Local News. Miss Ailene Pearson, of Green v ) >:l tp n' Pair week in the city the niesi ot'her alf it Mrs. Irene Love:1 on Gregg St, Mr. J. A. Hays, of Jacksonville Fla., spent last week in the city and taking in the Colored Fair. During his stay he was the j guest of iss Nellie Harnes and fanni> a? 1015 Senate St. .'I . .. ' .?'.'.(? pastot ol' Zion ii.ipusi Church, is spending the week in Palatku, Fla., assisting Kev. D. F. Thompson, in a series of meetings. Kev. Thompson was formerly pastor at Green wood, in this state, but is now pa lor of one of the largest Bap tist churches in Florida. While away in Florida this week, Dr, White is satisfied that the inter est of Zion in Columbia will be closely guarded by Deacons Su b . P. ru- Moise; and Will i .; . ! i? :. h?e will be here Sn Prof. Milton E. Harris, of Spart an burg, a progressive and highly cultured young man, passed through Columbia recently for Bennetsville where he has accep ted the principalship of the gra ded school in that town. Prof. Harris aside from being a suc cessful teacher is a finished car penter and upholsterer. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY MEETING AT ST. MATTHEWS The Woman's Home and For eign Missionary Society Conven tion met with Bethel A M. E. church October 1st. The conven tion was called to order by the president, Mrs. M. L. Haynes, at 10 o'clock. Devotional servicas were conducted by the president, a hot testimonial meeting follow ed and the house was then open ed for business. The foliowing visift>rs were present : Bishop W. D. Chappelle, Drs. Christie and^ Carson-,-Revs. Curry-~an