usfROG .YS. * Ab~ns~ Griffin -AD ~i'rove, Ar now receivng their Stoek of Lies Misses & Children's S O ~ iMtersc. - i sBU & SHOES of vdery Variety. Ti* ab4Te GOQDS have been carefully aseed, ai f kt' the tiest workmcn. -WeT*eT aakft1-ror post favors ai .ihqy- soiit an examination of our eck befeshaalaimig elsewhere. S Give us isei and judge for youreilves. - JiJBfl :ME Apiig 22 g4 Ad * 4 o3-.fa .Ae in t aan4~~~1 tp.ed hrbe,b --4 C. ona he suit o Selie .ikn, Adie's sad tr i Wardi,Adm , vs. Mehee,7the Dt di hewAde b as,de Poor Hose Miche Besised and other. Lered nd thepro o .P at thesuit of Ap ~utsa Adae . aut bomiei,b I'dent itnd-re o.e iconel Migrd .nd others Traced No.s e po , I3e aWoruorss,.beended by nso ~.-L-Qbna E state. and others. ~shssMd. V. Wtfer, Ada'r, vs. .Sonth Carolina Railroad. Comanyhasnow orse,for the - swmmdtion~ of merchants throughout - ontry,: "BUSANEBS TICKETS" to ovepvr'the road. 0453 THOUSAND MILES FOR $25. -cm. be procured at the Company'a - 0ISeer 13t. Agusta Colom!bia- and also is Charleston, from. 3.L C.:BENDRICKS, v. General Ticket Agent, M t.IFtf Offee John Street. outof the UniitedStates. - ofSouth CaroUnsa. In Bank, a-the maste of WARR1.N To whom .I may-amonern: The under Ipsd aibygIwnoic of his appoit asseu as .-h estats of Warren . Jone.ef-th ofNwberry, In the DIs. #Bf5bnwry and Stasaof South Caroll, as sai ddict, -wbo has Wen ad *Mrept apon b.a os petition by Cout r ai,Ditrct -Dated at C. . 5.C. se rthday of April - - ma1nl the first. Monday in May next, One Tract of Land, con haining Six Hundred and Twenty-five (625) Acres mnore or less, and hounded by lands of Mar raret Gulding, Andrew' Lirk, John Hop. iins Wtillia. s, and others ;for paurtition muong the distribuitees and heirs at law of he es'.ate of Reuben G. Pitts, deceased, sale positive. Terms, Cash. JOHN D.. PITTs. Apil.8 15 3t LIME ! LIME ! A. supply of Rock port Lime, i superior article for builder's 1~se, just received and for sale by IXISKEMN & IILBE. April l 1438 Notice. The Subscriber would inform his friends mnd the public that he has a small stock of sADDLEs, BRIDLEs, BUGGY HAR NEss, &c., xhich he offers for sale at prices to suit the imes. W. A. .ELMORE. A pril 1 2m COLUMBIA AgicultuaI. Ylarhouse, Implements of all descriptions always on hand, con.sisting of Walter Wood's Reapers and Mower's, Threshers, cornpri sing those of HJarder, Brear ley's, Ge iser's, Wheelers and Pikes, Railwvay and Lever Poes nies, Portable atnd Stationery, Stump Pil lers, Gins, of the make of Gullett and Corzier, Emery's and Brinley's Plows. Sole agent mn Southern States for Phifer Cultivator and Plow. Bickford and Huffman's Seed Sower, with Guano Attachment, Corn Shellers, Grist, Mills, Feed OCadles, Beltings, Pumps, Har rows, Fan Mills, Hay Revolving Rakes, Presses, and every article Of improved Machinery. av Descriptive Catalogues free. S. H. SPENCER. Columbia, S. C., ucair G. & C. R. B. Arwil R 1mo. TO THE PUBLIC. I have just returned frota Charleston, where I bought a Large Stocle ef SPRING GOODS, Consisting in part of Beutifuil Priuts, -Muslins, Ospaburg, Shirtings, (Bleached & unbleacted,) also, Groceries. Shoes, Hats, both for GenLs and Ladies, in ftet-I have every thing kept in a gooc country store. I return my kind thank, to my frieids and custonere, for the Liberal patronage Ihave received since I opened where I at. I told thet I was goinu te st-l Cheap Goods, to come and look and juige. My custo nlers did so, and I sold them goods cheap; and will continue to sell cheap, cheap for cash. I will exchange Goods for all kind of Country Produce. M. P. ALBRITON. Newherry, March 25. Cotton! Cotton! Cotton! The Subs,-riber bigs leave to announce to his old friends and the community at large, that he is now permanently located in the City of Columbia, for the purchase of Cotton and all other Country Produce. I will be found at the store of J. & T R. Agnew, and at all times prepared to give and pay more for Cotton jand Country Produce Tha.: any other man in Columbia. My nu, merous friends in Newherrv Dibtrict and !he adjacent country will fin,d me, as formerly, a liberal bidder, and one who gives the high est market price for all ecuntry t)roduce. Let none of my old fiiends sell their cotton before they see me ; the price of cotton must advance and I am willing to come up to the mar-. I wi