T 'HE ] Lan< :asi 'er : New VOL. 3. NO. Senator Tillnru Question ol Swindlers Usi 40. SEMI-WEEKLY. I m Rises to Dr. Potea Privilege? Louisv ing His Name to be LEDGER J 852 LANCAS it Declines Call to < ille Church?$75,000 Added to Furman rpi. REVIEW M6 E ITER. S. C., FEBRUARY senator Latimer Dead. n T..^: O *--- * ENTERPRISE J 891 22. 1908 Three Burned to E < I House Fired by La nlncinn PRICE-FIVE CENTS )eath in Legislature to imp Ex- Elect Succe A. T PER COPY. Reassemble to ssor to S ena in Land Sch< Washington, F< in the senate to privilege Mr. made complaint his name in conn forts to Rell railrc ;me. Endow \ ab. 20.?Rising Greenvil a question of and Cour Tillman today Potest, pr< of the use to iversity, hj ection with ef- will not ac >ad grant lands pastorate A II ment Fund. c w lie Rpecial in the News ier: Dr. Edwin M. y aeideut of Furman Uuis announced that he cept the call to the of Broadway Bantist v. jutiiui ocuator iro Jouth Carolina Succuinb< o Surgical Operation. Washington, Feb. 20.?Sen Aabury C. Latimer, of Sou olina, died at Proyiden jpital at 9:15 a. m. today, m i ?d Parkereburg, W. V 20.?Mrs. John Angus two small children were .. to death in their home tli ho last night. The 00 ? , sunposed to have ea' of .... lur .Liatimer. a., Feb. Columbia sp anuld rch 3rd, 1909. ate to succeed the General Asnext Saturday, my name is usee Letters have cor Connecticut Win ami Michigan widespread man swindlers' ciiculi sent out. I ask 1 as a decoy, to the Unr no to me from friends of consin Virginia 000. This indicating the and $25,00 ner in which is already ars have been al edueafcio to have printed I itll'l yersitv provided the _ the College raise $50, j. j i ofTer will be accepted ^ 0 of neccessary amount j. pledged by the goner- j. n board of New York (^e] "*"* I wm ins uonuiuon was touiul tuch (hat surgeons held o e hope for his recoyory. Nie members of the Senatoi lily were with him when 1, having been informed th pe nai little hope that llii ulirtri rn t ?%%???%* I 1 -?1 - ? to " ' u? prevented by neighbors , Women Charged )u> Breaking Liquor at Spartanburg special he News and Courier: Th .1 ~ i-.l wuw ut?o "uv i' wui ineer i two weeks hence censor to Senator with racr Speaker Fri Law. Abbeville, and S in the Gra,1(Je G- Wall ree white *'uvn? aro regard , j candidnt.AQ for n extra session to elect a sucLatimer. Formk B. Gary, of tnte Senator L ker, of Geor^eed as the lead; llO 11 u\ The Record in lar, but for the p densation, I desi my activity in ; grants in Oregon the resolution of introduced and full the circu- Foreignei urpose of con- Riot re to say that . . ' , , Philadel regard to land . . marching as shown by x , eigners ni inquiry I have . i , . . thoy said t the joint re- , , , demands u rs Precipitate Big 1 'lu[ in Philadelphia. Sen pliia, Fob. 20.?The mei of nearly 1,000 for- to t Don city hall where S. ( hey intended to make ^ pon Mayor Iievburn ane A". t>w? ?i>o III" u til?I . VyUlLLI obeli, sergeant-at-armK of t afe, at once made arrar.g its for the removal of the b >< ;lie Latimer home at Beltc J% Ir. Latimer was 57 years ilo was nno nf th? mr l^i u *'iii n huio ancmcu u ho the charge of violation r0 quor laws an-uny U" ~ the li term; oiK'lit- in With the death hey were oo?? ,ha .... that, former Gove ns. I hev , .... . war(> wl" ? oa ?l u i- United States Sei 111 o iet ocratie primary UiiUApUUU i of Senator Laannouncement >rnor L). 0. Heyndidate for tho late in the Deranext Summer. solution wnicn is dar are now used declaring that I in some of the v lands in question asked to do the view to getting ri l ,l ^ ? 1 ? _ ?, on me caien- f , . , for work, [ as a basis for ? , . Broad Str have invested 4, .. , . the c?ty, la aluable timber . . . which 20 i and others are . c . , before the same with a , . , and heroi ch quick, lhis .. , 7 , . the march< 3 that I It a tr /% precipitated a riot in ear eet in the heart o! mit ,te this afternoon, in ing persons were injured agr police bv picturesque ufa< c methods, dispersed groi jrs and arrested 14 ot imf nest and conscientious CO) tee workers in Congress, b a member of thecommit tees iculture, immigration, ma ctures, public buildings a urds as well as others of It >ortance. He was esoecial me_ Two Negroes Killed on ter County. n" Cheater Reporter: nd Douulas, colored, wa9 li iss right, and one of his so lv ? ? ? 1-: ~l. - - : i iiererotore ex-l 1 ward has steadfa in Ches- become a candid cement to-day ht interest in politit Iteuben other candidates tilled out- the jonfe term ar< ns receiv- (julloufch, of Gre A ? 1 iovernor Ileystly declined to ate. His announifl created preat cal circles. The announced for 0: Jpseph A. Mcenville; John J. tuxuiar uoiiiaioi taken 11 quarte and ray nearest i matter of fact 1 1 ed one cent nor a single quarter self or any one. 3 Uiai x iiatu . , them, rs for myself , .. A I he met relatives. Au a , lans and lave not invest- , i T i ^ the forel^ have I located . lower secti section for my . , , J intended t< a prelimin intc 1, most of them Ital- bab Poles, marched from nat n settlement in the met ion of the city. They any o call on the mayor as He ary to a meeting which mei (rested in good roads and pi ly did more to promote t ional movement for gover it building of good roads tin - other member of Cougre? was the author cf the La good roads bill. ~ cu ? UULJH8 L'J WHICH It II r0" he has later succumbe *ie engaged in resisting ar n" terday afternoon at the Mr. Llenry Gibson, Mag i9- K. P. Gibson's consta two special deputies, W anrt .Inlin (lulrt u-ol 1 O s'eporiea Dargan, States! d, while nor j0hn Gary rest yes- burg;D. S. Her hands of O. B. Martin, C istrato J. names of Oongre ble, and ex Congressman G Dye tone have also bf no ntliof t>urg; ex-GoverEvans, Spartaniderson, Aiken ; Jreenville. The ssman Lever and George Johns> >en suggested. Gen. StoesseP Military St. l'etersbur Lieu ten an t-Oenei condemned to de ing by a militar) they inten Convicted by to-night. Court. score of oti g, Feb. 20? red flags h al Stoessel was When th ath this even- Street, a f r court for the city hall, pi ded to hold in a hall The leaders and a Mc hers in the line carried aving a black border. jy ey reached Broad i ew blocks below the i,ve everal wagons attemp roQ inroe to get Electrical Pov er from So. Power Co. Jonroe Journal ; The Cata Power Co. is likely to be c ring electrical power in Ma belore next Jan., from member ot Douglas' f 8 iid to have been woun or lees severely, w- The difficulty occurr le- plantation of E II. 11 in-'miles south of Richburj itsl It is understood that ,J ^ V'VUVt 'amily is Judges Elected ded more cuits--Other islature. ed on the Columbia spe lardin, 6 day's Charlotte I. joint assembly o Mr.-Gib- this afternoon for New CirWork of Leg cial in yosterObserver: In f the two Houses .iudrres for the surrendor ot Por Japanese. Gene commanded (he berian division o was ordered re prii ciplinary offense, connected with ( t Arthur to the ted to pass ral Fock, who t,,e drivers fourth east Si- their seats f Port Arthur, badly beat nanded for a (lis Policerm which was not of the dri\ lie surrender, sent in. i through the line and ^,re) j were dragged from by the marchers and jar{, en. roo an ran to the rescue 'fhi era and a riot call was thai her it plant on the Catawba riv< > apent of the company mei ;e number of citizens in t ma of the Jackson Club h irsday evening, He stab t the company would cm e on a guarantee of 1,5 er. son was cut in several t a the fight; hut not senoi he Dye al?o had a narrow ist bullet ^passing through B(1 and grazing his head. Rnu RnrnpH tr? TIpq1 places in new eleventh an isly. Mr. cial circuits just escape, a Legislature were his hat Persons of Repre W. Diysor, of the eleventh and hV. ir, 8- VV- Or. Shipp, (1 twelfth .julicreated by the i chosen in the tentative .lames Wedgefield, for Representative of Florence, for ana Uenerai bi commandant of t Major General I K'aff to General acquitted of the them for lack ( court rocommen J _ _ *1. A . mrnott, acting he fortress, and Americar leisa, chief of Stoessel, were ^ ? , . , Callao 1 charges against . f m. can batt les >f proof. The . , __ i a .1 . miral Eva ded that the r. . trim and ? ? * hor 1 Fleet Arrived at wil Callao. hor ''eh. 20.?The Ameri- mu' diipa, under Rear Ad- oxl) ns, looking clean and powerful in tropical 8ar se power, tho price of whi 1 be twenty-five dollars p eo power per year. This cb cheaper than coal and it ected that there will be iculty in securing the nec< V subscription*. The tov ?J ? culiar Manne >er Louisville, Ga., spec News and Courier: \V litttlo 8-year-old son ot Mrs. Waller Farrell \xi ? w * to death at their home V II - i 1. ? _ i the twelfth. M r* ponent was Supr ial in the porter C. M. Efir ralter. the Dovsor receivinj Mr. and Efird 70. Mr. S is burned ed by Mr. J. W. last night | bunker and at tor r. Dovaor's 'operae Court Rod, of Lexington, * 89 votea and hipp was opposMontgomery, a ney of Marion, ueaui semence u General Stoessel I 10 years' impri fortress and that for the service. Train Lost in A nltiirn T7nl\ pon ijieucenambe commuted to 8Un' c,,rno sonment in a so?u after he be excluded iog. Boominj nounced tl Snow Storm, but there >n a m;*, .,-; out signals to anchor in this port W1^ 8 o'clock this morn- exP mai . , , the z of the salutes an- roa( le arrival of the fleet, (irgi was no noed to send this for overv residence lnR I take the service and it ected that every importa nufacl uring concern will eame. The company can dy to deliver power by Ch t. An agent will be in tov i week for the purpose of ma contracts. iit a very loucniaj; aim I manner. The lit tie f&l sufFering from a severe lv, a 11 ?nnel cloih satura ;t turpentine was placed vn cheat. During the n skin become irritated, aU i I r) tit ri n WAal 1 nftn 4 h /r pameuc who received Gl) low was |or \ir. Shi pp. cold, and The house ga\ ted with today to the bill over his State auditor a ight the ollioe9. and the The bill to all( ^ ? 1. votes against U2 e third reading providing for a nd inspector of )w circuit jndges |I, M. \JV/? A Pacific train has hours somewhere burn and Crete. % blocked for 75 snow drifts. Th is a mixed passer and carried onlv ' v? * 1'lin.juui | . been lost for 36 ?* Uallao s between Au- l^at standi The road is ha(1 awaitc miles by huge *irBt g'im] 0 missing trnin column. >ger and freight Callao half a dozen and manv md crowds from Lima, 3 back on the hills, >d with expectancy the ps* of the advancing c Pie was in holiday array, dri thousands viewed from the ove Tack in Child's To: gue. Janal Dover, O., Feb. 19. nding guilty to the charge ving a carpet tack fchrou tontrueof Samoaon Follow v>ii 11Li. ? an icm itjaa , tuc arose tocomlort it and, n match while leaning ov tie fellow, the turpentir ? Mrs Farreil was severe of in her efforts to extin?j gh flames. The child died er. timA i uiLMiiei $500 a year tra striking a which found its er the lit- calendar after hi le ignited, ed some davs agi ly burned !to flleeP f?niSht :uish the . . Mr. II. M. Joh in a short spent Thursday veling expenses, way back to the eing re-commit to, was a^ain put nson, of GafTnoy, night" and yes passengers and tl y Mr. and Mrs Laurinburg N. C the latter's paren K. D. Tillman. lie crew. the wharv ? the ships i L. L. Ford, of posing I., are visiting crowds we ts, Mr. and Mrs. excursion the Ameri es, the headlands and 7 y n the harbor the im Tu scene. Enthusiastic hor nt down the bay on sist steamers and cheered ant can men of war. | cal ears old, an inmate of t scarawas county childre ne, MisB Clara Sterling, i :ant matron, was fined $ 1 the costs by Mayor Dof< ?er. he ? * ns' Cadet John I). Wylie as- ham School, N. C. is 10 here today to spend a an-iwith his parents, Mr. IK. E. Wylie. terdayjin Lancaat >, of Bing- ?Mrs. Austin expected dition was yer few days when The New: and Mrs. yesterday aftern lag despaired of. :er, his old home. i 01 an toil's cony much worse * wont to press oon, her life be.