LORICK& L ? Pearl Millet Early As Barley?Spring Crop?Seed Improved White Bent Hick Bed Cob, Seed Sweet Patato< > less Yams. Our stocks have been a under proper conditions will Kail orders wilTbe fill* est to the largest quantities. FIELD Al Send your orders, or write u 10RICK I U * Wholesale and Retail Seedm QUALIT' Too hare probably bought many 1 good, that cost a good price, but xu 4 tost of service-soon proved themselves It might have been shoes that w ' . i 1 the aides, cape broke down, heels ga v t gav* vni wt soles were plated. fTogna wear, and t wear your: T. A. . / ' Opposite Post Office, -S [ERN telied Dm A imvugn ruitman Sltt a Convenient Schedi tfi nWHMHM A For full informatio: A consult nearest Souther W J. C. LUSK, J. L. MEEK,A. G.P.. Just R TWO CARLOA] AND ] Wash Pots, (Country _ _ _ .. v_ One carload Roval R readv ro< y One carload Terra 1 makes the cl We also carry a com pi Iron Pipes, Fittings and V; Metal Shingles, Roof Painl Mantels, Grates and Tiles. Come and see us or wr m LEE A. LOF V 1C1Q MAIN STREET low caj { colum: OWRANCE,'"' iber and Orange Cane, Beardless Corn, Improved Golden Dent, ory King, Blount's Prolific, Tenn *8, Ga. Bucks, Nancy Halls. Vineecured from reliable sources, and [ produce the best results, kl promptly from the very smallIf you ^rant reliable seeds for NO GARDEN. j b for prices /or anything needed IWRANCE, INC., ten. Colombia, S. C. /SHOES! hings that looked ^ ider the rugged worthless. x>n run over at ' Of\V" ve way,, sewing rd against these things, proudly in foot- e confident of getting the beet quality foot- ^ money can buy, take advantage of the large ? 8 stock constantly available for making pleas- fi >ns at our store. ~ - c ent for W. L Douglas Shoes for men, fl.50 b # t ? _ $ B O Y N E , ; Columbia, S. C. OUR PIES r have found favor with everybody j. ?babes and men, the little girl in t pinafores and her mother and her i grandmother. They are of the c swee^ delicious, wholesome, i melt-in-your-mouth kind, anc 8 we're anxious to have you try F them if you don't know the pro- t ducts of our . ovens. If you do i know we won't have to ask you. t REIDLIHQER'S STEAM BAKERY, * COLUMBIA, S. C. c RAILWAY. j mg Car Service, J j" '-a? S? -II TMi.* W | tptfig wi via vii nmii9y ^ t ile$ en Local Trains. a as to rates, routes, etc. ^ n Railway Ticket Agent, or vy D. P. A., Charleston, S. C w i A., Atlanta, 6a. j !eceived I DS COOK STOVES |! < RANGES, 11 1 K ' - ? ? ^ - ? ? H t and btove Hollow-Ware, g Rubber Hoofing, the best I j I ofing known. 8 j j Cotta Flue Pipe, which |j 1 beapest chimney. g! ete stock of Pumps, Wrought lives, Corrugated iron Roofng, ! d t and Roofer's Supplies, Wood ( i ite for prices. n RICK&BRO. ? COLUMBIA, S. C. iy a Shingle Mill, jj est priced power feed shingle mill on the mar- j i -. n ul. . .r -1 1 1 J 1 intl U.I . V, >acuy b,?w w io,uuu smngies per u?y, * iw av a., t., t , iu 550 lbs. Carriage has automatic return motion. ! p. *'BEST GOODS ?BEST PRICES'* j Bn Write us for close price quotations. w; BIA SUPPLY CO. - - COLUMBIA, S. C. j ? m 1 ' ^I Tired Women I I Women, worn and tired fl ? from over-work, need a N ? tonic. That feeling of weak- B * ness or tiredness wQI not B o fl leave yon of Itself* Take fl i, Cardni, that effectmiremedy fl t B for the aliments and weak- H ii B &ess of women. Tbonsands B 8 B of women have tried Cardni B u B ond write enthusiastically of B it Ik mvjjj Konoftt !a thorn I ? VVHVfN IV SHI \J iCARDUl: e A recent letter troD Mrs. I fl Charles Bragg, el Sweetser, I ec bd., says: "Tongue can- I tl not tett hownmeh year med* I u lebe has dose for bk. Be-1 b eeold not do a day's work. 11 " weald wort awhile and He I ? dewi. I shall always gh>e I , praise le year medicine." I t] Try CardaL far sale i p everywhere. mmmmmmi b i r Youag Merchant Murdbwd. J. Ben Smoak, aged 24, a merchant, ras murdered and robbed on Saturay night at hie store at Smoak8, a d mall town in Colleton county, twelve lilee from Branchville. It is suppoa- ^ d to be the crime of a tramp. Mr. moak not coming home in time, riends went to his store and found im dead?shot in the. breast?and his 9 ash and other valuahles stolen. He 3 ad been merchandising only a short 8 ime and was recently married. c Gov. Ansel has offered a reward cf 100 for tne arrest and conviction of 1 he party or parties who are guilty of Pellagra in Baltimore. Dr. D. S. Thayer, of Baltimore, who a ecently visited Colombia for the pur- * K>se of studying the pellagra case9 at e he State asylum, has written Dr. t Jabcock that has discovered a typi- i ial ease of the diseease in Baltimore. J ?h3 disease is becoming very wide- ? pre ad, Dr. C. H. Lavinder of the t >ublic health and marine hospital of 1 he United States declaring that 1500 b a conservative number of the num?er of cases in the Southern States in he past two years. { Lived 115 Tears on Onions. Cleveland, 0., June 7.?Mrs. Rebec- ( :a Burns, better known as "Aunt Jecky," died at her home near Belle- * ontaine, Ohio, the other day aged 115 rears. She attributed her longevity 1 0 the fact tk&t she ate ol ions twice laily. She began this diet when a i firl and never gave it up. To within 1 day or two of her death she insisted 1 m being served with them. Mrs. Burns was bom in North ampon, N. C. She often told of seeing J leorge Washington when she was a 1 ittle girl. Like a Call. y Youngly?Did ybu ever notice that j the matrimonial process is like that of ] making a call? Yon go to adore, you i 'ing a Ivelle, and you give your name f :o a maid. '* * (^YT)'onc Vd.bC f t'AXi'no Vo 1-An * *..-F i \ tilkVi UAU VU I U laacu n.?Boston Transcript. j Between Dudes. First Dude? I've been invited to go running ne::t week. What ought I to rive the fellow that beats up the E drds? s Second Dude?Well, old chappie, it ? lepends where you hit him, don't you s liiow.?New York Life. , A Expounding Tennyson. Teacher (after reading "The Charge ? }f the Light Brigade")?Who were the a 100 referred to in the verse "Into the a. aws of death rode the six hundred?" h Pujiil?I suspect they were dentists. a na'am.?Noiih western Academian. ^ Uncle Allen. "I've noticed." remarked Uncle All'Ii Sparks, "that the fellow who real- " r swears off from his had habits a oesn't go around advertising it be- 5 urohand."?Chicago 1 >ai!y Tribune. h n After Church. "What was that sentence the choir r pea fed so often during the 1 it any V* "As near as I could make out. if was ^ i\'e are all miserable singers."'?Bos)n Courier. D And Frenzying Too. rp "Say. if your friends are always ?u triking you for a loan"? fc "Yes." di "Isn't th.nt fr?*ii'/lol V?'Piif-lr W ai We do not know of any other pill ' atie as gtod as De Witt's Little Eariy isers, cne family little liver pills? ^ iall, gentle, pleasant and sure pills r\ itij a reputaticr. SclU lv Kaulmaun rug ains, rheumatism, id urinary disorders. A trial of DePitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills is ifticient to convince you how good iev are. Send your name to E. C. eWitt & Co., Chicago; for a free trial )x. They arc sold here by Kaufman n nig 1*0. For CoughsDo you know a remedy for cou d years old? There is one?Aye e in the family, it stays. It is n< the place of a doctor. It is ,f the treatment of all throat your own doctor his opinion a No alcohol in this cough medici You cannot recover nromotiv if your boweb are 1 ative; act directly on tbe liver. Sold for nearly si: e . FU RN I CASH OR r Never in the historj ? been a larger lot of all 3 received at prices that1 I I will sen CASH oi 8 see me and I will save y P. M. F i ; Chapin, '? ?i?????? ? COLUMBIA CP ' THE STORE THAT SELLS EC RETAIL Flour, Bacon, Lard and We carry evevything in the e chief aim is to please. Trj you will be convinced. Corner Plain and Assembly ir COLUMBIA, e ,S i '6 il THE R. L I $ i ;t t e & ? # li | ;8 | The leading Be | Stationers. Ar< 1 for all School | them in their tv ?, | ; | when in Columt 3 ft * 2 ? g Two Stores on p I COLUMBIA, V ^ I S H C O. BROW d >! ? I 1730 MAIN STREET, |!i Is where you can find on y ?pan I OF ALL I DOORS, SAi BLINDS LIME AND CABINET ? Call or write for Prices. M A T I W W I I We handle no Harness mad [ leather. Do not allow this inf | nothing hut the very best ;OLD FASHIONED OAK ' And anything we sell can be relic Don't fool your money awa] getlbut little wear out of it. DAVIS * C i 1517 Main Street -Take This ghs and colds nearly seventy r's Cherry Pectoral. Once )t a doctor, does not take a doctor's aid. Made for and lung troubles. Ask of it. Follow his advice. inc. /. C. A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. : constipated. Ayer's Pills are gently laxsty years. Ask your doctor all about them. TURF CREDIT r of Chapin has there grades of Furniture will astonish you. CREDIT. Come to ou money. RICK, Si Oi tOCERY CO., >R CASHAT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sugar our SpeciaHios i Grocery line, and our f us before you buy and f Streets, near Market, : : S. C. I iRVAN CO.,! * $ toksellers and | 3 State Agents I Books. Visit I to large stores I )ia. I | Slain Street. | m $ S. C. | N& BRO, I COLUMBIA, S. C. e of the best stocks of |> JTS^ JINDS I SH, | _& GLASS CEMENT. I [ANTLES. I C E ! le from cheap acid tanned erior stuff space. We us* TANNED LEATHER ^ J ? M 4-V* /> V ah4> ;u upon a & tuc ucsi. j on cheap stuff, you will OMPANY Columbia, S. C \