COST PRICES. I Propose to Sell, Am determined to Sell, And will Sell My' ltirc stoek of Drv G u:is, CI ching. Boots and S1e1s, Faunc y Articles. (im Cracks, Notions, Nic Nacke. littl: thngs and big thigs AT COST PRICES FIOR CASH, To make room fur Fall Stu'k. i1.t:":is are wanted then, now is the ti e and .ine is the place to get hem. r1ain guaranteed for C a s h. CI:ne and .rt v1'ar im ev back. ::v1ur.' most truir a:1d :ee A. HARRIS. #iw Bok. --Aen's sell 100 per week. Price . 5 Addrcss L. Stebbics, Iaitibrd, Ct. 2' A DAY !-43 r"' art' for Agents $5Samples free. H. B. SRHAW, Alfred, Me. SALESEN -Send far Circnlar. a first-clags business and sterdy employment. B. F. HOWE, 1 Arch Street, P hiladelphia, Pa. "A eaivila Theological School.-Unitarian; .a educares Mttuist-rs; $16) a year to poor sta tk'ts: begius Aug. 29. Apply to A. A. Liver mnor . Meadrille. Pa. (.UR.IUS. HOW STRANGE!-The Married Isl ies I'ri vate Companion contains the de sired in;formation. Sent tree for stamp. Ad dre. Mrs. II. iIrz8El, tlcnover. ra. WE WLL PAY AGENTS a salary of $35 per Week or allow a lartge commission to sell our new luventit)n. AddressJ. W. FltiNK & Ct,., Mrshalai, Mich:. WANTED. AGENTS.-S20 Watch free, given gratis to every live tran who will act as cnr Ae-:ut. B.nine !ight nd honorable. pays S3) per dav. Address 1R. Monroe Kennedy & C . Pittsturg. Pa. 00' AGENTS WANTED.-"Ladie. of the *White Hiouse." No onpO the~ recent imnprovemenCts aud ta g te leb if everv kil it, market. Manufactu bv I, lX. .. ~l .'. Buffalo. N. Y. Ei t her sugar .oro Muuuais for IS sent free. e..rat o'ri'inXtl i2iustrated comisc weekly pa 'r: nai.' ' stuber sea ou receipt 01 130 ies 1-.''.Ie. L.beral terns ton aent. -rm rmustabeoes - - NOTICE. A BARBECUE will be given at WAD LINGTON'S CROSS ROADS on TUESDAY, the 2d day of August next, when Judge Carpenter, General Butler and others will address the citizens of Newberry on the po litical questions of the day. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all persone, without regard to race or political opinions, to be present. SIMEON FAIR, July 20, 20-=t. Sup'% of Canvass. NOTICE. A Mass Meeting will be held at SALU DA OLD TOWN on MONDAY, the 1st of August next, when Judge Carpenter, Gen eral Butler and others will address the citizens of Newberry and Edgefield, on the political questions of the day. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all persons, without re.ard to race or po lidcal opinions, to be present. An Accommodation Train from Newber r C. 1., to Saluda Old Town, will be run on the G. & C. R. R.-up and back the same day. SIMEON FAIR, July 20, 29-2t. Sup't of Canvass. C1ROlN V INTIR TURNIP SEED. GROWN by one of our most practical farmers. For sale by ('ARWLE & McCAUGHRIN. July 20, 2U-2t. TURNIP SEED LANDRETH'S NEW CROP. Yellow Ruta Baga. White Ruta Baga. White Flat Dutch. Norfolk. Large White Globe. Pomerania Globe. Hanover and Seven Top. Warranted fresh and genuine. For sale at PRATT'S Drug Store. July 20. 29-tf. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives notice that all persons indebted to the late firm of Stewart & Coate, may discharge their in debtedness, by applying to my Attorneys, Fair, Pope & Pope, upon the rule adopted by the juries at the fall term 1869-if ap plication be made on or before the 1st day of August nXt. After that date suit will be commenced to enforde collection. (Signed) JOHN COATE, Survivor of Stewart & Coate. July 20, 2i-2t. South Carolina BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, (Building formerly occupied by Carolina Na tional Bank.) MLIN STRE'ET, Columbia, S. C., July 1st, 1870. This Bank, Savings, and Trust Company, under their charter, with ample capital, are prepared to meet the wants of general busi ness. We discount commercial and all paper on approved collateratls ; make collections a t acces.,ible points in the United States ; bay anad sell exchange ont the principal cities in the States and Can:adas; purchase and sell G;overnment Bonds, Bank Bills, and Southern Securities. Advatnces mtade otn consignments of Cot tona and o?ther prntItts wit h bill-lading at. tatched, or ware-bo:a,e receipt. Bly special arranagemer.t we receive deposits, allowing ina-rest, andl issuae' certific .tes for the same. Pr;ompt attention 1:ivetn to the collection of s:aha ries, ando llquida:tiona of claims agaitnst the ata:e (Go(vermntent. Il A RDY S0LO310N, Presitdent. J1. G. R1OATIi. Casher*. July 20, 29-3mnos. James A. M1ars and Rob'i 11. Mars, Ex'ors., v. John P'. Rintard and Trustees of New berry College.-In Equ:ity-Newberry. ]Iv order of the Court in thais case, the creditors of the Newberry College, of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Caro finsa and adjacent States, are required to render in :and establish their d,emande be. fore me on or before the FIRST DAY OF AUGU'ST NEXT. THIOS. 3L LAKE, Clerk. Ju!y 13, 2S-3t. NOTICE. South Carolina Railroad. IOn and after July 1st, 1870, all Passen gers gettine.oan Trains at Stations where Tickets ARE SOLD, ad neglecting to puar cha,se Tickets, will be charged the Conduct or's Excess R:ate. But all P'aesengers get ting ona at Stations where Tickets are NOT SoLD, will be charged ouly the Agent's Rate by thec Conductor. ALFRED L. TYLER, Vice-President. S. B. Pacxus, General Ticket Agent. July 13, 28-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry waits of Fieri Fa.tias to aae directed, I will sell on the first Mon day in Auguast next, at Newberry Court H1ouse, to wit: 25 acres of land more or iess, bounded Iv lands of George Rikard, Benson G;ounts and others. Levied on as the property of 3!inor Kinard, at the suit of Elizabeth Gall uan, Adtm'x. 0 Also 1St0 acres tmore or less, bounded by lands of Robert Luther and G. G. Dewalt. L50 .\lso 16 acres more or less, bounded by place atnd lands of H. Ciannson. Le vied on as thte property of 31sthias Singley, at the suit of Mlicaj.ih Saber, Adaa'r for an other. Terms Cash. 3 THIOS. PAYSINGER, S. N. C. -WOO?L-ROLL CARDING AT t100BION FAIThIY HAYING supplied ourselves with new cards, and refurntished our Factory gene. rally, we flatter ourselves that with our per. soalsuperintendence, and promapt atten tion of operators, we can give satisfaction in evef Tt's Vegeisble Liver Pil, C*f diseases of the Liver' and Skeaaeb: hta's EgzeEtorant; A pleasant ciire for Coiighs; (toid*, S: utt's Saruaparilla, and Qzaeen's DeliM. The great Alterative stad Blood Parise: htt'Improved Esir Die, Waranted the best dye in hie. 'Iss cte* dard preparations are for sale biy Dtdgght Sep 83&1y CAROLIA. The Carolina Mar.ufactoridg Cym ft nies the Lad~ies to their sidek of FA.CX WARES. I'lease call and cauk ti.'em o charge for looking. MERCHNif' Who wish to purchase Tin .*ares at WHOLESALE are ised to call; as price. tre put down at sueh figures at will afford .rge profits. PLANTERS All of your wnts can be supplied at me dium and moderate prices. To the Retail Trade. Our RETAIL SA3PLES are CO.MPLETE, and offered at LiVING PRICES. Jobbing bepartment. Sriet'ateietfhl iltd to rooftng, gatter ing, repairng of stdW~s, making stove pip ing, repaiing tin Ware, &c. STOVES. Our Stbck di Ot8ves are complete, of the bet, and prices low. April 27, 17-If. Glenn's Springs, Si'ilTANBURG COUTL Si ' TIS delightful 'I aterir.g Pesse.uosurpaF sed an ~y in the Souiatt, Ieeiws-medici3al uaid is now open for the smms. 3b valdA nd pleasure-seekers should Dot fail to yiitt thiq Spring. Bowling Alley, Bilfard Saiuon, Croquet Grenads are being ted up Bafs dnring the sauwr. Boms nel and comfortably furnished, ad the Table suppled with the best of everything. Stage. diret from'Spartanlbarw to Hotel. Cge $35 per moemb, W. D. FOWL ERe June 29 26-tf. Proprietor. 2000 Bushels Corna On hand and to-arrive, 2000 bushels priwr 'white Mary land Corn,. at $1.50 per bud eit sc icued. W. HT. WTBB.. - n. ->5 mf