The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, May 19, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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AGRICULTURAL COLUMN Articles on Agriculture and Home Economics by County and Home Demonstration Agents. Care of Cream for- Shipping and Selling to Cream Station Due to cream of poor quality, the ream station at Due West was forced to close and now that it has reopened to receive cream again Tuesday, we should do all that we ?an to get the most money out of it, to make it a success and a better market in the future by furnishing eream of good quality. This can be done only toy giving trie auu ream proper care. Clean UtensiU Very Important j When milk is first milked from the edder of the cow ,it is absolutely clean and sterile and will keep sweet if kept so. The utensils should be thoroughly washed, scalded and placed in the sun after e<ach milking. The udder of the cow should be washed and dried, then milked with 4ry hands. Care of Milk Immediately after milking, the milk should be thoroughly cooled. tLis can be 'best accomplished by eooling with cold water, either by^ing the milk in a aee?p bucket And lowering into a well, or by placing in a tub of cold water. After the cream has "risen" to the top, it may bo skimmed off and added to cream from other milkings. Never mix warm and cold cream or warm or cold milk together as they wi!! -'mmodiately sour. T.he.cream should be kept in a cool place until ready for delivery. Boll Weevil Poisoning Demonstra Mr. V. V. Williams, a specialist in Boll Weevil Poisoning has been se cured by the Extension Depart ment from the Delta Laboratory, Tullulah, La. He will have charge of Boll Weevil Poisoning Demonstra tions throughout the State. Jlr. Williams has been actively engaged in the poisoning work in Louisiana and I feel that he can be of a great deal of assistance to Ab beville County. It is my desire to have ten farm ers in the County who are planning to poison and will poison under Mr. Williams' direction. These, farmers will be selected largely from a standpoint of ac cessibility in their communities and neighboring farmers will be notified from time to time when dusting demonstrations will be given on the farms of the fanners selected. In this way it is hoped to reach a m\arminm rmmVmr /vf -fnrmPTSi with authentic instructions on poisoning. The South V?. The North in Hog Production oo you know that the South has natural advantages over the North that make it possible for the South to grow hogs more cheaply than any other section? Our Advantages 1. We can graze hogs twelve months in the year. 2. The maid climate permits every JUJW IAJ IttlOC l/WU llWUeia U1 o year. 3. We can grow a greater variety of feed crops and with less cost. 4. We do not have to have expen sive houses. 5. Due to type of crops and cli ?ute, the hogs can harvest their own crops and at the same time increase the fertility of the soil. 6. We can arrange to market our fcogs at the top of the market every year in April and August without their having been fed one day dur ing the entire sec/en months. . Da yoa know that in spite of the *bove advantages, the Corn Belt to day produces not less than three fourths of the meat consumed in the United States? Now since the arrival of the Iboll weevil, aren't you missing a good chance for something to take the glace of so much cotton? Why not plan to have some hogs to put in the Cooperative Shipment this fall. Oraiwebuwr Countv has sold $20. 00 worth of pure bred hogs in the last ten months. Market for Wool If any one has wool for sale please list it with me at once. We have a bid for South Carolina Wool and jjrospects are that It will be an ad vantage to sell at an early date. Price* for Jersey Calf Club ?'* t n.i-Li. ice American jersey usrae viuv In $75 ftr praes to the PLANS COMPLETE AIRCRAFT FOR FLEET' Project Contemplates 213 Airplanes, Various Typed On Fight- i ing Craft Washington, May 13.?Plans for, complete equipment of the fighting fleet with aircraft during the com-J ing fiscal year, it was teamed today: have been laid before the senate naval committee by Rear Admiral Mocatt, chief of the navy's bureaus aeronautics. The project contem-' plates placing 213 airplanes of vari-j ous essential types on battleships, ! cruisers, scouts and other vessels J and is designed -to furnish the fleet j with its own aerial, defense against i enemy aircraft attacks. Under the plan 86 small, swift! fighting planes will be Included in the aircraft to become a permanent part of the fleet aircraft defense. The machines to be used for this purpose are believed by navy offi-; cials to be the 'best yec developed for fighting in air having been com-' pletely developed under navy con-j trol since the close of the war. They j are designed to meet in air and repel ( raids against the ships of the fleet by enemy 'bombs. In addition the active ships wil^ carry 46 observation and spotting planes, 27 small spotters, 36 torpedo j or bombing planes, 18 scouts and four kite balloons for observation! purposes. Each battleship of the 18 comprising the fleet under the naval limitation treaty will carry four planes, two V-F, or single fighters and one torpedo will permit attack 1 UI1 CllClIiy OU'liavt ir?v?? ?.)v?v , pounds torpedo and or with an equal J | weight in bombs. | Catapult launching devices re-1 ! cently developed and tried out sue- J j cessfully ar& to be installed on all ships enabling them 10 send away! I their aerial defense squadrons even' j in a heavy seaway. The ten new' scout cruisers will carry two cata-! pults each and fighting and scouting' i planes to add to the range of obser-J i vation of enemy movements. CPANrp WIT.I. NOT AfiRF.E I TO A MIXED COMMISSION i Genoa, May 13.?Francefwill nev-, er agree to the project for a mixed 1 commission sitting indefinitely while ; the conference is going on, to study' Russian affairs, according to a state- J ment issued .by the French delega tion this noon. For Relief of Farmer# Washington, May 16 A joint resolution authorizing the appropri-' ?+iAw Aif AHA /inn fnr nf ' o wv T , , mers made destitute by floods in the' i Mississippi, its tributaries and other rivers, was introduced today by R?p-f resentative Rhodes, Republican of ( Mississippi. , If you want to get the cream of profit from dairy farming, ask the Extension Service for Extension Cir cular 35, "Production and Care of Cream for Shipment," which is now ready for distribution. Abbeville County Jersey Calf Club, I nroviHpH as manv as twentv bovsi and girls join rwith a registered calf. W? must complete this oragndza taon at the earliest possible moment! in order to secure this prize money. Due West Creamery Station Due to receiving some cream of poor quality the cream station at Due West was discontinued during th? past week, but -will start again Tuesday and as soon as this station io rv4-r\l.on/! tninnino smoothly, we will start one for the people around Abbeville and other communities in the County. Boy's and Girl's Short Course On July 25, 16 and 27, the club boys and girls will all meet in Due West for a short course in agricul ture and home economics. Specialists from Clemson College will be there during the entire time to give the boys instruction in judg ing live stock and along other agri cultural lines. Tin oIiai4 nnnitim Txirill ka MTl/illpt. ed along the lines of a camp and the boys will have a good time learning things that will be of ma terial Ibenefrt to them later on in life. Why not encourage your boy to join the Pig or Calf club, thereby helping horn to get a start early in life and receive training that will be of assistance to him all through life. Wayne G. McGowan, County Agent. NOTICE OF TAX SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Abbeville. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a warrant issued to me by the Treasurer of Abbeville County, I have seized the following described property to satisfy the tax es due to the State of South Caro lina and the County of Abbeville, by H. P. Bowling, and the same will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, on Salesday in June next, which is the 5th day of June 1922, within the le gal hours of sale, in front of the Court House door at Abbeville, S. C. ror The Big, Quick Fortunes ii vested small sums in Texa came in at Burkburnett $1 HIG u;? x AXig-giiiay WUU uiatv night?has discovered a ne field that promises to be 01 WITH HIM?TO JOIN HI ?manel n?l4 ttr UM h** U* kwt. THIS IS TO CER1 signed citizens of Bea ally acquainted with city; we have known believe him to be pci trorthy. He is a na We know within ou Mr. Higgins discover* in the year 1892, and developed that it wc dollars. He said tna thousands of barrels the -exact spot wher? now found. Mr. Higgins desei discovering and deve Field: 4/^ WJL A Deep Well has already D operating there. You hav on the ground floor and g EVER DISCOVERED IN B Higgins is a Winner?IS NER! A FIVE TIMES V COMBINATION TO PLA GET The Higgins-Mexia Oil Co. of Field Operations. He Well at Barbers Hill. TO MAKE THE BIG MC NOT AFTER. YOU'VE GOT A CHANC HAS DISCOVERED FIV1 ER'S BASIS! and the proceeds of 9ale will be ap plied to the payment of said taxes and cost of said seizure and sale. The property to be sold is des- 1 cribed as follows: All that tract or 1 parcel of land situate, lying and be- < ing in Due West Township Abbeville i County, State of South Carolina, q School District No. 37, containing i fortv-three acres, more or less, and . bounded North by J. J. Fretwell, j East by W. W. Clinkscales, South j by W. W. Clinkscales and West by ] Peter Rickett and John Banister. ; F. B. McLANE, Sheriff i 5, 8, '22. Abbeville County, S. C < tunes i Oil are always made from the discov< s, drilling new territory, HAVE MAD! 00 jumped to $20,000! $1,000 investei iGINS DISCOVI )vered the Beaumont, Humble and Go* sw Oil Field?Barbers Hill! He got on le of the greatest in the world! He N< IM AT THE START ON A STARTER HIGGINS' GR1 Made $25( on P Hij *l Where 1 mhh| Rich Overnigk OIL WIZARD R. R. Endorses Patillo Higgins \CIFIC RAILROAD CO. e ot Vice-Pmidcni HsufUn, T<ui, Auguit 19th, 1913. o Ulggin* In ocnraotloa ?lth *11 UtMnry It* y*4ra;hlt standing rtpuUtloo U W TIFY, that we, the under mmont, Texas, are person Pattillo Higgins of this him for many years, and rfectly reliable and trust tive of Beaumont, Texas, r personal knowledge that ?d thz Beaumont Oil Fiel J he said when the field waj iuld be worth millions of t single wells would flow of oil per day. He located ; all the big gushers arc TLj-Hi ^ t -xjfl JCL rves the whole honor of sloping: the Beaumont Oil Real &icatc irvd Iiuurance Capital iu ^ See C. 6f ?. Primer jeweler M|>. Beaumont Lbr Of. frvvi fc'. (Cue/. *AS* ktc (ttuawM cor m. ( fOUR BIG CHANCE! een brought in at Barbers Hill. The b e an Opportunity now of a lifetime?i et in on what looks like the NEXT BI< TEXAS! ;ACK A WINNER! WINNING NOW! If you do go into DINNER IN A PROVEN GUSHER FII Y! IN AS A STARTEF . has just been organized with Pattillo has selected acreage of great value n kM??v IM mi INVP5T BEFORE A S :e here to get in with pattil E great oil fields, as a star' SUMMER LEGUME APTER OATS Clemson College.?This year we rave in South Carolina one of the lantpest acreages of oats we have jver had and the crop Is unsually jood. It will be very important to J plant all this land in cowpeas, pea nuts, or soy 'beans, as soon as the >ats crop is removed .The agrono mists of the college advise that each fanner will do well to see that he las plenty of seed on hand for seed ng this ground. Prompt seeding of my of these crops will be highly lesirafble to have the crop get start ; In l jry of new oil fields! Time and time E FORTUNES WHEN OIL CAME IN 1 with Pattillo Higgins at Beaumont b lRS A NEW Fli jse Creek Oil Fields?that brought M the ground early and secured acreag OW OFFERS A LIMITED NUMBER S BASIS. EAT RECORD 3.0110 jtf. a(iHtw dUU? Oil ftold iad to? Tmnc IX, m oor ttorU-U* 2fffins TMtfMOl to tSu proJM* a 30 tbTTisu, * *j toUrwt i? 1 retaree. I ?oor Men Got First Texas Field Discovered by 7^r tvw rf-4 AJ% '.<s^ JJ SCI^aM kiy vul**^ Jj/o id-ilf. oMv' f %: Pre*. 1st Natl. Bank Cashier. Im Nat'I. Bank Druggist Merchant Real Estate Merchant Phvsician Physician Foundry Lumber Sec. Oil Co. Attorney Local Land Ag(. S. P. Ry. Attorney Pres. Light Co. VP, L.E.&W.Ry Postmaster Mayor Sheriff Si Gengjwsnian Real fcjrate ' /J Couniv Clerk Anornev-?t-L?\' ^ H>gg?nS iig companies are i 'Chance to get in GGEST OIlI FIELD 1NFOR PAT 70S Oil, back a win lld is a good l! Higgins in charge i ear the Discovery tr1ke IS made? lo higgins, who rFR on a start h? Without < send details Starters. Name P. 0. R. P. D. (01 State I ed ahead of the weeds aaid t# keep the stubble land from tils* Sty and weedy. This year as neve* frtfore W* need all the summer legatee possible in order to enrocn our iu? cor next year. We must keep the fact con stantly in mind that our st&s era low in fertility and not ligfc in or ganic matter and nitrogen, and we most also keep in mind tftat the best way to secure organic matter and nitrogen is through the u&fe if sum mer legumes and winter cover crops. Watch the label on your paper. millions to poor people over ;e of enormous value in a A CHANCE TO COME IN kft t l?w iDCto BP* HitUl* nri h?t*rt i&J *ii fnittk r?J itm tmmmn ?eeos6Bt-Spli>? I If n ts with hla to dtwlof i ft#!* m iewloped^liy ilk rtw? ??r |SM.ogdsg? ?r itUl lrrlnfl*f pr?nt4u* Weil that Paid 43 for V MAT ION COUPON TILLO HIGGINS I Tarnbow Bid*. ....... T?.. jbligation on my part, of your Bonus offer to St) I