J ... . ..Knowing the great importance of these tools, we make it a point to carry the best of every tool known to the blacksmith- > ] ing art. Whether for the shop or the farm, we are prepared 1 J *- ? > \ to serve you. You will find our p*tces nammereu aown iw ura ( j lowest reasonable figure on everything you need. > i Anvils S5.00 and Mp. Blacksmith's Vises S5.SO to S7.50. i 1 i Lorick & Lowrance, i INCORPORATED. COLUMBIA, - - S. C. 1 ?????wyumjMw?iinni?ni>iMi I FUNERAL DIRECTOR I I I EMBALNER, I BBBrHiJ ifrao I S Columbia, SC. 1 LQX0RI0IMS{??5IZ[S I | ill .* . i . U 0. BROWN & GRO, ! | 1730 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. | !;! Is where you can jind one of the best stocks of 5 I ^-DAIMT^ rmii a ^ jj OF ALL KINDS | I DOORS, SASH, BLINDS & GLASS | LIME AND CEMENT. I ' | CABINET MANTLES. |j ;!] Call or write for Prices. j| MMHSBS. H fj^j ^ ji 1912.... Jj # FALL and WINTER 2 P rfi \ ....SHOES ?| \ We have a full and comi/J A pleto stock of (all leather) ^ JlH / \ stylish shoes for oar LexingjZl^PJ ' ) ton friends to inspect. We P?| >4 kiwiw we are selling the best |J| ^o?id leather sln.es for less oy money than any one in tne / shoe business, come in and ? r see for yourself, thai wjll ^ ' >f prove it. A pleasure to wait v-^;* ; SM on you and give you our prices. We can fit the family, men, women and children. f*H Farmers' Medium and Work Shoes a Specialty |jj| E. P. & F. A. DAVIS 1 J 710 MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA, S. C. ||f ' i , jf ' * I ) O . THE BEST IS NOT: : j^SreSSSutS^^^^I I LI mbertsbH TOO fiOOH FOB *' 3SES&H OUB CUSTOMER = = ^ hmm gtfblw 64 We are exclusive agents in Oolura- R|H 4 Wj \ Kit. fr.r fVio "raqf. 'KViraitairtt Mhtitt- iIiih all lllj \ factiirera in America. B We show the largest and best as: Kj % - ' v BOrtment of high grade Fomiture > *jLfllflj^H fi*i&4 - 'in ti e entlre |oath. UEsflfli - T %;A gL UBRftffif-TMSir .4 |.v| m ft. $ m ?T -. show yon *U the new ideas id f NCHESttlSIZt'/ff hfc *Tf>0^ ^?9 W6l^#^j)a5rc| |j?$ will not be asked to purchase. VANMETRE'S WES spJrC^r f feSSSSgfli pi tj. :? ? rsceu g?,' It lb bU r nb^n i fOU USE ONEW than with other br p! money. You get bet vrm ' ji! is packed right where K ' soda factory in the S S| you in sealed, air-tig.1 gf cartons?fresh and pu I 16 Full Ounces rm A 1 1 1 '* ? 'J U ^ XV* |X| H I2\I1LL LIU lilgllCl 1UL 1*-' f: "" *'*Sf *&'*-*' ' . , , ? ' i ? f '' * f. "%? - a'- . - ' doj^froi packages and encl< shown below and 58> expense, and we will all charges prepaid, Guaranteed Silver Plated Teaspoons. These spoons are "beau ? * i i I turn in aesign ana oeariiu advertising. Retail value $2.00 per dozen. AU good grocers carry our soda* 4 t "Figure U o You carry Fire Insurance?&] Because of the dangc-r of sud( Because it protects you agt your buildings may never burn i Do you protect them agains against the dead certainty of d< ing them to go unpainted. Wh] Paint Insurance is worth ev< you than Fire Insurance?ye m eadly neglected?and you are the loser. 5 MASTIC "PAINT for 40 years has proven the "real of buildings.. For quality?service?ecc nomy?and S finish it has no equal. Ask for color card. I Enterprise Hardware The annual session of the Preshjte- j Round Trip Ex< rian Synod of South Carolina met in j ~ , Vm Snnthprr Columbia last week. The opening .c,*r- ; * moil was preached bj* theretiring Mod- i Augusta. Ga., ami erater, Rev D M Fulton, of Darling- ^.'orgia-Caroli ' , ? 19<2. JLickets sold rs ton. A pleasing feature of the ses- illclu9ive good Mansion was the celebration of the ceii- -Augusta, Ga., and tennial of the birth of Dr J fl Thorn- Negro Fair Asso ia well, a man of God whose hallowed 1912. Tickets >.)}. and PURE that' 1 FOURTH LESS I ands. You save i [HISTLE] it is made (the only if outh), and comes to ?1 ht, strength-keeping || to the Pound. 1 price S| :jal ,1 On?g|j|$|^ ose with coupon I c to partially cover B senci> you promptly, fl oT^jfcet- (0 Rogers' THE MATHISftpi ALKALI WORKS, B^SSjfc Va. I enclosepS cut from 6 Eagle-Thistle \ packages, also af(?5y Order (or stamps) for 58c. Please send.rag, ?ff charges prepaid, one set (6) i Rogers' Guaranteed Genuine Silver Plated Tea- \ spoons. Miss (or) Mrs. odtlnHI * > *> ?>*? ?* ?" f *utforyourself" ad why P linat this uncertainty, although st decay?against the weather? *^3 apreciation resulting from allowBBMBH?B?BfflBHi 1 8BSS5 BMB5WW sursion Fares Notico. Trespassers. 1 PQI'ITPOTT ri" ..re? -11 - * *?"** if uj . i m> i- iu iiuhl.v an p< j sous mil.- i return 75 ac- *Hlnt or trespass in an\ way whateve na Fair Nov'4 1) llP<,u our lanci>, as the iaw will be en ov 'l id's 1 o 1V forcid against such trespassers. iingNov. 10 THOS. W. OUSTER. return, account ^ROM tion, Nov. 12-15, ; , ?*M^ R1^H* ov 11-14, 1912. in- j >c^ 15'1)12_2P g Nov. 18, 1912. i , r. KER, T.F.A. G^'snsfa, Ga. A Good place For gale I ofer for sale, my place, containing ?ft I at;ros land; 26 acres under culti room hou'se^dn vat-ion; 4 miles from Lexington, 1( reet, in Lexmg- miles from Columbia, on Red Rani culars apply to I creek. Good four-room house, am le, S. C. 2 necessary outbuildings. Apply to Je^se L. MoCartlia, tchr a matChIeKS Lexington, k. F. D. 4. jSLvepy THE JEWELER 1508 Main St, Columbia, S. C* REPAIRS WATCHES AND TI7II717T D tl?i IV UUlil Makes Them Good as New MEDALS AJiD BADGES Manufacture! in Our Own Shops for Schools and Other Purposes AVERY, The Jeweler t 1508 Main St., Columbia, S. C.