Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 08, 1905, Image 4

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- CONGRESSMAN GOULDEN Find* Qui cfc Belief From Bladder Troubles Through. Do au's Kidney Pilli, . Hon. Joseph A. Goulden, Member ot Cougress^-representiiig the 18th Dis* " trict of New York, . also trustee of the Soldiers' Home at Bath, N. Y., writes: Gentlemen: As many of my friends have used Doan's Kidney Pills and have been cured of kidney and bladder troubles, I feel it my duty to recommend the medicine. From personal experience I know Doan's Kidney' Pills will cure inflammation of ibo "bladder, having experienced re lief the second day of using, the medi c?le. (Signed) J. A. GOULDEN. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milb?rii Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Young Fool and the Old. there's no fool like a young fool . . When fireworks are concerned Behold them all, the victims small, With hands and faces humed, Behold the lamed and killed and maimed, . JTheir needless sufferings: There's ho fool like the Old Fool Who gives a child such things. There's no fool like a young fool In glorious July, To fire a bomb and lose a thumb .And tear away an eye. To touch a light to dynamite - And scatter death and noise: There's no fool like the Old Fool Who gives a child such toys. There's no fool like a young fool To make the Fourth a crime. When every nurse and every hearse Is working overtime, When East and West and. North and South, ' The ligts appalling grow: There's no fool like the Old Fool Who thinks a child should know. There's no fool like the young fool J Who smells. the powder smoke: But'the awful play that mars the Day Has ceased to be a joke. Yet Satan tempts the Old Fool -JTo ^chuckle 'neath his breath .Arid-put among the . heedless young "The Instruments' of death. -Life. HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health Is th? ?r?at Source of the Power to Inspire and. Encourage -All Women Should Seek lt. , One of the most noted, successful and riebest men of this century, in a recent article, hair said, " Whatever I am and Whatever success I have attained in this world I owe' all to my wife. From the day I first knew her she has been an inspiration, and" the greatest help mate of my life.". _>To be such a successful wire, to re tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's constant study. .-If.a woman*finds thacher energies are flagging, that sh^ets^asily tired, dark shadow^ajgl<?ajr\under'^MS^gves, "?ToWn^SEs, nervousness, whites, irreg ularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system,by a /tonic -with specific powers, such as .Lydia- E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Ever since my child was born I have suf fered, as I hope few women ever have, with in flammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backachoand wretched headaches. It affectedmy stomach so I could not enjoy my meals, and half my time was spent in bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made'me a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, new life and vi tali tv.,?-Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, CH South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash. What Lydia Bi Pinlcham's Vegetable .Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms you don't un derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. will find in MOZUJY'S LEMON ExrxiR, the ideal laxative, a pleasant and thoroughly re* liable remedy, without the least danger or possible hann to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. Pleasant in taste, mild in action and thorough in results. Tested for 35 years. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. lOZLEY'S "One Dose Convinces." mm Forty years ago and after: irany years of use ?n the eastern^coast. Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coats'were introduced in the West and were'called Sliders by the pioneers and cowboys. vThis graphic rame has come into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the gen?ge r the rame Tower on the buttons. MADE IN BLACK ANS YULOW AND SOLD E>Y REPRESENTATIVE TRADE THE WORLD OVER. . iu A.XtOWtR C0,B05TON, MASS,"(TS.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO. LiaiW JOWNTO. CAN. J i Good Teeth Good Temper Are characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. That is because they are made of the best steel in the world - Silver Steel - by \ men that know how. Atkin? Sa-^s, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor ./.Scrapers, etc., arc sold by all good hardware ! dealers, /Catalogue on request. ? K C; ATKINS C& CO. Inc. Largest Saw Manufacturers in the World Factory and Executive Offices, Indianapolis BRA*' HES-New York, Chicago, Minneapolis . Portl.in?i,(Oregon), Seattle, ian Francisco Mcmphli, Atlanta ?nd Toronto (Canada) ^Accipt no stibslltuto^lfiilst on tho Atkin? Brand STXTXO? Orno, dir or TOLBDO, ? . LUOAS ?OTjiwr. J * FRIXK J. CHENZT malee oath that he li senior partasr ot the firm of F. J. CHJKIT ? Co., doia; baslne33 ia the City of Toledo. County aad State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of osa HUXUBED DOL LARS for eaoh and every ease of CATABBH that oaaaot ba oared hy the use ot HAXL'S CATABBH C?BK. FBA??X J, ?HZNBT. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my ._. presence, this 6th day of Daoom iazii. [ ber, A. J)., 1886. A.W. GL?A?OS?, lijS,- 1 Notary Public. Hall's Cat ar ra Carets tareen I a ter? ally, aa 1 Actsdlreotly oa th-i blood and macons sur faces of the systex-. Send for testimoni?is, Iree. F. J. OHEHET 4 Co., Toledo. 0, Sold by alt Druggists, 752. Take Hall's Family Pills to: oo-rsttpatloi. Bugs are short lived-especially humbugs. FITSpermanentlycured. No Hts or nervous ness after first day's ase of Dr. Kline's Great KerveRestorer, atrial bottleand treatise freo Dr.R.H. K LI XE. Lt il.. ?S?Arch SCPbila.,Pa Iceland produces mest of thc world's supply of eiderdown. . Mrs. Wins ow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething,-oft ens t begums,'redu ces Inftanima t iou,alla;, s pain.ourcs wind colic,25c. a bottle Tlic number of immigrants ?rom Ger many last year Avas 27,984. lamsure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.-Mrs. Tnoius ROB EETS, Maple St., Norwloh, N.Y., F.eb. 17,1900 Japan's tea crop will; it is leard], be about U,500,000 ^pounds short this y.::. Cares Rheumatism and Cfttarrh--Mediclne Sent Free. These two diseases are the result of an awful poisoned condition of the blood. If you have aching joints and book, shoulder blades, bone pains, crippled hands, legs or feet, swollen muscles, shifting, sharp, biting pains, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rheumatism, or the hawking, spitting, blurred eyesight, deafness, sick stomach, headache, noises in the head, mu cous throat discharges, decaying teeth, bad breath, belching gas of catarrh, take Botanic Blood Btlm (B. B. B.). It kills the poison in the blood which ciuses these awful symptoms, giving a pure, healthy blood supply to the joints and mucous mern brates, and makes a perfect cure of the worst rheumatism or foulest catarrh. Cures where all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is composed ot pure Botanic in gredients, good for weak kidneys. Im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia. A perfect tonic ..toroid folks by giving them new, rich, pure blood. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, ?>1 per large bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Peacock feathers are said to brine iii luck. 5 Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great remedy-Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug gists, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. A woman's idea of frankness is to have some man tell her how nice he think she is. So. 45. ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS Little Girl's Awfnl Snfferln? With Tcrrlbl? ?skin Humor-Sleepless Nichts For Mother- Snsedy Cure hy Cutlcur?. ".My little girl had been suffering for two years from eczema, and during that time I could not get a night's sleep, as her ailment was very s"vere. 1 had tried so many remedies, deriving no benelits, 1 had given up all hope._ But as a last resort J was persuaded to" try Cuticura, and one box of the Ointment, and two bottles ol the Resolvent, together with the Soap, ef fected a permanent cure. Mrs. 1. JJ. Jones, Addington, Ind. IV' NOT HIS TIME TO DIE. Railroad Man Lives to Tell of Mlracu . ious Escape. JUiL' ?'Floel?h&rt of - Sooth- Chicago, was run over by a switch engine and five cars in the local yards of the Big Four railway the other day, and still lives. Flockhart, who was formerly employed as a Big Four switchman, came to Kankakee on a picnic ex cursion. In the afternoon he was riding on the front end of a switch engine with two former fellow em ployes,, when his hat blew off. In try ing to catch it he lost his balance and fell directly in front of the' engine. The engine and five cars in the train passed over him. The crew lr. d back, expecting to find the m: . a corpse of their companion, ' .a stead he was endeavoring to raise himself to a sitting posture. Examina tion showed that his injuries consisted of a crushed right arm and a few cuts about the head, while the heel of his right foot had been torn off. The in jured man was removed to the hos pital. Local railroad men are un able to account foj Flockbart's escape from instant death, a? the firebox of the engine reaches almost to the ground. It is thought that after his arm was crushed by the engine he was rolled into the center of the tracks, clear of the wheels of the cars -that followed. Tin-Type Snapshotted A man with an idea has gone the tin-type man one better at Old Orch ard beach this season. This man goes about the beach and snaps his custom ers in the natural poses of their recre ation. His work is highly satisfac tory because of the realism, and his only drawback is in his inability to produce the picture on the spot as his rival in the tent does. OLD FASHIONED FARE.' Hot Biscuits, Griddle Cubes, Flss and Fuddlngi. The food that made <be fathers strong is sometimes unfit for the chil dren under the new conditions that our (.'hanging civilization is constantly bringing Ia. One of Mr. Bryan's neigh bors in the great State of Nebraska writes: "I was raised in the South, where hot biscuits, griddle cakes, pies and puddings are eaten at almost- every meal, and by the time I located in Ne braska I found myself a sufferer from indigestion and its attendant ills-dis tress and pains after meals, an almost constant headache, dull, heavy sleepi ness br day and sleeplessness nt night, loss of flesh, impaired memory, etc., etc. "I was rapidly becoming incapaci tated for business when a valued friend suggested a change in my diet, the abandonment of heavy, rich stuff and the use of Grape-Nuts food. I fol '.r-wed the good advice and shall always be thankful that I did go. "Whatever may be the experience of others, the beneficial effects of the change were apparent in my case al most immediately. My stomach, which had rejected other food for so long, took to Grape-Nuts most kindly; in a day or two my headache was gone. I began to sleep healthfully and before a week was out the scales showed that my lost weight was coming back. My memory was restored with the renewed vigor that I felt in body and mind. ,For three years now Grape-Nuts food has kept me in prime condition, and I propose it shall for the rest of my days. "And, by the way, my 2% year old baby is as fond of Grape-Nuts as I am, always insists on having it. It keeps Uer :.s healthy and hearty as they make them." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. There's n reason. Read the little book ''The Rond fe Wcllvtlle" in pftg8, - . A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. PICTURES 2^x3*4 inches.* Loads in daylight with film Iges. Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. Full description in Kodak Catalog FREE at any photographic dealers or by mail. EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. Aus:ust?,8 S WE make our annual Fall bow to the Edgefield shoppers and request them call to see our mammoth stock when iu AugUBta, DRY GOODS: We have everything from staple Domestics to Finest Dress Goods, the prices aud quality are right. MILLINERY: Our Millinery department is'filled with the newest and latest styles. CLOTHING: Men's .Boy's and^Children's Suits from $2.00 to $13.00, alsp-Iarge stock of Ladies' Cloaks, Fteefere, and* Walking ^eUitB. Great Bargains in Ladie'B Skirts. ~~ Finest line of Men's Pants in the city from *\.10 to $5.00. See our big values in Blankets, Spreads and Comforts. Our SHOES cannot be excelled in the price, quality or style. MEN'S HATS in all new shapes and colors. ?P*ff~Our store is the place to get yru.r money's worth- < Augusta Bee. Hive. r JR 0.MI XE XT PEOPLE. Tile Sultan of Turkey owns more than 200 bicycles. Senator Chauncey M. Depew Jins aged considerably in Hie last few months. Gehern] Booth lias o mon er and re-. Iles ou a small legacy loft him a few years ago. Grand Duke Constantine of Russia ?s said to be the most eui lured Rom anoff now living. Secretary Taft has made himself very popular in San Francisco and Central California. The estate of HIP late Senator 0. II. Platt, of Connecticut, amounts to a little over W0?00o. George Meredith is ono of tho group of authors who remain faithful to the old-fashioned quill pen. Lord Minto, the now Viceroy of In dia, is the third ex-Govcrnor-(!<?neral of Cauada to hold the oflico. Governor MTguel A. ?ter of New Mexico, is one of the most -xteuslvo sheep breeders in the Southe st. When tho King of Siam has on .his full regalia ?io is supposed lo represent an outlay of move than $1.000,000. Field Marshal Edhein Pasha, the fa mous conqueror of O?reeeo. is alive and in good health; in Constantinople. Thomas A. Edison declares that Xow York is too noisy for him and prefers the .seclusion of his New Jersey work shop. The German Empress is an early rises and sits down 1o breakfast with the Emperor, winter and summer, punctually at S o'clock. The Emperor of Japan will shortly visit Iso Templo to lay the tidings ot the conclusion of the treaty of peace before 1bp spirits of- his ancestors. George Laniard Shaw, who has been indulging in some, acrid criticism of American literary tasto, is. sn id to liavo the most unpardonable set of whiskers which eyer irrew out of a man's face. An Antiphony of Love. A poet has said that "as for Brown ings love for his wife, nothing more tender and chivalrous has ever been told of ideal lovers in an ideal ro mance, ft is so beautiful a story that one often prefers it to the sweet est or loftiest poem that came from the lips of either." True; yet the lives of the two as poets make the story what It is. Their lives, indeed, were poems, as Milton said poet's' lives should -be, and their poetry was their life, as. Mrs. Browning said Bhould also be true of poets. The world could spare neither the lives nor the soems, and especially would it be poor without those poems in which each sang of the other. Take these together, was there ever, in all the treasury of the world's literature, so, angelical, an antiphony of love, anthemed by the two radiant and im mortal lovers themselves?-From Richard Watson Gilder's "A Romance of the Nineteenth Century" in the Centurv. To Preserve Autumn Leaves. For preserving the autumn leaves ivhlch will soon be so plentiful, press them for several days In a. book, then dip them In hot paraffin and blow un? til cool. By this method the colors may be preserved almost Indefinitely. LABOR WORLD. A.union of bartenders lias been formed at Irwin, Pa. Tho gvowtli of trade unionism in France has been very ra] A cigarette makers' nuit n Boston, ?s the latest trade organisation. Tim strike of the cotton operatives in Client, Belgium, has terminated. Without a cigar Edwin Booth, the tragedian, was scarcely ever seen. All railway employes in Prussia will hereafter be examined once in live year.?. Young farmers in Norway can bor row money from their Oovernmeut at three per cont. Oculists will ride with engineers in thc cab on the St. Paul to test the eye sight of Hie men. The liighesL workmen's wages in Ber lin aro paid to masons-SI.00 lo $2.14 a day for piece work. Sir William Mulock has decided to try employing deaf mules in the Post office Department in Canada. One-half of Hie Italian emigrants re turn to their native country after they have saved a competency abroad. Stone Pla nenn cu's Union, at Boston, Mass., struck recently to enforce a raise of Wages from S3 lo $3.50 a day. On December 4, at Denver, Col., the National Alliance of Bill Posters and Billers of America will meet in con vention. Uniformed Japanese porters and waiters will be substituted for negroes ? on the Oriental Limited and the Great Northern. Efforts of Hie printers of the South eastern States toward securing the shorter workday next year are meet ing with success. Owing to the briskness hi the Scotch steel trade the Lanarkshire steel mill men' have liad their wages advanced two and one-half per cent., with the prospect of a further rise in the near future. King and Apple Man. When London did not extend so far as Knightsbridge, George II., as he was one morning riding, met an old-soldier who had served under.hitQ at the battle of Dettingen; the king accosted him, and found . at he made his living by selling apples in a small hut. "What can I do for you?" said the king. "Please, your majes ty, to give to me a grant of the bit of ground my hut stands on, and I shall be happy." "Be happy," said the king, and ordered him his request. Years rolled on, the apple man died, and left a son, who from dint of in dustry became an attorney. The then chancellor gave lease of the ground tba nobleman, ?s the ?ppl? stall'had fallen to the ground, where the old apple man and woman laid also. It1 being conceived the ground had fal len to the crown, a stately mansion was soon raised, when the young at torney put in claims; a small sum was offered as a compromise and re fused; finally the sum of ?2,250 per annum, ground rent, was settled up on.-Stray Stories. Translation In Order. "Dump no yubish her' 'ia the notica In a vacant lot between Washington ond Water streets Jg the city of Bath] STATE Af FAIRS Occurrences of Interest From All Over South Carolina General Cotton Market. Galveston, firm.1013-16 New Orleans.1013-16 Mobile, quiet. 103-8 Charleston, firm.10 5-] G Wilmington, steady.10 3-8 Norfolk, steady..'.1011-16 Baltimore, nominal.... ..10 3-4 New York, quiet.10.95 Boston, quiet.10.95 Philadelphia, steady.11.20 Houston, steady.] 0 3-4 Augusta, quiet., ....105-8 Memphis, quiet.ll St. Louis, steady.ll Louisville, firm..111-8 Charlotte Cotton Market. These figures represent prices paid io wagons : Good middling.10.3-8 Strict middling.10 3-8 Middling.101-4 Ms'.y Bestrain Election. Gaffney, Special.-C. P. Sims,, of the finn of Sims & Hannon, Spar enburg, appeared be Co ie Judge Klugh here and secured an order to the authorities iu Spartanbiirg io show cause before him in Gaffney next. Monday, November Otb why the superintendents and managers of election should not be enjoined from holding the election to decide the question of "dispensary" or "no dis pensary.'7 The plaintiff in this case is J. W. Harmon, one of thc county dispen sers, while the defendants arc D. <M. Miles, in his own right and as supervisor of Spartanbiirg county, and E. E. Bishop, J. W. Bishop et al., managers of election, in their own righi: and as managers of election to be held in Spartanbiirg county, South Carolina, for the purpose, amongst other things, to vote for, or against having dispensaries in Spartanbiirg county. The order is as follows: State of South Carolina, county of Spartan burg, Court of Common Pleas, J. W. Harmon, plaintiff, against D. M. Miles et al, defendants: On having read the verified complaint in the above stated case upon motion of Sims and Hannon, attorneys for thc plaintiff, it is ordered that the de fendants be required to show cause before me at the court house at Gaff ney, South Carolina, on Monday, No vemb?r the 6th, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, why an order should not be granted restraining the said defendants from holding an election in Spartanbiirg county, Sou!h Caro lina, on November 7th, 1905, on the question of "Dispensary" or "'no dis pensary. ' J. C. KLTJGH, Circuit Judge. . New "Steamer on the WaccamaV. ^ Georgetown, Special-A new steam er, probably the fastest on the river, has recently been completed at Con way and put on the Waccamaw line between Georgetown and the capital of the Independent Republic of Hor ry. Her name is the "Mitchelle C." She is 100 feet long, 20 feet beam and is of 104 tons, net burden. The "Milchelle C" is elegantly fitted up for thc accomodation of passengers but has no sleeping accommodations for the reason that she will make daily trips between the two cities. This line makes the third new line of steamers that has opened communi cation within the past two months ' with the "City on the Sampit." A Foot Crushed hy a Train. Columbia, Special.-About dark Thursday night a negro man, who gave his name as Henry Green and his home as Ridgeway, was found ly ing on the side of the Southern rail road tracks a short distance north of the freight yards at the Blanding street, station with his left foot borri ably mashed. He had been drinking and was unable to give any coherent account of how the accident happened A Sponsor Appointed. Bamberg, Special -'Brigade Com mander George Douglas Rouse has ap pointed Miss Lewlie Bamberg as spon sor for the First brigade. South Caro lina division United Sons of Confed erate Veterans; Miss Bamberg has selected Miss Elizabeth Henry as her maid of honor. The fair sponsor A\*ill bo a titting represent nt ive of Bam berg and Commander Rouse is to be congratulated on his selection of a young lady so well fitted by natural charms and grace of manner for Hie position. New Enterprises. A. commission was issued last week to the corporators of the Chester leo company, Messrs. T. L. Eberhard! and C. P. Midglv. To be capitalized at $20,000. The Bank of Cross Anchor was chartered, the . capitalization being $25,000. The officers arc L. H. Wilson, president; M. C. Pool, vice-president, and L. Yarborough, cashier. The National Chemical company of Allendale has applied for a commis sion. The capitalization is to be $20, 000; company will manufacture ferti lizers. W. R. Darlington, H. W. Mon tague and Louis P. Hart are the cor porators. The Aiken Cotton and Stock ex change was cimmissioned. Capitali zation to be $2,000. Corporators O. H. Halley, N. Johnson, W. Johnson and W. J. Moseley. Great Explosive Discovered. Vigorite, the new explosive of Pro fessor Shulz and Engineer Gehre oi Switzerland, is a nitros compound which, united with saltpeter, has given results claimed to indicate a strength about teu rimes greater than that of any other explosive. Tn the open air lt burns without exploding. It has the further advantage of being insensible to friction, shock of con cussion, while it is not injured by wetting or by freezing, UNCLE SAM-"A Remedy That Hw Such Endorsements Should Be In Every Home." Election Returns That Interest All Parties. ANY AND EVERY CHORD ON THE 08GAK JUST A3 PLAIN AS TH: AM CHILD ASK tO READ f'.CLUt! A? ktirilHf. TO Hl'SIC CAM FIATTHE CttOAOS Will I Rt-tttCtR THAT IT TIACIU AU Tit CHOISI ONE Jt'JT J AS CASIU AS AH0T1U. j -tlgrCUt* WCSIOltSWUi 1 .'.LIT HITf A? 70AKT At CUT?S rot : omti ? Kirra OK nrt a CWT j STAMrS ADDRESS HIMT MOW. ' ^Mtm MUSIC co. CHARLOTTE. N.C [?)5 Tst.BIdg] GUARAN* TEED BY A BANK DEPOSIT vB3?^JU^J R.B. Faro Paid. Notes Taken . SOp FREE COURSES I Bo^tfat Cost. Writ/* Quids 6E0RGIA-AUIB/IMA BUSINES6 COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. CATARRH is thc mother ot CONSUMPTION. Our CARBOL ATE of IODINE POCKET INHALER is a guaranteed cure. Prie* .$1.00. W. H. SMITH & CO., Ot Buffalo, N. Y., Solo Manufacturers and Propra. John White & Co LOUISVILLE, KY. Eit.DlIitsd 1837 Httbtil market prie* gJA tot r*w FURS anc Hides. Address o? O) persons o? . part Indian blood who are . .. . .-not living with nny tribe, (?) o? men who were drafted In Kentucky, (8) of mothers o? soldiers who have been denied ponsion on Recount o? their n marriage, li) of men who served in the Fed eral army, or (5) th? nearest kin ot suca soldiers or sailors, now deceased. NATHAN BICKFORD Attorney, Wanbi nc ron, I>. C. So. 45. fill ADIES CHOICE" Shirt Wwii* ?nil Skirt I Holder. No ruined waists, bleeding Angers or la untidiness, but always neat,trim, ui.-to-dnte. Each 25c.,6 for $1. O.K.SnpplyCo.,Mcnt!ota,Ill. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR POST CARDS. Six beautiful colored scenes for 23c _ Ooney Island Postal Card Co.. Coney Island, ??.?. T AND SCRIP Takes Government Land Quickly. JJWrite. Also protrressivo men channin'-' location shoiUd come here. Hugo Setib?rf, Baton, >". Mexico. "LEADER" AND "REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give invariable results account for the superior ity of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. AREFULLY conducted experiments, ranging over many years, have proved con clusively that the liberal use of POTASH is essential to the pro duction of big yields of full eared cora. Let us send you our practical books telling of these and many other careful crop-feeding tests ; they are free to farmers without any cost or obligation. Send name and address. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS. New York-93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ga.-22>? So. Broad Street. PRICE, TO CURE THE GRfP mm m* ONE LW fVj IS Qu AR. ANTEIL D TO CJRE INF? GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. - fin?w K%iJP? i won't sell Antl-OrJplne to a dealer who won't Guarantee It pW5 NO EQUAL FOrfH^Ap?SfiE W^r CM ior your Mo:VET BACK IF IT DOESN'T CUBE, -gfe?!a^^a JP. fF. Diemer, M.D., Manufacturer, Springfield, Mo. Science declares it the only way to cure stomach trouble. A new method, belch? It means a diseased stomach. Are you a filleted with short breath, gi gestion, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight in pit ot' stomach, acid st L-ulie, sick her.dache, ? imples, bud complexion, bad breath or any other ston; low and take it to any druggist in the United States and he will give you a 50c. box. To convince you that lt cures. Nothing else like it known. It's sure am Harmless. N'o drugs. Stomach trouble can't be cured otherwise-so says M they eat np the stomach and make you worse. ?ou will know that it will ci That is why wo let you try it free. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. ?racapsas^^?^^ CUT OUT ON THIS LINE.2SJE53 Take this Coupon to your druggist and he will irlve yon a regalar full size soc BUT. nf Mull's Ant we ijive only one Box to euell family. If you can lind a druggist wno does not keep Mull's Auti Belch and address of tho druggist, and we'll scud you a sample by mail. 131 's Craps ?oiio Co. Patient. Rock Island, IN. 1105. Ad ress, s To tl Retail Druggist : SaKSlKl coupon to to HIP Jobber of whom you purchased this remedy, and he-will jd ve-yon rm cents in cash or trade for each coupon; properly signed, which you send him. lletall L)rii(?K?sii sign your nenie here, Your address here. To the Jobber: tHiler buying the rer same. Sign your fir pons to TI?, nt any tin by iel ii rn mail So'cei consumer, retailer a isssai CIJT OUT ON TH Jul ie UNE, CONCENTRATED CRAB ORCHARD WATER. MARK, Nature's great remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation. Stimulates the Liver, regu lates the Bowels and keeps the entire system ina healthy, condition. A natural pro duct with a record of a cen tury. If afflicted try it. Sold by all druggists. Ix? Orchard Wafer Co., LOUISVILLE. ICY. W. L DOUGLAS .3??&?3;?SHOESB W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled atany price. SHOES AU. PRICES', W.L. DOUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS _ MORE MEWS $3. BO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER, jinn BEWARD to anyone who can jUUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes hove by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, and superiorwearlng qualities, achieved the largest tale of any $3.50 shoe In the world. They are Just as good af those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 -the only diifcrence Is the price. 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