Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 05, 1915, Page FOUR, Image 4

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. " J. L. SHIMS........Editor Published every Wednesday in The Advertiser Building at $1.50 per year| SJ advance. Entered as second class matter a t j . the postoffice at Edgefield, S. C. No communications will be published unless accompanied by the writer's name. Cards of Thanks. Obituaries, Resolu tions and Political Notices published at jg ?dvertising rates _ m -:* Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly in the distance, but to do what, lies clearly at hand. -CARLYLE. ..fi Wednesday, May 5. The Advertiser rejoices that Col. Af termath did not intern while in Ha vana. -.-: Now that school is about to close, what will you do with your boy during | vacation? - As a result of the war there will be some second-hand kings scattered over Europe. "Army shoes last six weeks", head lines. The European soldiers are al most as hard on shoes as some Edge field boys. One Georgia woman shot another j with a shot-gun a few days ago. Won der if the trouble grew out of a heated political discussion? The readers of The State will join his brethren of the press in welcoming Robert Gomales back after a stay of some weeks in Cuba. The man near Tennille, Georgia, who is the father of 25 children, 21 of whom are living, has at least been obedient to one injunction of Holy Writ. A dispatch from Paris says "Ger mans are misstating facts." The neu-\ trals are of the opinion that that is what all of the belligerents are doing. The pastors of Glasgow, Scotland, have proven themselves to be militants, having enlisted for active service for an indefinite period-uhtil the war closes. ? Italy seems to be waiting until the war is on the home-stretch and then she will fall in with the Allies. Such j a policy will be more cowardly than honorable. Governor Manning has taken hold of ? the "tiger" situation in Charleston with bull-dog tenacity and we are in clined to the belief that the canine policy will win. By the time the Aiken dispensary j gets out of the courts, the people will take a hand in the settlement of the j matter. A verdict will be rendered at j the polls September 14. Speaking of names connected with the war, there is one change we would iike to see. And that is a simpler ren dition of the name of England's chan cellor of the exchequer, David Lloyd <George. Mr. W. W. Smoak has resigned as editor of the Anderson Daily Intelligen cer and has returned to his first love, the Walterboro Press and Standard. We wish Mr. Smoak well. He is an ionor to South Carolina journalism. DiajMitches state that there is dearth of cradles throughout England, the shortage being due to the fact that no cradles can be imported from the con tinent As the Stork has apparently deserted this part of the country, prob bly Edgefield could export some cradles to England. The liquor dealers of London object to the proposed increased tax on intox icants. They had better be thankful that the situation is no worse than it is. As soon as public sentiment be comes aroused and the public conscience becomes quickened in England as it is in this country, liquor dealers will find their places of business being closed altogether. Charleston Growing Better. The receipts at police headquarters generally indicate to what extent the laws of a city are being violated. If this be accepted as an index, condi tions are growing better in Charleston. Wren Charleston can be good when she tries-or when she is forc ed to be. The fines imposed in the city of Charleston for the month of March of $4,281.50 of which (3,187.00 were paid. On Maren 31, under the orders issued i by Governor Manning, a more rigid'enforcement against liquor sell ing and gambling began, and the fines imposed lor the rrionth of April were only $1,366, of which $568.50 were paid: These figures speak for themselves and should prove to the right-thinking element of Charleston's citizenship that it will pay to enforce the laws of the city. Brave Belgian Women. As the Belgians have been the great est sufferers from the cruel war, one would naturally think they would have peace restored almost at any price. But not so. During the Inter national Congress of Women- which was held at The Hague last week when a resolution was introduced placing the body of women on record as praying for peace, a Belgian woman arose and astounded the audience with this dra matic exclamation: "I am a Belgian before everything else and I can not think as you do. There can be, no peace without justice. The war must continue until Belgians' wrongs have been righted. There must be no mediation except at the bar of justice." These brave people are willing to suffer more if needs be in order that justice may be meted out to their per secutors. The one desire of their souls is to see their next-door neighbor erushed to earth, which, they believe, is the only way to guarantee peace and security to their war-torn nation in the future. Who can blame the Belgians? Farmers Practicing Economy. It is impossible to foretell what the yield for the crops of 1915 will be and it is equally as impossible to make an accurate estimate as to what price will be reaiized this fall, but there is one thing certain about the crop of 1915: it is being made with less expense than any previous crop for a decade or more. Farmers are practicing econo my all along the line, leaving off every expenditure possible. This is shown by the enormous decrease in the sale of fertilizer tags. Up to this time far mers have purchased only 55 per cent, of the commercial fertilizers that were purchased last year. While commer cial fertilizers, judiciously used, can not properly be classed as an expense, yet it shows that, m order to be on the safe side, the majority of farmers are determined to owe as little money as possible next fall. This is a wise course to pursue. Until conditions are restored to a normal status, the wise and prudent farmer will make as few debts as pos sible. The embarrassment last fall re sulted largely from the farmer's un preparedness for the crash that came. Had the war commenced in the early part of 1915, before plans were made for the year, instead of mid-summer, after practically ail obligations had been made, the average farmer would have been prepared, at least to a de gree, for the worst. The farmer who is practicing economy all along the line this year, is the one who will be the most fortunately situated next fall. j Large Cotton Consomption. It is almost a habit of mind with many cotton producers to feel that everything, absolutely, is against them. But a sober exercise of thought and judgment will frequently reveal the fact that things are not what they seem in this particular, as well as in many other experiences in life. When the war suddenly laid its blighting hand upon the farmer's plans and pros pects it appeared that nothing good could come out of it, at least nothing for the growers of cotton. Of course, the farmers of the west who had food stuffs to sell would be benefitted, but as for the cotton grower his doom was sealed until the flag of truce should be raised in the var zone. It turned out, however, as it usually does in such dark hours, that things were not as bad as them seemed. Instead of curtailing the consump tion of cotton and leaving a large quan tity of raw material to be carried into the next season, the war is actually increasing the consumption of cotton. In order to supply the munitions of warfare new uses for cotton have been found, and an increased quantity is re quired for those articles that have al ways bean made from cotton, such as tents, surgeons' supplies E.nd cotton material for uniforms. Practically a pound of cotton is required in the mak ing of a pound of powder. When the guns of a dreadnought are in action about 10 bales of cotton are consumed per minute. Think of the enormous consumption of raw cotton in supplying powder alone. Even if the scores and hundreds of cotton mills abroad are dosed down, other channels of consump tion have opened up that will make large inroads into the 16,000,000 bales of cotton that were made in 1914. Let's cheer up, eupecially with respect to the cotton outlook. Things are not as bad as they once seemed to be. I The sum of $66.00 was realized from the Entertainment Friday I night for the publie library, and Miss Marie Abney desires to thank the public for their patronage, and the young people who took part in the play for their co-operation. j What Others Say Hardly. "Colonel still on witness stand. But not quiet.-Daily Mail. Soon Down and Out , You have noticed, of course, that the politician who campaigns against'the newspapers doesn't remain in politics long.-Daily Mail. Few Exceptions. Willard, the new World's champion, it is said, didn't bpgin fighting until after he was married, but that gen erally occurs with most men.-Daily I Mail. Some Escape. This country is not in as bad a fix as you might think at first blush., There are 100,900.00 people in it and only 12,000,000 automobiles. -Spartanburg [ Journal. ? <? Better "Peck" Than Finch. A Newark man in answer to charges of desertion brought against him by his wife says that ne lett her because he couldn't stand her pinching, floral: Don't pinch your, husband.-Spartan burg Journal. _ ' Hight to Do Right The old assertion that "a man has a right to do as he pleases is about play ea out, because every sensible man knows that no one. has that right. The truth is, a man has the. right only to do right - Orangeburg jj Times and Democrat. The Most Pleasing. Of course, as the President points oat, we are not neutral just because we want to keep ont of trouble. Still, it must be confessed that the fact that it keeps us out of trouble is one of the pleasing features of our neutrality. News and Courier. Ashamed .of His Purchase. The other day we saw a farmer lit-1 erally flying out of town with a baie of western hay strapped to the rear of an automobile. We do not blame the man for exceeding the speed limit; if it had been us we would have waited in a back alley until after nightfall.--?-Dil lon Record. Due Him Two Gallons. The gallon-a-month law has been misconstrued. An old negro wrote Governor Manning as follows: "I is a old old nigger. I ain't received my gallon for March yet. Just send me my March and April gallon at the same time.-Orangeburg Times and Democrat % t Smile Provokers t li ? TTTTTTT"V I""v'* 'l'T'l' T '1 T 4 V"I"V"VTTV I ? ' ' , Af- ? ? "There is no-such thing ar Inris?" "There isn't, eh? Bid you ever see anybody npset an inkstand when it was empty ?" His Wife-Dearie, do yoa think hoop-skirts will overcome in again? Her Husband-Not in this apart ment, love.-Judge. Charlie Loveday-Um-ah-er er! He! he- .. Jeweler (to his assistant)-Bring thac tray of engagement rings here, Henry.-Buffalo Courier. . ? j Newlywed-My angel, I wish yon wouldn't paint. Mrs. Newlywed-Now, .Jack, have yon ever seen an angel that j wasn't painted.-Tit-Bits. Little Willie's father as be laid or the slipper said: "Willie, this hurts me more, far | more than it does you." "Then keep it up, said little Wil lie grinding his teeth. Keep: it up, ] dad- I can stand it." Carberry Canner. I am agent for the Carberry Water-Seal Canner. Tbi? ?anner has lour big points, of merit: . It is simple, scientific, safe and successful. The Cai berry Canner has been purchased in ten state agricultural colleges for use at lectures and dem onstrations. It economizes time and labor. I shall be glad to show them to those persons in the county who need a canner. Write to me at Clark's H: ll, t?. C. Annie Mae Mime. | Beautiful line of ladies' 'ready-to wear dresses. They aie so reason able that tbe prices will surprise yon. Mnkashy Bargain House. Full line of Spring Oxfords. The best line we have ever carried. We guarantee every pair. . Mnkashy Bargain House. Try one of our Palm Beach snits. We sell them very reasonable. Just tba thing for summer weather. Mnkashy Bargain House. We want the farmers to itnow that we have just received a ear of Cerealite for top and side dressing. Send in your orders. v - F W. W. Adams & Co. ? ri.. --^Atm-i-m* Program County inter-Deoomi nationai S. S. Convention, Plum Branch, S. C., May 12 and 13. Wednesday, May I2th 10:00 A. M.- Song service and devo tional service, conducted by Rev. Geo. M. Sexton. 10:30 A. M.-Address of welcome Rev. B. H. Covington. Response by W. B. Cogburn. 11:00 A. M. -Organization. 11:30 A. M.-Review of the Inter Denominational Sunday school work in Edgefield county of the preceding year-L. G. Watson. 12:00 M. - What are we here for? Dr. A. T. King, Rev. J. R. Walker. 12:30 P. M. -What is the mission of the Sunday school in. this land of Bi bles? B. E. Nicholson, Rev. M. L. Kester. 1:00 P. M.-Adjourn for dinner. 2:30 P. M.-Song service. 2:45 P. M.-Sunday school manage ment: (a) How to have good music? Mrs. W. S. Middleton. (b) How be?t to teach temperance? T. G. Talbert (c) Opening and closing, what and how long? J. M. Bussey. (d) How may we increase missionary interest in Sunday school? Rev. E. C. , Bailey. (e) Punctuality, order and discipline, how secured and maintained? S. J. Watson. (f) Is a Sunday school library desira ble, and how may interest in it be main tained? J. D. Hughey. Should superintendent summarize les son at close? A. A. Derrick. 8:30 P. M.-Address by Dr. E. Pen dleton Jones. Thursday, May 13th 9:30 A. M.-Song service and devo tional exercises, by Rev. J. T. Little john. 10:00 A. M.-Reports and suggestions from the delegates. 11:00 A. M.-The Sunday school teacher: (a) Selection, training and qualifica tions- W. B. Cogburn, J. D. Eidson. (b) How should the lesson be taught? S. T. Adams, Rev. Geo. M. Sexton. (c) What is the teacher's duty to the class, and of the class to the teacher? Rev. B. H". Covington, Rev. P. B. Lan. ham. 12:00 M.-What are the aims of Sun day school work, and how can the re sults be ascertained? Open discussion, led by Rev. J. H. Thacker. 1:00 P. M.-Adjourn for dinner. 2:00 P. M.-Reports and resolutions. Adjournment -1 ? . . Honor Roll. Edge?eld Graded and High School, Seventh Month. ( 1st Grade, Albert Rainsford, Mar garet Strom. Advanced let, Louise Quarles, Julia Strom, Kathryne Stewart, Ma ry Lillie #yrd, Elizabeth Bailey, Hansford Miras, Burts McManus. 2nd Grade,, Felicia Minis, Mae Rives, Robert Tompkins, Al len George Thurmond, Lucy Sheppard, Rjyal Shannonhouse, Willie Parks, William Hughes. 3rd Grade, Thomas Bailey, Isa belle Byrd, John Wells, J. C. Hughes, Allen Edwards, Elizabeth Lott, Wallace Sheppard. 4th Grade, George Tompkins, William Strom, Sam Paul, Helen Nicholson, Gorrie Cbeatham, Mob ley Sheppard, Gertrude Thurmond, James Raymond Folk, Eleanor Mirna, Mitchell Wells, Franois Car penter ?th Grade, Lois Mims, Wm. Folk, Dixon Timmerraan, Mary Nicholson, Flora Belle Griffith. 6th Grade, Edith Ouzts, Norma Shannonhouse, Sara Lyon, Strom Thurmond, J. W. Hughes, Ellen Quarles, Rhea Edmunds. 7th Grade, Arthur Britt, Edwin Folk, James Porter, James Sharp ton. 8th Grade, Margaret May, Willie Peak j Neta Ouzts. 9th Grade, Jenice Morgan, Onida Pattison, Mary Lewis, Emmie Broad water. 10th-Grade, Lula Ouzts, Blondelle Hart, Alma DeLoach, Ida Folk. 11th Grade. Walter Mays, Eve yn Broadwater, Willie May Hart We are receiving goods 2 most every day. We are carrying the lar gest stock in this section. Prices out nearly in half. Don't buy your hat .until you see ours. . . Hubenstein. i* if? il if i ?!? iti if i if* .? . -t.-?.-t Y777777YTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I Classified Column. J TTTTTTT^TTTTTTlTlrrTTTTTTTTT FOR SALE-Lookout Mountain Irish potatoes for seed at $1.90 per bushel. 8 bushels grown on one quarter of an acre. R. A. Wash, Parksville, S. C. 5-5-15. FOR SALE: My large ferns, also some pretty young ferns the proper age for transplanting. Mrs. B. Timmons. 4-28-2t No Use to Try and Wear Out Yur Cold it Will Wear You Out Instead. Thousand" Keep on suffering Conchs and Colds through neirlect and delay. Why make' yourself an easy prey to serious ailments and epidemics as a result of a neglected Cold? Couchs and Colds sap your strength and vitality unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King's New Discovery is what vou need the first dose helps. Your bead clears up, you breathe freely and you feel so much better. . Buy a bottle to-day and start taking at once.-1 ' Just received a shipment of Men's and boy' suits. Can save you money on every suit you buv of us. We ask yon to; call before you make your purchase. Mukasby Bargain House. .fr * * lf?MtMM' 'I' "j" 'I" Was it Made for You or Yours? The Wise Housewife Knows Where to Buy the Best Bands of Essences, Flavorings, Extracts, arid Fruit Colorings, Etc. You Can Depend on Their Purity if Purchased Here COLLETT & MITCHELL T Spring19 IS We are prepared to supply the needs of the boys and men. Spring Oxfords Spring Hats Spring Suits Spring Shirts Spring Underwear All are stylish and at reasonable prices. DORN ?fe M IM S Edgef?eld, South Carolina r- FREE - Illustrated Booklet Homes on cl How to Paint Them." ? Ask tot wac or write co PeisMuibert Co. Incorporated L?uii?ille, KotndcT "VOU carry insurance for pro? . tection against loss by fire. You should protect your property against destruction from the dements also.,. Prevent decay of your farm buildings and increase their value by using Pee Gee Semi-Paste Roof and Barn Paint. It's the best value for your money and . '. T. ... * i*. ? *.* 'ii ' . * * r'? ' * Combines Economy and Durability Simply add on? gallon of part Linseed Oil to one gallon of tilt Semi-Pasts. Thus you obtain the most durable, end highest quality paint on the market at lowest cost. Ask for Color Cord. A Pee Gee Finish For Every IPurpotie \* STEWART & KERNAGHAN EDGEFIELD. S. C.