The Abbeville press and banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, August 19, 1896, Image 1

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bmk [The Abbeville Press and Banner, j H , I BY HUGH WILSON. ABBEVILLE, S. C.s WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1896. ESTABLISHED 1844 r WALTER L. MILLER, Attorney at La w. A KKotH 1 lo_ C. w I I also represent a number of Investment ' B 1'ompanieK. Loans made on Abbeville or J1 8 Oreenwood City real estate. [ () h OFFICE on Law Range. ; y | The State of South Carolina, j1 f COl'NTY OF ABBEVILLE. j v | I'KOHATK COI'Rl'. | In the Matter of tbe Estate of Chalmers D.! t f Haddon, Deceased. 1 j. I Notice to Debtors and Creditors. | o j \ LL persons indebted to said estate must : si f settle without delay, and those holding I t F, claims against the estate must present them .. i properly attested to. L?t? ? v/.po u MAllIlflV. | V Executrix. |i Or J NO. M. COCIUtANE. ! Aug. 0.1S%, tf Due West, s. C. I j Estate of W. W- Alexander. \l Notice of Settlement and Appli- [J plication for Final Discharge. , \ rpAKK NOTICE tliat on the lOlh day of I) September, 18%,1 will render a tlnal ac-| ( countof my actings and doings as AdmiulK-! tratrlx ol the Estate of W. \V. Alexander, de-l 1 ceased, in the office ol Judge of Probate for s Abbeville Connty at 10 o'clock a. m , and on ! the same day will apply for a tlnal discharge from my trust as such. All persons having demands against said es- e tate will present them for payment on or be- v fore that day, proveu and authenticated or be { forever barred. I v SALL1E ALEXANDER. Aug. 10,1S9C. tf Administratrix, j ^ Mntna! Aid, Loan ana iromai uo.,r I Atlanta, Ga. i i> CI ABBEVILLE LOCAL HOARD. |a g J. R. Blake, Jr.?President. y Walter L. Miller?Attorney. j w dikectoks. a K. W. Cannon, C. V. Hammond, I M Walter L. Miller, C. i). Brown. j ' . An excellent Investment company. July 31,1895,1895. tf |< SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, \ COLUMBIA, S. C. , Session begins sept kmber noih. ten v regular Courses, with Diplomas. Special | s Courses, wltb Certitlcaies. Board, fsa month. {. Well appointed Laboratories, Chemical, .' Physical. Biological, etc. tiymuasium. Total J " necessary expenses ror tne year iPxciuMvnii | ? traveling and clothing,) from Sl'-i) to SIC*. Lj Women admitted to all Classes. Kor lurther information, catalogue, etc., address the President, | li JAMES WOODHOW. July 2D, 1896, tf ;Ju Wofford College, j Spartanburg, S. C. IJ JAS. H. CARLISLE, LL. D., - President jj 31 Seven departments. Two courses leading to t A. B. A new and well equipped Gymna- 1. uii<m and ?nmni>lntil ilirector. WOFFOKD FITTING SCHOOL, A. G. REM BERT, A. M.t Head Master. The Fitting School bus b?>en moved to the Alumni Hall. The Second Master. A. Mason DuPre, A. M.. and the Matron live In the building. Several of the College Professors teach in tbo School and the students receive Instructions In the Gymnasium. Session bcUlus October 1. For catalogue, address J. A, GAMEWELL, Secretary of Faculty. July 1,1896, ti 47 J OUR DEAD. rpHE NATURAL PROMPTINGS OK THE *- human heart goes out in tenderness tor | the dead, and we show respect for ourselves by giving a decent burial to our friends as they go out from amongst us. J. V. SIGN, DNDERTAKEB, hA* two FINK. HKAItSKS, one for the white j ! people.and one for the colored people. He ! j embaltues bodies, and keeps on hand ALL L1NDS OF COFFINS, f from the cheapest to the finest. lie takes orders for alt kinds of < MKNTS and HKaDS'I ONKW. <; When the services of nti I'ndertaker Is * needed,or monuments are wauled, call on * J. W. SIGN, Telephone No. 16, Shop. Hesidene, No. 55. ' July 15. 1?%. tt 1 t t I A Square Deal ; Is what we give to every ( customer, for we believe the best ud- vertisemeut possible is a woman t pleased with the Groceries we've sold I lier?pleased with her investment clear ! through. She will come again and again, and her friends will come too. | And now How about your Coffee ? Eminent authorities in this country and Europe agree that C'oll'ee, when pure, is one of the most healthful beverages, but it must be pure. We have pure coli'ee in all grades. You know Honest Tea Is the Best Policy. Our tea is an honest tea, and we only ask an honest price for it. Koijada Blend, Uoc. - - 2ioyal I'ekin i>lenu, ouc It is the same with everything! I we sell. You will find this policy iu our dealing with you. R. C. WILSON & CO. NED'S TEMPTATION ; ?. ? Ami Wluif Cainc <>( i 111; II. If any <?f you have ever experienced hat may he termed a sudden giving lit of energy, you can understand how j ?ed Ml as he stood beside t lie remains j f that wood-pile on the beautiful Sat-j irday morning <>t which I write. He I ouhin't have explained it himself, but ie felt that to touch a single stick of tiat wood was the one thing in the, ride world that he could not possiblvj ring himself to do. Ned\s father had j let with some pretty serious losses hat spring, and Net! was so anxious to j ielp him bear the burden, that of his wn accord he had ottered, as soon as chool closed, to do all the work about j he place for which they had been ac* * I - r . t I ustomeU to lure a man. jus uuuci ; ras very much pleased ; more?though i erhapsXed could not have understood j liat?at his having made the oiler liati for the saving of money that the | Her meant, tlioughthat was most wel-i ome. And so each morning ha got | p early, and, before he was called to reakfasl, had fed tlie horse and cow, i one the milking, and even accom- j lished a litile wedding. When the food arrived he attacked that, doing a I ittle each day till on Friday night lie I ad been able to answer in theallirma-1 ive his father's question as to whether he wood would all be stored in the hed so that the yard could he neatly leared up for Sunday. On Saturday moruiug early his fathr and mother had gone from home to i*it a relative several mnes away, uuu i rouId not return till Monday. ' You'll be sure and have the yard j leared up this morning, won't you, ?ed ?" hid father asked, as they sat at I reakfast. "Yes, sir," replied Ned, promptly. "And if you want to have Charlie ere to spend the nights with you, you tin do so," his mother said, smiling cross the table at him. "Xora will et anything that you ask her to for our meals, and I am sure that you rill enjoy yourself very much." Hut when they had driven away, nd Ned, after watching them out of ight, had gone over to the remains of lie wood-pile?why, then that sudden >athing came over him, and he stood j herewith the axe in his hand regard-' L?g the innocent sticks with an ex-j ression of simple disgust upon his ice. It was such a beautiful morning!; 'he sky was lull 01 sou wmie ciouus irhich kept casting the most lovely j hailows upon the sides of the moun-J lins; the river down at the foot of the I ills looked like a blue ribbon as iti round away through the meadows and ! n.ler the bridges ; and as for the birds! -well, as Ned himself expressed it as e stood listening tothem, "They were jst shouting for joy at being alive nd not having any wood to chop!" He looked down at the wood and lien oil* to the glittering, shining rivr. If lie only had money to hire a oat (to own a boat was the dream of Jed's life) and go floating oil down the ; wiftly-Howing stream, rowing when ie felt so inclined, or lying back watch- j ag the clouds or the pretty banks as! hey passed them by ! He would stop i top for Charlie, whose home was on j he river a mile below, and they would ! ave their lunch on a certain little is* j md. But no; before they went there liey would try some fishing, for, | hough the day was rather bright, there, fas a spot where the trees met in an j rch overhead, casting deep, still shad- j ws on the water, where they were al-l ost certain to get enough to make a! ery plesant addition to their noonday ! weal. What a delightful picture for a farm summer morning! .Ned had eated himself upon the chopping logj s he let his fancv wonder through i hese pleasant paths, and by the timej hat the fishing grounds had been j euched, as he imagined himself and 'harlie seated beneath the trees upon j he island, the fish broiling in the coals' efore them (he could almost smell the j lelicious odor,) Ned had nearly per-j uaded himself that lie must make it! II real. The more he thought about t the more impossible his task apleared? as was quite natural. And then, having played so long| villi the temptation, another natural hing happened. The Enemy, who is .lways lingering around oil the watch or just such opportunities, whispered ] ometliingsoftly in his ear. Ned looked .t the axe which he hail been holding n his hand, and from that to the wood, ['lien he glanced toward the house, iut 110, Nora would not know the diference, she had not heard what his ather said to him, and so it would be |Uite, quite easy to tell her that he was J ;oing up the river with Charlie (to be ure they would have to walk, for the mat was out of the question to boys vithout the necessary fifty cents,) and night not be back till after dinner. -Ie could get up early 011 Monday norning and finish the wood and clear l'? ui, it ii'Miilil lu> fill rhrilt vhen his father returned ; ami he vould never think of asking hiui if he lad kept his promise and gotten all in >rder for Sunday. "He always trusts ,-ou, yon know." Ah! the Kneuiy had gone too far his time ! At the thought of how his atherdid trust him, a sudden little jolor glowed in Xed's brown cheeks. In a llash he was on his feet, bringing be ?xe down upon the stick which lie lad tossed across the log, with blows calculated to divide one twice the size ; md if you had been very close you night have heard the word, "Sneak !" ;oiue from between his tightly closed ips. He was thoroughly ashamed of :ttid distrusted and humiliated, por he had always prided himself upon jeing what he termed "above hoard." IJut he hadn't yielded, and that was >ne small comfort! He worked with nieh good will that he more than made tip the lime which lie had lost, and presently the la.-t stick was liuished ind in the shed. Then he brushed that free of chips and bits of bark, and made a little heap of such for "quick kindlings." After that he returned to where the pile had been and began the same process there. JJut at almost the lirstchip which lie picked up hepuused. There seemed to lie something very peculiar about it, for Neil held it in his bands and gazed at it as though it had been a ghost. And it was not much to be wondered at either; at least it has not been my experience to find fresh crisp dcllar billsand notespinned to chips beneath wood-piles. Kor that : Vu,|lu Iv.wl .iu>l I,, it ir-? \> nut vvi o * 1111r iium ?" AfU'i' h? luul Dually convinced himself I of (hat fact, lie slowly opened and rea the note. It said : Dear Ned: lean almost guess th time that you will find this and the en closure. Vou will have finished cut ting and putting away the wood, an then you will gather up the chips 11 clearing the yard, for I know that in: one wiil he left to disfigure the plac over Sunday. This will be about hall past ten?ami right??and that wil leave plenty of time for you to fiuisl up nicely before dinner. After that want you to take this money, ge Charlie, and go oil' for a pleasure tri this afternoon. You can for a rid on the train, or <jet a boat and spend i on the river. You have well eame< the treat by your faithfulness, atv have not only saved me a great (leal o money, but have taught me that I cai depend upon you. Have a good time Ever your loving Father. Of course you can truess what Ned' lir.->t thought was ! Yes, you are right it was gratitude that he had not for feited his father's good opinion. H felt as though he could never hav looked him in the face again had h yielded to the impulse to deceive him And then?suppose that he had no ftitnirl flint linta fill TVTnnitnv morninor . ?V.V** ..wvw .... '"J O Perhaps the afternoon was even pleas anter than the morning would hsiv been ; at any rate it seemed so to Ned as lie lay in the bottom of the boa gazing up into thegreen network abov him when Charlie took his turn at th oars. Then that supper on the island with the fish broiling on the wooi coals, just us Ned had pictured them He thought that he had never tastec such delicious fish, never felt such de lightful air, never seen skies or field or river so beautiful before, and won dered that Charlie did not seem to se and feel things as he saw and fel them, never guessing that it was th consciousness of temptation resistei which made the world so fair. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. The County Hoard Mnkes Importun Appointment**. In accordance with the "Xcnv School Law, the County Board makes the following ar pointmentK to serve as School Trustees fu term ol two years: Ninety-Six No. 1?Capt. James Rogers, Jr .1. N. Lipscomb, B. P. Pinson, Nlnety-slx. Greenwood No. 2?Cant. J. B. Sample, J. I Hugliey, Greenwood; J. 1). Fooshe. C'oroni <:a. Cokesbnry No. !!?Dr. S. T. Lee, Cokesbu ry ; J. A. McCord, ;I. K. Hodges. Donnalds No. 4?W. J. Donnald, .T. C. Mai tin, Donnalds; S.J. Burls. IloneaPath. Due West No. 5?M. G. Donnald, J. W. Kill; M. B. Cllnkscales, Due West. Long (lane No. G?1). 1*. Hannah, Hodgps A. T. Mcllwain, Abbeville; H. G. Smith Dor nalds. Smiihville No. 7?P. I). Klugh, J. T. Davli Greenwood ; It. 1). Purdy, Veruery. White Hall No. s?A. J. Pounds, Bradley Tcos. J. Hearst, Verdery ; Dr. P. 11. Adaini l'boenix. Indian Hill No. ft?K. A. Cook Esq., J. \V Young, J. C. Kenedy, Troy. Cedar Spring No. 10?A. T. Brown, A.-K whisuu, nuuiurs ; u. 11. nuuc ville. Abbeville No. 11?1'. A. Cheatham, C. 1 Richie, A. W. Heed. Abbeville. Diamond 11111 No. 12?A. M. Krwin, It. A Iladdon. L. 1*. HarknesR, Antrevllle. Lowndesville N'o. i:i?S. F. l-Jpps, S. S. Boles IJ. T. Simpson. Lowndesville Magnolia No. 11?I). \V. Thomas, Watt# J. \V. lJoyd, Alt. Carmel; G. W. Speer, Aioi terey. Calhoun No. 15?P. H. AlcCaslin, W'ideman J. o. Hemminger, Link; W. W. lilack, A1 Cnrmel. Bordeaux No. 1C?J. P>. Harmon, Perry Hoi loway, AlcCormick ; J. L. (jibert Bordeaux. Greenwood Special No. IS?C'. A. C. Wal ler. T. F.IUley,.!. L. Kerr. Greenwood. Abbeville Special No. Ill?\V. A.Templetor F. 1J. Gary, Jones K. Allller, Abbeville. itii, uanuei >ipuoiHi ^<u. sv?ivuv. a. 11. i in tersou, \V. I?. Miller, J. 11. Morrah, Mt. Cai tuel. 'Sharon Special No. 21?J. T. Chealharr Nicholas Sell rain, It. \V\ Cnox, Abbeville. McCormick Lpecial No. 2:1?Dr. J. P. Rot inson, T. J. l'rlce, N. G. Brown, McCormick. Willingtou Special No. 21?It. F. Morrii J. A. I.eroy, J. F. Palmer, Link. The above named boards will meet as earl as possible and organize, by electing one c their number chairman, and another clerk c the Hoard- After subscribing to the oath c ollicecommisslons will be forwarded to eac trustee. If any one who Ihik been appointe as trustee cannot serve, lie will please notif Coanty Hoard at once July 7, lvuii * W. T. MILKOKI). J. C KLUGH. II. F. HAILKY. County Hoard of Education for Abbevlll County. tf. There is no one subject on wliicl men have been, and are more befoolei than war. ^L. W. . . . WOULD RESPECTFULLY \2 DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, SHO! is ationt us large and attractive now as it liaf colvi'd largo accessions to his stock during inducements to buyers or Black Dress Goods, Black Sattee ?GOOD KAUGAI? "^Summer 1 which he Is closing out at low ligures to mak Any ono In need ol GOODS Ol1' ANY JvIN ^Whei Ask Central for Store, N " " Residence, N | Will Answer All Calls Prom We have an elegant stock ( Furnitur I .... !antl prices will not be a conside jduring the dull season. Thanl i generous public for their libera Ironage, we are Yours Very Respectfi Telephone No. Stor " Resident: j I (] Temptation KkhIhIoiI and HoiifNty Rewarded. e ' A poor chimney sweeper's boy was i- employed at the house of a lady of rank I- to .sweep the chimuey of the room in il | which she usually dressed. ti When finding himself on the hearth it of a richlly-furnished dressing-room, e and perceiving no one there, he waited r- a few moments to take a view of the il, beautiful things in the apartment. Ii A gold watch, richly set with diaI j nionds, particularly caught his atteu!t I lion, aud be could not forbear taking p it in his hand. Immediately the wish e rose in his miud, "Ah ! if you had t such a one !" 'After a pause he said to il himself, "But if I take it I shall be a il thief; and yet," coutinued he, "noif body would know it; nobody sees me n ?nobody ! Does not God sees me, who i iu ovaiMMi'haro 9" hu thought, a cold shivering seized s him. "No," said he, putting down '. the watch, "I would much rather be poor, and keep my good conscience, e than rich and become a rascal." e At these words he hastened into the e chimney. ! The lady, who was in the room adjoining, having overheard the converI nation with himself, sent for him the ,* next morning, and thus accosted him : e "My lit'le friend, why did you not take I the watch yesterday ?" [ The boy fell on his knees, speechless nnrl nutntiiuliorl e "I heard everything you said," conI tinued her ladyship; "thank God for j enabling you to resist this temptation, r and be watchful over yourself for the I future ; from this moment you shall be in my service: I will both maintain H and clothe you : nay, more, procure you good instruction, which will assist to e guard you from the danger of similar t temptation." e The boy burst into tears; he was j anxious to express his gratitude, but could not. The lady strictly kept her promise, had the pleasure "of seeing this poor chimney-sweeper grow up a good, pious and intelligent man."?From "Dillwyu's Anecdotes." Felloe*. All boys and girls have, at some time ' or other, enjoyed listening to echoes. r An echo is a sound wave, reflected aud repeated by striking an opposing surface. There are some very remarkable echoes. A writer in 1760 declares that near Milan there was an echo ' that repeated the report of a pistol shot r. sixty times but no such echo is now known. Sir John Herschel states that there was an echo at Woodstock ,. Park that repeated seventeen syllables i- in the daytime aud twenty at night. I n 18H9 Dr. Page noticed one at Belvi' dere, in the State of Mew York, that : repeated three syllables eleven times, ' and that with ereat distinctness; and i IT A.? -\7~ rt aiSO 111 r ainax WUUl-Ji va., luaucpcai,ed thirteen syllables three times. Other wonderful echoes are those of the Wetterhoru, or Jangfrau, one near t. Coblentzand oneat the lakes of Killarney. There is a gallery in Europe L* called the "whispering gallery," be:, cause anything uttered in the faintest , 1 whisper is echoed back in very loud \ f tones. The boy who goes out with a bright t; happy face will see his good humor re! llected in other faces ; but he who goes - j out sullen and frowning will be apt to ; find frowns upon every face he meets. * j I have somewhere read of a little boy, i.j wlio, with ascrowl on his face, looked , into a large and beauifut mirror. Of course he saw a scrowling boy, |and, not stopping to notice that it was ' | only himself, became very angry; the >., boy in the glass also became angry, and only when the real scrowling boy, ' in a lit of temper, had brokeu the miry ror did he discover that he had struck >f at his own imagine. Grown persons, J[ like this silly boy, often go through life i) angry at others, when it is themselvas d at fault. 1 y At the great day of judgment the words and deeds of lifetime will be ! echoed back. How important it is e i that we only utter pure, truthful, and . loving words, and that we perform 'only kind and noble deeds! Youth ! decides tbeenaracter or our later years, 1 j for old age is the echo of early life.? J i Rev. Jessie L. Gibert, in S. S. Advo| cafe. whitest s'NOl'NCK THAT HIS STOCK OK . . . ES, HARDWARE AND GROCEIES i been at any time during this year. He has rethe past week aud Is now prepared to oiler great ins, Percales, Ginghams, Prints, &c. fS CAN Bli IlAl) IX)rcs s Goods, ft room for Fall Goods. I) will do well before buying to call on me. W. WHITE i You Nei o* 26. ' ^ ^ ^ ^; ^ d?ga 1^" mfrn CASKET I t. McDILL llrynn nn<l Silver. We have been requested to publish the folowlng : i The National Campaign now beguD will be 0,_ 0,r.e Rl)sorblng interest than any since 187fi. The contest will extend to every Slate , South and West, and Massachusetts will be ' as debatable ground as Michigan. The Democratic standard bearer. William J. Bryan, will take the flag of Free Silver into the very citadels of Gold, and from first to last the struggle will be sensational. There will not be a dull week from now until November. , TUB STATU. Is the Leading south Carolina Newspaper supporting Ihe National Democratin Ticket and the National Democratic Platform. It is the admitted champion of the great, issue of Bimetallsm. upon which the battle will be foujcht. It has always been a good newspaper, and will be better than ever durinc this struggle. It will keep the people of South Carolina closely informed of the progress and prospects of the campaign. No Democrat seeking Democratic news and doctrine can afford to be without it. CAMPAIGN RATES. To placet within the reach of everybody, The Dally Stale will be sent from this time until November 10 to any address.for one dollar and seven ty-tlve cents, The Semi Weekly State for forty cents. The reduction is great, and to get the full advantage of It subserlptlons, with the cash, should be sentatonce. Address, The State, Columbia. S. C. Mail Hours. Hours that the malls close at the Abbeville post office: 11.10 a.m. 1.10 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.80 p.m. 8.00 p.m.* All matter that Is to go otr In the night malls should deposited In the post office, and not In the street box after 4.00 p. m. Sunday hours?0 to 10 a. m. 1 to 2 p. m. 5 to G p. m. Kobt. S. Link, P. M. To Nnke a Happy Homo. 1. Learn to govern yourselves, and to be gentle and patieut. Z. uuaru yuur tempers, eoyeuiauj m season of ill-health, irritation, and trouble, and soften tbem by prayer, penitence, and sense of your own shortcomings and errors. 3. Never speak or act until you have prayed over your words or acts and concluied that Christ would have done so in your place. 4. Remember that, valuable as is the gift of speech, the gift of silence is often much more valuable. 5. Do not expect too much from others, but remember that all have an . evil nature, whose development we must expect, and which we should forbear and forgive, as we) often desire forbearance and forgiveness ourselves. 6. Never retort a sharp or angry word. It is the second word that makes the quarrel. 7. Beware of the first disagreement. S. Learn to speak in gentle tone of voice. I 0. Learn to say kind and pleasant things whenever an opportunity offers, i 10 Study the character of each, and svmoathize with all in their troubles, however small. 12. Avoid moods, and pets, and fits of sulkiness.?Presbyterian Journal. If you want to save your fruit use the American preserving powder. It Is the cheapest and best preparation on the market. Speed. Harris Llthla Water is one of the greatest waters on the market. You can get it at Speed's by the barrel, crate, bottle or glass. Celery phosphate is something new, and It is the best thing served at fountain lor headache and exhaustion, at Speed's. If you haven't bought one of those galvanised bath or wash tubs It is time you were looking after It, nearly out, but mure to come In a few uays. You ought by all means bave a fly trap when once a fly gets In It he Is there to stay only 15c each. A lot of "Wide-Awake" hairclippers Just in BarberB and others lake notice. Small lot choice hay received this week in neat bales. Fine feed for stock of all kind. INGRAM I MOSES, Brokers and Cotton Buyers. REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENCYAbbeville, S. C., Aug. 3,189G. W^E have located In the City of Abbeville, ? ? for the purpose of doing a general Brokerage & Insnrance Business. We guarantee prlceB and quality oi" goods. Our Inusurance Companies?Life, Accident Fire, Live Sleek and Plate Glass. Ofllce: Corner Rtore Rosenberg's Block. Respectfully. INGKAM & MOSES. Aug. 3,1S90, tf The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE COUNTY. PRORATE COURT. Citation for Letters of Administration. UY K. E. 1IILL, ESQ., JUCGE OK PROBATE. WHEREAS, Charles T. Baker has made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Ad ' 111 11) ISITH UOI1 OJ me naiuic uuu cucun WI I Lewis Clayton, late of Abbeville County, deI censed. These Are Therefore, to cite and admonish all und singular the kindred and creditors of | the said |Lewls Clayton, deceased, that they be and appear before me. In the Court of Fro| bate, to he held at AbbevllleC. H.,on VVednesj day the'itHh day of August, 18D6, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon to show cause If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted.Given under my hand and seal of the Court, this 11th day of August, In the Li. S. year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six and in the 120th year of American Independence. Published on the 12th day of August, 1S0G, In the Press and Banner and the Court House door ror me lime reijuireu uy iuw. H. E. HILL, I Judge of Probate. August 12, 1896, tf ed Us-*? BIFARIKHMFlffl. <fc LYON. Abbeville Lumber Co. The Abbeville Lumber Co. has just recelvei a car load of sash, doors and blinds, whicl they* will sell at bottom prices. All kinds of dressed lumber at lowest price Now Is the time to.put up your blinds. Cal nnd buy tbem froiil tbe Abbeville Lumbe Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. W refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. A Speed's. 1 have just received a large shipment of th American preserving and liquid powder Ciet a package and save your fruit. P. B Speed. Ring up phone No. 2 and tey the Abbevlll Lumber Co. to send you 1000 ft of bedded eel Ing for *10. jugrti, 1/ tun. iu uic uuimr. au^. vv.oiiiiiij See Aug. W. Smiths line of lace curtains. Towels! Ree our line, Aug. W. Smith. McDtll & Lyon have received their seeon shipment of baby earralnes, they have then upholstered In all colors and can suit anj body. You will save money and get som< hlng stylish by patronizing them. Cohen's spring stock has begun to come 1 and It will pay you to see them before buyin See our lot of easles, pictures, shades, an curtain rods In oak and enamel finish. J. D. Kerr. You should go to Speed's and see his nt) tlonery before you buy. He has somethin extra tine to show you. Get a good wheel from C. P. Hammoni Agent. Hartford wheels reduced in pric See U. P. Hammond about It. Dr. Williams pint pills can be had i Speed's. T)irl vou know Hood's sarsaoartlla is one < the best blood medicines. It'stops that tire feeling, at Speed'B, Getting Rei WE ARE RECEIVING OUR WILL BE PRE BIG STOCK A]> ?CLOSINt at low figures. Buy a pair of Slippers Ladies Low Heel; Low guaranteed si HARNESS ! A big stock on band. c. c #uunu\i i Patronize Hor t If rJTliey A 6 . . Due West I X OFEEUS TO THE GIRLS OF ABBE J The Very Best Advanl 0 Fifteen Instructors. Literary, S< ' Courses. English Diplomas and Cer1 cal Course. 8150 will pay board, tul ^ months. For further information, ad * REY. 0 v ^ NEW ARM Abbeville CHEVIOT SHIRTING. IND A 171 C nTXTT ill U UJjJ.1 J If you want the best bargain you < and Figured Lawns at 3, 4, 5, 6 1-4 an We have just received another lot o We have a full line of Bleached Mi 4-4 Homespun at 5 cents per yard. We have just received a fine lin bargain Suspender at 15 cents per pai J IP^ a Doors, Sa # CEILING, FLOORING, 1 ROUGH LUMBER ? Or anything in the LUMBER %%% TlIE AMERICAN 1)ER AND LIQUID PRESERVING PRI MARKET. 10R i p. ABBBVI RATES &!.0U PER DAY. LA RO E SAMPLE ROOM A> Table Fare First Class. I wish to say to my okl cus gaged in the building material ou Abbeville Inn a stock of Sasli, Di sale for this section lor the l)owt provenient in door making of the beauty, doing away with ugly ] point perfect and will not open lerial of any kind, come and see i ' WASHINGTON SEMINARY, s Corner Walton and Fairlie Streets, r ATLANTA, Ga. A HIGH GRADE FEMALE SCHOOL, with fifteen officers and teachers, both native and foreign. The teachers are experl0 enced and competent. Full degree graduates t Vassa. Wellenley Colleges and others of the best schools of Virginia and other States. Native French and Spanish teachers. Piano, Vocal, Violin and Art teaching of superior e | note. '. This school slands abreast of the higher !.: educational Institutions of the South. Small ' classes, faithful and competent teachers make | for the best Interest of the student. The ? home life of the students of Washington Sem'* i Inary Is unsurpassed. Send for catalogue. MA J. W. T. CHANDLER, . ! FROF. L. D. SCOTT. ' July 29,1S96,5t iTlncipais. ; ill (ill, j dl T1TTF. WEST. S. 0. J IC 0PENS LAST WEDNESDAY IN SEPb " tember. Largest attendance last year In thirty years. Two courses leading to the dej. grees oi A. B. and B. S. Total expenses for e, the nine months. If board Is secured In the "Home," $108. Board In private tamllles 310 f per month, making total expense for nine months, 8135. Write for catalogue to of W. M. GRIER, Pres. id July 29, 1890, tf ' | idy for Fall! J FALL SHOES DAILY*AND WE PARED FOR YOU. H) LOW PRICES. j\ OUT OUR? k GQQDSgmSr ' JC i or Oxfords and keep comfortable. Old Uppers. Try us. P. HAMMOND & CO. % ?' ^ vwwvw w# ae Institutions! i I HAT IS ^ Lre W oi'tiiy. T THE- . 0 female College ? . ^ ;VILLE?COUNTY AND OF THE STATE, W iages for the Least Money. ' W jlentiflc, Classical, Musical and Business f LIflcates given such as do not wish a Class!tlonf washing, fuel, lights, Ac., for the nine dress the President, , E. TODD, Due West, S. C. ^ ^uuuun* - _ VALS AT THE ^ " Supply Co. | ?0 ^??? # rnrv -DTTTT?ci A M"n T TfLTTfF T3'DT'NrrFCJ JLUU UJjUXjO 21IX U i. jlixj.1 i w PS PER YARD. ;ver had, ask to see our Muslins, Dimities d 10 cents per yard. ?f Satteens at 10 centa per yard. islius from 5 cents up. Also Sea Island e Shirts and Suspenders. Ask to see our * w w# sh. Blinds, i 7 / ^ VtOULDING, DRESSED AND # , SHINGLES, LATHS I LINE are wanted, don't fail to see ^ J. H. LATIMER. 5 %%%%% PRESERVING POWIS THE ONLY SURE 5PARATION ON THE SALE ONLY BY B. SPEED. L.LE IKT3XT, CENTRALLY LOCATED. ,rI) OFFICE OX FIRST FLOOR. B. K. Beacham, Propaiejor. Abbeville, S. C'., July 13, 1S9U. tomers that from this on I will be ensiness. I will keep on bami at the oors, Blinds, &e. I have secured the :11 Pin Door, which is the greatest ims age, combining both strength and i>ins and tenons. I guarantee every . When in need of any building mane and get my prices. 11. K. BEACHAM.