- CONGRESSMAN GOULDEN Find* Qui cfc Belief From Bladder Troubles Through. Do au's Kidney Pilli, . Hon. Joseph A. Goulden, Member ot Cougress^-representiiig the 18th Dis* " trict of New York, . also trustee of the Soldiers' Home at Bath, N. Y., writes: Gentlemen: As many of my friends have used Doan's Kidney Pills and have been cured of kidney and bladder troubles, I feel it my duty to recommend the medicine. From personal experience I know Doan's Kidney' Pills will cure inflammation of ibo "bladder, having experienced re lief the second day of using, the medi c?le. (Signed) J. A. GOULDEN. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milb?rii Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Young Fool and the Old. there's no fool like a young fool . . When fireworks are concerned Behold them all, the victims small, With hands and faces humed, Behold the lamed and killed and maimed, . JTheir needless sufferings: There's ho fool like the Old Fool Who gives a child such things. There's no fool like a young fool In glorious July, To fire a bomb and lose a thumb .And tear away an eye. To touch a light to dynamite - And scatter death and noise: There's no fool like the Old Fool Who gives a child such toys. There's no fool like a young fool To make the Fourth a crime. When every nurse and every hearse Is working overtime, When East and West and. North and South, ' The ligts appalling grow: There's no fool like the Old Fool Who thinks a child should know. There's no fool like the young fool J Who smells. the powder smoke: But'the awful play that mars the Day Has ceased to be a joke. Yet Satan tempts the Old Fool -JTo ^chuckle 'neath his breath .Arid-put among the . heedless young "The Instruments' of death. -Life. HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health Is th? ?r?at Source of the Power to Inspire and. Encourage -All Women Should Seek lt. , One of the most noted, successful and riebest men of this century, in a recent article, hair said, " Whatever I am and Whatever success I have attained in this world I owe' all to my wife. From the day I first knew her she has been an inspiration, and" the greatest help mate of my life.". _>To be such a successful wire, to re tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's constant study. .-If.a woman*finds thacher energies are flagging, that sh^ets^asily tired, dark shadow^ajglY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE THE WORLD OVER. . iu A.XtOWtR C0,B05TON, MASS,"(TS.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO. LiaiW JOWNTO. CAN. J i Good Teeth Good Temper Are characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. That is because they are made of the best steel in the world - Silver Steel - by \ men that know how. Atkin? Sa-^s, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor ./.Scrapers, etc., arc sold by all good hardware ! dealers, /Catalogue on request. ? K C; ATKINS C& CO. Inc. Largest Saw Manufacturers in the World Factory and Executive Offices, Indianapolis BRA*' HES-New York, Chicago, Minneapolis . Portl.in?i,(Oregon), Seattle, ian Francisco Mcmphli, Atlanta ?nd Toronto (Canada) ^Accipt no stibslltuto^lfiilst on tho Atkin? Brand STXTXO? Orno, dir or TOLBDO, ? . LUOAS ?OTjiwr. J * FRIXK J. CHENZT malee oath that he li senior partasr ot the firm of F. J. CHJKIT ? Co., doia; baslne33 ia the City of Toledo. County aad State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of osa HUXUBED DOL LARS for eaoh and every ease of CATABBH that oaaaot ba oared hy the use ot HAXL'S CATABBH C?BK. FBA??X J, ?HZNBT. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my ._. presence, this 6th day of Daoom iazii. [ ber, A. J)., 1886. A.W. GL?A?OS?, lijS,- 1 Notary Public. Hall's Cat ar ra Carets tareen I a ter? ally, aa 1 Actsdlreotly oa th-i blood and macons sur faces of the systex-. Send for testimoni?is, Iree. F. J. OHEHET 4 Co., Toledo. 0, Sold by alt Druggists, 752. Take Hall's Family Pills to: oo-rsttpatloi. Bugs are short lived-especially humbugs. FITSpermanentlycured. No Hts or nervous ness after first day's ase of Dr. Kline's Great KerveRestorer, atrial bottleand treatise freo Dr.R.H. K LI XE. Lt il.. ?S?Arch SCPbila.,Pa Iceland produces mest of thc world's supply of eiderdown. . Mrs. Wins ow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething,-oft ens t begums,'redu ces Inftanima t iou,alla;, s pain.ourcs wind colic,25c. a bottle Tlic number of immigrants ?rom Ger many last year Avas 27,984. lamsure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.-Mrs. Tnoius ROB EETS, Maple St., Norwloh, N.Y., F.eb. 17,1900 Japan's tea crop will; it is leard], be about U,500,000 ^pounds short this y.::. Cares Rheumatism and Cfttarrh--Mediclne Sent Free. These two diseases are the result of an awful poisoned condition of the blood. If you have aching joints and book, shoulder blades, bone pains, crippled hands, legs or feet, swollen muscles, shifting, sharp, biting pains, and that tired, discouraged feeling of rheumatism, or the hawking, spitting, blurred eyesight, deafness, sick stomach, headache, noises in the head, mu cous throat discharges, decaying teeth, bad breath, belching gas of catarrh, take Botanic Blood Btlm (B. B. B.). It kills the poison in the blood which ciuses these awful symptoms, giving a pure, healthy blood supply to the joints and mucous mern brates, and makes a perfect cure of the worst rheumatism or foulest catarrh. Cures where all else fails. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is composed ot pure Botanic in gredients, good for weak kidneys. Im proves the digestion, cures dyspepsia. A perfect tonic ..toroid folks by giving them new, rich, pure blood. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, ?>1 per large bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Peacock feathers are said to brine iii luck. 5 Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great remedy-Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug gists, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. A woman's idea of frankness is to have some man tell her how nice he think she is. So. 45. ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS Little Girl's Awfnl Snfferln? With Tcrrlbl? ?skin Humor-Sleepless Nichts For Mother- Snsedy Cure hy Cutlcur?. ".My little girl had been suffering for two years from eczema, and during that time I could not get a night's sleep, as her ailment was very s"vere. 1 had tried so many remedies, deriving no benelits, 1 had given up all hope._ But as a last resort J was persuaded to" try Cuticura, and one box of the Ointment, and two bottles ol the Resolvent, together with the Soap, ef fected a permanent cure. Mrs. 1. JJ. Jones, Addington, Ind. IV' NOT HIS TIME TO DIE. Railroad Man Lives to Tell of Mlracu . ious Escape. JUiL' ?'Floel?h&rt of - Sooth- Chicago, was run over by a switch engine and five cars in the local yards of the Big Four railway the other day, and still lives. Flockhart, who was formerly employed as a Big Four switchman, came to Kankakee on a picnic ex cursion. In the afternoon he was riding on the front end of a switch engine with two former fellow em ployes,, when his hat blew off. In try ing to catch it he lost his balance and fell directly in front of the' engine. The engine and five cars in the train passed over him. The crew lr. d back, expecting to find the m: . a corpse of their companion, ' .a stead he was endeavoring to raise himself to a sitting posture. Examina tion showed that his injuries consisted of a crushed right arm and a few cuts about the head, while the heel of his right foot had been torn off. The in jured man was removed to the hos pital. Local railroad men are un able to account foj Flockbart's escape from instant death, a? the firebox of the engine reaches almost to the ground. It is thought that after his arm was crushed by the engine he was rolled into the center of the tracks, clear of the wheels of the cars -that followed. Tin-Type Snapshotted A man with an idea has gone the tin-type man one better at Old Orch ard beach this season. This man goes about the beach and snaps his custom ers in the natural poses of their recre ation. His work is highly satisfac tory because of the realism, and his only drawback is in his inability to produce the picture on the spot as his rival in the tent does. OLD FASHIONED FARE.' Hot Biscuits, Griddle Cubes, Flss and Fuddlngi. The food that made . C. So. 45. fill ADIES CHOICE" Shirt Wwii* ?nil Skirt I Holder. No ruined waists, bleeding Angers or la untidiness, but always neat,trim, ui.-to-dnte. Each 25c.,6 for $1. O.K.SnpplyCo.,Mcnt!ota,Ill. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR POST CARDS. Six beautiful colored scenes for 23c _ Ooney Island Postal Card Co.. Coney Island, ??.?. T AND SCRIP Takes Government Land Quickly. JJWrite. Also protrressivo men channin'-' location shoiUd come here. Hugo Setib?rf, Baton, >". Mexico. "LEADER" AND "REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give invariable results account for the superior ity of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. AREFULLY conducted experiments, ranging over many years, have proved con clusively that the liberal use of POTASH is essential to the pro duction of big yields of full eared cora. Let us send you our practical books telling of these and many other careful crop-feeding tests ; they are free to farmers without any cost or obligation. Send name and address. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS. New York-93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ga.-22>? So. Broad Street. PRICE, TO CURE THE GRfP mm m* ONE LW fVj IS Qu AR. ANTEIL D TO CJRE INF? GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. - fin?w K%iJP? i won't sell Antl-OrJplne to a dealer who won't Guarantee It pW5 NO EQUAL FOrfH^Ap?SfiE W^r CM ior your Mo:VET BACK IF IT DOESN'T CUBE, -gfe?!a^^a JP. fF. Diemer, M.D., Manufacturer, Springfield, Mo. Science declares it the only way to cure stomach trouble. A new method, belch? It means a diseased stomach. Are you a filleted with short breath, gi gestion, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight in pit ot' stomach, acid st L-ulie, sick her.dache, ? imples, bud complexion, bad breath or any other ston; low and take it to any druggist in the United States and he will give you a 50c. box. To convince you that lt cures. Nothing else like it known. It's sure am Harmless. N'o drugs. Stomach trouble can't be cured otherwise-so says M they eat np the stomach and make you worse. ?ou will know that it will ci That is why wo let you try it free. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. ?racapsas^^?^^ CUT OUT ON THIS LINE.2SJE53 Take this Coupon to your druggist and he will irlve yon a regalar full size soc BUT. nf Mull's Ant we ijive only one Box to euell family. If you can lind a druggist wno does not keep Mull's Auti Belch and address of tho druggist, and we'll scud you a sample by mail. 131 's Craps ?oiio Co. Patient. Rock Island, IN. 1105. Ad ress, s To tl Retail Druggist : SaKSlKl coupon to to HIP Jobber of whom you purchased this remedy, and he-will jd ve-yon rm cents in cash or trade for each coupon; properly signed, which you send him. lletall L)rii(?K?sii sign your nenie here, Your address here. To the Jobber: tHiler buying the rer same. Sign your fir pons to TI?, nt any tin by iel ii rn mail So'cei consumer, retailer a isssai CIJT OUT ON TH Jul ie UNE, CONCENTRATED CRAB ORCHARD WATER. MARK, Nature's great remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation. Stimulates the Liver, regu lates the Bowels and keeps the entire system ina healthy, condition. A natural pro duct with a record of a cen tury. If afflicted try it. Sold by all druggists. Ix? Orchard Wafer Co., LOUISVILLE. ICY. W. L DOUGLAS .3??&?3;?SHOESB W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled atany price. SHOES AU. PRICES', W.L. DOUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS _ MORE MEWS $3. BO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER, jinn BEWARD to anyone who can jUUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes hove by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, and superiorwearlng qualities, achieved the largest tale of any $3.50 shoe In the world. They are Just as good af those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 -the only diifcrence Is the price. If I could take you Into my factory ot Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one roof making men's fine shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is mcde, you would realize why W. L. D?nalas $3.50 shoes arc the best shoes produced in the world. Iii could show you the difference between the shoes made In my factory and these of other makes, you would understand why Douglas S3.50 shoes cost more to moke, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market to-day. IV. L. Douglas SI pong Made Shoes foi? Mon, $2.BO, $2.00. -Boys' School A Dross Shoes,$2.50, $2, $1.7B,$1.50 CAUTION.-Insist upon havlnc W.L.Doug laa shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine without his name and piico stamped on bottom. "WANTED. A shoe dealer mererv town where W. L. Douglas Simes aro not sold. " Full line of Bamples seut free for inspection upon request, j Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Style?. TV. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. To Be Given for Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal] Card giving the first reliable news ot a chance to sell a horizontal steam ' engine of our styles, within our range of sizes. We do not want inquiries at | this time for vertical, traction or gas engines. ENGINES AND BOILERS have for years been the standard for all steam plants. Best of material ond workmanship. Our big output enables us to sell on smell prof* its. ' An Atlas, the best ia the world, costs ao more than the other kind. Writs today for oar special offer. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS Solling sconci?! ia all cities INDIANAPOLIS Corliii Enjines HlrhSpeod Eaalnra Water Tube Boiler? FourValve Knglnoi Compound Knclnon Tubular Rollen Automatic Euginas Throttling Katine* Tortablo Boil.ra A lin Engine! in ?orrico 3,000,000 H. P. Atlas Boiler? in service 4,uo0,im0 il. P. FOR WOMEN Wt troubled with ills peculiar to ^%S>?_<< their sex, used as a douche is marvelously suc cessful. Thoroughly cleanses, kins disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation and local soreness, cures lencorrhcea and nasal catarrh. Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pure water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal sud economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES : For sale at druggists, 50 cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. THE R. PAXTON COMPANY BOSTON. MASS. CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes all swelling in S to 30 days ; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothirigcan be faire? Write Dr. H. H. Green's Cons, ( Socialists. Box B Atienta.fl* CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Congo. Syrup. Tastos 3ood. use frgj Sold bv druani-'ta. ill Your Druggist's By absorption. No drugs. Do you" is, sour eructations, heart pains, intli omach, distended abdomen, dizziness, ia ch torture? Cut out the coupon be bsolutely free of charge a full sized I pleasant. Cures by absorption, edical Science. Drugs won't do ire you as soon as yon begin its use. I ?okh W?fers absolutely (roo. Remember, Wafers send us this Courou, to/ether with uame sisn your name here. treet and number here. Von will plea-!? accept this Coupon If tlt9 same is properly si-rued, ami Rive to the re noily from you fin cents lu cash or trade lor m name anil address and forward all con nu you like, and we will remit you in full its for cauh coupon properly sijrneit by t!u nd yourself. jber, ?iiiij your name here Address here O c H O c H O 2 -I I WS