The Southern indicator. (Columbia, S.C.) 1903-1925, November 14, 1914, Image 10

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Local News. Miss Ailene Pearson, of Green v ) >:l tp n' Pair week in the city the niesi ot'her alf it Mrs. Irene Love:1 on Gregg St, Mr. J. A. Hays, of Jacksonville Fla., spent last week in the city and taking in the Colored Fair. During his stay he was the j guest of iss Nellie Harnes and fanni> a? 1015 Senate St. .'I . .. ' .?'.'.(? pastot ol' Zion ii.ipusi Church, is spending the week in Palatku, Fla., assisting Kev. D. F. Thompson, in a series of meetings. Kev. Thompson was formerly pastor at Green wood, in this state, but is now pa lor of one of the largest Bap tist churches in Florida. While away in Florida this week, Dr, White is satisfied that the inter est of Zion in Columbia will be closely guarded by Deacons Su b . P. ru- Moise; and Will i .; . ! i? :. h?e will be here Sn <!...:!' i ..(.aeon Sn ber oas lo ge f. mm. The annua conference of the M. E. church will be held in Col umbia next week. The sessions will be held at the Wesley M. E. chureh, of which thc Kev. C. C. Scott is pastor. The pastor has worked hard getting things ar ranged for the entertainment of this august body and he and his faithful members are on tip toes making final preparations. The conference will be presided over by bishop F. I). Lee te. who will call the conference to order next Thursday mornmg. The minis, tors of the conf^jej?ee and visitors xviii number afpOt L?50 and tin citizens of Columbia, rcgardle.-s of denominations, are a unit upon giving the visitor a royal enter tainment. FlilST G?LVRY CHURCH TURNED OUT At'the annual mee ti ng^$F the Gethsemane Association held in this 'city' w?tlf the' "?ion*Balkis! church, the right hand of fellow was withdrawn from the First Calvary Baptist Chcrch. The reason given lor the action was that "the church was corrupt in practice "Pedo-Baptists can't straighten ouu^e differences in Baptist churerHSmeither are we sw it ! io condemn our preachers upon charges brought by them," is the way one of the members of the executive committee com mented on the case in point. in The Real Estate Business. Editor Southern Indicator: Dear Sir: I desire to state that I am now located at 1")10 Main St., over Avery's Jew elry store; next door to Dr. Col lins Dental Parlor, and will take pl v.-n i i irving lo please those d .. r; ta . ? bii.v or sell Heal Es tate. I have at present several desir able houses in Waverly for sale. What I have not got, if I am giv en a trial I will secure what you wish at reasonable prices. Come and let us reason about it, L. A. Hawkins 1510 Main St. Phone 3413. Arthur Johnson Dead. After an illness of four months Mr Arthur Johnson a highly re spected ami substantial citizen of Co ombia, died at his residence on Hr.wini street, Wednesday, Nov. 4th. During his life time he was a c m tractor, being a car penter of ability, and there are numerous handsome buildings lin Columbia that bear testimony to hisskill, among them being Wes ley M. E. Church at the corner of Uarnwell and Geiwais Sts., and the last modern dormitory built on the campus of the South Carolina College. The obsequies were held at his late home, conducted by Father A. C. V. Cartier of St. Luke E piscopal church, The remains vere interred in Randolph Cern- h ?tery. He leaves five children n md a brother, Dr Flank B. fohnson who did all in their pow- v $r to prolong his da\s on earth, S o mourn his loss. 1 - ? l eaching at Bennettsvi'ie. -- > Prof. Milton E. Harris, of Spart an burg, a progressive and highly cultured young man, passed through Columbia recently for Bennetsville where he has accep ted the principalship of the gra ded school in that town. Prof. Harris aside from being a suc cessful teacher is a finished car penter and upholsterer. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY MEETING AT ST. MATTHEWS The Woman's Home and For eign Missionary Society Conven tion met with Bethel A M. E. church October 1st. The conven tion was called to order by the president, Mrs. M. L. Haynes, at 10 o'clock. Devotional servicas were conducted by the president, a hot testimonial meeting follow ed and the house was then open ed for business. The foliowing visift>rs were present : Bishop W. D. Chappelle, Drs. Christie and^ Carson-,-Revs. Curry-~an<l Bowman. Each visitor spoke and their words to the convention livened each member to such a pitch that it caused the real mis sionary spirit to come at once. The missionary sermon was preached by Dr. H. H. Haynes, which was thought to be full and forceful. A collection was then taken. The welcome address was de livered by Mrs, Viola Summers, which was responded to by Mrs. S, A. Mundy. Papers were read by Mesdames McMahan, Bouler, Pruitt. Miller, Collins and Mundy. Subject of discussion was, "At what age should a child become a member of the Juvenile Mission ary Society ? Opened by Mrs. E. L. Ball and generally discuss ed by others. Following the suggestion of Rev. R. B. Curry, the papers read by Mesdames Collins, Nel son, Mundy and McMahan, were ordered sent to the church papers for publication, Five delegates were elected to the quadrennial convention which meets in Mew Orleans, Feb. 15th 1915. One hundred four dollars and eleven ($104.11) cents were raised in convention. Six dollars was donated to the pastor and $6 to the trustees. The officers for the next year are : Mrs. M. L, Haynes, presi dent ; Mrs. Viola Summers, vice president; Mrs. N. H, Collins, secretary ; Mrs. Lizzie Johneop, corresponding secretary ; Mrs E, E. Sightl r, treasurer. On Sunday Rev. R. B. Curry preached two very able and strong sermons. Collection for the day was $27.86. E. L. Bail, Reporter. TRYON NOTES Tryon, N. C., Nov. 5th.-Mr?. Starks Tucker, have returned foom a visit to her people in Un ion, S. C. Mrs- Davis, Mr. Tuc j kers aunt accompanied her. Mr. John a Johnson and wife, I made a flying trip to Inman S. C. ist Sunday, and they report a ice time. Prof. E. I. Westfield, of Tryon vas united in holy wedlock to ?liss Cora Fry of Inman, o i t*: e 4th. Rev. G, O Roberts ..ifci ited. Mrs. Fannie Miller is in Ashe ville at the sick bedside of her Drother, Jackson Burnett. Rev. Mr. Broadus of Greer, S.1 3. passed through our town to iay on his way home from Bre vard N C. Rev. Broadus looks the picture of he 1th. Mrs. Amanda Westfield went fco Inman to attend the marriage of her son Erwin I. to Miss Cora Fry. Miss Georgia ? Williams also went to the wedding. Mrs. Mattie Mooney has re turned after spending the sum mer in Asheville. The Misses Mary and Lela Mooney the popular daughters of Mrs. Mattie Mooney, are home again after spending their vaca tion in the "land of the sky." Mr. Robert Owens has returned to the delight of his many friends after spending several months north. Mr. Foster Gaffney made a fly ing trip to Chesnee S. C. the oth er day. He reported a nice time. Mrs Susie Gaffney returned a few days ago from Chesnee S.O. where she had been to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Alexander. Miss Annabelle Carson after spending her vacation here with her parents has returned to Lin coln Academy to resume her studies. The writer will leave to-morrow for Chesnee S. C. where he will attend the Legal Counsel of his church, He will visit Gaffney and Spartanburg before return ing home. Mr. B. F. Mills our insurance agent is visiting in S. C. quite often these days-better keep youl eye on him something may hap pen soon. Old sister Myra Mills and Mrs, John Hannon, went up to Hen dersonville last Sunday to vis? ; Mw Luey Milis who ie^very JB?CP at this writing. Mr. and Mrs, Prince Black anc Mr. William Hannon, Miss Cath rine Nor is, Mr. and Mrs Henrj Warford were among those tha went to the Association Sunadj at Inman, S. C. UNION BAPTIST CHURCH The new brick church building of the Union Baptist church is a bout completed on the outsidi and the pastor and members de serve the greatest commendation It is the first Negro Baptist chu rel to be built of brick in Columbia Rev. R. B. Hall is the pastor, am no human being outsid? of th* pastor will ever know the trial; and hareships he underwent t< get as much done on the building as can be seen by every passerby The deacons particularly Bro Wilson, have stood by the pasto: nobly, together with a few sisten through all of the conflicts, ant to-day they bave a church build ing, practically out pf cjebt How it was accomplished nobod: knows, but God- None but Got know? the sacrifice made and thj humiliation undergone by pastoi and deacons. The wprk has bee* done, the structor le there! As we sat and look over tin vast numbers of poor people wh< go to that church and see wha has been accomplished througl and by them-their standing an< resoufle?3-we are forced to ex "God works jn a mysterioui way, ftps wonders to perforrn.' Those people are jn earnent-pas ter deacons and jumpers. Tfrej ititi need help. Will you go ans help them? Mrs. Minnie Winston, of Blairi was among the delegates to the Gethseman Baptist Association and Sunday school Convention, iwhich was m session herc at the Zion Baptist church. ? She called at our office \n oom: ' pany with Rev. L. Sanders, of Lowry ville and M rt, J, C, Clark, of Columbia. In Social ircles Miss S B. GANTT, fditress. Ph*; ? . .tnt wi i h Mrs Vi neem ?M. m irret Tues dav, October 2()ui. 'I he rooms j were beautifully decorated with j potted plants. Tal) es placed and j five enjoyable carnes were played. ! The first prize had to be drawn for on account of a tie between Miss. Mittie Pugh and Mrs Car rie Rutherford. Mrs. Ruther ford draw ir. g the highest rm m ber, carried away th J first prize, a dainty piece of lingerie. Con solation vas d-i vu by Miss Dai sy Meyers, a lovelv center piec . The hostess ser??'d tr. ?ce course. Miss Ethel '/ornv* ll en ter tait. ed the Elite Club Lst Friday The rooms were beautifully adorned with flowers. The first prize, a beautiful hand-made handkerchief, won by .?rs. Kate Lindsay-Robinson. Consolation, a tango pin drawn by iss Sylvia Pryor. An ice course was served. * * * In honor of Miss Adele Doro thy Johnson, the bride of the week, Mrs. Fannie Shelton Owen entertained at a stocking and collor shower on Monday after noon; The rooms were decorated with cut flowers and ferns After the games the hostess served an coursed. * * * Johnson-Paddyfote. A pretty home wedding was solemnized on Wednesday after noon, October 21st. 1914, at3:3( o'clock, at the homo of Rev anc Mrs. M. G. Johnson, when theil daughter, Miss Adele Dorothy became the bride of Mr. C. Archei Paddyfote of South America Just before the marriage Mis: Camille Daniels entertained tin guests by singing a solo, "Tin Sweetest Story Ever Told" ; fol lowed by Miss Isabel Lark win sang "The Hour That Gave Mi You." These solos indeed charm t|ed the guests The weddinj march was played by.MrsrZeno bia Jeffers. The bride and groon entered preceded by the dame o honor, Mrs. Fannie Shelton, am the ring bearer, little Miss Juli Johnson, a sister of the bride. The bride was pretty in a gc ing away costume, a Russiai green tailored suit with hat t match, and carried a bouquet o chrysanthemums. The ceremony was performe by Dr. G. T. Dillard. The room were exquisitely adorned in au tumn lsaves, potted plants am cut flowers. In the dining roor ices were served A large com pany pf friends and relatives an friends were present. The gifts were many and usc ful, Mr. and Mrs, Paddyfote lei over the Seaboard for Denmark S. C., where they will make thei future home, and where th groom holds a responsible posi tion with the Voorhees Industri al School. Notice to the Public. Rev. Dr. I. Z. Phillips, th ? \ wonderful Hygienic man who i teaching the people how to trea and cure themselves by hygjen will h^ve an off]ce in the buildinj at the fair grounds during th colored fair from ll a. m., to 2 p m., each day, and at Shelton am Nash place, 910 Washington St, Columbia, 8 to 10:30 a m., and to 9 p. m. Come ope, come al who have any troubles you ar tired of, and would like to kno\ how to help yourselves. If yoi have not the money to buy th treatment call and get a bill whicl will cost you nothing. I wil have a lady to wait on the ladies ftey. I Z. Phillips, 27 Clingsman Avenue, Asheville, N. C. V i t AVERY, THE JEWELER KKI'AUtA OF EVBBY KIN? Cut Glass Watches. Clocks and all you neel In the line of Jewelry. Our prices wit snit you Thc quality of the gooda th? host. W. fl. AVflRY. No. 1508 MAIN ST. OOtPHPIA, 8. O, DR. J. H. GOODWIN PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, 1109 1-2, and Residence, 1804 Washington Street. Office Hours : 9 to ll A.. M. ; 2 to 4 P. M. Night Calls at Residence. Residence PHONE 3039 Why not let Us do Your ^^^^^ ^^^^^i ^|^^^^ ^^^^^1^^^^ 8^^^^ ^^^^^^ 8^^^^^^ THE PRINTING