Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 21, 1904, Image 3

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Tho Farmers' Convention. mbia, December 8.-About forty ors mot to-night to organizo to force, ttor prlco for cotton. Tho session a long ono and many resolutions re offered and after much disotlSSion itablo rosolutlouB were adopted. Dr. Hopkin? was elected neorotary. 'rosidout Smithj of Loo oouuty, who iresldod, statod that tho mooting was for tho purpose of discussing tho price of cotton, and that anything olso would bo ruled out of ordor. Any one prosont who was willing to abido by tho rulos adopted was a tnombor. As soon at?' the mooting commenced R. P. Stnokhouso, of Sumter, offorod ? reso lution to tho effect that all farmors plodgo therhsolvos not to soil any oottou for less than 10 oonts por pound for mid and that each county be organirzod that purpose; also, that acroago aud o Mils bo roduood 25 por cont, and ? each county also organize for that purpose^ It was also suggested that all othor cotton' growing States bo advised of this notion, and that a gouoral meet ing bo called in Atlanta on tho third Tuosday in January, and that each county soud delegates to each State con volition to oleot delegates to tho Atlanta mooting. There was some objection to tho 25 I por cont roduotlon, and 15 per oont was suggested, on tho (..."."?Wu' that thor? wore not enough < lol ega ese ul to pledge thomsolvos for tho o>. .<e State Col. Alfrod Aldrich, in the course of SOtUO rom arks, pointed ont that with this ? year's crop, it would bo impossible to got any higher prioe for cotton. Ho thought that tho beat plan would bo to work from oounty to county until nil farmors wore euro Hod. It might tako a year, but whon the ; organization was completed and tho as sociation formed, tho cotton markot could bo controlled. At present it looked as if about 250,000 bales would bo loft over at tho beginning of tho noxt cotton year. John C. Soognrs thought that if there was less speculation it would bo tho bost thing for tho South. . Mr. Crossland, of Bonuottsvillo, fa vorod a reduction of acreage and Amano. Ho thought that tho woovil was tho host friend of tho farmers. Col. D. Q. Duncan favored nn organiza tion and thought that tho rodnotionj would oomo afterwards. It. M. Mixson, of Willistou, favorodj decrease in acreage. Col. Lawrence Y oumans, of Barm who was roported to havo Bold 300 br for $18,000, spoke in favor or orgai tion, aud predicted 4 couts cottoj nuothor 12,000,000 halo orop waa duced noxt year. Ho did not however, that tho prico should bo so as to stimulate competition in countrios. Col. Aldrioh oxplaluod his sys] planting cotton and corn togothcj Col. Youmnns offorod as a sui resolution that it was nocoss: duce tho acreage and fertilizer a oommUtoo of five bo appoiti toud the convention at Shrev apd-pu^h tl\o organization .othor States. This was also dismissed adopted as a substituto. It was also deoidod to 1 per cont reduction. Tho Atlanta pr?positioi, out. The resolutions 'as ' finall called for a general organiz pushed at tho Shreveport the v recommendation of a reduotlon; tho orgauizatto conventions With five dole tho State convention. It was also decided to mittoo of flvo, with th issue an address to the forth tho resolutions, appointed to writo out as follows:' Col. Aldrioh P. StaokhouBo, 01* Sum, and F. Weston, of Presidout, S. D. Smith It was also dooidod tored institution. A resolution was pinners to rofuso gi govornmout agents down. Tho following to Prosldont Jordat lng in every conn cotton until prioe ganizo a char red asking all information to this wus voted m was roooivod: '?os call mass mont coomber 17. Hold vance. . Love, President. )Old Weather. iu OOld weathor bo conditions favorable font of those germ dis la grippe, pneumonia, (dm ption, otc. Thoso dis ? acted while tho mucous | tho throat and lungs is inflammation resulting rIt is dangerous to . neglect Fepld. Help naturo to ward 'by usiug tty dato'a Elixir, i 1 scientific romody can always in all diseased conditions of ! md lungs. Walhalla Drug Co. | 'tho Weather Calondar. hattanooga Medicine Co., the | '.cturors of Wiuo of Cordui and rd's Black Draught have just is tho 1005 edition of thoir Cordui tor Chart and Calondar. This cal ? r, with its 13 shoots 12x20 inches in makes a bright ornamont for tho ) 1 and is a useful acquisition to any mo Or officio on account of its displayed thor predictions. Tho promiuout bois can bo road across a large room cnn tho oolorod flags showing tho 'cather conditions for eaob day. Thoso ' cat her signals illustrate tho forecasts of | /Prof. Andrew J. Dovoo, who achieved groat prominence by his accurate pro dictions of tho groat Calveston, St. Louis and Minnesota storms and cyclones. So groat is tho popularity of thoso predic tions that they aro printed in 2,500,000 of | thoso calendars and in 18,000,000 of tho | Ladies' Birthday Almanacs which aro is sued by tho Chattanooga Medicine Co. each year. Wo understand that a copy of this weather chart and calondar may bo secured by sending 10 cents in stamps to tho Chattanooga Modioiuo Company, Chattanooga, Tomi. Any of our renders who have not secured a copy of tho La dies' Birthday Almanao can get ono by sending thoir address to "Ladies' Birth day Almanac," Chattanooga, Tonn., or by calling on their druggist. , Soniu Importait, h inorrtmendaUons. lu his rooont annut 'oport, Superln teudout of Eduoation O. \ Martin muk?s a number of importan.-, and somo of thom radical recommem Mon?, ac fol lows: Superintendent Martin . i cusses the Aull librnry not, passed by tr Inst Logis Inturo, and rocommonds that t continuo in f o roo with certain im -rovomouts which ho proposes. Tho Inw t present provides that whou tho frlot 's or pa trons of a Bohool havo raised $ . by pri vate Bubsoription for tho pm-p. sos of a library, tho amount of $10 for said li brary shall bo appropriated fi m tho fuuds of tho district in which tho ichool ls looatod aud tho samo amount f. un a fund sot apart by tho Stato, makin, $H0 for ouch library. Only twolvo sohoo * in each oounty may avail themselves of bo privilege of tho aot during any ono yt r. Tho law wont iuto operation this ye; and a largo numbor of freo school 1 brarlos havo boou established under it? provision. Tho roport rooonimonds that tho timo bo oxtoudod whou a district may voto n special lovy. That a school building law, based on tho prinoiplo of self help, bo onaotod. It was oaruestly recommended that tho dignity aud tho salary of tho ofllco of County Superin tendent of Education bo improved. That tho catablishmeut of county high schools with industrial features bo boguu. That nu educational commission to ro-writo tho school law ho appointed. That tho South Carolina Military Academy, nt Charleston and tho South Carolina Col lege at Columbia, bo combined, forming tho South Carolina Univorsity. That South Carolina day bo obsorvod in tho public schools. That lognl enrollment for attendance upon public night schools bo allowed. A Household Nocossity. A good linimont is n household neces sity. Elliott'B Km nisi lied Oil Liniment moots every requirement of tho house hold and barn-yard in a most satisfactory manner. Full half-piut bottles 25ot?, at Walhalla Drug Co. A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., says : Houston Bond, a clerk in a loading hotel in this city, received n certified oheok recently from Evans ville, Ind., for $10,000. Four yoare ago an old gontlotnnn foll on the J sidewalk in front of the hotel and B?v?rely injured himself. Mr. Bond wont to his assistance,' lifted him from thc ground and cared for him until he had recovered. Tho chook was the sequel. Bond would not disclose tho name of tho man who sent thc oheok. Biol- "J Duncan ?nd Tobacco. At the Monday morning session of the North Georgia Conforouoe Bishop W. W. Dunoan, during his address to tho Metho dist ministers, took oooasion to say something on tho question of chowing and smoking tobacco by tho membors of tho olorgy. "It is uouo of my business if you want to chow tobacoo or smoko it," said Bishop Duuoau, "but I must protost against Methodist proachors standing beforo church doors aud spitting all ovor creation aud going into homos and defil ing floors aud ruiuiug iaco curtains, I am not preaching against using tobacco, that ts uouo ot my business, but it is my business whoro you uso it. You may oovor yourself iu tobacco monking if you will, but you must not blow your smoko iu my face." Tho bishop did not say it was a sin for preachers to uso tobacco, but strongly intimated that it was host for thom to abstain. Ho spoko of preachers gotting uto dobt so as to embarrass thora iu pas t -val visiting and all tho duties of a M Miodist preacher -* * - A thousand Dollars' Worth of Good. A. Ii. Thornes, a well-known coal operator o* Buffalo, O., writes: "I havo boon allliotOu with kidney and bladder trouble for yea Vs, passing gravel or stouos with o xor iu 'ating pain. I got no roliof from modloin ? until I bogan tak iug Foloy's Kidney CL \ then tho rosult was surprising. A ft doses started the brick dust Uko fino s. ?es and now I havo no pain across my kid noys and I fool Uko a now man. It has douo mo a $1,000 worth of good." Sold by J. W. Boll, Walhalla, and XV. J. Lunney, Soncca. Heavy Domand for Lumber. Vnldosta, Ga., Deccmbor 17.-Tho Goorgia Interstate Mill Association hold a mooting hero to-day which was largely attended. Poports indi cated tho greatest improvement in tho domand for lumber, especially planing mill stock, during tho las GO dayB that has ever been known. In consoquonce, tho price list for 1905 on coastwise stuff was raised ill per thousand foot. Tho intorior prioes remain tho sumo. Tho rulos winch wore formulated in ?Savannah la?t week were adopted with tho exception that a modification is wanted in tho allowance on 12-inoh sizes and over. ?- ?- .-. Foloy's llouoy and Tar positively cures all throat and lung diseases. Rofuso substitutos. Sold by J. W. Holl, Wal halla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. BIG STOCK A I ?iii stocK to select from is an adi vantage to every buyer. If you will ? visit my stables you will be con- ? , vince?! that tbis is tbe place to buy } your Mules ano! Horses. On ?Secoixd Floor. V? Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Horso Blankets, Buggy Robos, Whips, Har i ness, Bridlos, Collars, Hames, Traeos, Plows, Harrows, Drills, Wocdors, and all kiuds of Farm Implements and Machines. Should I not hnvo what you want, lot mo know. " PRICES G-ONE WITH KOTTON." Easy Terms to Credit Buyers. T. M. LOWERY SENECA, S. C. 5 hirty-five Thousand Dollars' Worth of Seasonable Merchandise to Go at a Sacrifice for the Next Thirty Days. My Store is Chock Full of Goods, and, in Order to Reduce my Stock Before January, I will offer Special Reductions on all Goods. Suits for Men, Boys and Children. For tho past ?lvo yoars I havo hoon tho recognized lender in this o, and I moan to malro this tho largost salo of Mon's, Boys and Chil m's Suits ovor sold in tho county. Five hundrod Suits, that sold for $0, $7 and $8.50, your choice for $5. This lot consists of all kinds, sizes and stylos, and is mado of d material, with tho host workmanship. My lino of $10, $12.50 and $15 Suits cannot bo surpassed by any or, as 1 buy these suits from tho host and largest, mnuufactorios in Jnitod States, using tho greatest, caro and pains in selecting, both stylo and quality. $5,000 SHOES. $5,000 Fivo thousand dollar stock of Mon's, Womon's and Children's Shoes. I can fit anybody-from an infant to tho man that wears a No. 14, or tho woman that wears a No. 10, it matters not whothor you want an 85c. Brogan or a pair of $5 Patont Vioi or a woman's OSo. ovory-day or a $8.50 Patont Vici. Wo havo thom in nil stylos and prices. Best Shoos for loss money, always at ANDERSON'S. Hats and Underwear. Extra Spooial Bargains in Mon's and Boys' Hats. A lot Drummers' Samples to go at loss than wholosnlo cost. Ladies', dents' and Children's Undorwoar. Cnn fit anybody in this lino-from an infant to 44 size man. A lot nf Drummors' Samples to go for loss than they aro worth. Men's Overcoats and Boys' Clothing. Twonty-flvo MOU'R Overcoats, worth $8.50 anywhoro, your choi?e only $5. This lot has tho largo collars and aro ox tra long; woll made and of good material. Fifty Mon's Overcoats, in blues, browns, grays and blacks, all woll mado, of good material, worth $(5.50, your ?hoico $4.50. Youths' Suits, with long pants, for boys 15 to 20 yoars old, from $2.50 to $10. Boys' Knoo Pants Suits, from 4 to 10 yoars, from 75o. to $5. Boys' Ovorooats, 4 to 20 yoars, from $2.50 to $7.50. Boys' Knee Pants, 4 to 10 yoars, from 25o. to $1. Now lot just received. CANE BOTTOM, 3-BAOK CHAIRS ONLY FIFTY CENTS EACH. Furniture and Stoves. la my hobby. Wo aro waiting for you in this lino with tho ook ovor brought to this county. Bedsteads from $1.75 to $5; Oak Bedsteads from $2.50 to $25; oads from $11 to $20. ts and Drossors from $1.50 to $45. ?rds from $12.50 to $115. from 85o. to $7.50. furniture, 8 piocos, Drossor, Washstand and Bedstead, from sos, Hat Racks, Extension Tablos, Contor 'Pablos, LOUUgos, Art Squares, and everything that goos into your homo. Stoves from $8.50 to $40. Bc ?uro to seo my stovos boforo oil tho best grade, largest si zo, for loss molloy. Fresh Groceries, at Best Prices, Always on Hand. BALLARD'S OBELISK FLOUR. Prices Always Right. Remember Seven Things. 1. That you aro always welcomo at my store. 2. That wo never knowingly misrepresent our goods. 8. We always strivo to give host goods for loss monoy. 4. Our stock is largo and you can find what you want. 5. With $20 in trade in all linos, except groceries, wo will givo you a beautiful picture, or a handsome Imap absolutely free 0. That I am anxious to soil you Furnituro and Stoves on credit. Easy torms and right prices. 7. If you owe mo anything, pienso pay at once. I need tho money nod lt is timo to sottle np. Dress G-oods and Dry G-oods. A look is all that I ask. Tho goods and prices will do tho rest. This department is chook full of bargains-from tho cheapest to tho best. Now goods arriving daily. Boat, grado of Call?os, 5o. por yard. Oood gi ado of Checks, 5o. por yard. Oood grado of Cotton Flannol, 5o. por yard. Oood grado of Hod Ticking, 5c. por yard. Bargains in Ludios' Skirts and Jackets, Counterpanes and Blankets, Shawls and Fascinators. Our Notion Dopartmont ia completo In ovory particular. . Everything in Fancy Dross Goods and Trimmings. Anderson 9