The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 22, 1868, Image 3

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usfROG .YS. * Ab~ns~ Griffin -AD ~i'rove, Ar now receivng their Stoek of Lies Misses & Children's S O ~ iMtersc. - i sBU & SHOES of vdery Variety. Ti* ab4Te GOQDS have been carefully aseed, ai f kt' the tiest workmcn. -WeT*eT aakft1-ror post favors ai .ihqy- soiit an examination of our eck befeshaalaimig elsewhere. S Give us isei and judge for youreilves. - JiJBfl :ME Apiig 22 g4 Ad * 4 o3-.fa .Ae in t aan4~~~1 tp.ed hrbe,b --4 C. ona he suit o Selie .ikn, Adie's sad tr i Wardi,Adm , vs. Mehee,7the Dt di hewAde b as,de Poor Hose Miche Besised and other. Lered nd thepro o .P at thesuit of Ap ~utsa Adae . aut bomiei,b I'dent itnd-re o.e iconel Migrd .nd others Traced No.s e po , I3e aWoruorss,.beended by nso ~.-L-Qbna E state. and others. ~shssMd. V. Wtfer, Ada'r, vs. .Sonth Carolina Railroad. Comanyhasnow orse,for the - swmmdtion~ of merchants throughout - ontry,: "BUSANEBS TICKETS" to ovepvr'the road. 0453 THOUSAND MILES FOR $25. -cm. be procured at the Company'a - 0ISeer 13t. Agusta Colom!bia- and also is Charleston, from. 3.L C.:BENDRICKS, v. General Ticket Agent, M t.IFtf Offee John Street. outof the UniitedStates. - ofSouth CaroUnsa. In Bank, a-the maste of WARR1.N To whom .I may-amonern: The under Ipsd aibygIwnoic of his appoit asseu as .-h estats of Warren . Jone.ef-th ofNwberry, In the DIs. #Bf5bnwry and Stasaof South Caroll, as sai ddict, -wbo has Wen ad *Mrept apon b.a os petition by Cout r ai,Ditrct -Dated at C. . 5.C. se rthday of April - - ma1<K&FACEE, Assignee. Distuict (teart of the U. States. For the District oif South Oapsina. In Bank ruptey. In' the inafter of JOHN~ R. SHULER, Bankrupt. Tou!w.min a -o.eern: The under. signed.bereby gime nodece of his appoint nat as AisiMnee of the estate of John R. bhuler, of the District of Lexington ana State of South Carolina within said district, who-has been acjodged a Bainkruot upon -his own petitiori by the District Court of Maid District, dated 2ath day of A pii, A. D., 1s68. , HEN~RY A. MEETZlE, A pril 22 17 3 Assignee. g7 )gercury please copy. NIew Barber Shop. ibaviug, Hiri Dressing and Champooh3g stylishly done in sqiue Peterson's shop 1ya drst-rate Barber. New Advertisements. Assignees Sale. By order of Hon. George S Bryan, Judge of the United States district court, for the district of Sonh Carolina. I will sell at the residence of Geo. A. Sligh, On Thursday, the 6th day of May, the tract of land upon which the said Geo. A. Sligh now resides. containing (434) four hundred and thirty,four acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay for pa. pers and stamps. Also at the same time and place, I will sell the personal property belonging to the es, tate of said bankrupt, not exempted, viz: 1 Fine horse, 13 head sheep, 5 head cattle, bggy and harness, carriage and harness, one horse wagon, 1 gin, 1 thrasher, 1 set blacksmith tools, &c. Terms cah. apr 223t JOHN T. PE -ERSON, Assiguee. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. NEWBERRY DIsTRICr. By John T. Peterson, Ordinary of lewberry District. Wheieas, Samuel S. Abrams has applied to me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, with Will annexed, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Thos. J. Denson, late of the district afore said. deceased: ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and c-editors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Conrt for the said District, to be holden at Newberry Court House, on the 29th day of April. to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 15th day of A )ril; in the vear of our Lord one thousand ei-bt hundred and sixty-eight. JOHN T. PETERSON, o.n.d. April22 17 2t. THE DRY GOODS. INUSE. Fashion Emporium. O BIWR & SON, Take pleasure in announcing to the Ladies of Newberry and community generally, that their SPRING STOCK IS NOW OPEN For Inspection. And Embraces one of the HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENTS OF DRY GOODS .To be found in the Up country, Consisting in part in the line of of. Bishop Lawns, India Lawns, ' Victoria Lawns, Mulls, Nansooks, German & French Swiss, Jaconets, dressed and undressed. IN DOESS COODS, Of Poplins, Mozanihiques, Tam ertines, Shallies, Crape Marettes, Muslius, and Catmbries. of all kinds, Laces, Ribbons, Trimmings, of all descriptions, Buttons of every variety. HOSIERY and GLOVES. And every other article kept in a first class, exclusive Dry - Goods' House. in addition to the above, we have a very elegant assort men~t of . Gents & Boys' llals. ag We invite an examitnation of rut Stock,- tchich Is been selected tcith great care, and wchich cannot fail to please. 1M. BARRE 4& SON. April15~ If 16 ___ Dissolution. The copartnership heretofore existing un der the name of Blease & Wright was dis, solved on the 20th of March last, by mutu.l consent. The Books of Accounts and Notes of the late firn are in the hands of W. T Wright-tSo whom pai ment is earnestly re quested te he made immediate:y, and who will settle all claims against the late firm. H H. BLEASE. W. T. WR:IHT. April 15 16 3t Stoves and Tin-ware, Still Cheap. Having bought the entire interest of Mr. H. -H. Blease in the Tin and Stove bus.i ness, I will 'continue to carry on the same' in all irs branches at the old Stand and V'ill be most happy to wait on all who may want anything in my line. 'I shall keep constant ly on hand a large and well made stock of TI N-WJARE, with an extensive assortment of Cooking and other Stores, of the most improved pgtterns. ALSO A well selected stock of Press~ed Ware and bou'se fiwinis ing goods generally. Job work of all description's will be done in the best manner, at reasonable prices and short notice. W. T. WRIGHTF. April 1.5 16 tf. Notice. having sold my entire interest in the Tin and stove buisiness to Mr W. T. Wri.4ht, I take this occasion to return thanks to the people of' Newberry and the puiblic generally for the kindness which I have received at their hands; andl solicitjor my successor and late partner a cointinuance of the liberal pat, rounage extended to me during the many years I have done business amtonrg themi. Mr. Wright is a good workman, and attends stric-ly to his business, and will no dou&bt try to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their calls. Apnril15 16 z. - H. ii RTEA3.T Zs L. WHITE, GUNSMITH And Repairer Of all kinds of FIREARKS, LOCKS, &c. Has on hand Pistols and Guns of all ap proved makes. Ammunition, such as Car tridges, Caps, Powder and Shot. Shot Pouches, Flasks, B;&,-s, and every other kind of Sporting Apparatus. Besides many othar articles of various characters and kinds. All kinds of REPAIRING ne:tly and ex p ditiously executed, and at low rates. April 15 1G tf. Photographs. On and after the 15th April, our price for Photographs will be as follows: Photographs for the Album. Three for - - - $2 00 Additional copies, each, 50 Coloring, each, - 25 and 50 GROUPS. Two persons, three photo's $3 ('0 Three "1 " " 4 00 Four a" " 5 00 Five " " 6 00 Six " " 7 00 Additional copies, each 50 Coloring. each 50 Bill- amounting to$25, 10 per et off. - 50, 15 " 100, 20 WREN & WHEELER, Apr 15 16 tf. Photographers. District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. In Bank ruptcy. In the matter-of Dr F. B. KENNER LY, Bankrupt. To whom :t may concern : The urdersigned hereby notice of hi- appointmeint as As signee of.the estate of Dr. r'. B. Kennerly, of the district of Newberry, State of South Caro! i% na, within said ditrict. who has been adj dred a bonkrupt upon his own petition by the district court of said district. Dated 8th day of April, A D, 1868. JOS. CALLWIELL, Assigiee. ap158 t 16. District Court oft he United States. For the district of South Carolina In' Bank ruptey. In the matte.- of John R. Sondley, Bankrupt. To whotn it may concern. The under, s;gned hereby gives notice of his appoint mett as As,ignee of the Eitato of John R Sondley of the district of Newherry and Stare of South Carsdina, within said district, who has been adjudzed a haijkrupt upon his own petition bv the district Court of said district, dated 7th dy of April A. D., 1868. - J. N. MAUTIN, Assignee. April 13 16 3r. Didtrict Court of the United States. For the district of South Carolina. In Bank ruptcy. In the matter of J. C. S. Brown ro whom it may concern. The under signed hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as A,signee of the estate of J. C. a Brown, of the district of Newberry and State of South Carolina wttlhin said district, who has been adjudge'd a Bankrupt upon his own p:-tition by the district Court of wsid district, dated 7th d:ty of, A D., 1868. J. N MARIN, Assignee. A pril 15 16 3t. District Court of the United States. For the District of South Carolina. In B:oek ruptcy. In the matter of JACOB S, BOW EUs, Bankrupt. To whom it may The undersigned hereby gives notice of hi-s appointment as As sigisee of the- Estate of Jacob S Bowers, osf the town of Uieleua, in the District of Newberry and State cf -outh C'arolina. withins said District, whio has been adjudited a Bankrupt upon his own petition byv the D)istrict t'oust of' said Dis trict. Dated 14ths day ot' A pril, A. D , 1868. J. T'. rErERSON, Assignee. April 15 10 St. District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. In Ba' k ruptcy In the matter of HENRY STONE. *Bankrupt. To whom it may conscero : The undersigned hereby gives votice of his appointment as As signee of the estate of Henry Stone. of the dist. t Newberry, State or South Caroline, within aid district . who has been adjudped a bankrupt upon his own ptition by the district court of' said dis.trict. Dted 9th diay of April, AD D1868 ap158t16 DAN. H. WERIS, Assigniee. District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. 'In Bank ruptcy. In the matter of A H A RRIS, Bank rupt. To whom it may concern :The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Aa signee of the estate of' Abraham Harris, of thbe town of Newberry, in the distiet ot Newberry, and State of South Carolina within said district, wh o has beern adjudged-a banks upt upon his own petition by the district cosurt of said district. Dated 9th day of A pril. A D, 1868. P'EI'ER- RODELsl'EltG E R. Assignee. District Court of the United States For the District of $outh Carolina. In Bank ruptcy. In the matter of C. B. COUNTS, Bankrupt. To whom it may concern :The .undersigned ereby gives nO ice of hsis appointment as As ignee of the estate of C. B Counts, of the dist. if Newberry. and staste of south Carolina, with u said district, who hss been adjudged a batik rapt upon his own petition by the d istrict court fsaidiatrict. Dated 9th day of April, AD, 868. T. W. HOLLO WAY, Assignee. ap158t16 District Court oft the United States. or the district of South Carolina. In Bank ruptcy. tn the matter of WADE A. SErZLER, Bankrupt. To whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of his appoint ent as Assignee of the Estate of Wade H e zler, of thse town of Newbesrry, in the dis trier of New'berry and State of South Caro, ina within said district, who -has beeni ad udged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the district Court of said district. Dated 10th day of April.A D ,1868 GEORGE A. SEI'ZLER, Assignee. April 15 16 3t. Assignee's Sale. I will sell before the Court Houste door, on Sale Day next, the Life Es'ate of Isaac kerbert, Bankrupt, in a Guist and Saw Mill, ,nd Gi, situate on Beaver-damn Creek, in Newberty District. DANiEL GOGG ANS, A pril 15 3 16 Assignee. Administrator's Notice. All persons having demands against the Estate of Van Davis, deceased, maar? present their demands to tne, properly attested, on or before the 10th day of May next. T HOS M . L AKE, Admr, will annex0d. Ap 7th, 1808 St 10 Secretary's Office. Greetnville & Columibia R. R. Co., Coluoubis, A pril 10u, 1868. The Annual Meeting~ of the '.tockholders of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company will be held in Colmuinbia, on l'hurday, the 30th inst., at 10 o'ecek, A.M. Stockholders will be passed over the Road to attend the meeting tree, as heretofore. Each individuasl proxy to represent stock t the rueedinng. requires a ten cents Interoal Revenue Stamp to be atached and can elled. C. V. CARRINGTON, A pril 15 16. Seeietary. MEkSsRS F.DITORS -You will plea%e an nounce A<im M1 Riser as a Caedidate, for the office of Justice of the Peace, giuder thea new Constitution, An o1 blge M ANY FRTR'DS. CornWhiskey, A PURE ARTICLE, selected expressly for Medicinal purposes. ALE, PORTER AND CHAMPAGNE. For sale cheap, at PRATT & FANT'S April 8 15 tf DRUG STORE. Fine and ordinary qualitie- English and American Mustard, Cookin- and Washing Soda, Black Pepper, Spice, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs, Blucing, Ar-ow Root, Corn Starch and Flavoring Extracts. For sale cheap, at PR ATT & FANT's April 8 15 tf Drug Store Choice brands. with Fine and Common Qualities of SMOKING TOBACCO, Meer schauin and Briar-root PIPES. For sale cheap, at PRATT & FANT'S April 8 15 tf Drug Store. INDIGO. Fine and ordiiiary qualities Madder, Log wood, Extract of Logwood, Copperas, Ve netian Red, Spmnish Brown, Green and Yellow Paint, Starch, Rotte Stone and Concentrated Lye. For salo cheap, at PRATT & FANT'S April 8 15 3 D#ug Store. HAIR BRUSHES. A Iarge asortnent of fine and coinmon (1-1dhties, just received, and will be sold celeap at - PRATT & FANT'S April 8 15 tf Drug Store. Scythe Blades. J.ust received a lar,.e lot Griffin's GENUINE Se) the Blades. R. STEWART. A pril 1 14 4t. Seeds, Seeds. Just received a good lot superior Wa ter Melon seed, Cantelope seed, all the best varieties. Also a full assartment fish hooks, lines, &c. - R. STEWART. April 1 14 4t. Mrs. F. Harris, Respectfully informs the Ladies anud the community genuerally, that ier S'ock of handsome'and fashionaible Millinery', Flowers, Trimminings, mnd in fact all gcods necessary for comx pletely fuirnishiurg the most elegant ladies' wezar, Is NOW FULL. Just received -i Pattern tamping Mfa hhuiie, by means of which Patterns for La lies and Chijldren's dresses w ill be stamped it short notice. An examiinuation of my Stock is solicited. An experienced and excellent Milliner Fuas been enugaged, and all work will be ex renited in the most approved an eu (xpedi :ous manner. April 8 if VALUABLE. LAM! FOR MiL. I will sell at Public Outery >nl the first. Monday in May next, One Tract of Land, con haining Six Hundred and Twenty-five (625) Acres mnore or less, and hounded by lands of Mar raret Gulding, Andrew' Lirk, John Hop. iins Wtillia. s, and others ;for paurtition muong the distribuitees and heirs at law of he es'.ate of Reuben G. Pitts, deceased, sale positive. Terms, Cash. JOHN D.. PITTs. Apil.8 15 3t LIME ! LIME ! A. supply of Rock port Lime, i superior article for builder's 1~se, just received and for sale by IXISKEMN & IILBE. April l 1438 Notice. The Subscriber would inform his friends mnd the public that he has a small stock of sADDLEs, BRIDLEs, BUGGY HAR NEss, &c., xhich he offers for sale at prices to suit the imes. W. A. .ELMORE. A pril 1 2m COLUMBIA AgicultuaI. Ylarhouse, Implements of all descriptions always on hand, con.sisting of Walter Wood's Reapers and Mower's, Threshers, cornpri sing those of HJarder, Brear ley's, Ge iser's, Wheelers and Pikes, Railwvay and Lever Poes nies, Portable atnd Stationery, Stump Pil lers, Gins, of the make of Gullett and Corzier, Emery's and Brinley's Plows. Sole agent mn Southern States for Phifer Cultivator and Plow. Bickford and Huffman's Seed Sower, with Guano Attachment, Corn Shellers, Grist, Mills, Feed OCadles, Beltings, Pumps, Har rows, Fan Mills, Hay Revolving Rakes, Presses, and every article Of improved Machinery. av Descriptive Catalogues free. S. H. SPENCER. Columbia, S. C., ucair G. & C. R. B. Arwil R 1mo. TO THE PUBLIC. I have just returned frota Charleston, where I bought a Large Stocle ef SPRING GOODS, Consisting in part of Beutifuil Priuts, -Muslins, Ospaburg, Shirtings, (Bleached & unbleacted,) also, Groceries. Shoes, Hats, both for GenLs and Ladies, in ftet-I have every thing kept in a gooc country store. I return my kind thank, to my frieids and custonere, for the Liberal patronage Ihave received since I opened where I at. I told thet I was goinu te st-l Cheap Goods, to come and look and juige. My custo nlers did so, and I sold them goods cheap; and will continue to sell cheap, cheap for cash. I will exchange Goods for all kind of Country Produce. M. P. ALBRITON. Newherry, March 25. Cotton! Cotton! Cotton! The Subs,-riber bigs leave to announce to his old friends and the community at large, that he is now permanently located in the City of Columbia, for the purchase of Cotton and all other Country Produce. I will be found at the store of J. & T R. Agnew, and at all times prepared to give and pay more for Cotton jand Country Produce Tha.: any other man in Columbia. My nu, merous friends in Newherrv Dibtrict and !he adjacent country will fin,d me, as formerly, a liberal bidder, and one who gives the high est market price for all ecuntry t)roduce. Let none of my old fiiends sell their cotton before they see me ; the price of cotton must advance and I am willing to come up to the mar-. I wi<h all my Newberry friends and customers to call on me, and I will help them. S. f. AGNEW. Agent for the purchase of Cotton and all Country Produce, at the store of J. & r. R. Agnew, Columbia, S. C. March 11 Views for Sale. Photographs of the Baptist, Lutheran .MEthodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Churches, FOR SALE. Theie Views nre perfect Pictures-beauti fully bright, clean and clear. Those who desire pictuics of any of the above churches, have now an op;Portuu-.ty to obtu in them cheap. They are 61 by 81 incbe.;, and mount.- on card board, ready for framing We huve on hand a fine as<ortment of gilt frames, suitable for tbesa views WREN & WHEELER, March 11 Photographers. Legal Notice. JOHN F. SPEARMAN, Att'y. at Law & Sul. in Equity, Will practice in the State Courts for this and adjoining Districts, in the Cnited States C ircui an i D istrict C ;u ts fo r S o u th C a roli Special ateution giveti to cases in Batik rupicy. WOffice-Lower end of Law Imange. Newh'erry C. Hi. March 2G. Distriet Court of the United States, For the District of South Carolina. In, Bak runtcy. In the matte,; of' WILL[AM A. W ILLIA MS, Bakrupt. This is to trive notice that otn the 6th day of April. 1868, a warrant of B3ankruptcv was i-sued out of the District Court of the United States fur the District of South Cartlina, agCainlst the Qstate of Wi!latm A. Williams, of Newherry,Court House in the District of New berry, in said District, who has been ad JudIged a Bankrupt on his own petition: rhat the payment of any debts and th~e dea livery ot' uny property beloneing to such Banikrupt; to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbid den by law; and that a meeting of the Cred. itors of said Blakrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Newberry Court House at the offiee of, aund before Hlenry Summer. Eu.q., Register in Bankruptcy for said Di<trict, on the 24th day .of April, A. D . 1808. at 12 o'clock, M J P. M. EPP[ NG, U.S6. Marshal as Messenger, by GEoRGE LARSEN, April 8 15 3 Deputy Mesenger. District Court of the United States. For the District of South Carolina. Ini Bankruptcy. In the matter of J. TAY LOR ZE ALY, Bankrupt. This is to give notice that ont the 1st day of April, 186;8,. a warrant of Bankruptcy was issauedl out. of the District Court of the Utn tec States for the District of Soutb Car olina, against the estate of J. Taylor Zealv, of Newb,-rry Court, Hwuse, in the District ui New berry, in s;ad District, who has tbeen adjudued a B3ankrupt on his own petition: That the paymwent of~ any debts and the de livery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt ; to htim or for his use, and the transler of any property hy him, tare for bidden .by law; and thaet a meeting of the credi'ors of said Batnkrnpt, to prove the-ir debts, and to choose one or to e Assigneers of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bar.kruiptcy, to be holden at New berry Court House at the office of, and before Henry Summer, Esq., Re'gister in Banik rauptcy jor said District, oe .thae 27th day of April, A. D., 1868, at 11 o'clock, A. M. J. P. M. EPPING U. S. Marshall S. C Distriet, by GEoRGE LARsEN, April 8 15 3 Deputy Messenger. Dissolution of Co-partnership. The co-par:nership heretofore existing umc?er the name and style of Grierson & Hendersona in the Drug Business, was dis tolved by mutual consent, on the 19th of March. All claimis against the concern will be pre sented to J. A. Hecnde.rson, and all persons itndebted will utake pay.nenet to the sanme. J. W. GRIERSON, J. A. HIENDERISON. March 30, 1868. The subscriber having purchased the in terest of Dr J. W. G'rie'rson in the above business will continue it at the saume old statnd. J. A. IIENDERISON. The tmdtaer-igned respectfully informs his friends and the Dublie generally -.haat though he has reiired fr'oma the partnership that lie still uniy be found in the store re'ady to at tend to their wants. J. W. GRIERSON. A pril 1-14-St. Legal Notice to Creditors. All persons having demands against the Estate of Isaae Johnson, dec'd, are herehy notified to present them, on or before the first day of May next, as a settlemuent will be made on said Estate at that time. Those taiig t., present their demiands by that time will be barred. If nmore convenietat, demands may he left with the Ordinary. ELIZABETH JOHNSON, Admu'x. April 1-14-it. Dr. J. D. Bruce Having resumed rhe practice of Medieine, tenders his professional services to the public. o11ice in the building formerly occupied by Mr. Johni A. Cthapmuaz, tand oppositt Mrs. Harp's residence. 18 .3 tf. NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING SPHINIG STILES9 AT W. H. Webb's, Consisting of A BEAUTIFUL LINE QF PRINTS, OHA.LLIES, POPLINS, MUSLINS, &c. also a large stock of Striped Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Shirting, (Bleached and Brown,) TOGETHER WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERES, BAN, Sugar. ALSO, Boots and Shoes, And all things kept in a Gen eral Stock. March 11 M. FOOT. Has just received a large Stock of Bacon Sides, Hams and Shoulders, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Rio and Java Coffee, F'lour, Irish Potatoes, Cheese, Soda and Sugar Crackers, Candies, -Soda; Yeast Powder, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Starch, Candles, Matches, Pickles, Logwood, Madder, Coperas, Indigo, Spices, Lamp Chimneys, Tobacco and Segars, Bagging, Roping, Plow Lines, Shovels, Nails, Sievyes, .Cotton Cards, ,Shoo Blacking, Pipes, Tacks, Knifes and Forks, Powder and Shot, Crockery Ware, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnish ing Goods of all kinds, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,. of all sizes, Clothing, Hats, &c. Other Goods, too numer ous to mention, which are generally kept in a well sup plied Variety Store. I. offer nmy GOODS at prices~ as low as they can be bought or sold-at the corner of the Hotel. March 25 13 tf. RICHARD TOZER. ENGINER & MAIllINIST, Columbia, S. C. scriprion~ des toordero tbe most ldea terms Orders from the country promptly attended to. Marcb 4 3mo. Who Wants ani4lbum? Wilson & Wicker HAVE GREATLY INCREASED THEIR New Stock of Spring GOODS. conisting of DY GOODS& GROCERI, AT PRICES TO SUIT TU& T$IES. Print4, Sugar, Coffe, Bacon, Floor, Call Fruiti, Pieldes. Sardines Tobacco, &c. March 25 P. SCOTT'S Fashionable Clothing !d FURNISHING STORE. Xear Post Oflice, Newberry, 8. C. YOUTH'S and1 MEN'S COATS, [vETs. PANTUVimuiTIA SHIRTS, U N DERSHIR TS, NECK-TIES. POCKET IIDKF'g and F URNISHING GOODS gen, erally. just arrived, ,U4fs of lit. tbL FRENCH and ENd LISH MATERIAL. und of the LAr%T SMYLES rtoMprL aund FASUIOiAzLT maide to order. luvmp purehlsed FOR CASH, from .tho OLDEST and BEST ESTIBLESUED HOUM its New York. my . Fall and Winter Stok of Ready-NadeClothing,Cloths, Cassineres & Vestings, for BUSINESq and DRESS StITM&C., Uc., my CU%TOMERS,FUlhNDS and T1E9PU,UG % ill find it to their INTE1t.ST to give 'me -4 call 1:w ure buvii,g as I a.imlp pared to SCLL AuriCLEs in my line on aS CUEA?a id REASONABLX TERMs as eka be obtained in any rarket Sonth. Ankine, Cutting Altering and e dODe at shortest no-tive. .P. Soutt, Newberry C. U.., 5, C.: Oct. 9 41 1y Bargains, Bargains. Call on Johin J. Am,ick, and he 'alli seIg you gooda chea 'p, sneh as - Boots, Shoes', hlus, Hoop Skirta, Calle, handkerebaiefs', mobrlellas, ho-e, half hose, for adie's, inslses amnd cgentle:,en, pocket knives, pins, needles, knitting needhes, Aa &e. Buconi lard, miolasases, sugar. coffee,-rae' kere.l, fishu, cheese, crackers, rice, concptre ted lye, smiokinug tobacco, ch,ewing tobac, segairs, tin-ware, sodai, stalr,p'pr, uep' , ginger, caandks,essop raisinsad wax, tallow, oroomsw, shot, p)oWet, c. All you who want Gooda Cheap, entate get bargains, at the store under Col,Le. vell's fut nture rooms, Main strect, Newhey rv, S. C. Feb 2 A9 tf J0IIN J,.AICL. Carrage and Buggy FACT ORW Js Taylor & C@. Will keep const-,ntly on band a geod. sortmnent of flne Bruciu:s of' the mtost ap uroved st. les anta patii'rna, comnbhining~ lightss~ and durability. Built to .ode I ght Rockaiways, anrd Plantation Carriages, Pheatons, Top and no Top Buggies, &c. Old Carriages anid Buggier. renovated aqd made to look ia good a.s new. Repairtmg tine in the best mnannier tad at renason;bIli prcs andl all.sno: k e.imat,ed on before is is re.pair~1 edad :r cops givea to ontr custo mrers. Special ;ctremion given t6 repaing~ fine Carriages ad Ba.tmies, which i&iupec tant to consumier s. l' 1h6 will be'pauid one wayV, when se-nt by Rail Ro,ad, ii' ii- the re pairs ;amounet to over SlIIm. We-use tyv$hngt burt t hie beest una erials i hyt ca n 'le bunghit, and, are willing to on ihe iwrir ad ohrt work for ci literal paitretin We invite the exami nation of our wo:n an:d asnure' the public that we c*an buil t he sta'e elss work- s cheap if not, cheaper t'aen we can imti. All of our work is,A. Our Factory is near ;hii Depot. Newberry, 8. C., March~! 25 13 1ly. United States Marshal's Sale. United states or America.-sonthcarena. District, By via' te of' a n rit of Fieri Faiams to me directed, i-nuing out of the Iloinora'le, the Utnited States Circuir Coni-t, for the D- strict of South Careolina, I a ill exspose for seale, to the highest bidder, at p:thlId auction, at Newbe'rry Court lInouse, on the ilth day of< May, binitg thet first Wednesday of A)h. motnth. All the right, title, nid interest, of the Def~,edant, ini the followinag propert9 to wit :The Ulo;se and lot containit-g t welve .aeres more or less in the town Q Frog Level. A traet of hind containing one hundred arcres meore or less, adjoining lantas of Abraham Moore, Mathiaa Wicker, and others. And also .one tract, contain ing one h'undred acre's more or less adjoiu ine lands of Margaret Bowers, W. A. Reed, and othmer.<,.leyied on as the property. lef John S. Birge; defetndant, at the suit 9f Jamtes Hazlett & Co'. Termts cas~h, purchasers, to pay mara for ncessary p.apers and stamlp. Sale. will lee cowtluerted by II D. Dickey, U. S. Deputy Marshail. J. P. M. EPPING, April !s 16 3t. U. s. Marshal. District Coturt of the United States. For the Diatrict of South Carolina. In Bank,. rupter. In the maluttet of SOLO3iON 1'. Eii NAI:D, Blar.kropt To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of the estaete of Sohon.on P'. Kinard, of the town of Newherrv, iu the District of N'ew berrv and State of' South Carolina within sajd District, who has beeu xdjudged a Bankrupt u' one his own etitliou by the Detrict Gourt GE mi District. Dted 14;h day of April. A. D., 1668. J. r. ?ELEEOON, Assignee. April 15 16 St. District Court of the Unmited States. For the Dietrict or South Carolina. In B-ut raptcy. 1a the matter of Jerome D. Brass, Bauk.upt. 1o whoul it may conern: The undersigne4 hereby gives notice of his appointment as As tignsee of the e<tate of Jerome V. Bauce, ofl0er berry, in t be L i-trict o.f Newberre, and 8tate o South C roliua. witrhin said DiG'trict, who'has breu adjudged a hanakmupt, upon his owt i etid tion by the Daotuict Cuuit oft District. Dla ted the lith Aprih, A. D. 1868. ApI 13!I~ GEOItGE F. LoNG,