. " J. L. SHIMS........Editor Published every Wednesday in The Advertiser Building at $1.50 per year| SJ advance. Entered as second class matter a t j . the postoffice at Edgefield, S. C. No communications will be published unless accompanied by the writer's name. Cards of Thanks. Obituaries, Resolu tions and Political Notices published at jg ?dvertising rates _ m -:* Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly in the distance, but to do what, lies clearly at hand. -CARLYLE. ..fi Wednesday, May 5. The Advertiser rejoices that Col. Af termath did not intern while in Ha vana. -.-: Now that school is about to close, what will you do with your boy during | vacation? - As a result of the war there will be some second-hand kings scattered over Europe. "Army shoes last six weeks", head lines. The European soldiers are al most as hard on shoes as some Edge field boys. One Georgia woman shot another j with a shot-gun a few days ago. Won der if the trouble grew out of a heated political discussion? The readers of The State will join his brethren of the press in welcoming Robert Gomales back after a stay of some weeks in Cuba. The man near Tennille, Georgia, who is the father of 25 children, 21 of whom are living, has at least been obedient to one injunction of Holy Writ. A dispatch from Paris says "Ger mans are misstating facts." The neu-\ trals are of the opinion that that is what all of the belligerents are doing. The pastors of Glasgow, Scotland, have proven themselves to be militants, having enlisted for active service for an indefinite period-uhtil the war closes. ? Italy seems to be waiting until the war is on the home-stretch and then she will fall in with the Allies. Such j a policy will be more cowardly than honorable. Governor Manning has taken hold of ? the "tiger" situation in Charleston with bull-dog tenacity and we are in clined to the belief that the canine policy will win. By the time the Aiken dispensary j gets out of the courts, the people will take a hand in the settlement of the j matter. A verdict will be rendered at j the polls September 14. Speaking of names connected with the war, there is one change we would iike to see. And that is a simpler ren dition of the name of England's chan cellor of the exchequer, David Lloyd