The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, July 27, 1870, Image 3

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COST PRICES. I Propose to Sell, Am determined to Sell, And will Sell My' ltirc stoek of Drv G u:is, CI ching. Boots and S1e1s, Faunc y Articles. (im Cracks, Notions, Nic Nacke. littl: thngs and big thigs AT COST PRICES FIOR CASH, To make room fur Fall Stu'k. i1.t:":is are wanted then, now is the ti e and .ine is the place to get hem. r1ain guaranteed for C a s h. CI:ne and .rt v1'ar im ev back. ::v1ur.' most truir a:1d :ee A. HARRIS. #iw Bok. --Aen's sell 100 per week. Price . 5 Addrcss L. Stebbics, Iaitibrd, Ct. 2' A DAY !-43 r"' art' for Agents $5Samples free. H. B. SRHAW, Alfred, Me. SALESEN -Send far Circnlar. a first-clags business and sterdy employment. B. F. HOWE, 1 Arch Street, P hiladelphia, Pa. "A eaivila Theological School.-Unitarian; .a educares Mttuist-rs; $16) a year to poor sta tk'ts: begius Aug. 29. Apply to A. A. Liver mnor . Meadrille. Pa. (.UR.IUS. HOW STRANGE!-The Married Isl ies I'ri vate Companion contains the de sired in;formation. Sent tree for stamp. Ad dre. Mrs. II. iIrz8El, tlcnover. ra. WE WLL PAY AGENTS a salary of $35 per Week or allow a lartge commission to sell our new luventit)n. AddressJ. W. FltiNK & Ct,., Mrshalai, Mich:. WANTED. AGENTS.-S20 Watch free, given gratis to every live tran who will act as cnr Ae-:ut. B.nine !ight nd honorable. pays S3) per dav. Address 1R. Monroe Kennedy & C . Pittsturg. Pa. 00' AGENTS WANTED.-"Ladie. of the *White Hiouse." No onpO<itiOn. S:.cel Eu crsvtes. i:epiti sales. For circularF, address i S. 1';rLisn1iG Co., N. Y., Cinci'nati and Sa -9- -' Wanted in a pnrinu bair.e,s. "A.L _s. .. i. 1:.,. 41Z Chestnut St.. "DY bMANtY.'1.FASrfATloNOn SOUL L- (:iAlR.IN:;.-tpa;es:cloth. T'hiswonder fu 'ook a:'u1 in;,.t:uus to enable the read er to f sciat' ect :er sex. or any an:inal, at will. 'E-bneri::m. .;;u-t!i n. and hundreds of o:her curioun- e:xperi.s:-:st,s. It C::i be obt::iuw. be send inss autdre- wi:h i :--n ti po;ta;re, to T. W EV .1 N a: ()., No. 41 So. Eitlh Sr.. Pldl:idelphia. STAR SPANGLE BANNEt.-A large 41 counm: :taper, Ledger sire. illnstrated. Devo ted to Sketches. Poetry. Wit, Humor. genuine ftn. Nonesr, of a sensih,e kind, and to the ex psu: of Swiniling. Ilunibugs. &c. Only 75 t a cear. and a euperb en"rraving --Evangeilne." 1 1-2x2 e Zr, :rstis, j ,! eircl.tiot. Money re fl:ded t +nll wto ask it. It is wide-awake, fear lt. trulttf:'l1. lry it now. 75 ctc. a vear. Spe eitueX' F..i.. \ UNNEli," flint PATES. l a< who wish to take on? Patent - advi -d tocniusel with MCNN & CO.. edi th e seeiii Artmerican, who have prose - ms before tile Patent QiTlce lbr over -rs. Their Amn. rcanu and European -ece isi the monst extensive in the h.crrs less than :iny other reliab!e pam;:bet couta ining lull instructious s set ;nirat. \N & Ct . 37 Parik Row. y Yrk. dES!F IT I_TRE Tt lbe IM swers-lhe licest Droppers-the ne:s-Iakers tso be feuui in the wor:d aire the i.c1andi !m:da'( D)nie-Motion t~ 3-n cU chne tmade by the AfNA AX.NCACTUIN; '4 ' . f l. Oh.o. Send for Pamph'let coui -r r U NMAWN.-Ne'w Bnok. Free i ' or Srcmp. yAIiIANT & Cu?.. N .Y. lullPi. IO ME. RELIALE. A 1 GN iS WANTED) in every city. town and .~1- viI ar fnr th:' iinr t nmo-t succesefui \.L At R110.,E in tihs coantry-ONLY.,)NE er:doi.we by the leadding tIspets nud Express Co.'s otflh. 1- iised Stts Oumr goods giveu uniersasl .-:ti':nce'on, our~ premium<i to Agn-t ca.5or m:: t'u.. Xn.i 1.ur chr-eks:. re free. Ilsnving tt o hi uie.--!;.tos an:d ':ikn;u-our fecilitie, are r I5 A ::a.0X, m:di our lulL tzdexceeds in amount 'Hwer emiceerns. in thijs trnde combined. rENt FOR CIltl' .AUL lt d FItEE (I i.:t1o S C. -HOMPSON &.. 13 2e:ral Street, Bost:on. cr 158 State Street, Chicago. A MO3DEL HOUSE. ! ::a cripple. I tare made house p,lantiing a .relai l tud y. One~q bui:t hItst season bsas proved a mool! ol convenience. beauty, and economy. D .erip: iv circulare of Plans. Views. e:c., with gcenerasl informriationt of value to all. sent free. r\ldre-'s. w i:h rt:mlp or script if conivieit. (l E'. J.c'LE~Y. Archittct,Waterbury,Ver monit. PNewspaper Advertising. \ 'dook o0 125 closely printed pages. lately is usotainisa. list of thc test American Adver I Win:Z )tuiumi. -titing lhe nmes, circulattons, arsi ts II particuslars cocscernincg the leading Daily na:d Wekiv t.!itiecai and F.imcily Newspapers, ts.1tls'r with :dl thoae h-avin:r large circulations. inhseI inthei:trest ofRelicion. Agriculture. L.i:e.-::tm e. &c., &c. Every Advertiser.anrd eve V e pr-on wnho contemplates bcomoing 'such, will i:al is book of greast value. Mai;ed free to any :oidros ou receipt of fifteen cents. GEO. P. )KOW FLL & CO . Publishvrs. No. 4) rark Row. New York. Thi.- Pttburg. Pa., Le-ider, in its issue of May 291. 1S7.- sayvs: rThe firm of (;. P~. Rowell & Co.. whichi i.s'sues this interesting and valuable book, i<:the lar:est and be-t Advertising Agency in the I- i t.-d Sta.tes. and we c:au clieerfully recommeud it t.)' the etienition of those who desire to adver ti-ctheir bni,iness scientitically andI system atical lv in 'suc -n war: that is. so to secure the largest cmout . pu.blici:y or the. leact expex.diture of LARGEST-BEST-CHEAPEST ! ~NTERPRISE. INDUSTRY, TACT. Libesali .iv. anid the liet Talenst, Lave for over Twen 'eira Leen freely nted upon 00Ioo'e RuPal NeW-Y0PkeP. rod as a result it is now. pre-eminently, the .argest. Btest and Cheapest Illustrated Rural, l.iterary and Family Weerly In the World. Tieus of~thousads of wide-awake People, all over the Contine uit. take and admire the Rural for its superior A bility. Value. Illustrations, Style. &c. TilE PR ESS AND PEOPLE PEAISE IT I For example. an Exchange says: "TI e Rural i'4 thse most Elegantly Printed. Ably Edited. Widely Circutated ami Heartily Welcomed P'a per, as a whgole, which now finds its way among the People-~ --- Vol. X XII. begins JTuly 2. Try it! Only $ 50 per voume otC snmbers, or S3 per year. Lrestoclubls. rSubscribeNnw: Address D. D. T. E0OoEE, 41 Park Row, New York. OOwill pa for theNew 59romInow toJa a---.- Ly;lL ONE DLAtwrpay for the Nl.31l-W t:l-: LY io-..' it ,cet a month .avys for the D)AILYX SI.N. Ad'ires. L. W. ENG LA.ND, Pu~blisher, NewYlork. ~UGAR CANE AND SD1i.GHUM MILLS' S Evaporatorsa,adHorse Prs:aemtdin .> the~ recent imnprovemenCts aud ta g te leb if everv kil it, market. Manufactu bv I, lX. .. ~l .'. Buffalo. N. Y. Ei t her sugar .oro Muuuais for IS sent free. e..rat o'ri'inXtl i2iustrated comisc weekly pa 'r: nai.' ' stuber sea ou receipt 01 130 ies 1-.''.Ie. L.beral terns ton aent. -rm rmustabeoes - - NOTICE. A BARBECUE will be given at WAD LINGTON'S CROSS ROADS on TUESDAY, the 2d day of August next, when Judge Carpenter, General Butler and others will address the citizens of Newberry on the po litical questions of the day. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all persone, without regard to race or political opinions, to be present. SIMEON FAIR, July 20, 20-=t. Sup'% of Canvass. NOTICE. A Mass Meeting will be held at SALU DA OLD TOWN on MONDAY, the 1st of August next, when Judge Carpenter, Gen eral Butler and others will address the citizens of Newberry and Edgefield, on the political questions of the day. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all persons, without re.ard to race or po lidcal opinions, to be present. An Accommodation Train from Newber r C. 1., to Saluda Old Town, will be run on the G. & C. R. R.-up and back the same day. SIMEON FAIR, July 20, 29-2t. Sup't of Canvass. C1ROlN V INTIR TURNIP SEED. GROWN by one of our most practical farmers. For sale by ('ARWLE & McCAUGHRIN. July 20, 2U-2t. TURNIP SEED LANDRETH'S NEW CROP. Yellow Ruta Baga. White Ruta Baga. White Flat Dutch. Norfolk. Large White Globe. Pomerania Globe. Hanover and Seven Top. Warranted fresh and genuine. For sale at PRATT'S Drug Store. July 20. 29-tf. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives notice that all persons indebted to the late firm of Stewart & Coate, may discharge their in debtedness, by applying to my Attorneys, Fair, Pope & Pope, upon the rule adopted by the juries at the fall term 1869-if ap plication be made on or before the 1st day of August nXt. After that date suit will be commenced to enforde collection. (Signed) JOHN COATE, Survivor of Stewart & Coate. July 20, 2i-2t. South Carolina BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, (Building formerly occupied by Carolina Na tional Bank.) MLIN STRE'ET, Columbia, S. C., July 1st, 1870. This Bank, Savings, and Trust Company, under their charter, with ample capital, are prepared to meet the wants of general busi ness. We discount commercial and all paper on approved collateratls ; make collections a t acces.,ible points in the United States ; bay anad sell exchange ont the principal cities in the States and Can:adas; purchase and sell G;overnment Bonds, Bank Bills, and Southern Securities. Advatnces mtade otn consignments of Cot tona and o?ther prntItts wit h bill-lading at. tatched, or ware-bo:a,e receipt. Bly special arranagemer.t we receive deposits, allowing ina-rest, andl issuae' certific .tes for the same. Pr;ompt attention 1:ivetn to the collection of s:aha ries, ando llquida:tiona of claims agaitnst the ata:e (Go(vermntent. Il A RDY S0LO310N, Presitdent. J1. G. R1OATIi. Casher*. July 20, 29-3mnos. James A. M1ars and Rob'i 11. Mars, Ex'ors., v. John P'. Rintard and Trustees of New berry College.-In Equ:ity-Newberry. ]Iv order of the Court in thais case, the creditors of the Newberry College, of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Caro finsa and adjacent States, are required to render in :and establish their d,emande be. fore me on or before the FIRST DAY OF AUGU'ST NEXT. THIOS. 3L LAKE, Clerk. Ju!y 13, 2S-3t. NOTICE. South Carolina Railroad. IOn and after July 1st, 1870, all Passen gers gettine.oan Trains at Stations where Tickets ARE SOLD, ad neglecting to puar cha,se Tickets, will be charged the Conduct or's Excess R:ate. But all P'aesengers get ting ona at Stations where Tickets are NOT SoLD, will be charged ouly the Agent's Rate by thec Conductor. ALFRED L. TYLER, Vice-President. S. B. Pacxus, General Ticket Agent. July 13, 28-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry waits of Fieri Fa.tias to aae directed, I will sell on the first Mon day in Auguast next, at Newberry Court H1ouse, to wit: 25 acres of land more or iess, bounded Iv lands of George Rikard, Benson G;ounts and others. Levied on as the property of 3!inor Kinard, at the suit of Elizabeth Gall uan, Adtm'x. 0 Also 1St0 acres tmore or less, bounded by lands of Robert Luther and G. G. Dewalt. L50 .\lso 16 acres more or less, bounded by place atnd lands of H. Ciannson. Le vied on as thte property of 31sthias Singley, at the suit of Mlicaj.ih Saber, Adaa'r for an other. Terms Cash. 3 THIOS. PAYSINGER, S. N. C. -WOO?L-ROLL CARDING AT t100BION FAIThIY HAYING supplied ourselves with new cards, and refurntished our Factory gene. rally, we flatter ourselves that with our per. soalsuperintendence, and promapt atten tion of operators, we can give satisfaction in eve<v instance. Our BATTER, with which we now mnake PER~FECT MIXES, i in full operatiota. 12tets. per poundis our price for carding wool when the wool is greased--two ceants per pound extra when we furanish the oil. We have stables and lots for horses, and accommodations conven ient for those patronizing. MIr. A. W. T. Simmons, at Helena Shops, is our agent for Ne wberry. Wool rolls will be returned every tena days. Rt. S. & J. W. GOODGION. L-.orea, S. C., July 18, 1870. July 20, .9-Sm. TAKE NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of James M1. Brtoois, dec'd., are requestedl to mauke iatmediate paymtent t and all wto have cl.aimas against the said estace will pWase renader them in to me, properly attes te!, as son as practicahle. Magic Elastic Hand Stamps. A NEW INVENTION, for Printing on Paper, Wood, Leather, Glass Cloth, &c. Business Men! print your own Cards, Bill heads, Wrapping Paper, &c., saving Prin ter's Bills. Prices, $3 to $8. Sheets with priced designs sent free. Agents wanted. Liberal inducements-$10 per day easily made. Canvassing outfit, Si. SMITH, HALL & CO., . No. 6 Cour:landt St., New York. July 20, 29-3t. IPORTANT NOTIUE1 JIJSP RECEIVED A small and bcautiful lot of LADIES GOAT POLISH BOOTS, ALSO, Ladies English Front Lace Gaiters, from the world renowned Factory of Miles & Son. ALSO. A few cases of C. Lines' fatous Ladies' Walking Boots. All of which will be SOLD LOW FOR CASHi ABRAMS, GRIFFIN & CO., Per McD. METTS. July 6, 27-tf. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE FOR A TERM of YEARS. MY PLANTATION on S i!nda, near Old Town Depot. MULES, CORN, IMPLE MENTS, &c., may be had with the place. Apply on the place, or to JOHNSON HAGOOD, BARNWELL, S. C. July 6, 27-4m-e.o.w.* NOTICE! I have just received from the New York Factory, the new style of VIC TORY JARS for putting up Fruits. apr sale low. Call at A. HA1RIS'. June 8. 23-tf. United States Marshal's Sale. The United States of America-South Caro lina District. BY virtue of a writ of Ficri Facias to me directed, issuin-g out of the Honorable the United States Circuit Court, for the District of South Carolina, I will expose for sale, to the highest bidder, at public auction, at Newberry Gourt House, on the 1st day of August, 1S70, being the first Monday of the month all the right, tit'e and interest of SAMUEL YOUNG, deceased, in and to the folowing property, to wit: 1. One tract of Ia'id in the County of Newberry, and State of South Carolina, known as the Walden Place, bounded by lands of 31. Suber, Mrs. Atchison and others, and containing ONE IILNDRED AND FORTY (140) ACRES, more or less. [g This tract has on it about FIFTY acres of bottom land.) 2. One tract of land, in the County and State aforesaid, known as the Sam. Scott Place, bounded by lands of tract No. 1, and other lands of Samn'l Young, deceasedl, and containing ONE HIUNDRtED AND TWEN TY (120) ACRES, more or less. This property is levied on as the estate of Samuel Young, deceased, in the possession of William Young, deceased, to satisfy the decree of James Bonds, obtained in the case of Hamilton, Young & Bush, vs. WVil lam Young, Ex'or., and others. TERYIS CASI--Purchasers to pay the Marshal for necessary papers and stamps. The sale to be conducted by A. P, Pifer, Deputy Marshal, as Auctioneer. L E. JOUNSON, U. S. Mlarshal. July 13, 28-3t. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. W ALTKERS C ALT,1FOBNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, SHr.ndreds 'af Thousands -~Bear tcs?.imony to their wornderful~ M 2 Curative Eliects. - WHAT ARE THEY? TIETAR NT VL A NC.D IN Maeo- or. u.Wise,-oopr its an5eueLqos ctrd pcd and weeene toplese he ast, clle0"Tmes "0 Apeies ""Rsoer, c,thtla h tipper oto runknnesandruin bu aretru CIPL, a., pe3c eoao n nioao $ade ofl Poo given foraincube P aso, Spro idts. ones ae Linors dtored, meal poion o wther mt .eas, n the tal 'ogas w-,A.peydthze. intoreair &.tt.lath tipor onftao trycna and Cruiniutc re mtimulans GT~ot ypia,BLorOd C<IPLn. Biios p Re ittent and Inortr mittheteve, cyDisetaes pofsnu th ero, Liero cidnys tandB dr these Bitt- odnt tors h ill beie morst incsful Scase pis easl~t oes are otb dVitred byd wieh :is's nry ocd byn daneto the vtlogn w9' eyn h pint tomrebandstmuat Fh oro InliverO and s,w ic Reneheu mts.aot.Dyspepsia, or Indi-etin edce Go4. iiesou Semttenth.Bad TIster itet Fepious, Disaes of thie Painoin ie r,in o Kidneys, and ahdere othert tsersia ae ed byt th,ces ttr. Suh.s ease tecaed Vitiated Blood,e yoh ind is mnurities brouct.ibg thr-nento the si nPm pigestions Orns as twe ti fl andor feeO?ling.i the yomau an stKe the btoond pur and boe whh ader sytem l fodjneii, e tTAPE, n clWans-ing th inodo sothe yste ofstem.ntosns r tetal .aro zzndea otl, porntdacin four Tle Enihe emn , Fe nch, and ah.rd te J. tALET, sytm w& c a oree ofsrit, ofY D .pp re u:distse dtGeers.Aens S ins thwer Citria , anod 3wh ne yom-n ts imuiisbt.izr .GGIShTh AnD Pm ICE CH EA 11, AT LOUIS SHODAIR'S June 1, 22-tf. BR. J. R. THOMP8ON, SURGEON DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. W. B. McKellar.) Office over McFall & Pool's store, on Maio Street. All the old business left unfinished will be completed on the terms as before arranged and everything done in the best manner anc warranted. The patronage of the public i respectfully solicited. Dec . 8, 48-tf. Dr. PANT'S COMPOUND CINCHONA BIIRS THIS preparation is particularly recom mended to persons suffering from Billious ness, Constipation and Dyspepsia arising from Indigestion, also, a certain preven tive of CHILL and FEVER. The additioi of certain ingredients has so completel; disguised the taste of tht Bark as to rende this efficacious TONIC palatable. It is com. posed of the best Vegetable Tonics knowr to the Medical profession. Prepared only by S. F. FANT, NEWBERRY, S. C. Apr. 20, 16-tf. SPIE(IAJ NOTIIE I AM now disposing of my stock o SUMMER GOODS At NEW YORK COST, in order t< make ready for my FALL SUPPIES, "n have already got goods fron Ine very cheap; come now and ge1 cheaper bargains. A. HARRIS. June 22, 25-tf. ~llERO SPRIGS~8 Eight Miks from Spartanburg 0. H.,8S. C. New Furniture-Hotel Thoroughly Renovated-New Bedding-NVeu Baths-Bowling Alley, and othe? niodes-of exercise for guests, weil be ready~ for visitors .June 1st, 1870. Board per month $30-per week S1O0-per day $2. The water is Chalybcae, and is cool and pleasant to the taste. Hais proven effica cious in curing Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Kidney Diseases, Gravel, Dropsy, Diarrhea, dataneous Affections, Chill and Fever, Gene rl Debility, and many oilher ills of a kin. dred nature. Tne table will he provided with the best the country affords; and eve ry attention given to visitors, calculated to make their stay pleasant. CADiSs TO R~r. B. C. OLIVEE, Proprietor, Spartaniburg C. HI., S. C. June 1, 23-2m. MOTL 4AAIE Tw olas e Anm T3o Dagas pdertiseumens WALKER, EVANS & COGS WELL, 0. WYATT AIKEN, CH ARLESTON, S. C July 13, 28-tf. I0O0 BUSH. Prime White GORN~ 50O BALES N. R. -ind Eastern UAY. Io BBLS. GOLDEN SYRUP. 1Low for Cash at H. C. WISKEMAN'S. June 29, 26-tf. SAVE YOUR FRUITS. THE Carolina Mannfacturing Company has just received a large supply of FRUI CANS of a very superior quality, which will be sold low for CASH. A. T. COOK, Sup't. June 29, 26-tf. Guardian's Notice for Final Discharge. THE undlersigned hereby gives notice that he will apply to the Judge of Probate Court, for Newberry County, on the 27td day of July next, for a final discharge ai Guardian of MARY HILL'S ESTATE. LEVI METZ, Guardian. June 29, 180-26-4t. Bar and Billiard Room. The undersigned announce to their friendi and patrons that thefr establishment wa~ never better appointed. We have recently received a s.upply of pure liquors of all kinds. and intend to keep them up to a high stan dar.. SMIrrn & CnnISTTAN. TURNIP SEED OF LANDRETWS 1870 CROP. Yellow Ruta Baga Turnip Seed. White Ruta Bags Turnip Seed. Early White Flat Dutch, Turnip Seed. Red or Purple Top Turnip Seed. Large Norfolk Turnip Seed. Large Globe Turnip Seed. Hanover Turnip Seed. Seven Top Turnip Seed. Just received and for sale at McINTOSH'S DRUG HOUSE. July 33, 28-tf. P. W. &R. S. CHICK (At Stewart's Corner.) HAVE a full Stock of Goods houeht for CASH, which they offer to sell LOW FOR CASH. Consisting of A large and varied assortment of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods of latest style. ..n,::s of many and choice deariptions. Gentlemen's and Boy's Spring and Sum mer Cassimeres. Large lot of Men's and Boy's Hats at very small profit. Heavy stock of Bleacbed and Unbleached Homespuns and Striped Plaids. Good stock of Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys. A nice lot of Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes, of Moore, Larrabee & Co., warranted. Tea, abundant and good. Factory Yarn by the wholesale;and retail equal to any Yarn made in the State. Fine lot of Cutlery, Tools, Locks, and Hardware generally. Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, &c. Guns and Pistols. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Plain and Fancy Soaps, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda and Starch. Large lot of Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Scythe Blades and Nails. Tobacco and Segars. Landreth's Seeds of various kinds. Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, &c. Kerosene and Turpentine. Lime. They propose to sell goods to the satis faction of all who will patronize them At Low and short Profits For Cash. Call and examine their Stock and judge for yourselves. They are also Agents for Jacob B. rit ter's celebrated i-nproved old Anchor B and Bolting Cloth. P. W. CHICK, R. S. CHICK. Apr. M, 1G-t. THE 1870 BELIE Has Worked Wonders T V P1I1 E Of u GOODS. W. T. TARRANT Having just returned rrom the Northern markets with a select Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, bought with care and at re duced prices, is now prepared to sell at LOW FIGURES, In all the following lines : * Dress Goods, OFaevery variety, such as Silks, Grenadincs, Po- jins, Japanese crbs. LeHos, Bereges, Dc~ines, Muslins, Black and White .Alpac cast and a full assortment of Dress Trim mings. CAL1COES, WHITE GOODS,0OSNA1IURGS, .HOMESPUNS, and DRILLS. Another large lot of those splendid ribbed HOSE for 12jc. HOSIERY and Gloves of every variety. A fine Lot or CROOKERY and TABLE CUT LERY. Also, flooP SKIRTS. JEANS, Cottonades, Linens, Cassimers, Doe Skins, BrQadeloths, together with an elegant lot of H ATS, BOO TS A ND SH OES, CL OT HING, &C. OIL SILK and NURSERY CLOTH. Also a choice stock of G-roceries, Saddlery, Buggy & Wagon Harness, SOL.E, Ura, HARNEss AND WBANG LE ATH ER, In great variety, and a general stock of all kinds of Notions, All of which in quality, variety and prices, will enable me to compete with any house this side of Mason and Dixon's line. Deeply grateful for past liberal patronage, I respectfully solicit an examination of my large stock, and guarantee satisfactory prices. W. T. TARRANT. Apr. 6, 14-tf. DISTRICT COURT of the UNITED States-For the Dist. of South Carolina. In the matter of Laurens Rail Road Co., Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. A warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estate of said Laurens R. R. Company of the State of South Carolina in said Distriet, adjudged Bankrupt upon the petition of its creditors, and the payment of any debts and the de livery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt to the said Co. or to its use, and the transfer of any property by said Co., arc forbidden by law. A meeting of cred itors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and chose one or more Assignees of said Bankrupt's estate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Newberry C. H., in said District, on the 12th day of Au gust, 1870, at 12 o'clock M,., at the office of C. G. Jaeger, Esq., one of the Registrars in Bankruptcy of said Court. ~L. E. JOHN SON, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. Per A. P. Pina, Dep. Mes. July 20, 29-3t. To the Teachers of the Cem-~ mon Schools. YOU are required to make out your re ports for tuition in two separate accounts. For the first term from Nov. 1st, 1869 to March 31st, 1870, and for the 2d term from April 1st, 1870 to the last Friday in June, These claims most all be filed in my offiee before they can be forwarded to the State Sup't of Education for payment. Prompt ness from one and all is necessary. Teach ers will receive blank forms on application to Jesse C. Smith, in my office, during my absence, and by application to me at Po maria until the close of the month. On Sales-day I will be in my office and during the week to receive the accounts. On Sat urday the Board of Examiners will meet and give certificates to applicants. We will endeavor to accommodate Teachers each day-but Saturday will be the regular day of Examination. For particulars please refer to the Cireux lars posted up~ in the Ps %e July 20, School Commisaioner. I. MOORMAN & C., Are Now Receiving A COMPLETE STOCK OF Plantation and FAMILY ROCERIES Which have been selected and BOUGHT WITH GREAT CARE; and think they can make it the interest of parties desiring such Goods, to examine their stock before they make theft purchases. They are prepared to purchase all kinds of produce at market rates, and also to make advances on cotton, when parties prefer to ship to other markets. Sep. 29 38 tf. Flour, Cheap Flour. 100 Bbls of Fam ily Flour on hand, at from $7 to $9 per barrel. For sale by W. H. WEBB. Jan. 12 2 tf. DR. E. C. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, NEWBERRY, S. C. Rooms over Mr. Mower's store, and in front of Herald office. I take pleasure in informing my friends and the public geuerally, that my dental rooms are now open, and that I am pre pared to execute all work in my profession in the most approved manner. I am determined to devote my entire time and energy to my profession. Jan. 12 2 tf. NEWS ITEMS. WRIGHT & COPPOCK have now in store their SPRING STOCK of. Mens', Youths' and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Complete in every line as usual, carefully selected under the most favorable circum stances. Our stock is larger, and includes a greater variety, than ever before, among which are several entirely new and very pretty stj of ;oods. We- cannot enume rai, but a few minutti Cx.mination will convince anyone 0,,i we keep the largest and most handsome stock in \ewberry, anu that we are not to be UNDERSOLD by any retail Clothing House, North or South. NOTICE. We intend to keep a table of assorted Clothing, which will be sold at cost or less, among which are many rare bargains. Respectfully, WRIGHT & COPPOCK. Boots and Shoes. Fine Calfhand sewed dress Boots, Shoes a Gaiters " " "D'ble sole w. P 4" " Kip har,d Pg'd " " " " " Beavy Dtcher " " " " from 9 to 13 Best D'bte Sole Pegged Brogans for Men a Boys. Calat WRIGHIT & COPPOCK'S. Ot 6 39 tf. In Common Pleas-Newberry, South lina.-Mayes & Martin and others, vs. The Bank of Newberry, S. C. BY an order of his Honor, T. 0. P. Ver non, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the Seventh Circut, passed in the above stated case, dated 20th day of May, 1870, all sueing creditors of the Baink of Newber ry, South Carolina, are enjoined from the further prosecution of their respective suits and they and all other creditors are required to render their demands at the office of the Bank of Newberry, S. C., at Newberry, in the State of South Carolina, for payment, on or before the first day of December next, and if not paid when so presented, then to render them within the time specified above before Thos. M. Lake, special referee, to be established before him according to law. THTOS. M. L AKE, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. For Newberry County, S. C. May 25, 21-tf. CHEAP HARNESS! CHEAP M'CLELLAN SADDLES!! Chap leamf Hamness, & !!! T HE undersigned are now mnnufacturing for sale Buggy Harness at $16.50 per set. New McClellan Saddles, $7, $8 and $10.00 each. 2d hand Government McClellan Sad dIes, $4.00 to $7.00i each. Team Harness, 2, 4 and 6 horse sets, CH EAP; all of best material and workmanship. Together with the above, a general stock of fine Harness, Saddles, Bits, &c. &c. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS if yout wish a good, substantial and cheap article. CHAPEAU & HEFFRON, 68 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. June 15 24-3nl. South Carolina Monu ment Association. AT a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Monument Association, held on Thursday, June 23d, 1870, the resignation of Mrs, Louisa S. Mc Cord as President of the Associadon was tendered and accepted. Mrs. William Wallace, of Columbia, Vice President, will act as President until the annual election of offieers, in November. District Managers are requested to go on earnestly with their work and have their quarterly reports ready for the regular quarterly meeting, on the 20th of August. I. D. MARTIN, Recording Secretary. Coexata, S. C., June 24th, 1870. GREAT FAIR South Carolina Institute, NOVEMBER 1st, 1870. CHARLESTON,Ss C. g Most liberal Premiums offered ill every department of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts. Premium List pmtblished in Pamphlet Juorm. 27Sm HOUEL & JQIK Next to McFall & Po l's., Respectfully inform their friends and patrons that their stock of GROCERIES and FAMILY SUPPLIES is now full and complete, and to which they beg to call at tention. A general line of -FAMILY GB 0 EBIES Always on hand, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Rice, Flour, Meal, Grist, Hams, (a fine brand,) Bacon, Lard, Pickled Pork, Mackerel, Molasses, Cheese, Candles, Soap, Pickles, Soda, Lye, Raisins, Crackers, all kinds, Canned Oysters, Sardines and Fruits, etc., etc. Together with Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Yarns, Kerosine OIL, etc., etc. Besides a choice assortment of Confectioneries. Thankful for the very liberal pa tronage bestowed, a continuance is de sired, with the promise that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction and please the most fastidious. HOUSEALL & JONES. Mar. 30, 13-ly. IIIARKET D10WI. Great Reduction in Prices. IN consequence of the decline in Cotton, and more especially the large STOCK of GOODS of all kinds that I have on hand. I offer from this day my entire Stock at greatly reduced PRICES. The Stock co:sists in part of a full sup ply of GROCERIES, Such as CORN. FLOUR, BACON, LARD. MOLASSES, (YFP. COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO. Also a full Stock of DRY GOODS Of all descriptions. Notions of all kinds, together with a large assortment of CL O T HIN Gr, H ATS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, GUNs,PISTOLS, GOWDE, SHOT, POWI E, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, LAMPS, LAMP GLASSES, OIL, CLOCKS, and many other goods too numerous to mention, generally kept in a wrell assorted Store. A small supply of Dickson's Cotton Seed. M. FOOT. Mar. 16, 11-tf. EITIRELY_EW. 1879, 8IMMR 1870. WE beg leave to announce to our friends, customers and the pleasant public generally, that we have jtst re eived a choice lot of handsomne and CHEAP DRY GOOD2, Such as PRINTS. POPLINS, -JAPANESE, &c. A first class stock of Ladies' Con. Gatrs, Last. B3als., goat and kid Bootees. 31isses' and Children's Gai ters, Bootees, &c., and a fine lot of pegged work, such as Mens' Gaiters. Bas., .Jerscy Ties; womn's Bal's., d.i of which we guarantee. Mi We have on hand a lot of And in order to close them out, will sell thenm at and btelow NEW rORK COST. Give us a nail and see if we don't mean just what we say. l. BARRE & SON. June 8, 23-tf. STOITS, TMINIV , &., Cheap as the Cheapest, GOOD AS THE BEST. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he will for nish them with all articles in his line of the best quality at the LOWEST PRICES. Roofing and Guttering, As well as all ther, JOB WORK, Will be done In the best and mdst approved styles at the lowest rates. Call and exanie goods and prices and satisfy yourselves. W. T. WRIGHT. WANBO FERTILI The experiments of the pit y ar have eontiefped those of years, and estab lished heyond all controversy, the great merit of this South Carolina Fertilizer. The undersigned are the Agents at Newber ry, an4 will (upnish any quant.v neeeded by the planters of this section. They alm. have a great number of small paraphes containing testimonials pf many of the- beat planters cf this and adjoining States, as to its fertilizing propertres, which they wiTh distribute gr.tis. E. X00= .1S k CO. Jap 1 9 3 t$. MILLINERY, MILLINERY, AT D. XOWER'S. REMEMBER THE PIACE My Spring Millinery Goods, wAic were purchased since the recent heavy decline, are now being received. Consisting of all the late styles of Bonnets, Ribbons and Hats, which are the Alpine, Prin eess, Suez and Angustine, also that superb new style Sun Hat which will be worn by everybody. A general in vitation is extended to the community to call and examine and secure a good style article at a LOW PRICE. Apr. 6, 14-tf. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. Now being received a completa Stock of Dry, Fancy a n d Dress Goods. ALSO, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. .-.A.TS, AND CRO0KIRYm-ARL All of which will be sold LOW FOR CASH By D. MOWER. Apr. 6, I4-f, SOLE HAER Russet, Upper and Whiang L EJ. TIl ER, Oni Iand and foi- sale i>f Tt's Vegeisble Liver Pil, C*f diseases of the Liver' and Skeaaeb: hta's EgzeEtorant; A pleasant ciire for Coiighs; (toid*, S: utt's Saruaparilla, and Qzaeen's DeliM. The great Alterative stad Blood Parise: htt'Improved Esir Die, Waranted the best dye in hie. 'Iss cte* dard preparations are for sale biy Dtdgght Sep 83&1y CAROLIA. The Carolina Mar.ufactoridg Cym ft nies the Lad~ies to their sidek of FA.CX WARES. I'lease call and cauk ti.'em o charge for looking. MERCHNif' Who wish to purchase Tin .*ares at WHOLESALE are ised to call; as price. tre put down at sueh figures at will afford .rge profits. PLANTERS All of your wnts can be supplied at me dium and moderate prices. To the Retail Trade. Our RETAIL SA3PLES are CO.MPLETE, and offered at LiVING PRICES. Jobbing bepartment. Sriet'ateietfhl iltd to rooftng, gatter ing, repairng of stdW~s, making stove pip ing, repaiing tin Ware, &c. STOVES. Our Stbck di Ot8ves are complete, of the bet, and prices low. April 27, 17-If. Glenn's Springs, Si'ilTANBURG COUTL Si ' TIS delightful 'I aterir.g Pesse.uosurpaF sed an ~y in the Souiatt, Ieeiws-medici3al uaid is now open for the smms. 3b valdA nd pleasure-seekers should Dot fail to yiitt thiq Spring. Bowling Alley, Bilfard Saiuon, Croquet Grenads are being ted up Bafs dnring the sauwr. Boms nel and comfortably furnished, ad the Table suppled with the best of everything. Stage. diret from'Spartanlbarw to Hotel. Cge $35 per moemb, W. D. FOWL ERe June 29 26-tf. Proprietor. 2000 Bushels Corna On hand and to-arrive, 2000 bushels priwr 'white Mary land Corn,. at $1.50 per bud eit sc icued. W. HT. WTBB.. - n. ->5 mf