Tho Farmers' Convention. mbia, December 8.-About forty ors mot to-night to organizo to force, ttor prlco for cotton. Tho session a long ono and many resolutions re offered and after much disotlSSion itablo rosolutlouB were adopted. Dr. Hopkin? was elected neorotary. 'rosidout Smithj of Loo oouuty, who iresldod, statod that tho mooting was for tho purpose of discussing tho price of cotton, and that anything olso would bo ruled out of ordor. Any one prosont who was willing to abido by tho rulos adopted was a tnombor. As soon at?' the mooting commenced R. P. Stnokhouso, of Sumter, offorod ? reso lution to tho effect that all farmors plodgo therhsolvos not to soil any oottou for less than 10 oonts por pound for mid and that each county be organirzod that purpose; also, that acroago aud o Mils bo roduood 25 por cont, and ? each county also organize for that purpose^ It was also suggested that all othor cotton' growing States bo advised of this notion, and that a gouoral meet ing bo called in Atlanta on tho third Tuosday in January, and that each county soud delegates to each State con volition to oleot delegates to tho Atlanta mooting. There was some objection to tho 25 I por cont roduotlon, and 15 per oont was suggested, on tho (..."."?Wu' that thor? wore not enough < lol ega ese ul to pledge thomsolvos for tho o>. .