Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 12, 1862, Image 4

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Br 8MKIZN8, DURIEOE & Co. 'IIUIIJ t'1.1'Lei, & I)1)M.ESTIC PREPARED WITH .AN BY T. S.,uaaoni anCI L.'titude. Frofm the Savannah Repul'^. Practietii Iints for Unr'd T.eenro. -" --i Wba: : .: e.r~e, man2 ulta do.'' iltii'fl . lfur fathers ned little artificial light. They preferred the cheap l ghr of day. F'or this rbas;-n they wont etar.y to tit ii, and were it!; mo tr's:'e ie:tlthy an.l n:nr. we:,lthy for their rariac:l k.. T he chiel ight Uit th,-ir hcu e-" lite that ot the " o !.ility 'of Engtm.I, a few tamrist bak, ..~ rtddy vi,,re froml the hea:rthstnt -. 1. P>:mmss Litu-s.--T're earliest ar r'11 illuminato'rs )t which we havi ''tt record, were lamps. - These, at first, e.iste"i <r nothing more than a cup o: ,."or grese, with a wick lying against ' aeide. Its shape was sooen improved in ,:'iIr..niOn) and il eg:ance. . A; %A' ( Errr:Mu-outzi'o Lianr. Tee writer was one of a family party who Wer, bela'rd in the mountains of Georgia. :,1d compeiled to seek shelter with a ftnt. !v wh., owned neither lam1- or cand1. t)ir ingaaniotuls hostel.;, h iwever, d.-vi-ed a" !it thr tha table. It wai made by f, . ,.e.,a i f fat lmeano. (-a. noVis ,. .. I te. 1 the' simip truth.) -7.i" "... -" :1: p Ir:a.1 in the' btt om ,n n: a .'. Sial s.:, this w::K laid sOmea' caudlh a .,.., the: "oringi1 --nd it' which was k.en , " w1 - bybng p.as-ea through, a tailor i 1ir.7 .n ~ L Trv.-..Ai:"n mm ." n" p. r o a ,e.. a rv ehe:p :'md easily rade ; :.t 1 1'" a. .St.1!t r d tf thi ordinary bul r: h ,:rhpp, . of its sin, except enntg , bn!-- the internal pith ti gea ber, :C ,"-rated with suit or wax. 1. CoCr~ . : ..--.-This rivals te iu"sh light in sTimJiitty, and far ex (..a'4 i. 'i ser-ie"a,-ne!'s1'. To make i "e!t tge'cthe'r a 1"1ound of beeswax and : :ert.' a prun, d of' ri :tsin, "r of turper: .!t": fre fro: the tree. Prepare a witl :pc or 40 yirds long, tiad: up tio r .e :Iireads of loosel;y ,pun cotton. Saturat this well with the mixture, and draw i thi'rotngah your fingers to press all olnsel rge't ther,.aid to k'eep the size even. - Ie poat the prerss util the candle attai the si, t f. a large straw or quill ; the, wrap around a bottle or into a ball with a flit bottom, Six inches of this candi levated above the rest will burn fur tit twen or twenty minutes, and give a v'r% pre ty light, and forty yards have suffice a small family a summer for all the usun purposes of the bed.chamber. 5. LARD TAPEIt.-Equal to our inuo: rain friend's hacon light in cheapness, an, vet more pla--at Ily ivailable ior the u. eessities of the sick roemen, is a light i!:W up of a saucer half full of iLrd and a in tie wiep of spongy paper. The paperi twisted so as to form a short pauinted wiel with a broad base-say two-thirds of as !nteh high and ane inch broad-is set in 'hi mnidst of the lard, and by the heat it get x rates, aided by the shelving ai-les of! th saucer, keeps itseit' supplied with fuiel i til the lard is all ceonsauoned. The paper; 1-an be shaped on the poinat of one's Jim ~r, znd the burning end twisted quit - tmall. It szhoutld re:,t on the bo~ttomi, an, the vessel shouldi bei shallow-a suer uoet a CUp. 6.- LARD LAIes-At the present prioa ofC illuminating mate'rial, the most eco nomica~l by far for those who live in tha interior-aned afar from gas, is lard. Thli requires a hlamp w's wick-tubes are e thiek metal for the purpose of coniva'ying~ the heat of the tlame into theC mii Iit o the lard, and keeping it melted aratima the wick. The lard must be melted wher? the lamip is lighted, or it will nst bum 'well. The w ick tshould lie ofI severa thicknesses of' spongy clothI. 7. La Or..-W hen combined witl ons fifth part spirits of turpentitie, wil burn in an ordinary lamp and aeflrd : beautiful light. 'JTe obtain the eoi!, e'n close lard in a strong, cilose cantvaLs h:ig and .subject to gradually incereased p'res sure. Trhe indurated miass left in the ba is not injured for culinary peurposesl. 8. CANDL.%s OF IALLOW AND Patexu~ l'EA.-Whoever cazn command tallovi fo~r candles, wili greatly improve themn it firmness and in illuminating power, by combuirning with it a few leaves of' the~ priekly' pear, in the proportion of abeaz ea part the weight of the last, ti fainr sar tive ot the fir-t The lea'ves .should be k.-mt in the heated tallow until aill commro, tth. 'n ceases, and until the tallasw itsell :s'aches the boiling point. Of 'onrae, the heated mtixtur'e will n~eed straining. I' is stai by thoise whoe profess to knaw, ti':,! the lenge.r tallow is boiled, thew iter it herom'sete itn cae'i it is nott burneds ; lho :.' avaoid burning, the vessel conmtaia1ini the tallow should be heated i, a sand hat (another vessel partly 'illed with sand: .&a1 nest set i:nmediately on the fire. 3). WAx C. nz~ns.--eesv:x gives t lig:ht aboost eqlual to) sper'm. It may be mou~alded like the tallow candles; or ii i.ny bet rolled by enveloping the wick ii a :h:n stratumn eof was sparead~ ont a bs'ei, em?'d afterwvards smootthed evettly by' rol. mg betweene twos boards. T'he com 1si. tett of -wsi and tallow need not be sug. 19). WIA: stnn R~osrs, mixed in equal p'a..ptertionw, atiiord an excellent lig'.t, thoutgh liable to smoke unless supp.ied wi- h a snitable sized wick. 11. Mvmsta Waex is obitainedi by boil. hr -the berries of the swamp myrtle, on er-hi is to be st.een as a greish white ..r. The mnyrt.!' i.< h'unid abunds~lantly iti .a or se'aboardl ctunties, atnd ha< been'i * ev the writer as far inland as Micont 0;. - orsy th. Its favorite hocality is *.. .py though no~t wet groun-!. Tine br -2 sould be boiled in a bag, and tha' eb. .:ied .wax, which is ol' a pretty gr'en e,-. a. mixed imore or less largely-with 19 The vaalue of our ordinary line tre as an illuminator remains yet to be d.;eloped. CJamplhene is nothinag more tt n the highly volatile spirits oft turpenm. ti. --it is that part of the spirit which f~: 15es from the still afler heating tho :....in gmm. That which comes after i~s 'nor-., rcr 1osc mix"":1 w:h the. heavier 1' ro.in. Tii,,q~a .b'bsd is InatdC by ml .- i t ing (~m lime (or een mh"' purer varieties5 11 ,if spiits If tttrplettint) with fou inr r r ti times its bh:1 aliuohel. The high pr.-'e if:ilit shol! h;a' :irri~tei! !hr, nta~:tttre r. of buirning iiid ;h it Owi .':um 1hime re mains as abimnn'a :1. i" in !h. p~ntin fleei V l t hl' Wrill.'s11(' S--~ii-h 'And' w.-;z idevise ai plane for rendenring it nx.'st.3 to furnish the counatry with one or the be-t I }30.Y t!' . ? Rsiai is th,- itsi i:1 td juici { ei ".t: :t I :si' pat, or v.ita, h:L' t~~~*~ *'I is by hs'at, it. hos r4.i:te'1 all uabris ! r .jiilw e I idue~ t.1 gittl it, int., can~dles for h :c ist. :S ini lamp11,, bsj.i ig tooI harn f~ .r bem o1t" tf tr:. ~le;a ,ttr: ov'er, it lurwi with :t :1: ii-e avida onplt':W il'. ianIIk.1. Butt thez s~t may 1.a la. a ytrolg iraughr, %11211: f l::rn" i= p ""' .t ('an h s'~ I.Istruci ed. I vrntttrs the lpre. iictis't :nIhat. it. Is yet to nte used as :in i 1 Iiir tlmat,~r, in other way~ than at the gras r Nowv is the.. timeu tee he, preparing ftir vinl i tl a: tew~ si!1t'! ritles tnayhe Ituefn a, rein-inhriiwe. espeii:tiy to tiiettg ,t d inext ri't:e i thtrtn:rs. i. hte. t' n' I II' re , SI( tkl:i . you en i.' TI r.: ! ' v Weti i. f v'"t 'i t ve' i1"'"~', )!I'k ct the- m. .-t int,"rier and sell theta. Be"t Ih'tr., in fi'ttnd'i '! llt ring, thitn r Ikeetfp tw'.*t halllt sta32'l, which it willt r *q~tir, asi 1 tt' lxt .itrntttr to pitt Hi::l' It. Heat .'td shelter airt equtivalent t." ibod. A.,~'irrt whs":iiir it it et to ..u1: t;.rdd.lr nptig Il i wi' 1 ieii K~ tie 4 lat. I t"': L i llfyour t "IIIQT aoiil jzretI.rvt vi air st!etIi It.II"I l'ani c,~.rtil" ~ o."rt i hiuv :t1*s~i tehi'r fsIlqrl~i in wasted manure, andl diseasi' d stiad dying tiont oni 'i;)../ si the Idt), tI(.1t h.'ro with tit e e stile (ifi a rail 1tiene fo r --htel "I'. atid rhit withoult t:bkitmg ito cttHside. j :Gi.i.'t the s.avintg if 111:inure, and miany titheritem. lit'irof.t mnaliti..1) nt I~t trtahi,?, or fuvt'l the't tut'! , eil during the first witer. If ihey are I ence stunited, oir starved, they will ever .'te.,4)vul it. Thki applies ito all kinds 4)1 ,.,.l:k, butt e-pecizl iv to calves and Col':. I1'. Therettre iii:Ike~ pr('i.titI iietonly I 6t" t lir she~lter, bitt alsot f r theiir It Id. to. 14 root~s, feed thtti lilt brtn, andi .. rt. Ihe sec..ret ""f har. titt~lte stvk.i :tl.' best gra~$ ; and the e"''1l of wiutr ''itie's a1 great it?. (-r. : f the~ felll ':its a in pr..Id~iiI hea:t, wvhich in t tiltW ff/,t Siiltsitt f." .. v~h l~e'iit. in utr. . 1... Wi. ..,ei QII c,, tnf'i b i t all he urine of cattle is a far rimher manure uan the dng ; and ivery possible pains tight t he iak,-n to save it. Liebig says lat. ill the amonia which renders gnano va!ablo. And whieh is t-i ettreta.ly reotl yhv nr '.eat, i.< derived frout the ur ire. EX. 'het.s rm ugh hi-::s mn t serve for t, pr-'ent. These whit wh,h to protpenr 'ii} *kw thn. Tn-e who :aie rbh i..Zi. a-id di.' tint wkth 't pri.per an y atter, ?r.' at lihirty . gc9t.Ct hem. ibet ..re i"1 w1'; wt msptirt~. N-X nnn h is a ght to torment tlmb snimal .'entrusted hi chirge'; and we are sure that a::a'f. alt starved, espos-e4 tat a hitter, hicak .st windi, with the thermonet; r at as's, anni-et f.-,"- wry happy. The orl th-u has slped to ftl faur granaries, th- ciw that ipplit.a our d-ily milk ansd htter, thet rolt which will he our cnmptnion ai riend for years, have all a right to claim sir eonsidlration1 and tred-r kindnese. ,metrq C..mpa~odo. nad jnrt. Gazet. A Chenp Me'sde st'Curin: Racoa. Evoy. A'a., Oct. 23, I862. Ern. Sr,: 1 saw to-day, at the house f Mr. Wi Murion, a well.known .nd esp-erable citizen of this piace. goaod ha. in, from a hog weighing 250 pounds. illcd la't week, made by di1pingz in hoil ng brine, hu'sg and smoked inmediately. 'he plan is sittplt and commendable for t.4 ecnomslly of salt. Take a kettle or are pot nearly full of water. put in a ittle more sa!t than the water will di. wl w hile the animal heat is in it. put. in he kettle and hoil from two to four min. itear. according at the n at is thick or; hin, rub on ;iwael to keep tiff the flies. hen hang and smwoke it. Th-s brine must w ks-pt up to its tall strength by occaionm i taddlinz stalt. When thet wiork is done h: remaining brinn may he boiled lown td thi salt. saved for other times, or fo)r l he nell killing. Mr. Morton tolls me hi le'arned this ll an frim en s it man forty years ago.I h. had used it ftor year< previous. Ile 34 freqm'-tlV tried it in the. munth of \ ig:a-t with invariable. success. Every ew Who know him will vouch for the .ruh of his acertion. He has never eigh'd the salt to ascertain its- exact .nt41 i11t savedsi in thk wa y, having hereto. re f.utd thae chief aidvantage in heing tI.o .--t ,t tat at any time, but is sat -.:-4 it save: at least. three fourth , one "eek b.ing equal to a bushel in the old ra. T1h only ditierenen' Itetween hii n!-at ani the he-r. winter cured hacont is. .hat it lIs.' slightly its flvor, and tastes i little ld. That which I saw was dry ;d salty enough, with no appearnce of taing been cooked. !ie saves beef in he: gamde maniner. When this plan was published last +prin=. I was a %keptic. believing that thi iment' heitg partially ciotked would sour til heeont' worthless. I knew nothinag ,,f Mr. Stubbsi. and was not p repared to Inke for granted what hie said I know Mr. M- rton, and am sati-ied. Otl-r ay know nothing (if hit or I, and ma: :ili doubt. L.'t every one who has tried it publish the fact atid benefit the public. Smate of our bloied-thirsty sptectlat-sr mriv bt hurt vst, and these planttrs who sziv'e the high'price of' salt. a- the re-ason fr raising Lilth priceof theair csortn to unt reasntabale rautes, iinay learn that honuesi is ta' h-stN. D. GUERILY. Suoar Paicens L'ou SAv:sa BAco. M:ike a ~ ,l u'ioni of at st in hit water, (hat rj.aied as high as the fire will make it,) iut the pork ini the heat brie, with a tmucah ani mail hs at as possibl se. L~et thes hanu and shituldlers lbe kept in tharse min ties atid a half, and the iniddlinugs twis ansd a hailf. and~ theni hanug them up itnmte iately and smekea itemt, and you have a 1-hoice article of haen ini a very short titum to what you~ will by the usuadl pr e-,as welil a~s .aving 1timr-fifthis oef your This pricera5 will answer any time be Sween NovembeIar and A paril. I hatve' savedt al~tc ii that wa-o i or eight year<. 5a that you keep a smnall portiosn of salt. .during the proces, in the bottom of yotur e~ssel. to e e trtain that yournt bi-il is miiinly striung diirisang the iwhle t.pro Planiting8 Fruit Trees. "i Jack, wheni yotu have nothing else tol 0, ye may be aye sticking in a tree ;i xii e growing Jlack, wlae~n y-e're sleep n g-Licart of Mid!Ath ian. i . Woulid yiiu leave ant inheritance to ,so clil dren? P laiit an orcherd. Nsa thri intmen~htttt oft mntey and~ labo~r will, nt the Isn ru~ ~in, pay n.o w-llI. 2. Wolkti yeu sit iake hi it o plesasati . a.- he ade otf th I - ia-nl vir-itis 1 Phmt mn eat-h-ir i. Nothing btettser protmiote. ito- tg liteighbr ait fel-iitt f iine.tt a~is niods will -han a :rea!t f gosod fi-uit, often 3. Would von re-muive- fromt your clil. Ireni lie stra niges. temiiptattins ho steail ? int you~ an sorchard.. It' childru:en ca i-t. haivs fruit :it. hitmet, they arie vesry apit i atekal it- arid wllts-i ti er lilace lenfltied t sea! ftrit, th--y atre ini a f.dir way tea eani' to steal horises-. 1. Wo~auldl Vou culuivat e a coanstatnt feel ng of thiankfutlness toiwards t he great iver of all gotod ? Plnt an orchard.J y having cous;tntly litfe yu 01ne of he-retsub- ig iv titan, you iast be harduened intdee.d it yon tire not lient-d I-y a -pirit. of humanity atnd . Woutld] yoni have y-our childiren lovo heir homie. respect thieir parents while ving, anid v-enerate clheir memiory whenl end-itn all their wander-ings look bacek pon the homste of lhe-it- vmuth as ai sacredl pt---n stasis in the~ gre-at wihilerne-ss of hworld I Thetn pla31tnt atchardt. ;. l shiort ii vstat wish to avail youtr lf of thes b!ewsiigs aof a biuiuiaftl Provi lance whic~h aure withiit yolir teaclt, you lillt laint. anl ear-lha-s. Atad wilent you at it, set that youal phtan gioodi fruit. Dont.t !ait er-ah apple5 trees nlar w.~ild phlimst, r hilian pfeaehes. 1'!e best a-L, the he-apet. BAr~s vont -run Soemtrns.-The barks f the disgwood, poipltartnd willeiw trees re u natitd in ma~ny of ottri heospsi tals antd si-pn ariesr. The bar-ks should be str-i . ed l if the (oiiaer coiverinig, lthoroughly~ ie. anid put up ini packiage-s of from. .. ..cato one~ hundred nounds. Og diitfitr rrat.tRDtn levr.n wtt wB.nanAT MaeuRit. fl. SI''KNS, D- R. D'1EI30E, & R. KEES2 rtoP? RT Rens. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Two DOtLLARs pet y ear ifpa;i in airanet-Trn Dot.LAa andl FIFTT Ctsis if not paid wi:hiu six munths-andi Tgna DeOLLARs if not paid before the expiration of the year. Rnhecripti.nu out of the Distriet mutt he p.aid for in advance. RATES OF A)VERTISIN(}. All adverri-oments wil he inserted at Osn DOL LAR and Ftzvn Cacti per liquaro CASH (10 Minion lines or less) f.r the first insertin. and Seventy-tdve Cents for -ach snh'eqitent insertion. Persons at a ditance wishing to advertise can (liy noticing the terms) :pprroximate to the amount ne"mnary ta pay for the same. which they ran re mit with t.e ealvartipetnt. Those desiring to ad'ertie b.y the year can do so 'en liberal terms-it king :nclerstood that eon tracts for yearly adverteing are crenfined to the legitimate boninesa of tie firm .r individual con traotinz. Contr:aet advetisemente payable semi annually. All cmmnnicetinos ,f a personal character Obituary Neticeas, Reporte, P.esolution or Pro ceeding- of any Saciery, Assneiation or Corpora tion, will he charged a' :dvertisements. %nnaatncing a Candid.te (not inserted until paid or.) Five Dollars. AU U FT4 HOTEL AU(GUB'A, a . BY WHELOCK. Convenient to the Caroina alda. Provided with the best he market aforda. Adjacent to Iret rate lbiues hotusee. Ready witb eoarenienhea to facititate travellers nn any and every route. Prelparel to aermand'u all who may desire is A good bar and plenty f' lea. We respectfully ark thi attention of Edgeleld to 'iur Card. June 20 - tf 25 State of South Carolina, EDGIFIELD .)lr2TRICT, IN OR1D),ARY. Y. W. 1. D TRIStOE, Iq., Ordinary of Edge field District. Wnereas, Susan Winn has applied to mne f..' luetters of Adinistratior on all and singular the goods and ebattles, rights and eredits to. liaehy Win. late of the Dietrict aforosail dee'.. Thuee are. thercfurn, tocite and almonish iii. a.od eiogu.ar, the kindret auid creditors of t:. Laid tleceased, to he and alpear before tre, at nut next Ordinary's Caourt . the said D.strict, to h. holden at Fdgeal.d Courtliouse, on the l5th day of Nov. inst., to show se, if any, why t:. said administration .houldnot be granted. tGive'n under toy hand tad seal, this let day to Nov., in the year of au Lord one thousan. ei-kt hundred arna sixty-trn, an.d in the uightc aeventh year of the Iodeptadenre of S. Caro;in W.!. Dit 1t[SO E, o... Not'. 4 2t 44 State of South Carolina EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN UtvL)'Al Y. 3 VW. F. D: 'itISOE, Eq., Ordinary of Eig" i el.1 Dis tric t. ,thorcena, je"hn A. Wisoas applied to me Letters of Aduainitr.tion, it ail and singular tb. g .d aid "-hartes. righits ad credits o.f Mrs. T Wise, late of the District ab.rtsaid, doe'dt. Thaose tare, therefore, to dte andl adm..nish nli and oingualaar, the huindaredl and creditors of th. saud deenmsea, to be aid eaeatr hoefere tane, at tn taext Ordlia.ry' Court foir the asaidi Diistrier, to b. h..dde'n at Edge.'ield C. 'fl. on'tb-e 14th dlay eot Nv.. nExt, to, shaw eause, f any, why the sai' ilmnstrationa sahouldt tot b gratnted. thir,.n umiler may hand! ned aal, this 31st day o' ct.. ini the year of ou Lord tann thotusatnd .ighat hundiredl and Sixty-tw, and in riho eighty. seventh year of the Iade.lralen,-e of Ssuith Care' naa. W. F.')UlRIdttE, fJ.E.D. The State of Soith Caroijaa, EUGEFlEL~D U)STRICT. IN Ol:DIX.R Y. gY W. p. Di'RfIS0E, lsquire, Ordinary of dgel Distric't. Wthereas, Johln A. Wiso has appjliedl t-,inmr foar Letters of Admniastrati., tin altl nnd singli lair the gandas and ebattles rights anad credlits -- lery Wise, late of th. Dtistrict afuresnaid ,ieeaoedl. Thiese airs. thaerof..re, to ei:e anad a.imono-h al. anal ainguilar, the kiundred at'! creditors of 11h. said! deecraedl, to he arid appewae befao r e, at ont tnext (irdinary's Caonrt fear the. aid District, tee la holden at !Egfield C. ii. Ont tle l4th dlay of Namv. nexi, to ahowe a'nns.-, if arty, ely the ssad admniri ti ivern under tmy hatid andl scil, thtis alst dlay tel A.:.. itn the year of our lard tane thuanaa eight hundared'al sixty-two. aid in the eighty seventh year of the lisdependesece of the State u Suntt' Carolia.a. W.e F. DIOE, O.E. D. Niar. S ft .44 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD D!SI'RICT, iN ORUJINVA~iY. B Y W. F. DURtISt)E, Esq. Ordinary of Edge. fide Dietaic't. Whsre~ns, liutler Williamis las appliedt tn ime far L- ttvers of Arlmini-tratiaa. ten all asndr sin~aiur l taeds n chane l ,it riarhnI and crsedits air .~lt h 1. Wilhas, inatcado the Dirriet tafarecaitd. dee'l T'heuse art', there.fosre, to tese tud admionith all anid siinenlar, the kindarced ma! crediturs of ite net Ordiiua-y's' f'aauat fair the said District, to he iabent at F..igefivldI Court llens,. on tha li :h eday eat N.,". fineat., talshow etaus', if any, why the s.'d ~a:ninistrtat shouldl wet lo granted. Gven undier myt, hantd and ieeat, this 3rd dhiy if N..,v. in tha year of iour Lard tine thosandara eight hutndredi andl sixty-twoa, mid in the ei~thty' seventh yulr of the Indaepentdome nf S. Carolina. W. F. DUlItISOE, o.'.. N .4. 2t 44 State of South Carolina, .ED(GEFIELD) [DTRICT. IN ORD IINAhT. I ..DUR[SOER, Esq1., Orditnary of Edge Wheareas, I.. 5. Dutnahar has applied to ine for Lttersa of Mmtzinistratiotn, tat all anal singular the goai atnd ch-tttles, ridts anti crediits of Thos. Gi. Lamar, late of the District afuresatid, These are, therefore, to cita and admonish all and singular, the kindired and c'editors of the said ueoaed, to ho anad appear he lre me, at our next Ordinary's Coturt for the said shtrict, to be holaden a~t Edaefinhll Court lHeuse, on tie I5th day of Nov. next, tan shoiw caustot, if any, why the said admnin istrariana shioulad 'not be granrts (i'iv.tin utnder my htau.t and! sedt, thti 31st dlay of ct. int rho ye:,r ..f aur lord 'tno thiau'aond eight haundrie. anal sixty taco. rad inl thae eighty seventh year of the Indaepe'ndme.t of 5- Carlna. WV. F. DURLISOE, Oo. p Nav. 4 It41 NOTICE TO Planters and Merchants. H TS Wr!LL BE EXCIl.\NIIED FORL WOOLa. Oatn 1a<t'teery t we painida of ekean wiash I e-.n f'irnsish tine hujridrd In five haundreda, or more if requiirnd. C. P. REMSEN. Columbaia, Sept 10 2m 36 Notice. AP L T\TTON wilt bea matde rat the next See -.iean of thae Le-'.islature in alir and amend Lu charter taf the Tatwn of 4iken, 8. 0. 5w-. 1n0eS C'ilportage AMONG THE SOLDIERS: By the direction of the Culportage Board, at Darlington. the work of supplying the South Carnlina soldiers with the New Testamnent and reirious reading, wra hgu. irt by us in South Carolina. PIOUS J'ASTO'PS E:.! VGED AS COLPOIR TPI'S. A number of dev.tA P..:eters of t- State arm ishOrin e-arnestly and eistandy as Caporawrs of the Board-somne of thema in Virginia and sotn of them on the Sonth Carolina cut-t. - ENCOURAGEMENTS TO LAltOR ON. The cheering intelligence is reaching u" con stantly that the soldiers receive with gratitude the New Testament an.1 Trartt given them. They welcome all religions instrucions with, in many instances, the gushing tear and quivering lipa. NEW TESTAMENTS AND TRACTS DiS TRIUI'lTED). The operations of the Board, to the ist Fel.ruan ry, sre 1 l,b00 New Testaments and one n illtn saven hundred thousand ag-s Tracts. T11H SOLDIERS READ. They nut only accept the New Teerament and Tracts given them, b'tt they read them, in not a few instances, prayerfully and eatvingly. SOMB HAVE BEEN CONVERTED. Through the simple instrumentality ,.f a little Tract, the truths of " God's word," proented to. them by the Colparter, the earnest prayer and the pious c.uoel of such, a number have turned to Godn, and are now rejoicing In Him. THE SICK SOLDIER. Those ao have visitil the sick solliar, as we have in the various Hospi:als in tant ahout Char leston. know with what readines.: ani thankful nest, prayer and religiuas iuastructions are re eived : how gladly the'y receive :he '- .. --- went. rTTP naN' FRIENDS OF OUR SOLDIERS, HELP! Thousands of the patriotic sons of our own and other States, who are surri cing all for onr conm. mon country, have no Bible to toint them to God and to " light up - dying bed." They are willit.g to read it-they nak for it. Shall they he deniel ? Our Chaplain writes: "I do nit believe fifty met in the. regiment have brought Testaments with them." WE APPEAL TO EVERY CH RISTIAN MAN. We circulate no Tract or Book which any Chris tian mat wout( object t, whether he be /1rceldy teritm, Methndi.*, Epiaeopotanas. Lur/Arcrn. or Bp rit. We, therefore, appeal to all Christian. through.;ut the city and esuntry t-j aid us in thi common work. We pledge onuree!roe tn meet the spiritual wants of our soldiers t. the full extent af the means placed at our em:.m.ad. SOUTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS IN VIRGINIA. South Carolina regimenste in Virgir.i-s share araportionally in all the operatione of this Board -in Colporters, New Teatmcnts and Tracts. EVERY SOLDIER ON T HE SOIL OF SOUTI CAROLINA. Many of the sons of North Carolina. Gesrgia, Tennoa-ee, and other States, are upon the coast ..f 5otth Carolina. Shall we not minister to their -piritusal wants ? MANUSCRIPTS FOR FOUR PAGE TRACT SOLICITED. The Board deeire to publish a number of " four :)rt~e Tracts," adapted to tioe wants of the soldier. nd herr.hy slicit such manuscripts. T/re t:unu. scripts trust he free fron dennninntimnal bla. CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE DIRECTED. Those who contribute to this work may specify, if this is desired. in what regiment or c'mp ntiy such funds shall be expendoel. All contrihutis t-o this wurk will be eceknuw!rnlgcd in the public rints. LARGE AND SMALL AMOUNTS. Lot it he rememhere.! that $130 wi:l boy one tlousanl New Testaments, and rhirteen ce,ts will buy a single copy. Each cr.py will supply une =oldier. TO THE PASTORS AND CIIURClIES. Will the Pastora throngh.mst this State and other States havingt tronps in South Carolinn, roa.1 rhe above tot th.-ir coner.-gations. andI send un the free-will offerings made to this work. Asfdrens-- Rev. W. Ii. Etice, Geeala .arpritruedenat S. C. ('oljvrtstge, ~sander, s. C. SAVE THE PIECES! IIhAVE commenced the business of Purcharing Old iron, of Every lDescription, CAST AND WRtOUGHIT. I can he foundl near the H amburg IJansk, wher I am pareparedt to reaec iw a aot of OLI> IltON that ut:5y he brosught. I wtill be readly .so tao pay the CASII far it. As -Fennwtmy is Wealh," every Farmer, BWaek .mith, Mill Ownser. tands llouasekeeper can1 furtnish ...e ;an as the Southbern . Coanf'edernecy is an r.et necad of Cs.nonst Hall-, and! other articles nde adf Iron, we etbnuld dlo all in our porner twa :r'tote aur cause. I aill al.-u buy (ld Brass, Pewter, copper, Lead And Zink, And Pay thae CASII foar toe saime. Abot, COTTON AND) LINEN IRAGS, IIID .- IIE ES W'AX A4 X) T'A L .O li'. Persons britnginag Produce to this pa5Ce andt Agu.-ta, can easily bring alung sotme of' the .srtiles in their woan.. A. A. B. NOUTHALL, Agent. P. S.--No nrles will beo rceiuedl fraomt Slaves, ar White Children, unalees with a written permnis lamburg, S. C., June 2, 1862. tf 23 THE~ CONSTITUTIDNALiST, g- one of the MOST DES1RAUL.E PAP1RtS .K publisheid in the Southw. In its comerciai and1 News iiepartment, No labior is sptatred to give the a.-rlicat and must acuratte ite.llgenen troma all ouatrters. Its TELEGitAPHJIC C:OLUMN s filed with ample anal reliablle infsrarmatioan of aerrns:1C at the politienl and c~omarch:. n-t In Politics, TE CONSTITUTIONALIST.is thorough'ly Soautern. and ;adheres, uar.daer our new Gorern-. met.aat to. its priniple' or STATE RidIITS andi STRICT CONSTUCTrION! Tt tadvoctatos the w'l. m oision into the Southeurn Cunfedelsracy only of thoste Sta'cs wnhic'h Riecoagnize Properly in Slavesa I As a part of their Social System. TERMVS. Daily Constitutionalist................ 5,0 . .Trhweekly ". ......................b00a Weakly ".. ..................... 2.0th Nao paper sent unless the CASH accompanies the orderut. pipSpecimen conies 'ent when aiskedl for. JA MES GA RDNER, Proprietor. Auguta, July, 186 I tf 21) State of South Carolina, EDGFEI4I) D)ISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. Eliabeth M. Calemnan, A pplicant, Johno P. Bllewer. Ranhei-t. Ilanakinason anal wife SarahJ Antn andI others. Dlofenadantsi. T ppanarinwg to tmy ,atisfaction that Towhn P. lilwer. Ilarrieat Anna Rs'e-lh nor. Enrenwrs' lDow .lshsn, Sons.. anal thae fir~e clthdrna of Ann Joahn swn, ta) wit: Mttleoilm Johlnsaon. Marisin Jahnoann, Sarah Attn Johsoaaan, Marrarnt J1ohnson and Lo.. reoa' Dow Jaohnisw'n, Jr.. Defed-oinstsi itt thet tao stwatswl case', residea friom anal beayondl thew limits aaf this State : It is theureforeo oralered that they do apnar and ..hjnet tn the divi~inn or . ade tof the rat a-tate of Jtaes L,. .Joanes. doc'.!.. 0n or lief'orr thew 1ith day sf Dee'nmhner next. or their consuntI to the same will be onree aof reaenrs. W. F. DURtISOE, o. u. n. l..opSf l7Rn. h8m Rich Meda CA R I NJLrtsH ROYAL VELVET, BR IN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DAMASKS OF ALL KINDS, I Cornices, Bands, WINDO'v F:.OR AND TABLE OIL WALL PAPERS The largest Stock ever oilere JAS. G. lMIPURTERS AND DEAL A ugusita, Sept 18 filE ECHAid1,ai'I1A i~ t A POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND LITERARY NEWSPAPEfR PUILISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKL CHIARLESTON, S..!.. ria nS.-CASH, IN ADVANCE: DAILY MERCURY, for 1 year - - - $10.0 "s " for d months - - 5.0 " " for 3 months - - 3.5 For less than three months, $1 per month. Newspaper Dealers and Retail Agents supplie tin liberal terms. TItI.WEEKLY MERCURY, for 1 year - $5.C " for 0 months 2.= i l" for 3 months 1. For less than 3 months, 50 cents a month. 'FROM TilIS DATE, no subseiptions out the city will be received unless accoupanieal wil the en-h. POSTMASTERS are anthorisod tc act as o ltegular Agente in obtaining subscribera and fn warding the money, for which they will be allows 20 per cent. coummisaion; only, however, wbt paul in advatee. Suhscrih.-rs desiring their paperr changed, mu menntion the Post Office from, as well as the el to, which they desire the change to be made. (lontlemen getting up Clubs of 5, 10, 20 cr ma will be supplied at 20 , er cent. less than 1tegul itates. ADVERTISING RATES, THE MERCURY has now the largest circul tion of any paper in the State, and i:- se:oud this respect to brut few papers in the S.'uth ; hereforo ofir, gruzt alvantaee to business ma and others, whose interests require publicity. ONE SQUARsE of 13 lines, solid Nonnare each iuseraion, 65 cents, and fur each additiun -i::( S cents. COMMUNICATIONS of personsl intereat w he charged as advertising matter. Orders from without the city to 1 ublish Advi tisemnents. Marriage Notices or Obitoaries, w not he attendedi to unless the cash, or an areept ble city reference. necompany the order. pir. On all bills of $50 and oter, !0 per ce discount is allowed. ,gr- South Carmlina Bank Bills taken in pa ment for subascriplion to the Mercury. Charloston, July 18111. TIRID jtOLUME or Tait SOUTHERN IFIELD& FIRESHD JAKEB GARDNER, Proprietor. TUHE THlIRD VOLUME OF THIS FAVO RlTE~ t:OUTl1ERtN FAMILY JulItNa commienc~ed with the issue of May 25th, 156l. as publisched at Aurust-, Georgia, every Srtlrd containing torty column s of et."urta.ining roa.Ii mnutter: aoevot.d to LITERIATURLE. AtiRICU TURiE. liORT'I'ULTTRE; at the low ;-rice5 Two JDollare per year. Its Edlitors atre: Literary, .JAS. NA-rsAt Etf.. Aricualrurat. bDastrc Li.:r, M. D.. Prf:-s:-or .Aurienaiture ina ticorgia University ; Huertic~iitu The foliowing are culled from mrcry EXPRIESSIONS OF, THE PRESS. "Its wri:et S are the m';rt di.-tingukhedl in South."[Lelta, New Orler.r. "Stands ina the very front runak." [Prv.sbyrerian, Charle-ton. "A most acceptuble ,.aer." [Christian Index, M::con. " Equallud by few, surpassed by none." [Times, Columu.. SThe heun investment of two delliars rhat '.ou be mae."'Y (,i-uran, St. Louais. "DeservE the wnost liberal i-aironrge. "We cordlia~y courmendl it to, Southerners." [Enquirer, Richmnd. "Its contents tare varied au.1 agreeable." [Charitin Advocate, New Orleans. " Calcul.: ted emainetly to imprrove the soii ar m ind "[Enquirer, 31..:nai-ia. " Filcl with the chroicesat reading matter." [.loutrnal A Me.t'enger, Maeon. " An excellenat. journal, editedl by competc gent emoen." (Chronielb: A t.atinel, Augusrta - uet Literary jaurnal in tlbe conoutry." " A Southern Llerslnag."'[ araal oivle [Sont'.ern Argosr, Norfolk. Yn. "Every rreallya tuanf in the aruntry shou " tlivea full value for the moaney." [5.outhren, ,Jnchson, Mi's. "Withoutt a riva!-ihe berst that cometi to u'. " The best family paper i.nulaed." [Courier. Charson. " A welcome guest at every fireside." [Advertiser, Montgomnery, Ala. Terms of~ Subscription. PA vr~ .t .n a'sT Ix .\nvaLcc. Single copy, per :ann~um............. $2.00 1Six co is " ...........0.00 Ten copie,..".."...................3.0 Twenty copier., " -..------.-, THlE FIELD' .AND FIRESIDE is now !!rm established. It isa l.a.'.emae'y p" i.tedi. in fol form, for binding, on the best paper. with ce type. Every ecxcrtion i..i made to vintliest., -laimus t., he'"TlE FIRST WEEKLY PAP'E IN THlE SOUT H." All wisbing to beeome subscribers, will plea address JA S. G ARDN Elt, Proprietor Augusta, Ga. THE SOUTH CARtOLINIAli PUBLISHIED DAILY A NP TRI-WEEKLY, AT Cot.Un:tA. S. C. FRANKLIN GAILLARD), EDITOIl AND THE C OLU MB . B ANNERB, A 1-EEKLY FAMTL T PAPER, TITS is the lareest Fauaily P-rr-r in the S..ut und is off-redl to thn do'me:'ti,' circle C NRlWS and POLITIC.\L INTEr~IttlENcl The Tales andl Storie, which a offered to t.1 readers of the Banner are the eff-,rts of Souther tisn, whtich it is a pleasuare to fawter. flrirn Sketchee, Literary and Scientinle Essays. end Mi nellneous Selections, regniarly make their al prarance in its colutans. Wekly $2 per nunnm. In advance. All Papa stopped when subseript ion expires. U. W. GIBBES, Proprieter. Co....ase Ju,,i. tt so llion Velvet E T S. SSELS, THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED. AC. AND MUSLIN CURTAINS Loops, Tassels, &c. (T SEIADES, CLOTHS, MATS, MATTING ,BORDERS, &D. d, for sale by BAILIE & BRO., 14S, 205 BROAD ST., AU( USTA, GA. tf 37 J J. E. MUNGER, i Successor to E. Tweedy, 'Augusta, Geo a, nom" in Stor. a large Stock of FINE GOLD and SILVER WATCHES,< Of celebrated maker,. Aleo, a Rich variety o u 5o Jewelry. Sete of CORAL, CAMEO and LAVA in Etrue. 1 can and ine Gold. DIAMONDS, RUBY and (IARNET in Pini Rings and Ornaments. Smreat variety of GOLD PINGER RINGS, 0 DkMATP;N, EAR RINGS. Watch 'KEYS, 0 CilARMS, weck, Vest and Tr.b CHAINS A U. S. Mint Standard of Solid Sliver SPOONS and FORKS. fancy zeta: if LADLES. 0OBLETSCPs, THIMBLES. Le: h FANCY GOODS in groat vart. .ultble for r Holiday Presen d fine Silver Plated C QTORS, CAKE-lAS nKETS;. C.NDLE STICKS, Double lqted SPOOMtq at and FOR KS. BUTTER KNIVES, ae. - Splendid Cutlery. r Cheap Pocket KNIVES for Boys, atid a large as, soirtment of FINE PEN and POCKET CUTLE t RY, which cannot be undersold; al.o DIRK and 1OWlE KNIVES. Pistols. i Colt's, Reinmingt.n and Allen's REPEATERn it Singlo iars el PIiTOLS: BELTS, CAPS, At., in fne variety. Spectacles. My assortment ia complete in Gold, Silver and l Steel l'rumes. And I can auit any sight and pro long good vision to old age. Clocks. a- i I have a greater variety and a iarger number nt than the w'nede market en thow, and at prices from $1,10 to $30 each, warranted perfect time keYper. Lamps and Kerosene Oil, CLOCKS, WATCHES and MU1'CAL BONES faithfully repaired at the lowest rates and war ranted. Jan.l1 ly I TE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, I- A Political and New~ Journal, i PIULI~IED AT COLUMBIA, S. C. IDaily, Tri-Weekly and lWeekly. BY 0, P. PELHAM, T~tieMS.---Dai~r, Sd: Tar-Writm:.. 41; Wn &~v ?2, a 3ear. Puynt invariabhly in aci-nco HIST dOI'RNA L, now ente-ring uan its third y er'- u-.der the present l-rniriet..r. iu rapidly e-st,-ndti." i~.t relation undi i:sfiuerice. Fuoundled and ennet du upan cte principles of* Sttea Righta, it njys the~ rewaird of publ, ic enfideriee andl en lighatenedt :ijp..;al. Entlirely inde-pa indent, in, ir~t mars~agean-ent. it hna stooid with unwaveringc conti-. .ie:.e, ai~d riuniinee-, inegrity an.! cinsi:-tency if its princip-les. Triroi-gh evil re-port as well at :broug.h '.d, i:s i iireo hu breen bird in defce of the 'Ql'A LITY cf ihe Foui..; it:u countel.s haveg i:ver beern and arc fi~r R ESISTANCE to the jwronge attetlpicd to be i ut Oinn u' b~y :i Ieetiun IThe SOUTIIERN G I'AF RDAN looks fir tup iort to the State and1 tectioin '.hino rights. honor arnd interaite it has faithfully orpoused a:.d main tuined. Columbia. July 1S5l. it 29 B3LISS' DYSPEPTIC R~EM-EDY!I T .iscutum..ry noc;-a-days for the priprietors atnd prqpellers of paen icines~~ii tio array iiefire the pubic eyec int ibe n:i.t gi-inr c 'oluor' -reut--' of n:ieub.us iures, ar-d nat the sam. I:izme. comil!:.in *.f ibe po.verty e] the English Ian g 'unge ::: being itadt,iunatc i ~to v idi-tus that wt'ould do- ju-cice to thecir medic al prepa ationii. d No--i :he iroIprtoir of the iibev~e-naned prepraa trin dount inter~ud to p.urtte at-y auch e.enrrc, but will 'oe cointent to ray, candidly, to iie p~eopilc, what hie pre-pca.inn has donen and will 4o. The tip by in:.y uc Str-L utnn:igly devised fablLe... BLISS DP1El'TC R i:Sihi)Y is the ioniy relii.le pre piarnrion riw briore the peiiple for ALL 1D18 EASE~S OF TlE STOMACII. in-d thaiyo other dicta-es thatz have their urigin in disease of that :Na~n. It hat::gnin ani again enred wher, all o ther pr-eparattiut htave failed. Its merite have ber idiicutied iy phiysic-ians in counsel. It has iften been pre-inilgedi andi thrown atide by phy . iea~ns ::r.d conarignedJ t. the li,.mh of guak hunm bugs, andl afrerwiurds re- tored to more congenial ilime ,,n terr:rtfirmia, :t he tniinistered to their woni.tt nt.d exhiaut-t d tieunt', and ywith the AMOST PER-:FJCT SUCCESS. It lhas been testedl ,ind re'e nmende..bhy the mioat eminent physicisa - .f th-> country, and o and til wiho hive thor oIVoghly .ted it in gnood fatith, are unnanimious in a prir: It will C-(R E THiE WORST FORMS o n:D Y SP EP SI.A. 'a AND A GREAT MANY OTHER DISEAS having their origIn in Disease of the Stcinaseh IF--r the above mentioned diiseases, It is a sew ereien~ remedy, and will nnt fail in electing a cure if the patient iii not tino pcn'irions to perse I vere in the taking of the Remedy. If one pack ne dntire yiiu, try inother, and still another, tirid rr-t aantred it will nut feail in aerconplishing all that is pro~ise~d. Antd another thing you rr.ty rest assaureid of. that you cannot take it long *withiout seeing nnid feeling that it hi,' already he gun to 'henefit yaou: and if so. eontinus. taking-Is regulnrly, and fiallow iout all the diri-criona-and you WILL 500Y BE WELL AGAIN. *The R EMED)Y is for ale by Dr. C. W. A J. B. HIODtWES and E. M. PENN. lEigefield, S. C., at $2 per package. r; July 24 Cm 29tf J. L. -MIMIS, DEALER IN GRi)UERIES - 10 Dloors Below City Hotel, 0PPOSITE GIRARDEY'8, Anmrita, Gieria.