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Glorious News from Kentucky. -i Fonta our city' L'xttlltsia We his' iii' :ia the vietelril'I ' a thit1 I ' Pfit rr v:i K aX ViI.3.:. ("i !: ;X..) t t't. I .;ti.-TL.i~' r' filt "11 by tI;' :,rrlt':'1 ''1 I% . ttrie1'; hl'r Ville.. i ' K s" " C'u'i'"'. 1\r.. I'll Mted' u1 r': Ili n 'iir.'v 3 \t'rah' ii ,' ad 1)r1 nn a e riLhr.I 'I' re9Iedr Ill. Ill.-- t '':t"'. Ii ht {.:1. i11:1 11:,"'I". " t';i1,tl1rI"I 1 :,t)i I j,rl-o," rr. u* :3:, :1 "r 1)1 I .e'.Iu1v lhi+ ti 'I:r w:1" r n" {w''i WI~l. ,. til re eii1 r IllgieI'. t" the t'I n ltl'! ("IheW.' t e : f' i 1 0I141~ ir ""~ r;. e. :":1i 1r 1 r('id. an.1 j Ita"YIt tue r na e . ::):.*3-t1 V V~l ** C The 1 t'u'vl. ta" 'rit 4.,1 otc' 1 Inf.;'. t "*. t riinn la ii r~. iar~ 1"" .II the. wIae- 1) I'srz'yi':ae,~ w:i -'i' Very stmt VI i*~ v, uIin are Ot 111 p).eI Is to* tells ert li: "'l t C laC I n ' :l t i :'1' - /'t pt 41,. tI;4 ll 4 e I'Lfll10 r and '~: r~ I lIQ ;rt,.Lltil. P.. \', nt i*ri.t or to tll Or"' t''3r t :~' '(II a31id he, I ". rea +l 3. Vt' ,ll ;,'i .:i . r 1i of Peir 1ryv"i. Alejt. in ofI:Lf'il'l* a 'llrle'r. it-11 eprt thh was renewe wltsat 1144." FtlIt.cle i ,i"r'"a t . K "t': the I a i"'i f t ; ll t h. 1~ br'iIt. . " : I')rry ile, (adlv theit bi .;1 l t t i.. to kigwa -)i .sI!1r-~ eas.Ia~lId._ ,,t ' w e a i l 5 I I t ': lt at . -"a"3? v 3t ei neto d . W I...: ty file idi4 I,'::"' i I . ot"l..~ i' K*-Ow l' n~ I ":r l 1' a l 1'AIi:" .:1 I 1" uj it .right'i :1;n'1 itf 1!1,'11 ilie ch I' alV t' tIf' .iti ) .rte .4 lii ( i . .Itt)1fjil elf.11:.1 131 I.Ii"" : Gen. Torn3 1)4 b'ittendet.C1L1tt 1i trel~i~lIa t ove i ti l r ainrmy. (inl itial I e{r ,ti, nar i 'V IIIte . w.r killed~t in 111.II' 'itr :! , II rtydlc, O l therr t'4i'iiie Si. ;I 1 ',.s:; I'et.. l.IIUIvihi ( )Ii4. his inotti of the . 0 81.411111 Cut t'tu: nd "1 I t Ii ' r 'a ~tle !C"1 p' I) Wasouded. r. Ns)11Ilsd Irni'i. ',Ot.11t -i 31I n 1l1i' lTe tij. t tn~iiu' the. 10t I'.lk r 3111' N,1'4 (litie (flre it. St ht;i rIlil' i\ ~j rt, stivnl hi te -rnd theooi(kv ;t. .~, II 3n il A: noher b~ttia :hl 4.u1l Oc.1t1 a be g rttiit& MulirC 'It~ 111'n. andh11'W t'r w.l'nI tol:" inoc'' tle ltl I tiIt 'rrIi d'riltch, uthe es133 alt stu. ~i on. 1'. CII "t".(Il tA 3 so-all 1rlit'1' 5i1 l re, bu' 4itltl"u de"i a:" , wou'ihnde lirtlig AlteC' Tlt I, AL ve I tte'' AI1urC. I: 'Itl 'I wfl.' u left i t , %v.,J et. at!h; l J-i a Iron: It:: ilr'4I Teast., Ot. A1t d.-At Fr.:t Li' Ii, :InJit'd" W~t' 3to1 C',tui T he 'ie a.'.lV tl'te ilt~ Mook' fle C bI' ete '( l gi:i(' ti. 114 O i l Wih jlit he'r tnit' h1c~id ea, and ook ;d:' of Iiitli (l"it 11,111 wa 11n 't )lL Uy~ nc~s1 ita t~a AI 'd ong)6 ,._- _. re you?"~~l ~s k.'df llfl:ti._ ltie. j 33h " Kcllate'.. .. y .i is I" r 1 11 11r1..rtt . .. . 1' l:,tl" 1111 !Ct"........... ( "11 t l": \ I IS....... 121' I! '' I"" 1" ... . . .... . . _" I i. . .1l N is ', ...... tlrl . .. 1"'I'" ' ... .. ...... .. I; " .. Ilit t'- ....... 4 "lt!' I a 11.11' + . .. . . . . . . . .. . 21. I._ "ili I! "1111; \:i't"rt ,2' 11.1. 2!11 ,1.... \!,'. ........... 1 .1, . 1' Il lltll.... 21. I' Il: t !1 k ' 27 irlt't r' ............. '" 20 I' I t 't'" . . . . . . . . . . . . t:lv: ut ....... t: "ia:n' .............. 2 41 " '!,'.. . . . .. . . . .. . 1 ' ,l'i i" Lh(."1' 1'.1'11:... . . .... .I. I.. .tttll'I':t list .. ' 17 . i 7 ! n!r i't: .... ........ . . . . ... . ... . .. Ii. 11. .latirc""" t.) t11! r (1 Ilt tile ol-thwe'I. i.:... it-L'""I I"I"(sla Ilia Ill 7: '111 a1 :$ 1 II" i.+tr.t1'ilt KY , Osu: UI" lilt' -Irilllpm , t Ir 1l"l:iVII has 1)ta!n i+site!(l by any mil. "_ rr" tu"m Iltirilh" tula war. It i'l adir":ce(1 "1"!l(" i1."llilt" of the \'lrt1:w''.tl." Ile a Y", Illt"II 1!ll tilt, (itlll:'t'"li:rait! G 1v'rnm ln:II l1":ttrl I:, i.l. A":ir ?!t!: II'' il" :.I ll II ' ('.l'1IIIIl. it. ! 'I ", :t "1"ti!." 1)'"lt(""! tlll'l Illt" :t11"1TIt1""111u(trlt I:1 i! t"!I' :tl1l'i :11' 1 1%, 1,t".1114" N"!1,) Iil:Vt"I h IV,! lie u:) 1111.1! ti. lt:l"l 11.1i r it r"!t:: t'Ii i.t t"1":11i11"11) 11) .e i to t'. rI Ilit'lu." '- 1I." I'.111her 71=turr!t t hi'm I ;.IVI I.IIII I"nL IUIII 1)^uli l . t("t"(':It'I:fr t"tvII slr:'I.- fr."ttl 1:1: ta'LSS1!"11,;!. 1 :111X!.115 A i:eKel'Ul it, ott!:('lit of, All r tlrtr, i l'"7C:it1"r (lilt tit' ,I 1)111i11'::l 5l'il lrlt !1, V.IIJ:II th'"y ikttt111ri1 1".4.I1I11i:t1 111 !!11.11" !llilit':'i 10141 at!II I'l'tltr. 711 11111 IIIi)111'"lit iii I Iltllt:lr:1.1'1:1 ellt CI)totlli+Ht").%4"V tl 1\ %4!1 riutl II' 11"40,31 for tlh"Pt.'. 1)11. Ibit II' i !t::tl!tnl'tlll'!: b t'r" 7Ut it'I"Nivail or ':I ri:lutt~t: Ill Vtt!U!7.:lla,":Ilp lltn Oh;t'("! laI'" i:!"+. "i' i : lllltt that tt'.1 it 4t.l'1tli::f ! t (:t. (i(" II :i l'. :1:!1!111":! rill 1'"7:1! t,"I:. I''lI1.'i .i: t' I:t't' Its !t:t":"i :t"!I "l .!!!i"1Il tl :t lit"', without an-twe1'. :iiifl(I,; t1 it 1"''l)I1" !11',:!ii~"it by (;Clliyai .:'"rlI. into 1vIti'se !'IS t:i.. CU IltilliIIIV:4I()tl 1:':1: ut:l:VCI't"Il. lttl:ll :ti:llltlo the 1'1" tt'\t. 1:1'"I'i'ti l"".; till' :"1IS1" I:lUIt't" Ill lll" a i , :., t!a' :l (rt is ti:ii tht" ali"Ilrl:tli' (;, "i riialt 1;t IIN-;(Pi to It."JII";Ve Ul'i11'41 S,:ttr::si I1".' 111\''!" II(llt (If' \\ t 111:rtl IiVtr . aiIbul ;1.' "'ilit i I ill,- ('"'tl:i".trlalt' Coll-, II li The I'I ttltltlrtli i"II) 'tII tit y l iit" "('t YI' .I:"!t("t foI the State Legisiatiirc for E lIf 41!* -uf -. ~ ree co - 1- -( ti . - 1 - il - .41 ~ J 15 Is, I' 12:, ** I(' is~ a.' .3*'. C:. 1.l . 2 I . 1 .' 111 2; l 1! 1 : :, ", i4 'I ** I :i '''i* 4 *1i3 (i!1 "1'3 U1 3 ;, ]"' 14 1' 1: ) 2 12:' it'" 7 17 4. II' lii' I.1 11" r' 1 .. 1.; is- 1 : ;' 1' I :, : 3t: 2 . 1.* 3. 2: I' 11 1 17 .) ,) .3l u ,:'attt3. 'i '"a" 'i./" 1 "X '""+: iit": er :11, :1 it ni l~ 2.: 3 'ltU~ "t'I~Ie 3 1. l3..31 atal:L%.."'" ianiain higih lIcr il. pacjur"3'( Ol (I'uiia your be-.t 'ia-t"''iiaer t.iny inaura iriefl 1Is. Mi lan thIis war eL.Icd.; 11he same antaaian'misnI oif iaak're'.', policy at')a. ueLi u which have bee ilre,'se lqupon ;ir fraina I1- (E J.;t, lid forced us 13r 'in t. riIi icial tunion, whe1're we~ liave Lest.4-C t.o ti'- -af~'}" l f'r 'ai i iii'?st o3435'r rect4'&C tu.r ae:'ai"1a:34. M ill l,. ii' ,1eaK'ii 3313t y.ou It-, *i it !1"nX. w :ti.' ir:a.'2-'h' it l !i.. it it; to 11 vL by t h rII twits tiro33 OwI I;Ili ,r ii thei'r isi- ighors. J'aa"iait", Y'u aLre I,..iii,! i34e3L1 by tlIaa~ca toi ti. 1t"Ii. h a' 331 i' "1 ( lC 'tIio -It battle: a..;.! W i~ ;l t a' 'ar 61"4s 1::a1 34'l to lout- 31111 si'!l. (I I aiiaat uilaI e.'1anle1~lU hif the. work of tilit- :.'r iii. 11 i;Ih 'ti I pi culiar prt~ila('ins3 .I:avLrti13I3' iiltu g..ldl, at:3 shouild, iln at .45th tit' pea'.*'t. 1,1':11: miiic you lairgely flt' 1iri)lutid Ia u: a-f* tha- Soul L, you will 111113 rich anid a1'ilii: a.'t ta"iis ; ill 11. l i t 'j'% I ..u ti-t l"3'11 t n' t.:'.tie'rt1 r zi :1 tIe L hf~ris of h'ar i::1 l"-i, is.iou't. V ".1 asre i'Ii liI v lWii~3a'ag 'abotit:3t i.10 to this' Cail, WIt.i!L ih' are~ic liet-la L-aa~kn lals-ia file'hgain ofi i~blailiiUZ yta ur litt., on t,'iii, Itlat WL11'i3I imipo~veris4h t ist tttry. on:m. Youet 1ilI l'r LhLu l'ra't' lia'iga. :;:'i s;1 ~' a ti. is.ippi. it is 3Iai3. Ira-ta'. vl~ f&;& 11a I,.,,t, v'it;;:Ut strikinIg at il.utw. (3)'o i a. a'ihta p a; a .1,'a tI, of the MastI'. .31 3. ;aaIt lo aa'.it I. av the o:I" '..l tc 1c1111 1m'ia of~ I,' iilt) uta iC o ii a1c iii O y ' I .x. r., I II I ii [5 1"5 "1: 1 7i 1' 2 1 . i S u! 4' I 11 11 1 , 1 ; 2:31 ti- 1 ' ii :ni 2 ' "I I ' I 1 11 1 11' I 2- 1 11 lj 21 1c, ii W: { 1. ,12 11 1 . . S 14 .t, V I . 14) 1: 11 ) l; 3 14~ i .1 14 'ii .) 1 S: 1 1: 1'! ;iI. CS JI,03't~ (G. Lam~ar. II,,:i~i I fveu'claiek F i'1'iy inhirin'. at t:,* r~ ... i :hr i;ass, iuenrrt~dit) r3liS. lby hi As an iartilks'y ll1ic,:r, Cal. ILrinar ha l'.i r;va'4( ur eqjual', andi no sup.'ri~ rs Itmilull :",. iiteeis Tr~w in) our 5etrvit. it:a vice lxud to the (aileite of th.. I 'uiif dir, ev. ht had the esiviati.t faculty of Isegi ItiIr~,aqa :.r,41 and enthuiasun in h, c~'u-"il Faithful a~nd vi,_rri in t 'ieii'l all Ol i:-$i.(tlj (,f tuilit ,ry tiseili!iui ", hi Wits a" tar its posasible , pin:,%e&I t'ri a iri nt . iIu Cl.siaiiiiu110A. h' of (iti,tr !u the sake of truth~ isily, but he i:aiiunaw'ii "d nr! en."rte-d audtiri ;y as well b~ the exampnleh In placve~uoe hi-. Wien in wneusizig all duti .'tieit da::ge'i as buy virtu (it ofirtnk. lie w&. Lt.iijaiticall the Let-(~ of' the muemoirable a. ;Jorsois- hattlei of' Sece'ssi ui11e. Ile had 1larga.'y aiid in fora labord whicth hail ceanted the huses of deiece~ thiere so g~lo.riously sig n~liz~d, anti Ile buid itrilsrt'.ied throiughout th ga~irrison~ thet :Pirnt. i:of resolute ai~d di'tiiuit ro. I irtancC, which fiit (It iii t h . iglniii ,- VIC. ry of t he itt, .1u:;C, agri:i;l grim t:: oids :( II(. W;.i. eqiiad.y .'ally ti~li Iir N i :c ,4' I .t i i i : , . 1p si. izui;.' . 1ui. jtn.i 'i % ii si!V, tivr .iih' iu hi fj uitdii'Iii i.Loo}'.-(.3trlestt Co .uie:r, c.:i1 A81T~UU BIKKDTS. ID!TOI. 1)etbl of Cotl. '!hu~mus G. Lseat r . The Die~riot. of Ftige'fld le CcJ uponi to ~uettr t le lot.;. of (,I"( 1.1 her n-bietet =-n< tcito ltle of! $.eecl C::ruaiet s..rr*"w' etg day t.*r ae.ett ~r of! he~r fatio it hter r'. Alt! 'Al got~ i.,t'e:.t -111 Ilul :l v.:11 litrftttt:t "4 li, lc.r 'r I' erkte ci I" re" Ip~iiec Ly thce miglet of Lidi .'we, mtec cil Lh .'::1.4e, still terrific' eotilae...;l -!f~ Itee:.fe foot !:nuW he.'t loW i eell lth troill f* ~tt~ tib OIc Iie.:.'* slt fc "o the ieert&iy its it. i":re, lie riekc " nt. it- i~ti~e es A rtteetCItte Uetc4-l tojeIsteer t I - rt. tel.'l ti . .~ eei "f rtil etly vel %r itei l t oll tot still t'!I: :iUt rt~ttieel our leci.vei city oer Cleucrle.s;t tanal ,t" ;tvri'ig t. Ce-. . AM Al. Free, the~ earler:rL tl. ewt orI til reeolutiftf fur iitdve't: eitttre, hot I~s. lec.,O itccttvce ui.&I'lll 20 utttrini tb * "eei: tat il""'. oten et ':e1lori with biteewl ~t s~twnrt .etre w:!" te ,t Ilhe eCi~lli of eatrnlet "*~ V.114:~t eltcr,?y' to al, ci rentt Mil l. 11 i.,'ita; *it: 'teltYt 2i111. et sh,rlrttttie :e'tl L',Ililtilee lth I1'tlet lt~lltl lltl telit the . l~iz superit.r tfic~urte ztil i:ei1 ai -peci:.i returne of thieekte fr. 11 te lia rrlt-, of thee Sale. The writer of' ti potr ib tite lee tten:-1 Lice I ,ie~r t ;eeeik -ig'el andi aetle witie the wre::ct ap; r.l~le, tf 'hEl: e liee.. lb 1 teceeare.1 aiit'eiteiltsif-'f 1et tt e r: :i" I. Ia et femti Lee dl" in tlhe goadee aett eef his "' te an: ICttetry. But his eatrerC heus been oue h':rt, -coat it: gly it: ti i"I-:racy oft its htneer:eteiu ettlr.~e. It, te jnntlale!o ani :.I-wi'u .ecito0 eel is t'i. 1'rtvientee. Lott as Ihead to the feat in Itutetltil , sid rerereltCd During the recent canvsse for shle Legisittur in tLa tiiriL't, Coli.. LAs IIt w~t ttet'.liJO"teCl h1 116it frieltil.4 li.r it ill the ill-uete, Ht ich.tit eeetiei Ite1:o ! it tptjicd fr :'tle tertn. It it ceeL ilcrhil .tt eel' 1I e to te ;uhUeh heis lit let aetu c l.rtutet is !t. ee.el teo thein 'flir'e. ejectinilig tat huntor.I may. ltc tht thin wts the I:est ime our lectitee frtt- cd it pe to letper. The ueel. .huid bay' 1eL-tt r"e:ti ci iln titUC fcreou elusht.t ie'eUC but ft .c Cutt i re'jt1.dt~rily in ie~ wl:tLiIt. it is i~ feollows CA MP P.1-l"IEt~iAILI Oct. 4, '632. JIvhAt Ct.: ThAnkct1. miy comezrade, tell rtie~ feer lhe ,c.,uteietrni tie' beive paid~ Inc i lriaimiitr ey lt:;et';I- teerWrd for so. :-eat itt eb1! '.e ieturr, 1 lieu tleve toel tliine heiti. a ea:ndidtlet f rtei betetier Srren ily o'e lun try e hit4 lietl. anti r luintg It Ile w.tT .tlt.. anit I itc1 myl ll hct.h, Ipi b eteter ecltecl t .ieat Ii: I ditty. V.ttc litt lt".i~it... ist rooe't-,.an. A.: rt~ngu it geteec 'ra I Bll, eltet .. ,:-".di uy'rtt."r, je.of s rest uitill, net nec:tlee.r ".fi tile lel~a ia:er is excuruA cit IV, tehdLeleu: acijeeti r.. ? baci. lb., ',:vrie to bet. Yoeur ,.htccdici.L rerVtfl T. 0i. I.vhiottl, Coll. i-t IReg?.. r, j4 . ". I Thur :dwvayer, :tr eLwpt:;, hee :cat!., eteel LIill !peeut. ,puke this 1. etcmut. gentlev?t.~ a1nd "'I 'Iee liaigatrel' t tis flIO5tte s./h11-. ofee .4iut; 1In whtich lie died. litr e Ice igeci el this bcennracbie cuemzlaneei te Lec:tore of~ SuC"oc4stttiun it, aireccely fills onlte I Lb..: pccges icn thle record of thce 14ee Within t 11.2 pt 4t few U'vtt ev ItiC chtetcoeI tee n:.: ;",i", .:1 e : i a -I e",n.. e"et brief furl.-ugh-e .t1 rlliteel~ ecr: toe. ., .:-' ieek. wilet. hits lgn itc.+ul"ee it? erai to teeotzl ".f the 'ili-ctblins ,:i .} r, o 't -t""ee.. 'e"tl ivttIrh they elat;, t : .it !.rd' .t eeelel -:"11 r .'itu t,siileity o .et.nI mhat vt 1r. ent. r;. .Iclrssonnau. In our news colunn last week the death of this aged and distingu'shcd m.ini.tsrof the G' pel was briefy stated. It is not fsr us t"" tar )-y thisat event withour further .eomtneot. For manuy long ye.:-rr of fatithfu! fluty. Dr. Joanox dwelt in --s i.. .-i'y and although other years wit: 'heir einss-s..i have paseCd si'i'ee he depirteds1 to stsnher -. (of u-efulness, yet we ear.not forget its d.lge sl.i to isy a wreath of revervntial regard upon the grave closes over his strongly-.arkei life , t'bri-tinu i~uefioence. 'i hs.:sha..ia-ad was a sohlier of the Cruss who f. ared{ sunt, unor turne-d aiile frsn his tutius t r th of tas In his p.sstura' life, bia Ited n..s lishonor h:s. Mster'' cssssu hy a csam plairar.t. rNlferiiqg sliseh:arga of his i brtinaaius; he ever "psk' promplsey, and often steere!y, toerror wher ever it at.peeare.!.-whtnher i-s the !ld "r the young, the !eatrned sir the unlrst:etil. thu richs sr the peur. The muere prt oi snlimnt isis.y was n b.5 rrir - against hsis asarchinsg lssosis, sand the pan-spy If .-in had no tsrsrs ti deter h1ims1 front the reblse whict it tierssersd. le was a tirm eensor un-r the Gospel's requiretments, aud, like old J.sbu lHur ai, was no respecter of per.sins in bi- cxp _ sure of wr.sig anil his vindication of right, whether Bitlo TrutA or Bible Rentire were the rubjeetF of iS di-.ur-'e. Perhaps his avoeni..n of teawhing the young tended tu impart this quality of ster. nests to the htl of his religious i rtruetits _ W'hatever proltced it, it was perhaps t'he ;.-rr of hit? 1ns,1('".litstnlued success at:d :Weeepttasi"e-s . e hist a:'s a, a tesa-ehsr andi a pre:.ater. ."iise'- x:,; he lh- h reter at all dlficienat its the 'enessi"t "r taee .:I Ihs' religio.ns. lie wst, " .:.,.! 1., i.. p,.r I (though :ew .:xcept bis beieia ri .Ts$ c ..r it) uay who has lived auotngt us. He was seru stelously pelite in his intercourse with u.:n, set ting an exassiple of uniform courtesy, tending to exhibit the lesson that the true Chris'ian is, after all, the true gentlemsn. As a teacher, he is re. tnembered ttta beloved to this by many who y feel .;t they owe their mental itnprovemnt to ih eiu-seientina:s .tare fsr their r:tsieuntet while ye't he hell upsu theis the rein< of a rigsrasus but s,holeseu te at-hority. A.# s preawhevr of the wur.), there :are these in liesae:,a -, well as sn isnrh who,. l j wil! bear itntortal testimony to his faitl-f.lur 5. e Dr. .isonsso." rays Judge U'Ns;AR... " nas r edueated fsr a lawyer, but bectitng sosso isur.-e . ed with thnt duty to preach, be entered Upon bis duty, teuehirg and preaching the truth." 'le sesiu writer .ays: " I have an iu.liti::et r.eusllee tin that ie was the pastur of the Bhaptist (burh at Icuuf..rt, but this was bfore I k:n- Liu:.'' Upln thi-- pint, we rhsace to y esi;.- inlf"rmtatioln through a litiL. vs'sitne whaich hsi been among our honks for mI ny year.. 1it is a "( " '- ,..j - ".-" written by " r:su llstinis ai P. 1." K amSui puhsaisiel, in 1l81:. at The I arnd ,ritr !.appens to have been the prede c.,.-sor of U~r. .fossIsu at the eoautort Church, ,and thus speaks of hilt: ' A a .tuit: ible pers'sns fo"r my rua'nen'r. I warm !y retor tenadlead to 1bs" Chareb the Rev. Wari.LtIA hi. lutxos; snil the. have hadm tlep happiness t ohtltn hiin in that eap~seity. This dis'tinpirhed saervant ..f thu littp.'hruh is in the prime of life, lsa. an ItsaI.hlsi rising fautily a'is stt0t-' d:i. urifsrtly t crowned bisltihors. lie was .redl to tbs law. at a little upwarts of twenty years rf age w a lruu.lst to the knowledge sf religio-: irs. t and joined the Btaptist Chureb, in lIesultr. w.sS ordninesd by his tre--ers-o:., andil tthe Reverea I Jurtsse 1. CoOK. aud r -rstusad his liter.ary -to die fo tr ov.-rL ye.<ra aft-r his entr.iuce u- the mie niary, utder the direction sf the Rev. Dr. Josr.tritus MAxcV, Presilent 4' :h",e Suuth Caro liss C tallai ." 1I .. -i'isft:enr~l tih : -4 s.:.1: een-hv'.:y, sor miL~ttlsi':-, .jrafet~ville. p- T-g;eid i we. hi I ng s s-sn sslss the Pls:;.;'i jI.t i -iitg .fe I isie :';:etlies~.:at the- tws. !1:,ser p':ss.;.. We con,. .cutale lthi. sssts c s' i. h theo fusss~hug~ ua--a v.tjtiins I. Judg1e 0%uAL, ins si letter addr'ssl1 to the SDr. W u. II. Jsslhnsoni is remarskable as the *ien.iina IBapri.,t in south Carolia fsor at lesat 30 v:...liie -sur-:eededu the lev. Dr.' lFursuan, as the un insstial~l ns:ais of hi- denomisiuni~on." alli w 5< tthe tirst oft the liati .t Tri enial CsonsuesaUien. Theii stu555 Piji'ii'' tie l'i't its .so-tgtherlu Isi :'.-slsentis- When hajre !It - t;iseier sf ther fsinsi iliin:5i'.uts iu t thas ps:va. Altear the msisrl of' shU ii vsUngs~t daught~er us d .:1. ;. Ft. Tswnis, has heras-: a tstizmber etf hi f iatiity. T.i hims thea as:iy, a pina~ssunt sone, Vi ssssshinsg ftr hsim, thet de.-een5t tos the grasv. 'tsers alier sa very brieft illnse-d. hei Wu gastheresl is a fully rite .-~hocsk ins a Master-' sarvest. lie is mt rest, nand thasttigh we~ mnty msiourna isi le's s t e yet we ku'.w it ist hims a great gsun. r:-0- TIhe friens if Csiol-l 15. 'Wy:stt Aihet. of thec 7:ls .. C. lIe'iment. p~ay sa ho outhe.n l9,ais.d;as s ill I., g s.Lpi.~j ti. :,n lh:~t hes !:.6 *rri ve-l ita Winabu~ssras'.saf:iy, is is.aj Visusi h..ub'a. I~e s daly iprovng, nd i. surgeon enteinJk througih thse left laret-i, thse batl making~ ita exit baehindu, just attthe eslgeu of thu shoulder-bslarle. -- fie and the Soldiers. Mu- . - sn: i.e sia-irtag tso ai.,,,. Woney 1.2 it b 'I 1T..'r it e'a e reeutoldly gpseken5t 5.5 har. ze s. in wshat W' e slspose.l were auttilsiely wssras trr~a . tst lihoye iss44-aj 1ie ublLi. b-s .e's fri gi be.' st ynss sjs fy', tutsLl~c SdP )' Lo ter g. .hor t :.tityneiic.- 4L riJ itir -' n i. p--rteit yi t ire $ is I, -.'l'ps' Cs tsb p . i C4e frasm Mr unas. sof ti ranlsis eile, 'hsa: 'bli in ig i.roi'ss . s . u-rnlar. --- ir.pan- tos Mies M. A. ii-. ta ;;ive he-r is saah haif .s' muieh sas the whale lsis':rs.t of eiel.1,~ S. V.. wih' ruhrlscribse, to busy eioth, tos be msa- sip fasr astr tolsdier st fEgetioid. G r init..vtie, S. C-- Oct. 9.. Undser this pled;;e, Mint TI. hsa' thus far res'eivedl .s.tictl ais im :sLthissrs to the .-:..:nt sof ~rven ..'ins (6 11 dlollar s n itosl..i, Mr. PrCet-t': $2s-0-9 Mr S. L. Hoswer, :j-Wa ,'sr<. Wa lht ii. Mr. ti. My. Mrn. Wm. ~Spsret, .0 Mr~J. R. :, e5 , .n 5 '1r. e~d-s.-.....-.. -6 he e's.rpettiug la the R ank., su.l ,t-s tu .'m -., s*5 c . tini;. elin-. ... .-e-s mtu.- te us terasin ne1knaowledage m - it: <5.h i.. 1::. whs-sh we anssisot know how ., a :-: ifc the 'il presenst themi in riilsr fsrtm, s~rify weI1 si ~. glhsliy puhsiseh thiettn. A ilt e announcnssen~tisft of receaipts stisi disbusrsemients is all thb1it anys, onei can ii'k, wh.>s (tikes Msiss B.) is usit .e-kig nbotoriety but the dich:;rie aof a paitriotic gg'' Richmiond ifl thnks it impos:sible tk+ a wgan, evity:: ua taauel of' the as uys. ~I~Scyuue, cain ever has elvaeted to ssme in ea Yot hk, ttala., tthe muiisin is at handss. Smr ". aAn. E~ce" froty rsrt loyal egiii-l. a reinuieence sot t.ulne t' tile tjinc (Vli.) I;' jet:!.: in ithl t.e following~ pret:.y vr. s rus: S-laow ott may barK I.,a . tL~y L'a.. .4s tlie'Ibty-godi ssua e;Is redf Wn ile entar ti..r w::.res hafd re W~sj hoiwedu 'Titt Lunia. likro a fairs ysetuu: Itrid-.. Giazed int th~-st mlirrue- .-e ar, WIhiee dismpling waiters laughedJ for j..y, 0 An.A be Id her. ,ronbliru. ,h;a. The News front Kentucky. The news from Uace's army is all in a "mnd. die," to uen the Augusta Ckruniele's peculiar p'-rase. St'lt. even the last account ( Vide New's Column) does not 'oiaflict with the belief, that our army has b.een victorious in its several con. tieta anal that it is ,.n Pare ground. The retreat of BRAc. it true, may be the prelude to better news than we h:,ve yet heard!. Let tt awalt the resnit with hopefulness. It will bW seen also that the Yaikees are begir: inx thir third grand wove upiou Riehmond. Let us trust that all things are ready to give them a butter reception than ever. We have giveti the victorious trews from Perry ville elsewheto. nihich is now sumiited by the latest intelligence. The truth may ie half-way betweedi the two stories. lraxtont Bragg as a Statesmau. The adldre.s of tiegeral IiRAGG to the pe.aple of the North West is the best 1litieal document of the year. See it e'l.--ahr-r. I;nAXTiOx liAGO oud's h::ve. tiever. sirre the old .\elran battle iof IA-no l'ist'. co-operated for :-e.-ees to powerfully its they are doing to-day. 't a-' themaelves to h warrior statesmen I o,:" ".t the times,.-tnen enlowed with the ability, SisU a.0l tililtry, to pluk safety for their ranee aiti a'ountry frou the very darheat dangers of the, na"rdless alike of the railings and the sp f tie, while yet there is work to he done. Yt:A.m Crub nltt.ta:n stands at this moment the emho. .liient of the righteous and wise policy of .Thv aa:,.uay D.mvs,.s'ith the sword of victory in one haud and the olive-branch of peace in the other. We believe the two-fold argument must prevail, and can imagine the cry that may soon be heard from across the Ohio: " (p 'ritl your bunners, emocracy oif the North- irest, and ernaah the mon ter(i of tountieln, that lemd. ,you to ruin." Our Gun-boats ;--A Inquiry. The Chicorut (the State gun-boat) and the J'adji'tt.> Sa.te (L.tmutm-a' gun-bot by reason of their itriotic eontributions towards its untistrue tio) .are now :tlnet in the wsaters of Charleetuu. It is to t.. -napse,. fr..-n the accounts given by the city paperis that thi-y ttre completed, or sufil .-lr:tly to to rcase a'ntnher of work.en from e-t-a.iruett ul.n theum Na. what we dlesire to as. i:- this : I there any hetter place than Charles t.n. ~r any better time than the present, to begin, with the united fi.rces. workt-hps, and other fta cilitin', called inte exercise by these two boats, thc ite cunstrtt-tion ..' still another gunt b t that shall be :tl.: t .--tmpere with the Et'st f .ruialade oh the tnV' riet '. it it he nl-itm. p rrant that one port be -r t"t i" the Cot.fetleracy 1.:yond peradvetnture, that loor:. i. 'anrely Charles. i,u. Anid to this gtd. east Ihe g .'tr.ment he tOU energetic in its aopetatiou ""r too lavi-h in its ex penditures ? Is it nut then well to keep striking tltile the iron is bat, a:nd to e:napl-ay the whole strength of the operativos lately engaged upon the 1nller boats to put together either it new ho-tt of ' l.trger dimen-i'att. ..r a potaweri.t dloating lbattry to tt'iit the other defences :f the city. We Can but think ttint sh ui1i h the .!ireethou given by the goavernmenit to the preselt av.tilihilitie$ of .kill a.d ti' c:nce:-tria:rm. ' Charle-tor., 'Theu Johnsot Rifles. TI i a ciatputy in whi.:b. Eagetield laltns a ijpetcal in:etest. IBy ti.e return of the vcte in the late We nicertain thut l.ere-are at least thirty four Edgelichl toen it the ranks. The Captain is an E igeliel. m-it Elmo, and will do hut.,r to the anme ne bears atd the State he rep resent. wh:a.avr 'e duty puiut the way. . T The C'dtlumia (:~.;,,,,.'n omlhwents Th~e 1 This fine1iile etypilan~y, c, lby tdal. Ha~jpden 1're's, far siurget :im-, etie::tpil in' te :dtertllafl n n teway tor thair posiat oft aiu y, 'riing the tjaa..<rdiian ofllee ast they p..tsed. 1 hey are a gooad looking boidy oft iuna, td their tmarching atnd ovoilutiontt were tadmiraly paerfoirmed. Capt. lr..oks jn.-tly raltnes tthe drill, awil the efliciencay Sndt skill ot his co'rps in the tmiost dtitlientit m~aniwa V re.. and, et'o.uot iots aireh..: a..I pr,i-:, andl retleet t he highte.-t credit. upi.n h is ard.,r at:.d at.-idluity. ittr bett uisbaos atteisel thte gallant ':aptain and his e..mmt:aud ; theLy with du. tasannor to tthe nigh ia4 socilntttins tVthih tane: have iait.-rited,. astit t--l'7 Thte Estortionter'u. The Richm.i.nd V)inpjrtch exveiri.ates and excomi mutnicates the extorti.,nnars, as exemplari of hu n:a'.ity beyaond the re-ieh oaf exirchim, miteh les .at exitattion. Hear hits cxpre-s hai exeerationie an er:,.awa, and hit 'emtt np~:ii, modt excellent brthiler: We'. h:ave it.n:rd that aa..t aonr mlu-t exempfl .ry -Ine in ti. ei .r es ha.- r.'adie c'atnnot findi it $ii: liis b-.ut;:t it. para', lii it. ettata.uourM nat -.', who. iare aurailiing i tisselves of t14 r. well their iha.gaattent gaeinst. Fat "uittnman pubt :i-as attd mttner., he tbehtee there may be caone 'e.-.ness, that that peopille wiho shtiw no mner.'y C-a oater" ted xech t nonet ttttiIramt hleavteni. We are arraid,. however. thtat motiive., iif ihis kin-'lawil :riat rea.-' i.- ext.-rti'iners. It's nlo m--ire uas nat let the I..ihle an. 1. . .sna '!-haanhet. .isuuad ri/c fttlr the' dadh 'they3 waoudnt list'ti'if they knewa the~ at y rat j.i.lguta..nt were co'mi r.awr hn th.- :noartitat pa. p-rs. pi t9 edn halfei. tem amt Ia . ~t eue 'lhou~ ;jpeu ao int~ eri il:a oat pr in; - nie.esity, p: th'e';r paaaa t-i-s'hin-r.4 tutn.. ;tat . 'at tea- this ain'er. des a-rvo tho ait te:tias of a gontleiatn whown they e..r morea thatn the lDevil--thea provat~, whoi aughit to arrntt themt~, as wuree entetuids to the Stattes thtan Yai'kee sp.ies ur nlative tr.ito'ri, atnd plce thtetm in Castle i'Thundet or the army.. To the Franmilies of' Deceaseal Soldiers.' TI'lE State Cianvention, at its recet, Cession, Itr.. hted h folci heup:f li .ue' ' flnn 'E.U/d,4liitt.'this Conyenit1..t ymottsieycly, to niitglei it'sl sytytpatlites with the rel.tLireasad frinds uf (hoseqgh liay ralcn ini thei service of their ceuantry, whether in, aid't the elatng..r of arms. fromn wounds'wveal in. hattde, f'rmm diseatse, tin from nec'idlent; t-sat that the~ Excutive autthorrity of' this State be r etred toa entileet the neimed of all such, and. avte them tranaacribdl initu a suitable Record 3ok', designating the corps to which they he ongedl, their rank in the service, and the cause of Iea'au, se b, p1ree-rnved a:po~n;rtt the archive' of' e'-t as a toaken..t respect to tther. na muo. -iea,' awri alega,.y o(' iaoriculo,16-a'hi.' tiif eir rindai." ' '" 'a in 4eopap;:~e with the g.qye rppl4utiqn, I haTg ten appointed by the Et;er-uttire athority of the State to colleet and enrnU. the names tat taur brave tobliiets who hare fallen from the commencement 2 the present war, that they may be preferred .nmong the archtivee of the State. As it is iunoartant, in ordher to carry out this. atdaballe purpnose, that the lint should be as ner te'a ia .1 s.'itto ii taagssiole., I aim, .dtreg.ted by hte O'antinrt.!-i ahitlithan 'ito th'e infu'tinatai. 'ti a obtaiiied ftoun il'eial .sources-Wo rdhqttuaut thU 1lis taf th 'ghierst wl h sa ad ft mj 9icgt Sor othp~r b.ajsr 4.t hiotme or a huggifal, }q 4ggri4 pa ml tleir gape, ;heir tati 'th ttd e'uste of their death, an4 the regiment og rps to a hiteh they were attached. Please .iddlrecas me at Cu:ia as *oon as . ble. WILLIAM U.' JOIINSTON, Recordin,; Agent faor the Stat. fi Advices front Textes ta~ty that the Ya-ikee inoats have captured 8.abiae City and the rass. a defenses eonsisted of three amn ll guns and am itvmn