All Disputes As to bills you have paid are quickly settled if you bave a check book. The chock stub shows the record. Opeo an accouut with us and pay ALL bills by check. Westminster, S. C. VA* -Budgies, harness, White Hickory wagons. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Marett, of West minster, were in Walhalla Monday for a short while. -Miss Ila Beardon, of Oakway, is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craig. -Miss Maggie Williams, of Mount Plcn?;uit, is visiting at the homo of W. W. Moss, on Faculty Hill. -English services in tho Lutheran church next Sunday. Theme: "Tho Greatest Ideal." -Wo are under now management. Call and soe UH. Walhalla Drug Co. -Rev. D. P. Bearden will preach at Bounty Land sohool house on the second Sunday in Septombor at ll o'clock. -Walter Dickson, of Townvillo, spent several days last week in West Union with his friend, Eugene P. Hutchison. -John Hollings and son, of Charles ton, spout last week as guests at the homo of the Misses Stucke, West Union. -J. Townes Holleman, of Anderson, spent last Suuday in Walhalla visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollo man. -My entire line of mon's oxfords at cost for the next thirty days. M. S. Stribling, Westminster, S. C. -Miss Annio Kay, of Westminster, is spending several days in Walhalla visit ing the family of her uncle, Sherill W. M. Kay. -Mrs. Oswald Freeman and son, Os wald, of Mount Pleasant, aro stopping for a short while at the home of W. W. MOBS. -Mrs. Riobard Morrison, of Mount | Pleasant, is in Walhalla for a short while, stopping at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craig. -Mrs: -Jos. Husemp.nn P.*K! children, of Spartanburg, aro visiting at tho home ] of the formet's aunt, Mrs. Rebecca j Busch, near Walhalla. -If you want to sell your land or buy any land, in town or out, seo mo boforo ?0U trado. 1 will mako you money. '. E. Aloxander, Real Estate Agent, Walhalla, S. C. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson nnd daughter, after a short visit to relativos in Walhalla, returned to his homo at Williamson last Thursday. -Married, at the residence of Warren Bearden, on Sunday, August 26, HHX), Andrew Cox and M?SB Lula Hendrix. Rov. D. P. Beardon ofllciated. -Mrs. S. D. Easterly and Mrs. Robt. Duryea, of Charleston, have beon spend ing two weeks visiting at tho home of j tho Missos Stnoko, in Wost Union. -Tho Sunday evening services and Thursday prayer meeting at tho Walhalla | Baptist church will commence at oight o'clock instead of half-past as formorly. -For Sale-A dosirablo and valuablo farm of 125 acres, near Cross Roads, ad joining J. P. Mulligan and others. Cheap for cash. Soe S. P. Dendy. 31V48 -A protracted meeting will begin at /lon Methodist church Thursday," Sep tember 0, at ll o'clock in the morning. Preaching by the pastor, Rov. E. S. Jones. -W. E. Seaborn, of Pell City, Ala, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Seaborn. He will spend about two weeks with them ana among his old friends. -The Oconee Association will con vene with Mountain Grove Baptist church on Friday, August 31st, and con tinue through Sunday. Rev. C. S. Black burn will preach on Friday. Dr. T. M. Bailey will preach on Saturday. Several other visiting ministers will bo presont to take part in the deliberations of tho new association. buggy out X^f^-f aO a single can of Tktoid original - lints. mmm sh af one operation, making ??Z sa ry and Insuring a satisfactory ?y and brilliant in a short time wm ds and Information. ^ t^MmmtVmtmkmitm* mmm* wm i Lead ?I Coter WorU. Dttraft. MIcV mt talla Drug Co. wm -Nice line of two-piece suits cheap. M. S. Stribling, Westminster, S. C. -Preaching next Saturday and Sunday at ll o'clock, at Whitmire church, 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Oconee, and at 8 o'clock at night at Millville, by Rev. H. Herbert Jones. -Miss Carrie Stucke desires to notify her friends that she has decided not to reopen her millinery store this Beason. She thanks her friends for their liberal patronage last season. -James Duffie, of Greenville, has ac cepted a position as salesman with C. M. Shelton. He has been with Mr, Shelton for several weeks and expects to mako this bis permanent home. -I. R. Good and son, Irby, left for their home in Marion, Ind., yesterday morning, after a visit of several days with the family of Mr. Good's brother, I. Good, of near Walhalla. -After next Saturday, September 1st, my dental office will oe closed for ten days or two weekB, owing to my neces sary absence from town. Patients will please take notice. Dr. D. P.Thomson. -Will pay 50 cents per bushel for tomatoes delivered at B. S. Childress's, Salem, S. C. ; also, greeu beans. 34-37* -The Rocky Branch Union will meet at the Fairview school house on Septem ber 1st at 4 o'clock p. m. All members ire expected to be present. Officers are S C. Biggerstaff, president, and R. H. alexander, seoretary. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford and child, of Charleston, are spending seve ral days in Walhalla as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jaynes. Mrs. Crawford is pleasantly remembered by many hero as Miss Annie Maxwell. -Joel Keys spent Saturday and Sab bath with Col. H. A. Thompson. Mr. Keys is a successful cotton buyer, and was on his way to tho eastern part of the state, where tho coveted staple is making its appearance. -Miss Etta Crosby loft last Friday for Atlanta, where she will remain this fall. She is with the Cbamberlain-Johnson Dubo8e Co., and will make a study of trimming and tho millinery business in general. -Rev. T. Land will immerse nine can didates in Rev. W. W. Abbott's pasture, near Jordania, next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching at tho church at liam. Rev. Z. Carswell, of Westmin ster will assist in the services. -W. D. Caldwell, of Pelzer, spent several days last week in and around Walhalla He ?t be made again. :>n and buy a load .ices on everything line. lg, Manager. Notes from Jocassee. Jocassee, AuguBt27.-Mr. and lira. J. G. Huff and C. It. Knox, of Seneca, and M. A. Wood, II ar ri non Morgan, lia Kel ley and Creighton Wood, of New Hope, registered at the Jocassee Inn Tuesday night. They were on their way to Lake Toxaway and other points of interest in the mountains. Miss Hassie Whitmire returned home last Sunday, after a week pleasantly spent among relatives at Old Piokene. Mrs. Grant and children, of Walhalla, spent several days last week visiting rela tives and friends in this community. Andrew Cash spont several days last week visiting relatives at Bohania, N. C. J. Alex. Robertson and JameB Finley, of the Fall Creek section, spent several days last week at the home of John M. Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Jones, of New Bickens, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitmire, Sunday and Monday. Miss Elsie Powell, of Easley, is on an extended visit here among relativos and friends. W. W. Moss, of Walhalla, spent Satur day and Sunday here in the valley. Mrs. Wright, of Greenville, is spending! a while with her daughter, Mrs. Emmaf Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Panglo, of Salem, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crow, Friday and Sat urday. A. L. Whitmiro was the guest of Dr. Grimshaw*, at Mont Vale, N. C., last week. Mr. Biemann, of Walhalla, has boon the substituto mail carrier during Mr. Barron's ahsonoe for tho last two weeks. Mr. and Mis. Barron and children are oxpocted homo in a few days, after spending a fortnight among relatives and friends at Now Pickons. Littlo Miss Lois Whitmiro spent last week with her cousin, Miss Florida Hin kle, of Eastatoe. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crow spont Satur day and Sunday with relatives aud friends ? near Salom. * . * Busted Bucket Shop. New York, August 28.-The Federal authorities took a hand in the affairs of M. J. Sage ?fe Co., a buckot shop concern, baoked by "Al" Adams, an ex-oonviot and "policy king," which is credited with having duped 25,000 people all over the east and BI ath of more than $2,000, 000. As soon as the yoet office depart ment heard the ooncern had suspended 't began an investigation with tho result that to-day a great quantity of mall ad dressed to the firm was held up in the New York poBt o*?r.a. Several United States ?postal inspectors have been de tailed on tho oaso.