Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 29, 1906, Image 10

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All Disputes As to bills you have paid are quickly settled if you bave a check book. The chock stub shows the record. Opeo an accouut with us and pay ALL bills by check. Westminster, S. C. VA* -Budgies, harness, White Hickory wagons. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Marett, of West minster, were in Walhalla Monday for a short while. -Miss Ila Beardon, of Oakway, is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craig. -Miss Maggie Williams, of Mount Plcn?;uit, is visiting at the homo of W. W. Moss, on Faculty Hill. -English services in tho Lutheran church next Sunday. Theme: "Tho Greatest Ideal." -Wo are under now management. Call and soe UH. Walhalla Drug Co. -Rev. D. P. Bearden will preach at Bounty Land sohool house on the second Sunday in Septombor at ll o'clock. -Walter Dickson, of Townvillo, spent several days last week in West Union with his friend, Eugene P. Hutchison. -John Hollings and son, of Charles ton, spout last week as guests at the homo of the Misses Stucke, West Union. -J. Townes Holleman, of Anderson, spent last Suuday in Walhalla visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollo man. -My entire line of mon's oxfords at cost for the next thirty days. M. S. Stribling, Westminster, S. C. -Miss Annio Kay, of Westminster, is spending several days in Walhalla visit ing the family of her uncle, Sherill W. M. Kay. -Mrs. Oswald Freeman and son, Os wald, of Mount Pleasant, aro stopping for a short while at the home of W. W. MOBS. -Mrs. Riobard Morrison, of Mount | Pleasant, is in Walhalla for a short while, stopping at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craig. -Mrs: -Jos. Husemp.nn P.*K! children, of Spartanburg, aro visiting at tho home ] of the formet's aunt, Mrs. Rebecca j Busch, near Walhalla. -If you want to sell your land or buy any land, in town or out, seo mo boforo ?0U trado. 1 will mako you money. '. E. Aloxander, Real Estate Agent, Walhalla, S. C. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson nnd daughter, after a short visit to relativos in Walhalla, returned to his homo at Williamson last Thursday. -Married, at the residence of Warren Bearden, on Sunday, August 26, HHX), Andrew Cox and M?SB Lula Hendrix. Rov. D. P. Beardon ofllciated. -Mrs. S. D. Easterly and Mrs. Robt. Duryea, of Charleston, have beon spend ing two weeks visiting at tho home of j tho Missos Stnoko, in Wost Union. -Tho Sunday evening services and Thursday prayer meeting at tho Walhalla | Baptist church will commence at oight o'clock instead of half-past as formorly. -For Sale-A dosirablo and valuablo farm of 125 acres, near Cross Roads, ad joining J. P. Mulligan and others. Cheap for cash. Soe S. P. Dendy. 31V48 -A protracted meeting will begin at /lon Methodist church Thursday," Sep tember 0, at ll o'clock in the morning. Preaching by the pastor, Rov. E. S. Jones. -W. E. Seaborn, of Pell City, Ala, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Seaborn. He will spend about two weeks with them ana among his old friends. -The Oconee Association will con vene with Mountain Grove Baptist church on Friday, August 31st, and con tinue through Sunday. Rev. C. S. Black burn will preach on Friday. Dr. T. M. Bailey will preach on Saturday. Several other visiting ministers will bo presont to take part in the deliberations of tho new association. buggy out X^f^-f aO a single can of Tktoid original - lints. mmm sh af one operation, making ??Z sa ry and Insuring a satisfactory ?y and brilliant in a short time wm ds and Information. ^ t^MmmtVmtmkmitm* mmm* wm i Lead ?I Coter WorU. Dttraft. MIcV mt talla Drug Co. wm -Nice line of two-piece suits cheap. M. S. Stribling, Westminster, S. C. -Preaching next Saturday and Sunday at ll o'clock, at Whitmire church, 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Oconee, and at 8 o'clock at night at Millville, by Rev. H. Herbert Jones. -Miss Carrie Stucke desires to notify her friends that she has decided not to reopen her millinery store this Beason. She thanks her friends for their liberal patronage last season. -James Duffie, of Greenville, has ac cepted a position as salesman with C. M. Shelton. He has been with Mr, Shelton for several weeks and expects to mako this bis permanent home. -I. R. Good and son, Irby, left for their home in Marion, Ind., yesterday morning, after a visit of several days with the family of Mr. Good's brother, I. Good, of near Walhalla. -After next Saturday, September 1st, my dental office will oe closed for ten days or two weekB, owing to my neces sary absence from town. Patients will please take notice. Dr. D. P.Thomson. -Will pay 50 cents per bushel for tomatoes delivered at B. S. Childress's, Salem, S. C. ; also, greeu beans. 34-37* -The Rocky Branch Union will meet at the Fairview school house on Septem ber 1st at 4 o'clock p. m. All members ire expected to be present. Officers are S C. Biggerstaff, president, and R. H. alexander, seoretary. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford and child, of Charleston, are spending seve ral days in Walhalla as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jaynes. Mrs. Crawford is pleasantly remembered by many hero as Miss Annie Maxwell. -Joel Keys spent Saturday and Sab bath with Col. H. A. Thompson. Mr. Keys is a successful cotton buyer, and was on his way to tho eastern part of the state, where tho coveted staple is making its appearance. -Miss Etta Crosby loft last Friday for Atlanta, where she will remain this fall. She is with the Cbamberlain-Johnson Dubo8e Co., and will make a study of trimming and tho millinery business in general. -Rev. T. Land will immerse nine can didates in Rev. W. W. Abbott's pasture, near Jordania, next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching at tho church at liam. Rev. Z. Carswell, of Westmin ster will assist in the services. -W. D. Caldwell, of Pelzer, spent several days last week in and around Walhalla He ?<! a former Oconeean, and after an absence of twelve years his visit tu Oconee proved a pleasant one. He notes many improvements and marks of growth. -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Adams, of Jack sonville, Fla., accompanied by their two sons, aro stopping at the Walhalla Hotel. They have made many frierjds here dur ing previous visits, and the.r return to our midst is a source of plea .ure to those who know them. -Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Thomson expect | to loave next Monday morning for the mountains. Mrs. Thomson's health has not been good for some time, and it is hoped that the temporary change will be j beneficial. Her many friends hope for her speedy restoration to health. -Anson C. Merrick, Jr., of tho Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., is at home on a month's visit to his parents. He has been in college for about fifteen months and stands high in his classes. Cadet Merrick has recently returned from a three months' cruse across the Atlantic on the training war ship Cleveland. His many friends in Walhalla are de lighted *o seo him on his native heath again. -To-morrow (Thursday) at the Wal halla Baptist church at 8 o'clock p. m., an important service will be held for tho ordimuion of Mr. G. II. Judd, the pastor. Tho Rev. J. D. Chapman, D. D., of An derson, the Rev. C. S. Blackburn, of Soneca, and Rov. J. R. Moore, of West minster, are expected to he present and to take part. The public aro cordially invited to be present and enjoy the inter esting exercises. -Wo aro in recoipt of the ptemium list of the South Carolina Stato Fair, to bo held in Columbia, beginning Monday morning, October 22, and ending Friday I evening, October20. liKMi. This promises to be the biggest fair yot. Fivo full days. Four days of racing, with the largest purses over offerod by the Society. Lau;o premiums in all depart menin. Send an exhibit and have a good time and lots of fun. Tho m nal excursion rates over the railroads will be allowed. The best and cheapest trip you can take after a hard year's work. -Wo are indebted to D. B< Johnson, President, for a catalogue of tho Win throp Normal and Industrial College, at Rook Hill, S. C., for 1905-00. togother with announcements for 1000-07. The next session begins Wednesday, Septem ber 10th, 1900, and continues nine months. During tho past session Oconee county had five students in the collego, among them being Miss Lula Hix Earle, of Walhalla, and Miss Allie Stribling, of Westminster. Both of these young ladies wore members of the junior olass. We presume they have been advanced to the senior olass and will be among the graduates at tho next commencement. The total enrollment in tho college for the past year in all departments was 599 students. President Johnson reports that be has had 900 applications for girls who desire to enter the college next year. Althougb the room bas been largely in creased he is compelled to reject more than half of tboso who apply. -Protracted services will begin at Richland oburch next Friday night. -The question now arises, What kin is D. A. Smith to Hoke Smith, of Geor gia? -A. L. Roborts, of Columbia, is visit ing1 homefolks In Walhalla for a few days. - Misses Annie Veruer, Fannie Crisp and Irene Strother are visitiug friends in Seneca this week. -Thoro will bo proachiug at Keowee Chapel by Rev, M. R. Kirkpatrick next Sunday at 4.80 p. m. -Rev. J. W. Head will preach at the arbor, near widow:Deaton's, on the third Sunday in September. * -Mrs. R. L. Rogers and ohildreu, after a mouth's visit to relatives at Fountain Inn, returned home yesterday afternoon. -Mrs. J. P/ Reese and daughter, Eleauor, have returned from a vory pleasant visit to relatives in Westmin ster. -There will be prayer meeting io the Walhalla Methodist church this evening at the usual hour, conducted by Rev. J. G. Law. -Daniel E. Good, of Walhalla, accom panied by bis cousin, Irby Good, of Marien, Ind., spent last Sunday with the family of L. O. I ii nco, at Town vi lie. -On account of the oontinued illness of Geo. W. Eaton, Miss Annie Brewer has oharge of his photograph gallery. She does excel lon t and satisfactory work. Call and give her a trial and be con vinced. -Rev. S. C. Byrd, D. D., will pjeaoh at Richland Presbyterian c hu ich Friday night, 31st August, at 8 o'clock, Satur day at ll a. m., and Sunday at ll a. m. Communion service on Sunday. All are cordially invited to be present. - WALHALLA BAPTIST CHU RC. . FASTOIi O. U. JUDD, P. K. O. 8. , SERVICES: Sunday morning at.11.00 Sunday evening ut. . 8.00 Sunday school at.10.00 Prayer and praise Thursday evening. 8.00 Special meetings as announced. BLACK EYE FOR TILLMAN AND DISPEN SARY-ANSEL AND LYON LEADING. Columbia, S. C., August 28.-Scatter ing returns from to day's Democratic primary indicate that M. F. Ansel will lead the ticket for Governor, with Rich ard I. Manning and Cole L. Blease dose together for the second place. For Attorney General J. Fraser Lyon has a large lead over his opponents in spite of Senator Tillman's bitter opposi tion. K. M. McCowu, for Secretary of State, and J. C. Boyd, for Adjutant General, will probably be elected on first ballot. J. H. Wharton and J. A 3ummersett will probably run over for Railroad Com missioner. I Other State officers have no opposition. The election of Ansel and Lyon means defeat for ide State dispensary and Sena tor Tillmrvii. Tillman has no opposition, but is being largely scratched. While Man Fatally Shot by Negro. A fatal shoot in?; affray occurred three miles below Kingstree, S. C., last Wed nesday night, in which W. O. Jones lost his life at the bands of Primus Salt?is, colored. It appears that Jones, Loo Wise and Salters had been drinking dur ing the day at Wise's house and towards eveuing, the whiskey giving out, they sent off to the dispensary at Kingstree for a fresh supply. When this came the drinking was renewed and all bauds be came drunk. It was not long before the threo beoamo involved in a free fight and Jones was shot in tho stomach by Salt ers at close range with small shot. The wound is a horrible one and the doctors say he cannot live through the night. Wise and Jones are white men and Salt ers is a negro. Both men have been lodged in jail. Tom Miller Remains at Colored College. Columbia, August 27.-Thos. E. Miller will romain at the head of the State Col ored College at Orangeburg, as is the wish of every white and colored friend of that institution, which was born in bis brain, given life through his work and made a success by his untiring and un ceasing efforts. This result was arrived at at a meeting of the trustees of that institution, at which every member but one was present. The trustees, without exception, re quested President Miller to withdraw his resignation, which he did because he was requested to do so by white and col ored peoplo in nearly every county of tho State. He made his fight for high morality in schools, but, regardless of tho conduct of the two women teachers, their white friends in Charleston re quested their retention and the trustees yielded to this pressure from Charleston and retained thom. President Miller said that he felt that he owed something to tho two which had been so loyal to tho institu tion and himself in tho past ton years, hence he yielded to their request. Ho thanks ovory nowspaper in tho State, white and colored, that has sustained him in this fight, and will continue to do his very best for the interests of the school as long as he is at its hoad. FOB SAMS. FINE Upright Piano, Sofas, Rockers, Chairs, Tables, Lamps, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands, Bed-room Sets. Barrel Churn, Stovo, Pans, Kettles ana Crockery. Al) not sold at private salo will be sold at AUCTION on Publio Square, in SENECA, S. C., SEPTEMBER 8th, 1900, beginning at 2 p. m. Visit me at my home before above date and seoure what you want. Very respectfully, M. S. STRIBLING. Seneoa, S. C., August 20, 1006. 80-30 We will save you Farming Implements. Hopewell Htppsr.lnat. Hopewell, August 27.-There was an all day singing at Hopewell Sunday, which waa an eujoyable eocasion to one | and all. Quite a shower of rain fell just as the people began to gather at the ohuroh. We don't think many got um comfortably sprinkled. It was only a bad beginuiug to make a good ending. It turned out to be a pleasant day. The j singing was good, being conducted by | Profs. Durham, Rearden and Grubbs. They had the good fortune to have two j organs for tho ocoasion, and R A. C. Golden, of Westminster, brought his cornet, which afforded good music within itself. With all the fine singers that oame from in and around Westmin ster, the sluging was exceptionally good. Hopewell folks were well pleased and extend their heartiest thanks for the I fine singing and good behavior. Tho j crowd has our invitation to come again. The protracted meeting closed at Hopewell Friday night. It seemed as though the pastor preached unusually good Hermon? during the entire week and we hope everlasting good was done. There were four additions to the church. Mrs. NarcisiiB Percival, of Seneca, vis ited Mr?. T. E. Davis last S.inday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Singleton, of Naza reth settlement, were visitors at Hope well a v ? i i 1 o during the protracted meet ing. Misses Lizzie May Pickens and Hattie Adams, two of Hopewell's most popular young ladies, are visiting relatives and froinds near Easloy. The trustees of Hopewell school would J be glad to employa good teacher for the j winter session. A. J. "Make Hay While the Sun Shines." There is a lesson in the work of tho thrifty farmer. Ho knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should bo with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Coho, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, should al ways be kept at hand, as immediate treatment ia necessary, and delay may Croye fatal. For sale by J. W. Bell, Wal alla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Dots Irom Ramsay's Creek. Ramsay's Creek, August 27.-We notice that a lot of cotton has opened in this section during the past week. Those who have been suffering with fever are, we are glad to say, improving. Rev. L. D. Chambors Ailed his regular appointment at Cross Roads Sunday, and preached to a large and attentive congre gation. Sloan Findley and his cousin, M?BB Emma, returned to Piedmont lust week. W. H. Loo has been having bis house remodeled and repaired. The same adds much to its appearance. Roland Cobb, of Toxaway, was in this section last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freeman, of West minster, spent Saturday and Sunday with homofolks here. A protracted meeting will begin at Pleasant Hill on Friday night beforo tho first Sunday in September. Jas. Dunlap has removed his old dwell ing and is erecting a handsome building in its place. Honey B. Honor Roi! of Salem Schoo*. Following is tho honor roll of Salem j school for tho month ending August 24: Loren Crow, Maggie Guinn, Riohard j Guinn, Nora Sheriff, Bessie Sloan, Maud ? Cbastain, Pearl Chastain, Esther Smith, Florence Smith, Lettie Grant, Codie j Grant, Juli? Moore, Nathan Moore and I .ec.sin Hudson. Pupils' names are placed on honor roll at end of every month who have been punctual in attendance and perfeot in de portment, with not less than 05 per cent on any study during the month. To the following boys, who have acted as monitors during the past month, thanks and commendation are extended for the faithful and efhoient nerformanoe of their duties: I.oiei. Crow, Otto Guinn, Richard Ouinn, Frank R. Lusk, Andrew McAlis ter, Dallas MoAlleter, Lee Reid and Ern est Moss'! Emily Compton, Teacher. IT IS ^ TO SAVE YOI WITH THE 1 I AND LATE J MOWERS A THAT ARE S( rare Company, yjLA, s. c. money in Hardware and See xis before you. "buy. UNG IN HAR $4 These figures rep a Barrel of our Best Pat? ON NEXT SATUI Large quantity o This offer will nc Bring your wage of goods. Close pi in the merchandise John F. Crai tocal Notes from Conneross. Conneross, August 27.-John Abbott] and two children, of Gaffney, visited his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott, last j week. Mips Elizabeth O. Alexander and her nephew, Clinton Barker, are visiting rel atives at Carnesville, Ga. Mrs. Corelins Davis and little daugh ter, Willie May, of Westminster, spent I last week with ber mother, Mrs. Nettie) Bests, Oscar Alexander has acceptod a posi tion as salesman for Carter & Co. foi a | few days during their rush. Mis. N. W. Macaulay and children have been visiting friends at South Union. Mrs. Effie Jefferson visited her sister, Mrs. Amanda Leathers, of Westminster, recently. Services will begin at Conneross Fri doy, and will continue until Sunday, the j 2d. The ordinance of baptism will be ] solemnized Sunday morning. The Sunbeam Band will meet next Sun day morning at 10 o'clock. All members should be present. Amious. Carmen's Troubles Temporarily Adjusted. The strike of the Brotherhood of Hail-1 way Carmen in Columbia has been set tled temporarily as a result of a confer ence held last week between the Grand Chief o' thc order and thc master mu chanio. Tbe men will go to work tem f)orarily until after another conference is told iu Washington. The road will con tinue the use of the repair slip report, but will not give extra monoy on these reports. This was tho cause of tho trou bio which resulted in 125 mon quitting work several days ago. A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage able; to keep lt from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well- fed hair will bc strong,and will remain where lt belongs on the head, not on the combl Th? beat kind ot a testimonial "Bold for over sixty yoaxa." Au % f SARSAPARILLA. (iWf O CHERRY PECTORAL, UR FORAGE UP-TO-DATE IMPROVED ND RAKES )LD BY THE ?resent the price of mt Flour ID AY, SEPT. 1st. n hand. >t be made again. :>n and buy a load .ices on everything line. lg, Manager. Notes from Jocassee. Jocassee, AuguBt27.-Mr. and lira. J. G. Huff and C. It. Knox, of Seneca, and M. A. Wood, II ar ri non Morgan, lia Kel ley and Creighton Wood, of New Hope, registered at the Jocassee Inn Tuesday night. They were on their way to Lake Toxaway and other points of interest in the mountains. Miss Hassie Whitmire returned home last Sunday, after a week pleasantly spent among relatives at Old Piokene. Mrs. Grant and children, of Walhalla, spent several days last week visiting rela tives and friends in this community. Andrew Cash spont several days last week visiting relatives at Bohania, N. C. J. Alex. Robertson and JameB Finley, of the Fall Creek section, spent several days last week at the home of John M. Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Jones, of New Bickens, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitmire, Sunday and Monday. Miss Elsie Powell, of Easley, is on an extended visit here among relativos and friends. W. W. Moss, of Walhalla, spent Satur day and Sunday here in the valley. Mrs. Wright, of Greenville, is spending! a while with her daughter, Mrs. Emmaf Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Panglo, of Salem, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crow, Friday and Sat urday. A. L. Whitmiro was the guest of Dr. Grimshaw*, at Mont Vale, N. C., last week. Mr. Biemann, of Walhalla, has boon the substituto mail carrier during Mr. Barron's ahsonoe for tho last two weeks. Mr. and Mis. Barron and children are oxpocted homo in a few days, after spending a fortnight among relatives and friends at Now Pickons. Littlo Miss Lois Whitmiro spent last week with her cousin, Miss Florida Hin kle, of Eastatoe. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crow spont Satur day and Sunday with relatives aud friends ? near Salom. * . * Busted Bucket Shop. New York, August 28.-The Federal authorities took a hand in the affairs of M. J. Sage ?fe Co., a buckot shop concern, baoked by "Al" Adams, an ex-oonviot and "policy king," which is credited with having duped 25,000 people all over the east and BI ath of more than $2,000, 000. As soon as the yoet office depart ment heard the ooncern had suspended 't began an investigation with tho result that to-day a great quantity of mall ad dressed to the firm was held up in the New York poBt o*?r.a. Several United States ?postal inspectors have been de tailed on tho oaso.