The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, June 09, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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LORICK& L ? Pearl Millet Early As Barley?Spring Crop?Seed Improved White Bent Hick Bed Cob, Seed Sweet Patato< > less Yams. Our stocks have been a under proper conditions will Kail orders wilTbe fill* est to the largest quantities. FIELD Al Send your orders, or write u 10RICK I U * Wholesale and Retail Seedm QUALIT' Too hare probably bought many 1 good, that cost a good price, but xu 4 tost of service-soon proved themselves It might have been shoes that w ' . i 1 the aides, cape broke down, heels ga v t gav* vni wt soles were plated. fTogna wear, and t wear your: T. A. . / ' Opposite Post Office, -S [ERN telied Dm A imvugn ruitman Sltt a Convenient Schedi tfi nWHMHM A For full informatio: A consult nearest Souther W J. C. LUSK, J. L. MEEK,A. G.P.. Just R TWO CARLOA] AND ] Wash Pots, (Country _ _ _ .. v_ One carload Roval R readv ro< y One carload Terra 1 makes the cl We also carry a com pi Iron Pipes, Fittings and V; Metal Shingles, Roof Painl Mantels, Grates and Tiles. Come and see us or wr m LEE A. LOF V 1C1Q MAIN STREET low caj { colum: OWRANCE,'"' iber and Orange Cane, Beardless Corn, Improved Golden Dent, ory King, Blount's Prolific, Tenn *8, Ga. Bucks, Nancy Halls. Vineecured from reliable sources, and [ produce the best results, kl promptly from the very smallIf you ^rant reliable seeds for NO GARDEN. j b for prices /or anything needed IWRANCE, INC., ten. Colombia, S. C. /SHOES! hings that looked ^ ider the rugged worthless. x>n run over at ' Of\V" ve way,, sewing rd against these things, proudly in foot- <j B! >e confident of getting the beet quality foot- ^ money can buy, take advantage of the large ? 8 stock constantly available for making pleas- fi >ns at our store. ~ - c ent for W. L Douglas Shoes for men, fl.50 b # t ? _ $ B O Y N E , ; Columbia, S. C. OUR PIES r have found favor with everybody j. ?babes and men, the little girl in t pinafores and her mother and her i grandmother. They are of the c swee^ delicious, wholesome, i melt-in-your-mouth kind, anc 8 we're anxious to have you try F them if you don't know the pro- t ducts of our . ovens. If you do i know we won't have to ask you. t REIDLIHQER'S STEAM BAKERY, * COLUMBIA, S. C. c RAILWAY. j mg Car Service, J j" '-a? S? -II TMi.* W | tptfig wi via vii nmii9y ^ t ile$ en Local Trains. a as to rates, routes, etc. ^ n Railway Ticket Agent, or vy D. P. A., Charleston, S. C w i A., Atlanta, 6a. j !eceived I DS COOK STOVES |! < RANGES, 11 1 K ' - ? ? ^ - ? ? H t and btove Hollow-Ware, g Rubber Hoofing, the best I j I ofing known. 8 j j Cotta Flue Pipe, which |j 1 beapest chimney. g! ete stock of Pumps, Wrought lives, Corrugated iron Roofng, ! d t and Roofer's Supplies, Wood ( i ite for prices. n RICK&BRO. ? COLUMBIA, S. C. iy a Shingle Mill, jj est priced power feed shingle mill on the mar- j i -. n ul. . .r <uu> -1 1 1 J 1 intl U.I . V, >acuy b,?w w io,uuu smngies per u?y, * iw av a., t., t , iu 550 lbs. Carriage has automatic return motion. ! p. *'BEST GOODS ?BEST PRICES'* j Bn Write us for close price quotations. w; BIA SUPPLY CO. - - COLUMBIA, S. C. j ? m 1 ' ^I Tired Women I I Women, worn and tired fl ? from over-work, need a N ? tonic. That feeling of weak- B * ness or tiredness wQI not B o fl leave yon of Itself* Take fl i, Cardni, that effectmiremedy fl t B for the aliments and weak- H ii B &ess of women. Tbonsands B 8 B of women have tried Cardni B u B ond write enthusiastically of B it Ik mvjjj Konoftt !a thorn I ? VVHVfN IV SHI \J iCARDUl: e A recent letter troD Mrs. I fl Charles Bragg, el Sweetser, I ec bd., says: "Tongue can- I tl not tett hownmeh year med* I u lebe has dose for bk. Be-1 b eeold not do a day's work. 11 " weald wort awhile and He I ? dewi. I shall always gh>e I , praise le year medicine." I t] Try CardaL far sale i p everywhere. mmmmmmi b i r Youag Merchant Murdbwd. J. Ben Smoak, aged 24, a merchant, ras murdered and robbed on Saturay night at hie store at Smoak8, a d mall town in Colleton county, twelve lilee from Branchville. It is suppoa- ^ d to be the crime of a tramp. Mr. moak not coming home in time, riends went to his store and found im dead?shot in the. breast?and his 9 ash and other valuahles stolen. He 3 ad been merchandising only a short 8 ime and was recently married. c Gov. Ansel has offered a reward cf 100 for tne arrest and conviction of 1 he party or parties who are guilty of Pellagra in Baltimore. Dr. D. S. Thayer, of Baltimore, who a ecently visited Colombia for the pur- * K>se of studying the pellagra case9 at e he State asylum, has written Dr. t Jabcock that has discovered a typi- i ial ease of the diseease in Baltimore. J ?h3 disease is becoming very wide- ? pre ad, Dr. C. H. Lavinder of the t >ublic health and marine hospital of 1 he United States declaring that 1500 b a conservative number of the num?er of cases in the Southern States in he past two years. { Lived 115 Tears on Onions. Cleveland, 0., June 7.?Mrs. Rebec- ( :a Burns, better known as "Aunt Jecky," died at her home near Belle- * ontaine, Ohio, the other day aged 115 rears. She attributed her longevity 1 0 the fact tk&t she ate ol ions twice laily. She began this diet when a i firl and never gave it up. To within 1 day or two of her death she insisted 1 m being served with them. Mrs. Burns was bom in North ampon, N. C. She often told of seeing J leorge Washington when she was a 1 ittle girl. Like a Call. y Youngly?Did ybu ever notice that j the matrimonial process is like that of ] making a call? Yon go to adore, you i 'ing a Ivelle, and you give your name f :o a maid. '* * (^YT)'onc Vd.bC f t'AXi'no Vo 1-An * *..-F i \ tilkVi UAU VU I U laacu n.?Boston Transcript. j Between Dudes. First Dude? I've been invited to go running ne::t week. What ought I to rive the fellow that beats up the E drds? s Second Dude?Well, old chappie, it ? lepends where you hit him, don't you s liiow.?New York Life. , A Expounding Tennyson. Teacher (after reading "The Charge ? }f the Light Brigade")?Who were the a 100 referred to in the verse "Into the a. aws of death rode the six hundred?" h Pujiil?I suspect they were dentists. a na'am.?Noiih western Academian. ^ Uncle Allen. "I've noticed." remarked Uncle All'Ii Sparks, "that the fellow who real- " r swears off from his had habits a oesn't go around advertising it be- 5 urohand."?Chicago 1 >ai!y Tribune. h n After Church. "What was that sentence the choir r pea fed so often during the 1 it any V* "As near as I could make out. if was ^ i\'e are all miserable singers."'?Bos)n Courier. D And Frenzying Too. rp "Say. if your friends are always ?u triking you for a loan"? fc "Yes." di "Isn't th.nt fr?*ii'/lol V?'Piif-lr W ai We do not know of any other pill ' atie as gtod as De Witt's Little Eariy isers, cne family little liver pills? ^ iall, gentle, pleasant and sure pills r\ itij a reputaticr. SclU lv Kaulmaun rug <Jc. D She Shot Serself. Young Colored Woman Attempts to Commit Suicide and Fails. Maggie Waldop, a young colore roman, attempted to commit- sueicid esterday morning about six o'cloofc ,t the home of Mattie Miller, wife o rank Miller, colored. She got hol< f a pistol and declared she was go ag to kill herself. The other womai ried to take the pistol from her, an< a the strugglo it went off, the bal triking Maggie in the thigh, imbed ag it9elf in or near the bone, wher i remains. No reason is assigned fo he attempt, except that her mind ha een a little draft for a day or two.few Berry Obeseyer. v Woman Shoots Burglar. Gainesville, Ga.? Awakened at ai arly hour Friday to find a burglaj i her home on a farm several mile rom Gainesville, Mrs. James Long breet, the widow of the famoa Confederate general, opened fire oi be intruder,{[causing him to leav< be house post haste abandoning hi ooty as he flew. Mrs. Longstreet heard the burgla a the dining room, which adjoin er bed room. Quietly Arising fron er bed, she seized her revolver an< iptoed, down to the room. Then be man was busy sewing the famil; late in a sack. She opened fire hooting five times. Neighbors who heard the shot urried to the Longstreet home ut Mrs. Longstreet had again calml; etired. Unfortunate. Housewife?"If you love work wh; lon't you find it?' Begging Tramp?"Love is blind, y mow."?Judge. The Trouble. Friend?"Don't worry because you weetheart has turned you down sine rou lost your mone^. There are a pod fish in the sea as ever wer aught." Jilted One?"Yes, but I have los ay bait."?Harper's Bazar. IVeston, Ocean-to-Ocean Walt er Said recently: "When you feel dow tnd out, feel there is no use living, ju< ake your bad thoughts with you an ?alk them off. Before you have wait d a mile things will look rosier. Jug ry it. Have you noticed the increas n walking of late in every community dany attribute it to the comfort whic Ulen's Foct-Ease, the antiseptic po^ ler to be shaken into the shoes, give o the millions now using it. As We! on has said, "It has real merit," Scratch. The hen that scratches all the day Is jest a good example: She works in her peculiar way An* gits a livin' ample. 3ood times or poor, it's all the sam< She spends no time cross-patchin' 3he starts an' keeps right inthegamg An' tends right to her scratching iVe kin take courage from the hen, An make our profits double; r^e must dig all the hander when We're weighted down with trouble. SVe've got t o scratch an' scratch awa^ The hen's good example; 'Twill drown the sorrows of the da \.n' bring a livin' ample.?Bosto [learl. Looking One's Best It's a woman's delight to look h< est but pimples, skin eruptions, 9or* tnd boils rob life of joy. Lister Sticklen's Arnica Salve cures them nakes the skin soft and velvety. ] rlorifies the face. Cures pimples, soi :yes, cold sores, cracked lips, chappe lands. Try if. Infallible for Pilei 5c at Kaufmanli Drug Co.; Derrick Orug Store; Srndel Drug Store. Tribulations of an Editor. A lawyer charges a man ?10 for te: ainutes'conversation. The man in ists on paying it. A doctor charge 1 for a prescription, and the patien ays, "Oh, pshaw! Is that enough?' lii undertaker charges $J00 for con ig a funeral and he is just perfect y lovely with everybody insid< nd outside the family. A man buy gold brick and apologizes for no aving bitten before. An editor walk mile in the hot sun to get facts of ; ? rvi? o o I fnno eaui or a wuumujj wi u ouvim x. on and spends three hours writing i p, and tells lies praising people un 1 he hates himself. Then if he make: n insignificant omission or charge: cents straight for three extra copief e is a stingy, careless, good foi othing old cuss who never gets any ling right and charges four times the rice of city papers twice as large.? farion (Ga.)Record. Sometimes you may be told thai ?ere are other things just as good a? eWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, hat isn't so. Nothing made is as good ; DeWitt's Kidney aud Bladder Pills :r any ailments of the kidney or blad^r, which always result in weak back, ickaclie, rheumatic i>ains, rheumatism, id urinary disorders. A trial of DePitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills is ifticient to convince you how good iev are. Send your name to E. C. eWitt & Co., Chicago; for a free trial )x. They arc sold here by Kaufman n nig 1*0. For CoughsDo you know a remedy for cou d years old? There is one?Aye e in the family, it stays. It is n< the place of a doctor. It is ,f the treatment of all throat your own doctor his opinion a No alcohol in this cough medici You cannot recover nromotiv if your boweb are 1 ative; act directly on tbe liver. Sold for nearly si: e . FU RN I CASH OR r Never in the historj ? been a larger lot of all 3 received at prices that1 I I will sen CASH oi 8 see me and I will save y P. M. F i ; Chapin, '? ?i?????? ? COLUMBIA CP ' THE STORE THAT SELLS EC RETAIL Flour, Bacon, Lard and We carry evevything in the e chief aim is to please. Trj you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assembly ir COLUMBIA, e ,S i '6 il THE R. L I $ i ;t t e & ? # li | ;8 | The leading Be | Stationers. Ar< 1 for all School | them in their tv ?, | ; | when in Columt 3 ft * 2 ? g Two Stores on p I COLUMBIA, V ^ I S H C O. BROW d >! ? I 1730 MAIN STREET, |!i Is where you can find on y ?pan I OF ALL I DOORS, SAi BLINDS LIME AND CABINET ? Call or write for Prices. M A T I W W I I We handle no Harness mad [ leather. Do not allow this inf | nothing hut the very best ;OLD FASHIONED OAK ' And anything we sell can be relic Don't fool your money awa] getlbut little wear out of it. DAVIS * C i 1517 Main Street -Take This ghs and colds nearly seventy r's Cherry Pectoral. Once )t a doctor, does not take a doctor's aid. Made for and lung troubles. Ask of it. Follow his advice. inc. /. C. A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. : constipated. Ayer's Pills are gently laxsty years. Ask your doctor all about them. TURF CREDIT r of Chapin has there grades of Furniture will astonish you. CREDIT. Come to ou money. RICK, Si Oi tOCERY CO., >R CASHAT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sugar our SpeciaHios i Grocery line, and our f us before you buy and f Streets, near Market, : : S. C. I iRVAN CO.,! * $ toksellers and | 3 State Agents I Books. Visit I to large stores I )ia. I | Slain Street. | m $ S. C. | N& BRO, I COLUMBIA, S. C. e of the best stocks of |> JTS^ JINDS I SH, | _& GLASS CEMENT. I [ANTLES. I C E ! le from cheap acid tanned erior stuff space. We us* TANNED LEATHER ^ J ? M 4-V* /> V ah4> ;u upon a & tuc ucsi. j on cheap stuff, you will OMPANY Columbia, S. C \