f r I "CUT IT OUT" I K says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because be I 7 > doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively p cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife, g That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, ijjj in thousands of cases, by E| I IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. | it has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick i| women, and has rescued thousands of others from a || melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure youi if you will only give it a chance, t Try it.y M Sold at every drug store in $1.00 bottles. 51 V WRITE US A LEnER GAVE UP SUPPORTER. K Pot aside all timidity and write us UI wore a snppprter for fouryears, to keep tt] ' freely and frankly, in strictest jxmd- 2^8^?. Cb2??S H* deuce, telling us aU your symptoms of Jlanasrille. IT. Y. MMy doctor told me no 9H and troubles. We will send free advice med^ woaJd h^p me. I soflered mrtold . H| / i va?m 4a iDScry^QJiu could IiBruly xt&Is. After tating (in plain, scaled envelope), tow to two bottles of carcUU love up my supporter. H - ^ * a~W* ? ?iv u? ween DepL, The Chittoooga Medicmo Co., f? ? Chattanooga, Tena. I Cardnl to every wulering woman." ,. ' : " ? <" * . "^aboarxT AIR LINE RAILWAY. \ | .* NORTH-SOUTH-EAST- WESTl L- Two Daily Pnllman Vestibule Limited Trains Between . > j I' M. SOUTH AND 2VJEW YORK. I j-j* -. B First Class Dining Car Service. Tbe best rates and route to all \;'c|' Eastern cities via Richmond and Washington, or via Norfolk andl rB steamers to Atlanta, Nashville, MempJns, ix)uisviiie, st. ijohis, umcago,e I New Orleans and all points South and Southwest to Savannah and? 3 and Jacksonville and all points in Florida and Caba. Positively the 3 shortest line North and South. detailed information, rates, schedules,Pullman reservations - ' J &C-. apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway or to W. L BURROUGHSj. Travelmg Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. t I CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agent " I SAVANNAH,'GA. To Cnrea Cough. To Cure a Cot, Sore or Wound 1 takeRamon's English Cough Syrup in small apply Ramon's Nerve & Bwre Oil promply. It is dosesduring the day, then sleep at night. A pine antiseptic?stops the pain and causes healingby tar balm, without morphine. 23c at all dealers. first intention ,25c and moneyback if not satisfied For Sale at Harman's Bazaar. For sale at the Bazaar. ;. / vr ??? 1 1 _ ' 1 , , " ' V. ' ' ' f POORS. BLINPS. ' i| 1T30 n F'JjHsl MainSt., Colombia, S C., | I M-l f & I ^ Is where you can find one of \ the best P - ' jg{ stocks of P ' 1 -r ?3 of all kinds. O i :f g *"* j&^Mr. Lee N. Fallaw, formerly of Gas- ^ Hp " - |S ' .^n? is now with us and will be glad to see p < B ; Sffi you and show you our stock. c+I C. 0. BROWN ? BRO. I SASH. | CLASS. W. T. MARTIN SONS, WHOLESALE - DEALERS - IN - GROCERIES. f I Otjo: blotto: 1 L? I High Grade Goods at the Lowest I Possible Prices. L Dan Valley Flonr a Specialty !! I Ask lor our quotations before you purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, Molasses, Can Goods, Tobacco, &c. I . Everything "We Sell We Guarantee. W. T. MARTIN SONS, | 1406-1408 ASSEMBLY ST., COLUMBIA, S. 0. , y __ I, , - To Cure a Cold in On i I Take Laxative Bromo Qiiinme Tablets, je I Seven MBon >c?es wM fa past 12months. This SignatnTC, The Lexington Dispatch. Wednesday, October 4, 1905. Letter from Italy. The land of Galileo, Dante and Tassa, of Michael Ao?elIo, the architect of S'. Peter's in Rome that was 100 years in construction. The land of those terrible volcanoes Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboii, that have carried death and destruction and buried towns and cities in their mad fury, they are sleeping now, but an outbreak from either one is not uoex .< mi _ i pected at any time. iue xwnan governme^1, has so observatory on the top of Etna that is the highest human habitation on the continent of Europe. The land of the silk worm that produces over 100,000,000 pounds of raw silk in one year; the land of refinement and cnltnre of art and sculpture and painting of the hand organ and the monkey of poverty and dirt; the land of romance and sons' r>f e^iptv and dancing; the birth . place of "Home Sweet Home." John Howard Paine in bis rambles in Italy heard a peasant girl humming the tune and composed the words of "Home Sweet Home," whose melody is heard where ever the Eoglish language is spoken, for there is no other tongue that knows the meaning of boms as an Englishman and when I say English, as a matter of course, I include America. John Howard . Paine's remains were disinterred several years ago and conveyed to Washington, D. C, and a monument erected to his memory by that patriotic liberal hearted American, Col. Cochran. All honor to his Dame for with John Howard PaiDe hie name is linked with "Home Sweet Home." I hope some of the ? i - -i ? .1 j T . L ...... iair laoies 01 o Supplies. CK & BRO., LUMBIA, S. C. argain Sale T'Q immrwT? i u mi i lulu i? % we have been quietl ends from ..mills and we will begin a . These goods are out the prices about TOWEL SALE. 100 dozen unbleached Coto. Towels at half price, 18x40 inch Cotton Towels, . each or 6 for 25c. or 12 for c. 22x50 inch heavy weight tton Towels, assorted colors c. each. 1000yards 36-inch Sheeting, ly 5c. per yard. LO pieces regular 10c. Bed eking, only 7 1-2 10 cases Ladies' and Gentlem's Hosiery; also Misses* d Children's Black and Tan en work and plain goods, me in the lot worth 25c. per ir, only 10c. lb pieces linen finish 36ch Cannon Cloth, 8 l-3c. per rd. 15 pieces 36-inch Corded idras, white, only 10c. 10 pieces 39c. White Waist?s, only 25c. Bargains IRTICK, rE OPERA HOUSE. s. c. THE QUALITY SELLSLY & CO., Retail ED AND GRAIN, )0F OATS. irs and Farmers of Lex's Before They Maize Their Wants and Save You COLUMBIA, S. C. rIEWS, H. A. Meetze, ice Pres. Cashier. J Leesville, j iE, 8. C. $30,000.00 ;s Department. are of Your Business. %