The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, November 06, 1912, Image 6

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J ... . ..Knowing the great importance of these tools, we make it a point to carry the best of every tool known to the blacksmith- > ] ing art. Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared 1 J *- ? > \ to serve you. You will find our p*tces nammereu aown iw ura ( j lowest reasonable figure on everything you need. > i Anvils S5.00 and Mp. Blacksmith's Vises S5.SO to S7.50. i 1 i Lorick & Lowrance, i INCORPORATED. COLUMBIA, - - S. C. 1 ?????wyumjMw?iinni?ni>iMi I FUNERAL DIRECTOR I I I EMBALNER, I BBBrHiJ ifrao I S Columbia, SC. 1 LQX0RI0IMS{??5IZ[S I | ill .* . i . U 0. BROWN & GRO, ! | 1730 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. | !;! Is where you can jind one of the best stocks of 5 I ^-DAIMT^ rmii a ^ jj OF ALL KINDS | I DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS | LIME AND CEMENT. I ' | CABINET MANTLES. |j ;!] Call or write for Prices. j| MMHSBS. H fj^j ^ ji 1912.... Jj # FALL and WINTER 2 P rfi \ ....SHOES ?| \ We have a full and comi/J A pleto stock of (all leather) ^ JlH / \ stylish shoes for oar LexingjZl^PJ ' ) ton friends to inspect. We P?| >4 kiwiw we are selling the best |J| ^o?id leather for less oy money than any one in tne / shoe business, come in and ? r see for yourself, thai wjll ^ ' >f prove it. A pleasure to wait v-^;* ; SM on you and give you our prices. We can fit the family, men, women and children. f*H Farmers' Medium and Work Shoes a Specialty |jj| E. P. & F. A. DAVIS 1 J 710 MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, S. C. ||f ' i , jf ' * I ) O . THE BEST IS NOT: : j^SreSSSutS^^^^I I LI mbertsbH TOO fiOOH FOB *' 3SES&H OUB CUSTOMER = = ^ hmm gtfblw 64 We are exclusive agents in Oolura- R|H 4 Wj \ Kit. fr.r fVio "raqf. 'KViraitairtt Mhtitt- iIiih all lllj \ factiirera in America. B We show the largest and best as: Kj % - ' v BOrtment of high grade Fomiture > *jLfllflj^H fi*i&4 - 'in ti e entlre |oath. UEsflfli - T %;A gL UBRftffif-TMSir .4 |.v| m ft. $ m ?T -. show yon *U the new ideas id f NCHESttlSIZt'/ff hfc *Tf>0^ ^?9 W6l^#^j)a5rc| |j?$ will not be asked to purchase. VANMETRE'S WES spJrC^r f feSSSSgfli pi tj. :? ? rsceu g?,' It lb bU r nb^n i fOU USE ONEW than with other br p! money. You get bet vrm ' ji! is packed right where K ' soda factory in the S S| you in sealed, air-tig.1 gf cartons?fresh and pu I 16 Full Ounces rm A 1 1 1 '* ? 'J U ^ XV* |X| H I2\I1LL LIU lilgllCl 1UL 1*-' f: "" *'*Sf *&'*-*' ' . , , ? ' i ? f '' * f. "%? - a'- . - ' doj^froi packages and encl< shown below and 58> expense, and we will all charges prepaid, Guaranteed Silver Plated Teaspoons. These spoons are "beau ? * i i I turn in aesign ana oeariiu advertising. Retail value $2.00 per dozen. AU good grocers carry our soda* 4 t "Figure U o You carry Fire Insurance?&] Because of the dangc-r of sud( Because it protects you agt your buildings may never burn i Do you protect them agains against the dead certainty of d< ing them to go unpainted. Wh] Paint Insurance is worth ev< you than Fire Insurance?ye m eadly neglected?and you are the loser. 5 MASTIC "PAINT for 40 years has proven the "real of buildings.. For quality?service?ecc nomy?and S finish it has no equal. Ask for color card. I Enterprise Hardware The annual session of the Preshjte- j Round Trip Ex< rian Synod of South Carolina met in j ~ , Vm Snnthprr Columbia last week. The opening .c,*r- ; * moil was preached bj* theretiring Mod- i Augusta. Ga., ami erater, Rev D M Fulton, of Darling- ^.'orgia-Caroli ' , ? 19<2. JLickets sold rs ton. A pleasing feature of the ses- illclu9ive good Mansion was the celebration of the ceii- -Augusta, Ga., and tennial of the birth of Dr J fl Thorn- Negro Fair Asso ia well, a man of God whose hallowed 1912. Tickets >.)}<! Ni memory is revered by Christians of elusive good rtTurnin every denomination all over the State. A. H. AC ^ w E McGEl<^ A As is usual Lexingtonians carried to Columbia, S. C. their homes a large number of the i best premiums at the State Fair. :?1 The marriage of Mr William F Shep- , SALh?tive^ pard, of Savannah, Ga., and Miss Eliz- ] ^am st. abetii Steadman, was solemnized at 11' ^ 0*?f lKirf.3 the home of the bride's parents at ox Deesvil Batesburg in the aftc moon of the 29th | It is seldom difticul of October. beauty to make a ma' ug si ? '?*!'? >. and PURE that' 1 FOURTH LESS I ands. You save i [HISTLE] it is made (the only if outh), and comes to ?1 ht, strength-keeping || to the Pound. 1 price S| :jal ,1 On?g|j|$|^ ose with coupon I c to partially cover B senci> you promptly, fl oT^jfcet- (0 Rogers' THE MATHISftpi ALKALI WORKS, B^SSjfc Va. I enclosepS cut from 6 Eagle-Thistle \ packages, also af(?5y Order (or stamps) for 58c. Please send.rag, ?ff charges prepaid, one set (6) i Rogers' Guaranteed Genuine Silver Plated Tea- \ spoons. Miss (or) Mrs. odtlnHI * > *> ?>*? ?* ?" f *utforyourself" ad why P linat this uncertainty, although st decay?against the weather? *^3 apreciation resulting from allowBBMBH?B?BfflBHi 1 8BSS5 BMB5WW sursion Fares Notico. Trespassers. 1 PQI'ITPOTT ri" -11 - * *?"** if uj . i m> i- iu iiuhl.v an p< j sous mil.- i return 75 ac- *Hlnt or trespass in an\ way whateve na Fair Nov'4 1) llP<,u our lanci>, as the iaw will be en ov 'l id's 1 o 1V forcid against such trespassers. iingNov. 10 THOS. W. OUSTER. return, account ^ROM tion, Nov. 12-15, ; , ?*M^ R1^H* ov 11-14, 1912. in- j >c^ 15'1)12_2P g Nov. 18, 1912. i , r. KER, T.F.A. G^'snsfa, Ga. A Good place For gale I ofer for sale, my place, containing ?ft I at;ros land; 26 acres under culti room hou'se^dn vat-ion; 4 miles from Lexington, 1( reet, in Lexmg- miles from Columbia, on Red Rani culars apply to I creek. Good four-room house, am le, S. C. 2 necessary outbuildings. Apply to Je^se L. MoCartlia, tchr a matChIeKS Lexington, k. F. D. 4. jSLvepy THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C* REPAIRS WATCHES AND TI7II717T D tl?i IV UUlil Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AJiD BADGES Manufacture! in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler t 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C. <mui IWJ ^^sSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSXSSSSSSSSSSSf AM MASTER OF THE OPTICAL BUSINESS My motto is painstaking conscientious Optical service. I have one of the most completely 1 equipped optical offices, in Co- , lumbia. Let me do your opti- | cal work and show you how I can serve you. Spectacles and Eye-glasses repaired and lenses matched in 30 minutes. Three gradu vte opticians of many years experience to serve you and we can promise yon the highest degree of accuracy, reliability and satisfaction in all cases entrusted to v me. Come and see us, we make no charge for our examination. flllRorlfmanSi | Ml Utf UUtilUL^IIMU ?& $&?*'**: w* * ' ^ ^BTA^LISHED 1|79. BEAR IN MIND C. D. Kenny Co. Is Headquarters for Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rice, Etc. Fresh Coffee roasted daily. Don't put off buying your coffee and sugar. They're going Higher. ? C. D. KENNEY CO. 1639 Main Street, Phone 157. Columbia. S. C. A Watch is Valuable When it Keeps Time. If you want your watch to keep Correct Time, see M. WEISS, Watch Repairing a Speciaty Also Dealer in Watches and Jewelry. 1336 Assembly St., Columbia, S. C. FARMS! FARMS! r If you want to buy ft good k farm at right price anywhere in South Carolina, call on or write me. If you want to sell your farm quick for cash, make your price - right and I will sell it for you, no manor wnere iocaied. I sell choice city y property, too. j Hope A. Dickert, 1 1507 Main Street, ColunAia, - South Carolina. "Always Hustling" 1