The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 22, 1908, Image 1

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T 'HE ] Lan< :asi 'er : New VOL. 3. NO. Senator Tillnru Question ol Swindlers Usi 40. SEMI-WEEKLY. I m Rises to Dr. Potea Privilege? Louisv ing His Name to be LEDGER J 852 LANCAS it Declines Call to < ille Church?$75,000 Added to Furman rpi. REVIEW M6 E ITER. S. C., FEBRUARY senator Latimer Dead. n T..^: O *--- * ENTERPRISE J 891 22. 1908 Three Burned to E < I House Fired by La nlncinn PRICE-FIVE CENTS )eath in Legislature to imp Ex- Elect Succe A. T PER COPY. Reassemble to ssor to S ena in Land Sch< Washington, F< in the senate to privilege Mr. made complaint his name in conn forts to Rell railrc ;me. Endow \ ab. 20.?Rising Greenvil a question of and Cour Tillman today Potest, pr< of the use to iversity, hj ection with ef- will not ac >ad grant lands pastorate A II ment Fund. c w lie Rpecial in the News ier: Dr. Edwin M. y aeideut of Furman Uuis announced that he cept the call to the of Broadway Bantist v. jutiiui ocuator iro Jouth Carolina Succuinb< o Surgical Operation. Washington, Feb. 20.?Sen Aabury C. Latimer, of Sou olina, died at Proyiden jpital at 9:15 a. m. today, m i ?d Parkereburg, W. V 20.?Mrs. John Angus two small children were .. to death in their home tli ho last night. The 00 ? , sunposed to have ea' of .... lur .Liatimer. a., Feb. Columbia sp an<l her day's Charlotte < 3 burned death of Senator at Tally- at this time house is changed the polii ught lire South Carolina * ecial in yesterDbserver: The A. C. Latimer has completely tical situation in t^itli reference to in the Northwest be affected by has set oil foot, c lands. Ilo said: three days my been called to scheme of swind which might Church, ol the inquiry he was extenc onceming such ago. "In the last Coupled attention has ment of D a very adroit nouncemei ling in which gie has agi * . , Pen f Lousville.Ky, which led him a few weeks 1 ?PP with the announce- ^ r. Poteat is the an- j )t that Andrew Came eed to give $25,000, , Llonitis. lie had been at t pital since Sunday last, wh< underwent an {operation I endicitis. It was then d ered that he was su fieri] li a far more serious ailtnei I bowels had become twist j miiuniug tllU t)X[tl()Sl( lamp. Mr. An^us was when'the accident occu or " , . leaclied home in time t 18roof fall in. When he that liis loved ones wer it. . , . . . , . tried to commit suicide ed . , lnir into trip Hnmoo ju or a me contest lor Si at church Senator La*imc rred. He have expired Ma o see the He was a candid learned himself, e lost, he The session of by jump- sembly expires knt n r i .? .11 ? - 1 - Bnator. sr's term w>uld rch 3rd, 1909. ate to succeed the General Asnext Saturday, my name is usee Letters have cor Connecticut Win ami Michigan widespread man swindlers' ciiculi sent out. I ask 1 as a decoy, to the Unr no to me from friends of consin Virginia 000. This indicating the and $25,00 ner in which is already ars have been al edueafcio to have printed I itll'l yersitv provided the _ the College raise $50, j. j i ofTer will be accepted ^ 0 of neccessary amount j. pledged by the goner- j. n board of New York (^e] "*"* I wm ins uonuiuon was touiul tuch (hat surgeons held o e hope for his recoyory. Nie members of the Senatoi lily were with him when 1, having been informed th pe nai little hope that llii ulirtri rn t ?%%???%* I 1 -?1 - ? to " ' u? prevented by neighbors , Women Charged )u> Breaking Liquor at Spartanburg special he News and Courier: Th .1 ~ i-.l wuw ut?o "uv i' wui ineer i two weeks hence censor to Senator with racr Speaker Fri Law. Abbeville, and S in the Gra,1(Je G- Wall ree white *'uvn? aro regard , j candidnt.AQ for n extra session to elect a sucLatimer. Formk B. Gary, of tnte Senator L ker, of Geor^eed as the lead; llO 11 u\ The Record in lar, but for the p densation, I desi my activity in ; grants in Oregon the resolution of introduced and full the circu- Foreignei urpose of con- Riot re to say that . . ' , , Philadel regard to land . . marching as shown by x , eigners ni inquiry I have . i , . . thoy said t the joint re- , , , demands u rs Precipitate Big 1 'lu[ in Philadelphia. Sen pliia, Fob. 20.?The mei of nearly 1,000 for- to t Don city hall where S. ( hey intended to make ^ pon Mayor Iievburn ane A". t>w? ?i>o III" u til?I . VyUlLLI obeli, sergeant-at-armK of t afe, at once made arrar.g its for the removal of the b >< ;lie Latimer home at Beltc J% Ir. Latimer was 57 years ilo was nno nf th? mr l^i u *'iii n huio ancmcu u ho the charge of violation r0 quor laws an<l were hi riy I lie station house. T mi, <lresse<l in ?i 1 ks and snti g ive bond in the sum ol for their appearance Court,. >-uny U" ~ the li term; oiK'lit- in With the death hey were oo?? ,ha .... that, former Gove ns. I hev , .... . war(> wl" ? oa ?l u i- United States Sei 111 o iet ocratie primary UiiUApUUU i of Senator Laannouncement >rnor L). 0. Heyndidate for tho late in the Deranext Summer. solution wnicn is dar are now used declaring that I in some of the v lands in question asked to do the view to getting ri l ,l ^ ? 1 ? _ ?, on me caien- f , . , for work, [ as a basis for ? , . Broad Str have invested 4, .. , . the c?ty, la aluable timber . . . which 20 i and others are . c . , before the same with a , . , and heroi ch quick, lhis .. , 7 , . the march< 3 that I It a tr /% precipitated a riot in ear eet in the heart o! mit ,te this afternoon, in ing persons were injured agr police bv picturesque ufa< c methods, dispersed groi jrs and arrested 14 ot imf nest and conscientious CO) tee workers in Congress, b a member of thecommit tees iculture, immigration, ma ctures, public buildings a urds as well as others of It >ortance. He was esoecial me_ Two Negroes Killed on ter County. n" Cheater Reporter: nd Douulas, colored, wa9 li iss right, and one of his so lv ? ? ? 1-: ~l. - - : i iiererotore ex-l 1 ward has steadfa in Ches- become a candid cement to-day ht interest in politit Iteuben other candidates tilled out- the jonfe term ar< ns receiv- (julloufch, of Gre A ? 1 iovernor Ileystly declined to ate. His announifl created preat cal circles. The announced for 0: Jpseph A. Mcenville; John J. tuxuiar uoiiiaioi taken 11 quarte and ray nearest i matter of fact 1 1 ed one cent nor a single quarter self or any one. 3 Uiai x iiatu . , them, rs for myself , .. A I he met relatives. Au a , lans and lave not invest- , i T i ^ the forel^ have I located . lower secti section for my . , , J intended t< a prelimin intc 1, most of them Ital- bab Poles, marched from nat n settlement in the met ion of the city. They any o call on the mayor as He ary to a meeting which mei (rested in good roads and pi ly did more to promote t ional movement for gover it building of good roads tin - other member of Cougre? was the author cf the La good roads bill. ~ cu ? UULJH8 L'J WHICH It II r0" he has later succumbe *ie engaged in resisting ar n" terday afternoon at the Mr. Llenry Gibson, Mag i9- K. P. Gibson's consta two special deputies, W anrt .Inlin (lulrt u-ol 1 O s'eporiea Dargan, States! d, while nor j0hn Gary rest yes- burg;D. S. Her hands of O. B. Martin, C istrato J. names of Oongre ble, and ex Congressman G Dye tone have also bf no ntliof t>urg; ex-GoverEvans, Spartaniderson, Aiken ; Jreenville. The ssman Lever and George Johns> >en suggested. Gen. StoesseP Military St. l'etersbur Lieu ten an t-Oenei condemned to de ing by a militar) they inten Convicted by to-night. Court. score of oti g, Feb. 20? red flags h al Stoessel was When th ath this even- Street, a f r court for the city hall, pi ded to hold in a hall The leaders and a Mc hers in the line carried aving a black border. jy ey reached Broad i ew blocks below the i,ve everal wagons attemp roQ inroe to get Electrical Pov er from So. Power Co. Jonroe Journal ; The Cata Power Co. is likely to be c ring electrical power in Ma belore next Jan., from member ot Douglas' f 8 iid to have been woun or lees severely, w- The difficulty occurr le- plantation of E II. 11 in-'miles south of Richburj itsl It is understood that ,J ^ V'VUVt 'amily is Judges Elected ded more cuits--Other islature. ed on the Columbia spe lardin, 6 day's Charlotte I. joint assembly o Mr.-Gib- this afternoon for New CirWork of Leg cial in yosterObserver: In f the two Houses .iudrres for the surrendor ot Por Japanese. Gene commanded (he berian division o was ordered re prii ciplinary offense, connected with ( t Arthur to the ted to pass ral Fock, who t,,e drivers fourth east Si- their seats f Port Arthur, badly beat nanded for a (lis Policerm which was not of the dri\ lie surrender, sent in. i through the line and ^,re) j were dragged from by the marchers and jar{, en. roo an ran to the rescue 'fhi era and a riot call was thai her it plant on the Catawba riv< > apent of the company mei ;e number of citizens in t ma of the Jackson Club h irsday evening, He stab t the company would cm e on a guarantee of 1,5 er. son was cut in several t a the fight; hut not senoi he Dye al?o had a narrow ist bullet ^passing through B(1 and grazing his head. Rnu RnrnpH tr? TIpq1 places in new eleventh an isly. Mr. cial circuits just escape, a Legislature were his hat Persons of Repre W. Diysor, of the eleventh and hV. ir, 8- VV- Or. Shipp, (1 twelfth .julicreated by the i chosen in the tentative .lames Wedgefield, for Representative of Florence, for ana Uenerai bi commandant of t Major General I K'aff to General acquitted of the them for lack ( court rocommen J _ _ *1. A . mrnott, acting he fortress, and Americar leisa, chief of Stoessel, were ^ ? , . , Callao 1 charges against . f m. can batt les >f proof. The . , __ i a .1 . miral Eva ded that the r. . trim and ? ? * hor 1 Fleet Arrived at wil Callao. hor ''eh. 20.?The Ameri- mu' diipa, under Rear Ad- oxl) ns, looking clean and powerful in tropical 8ar se power, tho price of whi 1 be twenty-five dollars p eo power per year. This cb cheaper than coal and it ected that there will be iculty in securing the nec< V subscription*. The tov ?J ? culiar Manne >er Louisville, Ga., spec News and Courier: \V litttlo 8-year-old son ot Mrs. Waller Farrell \xi ? w * to death at their home V II - i 1. ? _ i the twelfth. M r* ponent was Supr ial in the porter C. M. Efir ralter. the Dovsor receivinj Mr. and Efird 70. Mr. S is burned ed by Mr. J. W. last night | bunker and at tor r. Dovaor's 'operae Court Rod, of Lexington, * 89 votea and hipp was opposMontgomery, a ney of Marion, ueaui semence u General Stoessel I 10 years' impri fortress and that for the service. Train Lost in A nltiirn T7nl\ pon ijieucenambe commuted to 8Un' c,,rno sonment in a so?u after he be excluded iog. Boominj nounced tl Snow Storm, but there >n a m;*, .,-; out signals to anchor in this port W1^ 8 o'clock this morn- exP mai . , , the z of the salutes an- roa( le arrival of the fleet, (irgi was no noed to send this for overv residence lnR I take the service and it ected that every importa nufacl uring concern will eame. The company can dy to deliver power by Ch t. An agent will be in tov i week for the purpose of ma contracts. iit a very loucniaj; aim I manner. The lit tie f&l sufFering from a severe lv, a 11 ?nnel cloih satura ;t turpentine was placed vn cheat. During the n skin become irritated, aU i I r) tit ri n WAal 1 nftn 4 h /r pameuc who received Gl) low was |or \ir. Shi pp. cold, and The house ga\ ted with today to the bill over his State auditor a ight the ollioe9. and the The bill to all( ^ ? 1. votes against U2 e third reading providing for a nd inspector of )w circuit jndges |I, M. \JV/? A Pacific train has hours somewhere burn and Crete. % blocked for 75 snow drifts. Th is a mixed passer and carried onlv ' v? * 1'lin.juui | . been lost for 36 ?* Uallao s between Au- l^at standi The road is ha(1 awaitc miles by huge *irBt g'im] 0 missing trnin column. >ger and freight Callao half a dozen and manv md crowds from Lima, 3 back on the hills, >d with expectancy the ps* of the advancing c Pie was in holiday array, dri thousands viewed from the ove Tack in Child's To: gue. Janal Dover, O., Feb. 19. nding guilty to the charge ving a carpet tack fchrou tontrueof Samoaon Follow v>ii 11Li. ? an icm itjaa , tuc arose tocomlort it and, n match while leaning ov tie fellow, the turpentir ? Mrs Farreil was severe of in her efforts to extin?j gh flames. The child died er. timA i uiLMiiei $500 a year tra striking a which found its er the lit- calendar after hi le ignited, ed some davs agi ly burned !to flleeP f?niSht :uish the . . Mr. II. M. Joh in a short spent Thursday veling expenses, way back to the eing re-commit to, was a^ain put nson, of GafTnoy, night" and yes passengers and tl y Mr. and Mrs Laurinburg N. C the latter's paren K. D. Tillman. lie crew. the wharv ? the ships i L. L. Ford, of posing I., are visiting crowds we ts, Mr. and Mrs. excursion the Ameri es, the headlands and 7 y n the harbor the im Tu scene. Enthusiastic hor nt down the bay on sist steamers and cheered ant can men of war. | cal ears old, an inmate of t scarawas county childre ne, MisB Clara Sterling, i :ant matron, was fined $ 1 the costs by Mayor Dof< ?er. he ? * ns' Cadet John I). Wylie as- ham School, N. C. is 10 here today to spend a an-iwith his parents, Mr. IK. E. Wylie. terdayjin Lancaat >, of Bing- ?Mrs. Austin expected dition was yer few days when The New: and Mrs. yesterday aftern lag despaired of. :er, his old home. i 01 an toil's cony much worse * wont to press oon, her life be.