AGRICULTURAL COLUMN Articles on Agriculture and Home Economics by County and Home Demonstration Agents. Care of Cream for- Shipping and Selling to Cream Station Due to cream of poor quality, the ream station at Due West was forced to close and now that it has reopened to receive cream again Tuesday, we should do all that we ?an to get the most money out of it, to make it a success and a better market in the future by furnishing eream of good quality. This can be done only toy giving trie auu ream proper care. Clean UtensiU Very Important j When milk is first milked from the edder of the cow ,it is absolutely clean and sterile and will keep sweet if kept so. The utensils should be thoroughly washed, scalded and placed in the sun after e. Beaumont Lbr Of. frvvi fc'. (Cue/. *AS* ktc (ttuawM cor m. ( fOUR BIG CHANCE! een brought in at Barbers Hill. The b e an Opportunity now of a lifetime?i et in on what looks like the NEXT BI< TEXAS! ;ACK A WINNER! WINNING NOW! If you do go into DINNER IN A PROVEN GUSHER FII Y! IN AS A STARTEF . has just been organized with Pattillo has selected acreage of great value n kM??v IM mi INVP5T BEFORE A S :e here to get in with pattil E great oil fields, as a star' SUMMER LEGUME APTER OATS Clemson College.?This year we rave in South Carolina one of the lantpest acreages of oats we have jver had and the crop Is unsually jood. It will be very important to J plant all this land in cowpeas, pea nuts, or soy 'beans, as soon as the >ats crop is removed .The agrono mists of the college advise that each fanner will do well to see that he las plenty of seed on hand for seed ng this ground. Prompt seeding of my of these crops will be highly lesirafble to have the crop get start ; In l jry of new oil fields! Time and time E FORTUNES WHEN OIL CAME IN 1 with Pattillo Higgins at Beaumont b lRS A NEW Fli jse Creek Oil Fields?that brought M the ground early and secured acreag OW OFFERS A LIMITED NUMBER S BASIS. EAT RECORD 3.0110 jtf. a(iHtw dUU? Oil ftold iad to? Tmnc IX, m oor ttorU-U* 2fffins TMtfMOl to tSu proJM* a 30 tbTTisu, * *j toUrwt i? 1 retaree. I ?oor Men Got First Texas Field Discovered by 7^r tvw rf-4 AJ% '.gg?nS iig companies are i 'Chance to get in GGEST OIlI FIELD 1NFOR PAT 70S Oil, back a win lld is a good l! Higgins in charge i ear the Discovery tr1ke IS made? lo higgins, who rFR on a start h? Without < send details Starters. Name P. 0. R. P. D. (01 State I ed ahead of the weeds aaid t# keep the stubble land from tils* Sty and weedy. This year as neve* frtfore W* need all the summer legatee possible in order to enrocn our iu? cor next year. We must keep the fact con stantly in mind that our st&s era low in fertility and not ligfc in or ganic matter and nitrogen, and we most also keep in mind tftat the best way to secure organic matter and nitrogen is through the u&fe if sum mer legumes and winter cover crops. Watch the label on your paper. millions to poor people over ;e of enormous value in a A CHANCE TO COME IN kft t l?w iDCto BP* HitUl* nri h?t*rt i&J *ii fnittk r?J itm tmmmn ?eeos6Bt-Spli>? I If n ts with hla to dtwlof i ft#!* m iewloped^liy ilk rtw? ??r |SM.ogdsg? ?r itUl lrrlnfl*f pr?nt4u* Weil that Paid 43 for V MAT ION COUPON TILLO HIGGINS I Tarnbow Bid*. ....... T?.. jbligation on my part, of your Bonus offer to St) I