The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, December 14, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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? LI as well as for the land fertilize your crops wi1 Virginia-Caro when you plant in the you prosperity long 1 and happiness even to the increased profits tl virginia-carol: Richmond, Va. Chariest Nortolt, Va.^ Atlanta, wmm* m Bi. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. *W. P. HOOF, Caishier. i>IBECTOiS?: Allen Jones, W. P. Boot, 0. M. Eflxd. R. Hilton Jame8 E. Hendrlx. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. * Deposits of $1 and upwards received aid interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. ,A September 21?tf " You Can Prevent Sick-Headache vrhcn you feel it first coming: on, by taking a Ramon's Pill at once. It removes thepoison that causes the tronble. A guaranteed cure, and money refunded if not satisfied. 25 cents. For Sale at Barman's Bazaar. - alyin Dealer in i full stove repairs al^ 933 GERVAIS STRE: w^casefamiJ All for cash at lowest prices Will appiecia Friends. I guaranty DOORS. j?m " || If 11 [ ? Main St Co xvjlvjvjuu j wj h ? CS Is where you can i ^ stoc > ? fj ?f ; *ph ' r? Lee N. Fa ton, is now with us z 4 O you and show you 01 j 11 0, BROV W.T.MAR * WHOLESALE - DEALE 0*u.? ^ High Grade Gooc Possible - j)an Valley Floi Ask for our quotations before you Molasses, Can G< IErerytliing We ? W. T. MAI 1406 1408 ASSEMBLY I Take Laxative Broi 8 Seven MHEon boxes sold in past 12 i 4 * mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmgmBmBammammam as Tirne^ % 's sake at harvest-time, ? fg| lina Fertilizers 7| spring?for it will bring jefore"Xmas next year, Utt the children, because of 1581 ins put into your pocket. ag& [&a chemical co. jvl x>n, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. JB& ?NG!NES boilers. Taaks. Blacks, Btaad Pipes sad Sksot-Iroa Work; flkafttaf, PnUeys, Ssazlac, Basss, Bangers, ?ts, Mill Casttags. VCass mry Bar. wsrk 900 kaads. MKBABO I ROM WORK (I A imif Of UayiTA, WOB<K4. Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass in any manner whatever, upon my lands. The law will be enforced against all persons so doing. 6pd davis gantt. : wook, i ill Grades of =3 aj=Ld_ STOVES line of vays kept on hand. EI, COLUMBIA, S. C. sitLing" .O-ood-s.^ to a liberal share of the trade of my Lexington se to give satisfaction, 30 lumbia, S C., f ind one of the best ?D ks of Po kinds. ) CD B Haw, formerly of Gas- q md will be glad to see p 11* stock. ct* uu o. nnn TN ?DnUi|| II I TIN SONS, IRS - IN - GROCERIES. *<Eotto: Is at the Lowest 3 Prices. ir a Specialty !! purchase your Grain, Meal, Flour, j )ods, Tobacco, &v. i i ! Sell "We Guarantee, j j i ITIN SONS, ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. : i ire a Cold in On< mo Quinine Tablets, t months. This signature, * awammnnBHn ( Whole Family Consisting ol Daughters Fouiiy Murderer 1 The Scene of the Horrible Tragedy the Husband and Father C Evening Record. Trenton, S. C., Dec. 8.?The people of tills town are stirred with excitement and horror this morning over the fearful deaths of Mr. B. B. Hughes, his wife and their two daughters. At 5 o'clock their house, which is situated in the centre of the town, was burned to the ground.- The building was wrapped in a hot, seething mass of flames when the first citizen arrived, and had there been adequate fire apparatus it would have been impossible to save the house after the alarm had aroused the citizens. In the excitement of the moment it had not occurred to anyone that the family liad not escaped, but when it was seen that none of them was in the vicinity the sickening thought that they had burned to death took hold of the minds of the people, but noth " ig could be done to relieve the dreadful suspense until the fire had practically burned itself out, although by superhuman effort enough of it was saved to reveal the horrible truth, though whether arson had been added to monstrous murder was not definitely determined. As soon as an investigation could be made it was found that the' charred and almost unrecognizable body and feat ures of Mrs. Hughes and her two daughters were in bed, seemingly as if they had never been aroused. It was hard to determine, on account of the condition of the bodies, whether they had been murdered or suffocated, though the fact that they were in a position just as if they had been peacefully sleeping, made the suspicion become strong that they had been murdered. The body of Mr. Hughes was found about the door leading from the kitchen to the dining room, showing that lie had been aroused from his sleep either by awaking while being suffocated by smoke, or had gotten up upon hearing a noise made by burglars, and, coming in contact with them, was killed. These are the suppositions, but so complete, was the wreck from fire that the evidence was very incomplete in behalf of either theory. From the way the fire burned it seems evident that it started in the kitchen or dining room, and those who disbelieve the theory of murder hold out that Mr Hughes, being awakened by the flames, went to see what the trouble was, be- | came overcome by smoke and met his death in the fire. As against this theory it is held that it would be strange that he did not arouse his his wife and daughters, the position of their bodies indicating that he had nor done so. The vast majority of the people be Obituary. Mary Jesse Sod, wife of Charles Frey, was bom October 18, 1870, in Lexington county and departed this life November 12, 1904 She was j batized in infancy aud at an early j age wis confirmed in Cedar Grove cburcb, Lexmgton county, S C, id which congregation she remained a fai'bful member until her death. Toe interment took place in the cemetery near Leesville, S C. Rev Justus performed the grave services. Rev. J. G Graiohen the sermon based on Isaiah LYIY:G on Sunday morning, December 4th, at the memoiial services held in St. Stephens' Evangelical Lutheran church at Lexington, S C May God bless all wbo have been so sorely bereft with the rich consolations of His grace. J. G G. Straight Facts. A whole lot of fancy phrases can be written about remedies, but it takes facts to prove anything?good straight facts. Ami the strongest fact you ever h^ard is that Tannopiline is the best cure for piles on the market. It cures absolutely. Has a healing, soothing eff-cr from the start. a n H nio-oi?K haw it for $1.00 a jar. Ask fr?r Tannopiline and don't dare take a substitute. Clemson Cjlleee w;ll give holiday from December 23 to January 3. Seventeen young men were admitted to the bar by the Supreme court j on Wednesday. Following was the official vote in South Carolina for President: Parker 52,8G3: Roosevelt 2 271 Debs, socialist, 22; Watson, pcpulis', 1. W. E Boyd obtained a verdict j against the town of Camden last week for falling in a ditch and break- j ing his arm. He sued for 85.000 ? IW <>= <? GriP | j i* fUy in Two Days. 1 *2/ on every I i If k!!! ' )?f Father, Mother and Two I and Their Bodies Burned! o Was at Trenton, and Theory is that lommitted the Awful Deed. lieve in the murder theory, and as a consequence the intense excitement in the town cannot be realized. All business is suspended, and the people of the town and surrounding country are scouring the neighborhood in the hope and expecA ?J - /.nmA nlno fri ovnlflin nation 01 imiuiig mjuic w ^ the liorrible affair. Soon after the fire had died out the county chaingang passed through the town. The authorities have blood hounds in connection with the gang and these were brought into requisition with the hope that their keen scent might finally discover the murderous fiend, if such an one there be. Mr. Hughes was about 45 years old and was a mercliant of the town. He was in all respects a most admirable citizen, was successful in business and popular generally. Mrs. Hughes and her two daughters, aged about 17 and 15, were leaders in church and social circles and their terrible fate creates the deepest sorrow. The house in which they lived was a cottage. Mr. Hughes had under construction a large residence which he expected soon to occupy. A later speeial from Trenton shows that murder was committed. The fire was at first thought to be accidental, but it was found there was foul play. Mr. Hughes had his clothes on and there is evidence of he having had his glove on his right hand. Both the girls were struck on the head with some heavy article, like an axe, and placed back in bed as if they had not made a struggle. Mrs. Hughes' head was under her pillow and her head was smashed in. A further and closer investigation revealed the fact that Mr. Hughes had a bullet hole through both temples. His body was at the door and a pistol was in his hand. It is believed that the murder was committed 111 rne eariy pan, of the night and that the house was fired to hide the crime. The family was temporarily living in a house owned by Mrs. George Asbill, and a beautiful home on their place is about completed, and the family were anticipating a happy Christmas in their beautiful new home, but now every member has gone to a home beyond, Scr licitor Thurmond is on the scene and will leave nothing undone. The whole country is in a state of excitement. People from everywhere who have heard of the affair are coming in to do what they can to help solve the great mystery and place the crime where it belongs. Governor Heyward received a despatch from Solicitor Thurmond giving the bare details and requesting bloodi hounds. Christmas Holiday Rates Via Southern Railway. The Southern Railway will sell ex| cursioD lickets between all points j east of the Mississippi and south of j the Ohio and Potomac rivers, for ? ? t 1 one and oDe third first class standard one way fares, for the round trip (minimum rate fifty cents) Tickets | on 6a)e December 23-d, 24fb, 25 h, j 31st, aDd January 1. 1905T with final j limit for the return January 4, 1905. For teachers and students of schools and olleges one and onethird first class one way fares, for the round trip (minimum rate fifi> cents) between all points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers and points in the Central Passenger Association. Tickets on sale December 17th 24 b, inclusive, wifcb final limit January 8 b, 1905. For further information legaiding rates, train service, etc, consult ticket agent Southern Riilwflr, or R. W. Hunt, D?v. Pas. Agent, Charleston, S. C. ' There are said to be sixteen can- ! j didates for president of Cubi. I ) we want all interested in MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAME BEFORE THEM DURING 1905 5 Write us stating what kind of Machinery you use or will j* install, and we will mail you ! \ Free of All Cost I A HANDSOME AND USEFUL ? j Pocket Diary and atlas \ OR A LARGE Commercial Calendar I ! Gibbes Machinery Company, j columbia, s. c. A STOCK OF HORSE POWER HAY I ? PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT special prices ! CLASS. ! j ! j We are Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. S J ALL KINDS OF j i BUILDING AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS. ; < i \ Investigate the great advantage of our > | PAINTS, i : , ; ! Moore's Pure House Colors a ready | < mixed paint made with pure Lin- I J seed Oil onlv. > ] > < If bought regularly the price would have to be $1.50. [ < Sale price $1.30 per gallon. Tinted Goods?Regular > J price $1.75, sale price $1.30. 1 Lorick & Lowrance Co i < > j (INCORPORATED.) > ! COLUMBIA, S. C. ! ! ! fsOUTHERN I 2 IX.TKT-A.Tr, 2 J The Souths Greatest System. 2 2 Uuaxceiied Dining Car Service. f THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS | i ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. * ? CGNVENIENTiSCHEDULES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS, ? 9 Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full 9 information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway ? Ticket Agent, or: J ire. W. HUNT,! S. Division Passengex Agent, ? % CHARLESTON, ... S. C. S ? ea ca SB _ SB ?3 The big Stock of ?? gg Wm. F. Furtick,, gg eg slightly damaged eg M by fire and water, as ?2 at 1210 Main St., fjs 85 Columbia, is now 85 S3 being sold for what 65 ?? it will bring. This ?? gg js a great chance to gg gS buy your fall and ?2 winter supply of ?|| S3 goods at greatly SS S3 reduced prices. S3 i W. F. FURTICK, i ?a ' ?a ? _ . ? ? ca SWWP 1210 Main Street, Upposite tne upera nouse, ww S3 63 63 gg COLUMBIA, B.C. gg E3@SfiS?S?9?3?S^S??^3^3BSC9 ^^^63636363636363^6363 ??III III III I I Ml llll Ill?BMW |||| I mm HMg .-. ? ?--- - >?> - :v? - >.?> *<? - ?- <? >?> - --?> ->.->><?<:? >?> ->?> <?k- ??- a ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ i NO BETTER LEAD MADE. I I ^ THE LEX NGTON DEPARTMENT STORE, j - ??t?-: ?? -?? >^-?? - .???? ?? -_ _-? ?? ??-??-?? *