The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, July 23, 1921, Image 1

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JOB PRINTING Neatly Ind-promptly done at pre-war price*. Mail orders a specialty. Piume 2637. TOL1 The Southern Indicator ADVERTISING PAYS When placed in The Indicatore Read by orar 5,000 in Columbia alone. ,? COLUMBIA. S.C. SATUB?^. JULY#TI921_ NUMBER ?S Atlanta Prepares For Busi ness League?Anotker B?nk Opens?Other News. ?y W. F. Williams. Atlaita, Ga., July 14-While the sut in its midsummer mad ness p >urs its penetrating rays upon a dozen hills, of the Gate City of the South, sympathizing zephyr i from some haven of un forgetfulness bring refreshing coolness and bewitching odors j which make life still a pleasure. With [mellow Georgia peaches and jupcy Georgia water melons at their best and almost free if you'11 jkote them, it is great to live in t)ixie in the good old sum mer tike. Nothing impedes the progress of the Atlanta Negro Business League. They are preparing to put it over Philadelphia and Cities that have entertain great commerical organi Mr. J. 0 Ross, the lignt of the local league and his forces are getting things in trim a ad those who attend will sing praises of Atlanta and her business men of color. Many places of interest are here. A city famous from Sherman's army down to Metropolitan Opera. Its parks, theatres, and boulevards are numberless and; its Negro enterprises and beauti ful Colleges and homes are an inspiration co visitors from every Come to Atlanta. other ed thi? zation presid this enterprise is $2^,tQ**r IK Hermin E. Perry is the presi dent. It is located in the new Standard Life Insurance build ing. The work is completed and it is snidato have the most beau tiful fixtures of any Negro bank. It is k member of the Federal Reaeijve System. The Service Printing Company is the! largest Negro Commercial Printing Plant in the world. It employs a force of twenty and has a; complete array of machin ery, j Th? Southeastern Federation of N?gro Women's Clubs met in this Gjity at the Butler Street Y. M. C A., recently. They were entertained by the local federa tion j of which Mrs. Alice D. Career is president. j Colored Society was widely dispersed on July 4th. Some went to Joy land, the new color ed i ark, some to other parks, some to Stone mountain, some weni; motoring on the beautiful pave d roads of Fulton County and som<s visited the theatre. The writer was in a party that took a trolley ride to the beautiful re gions around Camp Gordon, thirt een miles distance. In the partir also were Miss Lois Rut ledge of Greenwood, S. C, who is a student at Spellman, Miss Mozelle Mason of this city and Mr.{John L. Gibson of Columbia, S. C. The party spent the time kodaking. Teachers from all over the South are attending the first Moijehouse College Summer School. Work on the $150,000 Wheat Street Baptist Church is pro gressing. Rev. P. J. Iryant, D. D., is the pastor. The member ship of this church is 6,000. V ww ww w< V re want your printing. Special casi prices on letter heads, note heads, bill heads, envelopes, cards, etc., until the 15th. Cheaper than you can get elsewhere. Call phone 2637 and get prices on what you need. OMiosooooooQoaaooQOQftfr uy Guarnteec ANNOUNCEMENT The Bbernezer Baptist Union will convene with the Baptist Church at Killians, S. C, Satur day before the fifth Sunday in July. There will be trucks and transfers te convey all who wish to go. They will leave Eberne zer Baptist Church at 10 o'clock. The Doctrinal sermon will be preached by the Rev. H. Gunter, Saturday night at 8:80 after which collection. The Mission ary sermon will be preached by Rev. Harry M. Taylor of this city, pastor Brown Chapel Bap tist Chureh, Alston S. C. Sunday morning at 11:30 followed by a collection. The Doctrinal ser mon will be preached by the Rev. Solomon Jackson of Columbia? at 3:30 Sunday afternoon and followed by collection. Dea. Wallace D?mick, Met?. Dea. Willis Evans, Clerk Rev. H. M. Taylor, Ree. Sec. JURY OUT 21 HOURS, VERDICT IS NOT GUILTY. Sumteri July 16.?In the court of general sessions here, W. H. Thomas, white, indicted for as sault with intent to ravish, was found not guilty, the jury re maining out 21 hours. The al leged victim of the attack was a Negro girl. ?The Record. LAUREN'S NOTES. , Among those who attended the! State SundaySchool and B. Y. I Mary Cunningham, Rev. J. W. Mathais and Rev. M. A. Cun ningham. All report an inter esting and profitable stay. Prof. C. C, Clarkson of Green , ville was a pleasant visitor in the city last week. ? Mrs. L. J. Maxwell left Mon day for Cheraw to attend the Grand Session of the Order of Eastern Stars. Dr. J. C. Tobin of Union is conducting a revival at St. Paul that is doing great good and will not soon be forgotten. He is in deed a powerful preacher. Mr. C. A. Odell spent a few days in Atlanta last week. The Children's Day exercises were held at Bethel A. M. E. Church, Sunday night. A large crowd was delightfully enter tained by the little folks. Mrs. T. E. Hall has returned to the city after pleasant visits in Columbia and Whitmire. Mr. Elihu Leak, who suffered a stroke of paralysis is able to be up we are glad to say. Rev. R. Y. Adair a well known character of the city, after a long seige of illness passed to his reward last Thursday and was buried from Bethel Friday. Rev. Smart preached the funeral and in a very fitting eulogy the last tribute of respect was paid to his friend and brother minister. We feel justly proud of our competent Undertaker and Em balmer in the person of Mr. Norman Torrence. Mr. Torrence now has complete charge of the Colored Department of the Ken nedy's Undertaking establish* moat. Mr. John Finley, of Rocky Spring Church attended the Con. vention at Sumter. Miss Julia Collins of Green ville spent a few hours in the city last Tuesday. PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. Dr. B. A. Everett has returned to the city and will resume his practice immediately. i shoes for the wl PROGRAM OF THE Gethsemane Union and Sunday School Convention To be held with the St Pet?r ^aptiit Church, Inno, S. C, July 30- 31, Re*. W. Jumper, Pastor. SATURDAY SERVICES. 10:00 a m; Dsvotionals led by Dea. D. R. Griffin. 10:30 a. m. Introductory Sermon, Rev. J. W. Ferguson, Alternate Rev. T. J. Lawrence. 12:00 m. Reception and reading of Letters. 1:30 p. m. Reeess. Dinner. 3:00 p. m. Business. Appointment of Committees. 4:00 p. m. Institute Lecture, Prof. R. F. Lee, Columbia. 5:00 p. m. Echoes from Rural Schools. Collection. Adjournment. 8:00 p. m. Devotionals led by De?. C. E. Bailey. 8:30 p. m. Sermon?Rev. w- P Peterson, Alternate Rev. Mat thew Ford. Collection. Adjournment. SUNDAY SERVICES. 9:30 a. m. Model Sunday School-Supts. E. E. Cornwell and A. B. Holloway. 11:00 a. m. Missionary Sermon, Rev. J. C. White, D. D. Alter nate, Rev. J. R. Chandler. Collection. Recess. Dinner. 3:00 p. m. Devotionals led by Dea. John Suber. 3:30 p. m. Addresses and Papers by Representatives. 4:00 p. m. Closing Sermon, Rev. D. F. Thompson, D. D. Alter nate, Rev. W. Jumper. Collection. Reports of Committees. Adjournment. REV. J. C. WHITE, D. D., President E. E. CORNWELL, Clerk m SECOND CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bull Street, Between Tijrfw *n* HampUn Str*?ta. iviteayou and your frikdi Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday Jebol. Sunday 11 a. m., Mornini&rvice. Sunday 6 p. m., B. Y. PMI. Sunday 7 :S0 p. m., Eve^Service. with them at all of CHESTER PARAGRAPH!. The city was saddened whli the news spread like wild fim that Mrs. Maria McLure, wife if Rev. D. 8. McLure had depart* this life on Thursday night aftir an illness of 25 minutes. Ml McLure was a refined christiln woman and numbered her f rienls by the hundreds. The fune* was held at the Calvary Baptlt Church on Saturday at 2 o'cloot. Rev. J. C. Gilmore and Rev. W. M. Honor preached, and bosk spoke in the very highest terms of the exemplary life of the <& ceased. The church was packld te overflowing, many comilg from other towns of the State and from Charlotte and Gastonfc, N. C. The floral tributes w*e many and beautiful. Rev. Mc Lure has the sympathy of a hist of friends in these sad houjs, The body was laid to rest in He bron Cemetery with Undertawr E. N. Isom in charge. j While leading his horse by tp mane, Rev, J. C. Gilmore vjas kicked in the side Tuesday whfen the animal became playful; But fortunately for him, the force of the blow was not as heavy as was at first feared. Revs. J. C. Gilmore, W. I Honor, L. F. Sanders, T JH, Ward, Prof. S. L. Finley, MrjJ. E. Spann, Mesdaraes Ma*it Jones, Carrie McAlilley, Beulah Cunningeam attended the State Sunday School and B. Y. PI?, Convention which met in Sunyer last week. { ^ Mt Olive Baptist Church tas packed to its utmost capscitrton Sunday night, the occassionfce inf Children's Day. The tre. gram was enjoyed by *H. fta eollection amounted to 111-39j iole family anc G Claasses in Sanitary Science ire being instructed by Madam Beckwith and Mr. Lewis of the Beckwith Mfg. Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. Agents for this company are being made. Mme. Beck with and * Mr. Lewis are alsG showing a line of sacred pictures at the various churches of the city. Mrs. Robert Walker, Cemeterj St., is spending three weeks ir Washington with her sister. Miss Hattie Gladden of Wash ington, is in the city for a few weeks. Mrs. Rebecca Ghist is suffer ing with a bone felon on one oi the fingers of her right hand. The Sunday School picnic given by the A. M. E. Z. Church twc weeks ago, was largely attended. All were served to a plenty oi the choicest viands, which added to the real enjoyment of the day. Large crowds attended Chil dren's Day at Calvary Baptist Church last Sunday afternooi] and night and enjoyed both pro grams. The collection was $97. Mrs. Maggie B. Currence oi Charlotte spent laat week in the the city with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. M. Brice. Rev, Currence spent Monday here anc he and the madam returned t< Charlotte. Mrs. Minnie Bell Brice is quit* sick this week. Mrs Lizzie McLees is prepar ing a program for Children's Da] atHick&on Chapel, Loomis St. Sunday night. Mra. Prof, Adair and childrei are visiting relatives in Georgia Mr. F. L. Lander, architec and builder spent Tuesday an< Wednesday in Laurens on busi ne88. Miss Ethel Leach is in Colum rents Furnishing BOARD OF TRADE In response to the great de mand in Columbia for an organi zation that will give information, aid and support in promoting business enterprises; the better thinking men of Columbia poses sed with those qualities that mean for advaneement and achievement have organized an association conducted for and by colored people and given it the name ' 'Board of Trade. ' ' The object of this organization is united efforts towards peace, charity, equity and aid in de veloping and promoting racial commerical enterprises; consid eration of necessary questions that may arise among our people and for the good of the public in general. To foster the work the follow ing have been chosen as officers: Dr. J. H. Goodwin, Pres., Mr. I. J. Joseph, 1st vice Pres.. Bishop W. D. Chappelle, 2nd vice Pres., Mr, L. B. Woods, Sec, Mr. Geo. Hamyton, Asst. Sec, Mr. G. Lee Ratliffe, Treasurer. The officers along with the Board of Directors and members hope to cooperate with the Cham-, ber of Commerce in helping toi make Columbia one of the great est commerical cities in America. Tkere is now a drive on for, 500 members and of course we! expect to go "over the top." Already the ministers as well as the laymen are cooperating and entering right into the spirit of the occassion. In the near future we hope to publish a paper to be known as "The Board of Trade," in addition to that we hope to have a large building with offices, Haberdashery is used for a tem porary office and Frederick's Hall on Assembly St., for month ly meetings. : May we have a large numH?r of new members at our next meeting which will be Monday, July 25th, at 8 p.m.? And lei us ask God to give us true and tried men who will stimulate business enterprises. Don't forget the Time, Place and Hour of the next meeting. HATS MADE ~~ OLD HAT TO ORDER MADE NEW Everything Done in Millinery and First Class Dressmaking THE WAVERLEY MILLI-* NERY SHOP MRS. J. A ROACH, Manager 1200 Heidt Street End of Waverley Car Line PHONE 3422-W COLUMBIA, S. C Watch Our Windows for the Latest and Best Models at Lowest Prices. bia, the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Mabel Jackson on Harden St. Mrs. Bruce, widow of Bishoj Bruce of Charlotte, spent the week end with Mrs. Jennie C. Baum. Mrs. Susie Phillips is convales cing after being sick severa days. Mr. J .C. White attended the Grand Chapter of the Order oi Eastern Star, in Cheraw thii week. The ball game between Chestei and Lancaster on Thursday re suited in a score of 4 to 3 in fa voi [of Chester. On Monday th< score in the game betweei Chester was 3 to 2 in favor o Chester. Largo crowds attend 'ed both games. Mrs. Bessie Douglass enter tained a few friends at her hom< on Friday night complimentar; to Mrs. Bruce of Charlotte. Will all whose subscription are due please see the Chaste Agent and pay up? 5 from I. S. Leevy THE FIGHT FOR A FEOER. I AL ?NTI-LYNCHING f BILL The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, today issued a statement urging every colored man and woman in the United States, as soon as it is announced that the Dyer Bill is reported put of committee and is before Congress, to telegraph to his or her representative in Congress urging passage of the federal anti-lynching bill intro duced by Representative Leoni das C. Dyer of Missouri. There is every prospect that the bill for which the Association has been fighting for more than a year will soon be reported out of Com mittee, and will be ready for con sideration by the Congress. This is the first time a federal anti lynching bill has ever reached so favorable a stage, and there is every possibility provided colored people throughout the United States and white people who stand for law and order unite in demanding its passage, that it will bo enacted into law. As early as January, 1920 representatives of the National Association for the Advance, ment of Colored People attended the hearings of the bill in Wash ington. Arthur B. Spingarn. vice president of the National Association and Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Associa tion, was among those who ap peared, as were Archibald H. Grimko, Nevai H. Thomas and Professor George W. Cook of the Washington Branch, and James I Weldon Johnson, the national was not reported out, but a new ? bill was introduced by Mr. Dyer, in May: was favorebly reported, and was placed on the calendar of the House of Representatives ; a few days before the adjourn ment of the 66th Congress. It is ; substantially the same bill which [ is now before the House Judiciary i Committee. The bill provides: That the putting to death with i in any state of any person within the jurisdiction of that state-by a mob or rioteous assemblage of three or more persons openly acting in concert, is an offense against the United States; that every participant in such mob shall be guilty of murder and liable to prosecution in a District Court of the United States; that every county in which such mur der occurs shall be fined $10,000, recoverable in a United States Court; that every state or muni cipal officers who neglects all reasonable efforts to protect his prisoners shall be liable to pros ecution in a District Court of the United States, and may be punished by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by fine not exceeding $5,000 or both. In making public the present status of the Dyer Anti-Lynch ing Bill, the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People urges that colored people organize so that as soon as the Dyer bill is before Con gress, a flood of telegrsma, from white people x and colored, in every part of the United States will go to every Representative in Congress urging the passage of the measure. MILLINERY?Hats made to order, old Hats remodeled and trimmed. Wav erly Millinery and Dressmaking Shop, end of Waverley car line. Every business and professional maa er woman needs first class printed stationery?the kind we print. . ingtoa St Steet.