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An Embarrassing Position MI say, conductor, do you know that good lookiug lady there, with a book r " Yes, 1 have teen her a lew times." 44 Dy Jove, ehels splendid !" 44 Yes, I think she is. Would you like to occupy the scat with her !" " I don't know but it would be out of order," 44 It would not if she was willing to have you occupy it. Of courso you claim to be a gentleman." If /A ? I - Tl? * w, certainty. 11 you are acquainted with her give ine an introduction ; that is, if you have no objection." 44 Certainly not." Fixing bis hair, mustache and whiskers in becoming style, ho fol lowed tl?o conductor, who, on reaching the seat where the lady sat, said, with a peculiar twinkle iu his eye: 41 My wife, Mr. , of New York, who assures 1110 that he will die before reaching Detroit, it he does not form your acquaint unco." T h o gentleman stammered, stuttered, grew red in tho face, faltered out soine excuse, and returned to his seat, leaving tho lady in company with her husband, to enjoy tho joke. Bound to do a Full Day's Work. Mr. M , of Oxford, don't object to having a hired man do a full days work, at least so we should judge from tho following history : A short time ago, a man went to plowing round a forty acre field. After he had ploughed faithfully all day, until tho sun was about half an hour high, he expressed bis opinion that it was aooui nine 10 quit work. 44 Ob, no," said Mr. M ,44 3*011 can plow around six or eight times more just as well as not." So the Li red man plowed around six or eight times, then wont to the house, took care of his team, milked nine cows, ate his supper and found ten o'clock staring him in the face from the old timepiece. Said the hired man to Mrs. M , 44 where'e Mr. M !M TI10 good woman answered, 44 lie has retired, do you wish to tee him ?" lie replied that he did. Alter being conducted to the bed room, ho said, 41 Mr. M , whero is the ax ?" 44 Why," said Mr. M , 44 what do you want to do with the ax ?" 4* Well," said the hired man, 441 thought you might like me to split wood till breakfast is ready" A Chapter on Butter. 44 Why is it my son, that when you drop yonr bread and butter, it is always on the butter side 44 I don't know. It hadn't orter, had it ? The strongest bide ought to be up, and this w the strongest butter I have over been." 11 Hush?its eoino ot your aunt's churning." 44 Did she churn it, the great lazy thing)" "What; your aunt?" 44!No, this here butter. Ti make the poor old woman churn it when it's strong enough to churn itself." " llush, Zep, I've cat a grca! deal worse butter iu the most aris tocratic houses." 41 Well, people of rank ought tc eat it." 44 Why ?" 44 Causo it's rank butter." 44 You varmint, you ! what makes you talk so smart ?" 44 Cause the butter has taken the skin off my tongue." 44 Zep, don't lie! I can't throw away the butter." 44 I'll tell you what I would dc with it?keep it to draw blisters You ought to ece the flies keel over as soon as they touch it." Condiments.?The anecdotes rcr luted in the papers of the lute lion. Thomas Ewing, ot Ohio, re minds us of one which we bavt never seen in print. Mr. Ewing and lion. Thomas Cor win, while canvassing the Stato on one occasion, passed tlx night at the house of a plain far iner, whose daughter, recently from school, presided at the table The young lady, desirous to shew her superior education and manners, asked Mr. Ewing if ho would have "condiments" in his tea \ to which ho politely answered, "If you please. Upon her putting the same question to Mr. Corwin, the latter replied, " Pepper and salt, it you please, but nc mustard." - ?4 ? Hagokd Boy : 44 Please give dad a short pipe 1" Barman : 44 Can't do it; don'i know him." I tagged I3o y : 44 Why, ho get? drunk hero -every Saturday night 1" Barman: 44 Oh, does he, m> little dear ? Then here's a nice long un, with a bit of wax at the end" ? ? * ? A Cuicaoo sportsman's idea ol heaven : 441 would have a boundle*6 prairie, with an eternal September, and I'd have with me an everlastin' gun and a never dyiu1 dog." Epitaph* Epitaph for a liar? In life, h? lied while he bed hroetb ; And airnbge to ey, /<> tfill in death. For an angler?Waiting lor a rise. For a baker?lie kneads no ??i. UIVIV VII VUI III. For s betting man?41 Better off.'' For a brewer: A well-known brewer licth bore, IIU <ii7?_are o'er?be'e " on bie bitr." For a waiter?" Only waiting." For a chctor?Waiting with pa ticnt6. For a beggar?I ask for bread, and thoy gave me a stone. For a bootblack?With the shining once. For a potter : On earth be oft turned clnjr to dclf; But now he's turned t?jchiy biuirclf. For a razor grinder?Under ground. For a dressmaker?" For the fashion o t this world ]>n$scth away." For a musical director : In bcnting'Tiino hi* life was pursed,' But tiuio bag Lcutcn him u* lust. For n sailor?Anchored. For an auctioneer?Gone. For a watchmaker?Stopped. For a barber--Scent a head. For a wheelwright? Tired of life. For a telegrapher?Dispatched. For a ecalemaker? Illi^wfiyili'wfrclwnji of^plcnranlnes*^ In all life's fitful dream, IIo struck a balance with^tbo*world, And thou he kicked the bciiin. [Commc cial Bulletin. I ( A Bkli.k as is a Belle.?In conclusion, let mo give you another incident ot the lite of a Long'Branch hello, i was strolling through the bar-room of the Continental Hotel last evening, when a horse galloped up to the door and a young lady sprang from tho 6addle unaided. She wo8 dressed in lull habit, and when her groom came up, she gave hiin directions as to what fare the horse should get, for all the world like a turf master who had been brought up among horses all his life time. The groom had no sootier gone than she deliberately walked up to the bar, in company with a gentleman who met her at the door, and call cd for a glass of bottled ale, and, what is more, she stood at the counter until the gentleman, w bo didn't drink, bad paid for it. This young lady belongs to one of the best paying parties stopping at the Branch, and is a lady in the ordinary acceptance of the term. IC'or. N. Y. Herald. A Nicw V o UK Kit has invented another Hying machine. It won't go just yet. Fleming & Maxwell \\7 oui.o r< ?p? ct fully inform llie puli < V V Unit ilipy have purolia?<-d the Simp of Samuel Black, in tlm ol?l Court I!nil e. nnil are prepared to do WORK in ' their line in n (i if I class mnnncr, am) they soli. il the Patronage ul their Ft lends and Pub io generally. * 27?1 f 1871. Fa" 18 71. ' ?uis imwrn i crams 2 DOUPLK oiul Single Parrel (iun.i, llrcccliloading unit M u/./.Ie-loading Guns, of English, French and derm an tuauufucture, at t nil prices. Single Guns at $2.50, $1.00, $0.00, $8.10, $12.CO to $20.00 eiitli j Double Guns from $7.00 to $200.00 cadi. 1 IFiitfDM I IPHSf DHiS 21 ' Smith <t WoiftuD, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, nnd all tho popular and approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS of great vuricty. i AMMMMOYOOWl For Guns, Pistols and Rifles. i BEST QUALITY AND AT LOWEST PRICES. Country merchants and sportsmen nrc in, viteil to call and examine our largo nnd well selected stock of thu above goods, which we import direct and buy from the (tlanufactu, rcrs. Orders hy mail filled promptly, and sent by express, O. O. D. j POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 IV. IIA L TIM OItK 8 Til K E T, BALTIMORE. MD, Mar 22 S 18-6 10 ly > -nnrvDci cj aottttci . l/UVJLIU, BLINDS^ &c. P P. TOAL E, Manufacturer and Dealer, No. 20 Hoy we Street and Hurlbcck'e Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. O. Jt~*r is tlie l?rge?t and moat c< rit> l f?l?te Factory of the kind !.n the Southern 1 SIaIi a an/1 all ?rf ??? ?I.S^ ll.?- '?* ? 1 I furnished by Mr. I*. I'. Toai.k at pi Ices which defy competition. A pamphh-t wlih full arid detailed , 1 liti of ull sizes of Hours, Sa?he? arid Illinda, 1 r and the prices of each, will be cent free and pott paid, on application to P. P. Toalc, CHARLESTON, S. C. ) July It 10 Jy. , The Southern Hotel _ ^ IIA8 been refitted and put In complete order for 1 MfJjHMl' aecomrnod it ion of the m?9^SMHE'tlnv,''i"K public. Kates of Ilioaid reasonable. Call and give ins a , trial. J. O. YKAROIN. ' 3 03 3rm J % / FACTOR AND COMMISSION IV* ERCHAKTT. TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS ADDED THE FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS TO HIS 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. & m"i> TiT? ib s IS LARGER AND MORE COMPLETE THAN H3VE5PI, AND WILL 13 E SOLD AT WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL DO WELL TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK AND PRICES BEFORE SENDING ORDERS ELSEWHERE. lie will also furnish YARNS and SHIRTINGS by the Dale at Factory prices. T. W. DAVIS. June 21 7 If fMWU IN A i UTR lAKiimMn,' r/niDAMV U4inui/iim mj 11. u liiuu iixm v/u vu;ni xin i j MENTIS IS, TENNESSEE. JEFFERSON DAYIS PRESID'T. BLACK X, POCIIEIt STATE ACSENTS., A SOUTHERN AND MUTUAL COMPANY. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SURRENDER VALUE PLAN, AND) OTHER ADVANTAGES;, Ol FEUED BY THIS COMPANY, Mnjr ? 52 tr : POSITIVELY TO TAKE PLACE JANUARY STIf, 1ST2. $500,000 TO BEG1YEN AWAY. ? * ? THE SOIJTII CAROLINA MND ASI) IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION OUILER, CH ADWTGK, GARY b ' j., AGENTS. I'wlcr (lie nurplcinus of (lie " South Carolina f-'tnte Agricultural nnd Mcchanicnl Society," will jjive u 8EKI KS 01-' C'ONCEKTS, ul (lie Academy of Mu*ic, Clinrlciton, S. C., commencing January 8th, 1S72. Holers to all the Hunkers, Iirokcrf, nnd prominent gentlemen of the Country, both North and South. 150.000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION AT *5 EACH If you bnvo not received a Circular, maid for one, giving full purticulura. All Order? Strictly Confidential. 2,405 GIFT8, AMOUNTING IN ALL TO $500,000. f The Drawing *>f this (Ircat Southern Enterprise will be conducted under tbo tupcrvision ?>* Ibn following well known gentlemen: General A. It. Wriglit, of Georgia; Colonel It. II. Rutledgo, of South L'uroliua ; General Bradley T. Johnson, of V-irgitiin; Hon. Roger A. Pryor, of New York. Money for Tickets can he sent either hy Express or Post Office Order, and the Tickets will be promptly forwarded. DIRECT AI.L LETTERS TO BUTLKIt, CIIADWICK, GARY A CO., Principal Office, Charleston, S. C. (JKNKMAL M. C. IU HKIt, JOHN CIIAD1VICK, GKKKttAL M. W. 0 All V. Ci til 2J Sui. CIIOICK KAMILY GROCERIES AND Plantation Supplies. O JAMES G. BAILIE & BRO. OL J flTia- Wl 7553*" HAVING set their store in order, and having received a lni^c supply of the Best GROCERIES, Ac., that Run hn bought for'.inoney, _nuw offer te thoir customers and the trade, n largo Stock of FRESH GOODS, vix : Smart's Cut, Crushed, G runulutod, A, It, C and Yellow SUGARS. Java, Lnguayra, Maracuiho and ltio COFFEES. Greon und Black TEA, of Best Qnuily. Stuart's SYURP. GOLDEN DRIPS and MOLASSES. Sugar Cured 11A.MS, Breakfast BACON, New FLOOR. Factory CHEESE, English Dairy anil Dutch CIIEESK, Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. Prime Leaf LAUD. Canned FRUITS, PRESERVES and JELLIES. English CRACKERS, English Albert BISCUIT, Fresh. American CRACKERS, of all kinds, Fresh. MACKEREL. CANDLES and SOAPS, of all kinds. BACON, SIDES and Shoulders ; Liverpool SALT, BAGGING, of ull kinds, aud TIES. \\ INKS and LltjUOltS, ot first ipmlity. WE HAVE ALSO ON II AN D." A LAUGH STOCK ;oi' MARKET, FANCY AND TRAVELING BASKETS, TILES, CII URNS, DUCKETS, Tit A YS, STRA )V DUO QMS, FEATHER DUSTERS, COUNTER IS HUSHES A- llh',\ /?"/'// nnnnxi< . .. ^ At> \s U i'i Kj FItESII GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. James G. Bailie & Brother* 205 lino AD STREET, A UOUSTA, CM. Oct 25 25 3n> j; II. & M. L. KJNARD, I* Ml ? l^iE WOULD call attention to onr Largo and Varied Stock of U J DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTH RUGS, CUIL TAINS, iVc. We have on bond one of tlie most complete stocks evor offered in this market, consisting of Silks, Alpacas, Merinos, Poplins, DeLains, and other grades of FINE GOODS, which wcare offering at Reduced Prices. lull lines ot Sheetings, Shirtings, Cassimeres, Jeans, ?fcc., with a complete assoitment of lioeiery and Gloves. Give us a call. 24-3m J. H. & M. L. KINARP* *. K. KAILIV. O. O. WKLLS E?P? JON EW, EASLEY & WELLS, AW 7WW, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and solicitor in rquity. AND IN EQUITY, w.i*maio?iK*uorbenville, s c., COURTS OP THIS STATE AtSO, PRACTICE in (ht Cdnrlt of th? fitnto tnd *y fno TTWTTirn utatib /tfMfVTt of I bo UuiUd HUlb, and g>v? o?pc?inl TN TRK ^ \ ^ ntlontion to cnsci in Bnokruptor. Offies OynenTilln 0. K., S. 0. Juno IS 8 J JbIy 1 Jj* 18 A OARD. 71 <5L MY FRIENDS AND PAT- _ j?7\ trow hare my thank* fhv ?ut JRl^L favor*, Ac. I continue tornako Bp additions to my iitixk of JEWEL- Hml RY. WATCHES. CLOCKS. SPEC- MU&k TICLES, 81 L V KR PLATBDffB WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. at teniion given to repairing line Watcnes, and Time Pieces of every description. JAMES U. BLACK. Jan 18 3& tf V. O. Ul'Tl.KB, V. P. McnvR BUTLER & McBEE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Eanitv. greenvilleVs. c.. Will Practice in the Courts of the State and of the United States. May 81 4 tf KINSMAN <? DO WELL, Factor8 and Commission Mer chants. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sep 0 18 4q> Sixty Five First Prize hlcdals Awarded t Euthera Piano WM. ENABE &C0., Manufacturers of 6 RAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, 11ALTIMOHE, 3/D. Tlicsc Instruments hnve been before the Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence alone nttnincd an nnimrvhatrd pre.rinii'CHce, ninth pronounces them unequaled, in tone, touch, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. All our Square Pianos linvo our Ncr. Improved Overstrung Scale and tho ogrtffii Treble. Wo would call special ultention to our Into Patented Improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grand*, found iu no other Piano, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Eveiy Fiano Folly Wariantcd for Flvo Ycara Wo are by special arrangement enabled tc furnish Parlor Organs and Melodeous of the most celebrated innkcrs, wholesale and retail ut lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Prico Lists promptly furnished on application "to WM. KNAUK A CO., llaltitnorc, Md. Ornny of our regular established agencies Oct. 18 24 <hu lilONEY CANNOT IIUY IT! ron SIGHT IS PRICELESS! 1 BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If You Value Your Lyvhiglil USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. CRGJ^O FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEEBLES Melted topelher, and derive their natni " Iiiamond " on account of their llardties and Brilliancy. They will last, mat y year without change, nsid are warranted super! or to all others, innnnLc! utul by J. E. SPENSER & CO., N. Y CAtrrto.f?None genuine stampei with our trade maik. J. C. C.'TURNER. Sole Agent for Oteenville, S. C. From whom lliey can only bo obtained No Pedis; a employed. May 10 * 1 ly Land for Sale. AS applications have been made forstnallc parcels of Land, the subrcrlher has con eluded to sell a part of his UllELX PLACI ar.futrdlntslu ll<> ?w <? ? l-.a ten acres on tlio southwest corner, runnlu, across the bottom, About !>X'l acres, at $11) |io aero. Tbrco Lota of 10 urns each, border in; on the cast on tho Pari* Mountain on tho vrcct on lutuls of II. Hiumuet, Knj at $10 per acre. Also one Lot of ten aoic of Woodland, on the northwest corner, at $i per acre. Dividing fcncca to be built by t): purchaser. Persons desiring further information inn npply to Cspt. U. II. Wells, or to th- suhrcr! ber. JAMES C. F1 VN. Aug 2 1-i tf Notico of Removal. MR. A. B MORRISON toturr.n liia Cera thanks to tho citizens of GJierri vllle and the surtounding country for th liberal paltonnge which they have extent] ed to him since he has opened business 11 has now r? moved to the sUind on Mai Street, next below Foster A Hunter, whet he guarantees full saiislnction in MAKING CUTTING and FITTING, in lha best an neatest workmanship aud manner th country can afford. 22?tf PHOTOGRAPHING. HAVING recently fitted up tlic roorr over Whitmlre A Ferguson's Eton with elegant liiihte, 1 am picpated to <1 all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, at ver ' ihort notice. Satisfaction guarented to a W.M. W HEELER. May 21 ? If 1* ESTABLISHED IN 1835. GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY Gower, Cox &, Marklov. ?r " WK WOULD announce llutt wo are pn pared now to All all order* lor Having the Inrgcat flock of labor-ravin machinery in tko State, and the niotl tkilfi workmen in (he South, we hope to he able I ' mpply all demand*. The flock ef 05K, TWO. * THREE, POUR. and 8IX-1I0RRB IRON-AXLE PLANTATION WA60N! Will be kept full, and noir, na for thirty^Ai year*, theee wagont ehall he the Btawqard or Exckllbnob. We are making, aa uiual, a large alock n A.I,. ? - a > I wMMvf(lyv uiau nuffir At all price* ; ?onn> new and elegant p?U*r ?prioe* tuuoh reduced. We make 0PKINO WAOOHB a epeelalt ' Apply for price lleta to Cower, Cox & Markley N. B. 35 JW of faitbful work?o guarantee. Aug30-17tf CONSUMPTION. Its Oure and Its Preventive, BV J. n.SOUENCK, M. 'J. MANY a human being ha* passed away, fur whose death there was no other reason than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Thus# near and dear to family and friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, had they calmly adopted 1>R. JOSEPH II. SCIIBNCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Sehenk bos in his own coso proved that whorcver sufficient vitality remains, that vitality. by his medicines and the directions (or their lift*, i* niitnkeiiH,! iiitu healthful vliror. lu this statement there is uothing presumptuous. To tho faith of tbe invalid is mado oo representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. Tho theory of tho euro by Dr. Schenck's medicines is as siinplo as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argutneut. It is sclt-aseuring, self-convincing. Tho Scuwood 'Tonic and Mrindruko Pills are tho lirst two weapons with which tho citudel of the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia , and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition tho bronchial tubes ' sympathize " with the stomncb. They respond to tho iuor- i , biQc action of the liver, llcro then comes the culminating result, and tho setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pillr nro compered of one o I Nature's noblest gifts?tho P idophiiliuui Pel- ' latum. They possess all tho blood searching, 1 ulterativo properties of calomel, lut unliko ! calomel, they - LEAVE NO STINQ BEHIND." i Tho work of.euro is now beginning. Tho i I vitiated and mucous deposits in tho bowels and in tho aliuicntnry canal are ejected. The i liver, liko a clock, is wound up. It urouscs from its torpidity. Tho atomach nets rcspon- | sively, and the patient begins to feel tbat he is i getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. Tho Senwood Tonic, in conjunotiei? with tho j i Pills, permeates and assimilates with tho food. I Chy lilicution is now progressing without its l-acviotis tottures. Digestion becomes painless, > uml the euro is seen to bo at hand. There * i no more U.itulcnce, no exacerbation of the sto1 much. An nppctito sets in. [ Now Comes the greatest Blood l'urificr ever I yet given by an indulgent father to suffering j Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perforin its functions and to hasten mid coin- j i I dels the euro. It enters nt once rpon its 1 work. Nature cannot he cheated. It collects ' i mid ripens the impaired and diseased portions of thu lungs. In the form of gatherings, it i prepares thcin for expectoration, and lo ! in a vciy short time the inuludy is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and 1 made new, nnd the pntient, in nil tho dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood thgt was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. ' Tho second tiling is, tho patients must stay . in a warn, room until tbey get woll ; it is ah mast impossible to prevent taking cold when tho lungs arc diseased, hut it must he proven' ted or a euro eaunot be effected. Fresh air mid riding nut, especially in this section of tho country in tho fall and winter xenson, are nil wrong. Physicians who recommend that course loso their pnticuts, if their lungs urc badly diseased, and yet, because they nro ill the house they must not sit down quiet; thev must walk about tho room as much and as fast as the strength will hear, to get up n good cir dilution ol blood. Tho patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This hits a great dcul to do with tho appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of euro after such evidence of its 1 possibility in tho wotsl cases, and moral certainty in all otliors, is sinful. Dr. Schenck's pcrsonul statement to the Faculty of Lis own euro was in these modest words : . " Many years ngo I was in tho last stages of consumption ; confined to my Led, ami at one time my phyciciuns thought that 1 could not live a week ; then, liko a drowning man cutvhing at straws, I heard of and obtained the pre , parutions which I now cllur to tho public, and ? they made a perfect euro of inc. It seemed to , uio that I could feel thcin penclrato my whole f system. They soon ripened tho matter in my i lungs, nnd I.would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon ns that bognn to subside, my cough, * fever, puin nud night sweuts nil began to i leave mo, ami my nppctito became so great | that it was with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, ami have grown in flesh ever since." ? ....? nv.g..v:u ...jr ItCTVU), added ll.c l)?ct?r," then looking like a inure skeleton ; my weight was only ninety,no von pounds; uiv present weight is two hundred xiid twenty-five [ -26J pounds, and for yearn 1 1 enjoyed uninterrupted lienlth." i Dr. Sehcnck lina discontinued his profes r signal visits to New York and Huston. lie or Ins son, Dr. J. II. Sclicnck, Jr., still continue to sco patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth ' ' ttrcrt, Philadelphia, every Saturday froin It i K A. M. to <1 P. M. Those who wish a thorough r cxnminution with the llcspiroinctcr will lie ? charged f.">. The Kcsplrotiictcr declares the '' exact condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily lenrn whether they arc curuhlo or not. * The direction* for Inking the medicines are " adapted to tho intelligence even of a child. c Follow these directions, and kind Naturo will do the rest, exempting that in some cases the y Muiulruko Pills ate to he tuken in iucrcnsud doses ; the three medicines need no other nc com pan intents than the ample instructions that accompany them : First create appetite. Of ~ returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will conic, let the despairing at or < * 1 o of good cheer. Good - blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the I- night sweat is abated. In a short fiiuo both e of these morbid symptoms arc goue forct >*. |. Dr. Schcnek's medicines nro constantly kept e in tens of thousands of families. As a luxa? live or purgative, tho Mandrake Pills are a e standard preparation ; while tho Pulmonio . Syrup as a curcr of coughs and colds, may bo ,j regarded as a prophylacteric agaiust consumption in uny of its forms. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Son weed Tonic, $1.60 a Lottie, or $7.60 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents u box. For sale by all druggists and dculcr*. Wholesale Agent, JOHN' F. IIE17KY, No. t? College Place, New York City. b, March 22 40 ]y lo ? ? l', No f.ooii Health Without I'nrc Blood. DR. < LAZENER'S S P I K K N A K I> AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT - VflLL P URIFY THE BLOOD 11 AND REMOVF. Liver Complaint, l.heufna >S^BPiiinn. Scrofula, Carbuncle* a" raja* Skin Leftease*, 1'aina in th Done*, Dyspepsia, Disease* oe the Kidneys and Bladder, pain in the * Back and Loins, and all the various ;o Ailment) produced bv Impure Blood and Vitiated Secretion*. Buy one Bottle and try it, and if it fails to give any relief, buy no more. DR GLAZENER'3 LINIMENT or PAIN EXTRACTOR la good in Rheumatiem, NenP ralgia, Headache, l'otn in tbe B?k, *> Sprain*, Ac. ' DR. OLAZKNER 3 FAMILY VEOETARLE LIVEH PILLS are Ml* remedial agent* to ovarooma Derangement* of the Liver and 0 to Pcrifjr lha Blood. DR. GLAZENER'3 COUGH RELIEF I* * axaallent for all oaee* of Cough of any kind, ? from Croup to Conaumptlon . although not reeommmdrd to cur* the latter diaeate, y- great relief will follow it* use. Of The abeve Medicine* are prepared only by DR. OILER L. 0LA7ENER, ti.- * - , inanuiKci tiring i,% -^lat Oreenvllle, j. C. ur tfT Rold by DruggUia generally ,, MaJJ0 1 tf Ml 1. Walkhb, Proprietor. r. 91. M C#., Drufitiiii A Om. Apiu, Han KrMcU?.r?l ,*n.l 34 0>m*?er?? *?.. N.Y. UlUtlia Bmi Twllmar to their WMttarAil CarailTt K flee is. Tlaeiar Bitters in not i vile Fancy Drink, Mod* of Poor Kin, Whiskey, Proof Spirit* a ad Rofkoe Liquors, doc* tend, spiced sod sweetened to please the taste, called " Tonics," " Appetisers," " Restorers," Ac., thst losd the tippler on to drunken*eee sod ruin, bat are s true Medicine, mode frorfr the Nstlvo Roots and Herbs o( California, free from nil Alcoholic Htlmulauts. They are tho (1KKAT 111.ODD PURIFIER nod A LIFE UIVINU PRINCIPLE, s perfect Rcnorator and Invlgorator of the System. carry* lu| off all polsonons matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Mo person can take these Bitters aecordiog to directions and remain lone unwell, provided their bones are sot destroyed by mineral gplson or other means, and the Tital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Cloulle Purgative ns wrll as a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the hirer, and or all tho laceral Organs. FOlt FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In yonng or old, msrrlod or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at tho turn of life, theso Tonic Bitters here no equal. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rhrnmntlem auil Clout, Dyspepsia or Indlgestlou, llllloiis, Remittent nud Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood. Liver, Klilncys and Bladder, thess Bitters Uuvo boen most successful. Muck Diseases ars caused by Vitiated Itlood, which Is generally produces' by deraugrmcut of the Digestive, Orgnna. DYHPEPMIA OR 1NDIGF.MTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight iitim ui biiv wiiusvi i/iMiunw, ouur muvvouvm v*. tho Stomach, Bod Taste in the Mouth. Billons Attacks, ralpttation of the Hoart, Inflammation of the Bungs, Tain In the regions of the Kidneys, sin I a hundred other painful symptoms arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Diver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and lmiKtrting new llfo and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DIKEAHKK, Eruptions,Tetter, Bolt Rheum, Blotches, Bpots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scold Head, Bore Byes,Bryaipclaa. Itch, Scurfs, Diaoolorntionsof tho Skin, Humors and Disrasesof the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottls in such cases wilt convince the most Incredulous of tbotr curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through tho skin hi Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; clceuse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; closnso It when It is foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and^thcr WORMS, nrktng In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLIPBY ALL DRUQOIBTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H, MCDONALD Ac CO., Druggists and (Jen. Agents. Han Francisco, Col., and Si and HI Commerce Street, New York. For ?u.c in the i iy oi Grccnvillj DK. M. A. IIUNXI R A CO., IVhuitsnio and l't'lail lUnlir? in Diu^s, Medicine?, Chemical?, Ac., Ac. May 10 I it. itTit. Etadway's IScndy EScIief CUKES THE WORST TAINS In jrom One to Twenty Minutes. NOT 0\E HOUR afler rending this advertisement need ony one suffer with pain. Railway's lleudy Relief is u cure for every pain. It uii< the first ana is TIIE ONLY PAIN REMEDY lhal ii gt i.nily stops (lie most excruciating | nine, n'.liys imfl.imationa, and cure? c?n? Keslion?, wlietlier ol the Inii^q, Muinoli, U.we'.s, or oilier glands or organs, hy one ipnlical ion, RAIjWAY'S RI:AI>\ RELIEF Will afford instant cu?e. Is ll.imuiniion of the Kidneys, inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation of the Rowels, Conjorlxn ol ihe Lungs,Sore Throai, Difficult Riddling, Palpitation of (he Heart. Hysteric?, Croup, Diphtheria, Calarih, Influenza, llcadnclie, Xootitliaelw, Neuralgia, Khcutuuli-m, Cold Chill-, Ague Chills. The npp'ication of the Ready Relief to ihc part or pnrts wh. ro llie pain or diflL eully exist? will afford ?a?e and con.I'm i. Twenty drops in hn'f u tumhh r of water will in a few mein- rii? eiirc (Tamps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Ileariburn. Sick Headache, Diarihen, Dysentery, Co'ic, wind in il.o Rowels, and all InieimflN'.iiu?, Traveler? should alway s carry a hoftlc of Had way's Ready Reli, f with 11.Cm. A few dr.>| s in water will prevent sickness or pains turn cluing- of water It is better Idsn French Brandy or Hitlers as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague em ml for tihy eetils.? There is not a remedial agent in I Ins world llist w ill enio Fever and Ague, and all oilier Malarious, Rilou*, Scarlet, Ti.plioid, \' 1 a / : l i > i i cmuw, mid uuirr n vrin ^IIU? U ?>y IVII 1 way'* Pi!l<) so quick an Jiudway'* Ilu.iJy IMtef. Filly cent* por buttle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong anil ('urn Rich Blood?Increase ol F'.e< nnd Wright? Chur Skin aud btiuliful Oomplrxlon ?? cun d (o nil. I>It. IIA?WAY'S SAItSAIM KILMA1H it Not only duti the SarrnnnriUInn Rerolvfnt excel all know n r. no-dial agen's in tho cure of Chronic, Sciofulotts, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; tut,it U tin* only punitive cure for Kidney and Bladder complaint*, Urlnrry and Womb d'*caaca, Ornvrl, Diabetes, biopsy, Stoppage of Walir, Incontinence of Urine, Bright'* Disease, Albuminuria, and in all eases wlirrs there are brick dual deposit*, or I he water i? thick, cloudy, mixed witli rub-lance* hk? the while of an egg, or llircada like white,, ilk, or wheie is a morbid, Jut k. billon* up pearance, and white bone durt deposit*, and wlo-n there i? a pricking, burning a<-nh it ion v.-ton passing water, and pain in thu S'i'iill of Ihe Back and along tho Loins. Sr. Radwav'i Perfect Pnrcrativa Pills. Perfectly tu-Ji-le?s, alegnntly with wed Kuin> Pu,g?? regulate. p?" i'y. cleanse tod atiengtlien. Rtdwny't Pills, for the cut 0 uf all disorders of lha Stomach, Diver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous dise.ig es, Headache, Constipation, Coalivrness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilionaress Bilious Fever, Inflamatiou of the Bowels, Pile*, and all I>?-iangsm?nta of the Internal Viacer?, Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vogetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or de'eterlous drug*. ' ' Observe the following symptom* result* ing from Disorders of the Digestive Or gam; ConatipAtion, Inward Piles. Pullni-M of tho Blood in the iietd, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea, llrerlburu, Disgust of Pood, Fullnraa or Weight in the Stomach, Bour KruclAtiona, Sinking or Fluttering At lha Pit of the Stomach, .Swimming of tha Hind, Hurried end Diffioult Brenthlng. A f?w duaea of Had way'* Pilli will free the ayatem from all llie above named disorder#. 1'riee, 26 #?nU per Boa. Sold bj Drnggin#. Head " Falae and Troe." Send one letter stamp to HADW AY A CO.. No. 87 Maiden Lane, N?w Yoik. Information worth thousands will be (out you. July 2? 13 lj