JOB PRINTING Neatly Ind-promptly done at pre-war price*. Mail orders a specialty. Piume 2637. TOL1 The Southern Indicator ADVERTISING PAYS When placed in The Indicatore Read by orar 5,000 in Columbia alone. ,? COLUMBIA. S.C. SATUB?^. JULY#TI921_ NUMBER ?S Atlanta Prepares For Busi ness League?Anotker B?nk Opens?Other News. ?y W. F. Williams. Atlaita, Ga., July 14-While the sut in its midsummer mad ness p >urs its penetrating rays upon a dozen hills, of the Gate City of the South, sympathizing zephyr i from some haven of un forgetfulness bring refreshing coolness and bewitching odors j which make life still a pleasure. With [mellow Georgia peaches and jupcy Georgia water melons at their best and almost free if you'11 jkote them, it is great to live in t)ixie in the good old sum mer tike. Nothing impedes the progress of the Atlanta Negro Business League. They are preparing to put it over Philadelphia and Cities that have entertain great commerical organi Mr. J. 0 Ross, the lignt of the local league and his forces are getting things in trim a ad those who attend will sing praises of Atlanta and her business men of color. Many places of interest are here. A city famous from Sherman's army down to Metropolitan Opera. Its parks, theatres, and boulevards are numberless and; its Negro enterprises and beauti ful Colleges and homes are an inspiration co visitors from every Come to Atlanta. other ed thi? zation presid this enterprise is $2^,tQ**r IK Hermin E. Perry is the presi dent. It is located in the new Standard Life Insurance build ing. The work is completed and it is snidato have the most beau tiful fixtures of any Negro bank. It is k member of the Federal Reaeijve System. The Service Printing Company is the! largest Negro Commercial Printing Plant in the world. It employs a force of twenty and has a; complete array of machin ery, j Th? Southeastern Federation of N?gro Women's Clubs met in this Gjity at the Butler Street Y. M. C A., recently. They were entertained by the local federa tion j of which Mrs. Alice D. Career is president. j Colored Society was widely dispersed on July 4th. Some went to Joy land, the new color ed i ark, some to other parks, some to Stone mountain, some weni; motoring on the beautiful pave d roads of Fulton County and som