Br 8MKIZN8, DURIEOE & Co. 'IIUIIJ t'1.1'Lei, & I)1)M.ESTIC PREPARED WITH .AN BY T. S.,uaaoni anCI L.'titude. Frofm the Savannah Repul'^. Practietii Iints for Unr'd T.eenro. -" --i Wba: : .: e.r~e, man2 ulta do.'' iltii'fl . lfur fathers ned little artificial light. They preferred the cheap l ghr of day. F'or this rbas;-n they wont etar.y to tit ii, and were it!; mo tr's:'e ie:tlthy an.l n:nr. we:,lthy for their rariac:l k.. T he chiel ight Uit th,-ir hcu e-" lite that ot the " o !.ility 'of Engtm.I, a few tamrist bak, ..~ rtddy vi,,re froml the hea:rthstnt -. 1. P>:mmss Litu-s.--T're earliest ar r'11 illuminato'rs )t which we havi ''tt record, were lamps. - These, at first, e.iste"i IltON that ut:5y he brosught. I wtill be readly .so tao pay the CASII far it. As -Fennwtmy is Wealh," every Farmer, BWaek .mith, Mill Ownser. tands llouasekeeper can1 furtnish ...e ;an as the Southbern . Coanf'edernecy is an necad of Cs.nonst Hall-, and! other articles nde adf Iron, we etbnuld dlo all in our porner twa :r'tote aur cause. I aill al.-u buy (ld Brass, Pewter, copper, Lead And Zink, And Pay thae CASII foar toe saime. Abot, COTTON AND) LINEN IRAGS, IIID .- IIE ES W'AX A4 X) T'A L .O li'. Persons britnginag Produce to this pa5Ce andt Agu.-ta, can easily bring alung sotme of' the .srtiles in their woan.. A. A. B. NOUTHALL, Agent. P. S.--No nrles will beo rceiuedl fraomt Slaves, ar White Children, unalees with a written permnis lamburg, S. C., June 2, 1862. tf 23 THE~ CONSTITUTIDNALiST, g- one of the MOST DES1RAUL.E PAP1RtS .K publisheid in the Southw. In its comerciai and1 News iiepartment, No labior is sptatred to give the a.-rlicat and must acuratte ite.llgenen troma all ouatrters. Its TELEGitAPHJIC C:OLUMN s filed with ample anal reliablle infsrarmatioan of aerrns:1C at the politienl and c~omarch:. n-t In Politics, TE thorough'ly Soautern. and ;adheres, uar.daer our new Gorern-. met.aat to. its priniple' or STATE RidIITS andi STRICT CONSTUCTrION! Tt tadvoctatos the w'l. m oision into the Southeurn Cunfedelsracy only of thoste Sta'cs wnhic'h Riecoagnize Properly in Slavesa I As a part of their Social System. TERMVS. Daily Constitutionalist................ 5,0 . .Trhweekly ". ......................b00a Weakly ".. ..................... 2.0th Nao paper sent unless the CASH accompanies the orderut. pipSpecimen conies 'ent when aiskedl for. JA MES GA RDNER, Proprietor. Auguta, July, 186 I tf 21) State of South Carolina, EDGFEI4I) D)ISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. Eliabeth M. Calemnan, A pplicant, Johno P. Bllewer. Ranhei-t. Ilanakinason anal wife SarahJ Antn andI others. Dlofenadantsi. T ppanarinwg to tmy ,atisfaction that Towhn P. lilwer. Ilarrieat Anna Rs'e-lh nor. Enrenwrs' lDow .lshsn, Sons.. anal thae fir~e clthdrna of Ann Joahn swn, ta) wit: Mttleoilm Johlnsaon. Marisin Jahnoann, Sarah Attn Johsoaaan, Marrarnt J1ohnson and Lo.. reoa' Dow Jaohnisw'n, Jr.. Defed-oinstsi itt thet tao stwatswl case', residea friom anal beayondl thew limits aaf this State : It is theureforeo oralered that they do apnar and ..hjnet tn the divi~inn or . ade tof the rat a-tate of Jtaes L,. .Joanes. doc'.!.. 0n or lief'orr thew 1ith day sf Dee'nmhner next. or their consuntI to the same will be onree aof reaenrs. W. F. DURtISOE, o. u. n. l..opSf l7Rn. h8m Rich Meda CA R I NJLrtsH ROYAL VELVET, BR IN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DAMASKS OF ALL KINDS, I Cornices, Bands, WINDO'v F:.OR AND TABLE OIL WALL PAPERS The largest Stock ever oilere JAS. G. lMIPURTERS AND DEAL A ugusita, Sept 18 filE ECHAid1,ai'I1A i~ t A POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND LITERARY NEWSPAPEfR PUILISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKL CHIARLESTON, S..!.. ria nS.-CASH, IN ADVANCE: DAILY MERCURY, for 1 year - - - $10.0 "s " for d months - - 5.0 " " for 3 months - - 3.5 For less than three months, $1 per month. Newspaper Dealers and Retail Agents supplie tin liberal terms. TItI.WEEKLY MERCURY, for 1 year - $5.C " for 0 months 2.= i l" for 3 months 1. For less than 3 months, 50 cents a month. 'FROM TilIS DATE, no subseiptions out the city will be received unless accoupanieal wil the en-h. POSTMASTERS are anthorisod tc act as o ltegular Agente in obtaining subscribera and fn warding the money, for which they will be allows 20 per cent. coummisaion; only, however, wbt paul in advatee. Suhscrih.-rs desiring their paperr changed, mu menntion the Post Office from, as well as the el to, which they desire the change to be made. (lontlemen getting up Clubs of 5, 10, 20 cr ma will be supplied at 20 , er cent. less than 1tegul itates. ADVERTISING RATES, THE MERCURY has now the largest circul tion of any paper in the State, and i:- se:oud this respect to brut few papers in the S.'uth ; hereforo ofir, gruzt alvantaee to business ma and others, whose interests require publicity. ONE SQUARsE of 13 lines, solid Nonnare each iuseraion, 65 cents, and fur each additiun -i::( S cents. COMMUNICATIONS of personsl intereat w he charged as advertising matter. Orders from without the city to 1 ublish Advi tisemnents. Marriage Notices or Obitoaries, w not he attendedi to unless the cash, or an areept ble city reference. necompany the order. pir. On all bills of $50 and oter, !0 per ce discount is allowed. ,gr- South Carmlina Bank Bills taken in pa ment for subascriplion to the Mercury. Charloston, July 18111. TIRID jtOLUME or Tait SOUTHERN IFIELD& FIRESHD JAKEB GARDNER, Proprietor. TUHE THlIRD VOLUME OF THIS FAVO RlTE~ t:OUTl1ERtN FAMILY JulItNa commienc~ed with the issue of May 25th, 156l. as publisched at Aurust-, Georgia, every Srtlrd containing torty column s of et."urta.ining roa.Ii mnutter: aoevot.d to LITERIATURLE. AtiRICU TURiE. liORT'I'ULTTRE; at the low ;-rice5 Two JDollare per year. Its Edlitors atre: Literary, .JAS. NA-rsAt Etf.. Aricualrurat. bDastrc Li.:r, M. D.. Prf:-s:-or .Aurienaiture ina ticorgia University ; Huertic~iitu The foliowing are culled from mrcry EXPRIESSIONS OF, THE PRESS. "Its wri:et S are the m';rt di.-tingukhedl in South."[Lelta, New Orler.r. "Stands ina the very front runak." [Prv.sbyrerian, Charle-ton. "A most acceptuble ,.aer." [Christian Index, M::con. " Equallud by few, surpassed by none." [Times, Columu.. SThe heun investment of two delliars rhat '.ou be mae."'Y (,i-uran, St. Louais. "DeservE the wnost liberal i-aironrge. "We cordlia~y courmendl it to, Southerners." [Enquirer, Richmnd. "Its contents tare varied au.1 agreeable." [Charitin Advocate, New Orleans. " Calcul.: ted emainetly to imprrove the soii ar m ind "[Enquirer, 31..:nai-ia. " Filcl with the chroicesat reading matter." [.loutrnal A Me.t'enger, Maeon. " An excellenat. journal, editedl by competc gent emoen." (Chronielb: A t.atinel, Augusrta - uet Literary jaurnal in tlbe conoutry." " A Southern Llerslnag."'[ araal oivle [Sont'.ern Argosr, Norfolk. Yn. "Every rreallya tuanf in the aruntry shou " tlivea full value for the moaney." [5.outhren, ,Jnchson, Mi's. "Withoutt a riva!-ihe berst that cometi to u'. " The best family paper i.nulaed." [Courier. Charson. " A welcome guest at every fireside." [Advertiser, Montgomnery, Ala. Terms of~ Subscription. PA vr~ .t .n a'sT Ix .\nvaLcc. Single copy, per :ann~um............. $2.00 1Six co is " ...........0.00 Ten copie,..".."...................3.0 Twenty copier., " -..------.-, THlE FIELD' .AND FIRESIDE is now !!rm established. It isa l.a.'.emae'y p" i.tedi. in fol form, for binding, on the best paper. with ce type. Every ecxcrtion i..i made to vintliest., -laimus t., he'"TlE FIRST WEEKLY PAP'E IN THlE SOUT H." All wisbing to beeome subscribers, will plea address JA S. G ARDN Elt, Proprietor Augusta, Ga. THE SOUTH CARtOLINIAli PUBLISHIED DAILY A NP TRI-WEEKLY, AT Cot.Un:tA. S. C. FRANKLIN GAILLARD), EDITOIl AND THE C OLU MB . B ANNERB, A 1-EEKLY FAMTL T PAPER, TITS is the lareest Fauaily P-rr-r in the S..ut und is off-redl to thn do'me:'ti,' circle C NRlWS and POLITIC.\L INTEr~IttlENcl The Tales andl Storie, which a offered to t.1 readers of the Banner are the eff-,rts of Souther tisn, whtich it is a pleasuare to fawter. flrirn Sketchee, Literary and Scientinle Essays. end Mi nellneous Selections, regniarly make their al prarance in its colutans. Wekly $2 per nunnm. In advance. All Papa stopped when subseript ion expires. U. W. GIBBES, Proprieter. Co....ase Ju,,i. tt so llion Velvet E T S. SSELS, THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED. AC. AND MUSLIN CURTAINS Loops, Tassels, &c. (T SEIADES, CLOTHS, MATS, MATTING ,BORDERS, &D. d, for sale by BAILIE & BRO., 14S, 205 BROAD ST., AU( USTA, GA. tf 37 J J. E. MUNGER, i Successor to E. Tweedy, 'Augusta, Geo a, nom" in Stor. a large Stock of FINE GOLD and SILVER WATCHES,< Of celebrated maker,. Aleo, a Rich variety o u 5o Jewelry. Sete of CORAL, CAMEO and LAVA in Etrue. 1 can and ine Gold. DIAMONDS, RUBY and (IARNET in Pini Rings and Ornaments. Smreat variety of GOLD PINGER RINGS, 0 DkMATP;N, EAR RINGS. Watch 'KEYS, 0 CilARMS, weck, Vest and Tr.b CHAINS A U. S. Mint Standard of Solid Sliver SPOONS and FORKS. fancy zeta: if LADLES. 0OBLETSCPs, THIMBLES. Le: h FANCY GOODS in groat vart. .ultble for r Holiday Presen d fine Silver Plated C QTORS, CAKE-lAS nKETS;. C.NDLE STICKS, Double lqted SPOOMtq at and FOR KS. BUTTER KNIVES, ae. - Splendid Cutlery. r Cheap Pocket KNIVES for Boys, atid a large as, soirtment of FINE PEN and POCKET CUTLE t RY, which cannot be undersold; al.o DIRK and 1OWlE KNIVES. Pistols. i Colt's, Reinmingt.n and Allen's REPEATERn it Singlo iars el PIiTOLS: BELTS, CAPS, At., in fne variety. Spectacles. My assortment ia complete in Gold, Silver and l Steel l'rumes. And I can auit any sight and pro long good vision to old age. Clocks. a- i I have a greater variety and a iarger number nt than the w'nede market en thow, and at prices from $1,10 to $30 each, warranted perfect time keYper. Lamps and Kerosene Oil, CLOCKS, WATCHES and MU1'CAL BONES faithfully repaired at the lowest rates and war ranted. Jan.l1 ly I TE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, I- A Political and New~ Journal, i PIULI~IED AT COLUMBIA, S. C. IDaily, Tri-Weekly and lWeekly. BY 0, P. PELHAM, T~tieMS.---Dai~r, Sd: Tar-Writm:.. 41; Wn &~v ?2, a 3ear. Puynt invariabhly in aci-nco HIST dOI'RNA L, now ente-ring uan its third y er'- u-.der the present l-rniriet..r. iu rapidly e-st,-ndti." i~.t relation undi i:sfiuerice. Fuoundled and ennet du upan cte principles of* Sttea Righta, it njys the~ rewaird of publ, ic enfideriee andl en lighatenedt :ijp..;al. Entlirely inde-pa indent, in, ir~t mars~agean-ent. it hna stooid with unwaveringc conti-. .ie:.e, ai~d riuniinee-, inegrity an.! cinsi:-tency if its princip-les. Triroi-gh evil re-port as well at :broug.h '.d, i:s i iireo hu breen bird in defce of the 'Ql'A LITY cf ihe Foui..; it:u countel.s haveg i:ver beern and arc fi~r R ESISTANCE to the jwronge attetlpicd to be i ut Oinn u' b~y :i Ieetiun IThe SOUTIIERN G I'AF RDAN looks fir tup iort to the State and1 tectioin '.hino rights. honor arnd interaite it has faithfully orpoused a:.d main tuined. Columbia. July 1S5l. it 29 B3LISS' DYSPEPTIC R~EM-EDY!I T .iscutum..ry noc;-a-days for the priprietors atnd prqpellers of paen icines~~ii tio array iiefire the pubic eyec int ibe n:i.t gi-inr c 'oluor' -reut--' of iures, ar-d nat the sam. I:izme. comil! *.f ibe po.verty e] the English Ian g 'unge ::: being itadt,iunatc i ~to v idi-tus that wt'ould do- ju-cice to thecir medic al prepa ationii. d No--i :he iroIprtoir of the iibev~e-naned prepraa trin dount inter~ud to p.urtte at-y auch e.enrrc, but will 'oe cointent to ray, candidly, to iie p~eopilc, what hie pre-pca.inn has donen and will 4o. The tip by in:.y uc Str-L utnn:igly devised fablLe... BLISS DP1El'TC R i:Sihi)Y is the ioniy relii.le pre piarnrion riw briore the peiiple for ALL 1D18 EASE~S OF TlE STOMACII. in-d thaiyo other dicta-es thatz have their urigin in disease of that :Na~n. It hat::gnin ani again enred wher, all o ther pr-eparattiut htave failed. Its merite have ber idiicutied iy phiysic-ians in counsel. It has iften been pre-inilgedi andi thrown atide by phy . iea~ns ::r.d conarignedJ t. the li,.mh of guak hunm bugs, andl afrerwiurds re- tored to more congenial ilime ,,n terr:rtfirmia, :t he tniinistered to their nt.d exhiaut-t d tieunt', and ywith the AMOST PER-:FJCT SUCCESS. It lhas been testedl ,ind re'e nmende..bhy the mioat eminent physicisa - .f th-> country, and o and til wiho hive thor oIVoghly .ted it in gnood fatith, are unnanimious in a prir: It will C-(R E THiE WORST FORMS o n:D Y SP EP SI.A. 'a AND A GREAT MANY OTHER DISEAS having their origIn in Disease of the Stcinaseh IF--r the above mentioned diiseases, It is a sew ereien~ remedy, and will nnt fail in electing a cure if the patient iii not tino pcn'irions to perse I vere in the taking of the Remedy. If one pack ne dntire yiiu, try inother, and still another, tirid rr-t aantred it will nut feail in aerconplishing all that is pro~ise~d. Antd another thing you rr.ty rest assaureid of. that you cannot take it long *withiout seeing nnid feeling that it hi,' already he gun to 'henefit yaou: and if so. eontinus. taking-Is regulnrly, and fiallow iout all the diri-criona-and you WILL 500Y BE WELL AGAIN. *The R EMED)Y is for ale by Dr. C. W. A J. B. HIODtWES and E. M. PENN. lEigefield, S. C., at $2 per package. r; July 24 Cm 29tf J. L. -MIMIS, DEALER IN GRi)UERIES - 10 Dloors Below City Hotel, 0PPOSITE GIRARDEY'8, Anmrita, Gieria.