University of South Carolina Libraries
r WYATT AIKEN POPI'LAK IN WASHINGTON. Tho following is taken from The Washington Club Fellow and Mirror, recent date: "Wyatt A ikon, of South Carolina, is one of the most popular members of Congress that ever came to Washing ton. I overheard a fashionably gown cfl woman who was sitting in tlie re served gallery the other day exclaim as Wyatt emerged from the dloak room: "Oh, there goes Wyatt Aiken, isn't he a dear? I believe everybody loves (hat man." And I agree with her lie seems to be everybody's friend. So modest and possessed with a sua vity of manner that suggests the gen tleman of the old school, I have nev er known him to be absent from the House or napping when a measure fame up that benefitted the farmer. He might indeed well be called the watch dog of the farmers' interests iri Congress. He has followed all his life two of the most antipodal occupa tions, they being farmer and court stenographer, "farming in the Sum mer and stenographing in the Win tor," as he puts it. His tuna or api stories, perfect darky dialect and flow of native wit make him a reconter in the Dcpew class, with a much smaller crop of chestnuts than the famous Chauncey usually gathers." LOWNDESVILLE Lowndesville, Nov. 14,1914. Mr. Frank "Watkins, Deputy Grand Mas ter Mason, came down from his home in Anderson last Saturday and met with Ros lin Lodge No. 8G in this place. He is also quite a prominent lawyer at the Anderson Bar. Rumor has it, and for once rumor may be relied upon, that three of our young people are to be married in the near fu ture. Mr. Orr Clinkscales and Miss A. Thornton, of Georgia, are to be married on the 18tli instant, and Mr. A. J. Garner and Miss Ida Allen are to be married on the 25th instant. Mr. DeWitt Harper of the "WofTord Fit ting School, came over hist Saturday aud remained with the family of his uncle, Mr. J). L. Barnes, till Monday morning when ho returned to his duties. Mr. Barnes is doing a noble and commendable part by t-i j. n-..i ??- ui?. r,?. jus ? win nisi- liu uiiu mi 11 v>.?v and will then carry him through that kigher institution of learning, and the young man is well fluted to and will make good use of his golden opportunities. Mrs. E. W. Harper spent several days last week at the home of her son-in-law, Mrs. Theron Allen in Anderson county. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Garrett, of Waterloo, spent a day or two last week with Mr. T C. Liddell and family. Mr. JohnX. Lomax, of Anderson, spent last Sunday with friends in town. The Anderson Daily Mail of last week (Saturday) gave an account of a drove of wild geese that passed over a part of the city betweed 1 and 2 a. m. and some of those up very late first knew of them. They were flying very low, but little above the telegraph poles. An old gander in one barn yard first knew of them, and he in response to them, made a noise indicating his presence. That caused the drove to circle around the place where the gander was several times. They finally left going South. There is a little history connected with the gander above mentioned. Some years ago some Anderson hunters went down on the Savannah to hunt wild geese and ducks at Cherokee, and among the other trophies of the hunt was the gander now at Anderson. His wing was broken, carried to present home and been there ever since. Mr. ZekeClinkscales who lives in the Fork, says that at his place are many wild geese, and it looks as if they will destroy some of his wheat which is growing nicely. Mr. D. L. Barnes, Dr. T. 0. Kirkpatrick, Mr. I*. H. Moseley and Magistrate J. G. Huckabee took an auto ride to Abbeville and back "Wednesday evening on business. The car in which they went was owned and driven by tl^e first named. Mrs. W. W. Thompson and Mrs. H. M. Schrumpert went to Anderson Wednesday and next day to Spartanburg, the last named for treatment. Dr. J. D. Wilson, of Due "West, came over Thursday. Ho moved to that place a short time ago, but for cause, will next week break up his home there and move to Iva. Troupe. Your Stomach Bad? ??? j * JUST TRY ONE DOSE of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy and Be Convinced That You Can i- n- ri-.x l u U..M. You ore not asked to take Mayr s Wonder ful Stomach Remedy for weeks and months before you receive any benefit?one dose is usu ally required to convince the most skeptical sufferer of Stomach Ailments that this great remedy should restore anyone so afflicted to good health. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy has been taken by many thousands of people throughout the land. It has brought health and happiness to sufferers who had des paired of ever being restored and who now pro ( claim it a Wonderful Remedy and are urging V . others who may be suffering with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments to try it. Mind you, Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy la so different than most medicines that are put on the market for the various stomach ailments ?it is really in a class by itself, and one dose will do more to convince the most skeptical sufferer than tons of other medicines. Results from one dose will amaze and the benefits tm. are entirely natural, as it acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, and allay ing the underlying chronic inflammation in the i alimentary and intestinal tract, rendering the 1 6ame antiseptic. Just try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy?put it to a test j today?you will be overjoyed with your quick recovery and will highly praise it as thousands of others are constantly doing. Send for booklet k on Stomach Ailments to Geo. ti. Mayr, Mfg. L Cbanist, i 54-156 Whiting St., Chicago, 11L j Condensed PASSENGER SCHEDULE Piedmont & Northern Ry. Co. Effective May 24th, 1914. GREENWOOD, S. C. Arrival*. No. 1 8:00 A.M. No. 8 10:00 A.M. No. 5 12:15 P.M. No. 9 3:50 P.M. No. 11 5:15 P.M. No. 15 7:20 P.M. No. 19 11:20 P.M. Depnrlnre*. No. 4 <5:00 A.M No. 6 8:00 A.M No. 8 10:00A.M No. 12 1:45 P.M No. 14 4:15 P.M No. 1G 5:40 P.M No. 18 9:10 P.M C. V. PALMER, Gen. PasEeDeer Agent. eville-Greenwo od MUTUAL mrnm ASSOCIATION. Property Insured, $2,100,00C February 1st, 1912. WHITE TO OR CALL on the underelgne ** or tbe Director of jour Townahli "? WAM r? XT A onl rA tthAR I w C&UJT JU1VI UidlitVU /UU uu?/ wvuitv >ur plan of Insurance. We injure your property against destru< l (in by FILE, WINDSTORM US LU, tad do so cheaper tb?p any rnn> any lu existence. Dwellings covered wltb metal roofs are lnoared lor 125 per cent, cheaper 'ban other properly. Keinewbei wt are prepared to prove to yoi uat ours Is the safest and cbeaptMt plau o nsuran ce known. i. B. BLAEE, Gen. Agent Abbeville, S. 0. r. FEASOR LYON, Pres. Abbeville, S. C. 3. U. Majors Greenwood J.T. Mabry - Cokesbory W. B. Acker -..Donalds T. 8. Due West W. W. JL. Keller...........iJone Cane I. A. Keller smithvllle D. A. Ward law ? Cedar Spring W. W. Bradley Abbeville Or. J. A. Anderson Antrevllle 8. 8. Boies Lowndesville A. O. Grant ....... Jlagnollg A. B. Kennedy Calhoun Mills o. t. Morrali Bordeaux a. L. Kasor. Walnut (irove W. A Nlekles Hodges M. O. Bowles Coronaca D.S. Hattiwauger...... Ninety-Six A. LV TlLumermnn ?...Klmirdb Ira B.Tuylor.. Keliowsnln Joseph Lake Fhoei x J. W. Smith VerO- y J. H. Chiles Bra< ley J. W. JLyon '. roy A. W. Youngblood Y< dell ii- K- u?ru. ( lltson (i. K. Dora .......K Jrkseys S. H. 8t 7ens.... Brooks vbbfcvtlle. ?\ C., Feb. 1,19rJ. Me Have yo 0 O CONTESTANTS 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o o <> o 0 o i> o o <> o o o o Vote for your favo: Individuals Mrs. F. E. Harrison Mrs. R. W. Tiddy Mrs. A. L. Gilliam Mrs. Gertrude Sign Mrs. Joe A. Wilson Mrs. C. T. King Mrs. Rachael Minshall Mrs. D. A. Rodgers tylrs. W. G. Harper Mrs. J. E. Bailey Mrs. Julia Cox . Mrs. J. R. Nickles Mrs. W. R, Hilton Mrs. J. T. Billings Mrs. W. G. Cunningham Mrs. D. H. Deadwiler Mrs. W. J. Duncan Mrs. W. J. Andrews Mrs. Henry Gilliam Mrs. B. F. Cheatham Mrs. R. J. Gilliam Mrs. D. F. Andrews Mrs. J. W. Sieregers Mrs. W. N. Graydon AT r*o T \T TIawia Mrs. R. Y. Simmons Mrs. F. B. Jones Mrs. Sam McCuen Mrs. B. G-. Thomas Mrs. J. E. Pressley Mrs. C. C. Gambrell Miss Kate Schroder Miss Mary E. Hill Miss Antionette Thomson Miss Chodwell Miss Lillian Richey Miss Helen Edwards Miss Fannie Harris HE1 o Opportunit ing at yoi A geunine mone^ nity?a real chanci clothing and furnis of the goods real v; at a cut price. Mens' $i8.00 S 15.00 12.5O ' " 10.00 7.00 ' Ladies and cloaks at a b: $10.00 ladies latest style at 5.75 4,25 Misses cloaks at 2.25., Att price and you ahead. D. Pol rchant IS u or your Societi Remember th rite votes in. Second Think of tjie They are as c prize as a divident ' THINI How many v< ? ? " tires your brothei furniture, the Chr scription to the Pr drinks a case of C These Mercl W. A. G Funiture and In: W. E. Jot Jeweler Grand Opera Refined Motion Dargan-Kir Hardware, Crocker E. R. Tho Grocerie J>YOUR I y is Knock ur Door. V saving opportu= i to buy high class hing at a fraction alue is offered you uits at $i5.00 i 14 . 44 12.45 I 44 iO.OO I " 44 8.00 5 6.00 | o Misses long! ig reduction I plush cloaks | ; 7.89 6.00 at I t.50 at 2.981 at 2.85 3.00 ;nd this cut '11 be dollars iakoff s L,o-op off win y or Club entered e first period closes Saturd* period begins Monday, number of votes that can be heap as offered elsewhere ar 1 on your purchases. t OVER THESE TIPS Dtes could you get on your re' fathers' or husbands' 1 istmas Gifts from thejewele ess & Banner, visit to the n oca Cola in your home, yot Hants sell sijLch daili Mmh ilvert iplements. inson House Pictures. lg Co. ^/ Auto Tires mson is I I I Pay You Before the THE FIRST Get copy of 1 nesdays Press ner and pres Rules. RIENDS! DARGAN-KI THE "RAflGl DEMONS I "\ . >**' We will have a demonsti 19th to Nov. 26th at our the Engman-Matnews R< many advantages this rai We will give a $10 set of ware FRE invited to attend. Remember: we s tive contest and give votes for cash ; *Dargari'K_ing C \ lerative 1 rl A RUSH. ? It's not too late t iy night. Don't forget to get a i secured in the following purch id you can win a beautiful an( ON GETTING VOTES Grocery bill, a Cooking Ran? winter clothing, those extra ? ir can be bought now to advantag loving pictures, your drug bill, ir dry goods bill for yourself & c j necesitsies; patronize Rills I I Gents Furnishings & d nsc nt 0 Philson & He PERiOD | j)ry Goods & Ladies McMurray Druj n~t wPfi I Drugs, Sundries, Soda and Ban-J . The Press & Be t, I Your Leading News Abb. Coca Cola Bo Bottlers of CocaC I HELP YOUR i , i I t I NG CO. Hardware "ETEHfiAL" Range That Gives Every User Satisfaction %,/i ration for a week, from Nov. store. An expert direct from inge Co., will show you the nge has over other ranges. E with each range sold, You are cordially ire members of the merchants co-copera and paid on accounts: Ask for information \ ; /Otnpciny. Crockery. tm . U VIIUZI. UCl LJ LLOy i .11. your ases. i useful re, auto CONTESTANTS Vote for your favorite \ Individual Miss Nina Beanford Miss Elizabeth Faulkner Miss Margaret Donglas Miss Bettie Evans Mrs. J. A. Klngh Mrs. C. L. Evans Miss Eliza Lindsay Mrs. James Clark Miss Elizabeth McCord Mi no Tjpanh >ieces of ;e, a sub & soft :hildren. .them re Tailoring nry Apparel l Co. & Candies inner spaper 4- Wire Mrs. J. R. White Mrs. W. G. Stephens Mrs. C. H. Dillinger Mrs. J. C. King Mrs. H. M. Baulknight Mrs. Eula Brown Mrs. Hude Pruice Miss loan Smith Mrs. B. F. Cheatham Miss Sara Haigler Miss Rosa Hamlin Miss Glays Tarrant Clarkie Link . Mrs. A. M. Stone Mrs. W. E. Owen Mrs. J. W. Baker ' Mrs. R. Q. Simmon Societies and Clubs. Abbeville Fire Dept. Brotherhood of Rwy. Trainmen U. D. C. Civic League Clinton Lodge 3 K. of P. Hesperian Chapter 17 X( V* x)la Abbeville Shrine Club Abbeville Librarv Association : SOCIETY o o o o o O ' * 'Vv Iaaiu