? LI as well as for the land fertilize your crops wi1 Virginia-Caro when you plant in the you prosperity long 1 and happiness even to the increased profits tl virginia-carol: Richmond, Va. Chariest Nortolt, Va.^ Atlanta, wmm* :.im m Bi. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. *W. P. HOOF, Caishier. i>IBECTOiS?: Allen Jones, W. P. Boot, 0. M. Eflxd. R. Hilton Jame8 E. Hendrlx. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. * Deposits of $1 and upwards received aid interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. ,A September 21?tf " You Can Prevent Sick-Headache vrhcn you feel it first coming: on, by taking a Ramon's Pill at once. It removes thepoison that causes the tronble. A guaranteed cure, and money refunded if not satisfied. 25 cents. For Sale at Barman's Bazaar. - alyin Dealer in i full stove repairs al^ 933 GERVAIS STRE: w^casefamiJ All for cash at lowest prices Will appiecia Friends. I guaranty DOORS. j?m " || If 11 [ ? Main St Co xvjlvjvjuu j wj h ? CS Is where you can i ^ stoc > ? fj ?f ; *ph ' r? Lee N. Fa ton, is now with us z 4 O you and show you 01 j 11 0, BROV W.T.MAR * WHOLESALE - DEALE 0*u.? ^ High Grade Gooc Possible - j)an Valley Floi Ask for our quotations before you Molasses, Can G< IErerytliing We ? W. T. MAI 1406 1408 ASSEMBLY I Take Laxative Broi 8 Seven MHEon boxes sold in past 12 i 4 * mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmgmBmBammammam as Tirne^ % 's sake at harvest-time, ? fg| lina Fertilizers 7| spring?for it will bring jefore"Xmas next year, Utt the children, because of 1581 ins put into your pocket. ag& [&a chemical co. jvl x>n, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. JB& ?NG!NES boilers. Taaks. Blacks, Btaad Pipes sad Sksot-Iroa Work; flkafttaf, PnUeys, Ssazlac, Basss, Bangers, ?ts, Mill Casttags. VCass mry Bar. wsrk 900 kaads. MKBABO I ROM WORK (I A imif Of UayiTA, WOB= cents) between all points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers and points in the Central Passenger Association. Tickets on sale December 17th 24 b, inclusive, wifcb final limit January 8 b, 1905. For further information legaiding rates, train service, etc, consult ticket agent Southern Riilwflr, or R. W. Hunt, D?v. Pas. Agent, Charleston, S. C. ' There are said to be sixteen can- ! j didates for president of Cubi. I ) we want all interested in MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAME BEFORE THEM DURING 1905 5 Write us stating what kind of Machinery you use or will j* install, and we will mail you ! \ Free of All Cost I A HANDSOME AND USEFUL ? j Pocket Diary and atlas \ OR A LARGE Commercial Calendar I ! Gibbes Machinery Company, j columbia, s. c. A STOCK OF HORSE POWER HAY I ? PRESSES TO BE CLOSED OUT AT special prices ! CLASS. ! j ! j We are Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. S J ALL KINDS OF j i BUILDING AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS. ; < i \ Investigate the great advantage of our > | PAINTS, i : , ; ! Moore's Pure House Colors a ready | < mixed paint made with pure Lin- I J seed Oil onlv. > ] > < If bought regularly the price would have to be $1.50. [ < Sale price $1.30 per gallon. Tinted Goods?Regular > J price $1.75, sale price $1.30. 1 Lorick & Lowrance Co i < > j (INCORPORATED.) > ! COLUMBIA, S. C. ! ! ! fsOUTHERN I 2 IX.TKT-A.Tr, 2 J The Souths Greatest System. 2 2 Uuaxceiied Dining Car Service. f THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS | i ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. * ? CGNVENIENTiSCHEDULES ON ALL LOCAL TRAINS, ? 9 Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full 9 information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway ? Ticket Agent, or: J ire. W. HUNT,! S. Division Passengex Agent, ? % CHARLESTON, ... S. C. S ? ea ca SB _ SB ?3 The big Stock of ?? gg Wm. F. Furtick,, gg eg slightly damaged eg M by fire and water, as ?2 at 1210 Main St., fjs 85 Columbia, is now 85 S3 being sold for what 65 ?? it will bring. This ?? gg js a great chance to gg gS buy your fall and ?2 winter supply of ?|| S3 goods at greatly SS S3 reduced prices. S3 i W. F. FURTICK, i ?a ' ?a ? _ . ? ? ca SWWP 1210 Main Street, Upposite tne upera nouse, ww S3 63 63 gg COLUMBIA, B.C. gg E3@SfiS?S?9?3?S^S??^3^3BSC9 ^^^63636363636363^6363 ??III III III I I Ml llll Ill?BMW |||| I mm HMg .-. ? ?--- - >?> - :v? - >.?> *?> - --?> ->.->>?> ->?> ^-?? - .???? ?? -_ _-? ?? ??-??-?? *