The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 04, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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f r I "CUT IT OUT" I K says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because be I 7 > doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively p cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife, g That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, ijjj in thousands of cases, by E| I IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. | it has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick i| women, and has rescued thousands of others from a || melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure youi if you will only give it a chance, t Try it.y M Sold at every drug store in $1.00 bottles. 51 V WRITE US A LEnER GAVE UP SUPPORTER. K Pot aside all timidity and write us UI wore a snppprter for fouryears, to keep tt] ' freely and frankly, in strictest jxmd- 2^8^?. Cb2??S H* deuce, telling us aU your symptoms of Jlanasrille. IT. Y. MMy doctor told me no 9H and troubles. We will send free advice med^ woaJd h^p me. I soflered mrtold . H| / i va?m 4a iDScry^QJiu could IiBruly xt&Is. After tating (in plain, scaled envelope), tow to two bottles of carcUU love up my supporter. H - ^ * a~W* ? <ioVauAHod UU cure them. Address: JLacues'Advisory I ^Vffl ilitt HUUd aij iuui nitwi >?iv u? ween DepL, The Chittoooga Medicmo Co., f? ? Chattanooga, Tena. I Cardnl to every wulering woman." ,. ' : " ? <" * . "^aboarxT AIR LINE RAILWAY. \ | .* NORTH-SOUTH-EAST- WESTl L- Two Daily Pnllman Vestibule Limited Trains Between . > j I' M. SOUTH AND 2VJEW YORK. I j-j* -. B First Class Dining Car Service. Tbe best rates and route to all \;'c|' Eastern cities via Richmond and Washington, or via Norfolk andl rB steamers to Atlanta, Nashville, MempJns, ix)uisviiie, st. ijohis, umcago,e I New Orleans and all points South and Southwest to Savannah and? 3 and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Caba. Positively the 3 shortest line North and South. detailed information, rates, schedules,Pullman reservations - ' J &C-. apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway or to W. L BURROUGHSj. Travelmg Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. t I CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agent " I SAVANNAH,'GA. To Cnrea Cough. To Cure a Cot, Sore or Wound 1 takeRamon's English Cough Syrup in small apply Ramon's Nerve & Bwre Oil promply. It is dosesduring the day, then sleep at night. A pine antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healingby tar balm, without morphine. 23c at all dealers. first intention ,25c and moneyback if not satisfied For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. For sale at the Bazaar. ;. / vr ??? 1 1 _ ' 1 , , " ' V. ' ' ' f POORS. BLINPS. ' i| 1T30 n F'JjHsl MainSt., Colombia, S C., | I M-l f & I ^ Is where you can find one of \ the best P - ' jg{ stocks of P ' 1 -r ?3 of all kinds. O i :f g *"* j&^Mr. Lee N. Fallaw, formerly of Gas- ^ Hp " - |S ' .^n? is now with us and will be glad to see p < B ; Sffi you and show you our stock. c+I C. 0. BROWN ? BRO. I SASH. | CLASS. W. T. MARTIN SONS, WHOLESALE - DEALERS - IN - GROCERIES. f I Otjo: blotto: 1 L? I High Grade Goods at the Lowest I Possible Prices. L Dan Valley Flonr a Specialty !! I Ask lor our quotations before you purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, Molasses, Can Goods, Tobacco, &c. I . Everything "We Sell We Guarantee. W. T. MARTIN SONS, | 1406-1408 ASSEMBLY ST., COLUMBIA, S. 0. , y __ I, , - To Cure a Cold in On i I Take Laxative Bromo Qiiinme Tablets, je I Seven MBon >c?es wM fa past 12months. This SignatnTC, The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 4, 1905. Letter from Italy. The land of Galileo, Dante and Tassa, of Michael Ao?elIo, the architect of S'. Peter's in Rome that was 100 years in construction. The land of those terrible volcanoes Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboii, that have carried death and destruction and buried towns and cities in their mad fury, they are sleeping now, but an outbreak from either one is not uoex .< mi _ i pected at any time. iue xwnan governme^1, has so observatory on the top of Etna that is the highest human habitation on the continent of Europe. The land of the silk worm that produces over 100,000,000 pounds of raw silk in one year; the land of refinement and cnltnre of art and sculpture and painting of the hand organ and the monkey of poverty and dirt; the land of romance and sons' r>f e^iptv and dancing; the birth . place of "Home Sweet Home." John Howard Paine in bis rambles in Italy heard a peasant girl humming the tune and composed the words of "Home Sweet Home," whose melody is heard where ever the Eoglish language is spoken, for there is no other tongue that knows the meaning of boms as an Englishman and when I say English, as a matter of course, I include America. John Howard . Paine's remains were disinterred several years ago and conveyed to Washington, D. C, and a monument erected to his memory by that patriotic liberal hearted American, Col. Cochran. All honor to his Dame for with John Howard PaiDe hie name is linked with "Home Sweet Home." I hope some of the ? i - -i ? .1 j T . L ...... iair laoies 01 o<u wuuiy when they read this will play one stanza, for me of "Home Sweet Home.'* ' As I promised in my last letter to give you a description of a Spanish bull fight I will do pn now: Tbe one I witnessed was ia Valencia, Spain. There were six bulls killed that day, but I did not stay to see but one killed and that was enough for me. That one'did not want to fight and I never in my life saw a dumb brute tortured afe this one was to get it mad enough to fight and then tbe most infamous thing I ever saw was to blindfold a horse with a man mounted on bis baek with a spear or pike in bis band ride tbe horse in front of the bull -The spear is used to ward tbe bull off of tbe man and have the bull charge the man and horse and nine times out of ten it only resulted in the horse having his entrils ripped out and the rider scampers away and leaves the wounded or dying horse to tbe mercy of the boll. There are several other m?fl in the ring who have a red cloth to attract tbe atten tion of the bull from tbe wounded boree. This bull killed eleven horses . that day and not a man even got his back dirty much lees hurt. There is no fight in it. It is tbe men against the bull and tbe bull against tbe horse and it blindfolded. There ia no courage, heroism or valor displayed, and it is all a one sided affair and entirely in favor of the men. Why some civilized nation or society for the prevention of cruelty to animals has not put a atop to this nefarious barbarity before now, is a mystery to me. More anon, A. S. Nunamaker, Jr. Naples, Italy. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth, Be sure and ose that old and well tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, a)lay8 all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-fire cents a bottle. It is the Best of All. Zoauxa Leaves Vs. New York, Sept. 27 ?Baron Nomura and party left for the coast at 9:30 ibis morning. The baron sho^s but few traces of bis illness. He goes to Montreal, then to Vancouver. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey's and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cold, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. A destructive typhoon ew^pt over Manila on Monday, killing five pe?8008, injuring 200 and rendering 8,000 homeless. i - i ^ m Plans to Get Rich are often frustrated by sudden breakdown, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Br. King's New Life Pills. They take out tiie materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At The Kaufinami Drug Co's. drug store; 25c., guaranteed. ie Day 1 r&J, . I DOXi I HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures his life is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guarding it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and manifests itself in innumerable ways TAKE?^ U Mlt V H 111^ And save your health. Value of Advertising And the Unexpected AT a political meeting held up the state just before the election of our present governor the speaker and audience were very much disturbed by a man who constantly called for a Mr. Henry. Whenever a new gpeaker came on this man bawled out: "Mr. Henry! Henry! Henry! I call for Mr. Henry!" After several interruptions of this kind at each speech a young man ascended the platform and was soon airing his c'oquence in magnificent style and striking out powerfully in his gestures when the old cry was heard for "Mr. Henry." Tutting his hand to his mouth like a speaking trumpet, this man was bawling out at the top of his voice: "Mr. Henry! Henry! Henry! I call for Mr. Henry to make a speech!" The chairman of the meeting now * arose and remarked that it would oblige the audience if the gentleman would refrain from any further calling for Mr. Henry, as that gentleman was now speaking. "Is that Mr. Henry?" said the disturber of the meeting. "Thunder, that can't be Mr. Henry! Why, that's the little cuss tha. told me to holler!"? Philadelphia Ledger. Has Stood The Test 25 Tears. The old, original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form, "No cure, no pay. 50c. WAR CORRESPONDENTS. Some of Their Fanoae Fehtyi of Physical Endurance. One of the finest achievements of a war correspondent was that of Holt White, a representative of the New York Tribune, in the Franco-Prussian war. He witnessed the battle of Sedan from the Prussian headquarters .on Thursday, Sept 1, 1870. At its conclusion he rode to Brussels, but there the postoffice authorities refused to trans! mit his dispatch to London and even I threatened to arrest him for saying that the French had been defeated. He then went on to Calais, crossed to Dover by special steamer and took a speeial train to London, where he arrived at 5 o'clock on Saturday morning. Next day there was a description of the battle six columns long in the Tribune. It was not till Tuesday that the London newspapers had accounts of the conflict from their correspondents. But the most famous deed of physical endurance In the race for news between war correspondents was told of Archibald Forbes. In the Servian war of 1876 Semlin, the nearest telegraph station, was 120 miles distant from the scene of the battle. So soon as Forbes knew the result he rode off, and all night long he kept at a gallop, changing horses every fifteen miles. At SemHn he had one long drink of beer and then at once sat down to the task of writing, hour after hour, against time, the tidings of which he was the bearer. After he had written the story of the battle and put it on the wires he lay down in his clothes and slept twenty hours without waking. He bad witnessed the battle, which lasted six hours; ridden 120 miles and written and dispatched a telegraphic message four columns in length to the Daily News, all in the space of thirty hours.? Itoeojillan's Magazine. You Can Prevent Sick-Headache wheu you feel it first coming on, by taking a Ramon's Pill at once- It removes the poison that causes the trouble. A guaranteed cure, and money refunded if not satisfied. 25 centsFor Sale at Harman's Bazaar* When a man appears to have lost his temper it generally transpires that he only mislaid it. There are lots of people that are dead, but don't show it. The devil gets sick occasionally just for the fiendish pleasure of letting his i condition be known to his tenants and | denying them the pleasure of relating " j their oviti experiences and loading him i up with remedies. j Bashfulness often conceals a first j class quality of nerve. It does no good to talk back to an alezm clock ????? Lee A. Lorii I JOBBERS AND DEA! : Plumbers, Gas and Ste Stoves and Ranges, Stove Repairs, Tinwa Plate, Iron Roofing, Conductor Pipe, Eav Sheets, Terra Cotta, Fine Pipe, Fire Br Tiles, Wood Mantles, Gas and Elect Pnnips and Puinr LEE A. LORXi 1519 MAIN ST., CO: Phone 498. Tremendous B AT "THE STORE THA For the past few days ly picking np odds anc throughout the country; tremendous bargain sale all new and up-to-date, 1 half their real value. SPECIAL HANDKERCHIEF fi SALE. S . 500 dozen bought at a sacri-Stoi fice. The prices range from 5 3 1-3 to 5c. 8 5c : J - ? WHITE LAWN. . ? 50 pieces 40-inch 25c. qual-S()0 ity fine White Lawn, for thisS iq sale only 12 l-2c. per yard. 8 100 pieces Staple CheckS Ginghams, only 4c. per yard. 8 on 10 pieces only good summer 8 ; weight Unbleached Drills, 5c. 8 per yard. S ; 25 pieces regular 12 l-2c.^m< Cottonade, for 8 l-3c. 8 an TTMBBELLAS. SgP 100 only, Ladies' and Gen-jjLa tlemen's fine Pearl and Fancy* handle Umbrellas, good covers g < and best frames, only 75c. g 200 Ladies' and Gentle-gya men's fine Silk covers, Sterling 2 Silver Trimmings, Umbrellas, Z,,' only $1.00. ?Mi Some Umbrellas in this lotg worth $2.50 each. g 'm\ Yours For : 1220 MAIN ST. OPPOST COX-.TTMBX.A^ THE PRICES TELL. J. B. FRIDi Wholesale and! GROCERS, FLOUR, FE SEED RUST PRI We Want the Merchants, Plantt ington County to Call and See V Purchases. We Can Fill Youi Money. 1823 and 1825 Main Street, H. F. Hendrix, J. L. Matt] J President. Yi j The Bank of J IJEESVXEI Capital, - Interest Allowed in Savinc i ? We Solicit a Sii nl# 0 Drn Im a 01 u., LERS IN am Fitters' Supplies, ,re, Enamelware, Hollowware, Tin e Trough. Galvanized and Black ick and Fire Clay, Grates and rical Fixtures, Rubber Hose, % > Supplies. CK & BRO., LUMBIA, S. C. argain Sale T'Q immrwT? i u mi i lulu i? % we have been quietl ends from ..mills and we will begin a . These goods are out the prices about TOWEL SALE. 100 dozen unbleached Coto. Towels at half price, 18x40 inch Cotton Towels, . each or 6 for 25c. or 12 for c. 22x50 inch heavy weight tton Towels, assorted colors c. each. 1000yards 36-inch Sheeting, ly 5c. per yard. LO pieces regular 10c. Bed eking, only 7 1-2 10 cases Ladies' and Gentlem's Hosiery; also Misses* d Children's Black and Tan en work and plain goods, me in the lot worth 25c. per ir, only 10c. lb pieces linen finish 36ch Cannon Cloth, 8 l-3c. per rd. 15 pieces 36-inch Corded idras, white, only 10c. 10 pieces 39c. White Waist?s, only 25c. Bargains IRTICK, rE OPERA HOUSE. s. c. THE QUALITY SELLSLY & CO., Retail ED AND GRAIN, )0F OATS. irs and Farmers of Lex's Before They Maize Their Wants and Save You COLUMBIA, S. C. rIEWS, H. A. Meetze, ice Pres. Cashier. J Leesville, j iE, 8. C. $30,000.00 ;s Department. are of Your Business. %