yt if aro hereby summoned and required to tu ??.er Hie complaint iii thia action, a copy of which Ls Hied ii. Mic office of the Clerk of Hie Court ot Common Clean, si And, roon c. H., 8. c. and ta ter ve a copy of your answor to the ?aid complaint on Hie Biibacrlber at ids office, Anderaon C. H., S. C., wi t li i ri i went y day? i-.fter the aorvloa hereof, exclu sivo ofthcday of scrvtcn; and tryon foil io answer lld* i-iimplaiut ? libbi ?lie lime Aforesaid, t ho Plato lilT In thia action wilt apply to tlio Court forth? relief ileinaiided in the complaint. Dated October Ti, A. I>. IfVSl. Tl Ins. c. LICION, Plaintiff's Attorney. [SI:AI.? JOHN W. PA sir I.S. CC. P. To tho Defeadautl e.hovo named : Take nollee that thc complaint In thi-i coi loa. together willi a copy of thia summon*, Ia flied ta tho office of tho Clerk of the Court "t \<i,)<o?ou Corni House, South l 'a roll na, and that tho object uf the M Hon U io obtain a tala of t he Kcal Katata of John S. t arlee, .1 -e. H-il, and division of th? proceed* among i'la heit? at law. No pcr.-onal claim ii made again*! uuv of you. ' Tims. c. LIOON, PUliitl?Ta Attorney. Pel 97, ISSI : 17_6_ Notico to Gin Owners. ICAN now be found at any and all lime* in my office, over the New York('ni.h Store, ami persons having nins to w het will timi it to their interest to consult w ith me before contracting for their work. I have perfected my Oin Whet, ami am now pre pared to whet (?ins quicker ami better than any one else. I have been whetting (?ina twentydive years, and have never yet hada mini tb say 1 did not do my work satisfac torily. Those who do not know me are re ferred to niv many customers in Anderson and Ai,I, villi- counties, i gu?rante*? satis faction, ??r will make no charge for my work. I nm also prepared lo repair mid balance brmdi wheels. Oin Whi ts, tho bead made, always on hand for Mile. E. W. SOUTH. Up Stairs, over New York Cash Stora, Aug. 18,1881 0-3U1 Anderson,S. C. ?. V. DENDY, A. M. DUFFIE. Walhalla, 8. C. Anderson, rt. a DENDY & DUFFIE, Attorneys nt Law, A. ncle rs on? - - S. C. WILL givo prompt attention to all bni iness entrusted to their charge. Ornes-In tho School Ccmuiissioner'a jnice. Vlarch 17, 1881 99 W ^ W. V ANDREW. WILLETT FREVOST. i ANDREW & PREVOST DKN I RE t<> announce : > tLe public that on or about tlrM.'September they will opon i n s i o cit ol'General MerekandiMO, O HST DEPOT STREET, First Door Below J. 6. Cunningham &. Co.. Where ilx-y will keep cor. staidly on hand -. I Bacon, Flour, Syrup, Molasaen, Hame, Provisions all kinds, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Hardware, Notions, Evcrvthiiip hi a stock of Ceneriil Mcrehnnd! ?;, all of which we ?>r .,. un to SELL AT ROCK ROTTUM F10URES FOR CASH. OUR CONFECTIONERY ami FANCY GROCERY Will still be combined at Mi' 'V LL T'S CORNER. At th;* %tand you can always find a iifiter Five Cent < i?/ar than anywhere eUc in town We have also the Celebrated j "CREAM OA TMEAL SOAP" -tlireu bandsoim Cakes in ti -lice box for ten couta. . FEE8U OYSTERS during thc season. August 1. 1 I ^,w.ij.t Li . ? " ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN !| A PLAN FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF DEBTS. ! 1JERSONS indebted to us for either HUPI'I.IRS OR GUANO are requested to bring In their t 'ott.MI und pay up their Accounts. Those who make a fail return of all tliey make, and show no disposition to evade the payment of their Accounts, will be treated with a.*- ni neb leniency as our circumstances will ali >w. Don't Wait for any Discounts, but Bring Along your Cotion. wi: HA VJ: A I.AIWF. STOCK OF RASHLY (UtOCEMES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND General Dry Goods? Which we are offering to our patrons and the public u! ;?.<- VERY LOWEST ?.'ASH I'RIOES. Call at No. 7 Granite R ?ve. REED, MOOKIIK AI) & CO. Oct ?. ISSI I.J ANDERSON C. II., S. C., SI3l?T. 1, 1881. To all Persons-inclndiny Men, Women and Children, of all one* and color*-who ere us Munn, or Colton, cither for Goods, Gu ino or any ol' ? r account : ~\JITE now call on you in good earnest to come forward promptly and pay up the last W cent due us. We must have our moue} lids F'all and no mistake. We are aware that crops arc somewhat ?bort, bul we have to pay our debts, thart or lon;/ crops, and those whom w>- have furnished supplies to make i heir crops on must come "sijunre-toed" up and pay ny oil'. We will have a I.?rge Clock wi" dioodu for the Fall trade, and solicit the patron age of our friends. Our arrangements aro made tn buy Coi ion very largely, both on our own account and for others at a distance, and we arc prepared always to pay the very highest market pri "e. Kc sure and see us before selling your Cotton. Your obedient servants, ULI:? KM:?, HKOWN ?t co. Jiri<t 1. 1 SH I ^ ^ ^ 8 F. W. WAQENER. (!. A. WAGENER. F. W. WAGENER & CO., COTTON FACTORS, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND LIQUOR DEALERS, CHARLESTON, S. C. l&- WE invite Consignments of COTTON, and guarantee satisfaction. Will make liberal advances on consignments, Sept l?. 1S81 10_ SPECIAL NOTICE, .ALLL parties indebted to tho undersigned will find it to their advantage to settle their Notes and Accounts by tho FIFTEENTH NOVEMBER next. J. R. FANT & CO. Oct 20. Its 1 12 Iv COME AND SEE ! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OP Gold, Silver mid Nickel Stem-Winding WATCHES. THE REST SELECTED STOCK OF JEWELRY in tho up country, consisting of EVERY THING kept In n first-class Jewel . Store I have bought n large ami complete assort ment of floods from tho manufacturers, and CAN and WILL sell Ooods CHEAP ER than they can be bought at retail in NEW YORK. ?9r; Come and see whether you wish to buv or not. J. A. DANIELS. Nov 3, 1881_17_ _ T. C. LIKON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ANDERSON C. IL, S. C. WILL practice in all tho Courts in this Stute. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to bis care. Special at tention given to tho collection of claims. Sept. 1,1881 8 Cm REMOVAL rp i HE undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and customers that they have moved to No. 2 Benson House, Next door South of ihoir old Stand, whero they will sell DIU'OS at tho lowest possible figures. Seeing is believing. Giro ns a ' fi81 MESON. REID A CO. Jiu 19 ISSI 27: ANDERSON MACHINE WORKS ANMERSOB?, S. C. THE undersigned having opened a Ma chine .Shop at this place, ?3 now pre pared to repair Steam Engines, Threshers, Gins, and nil kinds of Machinery, and ho respectfully solicits the patronage of those having work in his line. He will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Pipe and Pips Fittings, Steam Gauges, Water Gauges, Brass Valves, Gauge Cocks, Hancock Inspirators, Rubber Pack ing, Hemp Packing, and everything kept in a Machine Shop. I am also Manufacturers' Agent for Steam Engines, Saw Mills, and all kinds of Sup plies for Machinery. New and Second-Hand Engines always on hand. R. F. D1VVER, Proprietor. July 21, lSHl 2 Gio Sri' [ construit nao by thc cubilo for over twcnt^nSSUwQB9 years? and le tho tient |fiyUKB& preparation ever In- 9 SESSHH* | vented for RESTORING li J"'10 j QUAY HAIR TO ITS ! at2,t? I YOUTHFUL COLORI ^J6* ! r It supidtca tho natu-*^ 0f if agg, ? rad food und color to the Q Q hnlr ciando without liv ! staining tho skin. ItwUl \ '^"""S i Increase, and thicken tho l Plty?l grotrth of tho hair, prc- ! ciaDB vent !*. blanching: nnd ! endorso fail Inp: off, nnd thus j ?.-.A >AVE RT BALDNESS. J] \ _ILS recom It cure? Itching. Ernp-X . men(j -j. tiona nnd Hand rn AT. Aa . A HAIR DRESSING lt a8 tt la very desirable, nlvlnfr ; ?rcat ! tho hair a silken uonne?s ? triumph1 which ali admire. It ! mcdi Iceepa tho head clean, ! cine. jrvrect^smd^h^nU^ry. j ^^^^^ WHISKERS -.viii ?.hange the heard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation lt ls easily applied, and produces n> permanent color that IT 111 not wash off. VRE FARED BY I. P. HALL & C0=, NASHUA, N.H. Said by sll Dealer* b Medicine. Hardware, &c. IF you want anything in this line, I guar antee that I cnn please you. Ru f?nre that you seo my good? and get my prices before making your purchases. W. F. BARR. Octobr 0, 1881_13 Groceries. MY ?tock of Groceries, both Staple and Fancy, is complete. I will sell at price* to suit tin, tin.?'-.. Give me a trial. W. F. BARR, October 0. 18*1 13 CT. _- &c X.- IP- SMITH, McCUI_Y?8 CORNER. GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. Wu ARK SOW HEADY TO SHOW A BEAUTIFUL Ll NB op FAI? ?.NI) WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING, I Al... i\W ^ ^ ( ( ; M i( 4plUt VKKY SJJOIl.f ,,K0F1TS, Wc arc ?Iso prepared I . ?how a ban*omo lin? of l?IK?'K U?OD?, consisting of FKKNCij and ?^]^?^}}^??? at'A D,AG0XAL8' l AN< Wo ?lso keep' a nice li?ioVf *<?oo<Ill for Boy? auii Youl ks, And In fad any? bing i o Iii ?P j ma?,**copt ??^??^^ g}?1*?? ,Ue fttCt tbat are very short, wc- intend to maka- . ur PRK bb SHORI also. Come in and inspect our Stock-It wil' Pay. our Senior partner still -ivs his whole attention to tho TAI LO HI NO DEP ART MEN r, and ?il be j leaved ... see all of his friends who desire work ni his 'hg c ... I eel ll SlU - ; l~ . .-i i...i ?.? ? -???.??-*. ' ' 1 MEW STORE, NEW COODS AT H G SM EA PATH, S. O. -o-?. rOIIV R K \Y luujuM returned from tbe Northern markets, whore he han selected fl this Pali witb more than ordinary tare ami with f . sxpress purpose ofsuitlug.cach hldiv dual ea'e ll. bas earefnlly noted your .everal ... ?res, and btw made my purchases ;;.,r,'v And 1 on positiva that I Vak the simple truth, when I assert thal I eau "nit every one. old or young, both in quality abd pri?es. In fact, 1 tan .-ave you money, a? he purchased on'.v <.f reliable and trustworthy parties, and every article will pro. o to bu just what it h represented. Exiwricnce ha? tangid him when nml where to buy, at the lowest tra.!.- and uiauniaetiircM' prices. This he has done, and I will give my patronstho John'lt S?av i-' '' .iw-'w-;-;. th<-houi-e. aad t-xteniN t.. the public his grateful acknowl edgment fortiieir liberal i-.u ? m i - in thc past, ami j pledge increased cierta on my pai to merit a continuance ol' the Kaine. I am positively resolved ?ot to L? undewohi. a am hillv determined to come t .the front as JLrurivr ni Low I?rJc?h. No balts! No bumboes! Nomisreprc-cntatiuiisof Goods nllowe?l in my bumncss. I will welcome you oiic and all, whether you desire to purchase or iio.. Compare rices ia all 1 ask. W. C. BRANYON. STEAM ESES, :SAW MILLS. THRESHERS, yVrSJJ) ALL I?IISI)S MACHINERY. AVINO accepted thc General Agency for the CELEBRATED GEISER MA _ CIIINERY, consisting of SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER and HAGGER, PEERLESS PORTADLE, TRACTION end DOMESTIC STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, and other Machinery, I ara prepared p> fill orders at short notice and on reasonable terms, and guarantee satisfaction. Come and : jo nie hel?te buying, and remember that cheap machinery is not always tho afest und best. _ I?. Fm DIVVEI?, Audorson, ft?. C. Apri 17, 1 SS1__ _W_ly ____________ - o -- -- rpHOSE who desire to buy ?TOVE?. TINWARE ar.d other 1IOFSE FWIN X IYIt?II3N(? GOODS? should read the following, und thon call cu the under signed. Kerosene Stoves and Oil a Specialty. PRICES AND SIZES. No. 4, with four 4-inch Dil rn ors-Double'. $7..T>0 No. !U, with three 4-inch Burners. 4..r>0 No. .'<, with two 4 inch Burnes. 4.00 Mv large sturl; of Stoves are math? hv tho celebrated Stove Founders-Thomas, Rob erts.'Stephenson A: Co. "HIE TIMES" and "SOUTHERN MAKER" are tho best in the mark t. Buy no other. I nm sole manufacturer of the host STEAM FRUIT DRYER in the world. Call and buy one. Size, ci} feet long, '2 feet wide. Made of the best galvanized iron. Will last ten years. Price, $"50. My Tinware has been Reduced in Price. Come and buy all you Need. L.. H. SEEL, June 2. 18S1 47-Sm West End Waverly House. iii mm [Sii iii ?i mi THAT WE ARK RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK OF GROCERIES . Ver Carried by us, and ws propos? to mest HARD TIMES WITH LOW PRICES, You will never know what we eas do unless you Try Us. All grades of Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Molasses, <&a Bagging and Ties a Specialty. A Car Load of now Arrow Ties, Which we are offering Very Low. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, &C. TO MEET ANY COMPETITION. TOBACCO, TOBACCO, TOBACCO, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 7 1 \\ O HUNDRED BOXES-all gradta-Iaid in before the recent advance W? proposo giving: special attention to the sale of TOBACCO, and we only .VIS _/^M_d.M PriCe'- W' UUl n? T0baCC0 W Rubber Belting, Lace Leather, Engine Packing, &o" ALWAYS ON HAND. 5' 9 ,?."?,.., SULLIVAN & MATTISON. EXCELSIOR GOOK STOVES! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Fourto*n dlo\in?nt tim and kind?. Flva ?h*? With Kiidi.iolo.l Kawrvolrt. Aclaptod t4 all r?(Ju:rwngnu.?u.l ?.ricod to iultall pune? LEADlftC FEATURES; Doubl? Wood Doc.?, TateU Wood Orat% A^'uttftMo Daru) ar. Intorcbangoiible Auto matin Bholf, Drolling Poor, fiwlugtng Hearth Flute, Swinging riuu-Stup, Bovc-rtlblo Ga? Burning Long v.rou rio?, Doublo BhcM Conter?, II?avy Wag Co-ors, Ilhimhioted Fiio **>oi?, Nickel Knobs. Nickel Pundi, cte, Lneqnalod In Matorlnl, ia Fiu?b. and In opwiaUon. Manufactura by I3AAO A. SHEPPARD & CO., Baltimore,, Md. - r?m ,AL' ?T J. BS. PgQJyg. And.n.ou. B. C. EAGLE AND PHENIX IPS OT co^W^onol^^^' *_*_ Br .< xo OTnsR IB Balls to Pound, I lb. Package,. "***^n ?. o ASK ron <>*^*??????ZT-T ? PRICES wl?^ LANGLEY fi Ladies' Chemise, 50c 75c v, fl Ladies Drawers. ?Oc/ijo ?wi-? LadiW Skirls, 50c, 75c Ladies' downs, 75c, Slog ?v*1? Ladies' Dressing SucoW VAWl Ladies' Corset Covers, aiv^fi (.lents' Shirts, to order $1.75, $2.00 each. ' Cents' Drawers, 50c un, Cents' Drawers, to order lv>?,B Cents' Undershirts, 3?? o''?H $1 .()<>, gl .60 and $2.00. Mi Standing Collars, We, 15c av 1 Folding Collars, 10c, 15c '?nl 1 Linen Cuffs, 20c, 25c and fe B A Creat Unrgnin ! Ursel*-JH from 5c un. Large lot of ln..?<M ,">c up. Towels, 6c up, "iwflB Hwiss Embroidery, Linea. C.JiflNH itnd Turkey lied HandkercbSW which will he sold Cheap. T Bj Polite and attentive Ladiato? H Ladies' Department. viive us a call ami he canTiiw<M a factory is the piuco to bu-r*H Cheap. ' ,0,M April 21, 1881_ 4! Best Methodist Paper inthiJB Bright, Independent, EeljoJ Conservative jB THE METHOH FOR W 1882. i Ptibllshetl WEEKLY at 10 Murrina, Ko other paper of lt j sire andchsn^jE 20 to 2t pages in each nuribcr,t&aouj {fl TWO DOLLARS A Jj Those subscribing and paying X?TfeJH receive tho paper for the reuof tait ,?,31 KEV. 1). U. WHEELER, LLD.^ JH RBV. DANIEL CURRY, LL D.."..^_^B Assisted by nn able staff of coatiNsfll Specimen Copies Sent Fut on A?$?s D?~ In sending funds for wb?rlf?vfl by Draft, Check, T. O. Order or Et^j? Com! canvassers wanted eren^m Jw tho highest cash commissions ?Ul ki ?fl dress II. W. DOUGLAS, ha^jfl _No. 15 Murray 8t,faB TO the PEOPL?sH Kings Mountain and its Hajji A HUtory or thc. Battle, Oct. 7, RlS events which lcd to il, after Ito pijW preparation, ls now published asirttltS cry. The nut li or, LYHAH C. DurtLlM spent 1') years lu gathering material! f-feg which ?hounds In stirring retitili c f ?"SH and hair-breadth escapes, alike inttrt^dB aud young. The desccndanU of KXS Campbell, Shelby, Sevlcr, Clcv?lao4,b?H Hams, Hnmbrlghl, McDowell, WhntojJ? and their ofliccrs, now living by lUftSj throui;hout tho South, will wclcom??Sjj nent record of that glorious event ?l?Sj tin? lido nf thc ltcvolution. Theuodo^H pages, on line pr.per, beautifully bm-i,t?fj steel portraits of the Heroes, sod UttusJlS cuts, witla index of r>,00o references. HUH Sent post-paid on receipt of price, or EDID of Agents in every county. I'ET KU (?. THOMPSON ftteJSi No. 171) Vino Sticht,?ad?? I?T AGENTS WANTEI) for nutria ry. Send for (erins, clmilari andoxsjid 5,000 Agonis Wanted to Sf ll t?| LIFE OF GftRFlEl His carly life aud career as soldier ixl w?? Iiis election and administration: h?wui?i his heroic ?tr?nte for life; '/ocJirf;! i& treatment ; blood-poisoning; reinmlbES death, etc. Profusely illustrated. !;lettt| trait of Garfield, his wir? and tuottwr; ,? the shooting; the sick chamber; ?silaitf coll; the surgeon?, and thc cikatl TS?I complete and authentic work. There in! tor :i"cnts lirst in the field witb tbhbxt H ?de. Speak quivk. Addrest HVBDA?5B Atlanta, Un._1 ANOTHER BOOM THE j IOU AGENTS nDINIs Mark Twam'sP*g New Book. ? AUPI Will outsell all his previous wor?ut? you the best chance of your Hf? to nilli rapidly. Old agents will aet promptly,nita choice territory, and we advlie yea Ut| sumo. Outfits now ready. Send atouts to i lars nnd terms to DQUOLAgg BROS., Pubs., Fh?aJfrU'j PLAYS, PLAYS, PHI For Reading Club?, for Amateur Thutriajl peroneo l'luys, brawing-He-oni Vliys, Fiiijr Ethiopian rlays, (luiJo Books, 8oal<n, I mimes. Tableaux, Lights, MsgCTOW U ored Eire, Hurnt ( ork.TbeitrIca.lWi! tlo'is, Jnrley's Wax Works, rVlp.liam ti' bea, Costumes, Charades ?nd MW New Catalogues sent free, o?nttuiBjwl lion nnd prices. SAMUEL FHKMiI A E. 14ih St., New York. 11.. 6A LA RV HU--wt*. AU emt ni'Miei WA?E? c***fdT ??ll ll <Ce Co. SOS Oournu Lt. flnolnsxU DIVORCES cheaply, without publidtjH Hon, non-support, intcaiperance-itftf in any State. Advice and clrcular?for?uifl dress COUNSKtAOB HAMUVIN, '1X1 JlroUnj.I $/7 ll H A YEAR andexpiT.';!'.;!; // // //Uiittit free. MUtm f I B P. O. VICKERY, Aera rpo ADVERTISERS.-Lowest Rata tau -?- llslnc in I0COGOOD newspapers wit (ml dress GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., lOSpro??*1 tMOIQEOTIOM, _B--*LeSl<*:"| DILIOUCNEBS, IBr^CRja Sc'-'n^i 8I01CHCADA0HI flfii ^"'^1 OOSTlVEHCSa^^^^^^^^^t-C^^ I? Thirty Toara the Ol J<?|,1 tuly |?>T| Medicino now lu Mnrkit. PierarcJ oalrtjSJrtSJ IlATDi?, 2SI0-1Z Clarie Av., ?1. Louis, UA.IV^W lp M. A. einitnoiu, If, I>. Pul up ?a 3ccif?g ?lea and packages, gold by ill VrvggM. - IB ifc79a weck- Sl'-'oilay ot home easily B??*^ 'P* louttit freo. Address TRUKATO, AtV^j .Treat ?ll Caronia Oleeaaaa. aa4 etd?* ?J* cet?, wlU:oat niliu?M?rcurrw?^laoa?M?ggj YOUNO mEM ?Mer?ama-azwpr sUfeaMBSseBMHae? . dlMAsa tia?*' ?ul. Lill .r .SMIiui Ut? ?M??r?i ?t.K1*.11' teeni autti Ina lo u/ tUr- ta *rfi)f?*n?*. A Beautiful Book for tba - - > ?d BY applying personally; atjM9 oflfce ot THE SINGER MAS^i TURING CO. (or by postal caru u ^ tance,) any adult person will wp j with a beautifully illustrated cop; New Rook entitled OENIU8 EEWASDM -OK THE Containing a handsome and coitly^ja graving frontispiece ; also. 23 finelr ?J ved wood cutfl, and bound in s^ .*J3| hi ue und gold lithographed cover. >wtf3| whatever is nindu mr this hMwm*'?m which can bo obtained onlv by?PPiSfl at the branch and eubordinols o?*m rho Ringer Manufacturing Co. | THE SINGER UANUFACTUB.'M^J Principal Ofllce, Si Union Squire, . Sept 22, 1881_ll_5 MABBLE YAgP' ALL iiersons wauling TOsl^? will ?lo well to rall on inf, ss JH| on hand ali grades of Marble, and tho new designa. I warrant ruy give nat infliction. Priers to snit ^'Ay I nm prepared to take czre of the t??ft travel mid regular boarding fd PSH rules at tho Henson House. Mcab?0^ Edging 25 cents. " ^..rji. THO?. M. WD'10,